HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-04-04, Page 6'S-TH AF ONT Miis.-'A14 1%e e:4un16rWen1 Memorial,bii Job 24:Yoors, e- D E I �r, —0GAIN AT S SA ECI 0" c4net' 14 MEN LL Z HURQN 0Srr - k M 1-1-;, PR, SE, Q�RTH, ans LAN IFFEDERATION TALKS OVER Etist r P ro!grao*i,, MINK An' 0 er "a L EM fr 7.. Ho,' p th ljhurWak of5 ce"': pitaiia $eajor The Ra o,'4 d le r, Norman *Ivevi 0 �on --W Ioatient: ow HO 'I LIZA v si R$J U1KH Ven6r:: is �ii years' servic6:as,mAR'carri0r' dil NT Astw�eU. -1 Mrs- es, .0 -'TION"", , n -tiocese, of O:C GOVERNMENT 1W 'RECEIVE NWMEM 111 ie'Easlgr se�,j Ij. 0 ti, L.�"Melljs i -00000d, .,for n A rk1b g, ga.on greete 4 Xt� at Vie�q in R -A- 1419; �21, Kippen. He "is 'III ihis, rptibe7rly'the - charge fli Sou ifiejuiere4S of ]let Huro. -v , radio PP Hospital,,'London, wi the produetionot a. be416. L , L 74th year� and carried- th6- tor� e post' OMP EX00si `A'� ervice''. charge and espegially-written for the occasion, Mr. and�­Mrs, Tom -B �tev in uda th bo -it was anriounc� this week-. The The Sgcrific&,�- over thre& e , ard avet��,q�,.of .5. cents p�f.,-Iiogpro�� *et�ng -no' YL In 1� on, a- office Un' ro thly direc- Was--24'ce t 's Ing §,ervace Th,6-ier 4ack G�bton, to the CNk'station fr th H '=dujtUje,'-he1.d Itheir, mon Mir.. alid day. _ Mrs., M TO. t, t4jhe �ehan�e of, C rist Was W 11 of' tin. play,. "'IlIe,'Bread Of Life is a impuncemen waae of the rs aigo, b h' ren most interestin& and,.he1pfq1,,',, and Mr., Robert mqtmIs$Q -Too -Cliht&q. War - ZObfigg ra g e arge,'tot41-29 cents,whe�n "You Ait�, there', 'proiseni't Cooper, wlfohas va-, jjS I i-LannaA%�'Provineig "Women's' nee e''al j V 'fRESW BAKED,': taS,a0jjjinated the,serviee char S" a ion. at was followed, by the Skram�i�t`o past. tw6, Mont was- -ioctober' 1.7i iiiembe�r of Ontario rge of, 24,c6at train. Thai s wd cationed* the: hs in Cbrisfi'A4,rNempprianc�­V dii, to be 1955, and he. th. 'set it wasit6u the events " bi -. the life -'of LO� d' S 'th ation -.of. x . s, upper, During -hi§,: home on drove�, fo� Brucefield For er4tiqu �94 je reaga gbt that about se"�en Christ on Maund� Miursd4y Jesu the... e Florida,' retur'ned to sty:, ijafing McNeil, P. yat& would be. �uffiqieint. How- Jeadt gervice,17 young' peqp ie weT.e",r�- Sun'day.' �at, a speed of .,70 mjj6§ An hour to 011- So, the. 4A flis, oviez,. th I e'se s have prov to t ­e' 13V oil Mr."'and Mrs. 0ope, , are Hensall branch of j)I6 W been ing up It. was' inib c�utch.membeis r rch meeting -�He has ne�ei ineiet: it: there, d ceived xlkl�, A�Hdmfiigwai iep6rie,A�:dh' CTU 'held l4te;_j,ojj, the _ j ­ Do written by., Orlo,At -;r,, a� . well- prog�ssion of f -po ulaT, t , 11 a -route- ,p hat 'there. has. been ar- aith fidur adults visiting. their son and daugbter-iII7 At the 'fiomOof 'Mrs 11' Ve-Oki'.At the Le;qdq,�#!P, liand for -them.. n,CBC::Play-wtight;.,and.'�'*iU� 0man Powe er�', �w; r-. Bud Cooper; of EXejer vzoiie to noBdfft1u,0we number -of egt;�i h-1 M 11 11. 1. .1 . Xi Dis b" vl�de4 tk s -work- s ip�,,trom,oiui�te�t,,congriQgations, ago� from� Win& radio* stationsv cussion su jeets III, sor� He, recalls, that: he ha -of educatieAsi ern' OjItWj0 . � t"is 6 pectedi:'. Av,,Tg oJr,reo(Wfed' very e- Mr. �and Mrs. 'Roberf valrymple, had Lg this poursiO*. VO -a "I"he pay, is, rqduce effects of li0or advertisin"r r I e� d L ast use e YaT 51 ic.,uh er the cap'able lead6sh Bonme and Bftty 'of -Br4cefie1q, ou0 crAw ion his;:hand d at� ig of knee -a Londonr W4 station; 4y.George 'Miss J-6an. -., is tic on QlLw Huron JunL9 and, iran �uteis� v on welcomo.'&the: fittWs, ffh throutb�five­foot,drifts, 'of soow�in­ M _Rob i­�Go -of t- 11 n. "ntarl"11� es order,jo, reach ''all b Buc e revealed mat s ��hosev-reeeivperjnto wi I in ., oxes. Some, an, ommitfie,-� eing-..� rq� eturgs td -Win ers e has:,- riven theji Talar� of theL Huron Anmated­one,� enth­ and o-- ��Rilih--A jarrott�- Siiaro.4: Sunday. from, pgUtutlons� a rodu men; hi mental re t -fo-4iAdyed _outlined --in -cV. thro'ugh--sna*-drffts-���ix:-feit-�;dee and te,16" -0 1 e, �;t. p- our in s as His famify consists. of �two daugh- -'-broadcast- -Mr.�-.Saniel-euA re -vis re to' u ited' didi s'7 ah'fion Plan 'fil(i -jiline ClUt the Villag4�-bh election'day tQn. spoke'-birie y,on vision. ac ors Will many -,�ol'th� "'4)piat6, ia Uldh of 'co 34an 'Tfirner,, David 06oppr Mrs, E. ousseau an -d krs, Mrs. 'Alv Windsor; t ughter; -userg', and- one4iijrd. man� ii brdeell9si's control and,�� , r one c Cathatines; als on to, ecome earM 6-%�e- radio 'stations at, Strat- yrie, -rs, prqsprxp qn;' d wo an, qb* r a ;M9dical will, carry' on with their S, an on Y, on t M� � not. I -M 'And' -t�: tfie. riners. WhE-6- de;; - d s 11m. Ed. Little fa e in ti I Keith ram4 c. ro es. d Hen§all: -be mak.� Mrs:�,Itoss Fabo' s e t a day,re-. t & -yet vailable C"Pi #dd'd thatIturni should' Lo614'' the 'broadcast -'.will be' A ersuni, ters, :Donald They sbouj& be sed, ')h'j. Afthur',oi CLEARY'S L-0 allis .:are alcoholics. -ing- prepara Mar' cen y.lm., ., 1, . " il� f St ti s b 6harteW Wit Po -rt Hij�oh. they win" bitzi 'free- are�f It was Littleton' Sbirley'. Reidj, Marjorie .1. �Mr. and.,Mrs. Robeit-'Stke t6 9 ildren a -Mrs.''C. W. Down�'presidtd for. the, Ch. an rg-, ei Lafry,%,of, Loh on, were �Si befiefits lild fofd at .. : W�ngli&m SE some, par 'th tibadfo, -me'etiiig and Mrs P6we'led in i -S d R "id �Maf�at4t ship§",-shbffld d Cha ters; d han ing e 6�r a er 'have Mrs gpe s, f th d'� b 'h and this, c sts of.,Mr�. Stoke gme. uestiori t�� :,,Hgg , Hendrick, pe r10 goV -ninei deVotiona Lobb,, Presi4 uld'bP"di C ssed,hkA:he',h of the w9, s u ext: A- I �Mm. W1llfdin:,,.Con,- Robert: omson, t orman IC E tiMr,: and: Mrg.'. N' D" k �rt, rbe ors ineeth sitt; AMAIEUR .e inc 4 C utton-, questio-n.'ed :the Coun Y itea --Mr, I' als o- vis Stifidaj, aft" rn6oxi with rel� on ave een b a es soy can grow,ers�­- -Whil e, the -up -very wih of the, b 1. la services render� r�quest !Or a, 'A .higher tariff, 4.Z,_ : I . P—F,,T: -Ma 0 —fairf no c. apge, In mm� me' P oiie­,t)Iird.of stic".reo -thieie�:'-is-.� howe, thin j,e 0s, An, �j d t ifivited� p.m.. ine n`ts a�r6,,`--p'roduiced, m- Canada amount of at the t _rs" d `b 0-dges:� of is e T,, an y, upaAlinous re4uest- ow� a SE ai FR1DAY,',A` IL-1 A :,, � "' 1 � , :W 0 -N I it R t higher -tariff, would, w requ I e. .,cost of w at7we have o im- .can WXUL-Aftem s mm�,� In-. �answ6r t Ymg an cons d 'd' Pgesidents of Farmer's' m T, y inean, t at efied froin� visitors 'an -4esi ents, a, d6-, SERVICE it h b6, done, on the -land Unio, V t goqd,,taiTi'b'pfore,.,riiiit!h- woik� and., continue: hi j' repedted requests� niay iake'p4rt by� notif is F0 The 4plesap, . has been-'repor forth, so.. -the cost to Mr'.' M. the'.f6eder would go up. t d & map of, 'Sea local talcnt--�,-n6 Ate­�hniit. iij inI ' 6,1' The 'G' f' Dalton, s of the mig"frely" r',.6ict Arid, rs -Murray ed -t6 be','runp M t a stre DAMRtoli AW one .,,,only get 33 1/3 bents� 1 y o is d f 11- 6-ved:loh Saturday location.- of public! �buildfts syrup rngdii,.. all - a,111 y"M to m -'t near Seaforth.�,, been publighed:bf-Th I �Vmrpool Dryer,� en � wolild get,the. other- 66 2/3 �Farrhers.. Turon victot Al dvm� 44 orbillls-�of--Pp e., -M, positor; '--Printed ',dd -heavy leder! Vura-Bried.Landrhee, ents.: After Mia sVine n jd��, Yourself 'JUGS -RO Mrs., Alice Cook' of London and in Memorial I ei�jmap ip:Av4j,[l t papeF;1 th Seq t C� A16 g�, Pis nger 'CHURCH -'G-' UP EPORT-MEET pr, enme �jch116 rin dent- Mrs.� -W-.: the s Ing e Exeter Prompt. S -visitors w -- pee ing. of, NOrthSI 41; o-, ith-their- meetin''by; i6adir. GeneraTWMS was' open7� -nielia 'Mc'Clj� ea C-ub--virsona business" rea ing men Mont., th "Ch Sh th d poem -by, cM�ted the eii, o inton Quests.-fr6rh ED �LEA4k,�, ,Mrs. "Ball. ay ppen-,"were we Ie�,gCi6,st -OU�her`son and d � -was apppiftt7- t rs. A. h T RA .777 coeed�,­to--Lth tift" �Thirtyri OWer-:Br­a'-ke--s--- W xau# v: id k, Em S e,=mee of M been cohiplete S, d tic­-�-very eage.,,,- 'I !In a evemn rs,, .. -, :16W 'mi d '97V e s 6 pron, w- eire ina e' during thi� �month'. to. t '-�: B. 00 * a n, qC a be, held in, &oines aiid :,M th6,, hospitdL MOUNT-FORESTI, un, th tiac' Hardtow-4=Doo 16V�l --7i* r -4957'Pon o as ­j hbspitaL-6alls-.'� sse ry, 'Stains: Re'�W -6-r6up-a-�epo ­ted'-19­hoine cu d T6, alf thos'e'­ More Spoft �md liers ruP Mis'�: h -mi eage: Garindlite'stay clean loiiker III 'f&�':Apili are Mrs', P B. Mof- talk m e' ii C Will Weir longer. t Cr�oupllaf6 having:,a,tea' and fa , and- Mrs., I i raviss. d n�my cam 1957 ev. andad S.6dan" i ericir e( F'6ne. 666 �r 2, S;eif6rth: -6 bratinj -14. pril at, rayer . I �, 1, ; 1, 1 � D h Al 'R U e C 6 1957 Ch6v., e uxe oach, ra, s aw'' d' lis. it i was appoint6d' J. 'L-,11' ANDY'C B- h an" 76N mp late po e :iE I pa'ign and sup it d.. th 't t�k- b 11" udsou'..;� Stores' "Detrbit, or 1656" Td6harch "Haratc p A �T gpiat, St."Matthew; 28;i -was', read t o ,er 01i�ch.plates. Mks.� Ba& 3�o� the.� 011s, 1 con- as�ed' . ..... -rs Moffat. , iss- ie; r wr- emn e aw er -,Am "''La ,e e, qne of.theaV. :�6f ave. -a ailk­;on the t a Prayer, 'which is a mg p. a c 49t. h stqmp - — - I Orey,towfi' Stew.ar--VAII 'Sli 7-t S 1: rne as �.--Adth- -the a over 'to Mrs R da' a'' 161st�,ITuron attalion: in'lth&, Sedan a -Tea -1953 Ford U a:vi.-' i B, i�4beed;,the- program w guest charge n s�uryived ib aacrut �7,8eda jhe t Y'llis, wi e'.'"the Edn-a", J kl- I will �c6nthlue ;to .:speak c K in On i952 ie'r, f �J� ke,y 'U H., 06 ; I Deliver -det. I hited Ch p; one; a-u­ghtar` Shirle A tario, Sir &chi MTs; E�` se ed in,prayer to'wji§lii 0 9 a me;,�.' 9he brother, 949:-M6t' i;.,, represent everyone n '7h y t6n',­Wiho�­ , 0,11- tbt� Ullite foll6wed, by"- Mrs, Cuthill're�adin N Chur6 and'the,story-of th�ir,: way- the scilk-fire; t �,the �w hiels-, Belgrave; aind�� one sister ffuroif: -:c6nst tuenev 1946 y of w6iship 'in. Newfbundfand'..'Mis. ehftpfek,�of:"Sf-', ��Luke'-, Geo'rge:j,. Johnston Alorr]S' ues �sppa t hi ames ewari sang­a­sioloi.: inQ6d,uc6d the �k P oist:�. .1.1-1. I., � I.. TWO KELITIV "LAYERS i x st t k p d Refuse ave n'_the� was, ma e -:at De olt thnked',by-�Mrs. J., Al. - Sicott. ol-, 10 d -r.:'SAMUEL ph_ nedictidn." a, Sheep at amue, h6rhas . . . . . . . . . . . ''pas hajf-hodr, was spent u Y,r n Mrs. n t Whyte 'Walde" GROUP WA. Mr 'c or A] an rs;-, on on, Brokn��.and, t I L iarch A, wa a SEEK "to oru�. in,,' Colborne F ide ria ps I a sun - roup;, I S a _jib� b' home a aS� -low with 2V "Mrs Close .-Arid Mr E EM st'of his'life held �'At`the home, -0 k ot Aor Garn am, or the usv of er nd alw�the Woe ee­�. 0� on CWiff V, -the 6stess­-in ser S 'PH NR'541 -the roll assisted .+ar e own- WaWanios� 't answering in 0 w -11 T �p ar, 71 I r. se t, u- eAM ghters umse h-' 106 dau Dun- fiftoa,� Mks. S Lo- d' ter Mrs - W. -;HI. 314k AERAGM- eve,�of.,Qodqj. �others, ....... . .. oh - WHI E EGGS Cephus, ingham,�­ anC[ ar, 289. T M ow ��v hall' 0 Funeral can ucf�& :N te�ts 1956-57� d Tdes d n eW.. AA- 'gnt �cemetie 999 MICHAEV E ]EIAGGARTY L h4d 16s§" thaji� 2%: mortah y to 11 Rk 2, Vonkton, passed, away in, hi 090, ajid, showed "1 ied 73rd year.'r. He swrvlved by is a 8.3 fe, thb,,:former'�Var g4ret ericieney of .0 ofiod' pek- dozen eggo�. The Also, surviving., are ive- "d tek :2 rs (Ella neuest ."Co PeUtiV16AaY6rjr firee), Guelph; AJhert'Scliae rR ROD EY -Frai*, S � I N .. CYATS---, Y-­-DATS test! gVera.6,eiid ' I tap eton, (Kathleen) Galt,,' iggs 1e"-'thAn.4*SkY7* -14A. (Helen), C, Mrs.- ''Robert erfifted L A ondon; Mrs,. John OTL011k (Mar- garet "Com nie Indl Stratfor& t, rcli I Nq'. 1 r ifil�n- '!our" pon, at hoirie CENERAL MOT00 'YALUE. A& Frank, Lohdonrii�'and Jerome wind� was held,,- t"Lb an and Service Y 9 BARILI burial was at. Mitchell. ZURICH Certified N 1�giStired No I O -i Zurich, 'And Hay;, townshi 6h 'Coi�MeiCialtr eBri& �.jp NO. el .a(sseO �9WAY'Yrida e,in EV a P thie distr!6i,�.fOr7irfi"y'�,,ye��irs. e�- s urvivo 'wi& th former one, son- R oyi y I e GrasS1i,,0d,C16vek '$67 e I n WAAL OUTSTANDING NEW Pe OkI LoVe'-1 Hay to,�M_ Y ship;: Mrs.. Harold Bell (Edith)" 'OG [A ER PE R 'I I Hay � township - Mrs. �Oordon! Blo Coht, aCt (Grace), KhCh; 6)a6i brother anl.r SWM. -is jle8dA6proc1uce Jmestwo siAers Silente tayS�r Ql6rn' about ]pjrSt� on Aronger X-buili coils at, fout w btob -,SOA up ;k 30 es place d, shocl "so Md' Cha6q4- Stephenson, H �all, and bie, c hevrolet7s, stiYusts Iiko; a:; I" Albert gel the S.' engmeM ,*Wt tven new �B�Qn engine R Regina, Sask. ji�okio�'4: Xpomiegt Ahd most Cheyrol' et -f 1 ING, SEED .,!'OATS,, -viftj-WAs held'in Zurich.., Chevrolet!' Quieter S ek"'t e amig J. MALT 1A LEY, er 6d- -fd - ever, pla er to brid ness uxitrious- N y thi a- 9 YW $ASP=- ot efoe.,.., F G 'betterd'by'ainy qif� 'at ighe �i Si. =en, re g, ailb. In tell �'inqoth But, t n 'do oW ;-pnc air Ade n �efS S;jW,to it'r Pj —the .1, ever '195r ymg that �C vro e Baftkr"' body itt to,fty� I jh UP01y: inatched availabl&*; I bu j*, e. any pri t 111p, beauty. , , -of r102 RED,tw, RN t And:Ch6VrqI0,,mo es, rom 6'K9w 40w,,* �24 b�bl B enterW,�twith O'l itS I W. P. Next#- Ch6i�tpld "inaeps its Yet Ovvim this: e Standstill to, crUISIng. slieed ,ed, By Ton or rue -Lo 60al df; 285 6 �hen., T kr 99E! evro e niment �' provide,%, pow. er, r4fige - 'Wlth the W- 6st :d&-, tg dove ffier *adjC&jY 0yod�atrItS,fro 11(7M y OW 3 so 'A e greasei cientV8i &Ver built ptice.-- 9ed 'Ifii�s J si� '64 moie the A` fik 4 lightning With- or�iwb, see t tyi t, e -M oe 'pr k *big, go than the- .'�V rage' d but which 4ide new, *ith' I adhfiied-ih-bl' C�ev'yli its �gr hun�er.Then Ch to taord Caoadi"jft bir- .,cisioti 16i he soil seikd-,� is, con4'd PVY a n'd be n more _in pering d the; lende; .and th� ij�jd t of climate TbtaL6ngioo f ande and' th Coui 6rea� GpU Or C4r4t oni of t�Oo n,% stid c V�: gv;ftc, �ohoieeisnoWsjx, J.- 0 smoot tfansinissions, s.' e olet IM m oth i h V the iwideit eVor_avafl pffbxd, �i smalt adhl�� To�o WE' UUOie what: they Wan to b6 Mode"ith W He : � V to '-accepted; 0 its ic, ey, k' , : �3 kihoi of -Ins The biggo r the j the, les's "th j6 I I I r .. -Tal ,�boi# smoothri�sql. Chev- h 0 rI Ve iS er 6ut�iwdllow or d 4 M04, men p Aitfeiaiii 'know comp -rides:i.,Stft11dara .011' 11 - F 0�el% o Full 46-tely. Absolute n6i Aii'd V RX 4 ClifitO rain' road spF sio to roof iwof. if. I -Men a big Ad su '16'� �oi ding ph 841' k�L �5� Af it sup i�-declbivej no ma. er Vmce i Deefeel onsWer. Dec0Ption4& Political' gain, Sly' weaseliwordg- -it profusio, R 11 H a b h wUn97 b pronjises s'ROM -6 art 4' 'Confus , 1 , on- 7 Y0 WORIZED C1i1EVR0L6, 6 tj APPRAISAL — PT DELIV00r,-- AU 'the Aft "ALR 'O"r Voi politics - is the mirrored §qul A& - YO On" d ti Of half-hidde A ddAjtes 'And &e6d, FO �ONE WAen ;AM6, to, 1111MAni es We RTH NOW"*"