HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-04-04, Page 2• -.Since 1860 '$:erving the COrnmunity First Published at SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, every' Thursday morning McLean j3ros, Publishers ANDREW...Y. geL:FAIst-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: • ..Cartacia, (in advance) $2.50 p. Year - .1.1nited'State&,.(1U:40410).-...;3,60. a Year -:$31N9I4E COPIES .EACH °Authorized. as Second Class Mail, Past. Office negartraent, Ottawa SEAFOR,T1-1, ONTARIO;-APRILA, 1958 Member of Canadian- Weekly Newspaper Ass0Ciatian - CKIA .RETSg ORDER -,To TIM '7?eAPER.4 „Titus PAM? I s GOes.liandirrliorid With Election Victory anadian voters in no uncertain -1;37:•-tlie.'`.satnei Diefinbaker goverh- rms indicated Monday that they , merit, Na ._longer. will it be .possible '''S'ed the Diefenbaker..GoVeriiinent . to talk in vague generalities': ,andget ."-. an. with the job of governing ' avoid responsibility for unsuccessful- _ Ada.. It was a sweeping victory. results." WhiCh--Diefenbaker candidates Won It is tO be hoped . that realization ctorie from coast to coast - of this -fact will resuIt in, an ,end to The result came about in the main the'rule-hy. exedieney whiqh bas cause there was -a feeling that the .charaeteriZed. -the Diefenbaker goy-, . Vernment deserved...a chance to,$ee- ernment .Sinee -it. Was - elected. last tit coaId do: The public condud-:-.... June, No country, Oen Canada,. with thadn't been in office long, enough her vast resOurces, ,can .adVance, and out its pledges, and to do so .._.prOspO, On:a, da -to -day program de -- p ed an over-all 'Majority. Cer- ; signed to farther SpeCiallatereSts or inly little consideration was ; given - the interests of particular areas Or to Lie accomplishments or failures of adncer-the-fortu,neS of the,-party,..in e, 'government and these- werenot,ToWer.", At the root otall legi"slationT. ; factors in _nnistpbe. an appreciation of the equal ' ika,',.ny record was under"Aviewt-- at of former ;Liberal goVerii-; h 11 parts Of -Cana-46:c. 'Olt who were continuing to be Mr: ...Diefenbaker;-:and those - Who - ,j4in ,dged _ the light- of twenty-twa.„. . support him•a heavy respon0- _ *ears in office, rather than the Dief= jpility. Canadians,regardless of pOli- nbaker government „ , ties,. wish .them well in the discharge, Overriding all these cons-ideratiOnS, of that--responSibilit' - f course was the evangelistic,fervor ' . nd enlotional appeal whicheSmall en res Best 1,,rime Minister was able ,to move the with a dramatic _presentatiQU There is -strong reason t�suspect of his Vision. They thrilled as he .. .,that Many parts of Ontario are rap-- -- tOketched„ a vast northland., papulatdd idlygethng themselves into atinost with hundreds Of, thousands of Cana:, :1"!-dieffinit poSition s the .res-uft--6f7the ians, a northland bustling with. ac- .present trend to Centralize indastry. ivity; they became indignant with . There ,are "which as he protested over our tradethreaten to .take on majorPfropoi-, fwitb the United States' tons in the future years, Comments . . But now the play is over and the the. Owen Sound.' Sun-Thnes. ...None Verninent is faced with the hard " can be more "serious than those i.n- ality of everyday living, No long— volving personal comfort and well - Ar: Can Air. .Diefenbaker take refuge being, .And personal travel; to and an opposition whieh he found"m- from .business,...promisest; oliki,151-e",-Irolers-have-frovidedihiro the most important- in this category iiith the working majority he sought . A., survey et -inducted in 'Congested in return will ,-expect the fulfil-, :-..:Anierican.: cities. by Fortune. 'Magar:.---. -Merit of those 'pledges so freely giV1.-- tine in . the TJ S, shows.. What -can n during, the past year. They -Will: -happen in certain OntariO. areas., The .,,expect the Vision to aeqiiire. some 'survey in Las An. geles, San Francis - meat and sinew. TheUookJr coand Wash1tQn,found-a- "stly- ..,,mard---to the long-Proinised413a1-ancect:---,-TpriSing "number" ofniotorists- f ed "1.1p • budget, but probably would settle for with drivihg. • Yet public transit, .any budget at all, as long as they, were permitted to learn .hoW their finances stood, They will aWait, With interest the reconciling of the. oft --talked about Diefenbaker bir of ...rights with the nationalistic attitude ,..of Premier Duplessis and his lack of concern for the rights ‘of_the •The achievements of the next -few years will be t� the credit of the •' \13.1efenbaker party, and there will be few Canadians who Will be unWilling, to co-operate to the full to the, end that the Program of the Party, can be fulfilled. By the sarrie token, for the --first-time...in many years, the respan-.- 7sibility for- results., bad as well • as • good, must be borne :inits entirety ; now available, is sPurned because it is either tdo .slOW; too crowded; too.. filvolye07-transierririg, or• the .service is .poor..... - . The:Sun-Virries-'stiggests that it is 'still. Passible in Ontariofor govern- ment intervention Wlifeh wauld.pro- mote, the growth of smaller cities and town and put a Stap'to.the-Shacking growth of 'metropolitan areas It 6 that-sueh interveh.tion4presents . 'Very serious problems, but it is the "Ontario •GoVerninent partieular 'which will have to reinedythe needS-- of greater metropolitan Sewage, disposal; water supply, and highway arteries' capable.of handling the even Tlarger concet,ttrations-.,0 population in -the future:, HAP Homemakers -Clubs,, lect58 Officers- - . - Scaforth 'Club , 'At• the first.meeting Of the Sea--: forth ,4-H Homemaking Club, Erma ;ToWrisend Was named president. . Caro1ineoWffl be tile seere-- tarY. Pianist is 'Gloria Carter and, 'press reporter, Suane IlaOh• The ,riteeting of thclub," to be known ... as the,Club C-irls,Stand on Guard,.. -was- heldat the-honie'of the lead- er, -Mrs', -W. J,. :Whte.' The record book and the first-aid,' kit' add comPleting of it- were dis- cussed -I)y; the group. -Noles'..Were; given by the leader on "The Club . GirlAs a Canadian Citizen." She-, Fan/in-del:I them how :fortunate the Were to live- inn ,country like Can-. Walton, Chili, ' Yvonne Pollard wag elected pres- ident of the Walton Hoirienaak7:, iiig-Club at the inaugural-- Meeting - Tuesday. Held at the home of the club leader, Mrs. D. Buchanan, 18, :members w_ere present, AsSistarit, leaderls Mrs. R. Waite. 'The club isknown t,his Year as., -the Canadian :Girls' Stand on Guard.'• - Elected, secretary Vtras Shirley, Bolger; • press stcretary,- Anne ' Achilles; pianist, -Irene - Son. Ditring'the meeting the lead- -er,diseussecl the -record bookS with the members. Meetings will be , held every Tuesday night dt 73O, Topic for the night waS, "Why It's Great To Be a Canadian." A delicious lunch was served bY Mrs. SEEN NT PE FEDERATI .Safety.:Martuals Ditiuted Five hundredcopes of the of ficial Safety: ',Manual, -a -_,-tyPe o penilebook' publication, -- stressing' the; safety • rides: Of the road and the home ilistrilnited-to the pupils .' of • Clinton -"e•Piiblic, School-. last -Week, by chof;H:.,.R: Thomp- son. These books willbe kept in the SchoOl: for -•:Study tinder the. guidance. of the . teachers. -Clinton. News-ReCiird: • • ' ' • -„: Dant NotFailing'. Apart - - - Hooke‘ , •has reassured some Weiried Usborne. isn't ..going- fall:Apart' people- that the , Morrison darn:An: Ans,able Autherity-fieldnian, -G.- The :app.arent craCk in the ceinent, wericof'tliedatrifian"tdatitago.'..it',S, an expansion joh1tw1irQ,anope- ing.' was.„:..,ekneetect.'; tatekir the official Christening _Of the Aiisable structure has beea set' tentatively :for .It,s,..e.xpot60, the. strtiction -and,,,Stinplcritental wi1ihe -colninieted• -by :that tixne- ljxeter • Says Stop? -Stop!; _ . E.xeter-Tollee "-Chief: Reg ':'Taylor- Warnedthis, be rio. immediately• :against Viola-. tors:of the new stop street regUla tions which .'.have ,' gone IMO,. effeet with , the-, erection:.of new signs at: a mimber f town InterSeCtionS2 IA7'6-.116113 ditteli4:,to -issue a.ny; Warn-F,- itigs.te.• 'drivers:, Who :„tgirOrer-these signs; the chief Said. found. the :oniY way to enfOrte:a rgula- fin to do it prOperly_irighttrouithe . .rt "-Eeter Tuues Adyo. or -'ati excitittgly differerit gi . one thaCis truly personal and pr:aetwat..select 'a box ' of „ 119 ' Or'ilo-i'at.iractir'mly giftckaged iia ib; :-.C,Oloxinl.foil box., .reltOthro: Paper".by Idontag Personal izing by InterNational 4#4.(40(44**)441, • No Interest -No C. 'Of C. - "It is too bad that a townthe size of ,,,,,,,,,, destined to grow, should- , not have a'...•Chamber of Commerce," - contended. D ii_f f *Thompson, Clinton. industrialist, .on Thursday evenipg; • as businessmen met to•••consider the future of the Chaniber., President ip.„ p - .-c-brose "to respond to an:invitation 'to ,attend the:Meeting, 1741'01 was 'called fez' .the .purPoSe..of ]reergaii-., ization, there -Was" teally-,..nii:Inos-- Sible Chance for:. Ahose. ''.:WhO Aid 'attend :to expect ,any More ...inter- est 'in the future ' than had been Clintonshownifi .recent years: — New -Record.. : . 32 Years With ""lidard-''': , • George •':•: flelden.by, : secretary - •treasure S.S. No."... 2; . (Ki,t110#6 :Sellda):;;IOT he past "32 yers, hgs. tendered. hiS_ ,tifinand.'MiSsr:MaY,BOYle ihasbeen ,aPPPirited as hi ,g000St4).t:'', '$1143" 'esStiined her ne dtes last week r.-:_ualdeilhyls-t.to:iStfatetkOhe- ill.aki,-*Ah. '010- Standard Paving Coitinany,-,andliis.:WOrttl(eePs1.1iiM :absent 'front hoineIer leiigtliY PetiOds.'„'WhiCh ter •:, ,deciding - to. ',..resign,,,hiS, .school:lMard' officeJiisTesigna- tion was ''..regretfully received the Einiiitigh,,Beard; anderi behalf of',r- the, ':.-seetien, ,they.. •presented George .54:'reCognition. f his long:: andefficient sentiee, Itueknovii" Sentinel.: , -- • ' • • :-.-•ArtangenietithaVe------.been-terit-,: Dieted for te....be..held.,.ha the, local :o!eieck on Fridyyenfng, When: ; invited repreSeritatiVeS'.1Of yarious organ disctisa.ciVik:defetiee,and the Part *Mai' Can ,belakenbY., citizens' of -Winghain :and-Aliesuriptintling dis triet.''.....The;stihject has been touch-'•-• ea'..i.iii61.75.k.-7..teivit--e-ouriairlii&other CiVie boditi.., several times in the idat.' five years but p� definite 'ad,. lien: to ,implement eiVilt:Aefetice • plainiing •was'. Undertaken few nionths.,ago, wlierrthe admini .stretriX and-Mernhers : ofthe hes-:' PitatStaff.. along., -With the .doetors,. police and thetailies' AuusiliarY to .the),',1-1(ispital.• Worked 'Very eoniplete, split ofati0ff b ease' Of Windham bell explained...that since only 11 Advanee-Times., : • • 'Frotii. The Huron ExpoSitor • " 1933 • • , J.' Whiterwas elected. ,presi- dent. erthe Seaforth- I.iawn -Bowling Club at their 'annual .nrieeting on Thursday evening., Mr.L,Isaae who • for a rinmber oFeari":"iil'S-:heen:. locai agent' forGuiinI glis COMPanY,, 'has' left- the eintipaitY' ' and has .started'in , business for Iiimself in thestand tiorth, of The Expositor offic,e, .recently 'Vacated' by the Company. Mr, Wesley Green, hem, haS _been' moved to Exeter. Who has been buyer, for Swift's ' The Clock 'hi ,:the,. tower on the Cardno blOcks Which has been :fam- ous as a timekeeper in Seaforth. And' district since 1877, 'ran down on Sunday night at -9:05- pan. and Will.. 'Mt *be rewound. Mr. Cardrie made this ,deciSion when the, an- nual:4aymerit, Of $40,1 :which the. toWn haS ,been making towardS the upkeep o1 the 'deck; was qiiestion- ed 'by smite, cotificillors as :an '.ex- tuayaganed. was maintained that the Pest' Office •- clock was 'quite sufficient. • • •' . „ •-Mr, :James 'IR, Scott,- of Scott's 1?otiltry Parnil fetititl,.in his yard One 11Wiast weekcn-,orrier. gig -eon - :with NPA 29-1c,.:;,162/0 On a'. band • warhtouritit th-es not ,k froti!, • Froth The Ilitr.on •E'xpo- April 3, 1968. •-.A serious . train: wreck, oteurred abOtit- three Miles:west of Seafottli last Saturday morning, as a•:restilt. o wbich engirie and several cars -Were' smashed and _the eri-, ithiecr aoit, iniiired;:. the former -being Mit •ankiktilsedi .the latter' had,Scime 'rib a broken. The 'flood, catisect by the :itealty, stain: on Ericlay..night, had Wider.: • Mined ,ti eidverti.ivst' back 'Of the farm .of bale; •'Stewart Bios., OPIt- agents; )10,1(6 ielteted the followvat t the.West YE Interesting items gleaned from • The Hurcin Expositor of 25, 50 and 75 years ago. to. Saskatoon;• G. G. -Turner, Sea. forth,. to -WinniPek. " • this Week:. George. Reid, aievaraii; .1.;ast • FriclayLidglit-,thiyicnity was viSited-by a _very: hetiry Chun', _ derstorm,„ One, of .1he . Worst, ;old= timers say, they hay,e ever se* • here., The rain tame down, in -tor- rents and the roads Were like:tilt- ers,,,while Cellars all 'o'er were fldoded. :Tlie,_ cellar: in -Mr. Reid's • store; Brucefieldi Was filled •nearly to the top and a quantity of goods were destoreyd. •. . , Front The'lluren Expositirr .. . . ... ' April., 6,._ 1883, ."'• . . ,.. , ,- .. . . .. , • We notice, that Mr: E Hollings -- 'head and a gang of millwrights are 'busilyengaged in. changing EYle & Musttrd' millin EgMohd- ville from the old system of grind, ing with stories,: to the latest:Hun- garian; or rolleP .system. , Meeting ' .of tlie'Fire :Bri- gade '-on. Monday, Mr, James A. Cline resigned his position as chief, There were two nominees for the• Position,: viz., Messrs. D. Hogan and George A, Sills:, A yote of the con-ifiauycbeing-taken,-.2Mr, •Hogan 'Was declared eleeted bya 'Inglot7 • ' • • ••: Mr. A.,Strong•ulet With a painful aceident'on. Ftid 52ETe Wa's cross- ing from, the post Of- fice' when he slipPed and, fell iteatr- ily on his right side) fracturitig' his eellarberm., ' • The- Canada Salt-ASsoeiation hav establiihed, thew • headonarterS- the Office recently °Copied' bY Mr John Beattie. • Mr. 'David Moore, Tuckersmith, hag 'purchased Mr. Smiles Iteid'i lioute and lot, in, Egmendville, posite the, Presbyteria4. Chbrch, for which he pai42000., ladinamed. john :Martin; sou of Mrs. Slimes Martin; Of -the secotut conceasiOn' of Tuckersivith, met. With„A.'16-P5t. athft aceid'eat. He Was chopping iit' the butsh, the 'axe glateed :and struck-.hiS fOot, inn -feting EY' CARL IllqIfq-GWAYj...=-- - , - - - - ••• Are 'Farmers :Too -Thoughtful y of Others? 2.' _ : attended..the --ideal WhiteThean growers7'...ineeting, in. Zurich recent: The White bean :.,,groWers ;are to; be cointriendedler thevery toed job they are.. doing for their 'mem- bers, They have gone just a little farther in the.;simeess- ful- Marketing, Of - 'their product than an other' ,fariii arganilatien. Met for not operating , a definte.,PrO;`, fitbasis.,..: The:beard's ansWer. was ,iliat.AlteY didn'twant to. interfere With7Private*,..dealers.; - The - -board also csee.mectwilling:: to: take: the low -0 of .,bea, •ns., that -.were' often..-clireeted-,te'sthein; 'bear: the .extra expeiise of ProcesSitig'. and: also look after:- the ::exporting �f .surplitses.'" They. also stay out of the cloniestic marketing in ,dispp.S. 'int' of the.beanS,..iest-theY provide,. embarrassing` competition te. clealer's.•; IS this' 'Tieing too:, rimeh 'of. the "goad- Sairieritan"? •• • I, talked, with a ',barber recently. He. toldree- that 0.• feW, years back,. shaVing was of the busitiess..,-,:dillette invented a 'Safe- razors:Were , in-' .trOduced.. 'past. '20 years, haf ofthe barbers have,: 'been.l_forcedjo. seek '.. theitrZclailk. ,bread'•i some . Other, line of en - •. WAS there:a "Protective associa4 Hon" •forined-Jor -:barbers:,-,-; and :their , • PuItry deaiers, paid:1 cents per .POund :les ; for' fowl .than deal- ers, Where. there:was..,a,.co-dp, .to supply ; a'ctive..cOinfielition..Shottla farmers .fee1 for these,:deal-- ers Wheti;' they are:•squed2ed clov,rit to a',..iitoderate,:incorite, cop • corn.: petition?'. . , , 'Sliould. farmers be.'''.aslted.;to tr tect the iritereSts' of non -coopera- tors Who ' yreap all- cornbetition Aalking. any responsibility in [the.. andeeas- ful•PPeration :the, co-op' , Th years. gone:,by,•,„the'', young farmer' hitched up WA team and 'Wagon, -irahbed. a slievet.,aridearii, ed . -a considerable' .sum 'of, -Money doing road'worli between seeding and .haariait Trucics• cant& •along, Wok,' tver ',theliabling -of gravel; and -iatiners--,-lostseineAratli77No* 'protective assoCiatioie.r, Was form- With -the intrddnetiori of mar- keting yards, solnefarmers are delivering their own hogs.Some truckers 'are losing business. Why Should the' farmer be -prev_ented from doing this just to -keep the trucker- in a job?, • „I do not, like :this 'approach; neither ' is • it- popttlar .With farm people who are,by- nature; tholight- bfillors::b f -tahte bwig,elfabrtie,sinoefsstheis, their • niteigihts, , :cold inmerSonal.way,_forcing farm- • ers to this vieW,„ , . Telephone Loses Money • • 'Conliary to .expectations,.. the .annuar meeting_ Of the 1 -lay- Muni- •cipal lelePhone SYstera passed ver very :very quietly. Only 'a, small handful of. subscribers turned out, insteadof the ; full hall that was .anticipated. .the -financial- pert Of the. system: a net .loss of $10,476:71-WaS, shOwn for the past year.' IteeVe Valentine Becker was chaWmanorthe meeting, and gave A brief iresunie -of-the-sYstereVad- tivities, .thiring the'past year. eXplained „how, after the death of the 'former: Manager, Harry Hess, •the 'Council bad 4e1t it best to .change' the Managerial sot up of the telephone' system 'He tektof the many obStacles the eouneil had the •,,"reopgatiiiation prci- cess: Beeker alsO explained 'Ittjlhelail!-teh4e$°-11Sy!otermra.•billidglethste m'raoT.esY: the past few .years.,,, and an- effort vas dtta seoiiijd inliariaden'etojaibbrainigs. itrallkacis addressbe told of how Grand Bend wasthe largest source Of revenuedrcthe systent:-Zuricir eiI izens News. ,-•••;• „ eatfol gAsh. beif.Av tut InSteP „ y 'JAMES -,scopT, was more ' than' a little SlirPriS ed :and Shoeked.the other day whezf. read in Jhe .paper that , young: lad, not Yet twenty',' When giVeri .Choice between a -,ten -dollar -fine •anda,'Week in jail, said to the mag- istrate 'that, he Would rathen.gole jail ";`,it all. the, 'same,- to: yon." - 'And this Wasnot becausethe boy did' not 'have the ten' dollars,. He had a steady., job; and, more- -over; the ,inagiStrate,. Whe,';'kneWs a good dealiinote 'abut jails 'that' 'the -hey? does, ,, I offered,: to „give.' him' lotsr1QfLi4e-. to the- money for the fine. But the bb' ii StubboriandaWayki pail, he went. -.T;_.wOridee hOW-- that, .lad_.is now?: I-4onder What.- spirit of misplaced . bravado made'. hini' decide to .go to 'jail- J.•. •the . first- place. I..can only ''gtieSs that.. the ybting: .fellOW • •iii4de his decision :en.:' the ;spurof the 'Moment and that-, -in ",Aping:,:he thought he. wotild' be inaking.thnself:soine warped kind _of,higAhot.• ; He couldn't terrible thing, -At is. for -a • Man . to lose his -freedoin' ." 'Nor- Could have '1(nowit..bew• dangerotiS it cat 'be, to ',he eorifined' with: only ,people. wh�are at otids-With,Society:,and • , have ,neveloped im- pulses „because ,they cannotfit, in., Now I ,have. never -yet; been in jailnayself,.. but shall: ;never get hearitiKabotit it frorn-:One Who Spent" tWO ye3ri ihtlie-1:EnigStbii ' This was a. Peer woman who had rnade is serious slip-Whoin-we.took into., our house, the- first tvvo Weeks after,,she came out of jail. She •bed hanie, husband, _and chi).- , -area: to go' baelc- to, anirev antual- ly she did, but she felt' she 'needed. little'.time to rub off' the effectS•-, '-prison'-before -she- was- ready -; .take. up living with her loved .had heard .about her, case and; we, thought that couple of .weeks in the good Huron'Countysunshine'• would: do for -to rehabilitate than - all the •do=geoderS in , •=-Tifeidentally, -it-did: -She -is' now- , • „ on.ce more restored- to society, .and_ . is '-a----happy--andr espected rneurber .of the,community to which- the farnity went to inake a; fresh -Start: . I3ut in those, first day -a outof jail all she could do was, talk= and. talk -abont her 'terrible -ordeal: She triade is realizei, as never before, dreadful', rit is, -to be confined.. - with ,,people who -have nothing _to: beaSt,about,but their prime against.: -their fellOw -She told .us how. -this blood until. you begin ,to 'wonder if all. thel goodthings of living -ever existednt all.-• She' told us how she despaired'ef ever becOming a real. Anil, so I wonder' h� that poor' •lad is getting^ en. Fortunately be . n�t hope,etihnain!, that it eit;h, aw,e1Wlflee:ebet: 0. , enough. ogatyh.;_ to make hjmWant 'to' slaY' out -61'1 " trouble' forever. But he made a dangerous choice • •' Read 'the Advertisemevts — It's a Profitable Pastime cNFILL yqua aAsicrt witHirtles0.;.'s • ' ... ' Taal' commereial ineat,otitnut hi 6atiadio • during 'LW amounted to S5,006;00 'poundi..or five ger dent nrin ST United Buyers' Stores ,Green Giant • NIBLETS.cogN Del MOnt--.:PancY Quality FRUIT COCKTAIL. Treesliveet -- Florida- OltANGE JIIICE • , laeter Pan -Sweet MIXED PICKLES - Garden Path-- Choiee TENDERPEAS 1.. , SAICO • Fancy White Meat. T.U. - i-ou,NcE TIN 1.4 -oz. Tins 336 • 20 -oz. Tin Lge 48 -oz. Tin 27c -Ingersoll • CHEESE •• -1)1 SPREAD. • ac'f'-tff I34;oz. jar 16. -oz, -Jr • .2 15 -oz. Tins.25 . Del Mont TOIVIA 0„. • OUNCE I 110111,VS u • New Blend 1.9 NES • • *INSTANT COFt.*g..: . .Large G -oz• , • 0c, off Jar , -DON"I! I�ISS TIIESE TREMENDOUS MONEY.- SAVING VALVES ! ! I)ominion-Granulated Sngar. 5-4b. Bag 4 , .Robin_llood Angel oad Cake .. 5, packo.g. nixo -- • Jelly Powderg 3 Pkgs. 290 ' Largeo k• "J tr,rt Battle 3 C 'SPIOINTO •:6.1-413AING NEEDS ! ! JOHNSON'S.'PASTEWAX-;-41 , .. . . .. ... . 69c JET SPRAY: 110.A113.S:.BON size .. ... . .. . 69e 36 OPE-NEW)MITOR ME-AMER-4 Tins 2c - LspitriedatilBlesavem.h..I.t171,Ea:to..10-44a1:!:-.4..ieldialt-epi.allak,tittig:;;;::: 27.96: • YOtilt VNITED:BUYERS'STORE . • Vrt nt tyiny Sea o