HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-28, Page 2A860 Se'reing the Cunity F' t ,ubltsiled ai SEAFORTE 'ONTAjaitl evert Thursday- raOrning by McLean Br08,1 Pliblisiler8; • 7-AND13,ENT'N'iMcLEAN EditOr ' ; SVBSCRIPTIoNRATES.: da advance) $2.'yr ' Cana (In a 50 a Year _,: , . . ) $3.50, a ear -,-(J/1.' ited 'States (111, advance) lAcii, — snIdLt COPIES -- .ee D. epartent. ott avia, E_AI,01tTH oTIO, ARC Authorized as Second Class, Mail, Post OLPin _ . AIt..11 28, , 1958 S , ecision Rests in s of anadkOn. Voters . 0 ,,,-.7f.dian-voters. will go to the polls the Toronto Star comments, "That is Monday to select a new Parlia- _ why the -Liberal trade- policy' Will re- nt. While they will 'be -voting for - . Main based upon expansion, not di - particular candi\clates in particular . version, for diversion is a beggar -my - dings, the decision they make wi....., 1ielibbor,zaine.1Whieli more than one ._ , a great extent, be dictated by the can play.-- ., . , As fot •eneOura-ging trade with Bri- impressions created by the leaders of - the, two major' parties and. the Pol.; tam, no ' government can match the `icies of those parties. , r-eeerd of the Liberals one which put Prime Minister-Diefenffaker cloaks 3 -billion of credit to Britain during ' 'his appeal in melodrama and ina- and " after World War -II, the Star - aces. and achieves lmosta: evan- .,_ 1..n_ if the Lil3erals 1 ose's' tor- - 11 u *. they _would be exam. - Member Canadian' Weekly - . NO/S*41)er. „' AsSociation T g ' 1 fervor as :he 1111 0 .._.:: : office,iiii,01.,,tIlhe. , , , . i eel 11 itesa„ of words. The,restitt, frequent-. were ' ' ' British, free trade ..liler . ly, is that his listeners, u.nleSs.. they:::, ?SYMpatheticallY 'and:seriously. .."in:. are careful, may be -carried7awayby .;---77,-stead,,-OfHbrushing:itruncler tlie_.rug,•!.2 .ittibice_. dratpatic*- r other than -influ•-:%-:_,:.-as tho-,0.0pservatives have .done.", -enced-by 16gie: and 1* -a. -S0-•.• ' '•54-1-Itli,: ;:ilt'. 'HLi''.---A.Vii1.14;556i64).0:ail'6.:di -gils' .- outof ' ,approach is die- alterriatiYeadoi*eld'-'-44Ork-farid4OOkitt-for-jorbs,,uneinplo_YH: . by the Diefenbaker party,:td r.lroViel,-,. , ,roent is .,'mikely ,..a, .bsic, issue of this ' ing not only a budget, but also4ton.;-:. :„ . cainPaigii; as '''1V1r... 'Pearson insists.; -Pt, Sidered program. , . . - .. '' '. . ',' . ,- r:-..ItisigerierallY' agreed by the 'int.L. ,..: •By contrast, the approach of :Les '. dependentpreSSthaf Much the quick-.'''' oblection . against this. from Par- about eight feet off -th d ' ler B: Pearson stands out as studied -- est .w4y: of -1-0,timihg..- the ,, 'Canadian ---s ' ,i --rti-., , . . , school' . atTients- Who , the. end . pe"-theit. boiling hanty ' .e. gr°, ttsli, ,.'-at. 'appeal to common senSe.. As, he told-- -:: :econoMY arid getting .jOblesS-baCk to ' use the buses. Council hopes the From. thi. tank t4e .iap,.:is,,,,,ted . by a, meeting in Toronto reCently:, ' work is thrOi4hAiitPE'll4g011- ,:p. 10.1n; of: , rertiainder- 01. ' the area 'will adopt avoid gravitY-,into-their 'eVaPoratdr. West similar hours in Order to Wherever and: whenever jt.,__-h•o.,-ve ' ta.:i, en,ts, : ,c441,64 YOth '''a.. 't,ax 11611 -da ' confusion . . !lake , • - - e 101••0,1•1• 10#1.11A•711•••01.01110011..1." ?s,To, Pet More Bai salark regiitered naiSe's . , at.Aleicanclra Marine :and Gerieral Hospital was increased' from `$180 A Month to $200, at the, boardineett big 'Monday -evening:- Salaries.' for other :11680:tat .employeeS 'are to be reviewed in Jane.. Gode„.00.1 SignaltStar Badly. c ed.. . -.Allege, three-year-old daughter .of -Mr. and Mrs:, Gus' VerSteeg-; •of Fordwieh, was",seVerelY. bureed. at 'her .on Wednesday, When...She fell 'Med n nib of !boiling water. She Was rushed LaStowel,HoSpital by Dr. Forelef FordWich, and later .Was taken by ambulaned . to the..,War,Mexeorial ''Children's'.1108- • pital at: London. •:She 45 -,safferirig front, third 4egree. burns: — Wing, hantAdVariee-TiMes. Salaries Going Up • increat e '„rnaximutnsaiarY froin $3,600. to 44„0(10 .waS, granted, its staff' the, ' Clinton Public School 'Board Meeting last' Week, The ,minitnam,- $2,409.: was nOt.."chairged Each 'the - 13 teachers ,_on the , Staff will re.ceive tite annual 'The board I, receiVed 'the resignation."' of. Mrs,- Planet*, Parke!: ' Reit Gray's-,:rePOrt shoived, aver- age!' daily attendance 'Tebruark of 91.1, and an •enrolment NeWs--Record. Confusion Again? 'Exeter town co,uncil_will low the trend in other centres -to extend -daylight saving time into October -this year. Moriday _night,: -couneir, agreed - to- start fast time midnight, April 26, and revert 'to standard time at midnight, Sep- tember 27 A number of towns dentinue :DST until the end of Octolaer, but there has been strong- . , - that' Cemplete - teats, .Can.be made on: tite Rlue Water' IligliWak farnis: Options on these 'farms e±-. pire- om.:Tuly 15.—Goderich $.ignal; MaYriiifand Later. . 4 DeSi3ite disepuonatment overqhe :Shutdown of the EXeter - canning plant .thiS Suranier; May,or :Pooley ' Wednesday he Was optimistie- that 7Can adi A n -c nerS Ltit,ivettld retain its' plans' to • _ factory at a later date- -"I am , honing, that 'aftel' the pro- posed 'experiments. are Made this • suntiner , to. determine the.4:Fedife- tiveness the area''and theSalt-, the. cliniate, thenew cotdz pariY's overall - eipansion'progrant• will includeonr-factOry -at Exeter,"' he said. The. ,comPany's 'decision to close the plant .thiS sninmer "is a 'great ',disappoint -Meat to;the, U. C.,. the. town and 'thegteikerS in the 'Stirroutteling.. area,' the nia.$77 very ?Unfor- tunate. at ...this Particular time but conditions', "'prevail" over Which: we hive no, control."--7EXeter.Tijnes AdyoCate. .'•• • „, Sappy:Busmess. , -he:niaplesyrup." season is. in district fartners.! are nefW. engaged- in. this Spring .firne,,, pectipation:: One Of the biggest, 'sYriip, buShe5,:. district Gordan ';',WeSt:- lake, „RR ,•'3`; Ray:field; They.,. have over ' -acres:, ' of.: You.ag..,-...bard inatileS,.. and • 1,500 .lof thee.:trees -are. run ,operation they: nieit'._craWler tractor"" A -tank float 'gathor1he sap, -it is duined'iuo this tank., The - tractor .4y411-‘..gP threngh-"-Mtid,',.orgeek5,1aiiii7OVer , San is bionglit-713-adk''te-,,,the-,,CAMP;it is, - di:tinged into a • large- stera.ge „ tank TO THE EDITOR- '1101.1E14113VEAt StDE The. gclitor;gurgn E;tPositor: .„ • , - • the Nineties it was thel"Ne:' 'tionat ,Poliey CederVatiVes.... They. changed it to the Liberal .COnserY- atiYes;.' that did not good; an---tlieYban4e0 it to PrOgreSSIVe .CeeServatiVeS , but :.•now---the...--,old ConserVative dropped:oat of sight, and it the. -- John' Diefen- halter-,PartyaTene-inan Party.' . . „ . . Weald 'Yonlike_this,ikind, a party, to 'ran Connirl?'Refere they, get' into Por,: Weheard n." great' deal of...bow he Weald -blast his' WaY the; ,Anierican; 'Market. bUt 'peWder must liaVe,got wet; as , We haV,e. not...heard that, Since:he' !go alto. power, he said he ,WOUld ;take .15,„ ',per, „Cent, of': the: Anteriete trade away • and give it to „England.: he 'carne down te"Teronte And...''Sat,,:down -with" got; Jininde. Dimeari away 'on .-a 'trade 'contititsSion to $36,,000-.Matii -and may- be ;la_ , half '.'a'':•-litiatload of -.lesser- tYpes., Now vV6 wolddlike -fa kriow- w.hci, had AO; pay these inen,,bi.if they got: what .theY,'",. Were used-, to getting, here: If we We. would expect lot of ..bigTOrderS'fer bu- ing, Or; the jarniet,-s *Odd be.. on. the 'deaI,-bt-wsen•Eileetitt..e.P fered therniree trade they Shied clear".,arid..,tliat „'Was. 'the . last.. We heard 'of --the.'•-trade heard.,•:,,a•-great deal about' the ..pipeline When:. they , were try - nig" pat "it through_ the Tories. held . days 'and they neYer,Said,.Whetlier Now Miaidiff Ys, -it .1: t 1,;(10-0- .fiOrnr. the nieriibers.: work' as -long 'hours as- --tlielfarinersisorne.--,of --You7. can, figure illsWhat the • "Pipeline,. y, --- Exeter Times -Advo- say it takes ;40' g.allonaof' _ sap to make_ a gallon of syrup, and' 'spoken, I have tiled discuss ;thel!''.` plus 'accelerated depreciation allow- allow-- they produce about 15 'gallons of issues of this election camp:al-gin - sYruP a day. -7-= Zurich Citizens terms of sobriety, reason and com-; : is in fact- far more prctical for witlar the apprch of --spring News' • comes the possibility of the an - mon sense which. their SeriOuSness. ..-eliecking,'..theTUrierriPloyinent CriSIS ARM NEWS. OF-HCRON requires." • - ' than the $1,185 publiC-, Works, And behind the 4tiiet good sense . '''project" . which; was well character-:.,.. lies a consistent program -which, as :ized by Mr Pea-rSoir--as of the: he himself has pointed out, is "in the ' greatest hoaxes ever aimed, against, framework of a liberalism which an electorate" Must always tarid for reform i§1116 situation On the one economic and political." hand is --Pearsen,in a quiet - Mr. Pearson at the same Toroilto sensible way, dasdairnng= hysterics, meeting discussed the main issueScof -proposing ',4,:reasOned: program for trade and employment. The Conserv- all Canadians .: On tlid,r'other atives, with their" proniise to divert .tlie_voter is faced with an appeal to trade away from the- United States, emotiofl, ithout regard- -to - sub- - inay well---bedopping---olf-Ganadi:a-n-y--stanceijanTappeal-of-expediency,: ._ - 'Sales there ,no their .ball.dts;_-_sioters,wilL 11hat would compromise Our greatest .,*reineinbeirtheY are'selecting a 'gOV-:, - market., , The ,COld "firgOrei cited; by that can 'determine the fu - Mr . . Pearson show that Canailian7,. ture of Canada , ,for iera1.3,-ears,-- - 'sales to theU.S. grew from 8321 mil-, and .ndt-jUdgingtiTho puts -on-thelbest li,pn in 1989 to $2.8 billion: in 1957: As . show. ' :ALAI ity To, Peal 16!ith-.111:t..e-rn-atlii..o.r:dl'i'kret;y7b,tp174111easl.'llvisit-hi,„:::li...!isriffe-gilli'147iinaa: ' (Ottawa Citizen) is one ' t .the crisis firmly and, N,11,1.11.21111,. If • there thing that , is the pres- - 1)- fenbaker' forces don't -ljke_ about tivestat05111411hP-'thn chief opponents' tactics The this -Th0::Ccins.ervatives ctCharneir paig-n, it is the peace issue.'-eritical of. Liberal gyenitht's, e. 'Liberals, they say, re hitting below , the belt, in making an issue of it all, stand on the Ang1°-Fielleh 'action .j -n ' because every good ,Canadian..earri-' : .that-'ql'e.‘:8:e Canada's`76.11:' -,latict.:::T,4-,j,7d,iiiede estly wants peace and no party . Jigs , . a trienopoly of this laudable aim. Mr. ., 0 P6d::..1c9e11' the Commonwealth 16- . _Iii..eeltrhsevvr,esriene talivre-ye 1 Ilgr-terlanirrOir; ' the, Point otleaviiig the partnership netinc ement of the definite Inca tiort. " the .,:$9,00(:),000',:'liespital':Ier " re- tarded -, children ProirtiSett.•:..'t o r Huton ,Countyas the -late. Tom ',Pry& • ' ft: is "Stood-that..until siI tests can be '-"Peclerieh•,:,n6.' definite '..d".e.eision can be,...annenticed as ,::be -a' (By D H. MILES) The closing of the -Exeter Can - ring Plant will: mean a .2,000 -acre decrease in -cash, crops — peas, beans and cabbage. . Interest in farm building -remod- elling is on.:the',.-increase-.--,------ • The high. temperatures , of the last- few - days has -pretty. en care, of • the snow.: An extreme - month or more yefboforeTthefrost ly- good ro -of _sapWas reported Lias sufficiently left the ground- 'so at the end of the week. - They .never had , Much- 'to' say - about ,..-"Lettie", • enlY r'that .. he. squeezed the4ennies; but that was net; 'bad. thing', -,,,ds•. people were: spending, :rrioney.., like, drunken sailors, and thought it • Would. tiev,-, erl,end: I '.WaS • beginning to :think' .4 lot, Of ``Loaie";• F, thought -they Were him infO',„ a: Scotch - man, -and:you, know how..clanniSh the Scotch :Nwhen"John -the got- into power: he never had an 'theneY,: to. Spend, 'taill:Bouie's nest egg went to his head; -and' he. soen, got rid .of Arid -we dont -know how.'MuCh 'Mare:: As he .Was. afraid to' bring :'down ..a•budget to show .Wliati he 'had :spent. • -/•True,-.1i6,taiSed. the pension to '.$55, but ;don't .forget. that it ..was ,the I.4,berals-ithat baby, heal:IS,' Which 'has ' done More'', geod toheij raise a IamilY. than .any=, -Interesting ,items...glearie,d-from...L. The, Huron:Expositor of 25 50 and 7yearSag0.., From e uron xpositor some o hese being almost (Ian- - Th. ' -f t ' March 31, 1933 gereus for travel, and, as a. con- '. ' Sequence, business in town is dell. • Seaforth schools'have $1,670,32 on deposit in the Penny Batik accord; ' Star !nnving Picture thea4C ing the first two, afonth_ of this Year. having been closed :for a-'couPle of, to the latest report issued, for opened again on Thursday after P"R HEN VISO forted Chicks F'eaturing the Famous eisdOif & Nick Chicks" DAt - OLD 4 6 9 - 10 12 14 :16 and 20 Weeks Old We are running FARTED CHICK,• SPECIALS From Alarch 25 to,_"-Angist 30 " SPECIA '6Weeks Old -2:Regular. 00c SPECIAL' 7 Weeks Old -- Regular SPECIAL $1.00 HENDERSON'S are maldng this SPECIAL' OFFER -So that -you the chick buyers, can. have the benefit Of these famous high-priced LOGSDON "H ,& N", Chicks at the heavy `bird price. , PLEA -SE CONTACT . HENDERSON' STARTED CHICK y MAIL• 4 - -1 or 642 EAFORTIT - • -iiimimmum.••••111•••••••• MONUMENT OPEN DAILY T. Prvde ,8t Son ,ALL, TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS, Ircquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: xete 4 'Clinton 1620 jv 412,30 ea,fortli. 573 meals were seryed, tiansielits. la •a-_nd- • i:Mh.: - ..1.,sZ..111..C.,a1;. d- Y -e' ahdaYret.hbe°Pnr6vItTsiietl(inri ' 'I'vvo hundred and fifty g„ Seaforth in February, ,according to in ,.-wHeL"-6-Pw Mayor A.- D._Sutlierland, chairman of the relii4committee. , 1-- 1-• An up to -date cooling -system is From The HUTOIL Evositor this 'week being installed- in the -'21liar''''"Cif 30 .1883 fountain in Crichzs Restauf ant stands -tor peace, then the implica-,-: sUch claim, and Messrs. Piefengakor, .. eg, right 0 raise 4,1e. question of .t,=• : ...The Liberals ,have never made any Sidney Smith, present external •af- fairs minister, has ironically sug7,-: gested that if Mr. ,Pearson's party tipn is that the Conservative Party stands- for war. "'Which .is nonsense , „feriae/icy- that , hinders the, talii.ng—af------ - coal deciSions. '‘ The Liberals have ev-. , tives--'haVe displayed an emotional • , ,01,1 soeh ,oecasibps, :the, Conserva- tion '. . - , fit - Smith et al miss.' the point The point : .-, :riess, to formulate and guide Can:. ' is that past performances :of both . -ada's fereignPobey.,-;It is a., legitim- , parties show, that. the -Liberals are . ate' election -issue.. - - "' . - -• • 4 FOR: SALE' '29 -Room Rrick, With garage Low down paYmeM; - . _ , 6 -Room Frame; , o heat' •, „ • • . "Sweet tbe "-Moments, Rich in Blessing, Which Before Thi Cross I Spehd" EE " A Thit 1 L 1 4 ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN CliUkCH SRAFORTIT SI�N1R: • Rev. A. NinarrIO, D.D. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingbam TUESDAY: The Agong of Betray —WEDNESDA,Y: "The'rAgonz, of,Githsernan?' THURSDAY : "The Ag011y Deniok FRIDAY,: "The Victory of the C -r0*'" TIME'. 800 p.M. Offering Taken At Each SerYice -Under the auspices' tif AVORTif AisiD tfritTincit TZNlSTRML ASSOCIATIOX- • , ItEv. 3, IL smitug, ector Of the 'Church EV. C. E.. PEACOCK REV. 1, SEMPLE President - ' • Secretary tRa Reeoneitect To " ?). Price right. Two Grass F'arms.7-50 acres APPIYtO Plione 458 , , '61110•11:;•..enlielocatien7.:Th• b,-%ervji sr have y some Of : the - measures tlfat.."Were brought- downi-but: John thetig.ht it was' toad Hine ,bring :on the electiOn: He don't need to -try. --try- put it op.- anybody one to call' it, . - --'11/Iri *Cardiff- ha's re' preSentatiVe:fOr -18, years,. and What have weTf.got:---,"Or. So don't-, peet now when 'the Tories. ar,e:1,1 ,power -all he • got was 'a "berd• job." - JAMES • R. .Mr, „Andrew bke wbo bas been Mr., D. `D. Wilson, ..:OVibWri,;`' has a welhanoWn. resident Of Seaforth Rurebased the: egg ,husineas of for !t '‘.iiumlaer. 'of 'Years,•'.-reinoYed,. Hainitton; ;4 Deans, of Vmgham, his heuSehold. ,efieets. to .Torordo, • Last ;Friday '0•Yening, .about :five on Saturday, where be intends: fo o'clock, the bouse of Messra: An Make': his Theme 'witfiliis son4 Mr g1,1' and 'George, MeKnyi., 2nd eon- Alyin.Oke: • --;-'ry • 'cession, :Tuelterstriith, ' Was burnt A small refreshinent,botitit.is be The fire -.origiirated :Upstairs and is Week ha• the Store -of. .!•11:4P0sd to have ,;been • caused by aVII%;,,3bSepli -Nigh, on the east byte; Me Cernhtisks.,.cornine in con,' of,'Maiii. Street. . shOw'',Wiiidow- tact -with 'heated ,,,S.t0Ye0Pe5.: The has ben removed,' and ',the booth :flames, spread so:rapidly -that neart ocenPies, this ..space;2.oPening lyeverything was • destroyed, In rectly onto the • Street: The, :Work. chiding • elothint.; flarniturei ete As is being: done 'by Mr. :Robert ,Por "there was nO Insurance, the loss' , Dr. teldjA. Minn and 1Vir.:•1VIutsM.' • Mr. Sinion...-Young has 'sold -his • farm' on the Huron Read, Jtillett, to MiChristopher,15416, for about $6,000. !Vie, fattn Contains -400 -a-& res., Mr,-)teinag intends to retire from farming. and will have a 'sale of hi, stock :and other"effects.''' ' Mr. Dominic. ReynoldS„'-of: IM- !ett4 • recentlysold a- gelding :for $215, And Ur; FrAhk Kettle, of „the same tOwnship, .seld a. heavy draught Marc for $251.. -• Mr; Aleatandet Davidson, forth- erly- of the Canitnercial Hotel, of this town, .after; a residende of abut •a year ha' Ein,erson, Mani- toba,' hasreturned here and hi - lends taking up:his abode .in Put' and Mr, 44a E;,Kea mg, Attended. -the; hockey match.•ht. Th- roato on. Thurailay .',eyenitig, be-, tWeen Roston!and the Maple Leafs. '1 • Viola -The-,111.00t,•'.E3ipositorc-,,• '• , March •27;1008 „. . • The,..annual meeting' of the pat- rAns.. of the -Winthrop .CreatnerY Was, held in the Reports :ShOwed that during the season 'there were ,65,000 Ppunds butter inantifactu'red,.. representing -4 yas of,nearly.$15,000... :-, • • Mr; James Patthrsoii, a4..4:Lon; don R,oad;.,delivered. to Mr. Fitz- skflthois, giChnten, the Paler day, a DerkShirepig, whieh weighed 010. pounds. 18-.41- pretty ' good• weight fo a pig, -anti one that -few Cabeat. • ;.,-‘ •Fhe ..telePhnne •is a' Matter Which a inirpbdr ef the farmers in thee•vienuty of Seaforth are be- COinfitgrt7deeply , Wia- 'thdistrictfrJnes -farrners -held' a meat. 14- auditis 11OPed a -line • cau brought:.tront Sea/mitt •td-Valfork. • Mr. A. 7. Well, Seafartli; haying a -plate •••igap's- front Put.bi his store, • MessrL*7,-Charters& so, 'of, the -Mill :Road, Tutkersinith;re centlY Sold a fine' 14.ni9ohstol4, Wilt: to mr... vv4.0; faking it to Moose Jaw for his 'Son - Mr.' T.. Getty. ,The „auction sale: light' by Mr: Hugh- IVICIntpah;•' McKillop, -last Wednesday was a good one. There *as,' a geed -',attendances bidding brisk and -geed prite-S. realized. Thomas •BrOWn; Wielded tiM.Imm- mer.. • The. total.. Stint, realized ,by the .Sale Was '$2,5.08,,' '•• • IlUggie.S. ,and WagenS. new:. Pre, yaiL althottgit- are,--•.,'stifl coining .in frOnaJhe- cOtintrYi. Pak, tietdarlY froth the north: TIM COUit'• try, 'rciact§ are'iti yery bad. shape SEE . ODR . 4Personalized. Service" .tOi'Oerviotea. e,0-2114til. "WO; Ei*Oositois. ...E.Nowi'mpoiso#0.-..loswolig"essimula4 RR ;3,' Clinton, March 11; 1958. • SEARORTA UWBOWEE HOLH.-BRIDGE4ARTY:.., The lady. -bowlers' bridge_ club met.' at the home of Mkg.---11:=Whyte on Mondax, evening with seven tables at play. Prizes, donated by M. P. L. Sraely and Mrs.,' E, La - roam, were won by Mrs. Dorothy Parke and Mrs. 'WM. M. Hart; Hostess was assisted bY Mrs. E. C. -Chamberlain, 14rs. Patterson, Mrs. ,A. Stacey and Mts. Sillery, in Serving , a delicious The April bridge will be nt the home of Allis. E. A. McMaster. , 'USBOliNE &1111313ERT ,IVIUTUAL FIRE ESeter, Ont. President; E. Clayton .Colquhouni • :Seence11, '• Vice -President; Alex" j. Rohde, R.R. 3. Mitchell „DIRECTORS --*Martin Feeney, R. It, 2, Dublin; Robert' G. Gardiner •RA, 1, Croniarty; Milton McCurdY: R.R. 1, Kirkton; Tinfothy Toohey, •R.It. 3, /Aldan. . AGENT'S—Harry CoAtes,:R:R. Centralia; Clayton Harris, 1V.lit- chell; Stanley Hockin.g, Mitchell. SOLICITOR — "G".• Cochrane, Exeter. _SECRETARY-TREARMER--Ar. thltr, Fraser; Exeter. .BUSLN EV; AND PROFESSIONAL 4. DIRECTORY • •MEDICAL NI. W.:STAPLETONT Phyrsieian. and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth no-,ans•wer,-c-all---59 MD' "1°1EIN., PhY.snad SurgeonRs.,, Phone Qffiee 5W '-7Seaforth' 10 'physician and Surgean,Hetisall Phone.110 SEAFORTH CLINIC " Telephone 26 • E. A. McMASTIER, B.A., M.D. Internet " • Telephone 27 P. L.1111tADV,,M.1). - Surgeon "- • Telephone 55- , DR. E. -NAIADS' Telephone 15 ' _EVENINGS: • Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday mily,.s7-9 p.m: - • 'Appointments may be maiet• OPTOMETRIST' ' JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • , Optometrist Phone 791 : Seaforth Eyes examined — Glasse s Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH- ' Office IlotIrS: Seaforth dili, exceptOitonday, 9 a.m.-5:30 Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12;30 pm.; Thursday evenings by appointment Clinton; "Monday, 9 a.m.-,5:30 P.m- (Abate ,Hawkins' Hardware.) errifie en.. rather Owns, $5,000.00 Life AssUr. •ance, Mother will have $1500.00, and EACII . of the Children $1,000.00. in' one Policy! EXAMPLE:' Wife, age 35 $150 he assurance to age 60, Mad 5 children, 51,000ete'age 25: -Premittin $100'peta044, .Montli Inquire ExcluSively; ERIC. 'oShatqrfiMUNRQ.E -hotte,04 ,I)ERICH S Seaforth VETERINARY LEGAL , -,-VETERINARY ptoonp.o,,, Phone 405 • • •'• • Seaforth. . • . .• . W. SILLEItY. arrioter, Solicitor, Etc ‘• Phones: Office 172, Residence...All SEA.FORTH : ONTARIO lTN:TING " - A:. M. .11(ARPEB... .Chattered Aceouritant - Licensed lkiuniciPal.'-.Auditor. CHIROPRATIC TqL;CONNELL .'„,8r-grEwART: ra"; ,Solicitors, 'Etc: P. .-woman,. STEWART '1 SEAFORTFL ONT„ Telephone IA D. LMcINNES.. chiropractic ,., Pook .C.orrection COMMERCIAL HOTEL,- 1VIonclay,• Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m., G. A. EBB,.D.' •'*Dector- of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - EXeter X -Ray and Laboratory, Facilities -- -Open Each Weekday- Except Wednesday Tiles, and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment. •• Phone 606 INSURANCE • The, McliILLOP ‘igttliterAL FirgE. INSURANCE "%C BEAD EAFMtzTti,-;(itik- AllICTIONEERS •DON S. DENNIS s, :Auctioneer Graduate of Reisch American' School of Auetioneering. Lipensed in lluron, and Perth. Capable of handling all types et sales and ad- vertising. • - • DON DENNIS, Walton Phone Seaforth ,843 r I • • "'• C4$1qPR-S.-1 • President F. Alexander Vice -?re; •-. -Hobert,. 'Archibald -Seaforth IVIatiager.. and:. Sec:-.Treas.! 4 -„, Reid, 'Seaforth, • ' • ' •-bIRECTORS: Trewartha; ClintonJ; Jsilalone,-Seaforth; Clirto. Leon, bardt, Bcirnlicilm;" 'Hobert bald, Seaforth; John H. MeEwill14:• R1rth; Wiflian S. AtOiander,:101.. ton; ffarve ro11er. Gotleriell; E: -Pepper, Brumfield; " "Allistett BrOad,foot, Seafortb. • A-Citkv,k8: 'Wi, . bro J. ..Prueter, Drodhagen; SelWyar. Raker, :Brussels;, .gtio moaroo,.soafoith.. , , .• 00000 L 'CLEARY-, 0.. Stafbrth.Gut,• - • -:*.• .IAGENSED EIVIRAT:MEII. , and IVITNIERAL DIRECTOR, ; 0 ...Wight pr Doi' Calls, 32,5,. 4.,•44.04,04a4 a a <> a o o a' • Funeral Service S:BO Licensed, Embalmer prompt. and datefu1 attention ROSPItal Bed toLowtit-s volt, Att. , occAsioNs Phones: 0 Res., 595.W',Store 43 o-o0oo'0 0 000 a-4, a 00 000 *BURKE- " '<•:" 0- Funeral Director 0 Anilittl,a1.!ee Service ' 0 DUBLIN' • ON. 0 ' . „Phone 43 -'r "v" 0. * 0-0 4 0 0,0 0 0,0 •0•.°P•004•00'0"000' G. A., WHITNEY 4' , o ooderich;st W., seaforth AXMLANeg- st4Vieri-. 0, Adjustable hospital' beds .0 - PLOWEitl 0R 'EV,ZitY • ..-OCCASioN *-07'Velephone: Deror 119 0. • 0,0 t#