HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-04-11, Page 2Since 186("Y Servini; the .Commuttity Ft
Published, at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,_ -every Thursday inornhig by
eLean Bros, Publishers ,
Canada (nindiianee)-42.50-a-Year_ ,
United States (in advAnce)• $3,50 aNear
u 0. -flied as Speo,44-elass-Matb- Post -Office Dertartmenty Ottawa'
mier Sets Date For Huron By -Election
Met:Lib-Pr of
Canadian Weeidf
Association .
Whether the deCision to hold a suggested! that the speed with Which
.1 ,• 1.1UrOn • m was., the Prerater.acted; cane
abot from
. -a,'
existence of „ „ ,favorableCOnserva,
nue Fost to give
the people 0± tive elimate indicted by the Deifen-
u0fl representation,'
Matter,: for .. point Frost may. have, -7
" c,oncluded rn waitrng until; pub -
he realiOd-hoW.Similar*erethe,oic-,
erwheiniifig.,,COnserVa,tiVe 'majorities..
at '-(14ttakVa 'and'teront.
would e.. lost ,f om-th
St.andtpoint of ; the f':•GoVernMeilt,'..in
calling. a ::by-election time When
:thewas rnthe
:midst of: SeIeeting,. la, 1ea4er.
' the reasOn..:.if f1c
de little 34te- Certainly he lost no tie reach-
ing .a decision following :the Con-
servative. landslide of last week. -The
-Election .Act requires a minimum of
twenty-three days between__the.-
ance of the Writ and nomination clay,with '.
pelling taking 'Place, fourteen
_ :
days later.The writ was issued ,on
AnriI 3,. 'and twenty-three day's later
April 26, afa
aturday. Whatever
f 'fur-
ble day,
avai. is ,on, and the peoapnioeoer five
S, nforward
, t elec t
a,tion da thus
ion o'
• ns Monday, QnP- the 011 ea it has - next been: wee
A 141 28- --- weeks of electioneqring-
There is a P Y7
eatortri Toms r nrimeme- ee
. Announcement d - the . croSs-Can- merce. touches: nearly every -citi.en.
Ada observance of C. .of C. Week, In Most tOWns . the :Chainber of
, . _
Chamber of C.onunercebeeti7,..-a. In ;Many
April 13-19, reminds us. that , the motion .mercei responsible for tourist
pro others it under-
major factor in the life of Seafoth. '':',t_a4;ce8 the. 'w-erk:'Ofan induStrial
anY years. While it is trtie-.: ekin industry -for •
'..P_Pt,...,has teen. at a ,minirniun,
there have been p.erio'ds when 'inter- th-e-town--and district -Usuall 't-_
.main the orgarazationdias ad -opted ,a.--,-:-.,:-._,..affairSIroTP-t0541.1g -relations between,
.. forward lo.oking .• has 'the farmers .and
the businessmefl,
been reflected in positiVe acComPlish- Sparking cOmthimity inferegf eciti= ,
ments. - cation, running "Get-Out-the-Voth"
TendencieS, 'apparent 'in. the • -P0,1nPaigns at' election time, taking; a
. "
• Jo become- burdened ---with petty, ,dif- lead in fire prevention and health and-
ferences, thus losing 'sight 5fthe-safety-worlc:s'Ponsoring-clean-up -and
inain objective the. community --
have, to a great extent, been &min- _
ated, and so it is that the Seaforth
Chamber looksforward_ to a long.
period", -Of 'accomplishment :_iiirthe
trict.- '
Ile work of, the Chamberof Com -
ow To Get Industry
• ,Since Chamber of Cominerce Week
• is at 'hand, it is interesting to learn
how a chamber has played a leading
• role in. obtaining industry for a town -
'net far'rernoved from--Seafortli:
-Let the Fergus News -Record tell -
the story : "J.- E. Turnbull -;--
the Department -of Planning and De;
velopment, Industrial Branch, -was
One -of the guests at the Chamber of.
Commerce banquet last wee .. e wasthe demand o
greatly -pleased. 'That Was worth tickets
thousands of dollar? to Fergus; he
• told us afterWards.
"Mr. Turnbull had been listening
to the testimonials by Fergus manu-
facturers; They were reported,inthis
paper 4iSt vveek. Many of them had
been here less than ten years. Three
of them had doubled their. capacity
In the past year OT so. All seemed to• ,
be happy with conditions in Fergus
and two of the larger companin
es pla-
ned to continue expansion in Fergus.
beattification weeks,- -organizing a
special deeeratiOn'program. at
Ma's- -anci.a host of siniilar. projects.
-"organization ,of kind is a
:Stabilizing "influence:, on a. commun- •
Itis ihStruinenta,1--itt focusing
greater., attention, on...Municip,a1,- pre: -
vincial,.,and national affairs'. It brings
. out greater' Understanding among
various, segments of the. Community,
and- Toakes- the ,CoMmunity abet-
ter place.in which to live:The Chain-
-ter aif • Ceinniercedeserves.the stip-
..port andunderist,anding Of all.the;citi--'' -
in the' -
Kditor, The Huron Expositor;
We' axe ,proild' to report' °that ' the
Pteeeeds' of • the 1957 Match for
,Miisculat 0,,Y.StrOPhY,_ new
000.o.q, -have ',exceeded. last • year's
totaLWe laioW our suCcess was
due to both the -invaluable support
of the Canadian. press and the nn -
selfish' devotion of Jhonsands a
• 140.upter,y,voTker. . ' • , •
VIDAC's neW•`gtiarterly• contains
Ole final-repOrt on the 1957 March,
•together' With a 24- Of thoSe
genations..who helped. Inby '
forthFlre, Brigade, assisted- by
stentlY expaiiding."-• • ThiS
three...research .• projeCts; haVp'afieen
added f6,--0-ur"-prograna7-one at Me;
Gui.UniVersity,'. one :at- the /Int.-
verSity. of Western Ontarion, and
a -third at the University .of Mani-
toba. each these prOjects is a
step • towards our ultiinat'e
the ellte for this cripplingdisease.
Head Sticks accused. -was exceeding 50 miles an
P-Olic-e "dhii, -firem" el:L.,. were _called- ii4.),:_ in a.,-. 15 -Mile ..ione. c, In „addl.:
to the trailer ramp home of Robert tion -to fiVe"Other-speeiling..convic-
Wright last Wednesday night - to r tibns,, pitt,„..fiia.'fa'6eci - two charges
assist in reviving the 22-imintli-Old. (if ,careless ..driving;- one Of. "Whiek:
tilnige, rbauilinnkg: ,:, w -herr,..
sent of. Mr.: and Mts. Wright. _T_he wasdi,thisse,d., Magistrate
boy had gotten. his head caught in Hotnies-Warnedhim he Wohld-Rtob-,
on the side" of .his Sleep:* ably ' lose ' his license if lie- appear:"
police arrived, ed again on "girryilar: charges.—EX-
Mr. -. .Wright .,..had :- extricated ;._ the ,eter -„TimesAdvocate:-:,,.
yOurig- lad-,. but hewasunconseiens. :,:. _ . '-,, ",' ,, -:-:.''-- --,:: ---_-.‘", .. -•;-.
-Firenten_were: called to the,. scene - . Use Tvito ',More -Rooins__:,_ .
:t� operate,Ti& l'esuseltatnr---but . To - keep Pace, ,v-FiitOlie...i...e-Pgrd.
the machine. Was; not needed The enrolment ,-...at•Uodericli ' P u b Ile'
boy renciVered,--Clinto*. News -Re- School' it 'IS ' 'expected. that one
cord. .. ' additional classroom—and' .-Possiti.,'
Cool Dip
The .first . ;Lake Huron at
BaYfield Was taken On.1Wednesday
by .foiiyear-o1d' Barry Archer; Ot-
tawa. The little lad- was with,his
I -neither;
'atint,k Miss 'Ruth- F. Haynian,t
the;• ilaynian--Cettage---,-forr-?a-Lfew--
henrs.., - To '.."BaYfield2 'nieaat,
bathing, :ahdl'lle..,ran. ahead of 'his,
-mother to the , shore an. right out
broke. • He was :in Water :uP
Waist...befere he 'realized' that', it'
Wasn't' exactly, like suininer-,7-Cliii-,'
ton: NeW§Reccird:
Itt ,Seaforth this support can best
e reflected in a substantial attend-:
-ance of citizens at the April Meetin
of -the. Chaniber, and. an increas,e in
itany a town the size of Fergus--
. Would be greatly pleased:to get any-
one of these factories.
,"As he listened to these 4ateMents
about 'Why'. these companies:located
itt Pergilsi_ Mr: Turnbilll , must: .have -
let his-rdind wander back some tenor
twelve years to- the time when the
-Perms Chamber of Commerce. was
(mpg. those day, that yeting or=
anization was des rately. looking
fo sle new industry. The DePart-'
Merit' arid' Ttfrnbu-/
brPergilgs.delegatios waht.
IndustrieS cone -
More .easilk new.. ---:-Ver caii afford -
to be choosey. .
ivitg ititereStingto note that two
Of these-rnaimfacturers made inquir-i
after seeing the' Chamber_
of Cernmerce' signboard. at the Met,.
School, • They 'Akira just comp here
cause a sign:said that 'Fergus
• Ip.ditgtriegi but.., that caused -
*he* to stop and make ifiquirieS. The
eoPle , they met were entluisiastie.
eers.' of idle _Chamber did a, good_
job;'The. Council,to=bpated. ,
Fergus people gave 'the iMpressions
that, they really welcome. indUstries
.and the- industries come here.
IY-AW he' (*tied in Inp old
collegiate 'building; nod Septem-
ber:The board has advertised, for
teaChers. It held :a 'Special meet-
ing .thil-March,:0- to ,Consider:_ap-
plication§::'and; to review the sal
-ence, alletwance $100 per yeatt, PP,
to a
Quick Trip To Morido
By JAM scan
There is no doubt whatsoever
-old. 44t
that' the:saying, science is
wonderful", is -really:3rue.- These
oayg you never know for sure what
is th real thing. and '•what has
been produced lay sane_ gadget
whiela a longbaired, • scientist has
dreamed. pp in his ivory tower.- ..
-Take,' me; for These
fiays am going 'around. with a:
very..healthyjan: is a little
early for me Usually its w11 iii
to -June before.thy-face'begins:JO
'darken tothe point "where any-
body' would' -notice it, but, now,
I am' alitiest as Agri; as in
utniiieri- and in ease " you're niter:-
ested, .it's ,:npt„; just , 04, my ,feee
'either. It".$ inr, chest and,back
_ ,:fLY liTilEATAIENT ,
_ W. P. Watson, • Oritario Live'
Stock Commissioner, states. that
falmers` in 271 townships will soon
be ' taking 'appropriate -measures -to,
control warble fly, a- Pest which
'causes serious financial loSses ey-
ery year. - Councils in each 'of
these.towiiships haVe-mt some time
or other d,uring the past 10 years
passed by-laws- placing treatment
on a compulSory basis. .
, The fly lays its eggs on - tlie
flanks -of cattle during the spring
and early suinmer, months the
eggs hatching into. tiny larvae
.which -penetrate the hide. During
edth_.$200.'per :Yearlii3ffe a inakii
,mdai. of in:Creased' at -
'rape -riot
an aCceptable. Certificate,; ,Ao-
into . effect, in September,--Gpde-
rich-Signal-Star. . ;
Now York City will be invaded
this Week by a 'group of 36 ,Senith
HuroirDistrlet High"-School,stu
,dents, nieMbers ci,f the School .Tour-,„
ist 'Chib. The: StUdents haVe been
hard .at work :since la.st Septeniber,
raising -the- $2;000. necessary:to fin -
ante the. trip,',and-under :direction
of ;p:. j..." Porter, Dixon,.
Mrs., M. Sannders and IV:CT and,
Mrs. `.T. L:'Worden,'-haVe engaged
in several' saleS an-sL, collections:
Included in. the..triP *ill be a ,tour
of the .,-.United NatiorieRnirding.—
Zurich -Citizens News:
and legs in -varying degrees.
What's more,..I can, darken -up anY
dnaQ?ut int the :Qdsfittcirnene: I ha SteteanirpY" ,aPhmey t P aoe Yue v::tneeev vP1s-; u ,Po xj:dstan_etosd.t' noeea megI; isgs, e_adn_d_s tit e!
onuo_dilyow.In_Winant:E:or_ c:intidijild-knt,bla--th,edk0:7ailnuyi'teihi.inorgps6abvbue0:11.:::ieldsksay,
when I want to. ,
:eelvtileienni:/wf 'e; were—you--down
fitt taking a :trtP down" there this er for a ,sharp 'Sales---tallE'"AnY- day
winter Weil the truth has 'to be told. 4efarefiri.ee vuteewkithaniianet.hTe-A'i't-eiturist-t ‘IvaWsa4s- -
The' fact of the 'matter is that for n_little afraid of it and the first
years now, I have been 'erivYing night' Pealed down to MY' shorts,
all those people among my friends. and laynnder, the lamp I was be-
raegriaintarices.who seern to be pretty' careful, Nothing
ablehi-taketimeoff_in the i-niddle pened: Nor •the next night,' when. -
of the 'winter and go on cruises to I Still careful, The third night ,
Jamaica, 'or. motor trips to Florida, I- threw, caution, to the winds and, •
or fly down -to 'Me)dcer and, bask in _forgot ,about ;staying- a Proper dis-,
Ole sun in the middle Of winter- I stance: away from the lamp; or ,
never - have been, able to do this about Wratching hirig I stayed '
for. two very good;reasons--,first,, I -under. The net day I had as „tasty
have to work in •the winter and, a sunburn as I ever got en the
second,. I haven't the money to go beach at Bayfield.
•on jaunts 1.:ike that., _ Now outside of a :little pealing
getting starred for. the sun and ,it'S"
, _wonder .-that more and more.
people are- flocicing to the sum/1Y-
south every yearn- •!"--
ut what about uspOor ,lads 'who 7
hate -to stay at; home? '
•Well, that's -where the Wanders., ,
of,,science 'canie •
, gu:?-$ these gadgOts have, heeny
around for -years'but I; never tried.
•. -
one until a couple•Ot weeks ago.
was- passing_ a _store ..windows -and
the, Sight -of -a nice -looking
pink bathing •suit, beautifully tan-
ned, just happened' /to catch my
eye. •You knoW howit is,
' Well, anYwaY, when I' looked at
this pictureLanore closelY-,,I saw':
• . . ,
that she "...was - not ,sittin-g 'on the
beach:at Waikiki or anythiog
that, but findef'a Sunlamp.' _
Just tbe aine that has neer on mv noe e rthingis under
the ..--neXt'",nine-Torl',te47'n.len-th.s th&y kept me froth ihin--that 1 could control and for thirteefl.dQ11SL,___-
,_hbedeleunifuogf„ haVe7-hitioYedT"Ta'.----Wf"--P,Thafare-4.7"titytheir hosts eventuallY' -
Uimate the months when a " fel," ,.. to . Florida 'Which: can repeat- any
located : ,a100g.-,Kr15/ath- sides': -of:. the leVs--resistanc_e ,,,at • its
baeltbone; ','BY';'this time the Y have- are February .and MareliTVe- are' ti,/ally •
:deirelopeci into, grubs, .whose Main -; - ;,
bbjective:is_ te eseane, TO,:_do this,
theY „mit holes tlirongh the -- hide
•iii4ishig it • unsuitable' -for use . as
leather. After Henierging; the
.gruliSs..hatch intd, and -the life
Cycle, , ever :
this:insect's ;life.;:occurs. 'Whde is
lathe. bks of the. cattle,: Hence
treatinent .to.be„ efte-ctive,.:must-be;
apIsliect•-•at .that ' -A rniktifte
of -derris ,powder, and vvater, _ap-
Pliedb- either a stiff .bristled
hrus or . • Snray-,_-_-,is,-.Jused.-„: as
' .#irc ..Threaten$:131Ocit,'.
fire: at , the , waretiou§enf. the
Wilhianiaurdie hardware,'
late :Satityclay: 'afternoon, was
Seriotis' threat. tOrI"Iiitie7:107.-the=
adjacent' bilaines: , The: Mit-
break , Wa§ , discovered :jiiat at six
ctock: as 'ClondS, Of ',black smoke,
tatt..e.-4.. wafting „anioss",' the:: Main;
.street., 'The .Writer..Went the:
alley. 'to 7' investigate, ;to ...discpver
flames the solitlienst
corner. of the ...buildings:: The
'break , is believed. to -have; been
caused by' rubbish :pile fire,,,in'
the .backyard. The 'Maiii.-.floor of
the. Warehouse iSfeement..conStinc-,_
tion; but it, appeared:that -a, quart,
tity of -.nO-corode , :asphalt ..:•SeWer
pipe 'Piled ori...erid,egainStthe
ing, topk. Are. and 'in.:this 'way the
Eames reached!the,Second'i.storeY
framework with' 'a , tarpaper ,,,COv-
„ 'Sixth Speed Cffence 4- • •
A youngiLucan Man, Ralph E.'
Pitt, 24,. was ;fined $40 and , costsL;
and --.-received-- a- Severe ' reprimand
sixth speeding convie,
tion in magistrate's court, .Exetet,
TWO inipOrtant 'changes in the
regUlatiOns, ,effect -this
y,ear.j, First, .it :"i's no .loiiger
gatorPte-ireat (cattle that,are :free
from'. warble- grub's:. NeVertheless-,
the treatment .. effective in the,
control...of being . the
:ease, fariners,:,residing in. town-.
:Ship§ where „.spraying -service is.
;avallable,,,.. are 'Surged to have their
Cattle' . Sprayer.i." even theingli they
may, net 'infected witn-:grubs:
, Secondlyi the time for the first
treatment liaSzbeen ,delayed..'' This
kc4r.,it rnust,bea'pf1ied between
the .10th and:18th. of -.April, for ,the.'
reaSoir that' :a lkigh. Percentage :of
the grabs.-Iiip litcated': ,the.,.126:CkS,
of . 'cattle at • that, If grubs
et/it:fin:he to .appear, . secOndtreat:.
nient 'Moat be applied three to_fOur.
weekS'..,later: , •MoreoVeri'n: Cattle
brought _into -a-4-toWnsliip which:
'a- by-law ,Iha's . passed,: 'during-
Ie :' treated:, within,'. twee/ :daysnt
their 'arriyal_if;they have 'warble
'Mr:- Watson States.th
fly, is --capable of -,, laying- '500-600
eggS; • the ciretirnstanceS;- Weeks,..':- it . 'Was.; strong -b01 • %two ,
every• grub, must. be ,destroyed if 'weeks it Was lower:than
on Mon
thepeSt,it7to-bet-eradicatecL,..".The, Lday,. Fred Campbell,
managOr df
fainter who failsto fulfil.- his: .obli,/ 'the Oiitariii7Steckyards,,- ' that
gatiottln. this regardls doing lie crimmissieri. firrnS• wenld, be
inju.stice Jus neighbor as. Well aS ranch', stronger' .selling position
to hiiiiSelf aS 'neglect, on. part and -expenses .cOuld 'redneed
cOuld cOnceivahlY 'resylt in „the. considerably, if soriie- way .could he.
infe ted deViSed '-thaVe" a Steady:110W Of-
Vednesday,- Police testified %the ering.-1,:ucknow Sentinel:" :
--The';Oproil Expoitoi;
and years ago:
WCIS in 193'-:•. N t'
• ',;
- 53
The .usually -Well-informed Exeter
,Tines -Advocate , in, a: political .com-
ment inserted in its news stork of
the7, eleCtion. last- said-, this:
-"The tide turned-Hibbirtz-Lthe-lierth:
County Township Which the Liberal
'Government _tacked on to ,Huron ni
the redistribution of 195a to aicrits'
The' facts, of course, are entirely
different. The move, initiated by a
Tory government, came -_ong before
1953, and as a result. ora,- desire" to
bolster -Conservative odds, -in the rid -
of_ Perth. llibbert. TownShip has .
formed a portion of the riding of
Huron -Perth ever since the redistri-
button carried out by the Bennett
Conservative Government in 1933 re-
moved it- `from the then riding of
ISouthedP,etriiitehh aAnncgte:d:oeidio.:wIti tog Hthu:or;
The .position of the township -re=
main n _ _
distribution of —1953, when Ff-nron,
Perth was absorbed into.the preSent
'riding, of Huron... °
Ikisic Knowledge
(The Iteeord; Itirnbey; Alta.
Perhaps in -this world we must
ba,ve high school diPlornas in public
speaking), in choking, in folk danc-
ing . Butit seems that educa-
tion should be aimed at providing
knowledge; not' skills; -at teaching
the basic. knowledge that is. so 'ob-
viously .needed.
. From The Huron Expositor
April 14;1933 -
Fire, thought ha v -e been caus-
ed by an overheated' steve, tom-
pletely destroyed the frarne ,house
of lVfr. Solui Cooper, in Egrnond-
ville, early TuesdaY morning, Mr.
Cooper, alone in "the- house, was
asleep in a downstairs room and
was forced to escape from t.he
building via the window. The wind;
uined out in good nurnbers to the
annual' ineetirig - spite
. . _ ,
-of: 'Seeding coming , 'in rather. 'slid
denly.'" RObert .MCGreger;". the 're,
eleetedi'preSident;tbas; an insita,
tion for" a iiiiV160-.6r-tWe-ef,,,in--
terested- farrhers to attend 'the.Ohio
at stuck Show and sale, tins. fall:
If 'enotighof You are. intereited, let
us knoW and we, will ,start Making,
The meeting ...;eiadorsed
posed "promotional:74)0min" 'be-
ing introduced at-the:anrinatineet
ing 'of. the, Onta.rie -Reef ,Rrodnee.rS'-
AsSeciation ',on, April 22 •ir'ToriEi_
to. "About :0 per ceat'were. fay.:
cir Of theidednetion,"of. 10.,pentS.,-On
cattle :and'. 5.,' cents' ,:on calves ..te•
finance 'Ontario, , and: ',doutity ; Work
of the. -Organization,- ;-'
11 Auction , :selling . on the 'Toronto"
stockyards-, :WAS .faVored,.' but.Tdne
to the eicssive inithbersra t.attle.
going tomarket. :on IVIonday and
ThesdaY ."the Lvoiurne its „real :aif,
•fieillty.:. if -auction
eided'ori:T.it., Will, begin On Wetly/es-
daY,': When, :, Manageable.' nurnber
arriVe, On thermarket..-bi, this way
theLaurtion_May 'attract shipments.
away _from, Monday ,and'InesdaY.
In .survey, of 26 'weeks: on large:
U.S": ,Stockyards-it,,shoWed, that -for
141 Weeksthe,:price
Thursday: arid Friday _for ten
Wingham and will shortly 'take pos-
Mr. Vratik Kling -has purchased
from. Mr., C. H.- " Broadfont • the
stylish ,and speedy mare, Hattie I.
Frank Will make money out of
Mr. Oscar Neil is having the in-
terior of his nstaurant remodelled.:
He is having the ice cream parlor
all thrown into rone room; end A
Which wa§ blowing froxix-the east, hamrarwodRcljtchflaorodr,,IGaoidvier so -id tt"." fine`
turned completely arotind and cat, teanilhe other day to, Mr. ArChP
riLe4-sparks..to-the. house and harm bald, Of Seaforth, for which he
of Mr. Alex Lowery, for 1 time received in' the neighborhood of
endangering the property. , $409. lie has since bought another
The honie of Airs, W: A. Wright team from Monies Archer.'
wa$ on Satuvday' the scene ef a Lane Rros. haVe erected, a new
delightful reception in honor, of Goold, Shapley -*4 Muir' windmill
Miss %Agnes Wright. 'Miss Wright for pumping. purPoses their
is being" married this nionth to Mr.
Charles' EYte, of Tuckersmith, •
' Mr, Robert Porterfield. has sold
his farm in Tuckersinith-tto:Mr,
Thomas E. Rattiburn, of Sornbra,
Who will enter into immediate pos-
session. _ •
.A".glass .tank of liye---golii-•fish,
which' has been ori exhibition itt
Ole ''svindoW' of Rert Williams bar-
ber shop, Or the past week, has
attracted Much at-tention. '
, Father r,- Goetz, for
fifteen years paStor of St. James'
Church,, has been Moved to Wal-
laceburg. Rev. T. P, Hussey, of
St: Patrick's Olitircia.Jcinkora,
-Sea.foh, . • . minutes'. on the. farm of ,-Mt.
-come- tcirt
, Miss Annie Mackay'. of Bra Steveits--: lot 2 ',,cOncession'12-116;
seine -Hall,. Toronto, -is-att---EoP,
gutst at the henie-hf Dr, Charles A break of., about 100 -feet-irg$
farm , on_ the Mili Roe
- *
Froin Tie Huron ExPOsitor
April 13, J883
The maple- suggr season has
.again come' around, 'much to 'the
joy of the juveniles, The sap is
running pretty well, but the snow
is so th
deep in e woods that the
labor, csf gathering it very ardtt-
A few days ago David' :Stevens
-and Itichard Tasker sa-wed., split
and piled one cord of woad in 80
cattle- all-
At. a pipelines' .4iid• land: acquisr:-
tion meeting': in Tororitii-Ave,
-.informed-that Lipany_,Lof......the. 41u,
proveinents iewiested..by the 1'
eratioii.. Agrie&fre4have ; been, -
written :into the ' neW:,aet,, Pas§ed.
-at -tlie-last-Sessioni,andwill
'shortly::',-. In vieW: of ;this; 'the-Pit/e-,
line Corrirnittee of the OntatiuFeli-
eration have drafted .a rnora/,equit
-able form ;of easenient Contract. .
This* iS being given- to the' Ontario-
-Fuel Board for „approval' and it- is
hoped that this ,
foreeby 4-.14 hi the inematinie,,,:
--dTt Sign anyffeption-or -easement
Until -you are,
'getting,' a fair' Mice and. that the
Company is liable -for any and all
damages. -
Huron Farm News
.,(By D. H. Miles, Agricultural
Representative for Huron Co.)
- Quite a,:nurrib,er of farmers are
seeding' in the south end of the
county; sorned reporting- that they
are working • around; --snowbanks.
The land is 'working very Well.
-There is -very little, 'growth as far •
,as'.grass is Concerned. --
neighbor s herd be g s
_ 'A little girl had just -coMe home -
tremr, friend's 13,irthdayr party and
was telling herrn:other of the good
time. , • '
"Did..yo,u. 'thank Jane's 1110theT--- -
for the good„ -time?" asked the
' "Oh, ' „gh4, in front- of
me did,- but Sane's- mother said,„
'Don't mention, it,". s6 I 'didn't!"
.• , , . . . ,
C114MBER o'F
maekay and miss maekay., inade in the gtisiondville
on Monday night by the Pressure
of ice and water.
Mr Charles' Cater, foreman of
rom The Huroir Expositor'the Stapleton farna has p claas-
April 10, 1908' ed from 1\6i It 4ansford, jot 34,
concession 1,. HAS, Tuekersniith,
A „Meeting of these interested itt paring therefor' the sum Of $5,250,
the establishment of a raral tele- The farm contains 1.00 acrebut
Phone service in Melt -MOP Was there are 110 buildings on. it.
held in SeafOrth. TOWn. Hall. Mon.- The bridge On the 7th concession;
daY afternoim and Was fairly well of McKillop, known as Cowati's
eaforth oirn Hal
.M.1.).Sharp -
ESTi:SOEAKEIZ: F. A. Knight, trat
A-1)ireetor o the Ontario Chamber Of COrtinierce
atteided. The question was Ptet- bridge, has been carried off by
ty, discUssed and a resolution theRbod and, travel that way,, has
was passed. to forM a Company, to eensequentiy stopped,.
be known as the 3s,c1Killop 'ttartti Mr William SProat, Jr„ hat sold
'Telephone Co. The Cost of cull- his farra on -the K.ippen Road t�
striieting-the- instAllMg: his 'uncle, _Mt ;Alex. , Went,. ',kir
t,elephones aaig the ptOPOsed, $4,t00. The farm cantains- 7 c-
route is about $1800.1 .It Was purchased- frOm Mr.
Mr. w: n. Willis, of Seaforth,lias David Sproat about five years ago
purchased a sbtae business' _in for $ 000,
cordial invitation is extended to 'all members and ,citizens
terested.in hani er of Comm r e Work
Opport Tour LCharniber'
.CoMnteree By, Your Preseme"-
pace- contributed in e
service. of this community,
by John Labatt. Limited.