HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-28, Page 107-:, ....... .4 COS 0. $EAFQ 'AACH,22,, w-=zxURQ1g rmprosiT , RTH, ONT., 9 A _77 T R E' 01 REOE NT ­Tfl E A SHAF RTH.1:�, �h, rch Notices. "IT - .­ . C U iz; HURSDA- RIDAYMid $ATIURII�Y. e in--,-; .�.'Virst Presbyterdaft'. Churell. '30, P 9ornin9,Sekviqe;, 4 . , VPS )9T 'DOBIBS. lk erWa w you can see' U Int- 0 ces eyerme_m hisAirst. ftill4engtb motion....ple LIM top: West�rni 'Stitr ' f TV' A­S'tory of qspens,&,'4pd,suspjcjbn! Powpr,,,pAqked� With, stirz* k adventure!,,, 4 I HSU X Bethelt,'A*30, Eastern an ar cl-po !I In 4ttack!-, Cavan -2,p,;m-, -Excitement, bTbo d*' g �'a,sayag W COMPOSITE, D TAme.:.� Rev. W. H_ Summerell, 7— PlkT' A T "ngh _4�6rtb._ - homas Uan TCoififtig Pray. '1 11, Eveg er NVER ay of � th Xg, at,10%. below.' regulak' 4*i. Ap -song 4� 30 p.m.,3 � Holy Co mi-imtinioiii 0 t4ejbid' Sunday fh'6, Sund e-Tuonth at 'Of. t Th-' w avC, One S TATSON' u. y 4 x or I, li O"�A s elibbl, SundayS OTICE— ow h h v every Sunday,mbfnifig- at'ID at id e nes a: W F id furdayAnere. will be TWO ri ay and an e­ T46sdAy;, We dn6s_; �$eaforth id t and Thursda� 0 Agents,; u S cond'�ted,by Mrk ervices :JOHN Rev. 11,Kondrick, Fastr.` lit i7,111 11 It Norihsi&, �Ufiited' _BID�, Br RENOVAT 0 stet, Rev. ve W; HalL D.A alm SunzOry-,10 - 00 Church,� Schdol-and Adult", 1 class;,11 a�ln.,,.Wornlug t,b un- jpi C4 Sacred )ngreg4tioft; 7: maw ijarkness- an Unul, ta canta :Presented �byjjie M Offir Egi,�ondvffle.,.tjnited'.Cliurt!h.-I)r "T Semple Mi Y, :R6NSON ELECTRIC RAZORS, .......... ommilipon;, r o)ung� -.th :�,f�IGARE --.LIGHTERS. ......... ...... ...... ....... 1 7'.30 Pageant,by e TE 150: _peop e, 6-5-fo-#4- unior, D.40 fbIR ed--b-Y'Com- OW U m"",­CbuK h Scho iBNATION, AP 50;,- munign, 'COA CIG ETTE QA�j -an 3'0 3.00 3.00 Bible Clas�6- CARTER 'WAl Chinj ro C t ALLET and'KI per, ooi C ijdra�; 4 festivitiels'�by,"4n,'oete.tte of -D the-- ',W tiblin hi t e-1 f SnLIWE were --performe e._Dubhn� Piatrick' 2 Class .11 e,,pagean Kraulskj­ _'O'Rer y,..,an k �Seh EDWIN WATCH �BAND&�(_Iqxpdhgl ......... . ever Sun ay _:_Butt6r� - H-dif People 'Easidr dnM e Paa e ................ PIPES rom-50 Cell S 11 p Me b . CH rn *UKH, _A, CRIBBAGE. BOARDS ...................... S, ers 11 JW -W M S A 195 135 M E I�OLL R,:5 c.garet e.size� 9 an' 'L Sacri ic AT R CIG 1. - Lawyenciz C Mrs, 0 B],T_-U_.A R: Rev. 4 'I in Sj�ott,: A ernor� -PAPE-R-MATE a ri 2.4 2-. -W-8 U N,D A Y LEMOWS;`XAX -Smith, wh, is 11 ....... ..... 9 00 'MRS. JOHNIVIcNICHOU -ial Hos'pital p 'es,'Anme And Pear awr.ence as k ff 1.98 RCEL- SERVICE, .6aAed,' on other n. o PA Qa'ri,,v�right Hawley; w o m6nun h Two- e ... g� a,nd Re Mb�ftis and Top ........... eiigers.dnsurf�d: . -our spent the p 'TOBACCO� CHES ............... 2.50 1,75 Com -mum, on l-fowjship,� passe& away Mon a3 "The Aiternoon uxiliaty',of th, I e POjJ ... ...................... ...... cep months- ih��Cali It d , in friends ast.. h, of ontirMati(m - Class CE a r -�B�ann6n. aud h M. DAVE, - - i e :o er London follo-'! .-,Mr-. d �1. �Gene. N,oinei3�s�. issiqnary Society',,. of f&liia, has r, turlle&'t F— children. of K. Sanday. here. a y, spring t Killbp,­f6wnship.,, she' was in her es Mr. J.,R.,Sp, hank teriiln.�.Chdfth held its (7 ii�g �: a,jelpgthy 11bies. in, NIc- hlkota,,�spent, Firs� Presby Q. r, Choir 6Sth -and Di_- -glIeStr of 'his,: brothiar, - Mr.- RU5� the Tuesday a ar. Th6''Jormer, Isabelle Kistfier P, -676 ith- M�s, Chatl roat North Ba W,b brok, she"*, daughter of the Mr sell Sproaf,� this- week w0SRV-FN �-Srei ew� ------- :0 7 wo in the- f6teign fields F wnd7with her'�mo er, rS ITs TNF—.- arry-Be-unewies, son "M ;,of S- C _a rs-,: alnupl Storey -�isfted� over 'the Nve6k,7-, i�ronl,ar.y, 'Go& njch� t enneies, S MOT �and received �her r1v, �educa ion e] B _S�att gave, a, vivid-de'scriptibn' 6T 'union,. at _S 0. Ae Y, -forth, r6 ri ay sion rk GMM D U ..Piorst 'S e� Me- rs�. John L Smith 'who recent- roIr ann 1919,.," h '.mairied John Children! To condi- -:pa ien T ie�-tg vNikht'; tions in the, work. there: :1 hq,-sur­v`iv'e' 'Sh ly Fieleb 793 as a s�­, e was a rated her, bruar' oper�' msmce,_r e ia 'birthday i& -,fon'to*. F I , 4e,'� 18� an �fl P Blyth::Vuitie& Church.-' a patient in. Scott Memoria he: remi ier men ltogetbet� t 'Mrs Sam Phillip am OPP' Constable and Mrs, OMOII for prayer and�'study'and froiii,mit: dj t her, W6 towash, brot 6f'Chatb, ENT so here at'honle Febrd- heart d6fe;�t' urvivors ,,al .--Include',,, o'n'e son pita ated, :TIU 116AD. TO EMNA1 arm. DeliverieS, e--purpose��,of the hearty we coxne: G li:� and 26 CEM --ON' WMS­4s�,to gat �AN �ajnlilcl, islting:,, ir U�N W, famyoil wi' Storey, were,her&this,wee Xerris'_ and "ton� t6"service: of h' d t e' Lor in'hc df of, o y,res rs., eoi Coneernj g The d Mr. ;and 'G ge: Love Mrs,:' s of the ;_6 ted,- at the:- home A' IIMet Z' d Communi y, c9un,ry rd' " the v�eekend`with Mr, an both of XcM pp - owns, 1p:, ir� J,'M Qove OC spent,. utterrhos part, a 0 returne c osing, s e inE Mor- of Godericli,WergiguestsAast week'' is's. Alarian at�on d her son; lot 13 concession h mtiongdAha for�.tie, t 4rh­ , - ''I . 'r 9 - ' h' I t , I service, of, Mr. m 'Q,alt,,]- ajirday� ..,w -ee F fro S --Officiated. Buria was- a.,guest. of his 'in cousin, Iss-'. -R :-MY­`Ruskin`Keys- -of-'�'WiTid§or,--,�vti's"at�4pn all ves, Sr maily benefits receive& beis: '86f Viinkr�thd -funeral --- of her _mwelin - _ ­. othe�,'Mrs� Mi Mar , y , _�Watson. mery-, P should iv ea P Scot o irmi, th bring aLthankoff4ing�aii sl Ker is'geriou y ill ow russels cein6ter. N61,s6n�'Ki6ys� o;V6rjhb' k morial 110 VIL41.. ss Jean' urne rrange ents- w 1uner a ere hald-� 'Mi Ti r, "of. Toronto, in Scott, �II14e f6rifig; which �c6sts b' sacrifice -ho- years� I h ,e een,.as e y "ith,ey Fun er a' I" s p th e w e eke"fiR a t' h' me pring the 12 ay b ',S66�t�d with her, The speaker � was'. introduced by, ss"Jessi&. Fraser Dixblffi-, � reamery, a e ers: ave DUBLIN hd Pou tt 'Pa' John Th6ulpson," b C�_ _'Onj ___�e_f __d_—_4 PeF e afl re �7e ay'l olldnd, .S "IPPre 'I �v h -CO, aurig Scott Mr Kchn6th Beattie� 0 I- ' ell, -pi James �',Phel a harines, was a vi sit 6, M7 priesi&ffit- A. P mO,�.Se.aforjth mes., Is ents p6 nee,. du'r- iit- her. and apened. the. me6tj nsun aun is Charles. -Sou eli, - diik6nce - Job t' M s - Carolyn Hol th ,:s nt the: weekend the thAnkL theiii..patfb As8ista ome. INIc !son. FlDwex-��ve e B Bill -'Mrs', G hirley Horan,, Bftntford� Shall, GW h k h poem, "My' resence I ing t at'Ai ' e( With�� � Thee!', ie'a& . 1. IL 7,.; . "., . ., , 11­,,��­­__ s d -M ' f ­_' ''' � M. aria magazines co - turn an �th e- ;s driptufe ollowedf paper 'fir ose- ��shfl pri 4­Aext,-4n&-,As:�.Of -wi 7-e re- eas6 f A I wi acl&tbd_Aind14y ca.0 or leave: at, -Da ton -an o' ere. she' spdni* the Q zin by-�-Miss '11 Niclxol,, Per dL'R SS"MC_.V� pas 11-k M ewe Murray an& by Mis§ 13 k tt��s -o IUNKIS' GARAdE: ........ Wee . S. Bu sited, : prayei . ..... OW. Campbell, NVINWROP with T Miss. larnel�tine White; Reg -N., b r aj�d Mr. ..�suita�le '6aster,s oi 0 'S AV010— oTon .. .... 'M Gil&ft 116th el :70'.'.a- C ........... sung, SEAFORTH; -over'. the week Mt. and Mrs. arry 14Crauskilp -b F., �'IUiftg, c d MRS; 'GILBET. BECHTEL -U6St Mr.. a ea Tie6sll was -ED- AN0AE1VS'_ T q was a I N th the'Old Olive to H fl ........ ........... mnpanw, ....... �SEAFOP �4-Bloomingdale,,,�4, near oV eriadale, Visited wi ihe liagement E.. he biisine�§ ftd& Di . ....... ...................... idd-by, Regier,,'; 9 Closof, cheiler, -since ldgt Septefiiber� di6& kr 'George f -kis' �oseph'krauskojjf;', lunch CROMARTY and Mks. th6,mbetifi,g OT.r0 WALKER .... �; ............... .......... .............. Mr- and, Mrs W. Drove L r ;4n Of Mr th ........... ....... .......... KWPEN fheLbome.�of_a da�ogh- Pearboii), gich vd�s s�'rved, by Mrs. John WO& "I h4e ��Me `eo-opera non ief I ness H, her Vr .. 4 enry, ennis, IC j�­ former: Saldm -16ff in an, and patroXiagej ih an u our, apers. go to apg, er e a 'b y4heel he was a The I 'the 'late� of St, DFLLOWS..�Or REBEKAHS A �C ep, arm 00 ospital - �beds aiid,.'.�, d ' lit Of'r Mrs. so� I k� I. .. , .:. .,.new I ss�ee. nd-Mr. M119 'P -h the wee Y Ont, Mrs with Aft', .an C-1 "TON, rl 16 so,' Thi&' Mr,.. and, -Mrs. � George Hoffman':end',. d The transfer is 6ffectlVp,�.Ap '1, 1 M9, and as:ofthatL�d�te cease grutghes. Anyo dslilng,lb Use, same may 4 to��, e'�respotsible� for dealings t j;ewd- the Ikive,, and was--boirn"Jia .11ifiehill-4iliaid' Pap" t_&n s ii� arm Forunis a�ro' ''Cana a- evice pr b Dublin a ss iliati6n re mery and' T6xN,:nship,. blovember, -6L, 1887, MFand Mrs.. .-',E d 'the 10.0 Pe J .,.Pattersbn s 'Low. 7The CC' Pac qrs. met recently to',disms Acome armer. Of".500 7� pe ept- mily, slikt �the Veekend, in, Nor Married. t6, Gilbert, dfitel :'4 _$un4ay alernbo Poultry r i ��ew Dun ee in 19N, she ad. fe'- w ic'h , aiild:'.,� attended t4a. 's. opened,i� �inging a A I's carnival_._ d6.nt ICIfiat, tfiei.e� is a special ing, "low incomd' farm- talk, on Japin was, giv6h.. by, Rose er, and specifie policies' - should- be Marie the V, Was 78he -Hunter, devel( f "Toronto W -pro em,bf:the- sided in Sea6rth 16r. many yea - :,.� i U before oving', o Bloomingdale I' o K H a -member of geaf6rt� the 'e, xty-ond scrip )pedto �help hin�. SL 5, U KDAT N6rtbside, United 'Church. hnil_ tur61ess6t4 Cath t t t1fat. -S&le Y, gh m., ose arie Du h ,N ,.per cent of "the fortims &u t ese - programs: should be ger le&ih �ra r -SurvivJing. e ndfielp y r b sides h0 hu9b;' in in'c're business Sppm��: Geb� 'one of' S Ne oft: iarm'; esIi&C dividual.rig: tpened-W fie,C IT'I"dipos and M rs, Han 's f arming is a way lirymil. Mary" Lou VNITEV.', H Victoria d dalightetI, Hi if fthe.'rin are,. 6 'hi' �ase his ine6meL -froin he �part.of the.,.meeting NORINSIDE, C UR ipous a d. (Marguielite).-Sniderh y- F ty --ho'houred kt th6-�resolirces to minut4 of the last me�tihg 'Our. school was. I ; I� th establish 'gn econo e the trbastirei's, report­:W'wl� v­ mie unii. Zrl I * Pi&rsoal r,a eop ts ae-imo6rtant p 16� ma% of -Kitcheni& isi ,� rom son aden,_and j1hii �Wek,* - Ou', Friday we. . -diree lished in some other lndtiistrY.'Whe sowaril of J� hid shoIlld be helped t6 becopie estab- by.'Anne Achilles, Further plins� 4', ChUdien's"', The S��iqr Chb 74 ider thd' ti6ii ' I A r_ li�e grandchildren.' SA&�-,Was h re.- 'Fat eir.-Be-aton 2' son " in 'iftf i4qy �wh&:,recently. ieturiiaesdsfloinolm 'China t 91 Sal Z1 VICE ..will e ,JameaA. e -wart, wilt�reseht, ;'�� �_ . 1 - th n, e The:'body_was af�66 -liad� pidei.. house per, �cent. held Aprif-9 - at two, b"clock i P ig not sul ed�'j� farigin d and baza�r Which. decim�06,bY,one' where'� he _b�enf. EAST '.five- id bawn.,-, teI-,VutierhI,Home where the un�' th .Com st§ f r" tw Thirtyt- Was re tims. Su os� 'C 4 edit6ftibin. c6tirses in 'farm man�, 47aps?" i,2 way Tied , Pe ce a e $o --conservation, About tweill Blobmiqgdald Unit� ni,is. makink all ow CiiiImunis, �'­Hel r and, ose v- 'poke e Years t'.us'of, the head,-.. -that, �iaxten'glo �ed'and the meet �eial was c6nd6&6d`by � Re t Riftherf6rA, �of' an b 2,�:-p_m. Wi!dne�sday. erjhe, wotK, for Dru Is' e -d,' Churffi inA of th6! need oul �,,onqL w�r the, Ch4ch]Appk­part: in 18jo T! 4 �d ting W geefies'of the life of fhr�st 85ydgr?, Mennonite. more priests hd ��miils. 1 to in on 'bf the" a epl'ic the A Sacited Ca4tat Burial,whs jnL. lt'L' in Large- Se ecti �bitd ­ o inc e*�. farmer. Long tehn; Sfinday over e 0 on. om- Cemeieryi�-13146�i f t `0 lo,� interest "etiable, the , Vnoifiam, televfk6n­prograi�, L �APVELCQXE, TH muniism., Ile � also showed us a fflnl- ar s, A L i W, 04, the, life of A! Fo owing A RSV. BRC19' 'HALL ngthy� lllnes�, le of 66u'i nine years Mrs.,;' Leo', 0. MR�*, J. A. STE i of On' y afternoon, Myrtle A S Brock'�o C6oper, Pat 7�Graee,. dAY Lo, a n Prkwood',ft6spital, 1piidon. She Griffin and - Lillian Beidule, venjng- was. in her 78th Year. III ca)nc: froln'Bres-cia. Hall in�Loniilo Mgrgafet'Bell, The former MC_ eak' us 61T the need, for and. edtorth F r '"' v "o gure 1an the, deceased was born the ad antage of a universiWeditt- iais#4' n6ai M*pp I njuek#r�� - ation.., We were 4 en, e ip, and' hP.T.A�'jneeting_.�. c the thtliotit. for lub' Thos'� - v6o iveke herd - were , �Ier s . .... 61 iiii6tesed' in:tfie talks- and- some 61 the mothers . and fathers. were presenti its heard � to remark that ..the would, 1316A!!('� ANNUAL WILLIS !)UNDAS lik6 to go to, University themselve�. FILLED' EAS stdv� .11, 11 1 I .. . R,, �'OASKETS and Furnae Oil d V"DAS � 4' LONEY' :�Tbtiei It N surp h An Nov-Afi WINTER'',� ri*ging how mile knowledge 9f. French has ?hone'5i ]in -the,past 'weeki VAST prov.ed, in Model- 96�6ol af­C�tor. CA RN IV A L 011000LAE OW 'thi datighter And N' Under the McLean. abid. Elizabeth Ross She V1 io FIG 3iES direct a taught- school iii the distiiet iznd', the iar' St StOek .... .. I d' f b " of ARTHUR BOURKE We have go in. ..... .... GGS, LENT tissisted b E IMS sII6 was iii-artie in 'in d*,S inio t qtunq9,,, OCALIVA spet 1: ro 9- 'COME 'T te6 0 Charleswbrtb,',* 7 PAM"' oproni in, tgi#ondv111ej fhey,l-, M to R,Y� AR Following a-fevl-­�arsl residence H S ndL h pn Wi, ov Besides her bu§ba .4 is 81-0 er lfad.., C H111r'' 27 . ...... 'vived b� sistdr, Miss Mabel Mc� Yi MAR h, :' , And *6 Uest Valui anl, Santa'Barbara, Califort A 'by. Aev,­,�D; J' Lam QRS .,,K %funeral service was duct - RQ byttrian. Church, Seaforth,.at L,A 'ADViLTS 75a STtDPNT8 CHILDREN 904th-DOXi, Intlerluelit Was ift,� Eg. .0 �,STORE nor s 19AF 4 PP Conio, but and SU The., LITTL Storo v6th being"Olair, Haney, Peanson Cfiili� ter" 'Harry Chesney, , R 9 ADY St a ick's. Day '6016*1itio it' hour and Values angth, of Adw Ap aGlIff 'Y au B, Ann But cut o0liette0g forl� pr e George Case and iam aaTu. 4