HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-28, Page 9{
The Largest. Selection of Used Cars
m Huron County
'57 BUICK CENTURY 4 -DOOR` HARDTQPAutomatic; radio •
'57 BEL'' AIRE CHEV :SEDAN Radio, wxtewalls, "two tone
'57 METEOR SEDAN-,Eight-Gylmder,,,radio, :padded dash
'S? PL QUTH COACIT I)elaxe, model, whitewalls, wheel discs;
10,000 irides
57 B
UR K SPECIAL SEDAN' Dynatlow, white
'56 BUICK'SUPE11,' HARDTOP, -Four -door, full power-
'S6 1 ETEC It .t;IDEAU ; COACH :Automatic •drive , radio, 2 -tone
'56 CT -WV BEI: AIIU,S• HARD 'OP—V,8, .autan atic•,drives radio
'56 METEOR, NIAGARA. SEDAN—V-8,: sharp,' 22,000 ipiles»
'55 BUICK • SPECIAL SEDAN-Dyziaflow; radio, special trim,
25,000• miles.
'55 CHENt. SEDAN—Two-Ten model, 15,000 miles
'a4 METEOR, COACH.— .:Like. new, ` 36,000' miles
".54 FORD.SEDAN-..T1is car god ,as'new, with radio
'54 PONTIAC SEDANTGoad :shape
'53:_DOpGE MAFAIR, SEDAN Radio wheel discs
'53 PL-ymopp SEDAN ---Only 27,600:i -rides, Hydrive; radio • ''
'53 STUDEBAKL"R.SEDAN Like new;': overdrive; 35 'M.T.G.
'53 FORD SEDAN—Two-tone blue; locally• owned.`
'53 FORD CIJST'OM.LINE,.SEDAN-Radio, new inotor, • schooi
teacher's - car"• ,
52 O :EGO 'O' E utonr ti
D DG.,_ . R N a c drive; like; new ` in 'and: out
'51 DODEE_ SE.D•AN -Top: shape
51 T.,.E0� O NVRTIBL
E New
p an
Motor, radio
-New ain
�OACHp t, suis. visoz•, 'slipcovers_
'50 DODGE SEDAN—Four.door -
50 FQRD COACH=With 'costo m -built
radio `
'50 MERCURY SEDAN -''Radio, new motpr; new paint
'S0 MERCURY; SEDAN --Two-tone, green, radio; new .speaker
'50 CHEV. SEDAN B;tidyman's Special
.'50 OLDS--HYdromatic ; drive ' to ha P shape
49 FORA . G ,OAC s
CII Cu tans• .radio .• Fust like new.
'48 LYMoUTH SEDAN ""47 _PL
'40 PLYMOUTH COUPE with;40.000•'niiles on -it
T lti
uCI�-�.. .. -
'54 MERCURY--3A-ton /ton • o0
.. , ... - k good shape.
52 G .. a
C i101V=-Custom c li�:
..-,-T a we sold 4 new
•'50 MERCURY 11/2 -TON STAKE. '49 CREV" /-TO
49 • ME C R'Y `V2.-TON—Motor
R U -:'
and, bodylike
PONE ZURICH ..78 '(Collect).
And W
e'[l Come Up and Show You "the CAR of *our CHOICE
- O
HR16I ALL DISTRICT; CO�OPhad:the biggest'` year in its history in 1957,': it wasp •tevealei; at
he ,01;1'1,141 .. -meeting Zurich._-_ i ^-.. it rk' " .
t meeimg Z alesStopped. the. half.million- an a Offxeials�_of-the Co,o .'alon
with' newdirectors which Were ;elected'. rat the banquet; are` shown . here: '' seated, ;;:from . left,
Garnet'Moesseau; supervising- manager; .``Robert IVIcGre or',,retiring-president; Detrain Klo seer --
g , � 3 .. Pp,.
retary treasurer, ,. standing, -Russell Geiger, Zurich, who was re-elected --to the : board directors; '
a, - ct s Lloyd e Alec B -
and..tw -,.new dtfi-� Rr_s...... Yd Wulp r and tilc cath:,..
RO[?Hi4GEN '
m P e 1)he adworked h a -' Farm forum.4nembers held their'
ntinued;fro a�
h "neverrb. d wAt f n _
using, Mr, Sarabura stressed the"`er=grou ]"-don't,: know: where you final. meeting of the season at the
b, _ � P Y
theme of` the. ads, There's no; bet' got them;: but "boy; .they're good " home of Mr, arid ,Mrs: William
ter„reason for buying at the ,CA -pp Better facilities are :,needed- for meg,'
. -.,._ -on IVlonday"evening' The
than that , it . is farme
,� .. • -- hoss- along with Mr. and Mrs
r owned egg- ,,hand hng in 'Seaforth accord- -
T u all., theprofit's.back to in t lr, M : cher hgoy-
h s ag� „0 1i K r e.
r;, " ._ g • Die `e1 were
the farrner.. � � ernment�'irsspectors are ,•not happy g, e Mrs. marry. Tazt.
•Yn';conclusion M`r. Sarabura<a with the present . arrangement; I ..A ;number of_ -farmers ; `u this
pealed to the _farmers to clo_busi- which, he pointed; out,, were .meant district .are ..busy ,,making maple
mess at-the:Co-op pointing out, that for, 35ir cases' per week, bat which :syrup:-
he.more: business'done at the .Co-: is handling rip, to 7-00‘. casesper`!,, Mry .and Mrs' . Norman Benne-
ou, the; lower: the,. prices would:.,be.:week r.; wies,''Ray,_.Elaine.and Cheryl,have
;Because it' is farmer owned, he 'Seed`,Better .Eg Facilities" moved fromithe farm to their new
and be guaranteedMr. and .;Mrs: Ch 1 J h
told the group.. If e -merge with 1 -
Need Family Growth .
said the, products ,have,to.be good... _ ly.-built home in• the ; village,
Somethzn has.:. 'to,
be ,. done he .
"ar es o ns on
the new United -Dairy- and Poultr and t eo John of Gni merce-Mzch:;
Martin Baan,; vice-president �of
-Blyth "Cheese ;:Coop, _ in exteiiding
;greetings from:his o op, said,more_
family. spirit is,nee ' d; -as wa,s-the
ease-iif''the old;-d'ay ; A co-op, he -
said, isnot just to ake,_money,
shut -for i the farmer's; benefit—ev-
ery farmer. The co-op;has 'to. grow
like .a -big family, he , -:concluded,
`` Bill, ,Harvey:' conducted' the--elec-
`tion of directors with:, scrutineers
being J:._ Carl ; Hemingway,., field
man lot the Hiurozf; Federation of
'Agriculture, and George , McKaig,
While the xesults of the' ballot were
being tabulated,'Mr Campbellpaid
;tribute°to the'retiring'director, -Mr_
Devereaux '. , 'e' '.:: ' •
:—,M,anagpr Sarabura 'thanked `!the
board ;-'of directors for their co •
operation : and wholehearted,',sup-
hStaff Pelt. Ile 'also asked thest of
1 t
Co operative it Might:.be passible ' visited with Mr aril Mrs: Manuel'
that; eggs . would be -:shipped i 1 B.euermann., ''
Mr:'. an
d rs^` ,
M .-H o1dr.Mo
,. ..::. I ar
Win ha-m.�-or maybe _..they �wou�d 1 -. ,. .. ..,.,:. , - g ,
g. Mrs: John Brodliagen• visited with
build here If 'we "don't',mer8e, 7 .
tive; will have to }iuil'd,uhe remark x and,.Mrs: Mel,. o11,_Kitehener,; X11 that_ unnecessary,;piece,, of`
ed Although costs -have: increas='Mrs. „$-redhagen remaining- with furniture through a uron)i xposi
ed;`. the Seaforth 'produce division` her ,daughter; IvIrs.,Vo11. tar Classified Ad Phone 41.
has'never, lost;inoney, having al -
Ways. operated in,,:the black
In •conclusion, •;,.Mr" : McKercher°
.announced; that 'the, Blyth Co-op:'
was now receiving whole 'Milk' and
shortly a °;tank• would bei. built, to
receive-=more-rhil'k- which -will Ise^,
;tipped to the concentrated milk.,
market. .If ' enough , interest
aroused in'.the • Seaforth area,' the
co-op. will; arrange, a truck route
,for.this-area,-according toMr;'Mc
Kercher. -All-farmers shouid,.give
seine thought to'shippiiig' milk to:
Mt. McKercher
-their own'. tants.'' M e
Huron ii d i
:Shows Slides To
Kippen ' East IAI.I
Carl<r, ITemiiigx'ay, feidmaa for.
Huron.Caiuity , guest, speaker at
Kippeh: East :Women's, Institute;
held Wednesday might at S.S: 10 ;
Ttickersintth- showed accident pre
vention-slides and spolte briefly on
"gerchandising," . Hurondale ':