HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-04-11, Page 1Year IN hole ;111-iimber 4706.° , ' EAFORTII, ONTARIO, FRIT)AY, APRIL 1.1, 1958 Pelice are ,ctintinvdrig an ekten- sive. investigation inte-twer rob- ing, inwhich two safes wCrt stol- en, and smashed open, . • • • Thieves entered '.Cle-ary's • 'and • ',Reliance Petroleum Lituited, and -.removed aJarge safe from each. :For Cleark!'s it. Was the seeond break-in in almost as manyweeks: -,.: A - large.safe- was taken 'Item. ;the store. , early, the morning of :March 19. -TiThe:-Cieary- safe r: and: a safe, stof- en froni-Reliance P,etrelemiiware. house on Jarvis Street, were_forind in -Ta 'gravel. Pit- north..of Seafortli: by:, searching police... I Arnount 'rof the loss at 'the:lc:GA.', store was not : disclOsed -Accord- ing to ; police, ,IitUc'Money...was lir- voh-ed inthe Reliance. theft, but.. aimmgtoaM datkttaiiii;goge:ria 8., an 'even better. fair ,in 1958 at: ing in Seniferth' ToWn.. flail Teies=: ; day' night...-. Included; .1.n...the:ninny,: features for the AWth annuni fall fair 'vi11 be , the Ontario' Hereford Regional ShoW and y ,the. ,J.erseY ; DariSh o, Operating,' nu' cotrumetion with the:lair:are 4...11.,.Clubs„- including sponsored:by the Seaforth.. JUitior.. Farmers ,Poul 'try Oub, sponsored by sVatoi,tk ----=- Lions 1uh; Grain Club, ponsored by McKUlop Federation of Agri- • eultiire1i4liislting,',Corn!ClithiSifon.' siired'hY, TuekerSinith'EederatiOn,, and- .tne Beef CaIf and Dairy Calf Clubs:fo be !sponsored_ hy.SeafOrth Agrienitiiial,SonietY; -,•:.°:The.°seciety is -alSo -Planning to: ..,.:AirinSor.a 4-11 cia ht Parkland - barley, as Well as.•,,RofineY:Tatg'Atia., Inisking:'",e,Orn.:, field 'ere.") :,.:Cp,nipeti-, President of the Society, Robert W., Campbell, presided at the meeting which named Gordan Pap-, pie as representative to tne.Huren County Federatidn of Agriculture. ,An. addedjealnre of the . oldest° fair in Huron Coimty is the faet that it will be the setting for Cham- pionship shows for the 4-11 Swine Club and Beef' .Calf Chib„. A grant was'received by the clay for permaneni t , mProve,- ents made last year. Dining the year -shutters ,y(o-ere -purchased 7ifed: -the sheiy-heuse-,--and-a-refreshment 000th wag. 'erected, as well as nec- essary fencing , being carried out. - voice Proposol For Crncer Unit \ Plans for the formation of a cancer society in Seaforth were advanced ;one -step Tuesday night .at - a' meeting in the Town Half The, group of i interested persons approved a -motion; by - Reeve -Ner, man Scoiris that a nominating committee be Appointed to bring in ,a, suggested Slate- of officers. - Appointed to the committee wereMayorA. 'F. Christie, Rev. Bruce W. Hall and Fred E. Willis. Officers will include a president, secretary and. a -treasurer. , The, suggested - slate is to `be brought in , to a ,meeting in, the ,near 'future: The election (of offi- cers, taming of „Committees and a convener - 'will take place at this mehthg' ,Present at the meeting -was Fred Dobbs, Exeter, president of the Huron 'Cancer !Society, and Lloyd Ford; vice-president of the Exeter branch., Mr. Doblig ',indicated he ;would. Show, filMs/Pertaiphig , to the, -work of -the-society atthe'CoMing meeting.' ' 'WS OF 13RO1)HAGEN pnpersycheones Jand documents, re• „moved- frein \the safe, 'were scat- tered about: - The Cleary robbery, was discov- ered . hy,i, Se aforth Police Chaef Ed - Ward Ehrhardt, aS he waS making his.. rounds, about ,4:30 Sunday , morning. , The "back. door of the building as -open and an 'inside and outside ' sash"( were ;removed from a. small winclornYon the sdlith side cif `the building 'While.' police • • conclude „rentrance was ',made through, the ,w'mdow, they wonder how anyone could squeeie,,betvimen bars seven inches apart„ Chief Erhardt said_ The 'simian, window is approximately eight, feet from the -ground, ' - • - ActingLon,a hunch, Chief .Erhardt and '.Constable -Martin visited a' gravel pit northeast of town and -found_ to -.safes _at: ,al- most ' the saine_Point Tat JEViailelf.,:th4' en in - March, had been toeated., Both had, been broken'opeif. Papers -picked up at .00'o:scene identifed the second safe as Abelenging-de, ReliarreePetroleuni--rthe first ,indis cation the officets' had ,that that office had also been entered. InveStigation-. at the. Reliance -of- fice indicated the • thieves had climbed over a- high ehain .fence to gain access to the yard„ and foreed,' an entrance irito -the office building.. P,olice said 'the gates into, the yard remained. lock- ed,- -the sale apparently : having been hoisted. 'over the barb -wire Protected fence,' , ' The 700 -pound Cleary safe was dragged from a small, office at the rear of' the large store and out, 'a rear door. - Aiding the, Seaford" force. in the investigation are.-O.P P. from Goderich, and the ,O.P.P. identi- liCation, branch from Mount , For - Y AND VARIETY ENTERTAI FEATURES LUTHER LEAGUE PROGRAM League members present, , , ed A play, "Buddy 'BilyS An Orch- id" and: variety, -PrOgrarn, inthe basement.' of -St. Peter's. . Lutheran' Church on TueSdaY:evening:.'MiSs. :Joanne Rock -ShoWed :pictures on -the-,..:-ToOgdoct;,04.t' she took' last last: , Those ;taking: ,part ° .in tlie",play were : Gary :Slioldice, °A.tiene 'gel; ° Carole RoSe,;, Donna . Saler- barth, Warren Sholdice; stage • manager, RQy Scherharth,..:rlirec-, tor; Calvin': GRe14-e,,-VarietY % Pro - „Piano Jeanne Bener- inann; Areeat. :dite0„;,:,Canol and, CherYt'Wnrdell; Piano solo, 'Inan mnegge,,,solo, Lyle -- Mr. and .Mrs. Wnitfielel,, - Margaret,' and .Linda; . of St... Cath- arines, with ° her brother,,Rnsseli • Sholdice:andgia:.,S)iol*eltitthe- Weekend, ° , • • Gwen 14'4, •Reg -N., of Montreal, , with her Parents,: 'Mr; and Mrs. gdWin: Mr. and 'and NOS. "Sack Walker and: of Toronto, with Mr. and' Mrs: Fred” A. Kistner., .TVIiSs Rayon Witlfe,; of Milverton, With :her: grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Elli,11aPien, ' ' • Mr., and 'Mrs, Glen Bettnewies Wanda, Mrs. Elwood Smart . and °Carolyn, of Windsor, and Mrs.,, • Peter Kraus and Jeanne, of Ruth, yen with Mr, and Mrs. J. L.Ben- Mr., and Mrs. Albert Smith. San- dra and: Arthur; of Orangeville, - and Mrs. Ed; Smith. Mr. .and Mrs. Carman., Wensly ,and , Terri, of St:. TM:Mies, with Mr. and Mrs,' George Nigigk, Mr... and Mrs. Were,,,Bilekman ' and Barry, Of Brampton, with:Mr. "and Mrs:. Dalton !Wiz: • , Mr. and. Mrs. , Kenneth ',Newton And Diane. 'and' Mrs. Bell, of „To- ronto, With Mr, and Mrs, Lew .arid Ralph Ffieks,....• . • • MISS. Marleeic Dirket,.11:‘04:„:of Stratford,' Mr; 'Donald `IVICLaugin - Kincardine, and Miss Betty: 'Hartman and Or.. Calvin, Diegel, Waterloo4 :With Mr.. and Mrs. .student f, Waterloo Seminary, aggisted rn :the. Easter church service at Si. Church :here. • ,, :A•• hydrangea: plant was Placed -isY the laMilieS in thechancel of Peter's, Lutheran Church: Sun- day in Memory Of Leslie Biller - mann, Who passed `away fiVe. Years ago,„ April 1,, and -Harry • Beget\ • Mann, four years; age, April 3, Mr, Donald Alireits, Toronto. and, MiSa"-ti#6 'HArtirelc44,- bl-Hahtilton,.° id% Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. Mrs. Mervin Hodgert haS been onifined, to :Scott :IS/fen:feria' Hose Seafort and, Mrs', Lockridge: 'and family, • of • Sarnia, with Mr, and Harvey- Ahrens .1V1r$,( Regina ,Miller receiVed.. f,wOrd of the death- of her 'sister, J • + MrS.• Conrad Schwindt, , Milverton, and attended 'the funeral .there,' on Tuesday. : • , Rev. and Mrs., E. J. Fischer and Grahe with Mr. - and Mrs. John Fischer, Toronto. Mr:. and • Mrs. Herman Leon- hardt and -family, with Mr- and Mrs. Norman Wilsom-Nenstadt. ,-MISS Clara 'Meyer, _Kitchener, -at, - .mr. and Mrs:- :Stewart., Abbott' and family,. of Toronto, and Mr. andMrs. Lorne Wolfe -and family, Stratford, With Mr. and -Mrs 'La- vern Wolfe en .Good Friday. ' Lavern'. Wolfe -with Mr, and Mrs. ,Ralph' rischeri Mrs. ' Cyrif'Mantel, :of -,-Stratford, With her •brother, Harry Tait and. Mrs ,Tait. . _Master ,1•Kii'ti..Leonhardt, ?Old son of.. Mr. and - Mrs ResS. Learihardt had hIS qensilS':remoy-• 1Hospital, Seett, M emoria Seathrtlr, „TdesdaY rnerning:: Ylar.•*•• and Mrs.- EdWard Scher - hart!) and daughters , with her "par- ents; Mr. and Mrs,.:Koehler, Mount 'Forest, on`Smiday.... _ • • :Ban 'Rifles In Bayfield Area , , Stanley :1' Township ounci1, With: ;Reeve; H.,' colethan-'Presiding, • Met. at ,„At...apia'.,-11,1ondty. Counciilors _Herbert: Taylor. and ErneSt7Ta1lidt„. Were unavoidably .absent: . _A contract was. iet te„l>aviS.,Con,-; of Clinhion,--for crush-- rig.,anct graVel'; for the.toWliship , roads, at C'entS••:.a yard. by-law Prohibiting the ',,carry• ing, of: all firearms and airLgiiiis- withinL.the'. *dice ,,-Village of Bay- field waS;passeti,..imless such arms are • dismantled, or; enclosed „.in a, .case, Thiar is the result .Offrequent disturbances catised. re:CO/111Y • in ..th.e. village by .personS,Usitig such. . Conned adopted, the report of its showing a, SiirPhis ef over $9,009. ':for ' • Fireside. Forum Entertains Guests MAYOR D. F. ,C111tISTIE: (Ie f) lends support .lans:lor Observance of Chamber of " COM- . „ , merce Week in Seafeirth as he discusSes tile p,roclamatiente has issued with Chamber President Frank`Sills. A membership ,drive, headed by R. S. BoX;'. is one of the feat:tires , arranged, for , rfsit For the sebond tinie in as many His .interest ' in the , convention is - months Raton electors will troop but aii extension'of theinterest to the polls Whenvoting day in -the ; has „shown in Pablie- affairs. during- iluronby..election arrives, 1V1ay 12.pa-!t-years, he The date of the, by-elettion activity.... with the .Seaforth .149,ns. the vacancy 7resulthigfrom the !Club S S --Board and _ the; death. ,of Thomas, Prycle in Jana- 1Western Ontario Ticveloppient As- "ary, , was announced by ,Premier- sociation„: • , , Frost ThurSda y not long, after According- to B W. tuche the -smashing Diefenbaker;,,, victory, PresidenC"Huron 'Liberal AsSo.o. of last, week. tion, While a .edevention would be Nomination claY' `is on -1Vlonday, .calied shortly :at.' which a Liinerat April 28, with 'polling day-- fallow_ candidata Would: be ,nanaed,,no'lan ing 'two, weeks' later., AlreadY' elec., ton had been taken. 'r;eg, a'r gUte tion officials are ; hard, ,at work date. making arrangements.' Named turning ,offider in Huron is. RusSell Bolton, of McKillop. His election clerk is W. E. 'Southgate; Seaforth." Chief Election', Officer -....Roderick G. Lewis; Q:C., Toronto, was - in the riding- Wednesday---conferting with riding election officials, ,. Enumerators in the 'one urban, municipality... in the ;riding--,Gode- rich. Town ---began their - rounds' .ThursdaY:- -They T -must -Complete. their lists by Monday. In ;the, re- mainder of the, . enumera- tion' begins . WedneSday -of ' neXt -week: and---ends-thEr'followiiigi'Satr, Fireside- Farm FOrtirn.Jentertim ed, in ,the F'orrestere'llall, Con- stance, Monday night,:Guests were present.,7fromLS.S. For- um and Friendly Few, Forum. "%Ohre; :'s11des were Shown: by Roger -SehwaSs,. Winghalli,. on his trip through VVestern; Eanada, -Peace River District and the °Unit- ed . States. , : Winners at • euchre 'Were', .• high, Mrs'. Nelsen : McClitre', and Ronald Jewitt; .• !One hands,* Hugh Flynn .and Donald' 'Buchanan; ' Consold'- tion, Mrs. T.homas McMillan and Wilbur i*avitt. - • '' The' "IN ee Store at Ainthrop,, Wmthrop the restless effect of a - 1-prog,ressing. age. l'he -land • was has --;_heen 'sold. -Operated by: us- , , , . tin;Drainage 'since 'sale Of. the hilSineSS , was:. completed Menday.', to Stanley M, ;Gilles, who took po- se ssion.',..ef the store 'Tuesday. Mr.. ,, anif Mrs'. 'Dolmage will move to their :new...residence ,;at the edge .of - the village; which -,they purchased spine time • ago...fie:0,, Mrs. °Mr., in !akin over the the,,'"foirab' owner the,,,,F.0„*.rwt,490,:ye4virs'. history of the -store -ten tlie.Cornei Of.; the North and -.- coneession of McKil Alexander Mur1tid, the first sow.Pei:; came ; 'to •• Ca'fiadal'With. ,his wife and .two ;„,Sinalli" daughters: in: 1856,„ancl,,...cOnstriicted..ra dwhlling plaee a le,W! 'MAO- north of ;Of, Sea-. forth...At: A :.corner thd North 'Gravel, • Read, called ; ,Bailey .paY,;" "he fenced' his land, his house and ealle,d...ft:lleine.'1t.,WaS not un- til several,' yeara... later; whenl‘lur- 'eine had ::stocked ,an, array ',of gen- ral .40 ,trade, with .,an increassfig number 91 pioneer faiimers(-antlf,liad.;Openecl .the pot Office, that the Corner' teak- on its, present_'identifieation-WirithrdP,•, .;:About °,1687,, , work ..,to drai,n. use- leSs. r bog, swamp that, lay ; around Winthrop' bevir, 1 -,-arid • sattlerrient was. still reaching,- ere.biisitieSS 'establishrlientS 'at -.the corner could 'have,' once. been itichided siX, short ,words.4..the •"wee Store"...T.f'and a mill -there Was now another ge.a=: eral store; :two blaCkstnitli shopS, a saW Mill, 'grist ,milt; two taverns,, bricitYard.:, and, later,' cheese fotorY: and hog Pen. ,• ' - On, a 'brisk. afternoon; in the autumn of. 1912, the "wee store" Lell bk, auction tei..the.:..owiiership.' 'of ° a :well -liked' district. •farmer,• Jehri' . Montgomery. .; But .as,7, John IViontgoinery and his 'five; ciiildreir came '' to the-. store; so came.:..to . ^ . Largest exhibit at Canada's 'first national Mobile- Hanle Show being held in ,the Automotive •Building, Toronto, next Week -will be that of General Coach Works , of Canada WILLIAM ,•C • sivirfit :COach of HenSall, is PresiL:" -'0it-ef,Eanadian Mobile Home .•ASSnalatlon. • Ltd. -The Ilthisalliirm Will have nine unitsq'', representative . Of , its _foil: line of. dekixe'. Mobile homes *•-• Included: in the „ifensall• .exhibit, which will he seen- by leading of- ficials from across Canada„Will be two ,vacation ,- travel trailers,' . two 46 -foot custom built Mobile homes, 414-thottwo-bedroom unit, ',two, foot homes, featuring Single and double beckeema,"' and "a 22"loOt ,twebedropm nnit,-. all of 'Which, with -the exception of the 'Vacation, ,trailers, are in the .Modern 10 -foot Width.7; In. addition, there will -also- -be shOWle a *foot standard eight - foot Wide Di charge of the ,General exhibit' will, be sales :manager ,Ben John- stone, and chief inspector .Tames Taylor:, Other key personnel from the Hensall, plant Will be, present during the. exhibition. .• The exhibition is of particular significance to William' C. thnith; general manager of, the • Ilensall Company, ;for he also is, eomplet- ing,1°a,.terin...es" president of the Canadian Mobile ..HOtnel 'ASS'oeia, titur; sponsors of the Mobile llome Designed to focus attention oit' the, conveniences- and :comforts ,pf• lionaeg-On4beets, .the ,Moblle Home Show *11,1 be sponsored by them- berg'"Of ' a -rapidlY-githwirig Cana- cleared ,aricl. fUlly° ise tl d ; now, crinnty area s -.had ; been diviSioned,,-, iSehodl seetiris Proportioned; ,; and road construction • Th 't ' •of ' its ossn by , -.greater, ;relentless Pre-, iress,„ economically Weakened aitd. :was left to retrogresS,' The, bust- ling; trial's and ;Smithys Sons and 'and datighter9 nioVed'' to. greeter.... and ._Win_throp,, Marking a- destiny, realized :ifs; -,neW identity. as. just corner 'With' ttore; one. last -nnit, a church,. isettocol;;-(-and.a-Lfew--honses: ... Nineteen' fifty --Trine.... Mont -i gemerY' Wa.8'.....:dead..;; His ..family;; grown fannies Of , their 'Own,: decided to the f("wee. Store.,:. leave of .,. lta IiiSforY" to: another, and ,follow per- sonal pursuits." district farmer and father three sons, their ' owil‘.farmac'Zedame• 'the : third ..,,oWnei•-•Of. the Old !' land. ,..1v%rrkc::7D''7:671-m7Tage, -inoveri by the' forces...Of iieCeSsity'and dmbiti�x, realized the •tt000riewefo`wete44:s4ateapred'. inadequate. In'• le9c541 lieb6.eiliteriedtedt;ae: l'And 'the old landmark „was torn . down. Pessibilitv of street lights for the hainlet of ifarnOrliey. conies, closer to folIdWing. the Monthly ineeting of TuckerSinith , A'petitioti. Was received, ,from dentg'.:or ., and council -BiStrrieted, CnesneY -to proceed with: negotiations With ,the HEPC.; , ; ;„,• ...• , f The auditor's' 'rePert ; as subinit- ted ,by Vas read the clerk and' adopted The fee of $400: WAS- ordered. paid -and:::,the,,;.,Cierk • Was .instrtieltetV to hill theZ.7:Tucker.Smi:th SI stem S,chdol. :Area. $75, SeliedI.SeetiOns .and.,10; $15. e.ack. aS. 'their drespeetiVe...share:irOf the Rates of pay, forldhor'were:rais:: ed.; AS '"follevotS:s.,:•roed supeririterut .eet, $1 per '119iir; grad operator, .„'t$1",;,8r8e'; 9was appointed w0c:i0.4.:,,-7cinhsaprot. ibe, at :the rate r ,of ;pod per .hour; plus per • Mile...for use Of car wEile - Tender z for". .cenStruetiOn---inf Seeend-cenCoSsiOn7MindeiPat Drain Was,",,AWar-Tegi.;:ta.,RObirk,Ravglit.F.qi Ifensa4Z7: tenderarReevs yth was atthoriz- :ed, tosign a Warrant. to 'hold tax 'Sale r 'prenerties The Reeve and, Clerk Were,Militorited ,prOcoed.with,sele..of delierdarieS under 'aiitherity 13y -Law NO. 10, -195T- which was given its 'third .and; final' read- Accenuts included: SehOols, $3,6001 salaries and loWanees,,: $634,48;.: :,,.. advertising, $2,6,45; •., 2; drains, $3&18; - supplementary. aliowance, $,25;..pdads,,S1,380.26';`•ReetiVer Gen- .eral,,'47115; '''AusabIe 'Conservation, $100;-.1, stage.,4$5 ,rebates,. 240. 'Council, 'adjourned, to -meet May dian 'industry. More than thirty. exhibitors, among -them manufac- turers 'and suppliers, will partici- pate in the,.event. The mobile homes ,to be display- ed will incorporate all the modern conveniences' atid luxuries found in today's coaventionallionies. These include ' Such "items as electric washers anddriers, refrigerators, electriestoles, compact and -nov- el kitchen cupboards; colored room- fixtures, and even jalousie windows, .Fibnci noon' On Friday, April '°J.$ Until Saturday: evening the show will be .opett to the gen- erg. public And. admission is free: 2 First Church Names -Delegates Pao ladies from First Presby- terian Church will attend the- an- nual meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary SticietY Of. the Hamilton and London Synodical in Knox Church, Leamington. The meeting will take place on April Is,16 ,and 17: - Therner of- the . -meeting is, "Faith which worketh Representing Huron Oty'Ore Presbytery from Seafortli will be Mrs'. J. F. Scott, R.R., 2, SeafOrth Mrs. W. O. Johnston, arargrs.. R. XersTake. Seaforth and Mrs I W Thomp- son,th Fart') Unit Protests Beef Deduction Seaforth ',deg 284 of the Earle:- , ers'. Union are not in agreement with a deduction announced at the recent, beef producers' ,meeting in Clinton. The deductien of 10 cents per head for slaughter cattle,: the group decided at their 'Meeting in. the Town 11611 Tuesday eight, was not beetled at this time, ° A eoPY of the Ontario Livestock' .Shippers' Association brief- was read and discussed. The brief-contairied a„ seven -point Plan with a five -cent per hog deduction. The hogs would be scrld from the stable and -delivered to the packer of the Prothicer's choice: 'New support prices fame under fire. It was felt that deficiency payments' Would , he better than too high a . floor price.. A. • floor priee that the , average 'farmer could get by with, the Union mem, berg thought, would be a boom -to the large producer or contract, farmer. Next Union' meeting will be the annual meating itt May. Seaforth Business Starts Atteiatiiini' .`Eitensive alterations are .being 'carried out this week at „Webb's Billiards in the-Oke,block on, Main Street, The ;building has been dos- ed all -this week while. workmen lt12tititteCt'Arylrirc' j-; ''abdr'g .afleirdniP,•while additional p being made available to install more tables. Also included in the remodelling is a 'neW entrance. According to. Idelt Webb; .prO- Prietor, work is expected to be 'coMpleted later in the -.Week .and the billiaxd:Parlor- should bo hack in operation, by attirday, "What did Your Van saY'viilen yeti got home front, the club din-; tier laSt ' "Net 'a word, I : was going to have ray two Milt teeth oaraFtea anyway." 1)amage $500 s Truck Burns Meanwhile, - while - arrangerrients for carrying outl_the by-elec- tion in Huron in,. .triore'' than- ian. years' are proceeding,- pelitical orL- ki-anizat.ionS- are planning for nom- ination meetings. ' The ConservatiVe meeting, Sche- doled for..the .Legion Ilan, Clinton,. 'on April 16,according to. ;reports; will See- at .least four candidates-. -seeking-the7.nommation,:,..-They are Dr., E. A. McMaster, .. ',.Seaforth; William. Dale, "f•Ormer• Huron 'Conn.', ty.', Warden, . of 'Hullett:-.ToweshiP;* Charles McNa..ughtoui, Exeter 'mer- Poli in-Seaforth , and one -poll,in chant 'arid riding: associaticon. head, Stephen Township!-The.'arined ser- - and ,:George Feag-an; of Goderich, vices vote added 182 to the Car; ;also a former .colnitY „. warden. did' total. and, 287 _to the . Cochrane... , ..Diseussing the contest' :With ,The total, ,Expositor on. Wednesday; :Dr,. me.. - In Exete,_r..the-'Criehrane 'total . Master,' a former 'Mayor for was reducedby, -, -two in, the..officiat, rvi . 41.-- --_,siCn:elolrgii,TililiCa:o;:crniavh;eaajsor7r9til.,t-sayi ntt()_-dn-_6tf,h5,6eCI:7a6l,4741:ba:,:ita. me e a I ,, 0 u t, , Official count of retmus 'held 11.1 Major change in the election. Offieer 21.-K: Hunter, folloVving ' , aY.- • - - - - - -- The. official majOri as a result of the addition of, the Service. vote, which gave Mr.,: Cochrane a -majority- Of 105, Other. changes, of a minor nature,.' - .fitahboe0;:1,1,tnia,guahrnst..::carosi,e.tsp:heltitorioottefds: 8ci:villiea..i.6:111.7,g, , made' e in -the , figures for three `polls -.1n, Exeter, one poll in Goderich, One' eleven years a member of Sea- count; the;•Ciithrane vote in Poll forth 'Council, said he had been } 113 vas --corrected from 59 to 7,' jasured broad support, m Sea- and, the Cochrane total for' Exeter -7 forth since :1924, he practised in from :500 to: 498. The other two Ethel -for ten years 'previously fol- .correctionS" made in , the ' Exeter ' lowing gradnation from Toronto:1 vote -returns concerned Polls -2A and '2B, where- the figures for the ' Cocniane vote had been inter - Robert McGregor h • d • ° ange Coirected figures; are Oainage Of .$500 resulted when lire destroyed a truck 11/z mites northeast of Seaforth Friday morn- ing. Firemen, under.,Chief . J. •F. Scott-, ' answered 4 call; . but were unable.to 'prevent serious damage to the truek,, owned.- .1)Y. Louis Maloney, ChiePScott, said the fire began when an • auxiliary 'engine' used' for pumping- "water into a lank on the, truck; burst into flames, Chimney Fires • " After,,a font -mile un McKil- lop Saturday evening, firemen ex- tioguishect-,a---chimney_fire itt a residence on the farm- of Wilfred Drager• Firemen Were called late Tues- day evening to -the :residence' of George Eaten$, eSt- Ilrilham St.; to .extinguish 'a fire itt a stove- pipe: , There 'we's no -damage itt either, tate,: thief SOott"," said, • , • . if- She: •"Oh, is that so! Welt; I „imagine I'll learn hoiktiFeook like your Mother about the titneo you learn bow to 'make money like your father." ' --" The little girt, demurred at tak- ing the dose or mddidite which her parsimonious Dad offered. "Come now, your old' Dad Spent his las dollar for :this," -'he pleaded. • The -child' took :the- medicine, but a little later She sidled Up to like and said. • .if you think You. Can Afford it, I'd liko.to•-fro* ;this, Heads'. Beef Group,- . Robert -IVIeGregor. Was:: re-elected i2r99449nt., -9f the Buren 'County ;Beef 'Producers Associatinn' at :its anntal• Meeting; Held. in the agriculture board, rooms in. Clinton; about50: pre- ,clucers.,. were on , hand to rename Mr. McGregor.te the. top Positten.'„ Jack •Arinstrong, Londesboin,. is- Cochrane nt 3A, and '64 for Coch- -rane id 3B -instead of the other - In Goderich,. the Cardiff total Vas increased by one vote, by the eorreetion of the Cardiff figure for . Poll . 9B from ' 104 to 105, . - In Seaforth the Cardiff 'vote was reduced by four by the correction of the Cardiff figure for Poll- 6 ' In , Stephen,. Poll 9, figures' . Nice-presidentof the organization: ported election night 'Were:Cardiff Directors ;:ar'e CaMpbel1,11: 53,: Cochrane 42;.' The official count , B. •1; Dublin; Wilbur -HoWatf; Au- corrected tlicsto read Cardiff 52, bad ';*and. George. Robertson. _Carl ,Coehrarie. 43, :and reduced. the. Car-. 'Hemingway' Was --reappointed ' as diff -majority in:'StepheirL-by tWo seereta rk-treaSurer.. Speakers inelnded :Andy, .1VIcTaY- , • Sum:Mary ish, director of the Iiritarie Beef • ' • Cardiff -555- ; - 245- ontlined. "the ?proposed': •prornotienr Blyth; ' ,Proirath 'ead •discusSeer the ,ques- Brussels . . .. ...-.., • .316, . 156: ton of .support prices to ,prevent . . . . . 404 disaster selling: lie. stated fhat, it Colborne ' : 384' 164i . was up te., the- producer to adver: Exeter • 978' . ,498:* tise 'the 'fresh,- beef :product... . Goderich, ° • 2,126-1. • 8-91. rnarlie,ts;.7. Fred,. Campbell, Goderich:Twp.:-...:5S2--7. 169 • manager Stock -' Grey, .. . 598 "". '919 yards,.. TOronto, .."there is ' a 'Hay . .... ... 602 602 : wide variety ef.qua,lity 'in cattle." Ilensall, 294 . 156 -The Wide flnethation'incatde_prie- Hibbert .. ,, . 415.. es,,be 'pointed' -nut, was dun to the Hulled .. . .... 588 , , 285 fact.tdo many, Cattle arrivein the McKillop 312 lirstlwo:.c,lays, Of: the week. - Mr 1dris - 231.... CamPbelV, was" introduced by Doug-: Seafertle . . 647' .451. las, H. Miles and thanked by. Jack Stanley . ... 687 : 246: , AXEnstrong:. • ••• Stephen ' • 893 .• 612 The rrieetingindieated. approval Theltersmith ...,...„ • 636 513 -... el the proposed ten -cent •deduction .1.ISbortie 554 21.a' on matilte animals and 'five centS, S. Wawanosb. • 1370 163, ,.. on calveS. , The -director's. Were re,: W. WaWancsh 396-, 146 • emested to :find ont more abotit Advance Poll- ..,..... sthe ,idea ,of 'auction' "selling beforeArmed Force s the produceii,, (Voidd endorse, the - '— plan. " • ' • TOTALS r 7;550 ensall cites • la or - Daylight Saving Time was adopt- ed for Hensall,by the village' Out -l- ett meeting Monday night. Day- light .:Sa/ing Time will be in ef- feotaniTAPril 27; , at 12:01,z.m., and „Continue Until Oetober 26, ,at 12:01 a.m. With the _ setting': of majOrity'l'ef minicipa1ities itt Hur- on who have 'adopted these dates, including „Seaforth. Tex .arrears reported by, Ciiirk J. A. -Paterson apoUnted tO $942.14,, faX prepayments total .$2,160; He was instructed by council to write to the Bank of Montreal and: inquire their. intentions about, build:"... ing,itt, Bengali this year, Maintenance man,' „E. R. Davis, reported 'about .work done in the hall and the removal Of Snow The Clerk ,n as instructed to inSer .a notied in the "Weekly papers advising dog.. 'owners to keep all drags tied up from April 1 tbrOligh to October : 31, They will -eIsa. be teminded4hat-tagg. unist be attathed to these animals, Permission Was granted to•,Glenn Deitz to operate a gervite ;Station' at the corner of Queen St and NO. 4 Highway. the auditors . report was presented and fees, paid, . The e Council PDC Electric will be charged, $56: as .share "'of tire .auditors' costs; *the PUC waterworksi.. Public school, $70;, library; '610; Pr.srk board, -S70; and:, .reerdat,ioni committee, $10, •Aloneylborrowing by-la:W. was passed, and. _tlie-Cle.rk_Was asked:- to-order'fife:tarrets of Kolas andi font- 'gallops of.'4street parking Paint. - ACCounts:' tritallinc $3,789,04 pass; ; ed for paymentincluded: AuSabl9 River Conservation Authority,levyo, ,$546.89;- United Stationery Co, ' sup - $21:25; E. .Fink, rePairS to R4p.,. $56.43; JunS Machine: ShOp, re154its. Hall $405,' streets. 41,50A, , $56.95p.ivion., teith,-& MonteitliT,auditors'' salary, ow; -Verisall District Co-operative, . Diet mil;` IfAlt, -$51,64. Bell Tele- phone, ,servioesc Hall 1.0.95, VI).* $6,55; Public School Board, thrteht expenses, $2,000; E.1, DAVIS, ary, $231,56.; Receiver' Generaii in4 aterson.w. salary, $116,66; IlenSalr PVC, dro; Hall; $20.84; B. A. ItYle. psdnt. $146,46; It. Simpson. Plag. .tering Hall* $15.451' A. spen0r Son,' material, Re11, $19.10: L. Mousseat4 carpentering, Hall, $61„.