HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-28, Page 1-T
Itqinety-lqirith Year
1Vho1e Iveraber 4704 '
. • -
WeThattended meeting -and batiPpiet in Egrrienth7ille .;Church , -
President Robert W. Cam-Pbell.-dis'cusses the''.operations--, with
Here (left to rig,ht),
est Sneaker George, 11,1eCaig,,' of ,
Alieeak's' actiVitST at,
Harristdn, and Murray, Roy, •,Secretary.. (Huron Expos: or ,•photo by ,PhillipS).
. .
With .but three day S remaining
before voting day candidates in
Huron are busy completing ews of St.
throughout the riding. ,
Final' meetings -for Liberal can=
fl 11 Cochrane are being
held in Creditor]. ;and''' Zurich on
. . ., . . ,. ,
Sid erS ; Iniorie
ThurSdaY-niglit, .and in Exeter' Fri --
•-being '. held in the 't egiOn'.,11a11. Will ,'..',. , , .., ...,.
In Two-Ca'iCia
hear Tony ,Abbott,- son, Of the' 'far-'.
Nnioerrnteeilitietirgas1;h1Viati:leis-bteerenfan'Fniollilan114eci '', ..T41,015:W' a. iter ' :6a:1; e-rilai"; Plibliii,
by COnservative, 'Candidate 1-,,,' L„:. •
is in :.c6tt lUemorial. Hospital, _Sea -
Cardiff. --7--'-- '---- - '' '' • - • -
lVfeanWlille,-final preparations' for, forth shffering from- ininrieS' re-
-the, -taking. Qf tkl#,..VOtA ,Illay'e, been ceived in a, tWe-Car.' collision al the
rceothiurpilleinte:::04fiYie.Jei•-•-•.K.-_pjoTi:tearr,e- ri.o.dipnegr;., friter,sectioll of ''''ill'" -13e..,e7;7"°,.-64.1',...°a-.d , , junior le;ider. .. ,, , . , ,
from. 8 • a.m-. , to 6 RID.... and in Seal. 'and' the- 6th: ah -6. ltb. .Con'efssinns ni
„forth .are-lebated'..asi -fellows : .- -, -".... - . i.c1C-1-11 • - ,man,. 11.11.-..4.- -,Seaforth ., len . mem,
,........__No.,..1..:-,Itesidence Mrs. -F._,Storey„,:, ,Ile -17 ear., Was . beinZ'11Ellien----1,Y ',hers wer,e on hand:at:the ynieeting,
. . . .. , . . , ...
' Galeria- St,; ' NO: '2: :Residence: TJOS-epli.14-aifskont;---Et.„nblin-ziv;:- --,- b0;7Was,'.. -althetigli_inore are expected tnjoin-
-Rona 7 roomer-- arnes-.,- -c.„ . ty,.. ....- . e ive,nng .,mat . along e u n at,. urt er meetings.
- - Id -B ' ' J . St„. l'' .3 d r ' . ' ' 'I" 'a:I"- -th' 'li 'Jill ' ' -f ' ii ' '- ---------'-
ftesidence'A.„.W...1-Junlop,-EaSt Wil- rural ,reiite.i' When .1.t.,.4.6ollided.- with ' The: eV-e-iiing'sr.7,.progfain-wa-s- un., --
liana St.: No "4; Carnegie; Libiary1-. one driVen :by ,Jaines...Sleau; RA,' 5, der Ali& 'direction 'of assiStant„agri-
NOC-5: 7Clarkeis , -Garage:. and IN safortil.,:. .. -, -..,-,-; :- ,. :,., ' , , ,' - :eulturat.-rePreSenta e For. Huron, ,
,,. .. . Iii. ,, eartor...Dy,,,,,A. P.i6.1,r,.$,T,th,.'Sectilobr,lh4iltebbielivernodeliint .1
6: At 't15'le 'residenee 'nf` J.Ohn lietii-' ' ''Mr, Sloan' had minor 'injuries
aml 4r,-,-.-Solin -Street.; - ..... ,. 's . shoulder- -and:.-neck.
,jteceptilin, -i-o-ir ..caodidat,-,,,, _ as ..completely--w.recked.,,,,,,--,pam-,. eFon.31itieStion' with ithteit.S..eafortbh.,..,F, ail
.*embers of ' the, Seaforth and- aesteitritagteiVidr;sa.t .C$7a0101)",e•'il,te.i.''-'-- ear, ' w -a -s. clubs being beeitiegau'soeti°aaizetle7S rillIturie'''Me-tPK--1-:
DiarI6t.. w°Inetn'k. Liberal Associa-, ' m.s,,, m r.. ,o,c nn.or, st.40,0,,,,,h. lop Grain club ' and Seaforth Poul-
tion',Si3ensored a ,reception at. the, .T.1,-,itn' i asPinn' 1 ' ()rif' NEI'i•sii-tps -'-it...,-,,,,--: try Club were:- unable -to „conduct.
. hoine- Of 'Mrs. A...Y. 1)/Icl.,eari,., ,On, !d"'''',"'`,--' -i a- ii ' --.4:, '-i'-,---',T,:: ---:' 'an election of,'offieers: These - eree-
'1-Wednesday when ,district " 'ladies, r--1 411 - rs' -r"'s tons 'whit be held at the next'regur
on, visi e.
met Inc' . Huron", Liberal, Candidate . . " .•. . ' ' '- , ''.' : ' lar ' Meetings Of the- clubs. -- • -
1 William:. G. ' Cochrane; and ' 'Mrs'. -' "misS •Regina'''B°Whian-; 14. adwl, • r ' . -Strong Heads Beef. '
Cochrane. ''..- ',,,-:,----.' ,-- -- "---.- -,-- artd„.,,Miss,-El.eik-Be'lia301,,, wainth, ,St..i'ra„tt, .64td4-,,,. e• ds.ebayf orBtlii. 1,..Bse:terf9, nCglii,,b1w*ii-1,2!?..eihtae, Dublin.
!. Ahent 'eiglatY- called' in the after', he -we ,:t. ' M
.S.1* 4-11.;.ClubS were fernied'Ar' Bed, Rik 2 ROA'. ' •
the.:Seaferth:,-4rp: 'TneSday 'night President,' • ,SeeretarY,treashror• is
forth '`Oist,tiet',Ogh2,Sehool; 01.1e
, , . , . ,
the '..s000kitii,ecitt Seaforth.-;
fiqh ' Althou the, -organ zat ',Mee
of a..!clon.inr.-tholioe,tiy#4...: or' ,inenihership, e
lleld;;Was -itained•!President. of• the: , ' •
, , , ".
cern club. ::Other'.offlcer's -.elcated •
virete:,Vice-preSident, Carrip-,-
Bel3 :Fotheringhand\ • RR.. 3,
Seaforth: .pre Ss :reporter, Robert
ed, is the- liruce.;(01c7,
UL waS,formed, this ,-year .o „ e ow- g
ers- of corn. A. ki.e301.Lnterest' 'in in' ,has been,. held for these six
this field
Jack' Broadfoot, RR 1., Bruce- 'eials stated. ..,
was re-elect
IOrth =PAP
eli. RR 1, Dublin.
piesideut: of -Sea-
of flii.ectorS.:"at et-,
ThUr y nieh son
is '171e-org*Tent" directors,Ot'd
'Robert .McMillam,'Staniecjacksort,
R. S. IVICKercher.;;and -Ted
., -Secretary Murray -BoY.
VT. ,,lyielady, was named . to the
board elettion, at,the annual'
meetbag, and,,,hancluet, ' held
mondVille _Church' prier- to,',Alie:
rectors' meeting., He replaCes'Ar:.
Year _and Was ...not eligi "
eleetiou, Mr. Simpson, "re-
turncd te', the, imar,
e 1,cis
o „ thohigh,totalling ;$60',124
-.„,'pObrited last:Year. With busineSs'
Area • field ,:supervisor ,Bar, counts 'should represent abent-.-45-
'vey; GOderien„'preserited,the -finan-, to 10 dayS'y sale, while they actual-
eial, -statement of the 'Seaforth: Co- lfsrePresentod 60.. days' 'Sales.'
Op iri clear; ,coneise -McKercher---howeVer,--Ceuildn.4.--see
-Esnitenidvhle, Church,- welei*Cthe-
group to the church, stressing :the.
need for, more' cOoperation. arid "ca”
" ordination: 'FoRovving' .the turkey,
supPefi7.06liert ' MeMillan express-
edthankS-.-te.z.the ,rladies.', of the
eaen-itent. to the greup.„,, The
oE $1;057r,, 'cidinpated to the :1950
saVings-,af: $7,000,. :and , the 1.95 loss
:though., the",--prOfit..May,,,htge,,:,heen
roall.' -leSe;':.ag!..;theY.'
.eeived.„.,$41,01.,,t. -0aShiait'4edr,, as
payment 'Of die-.1946'1"-)a-tiiniage'.'`re--F
how these could be lessened to 15
days,„ but:thought that they could
be cut to days, or $35,000 this-
-7*a.tning this year, yir, NIcKer-
Cher---Painted. out, were too -_,:small
to -diStribtite, so they will: be plac-
ed the-tenerilL,reserVeLfund-general
Manager.sihee January, :1958, Ed.
4plaining thought only
$1.057 was made last year. - Iri
correlating the figures; he !reniark-,`
'to' break, everi".'0Ver',:that .arnount,
It is -as. the intention, of the board
tOj;:retiirapatrOtiage-, returns a-
revolving-plan•with-the,:-1957 euro-
4ngs now "due,, according - to R. S.
,$09,900';''a-'cenSiderable stiralto 'pay:
and - an --earning- of '$1,000; he
reminded-- the ineinbers,- se, the,
,--te -hold baek-Lthis_
. - .
Tribute Was paid to Mrs Homer
ihnit who until- this year had-- been
.bookkeeper at the Co-op , Office,
when she Was presented a gift
by the:heard:,
GyeSt speaker for
was aeorge,t.:,,-meQiig;-'-31tarristori;
president of the Ontario' Dairy and
Potiltry"...CP-operatiVes" of 'Ontario.,
Request Seaforai,
ing Of tile co -OP.
Bill Gordon, 'for three-. months
manager of Seafortho-ep, an
beadofthe petroleum, division of
the 'DCA_ told of, the Progress " of
Chia division. At present, he 'Point$
ed but, there are '52 co-ops deliver-
ing petroleum products ' an:
aim of reaching- the 30,000,000-gal-
Iou bah& this * year.
"We need 60 for a 're -
:fined'. of thir ,he informed
the .grodp, "a refinery 'owned by
the Co„-opthe- farther."' Most re-
fineries are owned ,by ',the rich
oilmen we hear so,-rauch abou
iffe expressed hope' that Seaforth
would ..• soon 'Consider!'" 'deliverhig
petroleum ,products to the farmers,
assuring.the group that it would be
Rep Here,
Dwelling, on accounts receivable,
Mr. 1VIcKercher told the fudience
neon and were'.'received by; Mrs. grs--.:Era41019W-00.,-;--- this-year..With.,:vice4PresideniLbeing
.. vice-president of the ,as- tgra•
'Miss Catharine Moylan, Brant- Charles MacGregor, `.-E,R Sea-
J?viited with Mr. and IVIrs. forth.. Secretary -treasurer is Les -
C. -Roweliffe, president, and Mrs.
sociation, and by Mrs. J. C. Cricir Jack 'Moylart. , lie -calliPbell, Seaferth, 'and'
and; Mrs. -R.,..IC,. McFarlane. "' iMis's Molly Malone,London; kiss I press: reporter; Rill- a - ' ,',.
',.L.Xiitiring.,:it._ea,; wore,' Mrs. • W. L. Clare , Malone, Stratford:- and Jack . -'1. Dubliit:---"Leaders' of this .club. as
, ... ,
WhYte;', Mrs. Joseph McConneli Mii1one, Montreat-visited-witli7Mr: -Erie-Andersoni-Londesboro; , ,-Tict
Mrs.- 0. ,COchrarie and ',Miss. Ethel, and, Mrs. J. L. llalone. . .Kenneth Cainpbell; RR ,i,. Dublin.
Beattie.: ' - ', ' , ' ' • . ,' -, -'-'-"Mr.,1-.and:1-Mrs. -GarY. KellY and Twelve:Members' were present' for
, Those "who- assisted in , seridirg baby, of Stratford, -and Miss Mar- -the inaugural 'Meeting. \
'1'r/ere . MTS. Either', Cameron, .1VIrsy ion 1V_Iblver,'. Oetrbit,..'-iiisited ' Mr. ' Twenty-three -members of -Sea-,
Robert-, Charters, • ltris. W. G. 'and Airs. William McIver: - ' -forth 'Swine chat named Douglas
'Wright, 1V,Irs. :Orville, ,Olie, ,Mrs. A. ., Gerard Sloan," Handlten,. and Mr. .Jarnieson;-RR 1, Clinton,' as 'press'
Keith ,Sttarp.' Mrs. Joseph --tiev- dren ,-viSited "Mr: and; Mrs. James - Seafortb..-as,._ vice-president. ' Sec..:
_...... . , „ ,• ..„, , - .. , .. . . Birthday
.. , . ankl„cen-ariunity singnig, led by J.
.Nieholson. Mrs -J Broadfoot Mrs ' and Mrss-i-Gerald Gaffney 'and chil- dent' With.. Mac ' Stevitart-;-.RR 5
the Pr.ofl ,'calculated -Mr and Mrs' James -Medd -were
Cal-elreTr $10;0P0` SaleS, •OT 10.. per. '
cent. Conversely. every 12,000 taken by surPrise Sunday when
'sales under the $650,090 total re- their son and daughter-in-lavv. Mr.
_presents' a loss of-. $1,000 -;Or eight". and Mrs_ Lloyd Medd .7..Were ,host
per cent. „ and hostesS to. their parents"and
Referring to. 'a recent , advertis- innnediate family, at a dinner to
ing-,eatipaign .whicii.the,Co-op, is honor them On the occasion of
a good step., -Of the, 52,- now e v- • C t '„.n Page. 9) their 48th wedding anniversary,
The table was centred' with an. an-,
nivers'ary cake brought by, , their
daughter. Mrs, Robert, Johnson, of
Grand Valley_ The cornmunity "ex -7
ends congratulations to Mr. • and
Mrs. Medd' on \this decasiciii, and
lice Work hi
cently has
his -present r
Goderich, e
many years in po-
Seafath,' who re -
been promoted .to ,
ark. He moves to
ffective April 1St
• . ,
11 was father aud„daughter nigbsi
at Seaforth Lions, , Club Monday
d'4n r:asa Igt' Db. ero About
,soti tu.si°t eZ:raf:sa I It h, 91°1:e st11:,nd nr r "d, nil 4tit. d. a:4,:§04v
e -and7-an._ iefe'r-6stin,g
Which fol.lowed. • .
iiiReff,suajeaSnagvecaa:ptimgbemY,-linlithell:yaeff,r ,c;abier:I'V,°:,anse •
Larone- was etiannnait,
precsieetnyta,. btirOn
Iwo hrhHighlightingsaljer4rt V
last fail. TO e
-liCa- .°r O' at A tt eeer als C7t)n-
Corrinne Smith,
-earned xneddllions, but
present Monday, '.-re
"'is and Itifurray Eithloy,
Certificates were given Te
n ltqchuei liar eta ae:ati todael eKi °ehnoEs LO, ,;%d: ece rar Bedard.s31-d4imdYau' etsaeTtrs:s bar: fre e 'tei
-1p2rienYsei day e 0ent ;110 Clu
hn W. ¥oi1e1andp0i
ed out tkat becat7.10f
which the club maintain
Lions Park, it was now pos8i 1
for Seaforth distriet:Aiing peoI
take part in sue_li.i"prograniii
those sponsored by-The-Royat
Saving Society and the Cauadia
Red Cross,
In , presenting -the awards,
"CoSford point,ed :.ent that ,-"the
itter easiet:
task of -..p#0,,,iding -...',Capable•su
viSOry, Stagqii4, the :',Intore,-
a-',PrOgran-V.Whicn ineluded.:sinikkr.
by .SharOn'Streng •,• dances
an •Leenhardt'and -Wrigh.t
Euchre (tar
a arth'
L r T Y- w R Sevefar -snovies--were
creaux an Mrs. Elmer Rivers. - -retary-treasurer- is au ence
The Seaforth omen s ns itute
LOnd.esboro. and 'press -report- celebrated their -30th anniver,sary shown
Last .;Saturday was the 'end ‘.of games,' ,One an, the B, 5'-'i
hockek. for 130 boys 'as the Legion the other in the ''"A" group. Af- Are SucceSsful . ,,
sponsored Pee -Wee hockey came ter these were over, all „the 'boys
16 -a close. The morning was enjoyed skating until noon when -. ' , .-' ... '
Spent with the ,playing of two final they were served -a delici 1 eb A list of successfin candidates in
by the 1 Ladies Atudliary.. recent Western Ontario Cons.erva-
Tap. Dick's Ti -Cats came out on tory of Mjisfo examinations Is -giv-
teorpestm-, the e "Ap'l'ay,g6rrostip,oto_win a en below, The names are arrang-
Tones ed in order 'of merit, with the
team were, Bob ' n Tri $ follows': first class hon-
Akker,Be-ueinrstn'an",e' '111::1 iglri.sa;dit180„gto"a 100, inclusive.; honors, 70
CiinnPell; Craig Hall, Daryl to .79, inelliSiVe; Pass, 6q, to 69, in-
Schnemler, 4.i„.m -Carter; Bruce Dale,
Promote R. Bennett,
R. G. Bennett, agtiCttl-(Urar,14`,el
,,presentatiVe for .11tiron a' -nurnber
' Of :Yeals-age/Was.appe-: tetl!:Citief•
Agricultural Officer 'of, the Ontario
, Department, Of . .Agrienittirer::-'
nouncement„;of :the ..apPeiritiiietit
was intide',WedneSdnYr!hlioriW.
A. GoadfelloW..- ,
• Mr. Bennett,,preVitinsiy. associate
iirector of the Ei4etisia(Branth,
"succeeds ' the late'...fainen,A;',.'Gar-
-' ner; ge.brili,j;,to. hoW, Peat a
-wide exPerieneerbi,eittertatoti. Wok
and in: the aditihnstrationfif ,.farm
lthoWn fOehiS, interestand':netiVity-
' conneetion,*ith,4-11 wlrk in
• bah .the.,,,,S.prOvoicial: federalfields. -
' ' ' •
First Church
Extends Call
The congregatidn, of First Pres--
byterian-Church, at a meeting here
Monday evening,'extended'a call to
Rev: D. Leslie Elder; of Vernon,„
.Ont., to become minister Of the
church; The Pulpit 'has been vac-
ant since Itert.•-*D. Gleiur Cathpbell
.left in, January for Hamilton
Mr. Elder, a 'native �f Ireland,
has been in Canada for a number
of years, having served' congrega-
tions in the Maritimes and Ottawa
„ -
arrages, re 17
Damages Were estiMated. at
-,:about $1'7,0 it an accident on Main
Street- in Seaforth:earlY' Tues,daY
evenin1, InvolVed „,the 'accident
'was a car twined' by ElSon . A.
8oafotth), 'Which 'Was, Park-
ed on ,the **eat 'side of the street,
in front Seiforth Siikritarket,
'and a pickup' trilc1c being, driven
Smith by John :Maeneiti, Fgmentt:-
Investigating was Con -
Stable George Martin of Seaforth
• town polite. '
' D D, minister of St, Andrew'S
PreshyteriailL Church,
' ham, who will be rnissioner' for
the Coining ItolY'Week Miesion-
service s will be ,ionanct:
ed, in St.- Thomas' ,,...Anglican •
Churehr,. „Saab
,•Onunerieitig Ap -and
ming until April
noforte-Grade IV, Jr.:
hon -
Bill Teall,,Frank Revers and.John PiaL
Patterson, ors, Shir
Iley-, Storey '
. , • .
Ins team: to victory and a -crest. honors, Gloria Mae Carter; Pass,
In the :`,#,R''„group,,, 440 &lig' I6d Theory -Grade II': - First class
On , his team were, Tom" Pbillips, Eraiir May \ Collins.
Ron ,Campbell, Francis Hagan, El_ . Grade I:. First. "class % boners,
liot Clarke;,,Ken ii,31.1rns, Garry 'Bet- Joy
ce flea; "Ken Devereaux, 4:%1.4 Bosh- , ,St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth
artx, Now
'rreomitaninti es , -1,s the
..e pee.. - TheorY-7-CoonterPoint$ Grade .IV:
First clasS honors, Sharonllotham,
29f.h„, and .the Gederich tournament.
ihe-: ,Carayn, Neil.' ' ' ..... , ,. ,,,- ...„-
HiStory Grade, IV: 'First class
Wee tournament in ,Mitebell on'
on April - 4. : Seaforth Legion Pee., honors, Sharon Hotharn; honors,
Wees play 'Forest in "dederleii-at Rosemary Lane. • n -'. .
0. ' • SeafOrt _ •
Lodge • Assemol
this 14C:id-,:, '10 1,
forth. are ieaaers -ui
Leaders.. of the Gram'
. Club , are, Stanley' RR 2.
Walton; MeSpadden- An, 1
Seaforth-,tarid -Laverne'. GodkityaR-
2, Waltem Seaforth PoultrYCitila
headed. by -.leaders' .R.-'' Whitely,
and. James Seott,':Seaforth, :
- Officer's For _Dairy, Club, „
:Seaforth Club; With lead-
ers Bill' Boyd, _RR 2, Walton; and
Irvin TreVvarthar; RR 1, Seaforth,
bad....33...:ruernbers'„On hank for the
first meeting .tlf .the„ year, 'Dennis
Jewitt. 1; Clinton, - was elected
president for the, ben -ling year.with
hope- they ate spared to enjoy
many more years of wedded bliss..
C.O. Forresters' Euchre.,
, , ,
" The Constance Canadian Order:
of Forresters held a 'Very-.succ,eSs.-
Itilsetehre and -dance 'FridaY''' eve-
ning, the euchre ' went
to ladY:;
vey Dolrnage,, ladies' 'lone hands,.
Mrs. Harvey Dolinage;., men's joie'
hands, -Gary ..-JeWitt;''. ladies' ',1Ow,•
Mrs, Ken 1-fidley.;,,,.xrien's Torii
Whyte.,;,,41unch , was ' served and the
reniairider . Was
:spent in
Golden Links • Mission Band
„ . „ ,
'.,Tho Golden LinkS Mission Band
Was held',Sundayin,, the Sunday
School recap and was opened by
repeating ,the IVfis.siOn Band- Pur-
pose, The minutes were read -and
tell call answered by Scrip-
-ture lesson was, read' by :Dianna
Dale. ;,Collection was taken by,
-Linda Preszcater,'„aftcr, Which Mrs,
Melllwain read -the study book and
closed the meeting :With prayer.
.; Young People Plan ,Activities
Constance .United Church- Young
People ,met' at the home of .
qnd 1Vlrs ItOSS :la a eGregor; Sunday
evening, :and the ' ineeting,..Operied
With a sing -Song, The members
*decided not ,tiCAiter. in the draina
5 p.m,, Apra 4. . • Harmony: Grade Honors
On Saturday morning 104. local Myrtle
and district boys, paIllapating-,in '
the Legion - Sponsored Saturday
morning hockey, were, treated to a Kinsmen
lunch* by the Legion Ladies Auxil-
iary., :Sandwiches, doughnuts and
Chocolate milk were served to the,
boys and their coach, Jack Eisler
This is a. yearly -treat t given to
the youngsters when the hockey
season in Sisrforth s over.
T�pn�tch Meets.
.Manktiin :Saint! ay
'Seaforth :Topnotch heathy learn
Still a -chance. in the ,,WOAA,
Intermediate 4D" 'series. To date,.
Ttipthitely have Won n game :and
Monkten. a game, in the ...best -of -
three Series:. 'Saturday night the
deciding game will he play64 in
SeafOrth,,OeninitinitY Centre; '
..,-TOptiotch .advanced. .group
'finals 'by' defeating' St.,-Colurnban
in two -games 'Straight, '
•"kan. (in police statioi)..--- '"Ser-
geant„.1 :found ,the, wallet
ed,stolen:Jthe other day,Iii
er .. • • , • •
-Sergetint'cL,Too 'late. We caught
the thief Yeaterdak
Party $uccess
Deputy -Governor Les . Parker'
Exeter,. outlined the corning' presi-
dent's convention Seaforth Hins-
niert at their regular rneetingMOn
day.. The gotlyention; to be held in
Barriilton_frora_MaY....16 3,1; wifl
be attended by. Seaforthl KinPresi-
dent; Jack -Webb. *.
Tueitlay,:r.evening,c the ,610b., joint,
Witttlge[Lien§: -Club" :for a . Red
Cross lah At PreSent, mem-
bers have joined the newly -formed
club,with -eh% .airning at
;27.-• Membership ',Chairman IS Thos.
\ •
The einb realized' a 'Profit of
about .$400 frotri.the St:',.Patrieles
dance and dryer draw. The TV
set, which is Still in use at Scott
Memorial Hospital, 'Seenii,„:destitt-
,edto stay there, ateording'th club'
officials. The , TV . set was pur-
chased, 'With. the idea Of hiving it
available. for .any 'sick, or shut-in
,perSon in the towa,;but to dafe no
one .has requested the nae" of this
Williarit Ifodgert and Cleave
Coombs 'have, :charge , of this pre-
Williartr"Jewitt was 'appoint-
ed teacher...for the liTating People
Sunday School. Class, with Layrel
Dale as assistant, The spring ral-
ly . is: to be held in Goderich in
There will be • a 'film on
Martin Luther on ' March 30 in
The young People's Union' are
invited fc; enter the denornbiatiom
al sing song on Wirigham TV bit
March 30 at 5 o'clock. _
• A 'hymn was ,sung, followed by
scripture by Marilyn Taylor and
prayer by ',John Roggart. The lead:
et. Mrs., ‘V.L.' Whyte, gavean in -
Spiting . talk, as .well as Rev. T:
White,' A. recreation period follcW-,
ed With. TOM Whyte as leader. • '
'Mr. William pale 'last Tuesday
attended a, farm tour of Banner
Counties Guernsey Citib; taking in
parts Of Oxford; Brant and rerth
Mrs, Art Bromley, of .Kitchener,
Visited .and spent last Wednesday
with. her parents; 'Mr.' and '''MrS",•
Jetties 'Dale,
and Mrs.-EprI Lawson spent -
last 'Thursday- in. London.
Mr and Mrs. T. McMichael and
Miss Evelyn, - of .Goderich; spent
last Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Dale and family.,
-Visitors on Sunday the h
a omes
of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and
Mr, ,and Mrs Wilbur Jewittr were
Mr.: and ..Mrs. Knowles McLellan
and daughters., of Kitchener, and
Sidney ,Springall; of Kincaid,
Sask •
"Mr. and. Mra. Robert Johnson
and son, Brnee, of Grand Valle -Y,
Mrs::; 3ames
Widely. Known
Columnist Passes
John Verner (j. IVIcAree
Whose- editorial page column was a
widely read, Toronto newspaper
feature for 55 years,' died ,--sudden-
ly Saturday, at his heme.,
Mimi -
00. Ile was
,Mr. 1VleAree is •survived by his
wife. the :former ;Margaret Eliza-
beth Stewart; " formerly ,
Sea -
forth. :He is also 'survivedby four-,
daughters: Mrs. ' Lawson', McGill
(Nora), Toronto; Mrs'. Eric: Clarke,
(Rebecca), Downsview; Mrs. ,Ed-
ward Oznik (Miriain), New York,
and '1.Tivean MeAree, at ,home. ,
His fsrst column. which appear-
ed in the old Toronto Malt and tin -
Dire in JanuarY, 1903, was-entit-.
led, "Jules "Verne Prediets Novell
is Doomed." During -the interven-
Mg Years he wrote more' than 1$,-
000,000 words 'devoted*. to discuss-
ing the Wide range of .sitiajeetsin
Which he Wa.n.interested..' Mr; Mc-
Aree was 'bat in Seaforth during
the 'Old Boys! Reunion in 1955,
Funeral service' was, held Tues-
day at Wesly United .Church, Mirn-
ico; With interment in St. Jainee
tnstitute eolors --of blue- and A. large -birthday cake- centred the ' e egaTes,
IS e
table On the platforna,..Wirst•preii-
dezitthirty„,-Aars-ago- -.MrS.:„;pepr,g0,...,.....,)3,thiabers',.;,Of.:Gibdericli. and" Wing;
171-Eciffney; ivePtesented, with .a..linfii--Reliekaii-LOtlie
'gift: , the',.regular; meeting . of _
Thirty ' tables „ of euchre ; Were ln Rebekah- .Lodge Monday
PlnY, with:,the prizes, ',going' ,to: ,wheif,"Mrs. 'Ana • Pritzley, ,of Gode-
ladies:'first.„ Mrs Roy Brown; sec- of. District 23, paid:.
ond, Mrs. Cecil; Oke; consolatien, her official spring .viSit, '
Riissell, Damage.; second, '.'..Lorrie tiamedrepreseritative and Mrs. At,
Hay; : donselation, Guy Dortance..
Following the. euchre, a. delicious
lunch was .SerVed-, Norris. orch-
estra provided Music for . the
dance. , A prize ,:to the ,gentleman
„coining:, the longest way" , the an-
niversary party WAS.. Wbri by Cecil
Oltsc: Leaden:. • best.,:oldtime
first; 'Mr. 'and...M.1.-S, J. Doig;
second, Mr.. and Mrs, Joe MeLel;
tan; best step. daubing, ladies, Miss,
Sharon Strongi. .men, L half of the--lodge,-$he.was pres
hest rock and roll „couple, 'Misses. ed with., a bouquet of spring
Betty and Mary MacPhail. Bowers' by Mrs. ..Boyes.',:- .•
, -
Miss Nancy -Pepper; :leen: Mrs. William : Dalrymple was
cenieterY, overlooking the Cab;
'hagetown district of Toronto,
where. he Was born and raiSed. •
Viaited with Mr, an ,
Medd on Sunday,
bert Harrison," scholar, to:. attend
Rebekah,:Assembly in ;TOT:ante 'in,
June. Mrs. Joseph Gritinmett, .atikt
Mrs. 'Alex Beyes,-were namedalter-
nates., Social convener for the next
:three :months• ,-Wilt be Miss Jean -
An -inspiring'. address was
givem --
by Mrs.. Fritzley on -"The Vitat
Lodge," •,StresSing • attendance, fel:- '
lowship`,-, pride and 'faith. ,Ori. be. '
TeIIS 01
D.G.M. George Falconer paid
an official visit to Fideity Lodge
Past noble grands were remind-
ed of district meeting in Gode---
rich on April 9, -
About §iet were in attendance,
and Mrs. Hugh Thompson •presid,
ed. Winners of prizes during a so-' ,
cial period Were: Mrs, 0. T. Wal-
ker of Wingham- Mrs. E. Murray
Seaforth, at their regular and Mrs. John -Newcombe, Gode-
meeting WednesdaY. About 100 rich.
members were in attendance, with ,
Ilea- Dublin ower
visitors present from Chia -ton,
salt Exeter; and GoderiCh lodges.
Noble Grand Vittor Lee presided. kir --
The Clinton lodge presented the Honors -Nurse,
Bride -Ilect
travelling gavel to Seaford" Lodge, .
who -in, turn will present it toelleti-.
:sail:ledge. `*--e- ,
In his adclre4. D.D,G,M: Falcon-
er speke on the LO 0F. Herne at
Barrie and a the progress being
made in the construction of a new Chambers, of Egitiondville, IS an.
wing. - When Completed, 'Overall
. the nurses of Scott IVIemoriat Hos--
event of April a, was sponsored ,by
acconunodation. will be available
• ,
A iniseelladebus shoWer, in hon-
or of -Miss Marion Cawkwell, Sea.,
'forth whose marriage to Mr. Roy
for approximately 80 residents.
At the close of the meeting a de.
licious lunch was served by Wil-
fred Cameron, and his comriree.
Henry liog6ith; John St.;
Seaforth, Will observe . her 9Gth,
birthday Sunday. with a quiet cele -T,
bratien ,,at her .home ; Mrs- Hog-
garth.is enjoying excellent 'health
and at present is 'looking after, her
spring 'housecleaning .chores. J•
The fernier Esther'. Horton, the
celebrant was born:Mara. 30, 1868,
inHibbert township.. 'Where " she
.spent the largest part •of her life.
She has IiVed Sealeiith-,46.h.the
past .3.5 years: she • was
married to Metiottgall, Who
passed ; away 'in 1916. She. married
Henry Iloggartii•in 1926._Mr."„Rog-
garth is 8.5- .
Mrs: Iloggarth: has a; family- of71
one son and two 'daughters: ifor-
ton'„McDougall, on the homestead
itt Hibbett. township; Ethel, •.Mra.
Peiffer, 1,0110,ai 'Noir York,
ata Mrs. • Christine' BroWn;', Seki
-forth. There, are also it' grand,
children and, nine -greal4taudohil
pital at the horne_of Mrs. CharleS,,
_Friend, Dublin,; on, Saturday eve.
..About 20 friends assembled to
extend felicitationg to the prospec-
tive bride. Games were plaYed
during the evening, and the bride
was presented with a beautiful cor-
sage of chrysanthemums and many
handsome and numerous gifts for
her new lionie. A delicious lunch
was served by the sponsors,
Decide Pneunioni
Is Death.° Cause
According to a repoil • 'released
by Dr. J. L. Penistan, T'rovincial
pathologist at Stratford General
llospital, David 'Willis. three-
month -old baliy'l„vhe died last
day, was Suffering from interstitial
--virna---pnentnenia. ,
The baby,,, son of Mr, and MrS,
Kenneth Willis. Clinton, and form.; -
eriy of Seaforth, was found ,dead
by his /nether, shortly after - she •
had Pladeti hint in his carriage for
an airing on the fort porch „oil
Monday, 'March 17, . „
Private fUneral service was Con-
ducted., from the Box Funeral
Chapel Wednesday afterntion, With ,
ithernient in, Maitlandbank' eeme4