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The Huron Expositor, 1958-03-28, Page 8
XPOSrrolt, BA -QUM, OlTi%;: MARCH ea a r at �'o a to '. e d # 4 operate _ • Street ..o.:� a . S# Station n n � Se:4°r*. '..- c� BOX 65 FORT • -;\ It takes=' • friendl yY- people '. like , Ma ter... 1 S eaf ; w qrth hast o hatuxal meth- ods of vertical integrat.on .far the farmer; in its Co=op 4ee4 mill: and. egg grading station" said' Geprge 1VIeCaig, liarriston, president of the newly -formed United ',Poultry' and Dairy `Co-opea:{frtes_*; of Ontario._ ��. P.eal?;ing„ th .annual meeting and ,banquet ,of $eafdrths Partners Co-operatiV,e to ; Egmondville" Jnit- ed Church -Thursday night; he out:: lined ways of: vertical integration' and its „promises for the fainter_. De' lin' t .ro a g h ugh_• co-ops,• hey •`ice-" Olinda, the ' group• of 150, is the farmer's 'best method' 'of :integra- tion: Vertical '.' integration h a s strong• promises but- also. `.very' strong .doubts namely, ,contract farming, he pointed out. • To char dnate: the doubts; the -farmer•'m"ust lie part _of and,::eoutrol'iritegration,. Our forefathers, hecon nue 'around • 1900; "were,_aware of .veru cal integration ''They.-'fed';:their. "own cattle milked thein,, own -cows separated the `i iII their wives churned :the batter and sold' direct to the market: When the consum- er paid. 1•oo,..the.-farr r received -- 9,0 Gents; today;. he •gets only;"40 Gents Earlier", pow was .with the pro. •ducee;r.blit today it's With'. the pro cessor The ;farmer "cant afford ; to leave=thebusxness end to=the third party Avhose prom_ e interest is to make a' profit- for nxmself;-or lits shareholders,' he. emphasized:' asize • • Artist's, Conceptaan Referring his ' audience,. $ agination,' to the • artist's concep-' tion of. a' fanner.rwhich''appears al- most -"regularly• on'catalogues, cal-. eiiid'ars, etc,. he. told ,•'the n„ that. the artist :must"have; been using his tma'gination 'aur 1tePn'' looking back many years or ahead ,.;the future. 'The fariiiea;•'in the artist's eye,• is a `;big ragged •'individual;'in the "pink :of 'health''',, with a.fork; ,over one shoulderand' a confident smile on hi.. -face. `Today°s farmer, can't • be :that healthy with all•'the .bloodletting' in the form of 'contract farming, ' _the speaker continued; Let's _di= -agnose. liis ,donditiOiLLWith ehang in -a riculture ati<scheme `'re foot many of which :have been a j = he U SQA and in ;Canad`a tiut have.:proved not too Sound The-y-liave_built up-huge:-surphisses :a:nd in distributing,.the'•sur lusses P. have upset world, trade, CThe plans' 'sound attractive-:— getting -some- thing fo c nothtng'; brit' thiss, may,: be harderlhan','it semis." . The speaker.'fe'lt neither".flexibl nbr rigid; supports wste the an sorer the Government would "have l to., be 'strengthened, he thought, and, So• would...faim organizations. Pro grams are much stronger; • Mr: McCaig':eonttnued, if the 'Govern ment helps. t 1d k ng ahead?to they, er st : of •1958, the'speakerrtold: tire;•audience that there:; would certainly be more vigor. in' the 'future. Producers have got much of the poor nega tine thinking out of= their ; syste;ns - he went' on, realizng that -ttte bar- gaining power of the fdimer' as';an individual ts- nil:. The : speaker maintained that only erganizationS' can ^apply pressure on the. prices,, but.at present th#he-.pressure is' a .plied � �after�. e product , uo 7,onger belongs to,'the farmer. Volt Alarmed_,: At Decrease Dei easin o tion`. ..dt _ ?f g .P vera _ do t alarm they Aker' who referre � �� Pe ,, d to the fact that the:;nations'-makin" g the ,ni st. progressi.,have 'the small- •est' portion, of their, population•,in agriculture. 'At one time' Canada. had 00' per; cent of -its .population on the. farm., but soon it, will have. but 10 per:•cent, as the moverifent continues toward .urban centres; the U P D:C.O.; president pointed outs Turning to • the Poultry ata Dairy ,Co-operative Mr `11legaig. outlined reasons`.foi• the, forming of the Co-ep. rChanging 'tl ends de ye aped, .problems • with which the preset U:C•0 was not geared'to ` cope = Need ,for' niergers'into some kind of orgamzatx'ons became nee-. es'sary with the.flutd milk:•eompe< tition ` and market . fluctuations •, There were many` failures Sine 1943, in creamery and cheese fac'' tories; the speaker . pointed out. Twenty • creameries weres offered', for sale last year. 7f dairy plants ;are to succeed, the speaker infornied the .group; they must: be --large enough'. and diversified to serve all ' angles, In, the old: days ,transportation limit- ed .the •trading area te: about five or six miles, `while • today milk is' beingtransported•-150--mites to a market This encouraged'' t e .forpi. -another co-operative to an die dairy and poultry .:products;', made up of its branches • at Wing hat; "elph„ Renfrew and, Perth:. Already Blyth cheese factory .and Dundaik`'have, voted to -merge with' the: new groups. Another consider-' ing ,such a > move_wis Hanover and the ' -speaker-: Was:, hopeful. that -the.. Seaforth produce, "division • of • the• Cop would ~ also considers; siich 'a move• e i rt r o Lea' dersh `It's a big •pry -r ut with- g E.la., mu`lh `.. e.� t„ a n e nd t_ —?, �:, r. s s, :... tt ,i,5Lr►ioving_ ahead rapidly, . he; asserted, Pointing :'to the ;fact that Sea ..:: o. serve friendl_ people le ;like you Many things make'good telephone seri ice ossible — . bLrt xm�ewoz rniaktha aodtel hon eo ler ' Jean Mailer is atypical exariiple. "As •a skilled .:' telephone hone o e afor, courteous a , , nd . t>llicient; Jeaxi : swmb lize _ the -thou a ,. - ... ; :..- r o s nus ads -of people. ykho hel;li; make telephoning more` enjoyable fn'r' couiid e -Ss ana dians in o mm' i Canadians Lo unit es lar' 'e' arid: sma. , • g:.. u Wheneverou require ' assista lee' .fri'endl :cele Y � s Y . phone people • like Jean Mailer: are there to help you' at any hour of-t-lre-day or night. This assuraptce `that' there is a" ca le alert :: , operator always ,as near as"your• telephone, is one of the_nan little" Thin s that make? our tele hone' Y g Y , . F,, ; service such a truly good value • - THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF-CAANDA1' forth has zoite' of. the largest ,•egg co-operatives; "iii Ontario, • Mr. 'DMe. `Carp tgld' the • e� -op members that they were,'lookmt• to Seaf`rth` for leadership: .:3hey could gore the proyS ictal; co-op a good ^deal of -heap; With 'edeas ” and _reeom}nentla tions,.he felt:. The . ss PQaker Mb f y'oiieprogrms Of' United Co-, operative, including. the .petroleum division;, Which this..yea'r'ia striving, dor "a'voluxne `of 30', million gallons," compared, to; .the 1955 .:gallonage 'of only 10 million• C" -o q erator ris ra p , , s Iu ace _Associa-- tion is controlled-by,.U.C.O.' also, he: re,niindedthe: group; ,and.last year- was -one of'. the : top 12' casualty companies -in -the..' province, 'aim though' formed 1e than s ,.years In 'conclusion President McCaig said the dairy co-op' was .the '"fore- runner of, greater` things to come:- "Farmers are fed .up'.with, :negaa' tine thinking that ..agriculture 'is, be- ing , sold short , There, are prob- lems, yes," he agreed, "but; verti- cal integration problems will nev- er be solved;. by farmers as' indi- TA;Xf ` . viduals. They can be, solved only by . co-operatives and organized farm organizations. . At present;' with' nilly two per 'cent of the "dol lar being; allowed for marketing' and 98 -per . cent for production; nothingcan be done. at least' 3.0 1$ _ s. par, cent was allowed for market- ing, it would •gQ.a long Way toward the.:solutxan" d - .e' . going C; "Are we 7lnto. •control : verb- cal integrationor be' controlled, by its",,he" concluded'. ' "We, as p ro•= dueersr;are beginning to standup and take our place' The ,speaker .Was introduced by the vice- resident ; of the ;-` new U P.D.C,O R. ,S,',.Mc&ercher, who' is also -a• director _Of the SeaforthCo-op; ` He was'. • thanked ; • by 'Stan- ley Jackson, another, director STRATFQRD TEACHERS'- COLLEGE ONE-YEAR ,SND tWO YEAR` -cot R,SES are offl ',. leading to,. an Interim` .Elementary -School Teacher'i Certificate' valideleinen h tart''in't e . sc is hon .of Qn tarioe TERM OPENS "SEPTEMBER 9, .T948. Defistiptive boo let Teaching in the leinentary. 8410944',of „Ontario, ACADEMIC .REQIIII EMENT FOR ADM,SSIONS ,-.- ONE-YEAR COURSE: Stt3rxding in ° ei ht' Grade 13 a rs ,one of ,which "sh"` , be: n ' it on p Pei � : , all E g11sh,_Gompo�to of English Literature. TWO4EARCOURSE;. Secondary. School Graduation' Diploma:of•tha€eneral;Course.; �4 INTERVIEWS ATH-: APPE A TS `are ',conducted , b . tlxe .. Committee, of .Selection'. ` Secondary school: students interested in -entering Teachers' 'College, should apply, for interview throulgh the principal''. of ;theivsecandaryr school. Other applicants should_ write' 'to:` T E P IPAL� R RIN C ST ATFORO-TEACHERS COLLEGE WA ER STREET t 1 is giving away SERVICE hone X�� 62 ` _= -After 1idni ht_3.1;5 M Passengers Insured- 0 t Ser p v1ceT raierCLE& up too srze : worth;` $23 95—only 70 subscrip- -. Seefort Conservative Ca 11i a l �l Headquarters g. _ 111, the interest of E. L. Cardiff are -situated verh`..� e , Toronfo=Dom1 o nl n_ Elan one' 799 Seaforth CiU6 RACERS with 3 -speed gears— I%-worth $57 50—only 25 subscriptions. c Fptions.' All you have ta" do Is' sell o few subscri tions for' The • 1, i dobe on d Mall _ �- - . n The--.to-.-everyone` you"ahrhk- might ;give you am e rsra —r g r Globe and htlarl Bi cle Club:b `sendin '-in the '• order!- i Y 9 ,.._Get on phone. Call •u ' per friends - p_.y coupon below=return it to -us TODAY=and o . -.. ,, nd re!arrves. SII thAm how they can help we.'will send you;officral ,ubscnpI on farms yeti to wino new bice' !:- • ' Y ale. Show thrs offe o- by the next mail.•..Meantime;: show; this, offer Mom and Dad 'o ) help��f • -, ,... . ,nd get them to.yoU,_too. You'Il'yyant your bicycle for' early'Spring�o don't miss a "nut t V , , int e . you dont leave.- to "darver ant. papers or .collect any` money! Sharp,. `New PEEp:;f• • ELL BICYCLES for every age• group and "'every purpose! STANDARD AND Jt1N10R BICYCLES . a d gi 1s . _wcrth YS 20 su,,- ,ptions. e r : --• • V �i1L1Y ,. Cicycle Club rtegl ,ration F©rnl :r The' Globe - 140 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. y ` 1 want:` to win`,c "SPEEDWELL" �'ibicyde, please register my name and,son send .0 suppip 0 please rel 'order "fo`Fm"s' and rules of the:4offer — 0 "- Address ... SIDEWAL 8'CYCLES ' . I City or Town, Phony ' for srriotl Boys 'ond' g,rls— ! - �' .. ... .. ... y, '.Girl's , worih.'��:"x4295 -- -oniysic `>ZS^ d Yale size style .,,,Bo s subscriptions. : e. •...—.y - v �.... x t ..i atic nay it rCrre eveIopr;en� lay For Farmers ocialSecuw 1 MISE: hat° idin� abilthed by the Aiitthoitty /I ion E gressive C'onoervative AssocIatlon MONDA1, . ' MARCH 31