HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-21, Page 10„PIE URON EXPOSITQR, SEAFORTH, 9NT., 1058 - tines - of SIIRAliCE W 00100$4434 yivEllaNG Pougy ers 'full lire and liability cover- urch Notices 4 First presbyteriaitibireb.—mbv, ,ister, Rev. `13., Leslie Eider Verm On; Out:- 10 a.M.;-.`clitirch.:-kehook 11: Morning 'Service; -430 pan.; VeSper SerVice: .104014Olarie.Services it Duff'S”, at. '10 am.;. . Bethel;;.,11:30; Caryan-2 p.M, EaStern 'Standard Tired: Ref. 'W., 1 -1„ - Min, Themaa' Aji1ica. thetrObe..-' Pi%yer,„tEVen: song, 4:-30,,.p.i.n.:..ply•I.cein-niiiifuji-- the.•:',f.itat Sunday 'of the. month 'at ,„„and.„.•the-:.,thircLSundai. Of rzeleiridaY day, Thersday and Friday at. -.87,00 • '.Servicesi.eondiicted.by Gerber,: a Mennonite, . Brother. Rev. IL Kendrick, Pastor:. Northaide. * ster;_•Rev-SrUce W. Rail, BA., .10 . a:111. ,.; ;Chureli` 'Scheel and Adult Bible.; Qlass;,. '11 a.m.; 'Morning .Worship;`,Conchicted • tke..nuniSter; nursery:far- tert-F diers, JtiMateringr,egationc: 7 pet.; "Bible Knowledge College'; 'brine' :your Bible and:, a friend.; .'13"P.in„. •Northaide-YOuth.Fellowship: Palm- Stinday2eVenhig,, Mare11:.30.,' Saered •Cantatai• "DarkneSs7ari&-Da • •". preSexted• 'brs mernbers of the.' Se ier Chair, 'Everyone invited...-. v,••• • • Bgnionditille United ;CIturcli-Dr. 3: -Semple; i -Minister;- PasSien, Sun day;. 11' a.m;;•'•,'.`Are ;Doing Xettr 04e. '4 J-1,alliiit$fiKeit,, You.,•.Flacl. Bet." Journey To Jertisalene'',' and • The Meaning...of HolY4:„Coinindni0h7;, 19: PlitITgli,:Schecd..ari-cPAJITOOr.s. Clas.s; 11:30, •junier dongregatiOnChereh: Ch�fr irgilehetr7I'aat'close.:or •;service. • • _nOull information, :ask •11a,„: A -148.0,N±74': 'Ag_1111 REID • - Proprietor • :General:Insurance none 214 Seafortli • AgentS- ' ' 'A:ItErrt, 408:N.A. CARDNO • . 7:30 -p.m,, and Tn , ay, r Wedites- urnmaniniiimilimuliwomiumuu, .Sciafcirtli Properties FOR ALE •Two-SONY:Frame Dwelling, vie- toria St:. RecentlF,remoice11ecl..A11- modern •conveniences. Centrally located, and priced right; . Large - Two "- Storey ' CouMry • Home, one taile,..tvest ofSea.forth; Good inveStfireiifas income pick, ---- party. Worth investigating. Stiffey and half Fraine West St. Ideal remodeKing possi- Mlles. Priced right. . For Informatton . _ • corTrAck • " A -REID Real Estate and %malice PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH • _Other Propertie_sAls_o_Listed EIVIOWS- T • and PARCEL SERVICE Alt Tilsilenzers- hupared- • P/IONES linAiri 76 675.; TEXACO PRODUCTS P-iompt Farm Deliveries Walden'&- Broadfoot Phone 68649. Seafort • BRQDHAGEN _ 1 ---__,-mr.: .1-1--d--7-m- 1-,..§7 d.kiiiai]._-:-;:lvfogh., Wendi . and„:rA'' of .Snt .t;'„•,,Thoas, visited bis- parent's:" Mr, did Mrs.. l• p.eprse ,.1Viiig'Mrs, •RiisselhISholdice, ir over : the weekend.- andwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. -Don '.,..Mr. . t Markle; lreeditock, on Siiiida-y.,,...•,." i Mr. Donald ; „Ahrens, Toronto, ' *as .4•11.ta-hente: , , •• -- -,',-:. : -.: : ChielrenpeA..;have. ' been , quite prev en' • s. coriamunit .. ' -A•s ntiniber 'Of • relatives': ; here• atL' -tended • a ladies' •shaWer. for Miss • Laurene •Lebtdiardt inlVlitchell 'on' VridaY e, verii_ng,.. :„.,, ' :, , • '- AttlES GEORGE FII,EDERICK.IIANDEEt • . George Frederick' Handley, of PaSsed awd$f in, St. Jos- ePa'S Hospital, Landon, en_ Thurs- day,. Ittarch'.13, He was ht: his 62nd year. Mr. Handley wag. a. saleSman, and served ht the Fi„rst 4Wor1d -War, wife. the fernier' Jessie Irene Geminell,„ efTtleker- „Passed away a feW 'weeks Hvived by_ane. cla h- ter;'vr$., Alexander (Janet) Zubka of St, jelliVs; NeWfOundland, •:and two grandchildren, paid 'and _Betty - Lou Zubkai, -:of ;St. John's; • New,-„, fonndland. The WO rested'• at the Mil-: lard Geoge Funeral Herne, •Lon - doh; 7Where • -,funeral service' was held in the ehepel on Saturday; March 15, at, 1:30 p.m., Interment WaS it Paird's cemetery,I, Bruee• - .} °CHARLES EGGERT” • • RUSlied t�hospital Friday night, by Whitney_ambulance fallOW,ing' a Weak ;spell „suffered. vit,hilO Working' at the farin of r ancLMrs Ler .Eckett, MCKilloPtOwnshiP; Charles Eggert concession, 9,', Of.'that• PaSsed-aWay.Stinday. He, vSS-...',iis 67th year. '• , Mr. ;Eggert. lop te.wnslup and farined there all bis ,On June 3,, 1922, -the Mar- Tied- Ida .41artnrieir, at ..-IVfilyertori, who, SitrktiVeS.1". He .was • a ...rneMber Of r!II4CKillefi Brethren Qhurch.. , alSo' • survived by. a son, I _Normativvanid:• yin. (nell.)• .11:60k,. 'both'l\1cKll lop- and five grandchi,I='! drenSix also -iSurViVe: • Mrs. Ed. .Scherbarth, „l3rodhagen; Charles Fisher' MiChiaan• Kleher, taWnsilirtl „.-Affs7Jamai' C4.#11)-beill and :Mrs. Joitii.:40zzler, bath • of j Victoria,. B-„C,;•,,,,..,..'and Mrs: Lloyd McLean5,,,,Eletv,..,Sas . , , The .,badVb.reSted at the •.0:. Whitney Euneial":,Home:untiUWed ne'sda.Y. Adrnhig,r7.kheTi' at was.Te' moved to the .EVangelical „United Brethren:: Churcki.,:`.. c • ,Serv.ite 'at' Rev: ..A.triaCher officiated'. Burial Was Chiireh. ceinetery.. Pallbearers . were Dan •Beuer- Mann, .William 'Koehler; Charles • Kleber,...-F.ergus-Horan_, --.Con7Eekert- and, Jack Dietz-. ; monddle -OMR FOR SALE • 9 -Room Brick, with garage, Lew dawn payment:• • _ 6-RoomC.Tne; oil heat. Price right.' , Two Grass F,'arrus-&acres each. • Apply to - w • Phone 458. ".; SEMPLE, Minister, - --PASSION' -srpn Morning,Subject4= • sToisms 7ATELY CRY ;ourt - • Evening . Subject: • "SOMEWHERE ICVO.g Followed ,by Tato:Films:in Colour `The-East...,:Joarnek-to-::Jerniate.m? "The 'Weaning. of Holy Communi'on' Sunday Evening Of Palm Sunday • • Baiter Pageant . . "SEVEN: DAYS' TUE' -SAVKAtir •Sere yoti . • Choir will be photographed " at • close_ of morning service.% RS enEsiNgv------ Vell-knoWn. in, ,Seaforth-: and .dis- triet,; CliesneY:. • passed' away suddenly , in Seott-Meelarial Seafforth: %ttirelaYi„ in. her:, 86th year. ,:yVnlow: of the:late deceaSed was' berinln Billiard and lane CreSSini She 'came nd 4,.yoting. Win-. threp, where sbe received 1y edueation- .• Married in '„Sfratford:dit,480,.:She nieVed. With ;her hitsbaro.. to 1*-_, ersinithtaWnShip.;•'-• where farreediler",,..a? „'.years, Moving to ;Seaford:T:4n .1900,',' ,Citeaney'AieViii:71024.7!--"Shetwas..•:a. ,Menibee • of.:-,-EginentiVille tlnited Churph. , Surviving' are ,,' three ' danghterS and two sons -Mrs; Ilareld-,(Alice.)' Eranke,-;• •Kerri:Seafarth;Harry,:•:40.Ilecter; both ,Of.,. ............ a siSter;,::••'Mrs. •Annie. Sinclair, . St.,- James' Mn.;' and "a.l.brother; 'Robert. Bullard, .of Kitchener. Six grandehildren"4"nd seven greatgrandchildren....also stir- Vife,. aSwell as ltall-SiSteri; •Mr,S:'''Sidney.I3eals;. Calgary, :Alta.., anda,tneS, I:fewits; Funeral serViee:, Wa-S- day at 'Bev' Fimeral%Cliapel':'with Rev, titriocbrine. United' Church, fjciating. Burial WaS; Maitlandbank,::cemetery; Pallbearers Were . John. Robert: Charters, ' Ic.'"..-"QbeSeeSr, Paul Doig, l3 ert 3rootneLand.:Dtm Wickaig, and .:.flOWerbearers But-ctiont.vi4x4Pe4r.911...00y. WEEKEN LE LEAF FANCY RED Sockeye -SCilmon CHEERY M(HIN •_ ,Fresh Ground -Coffee 45'c Tin. 69c1-113. Bag HEINZ tOniC110 Catsup 2 11 -oz. Bottles 45- . LIBBY'S CHOICE uthturr hey're Tops zie New or s & Loafers 6.95 For r7r5eirt Willis Shoe Store LITTLE• Stole with the BIG The Values .:.,.... AIIR: AND MRSGERAI.,0 LAVEItNE FL'INN are shown fol.- • • lowing theirrecent marriage in Hensall, The bride is the; former Mary Anne Van Horne,- daughter of Cecil Van ;Horne, Hensal_l, and the late, ly_Irs. Van Horne, while the:groom, is the son of Mr. -" - and Mrs,--Joi-eph---Elynn, Ilensall."-Ille couple Will reside, in Hen- ' sail. (Photo by Doerr). ' NEWS 'OP IN tiCERT:.FEATORES . . . .„ . S .CELEBRATION A progrini, a os,' drills andplaYS Was Presented. by the POPi.,IS 'of -St. Patriek'S Sep-, 'erete School 'on Friday, evening. tri espaeiti audience.' The pror'.- grani,''.Was 'tinder the -direction 'of Mather Evangeline.. and ',/'llgetlier, Mary., • Mr.. E. „Harley, rniie supervisor, .:WaS:. the aeCoMPatIL5t.=`, Mr: Pat 'Hnnter. was ',.:aster tif The ,itrogr'ant"::oljeeett.i.,,'.vvitit, a aVI: Irish -lilt; ••••1*- Narane Mac. Rae' atol: Mary, Bernadette -Nagle. Several sOnare dances aii'U .recita- tions were, ;Much''enjOYed.• The highlight.' of the Program, was the: play ; 'Racal: Pat!! Jeanne Stanleton,....john Van Mselta6,:and,. blanne lieSky; .and' Louis- KratiSkapf ‘playing :the. leading characterS.,- 4 ': :•", Mrs: Pat Willianis,:Mrs; 'Michael Williania and Mrs: tan 'attended thefuneral-'of teed. . . _ , effering.in-the -' church -on .. .... .N , NE11 E 7-I(' , ori_X.hainr4_--:8,---Wineham-,..-Hthank' -- _. . ... • The men. from ' Duffs's ,United Bethel fliankoffering. on Thursday Church ;: Walton, :Will , j-O-inTin.---",(Sing• -eVe-A ning; pril.' 3„: For the 'Easter gime''` rnext Sunday afterileon at'.5.,O,'•clOck..Mbli,day, *April 14, , the East Side '.Mrs. ,,Ililcia • Sellers; of Kiickiiier,Iladles - are tobrine tarts'7and"-.-,the- .spent a feW.'days with her datigh:--.)yest,...side 'SandWiches. iVi, 'a:ltd.:son-in-law. lVfr...and. Mrs: :„:,,,,,,,,,,bre. used Christmas cards Were Herb Travis, and attend -.d ,the fun- bronect in, to '.be packed -and mail- eral, of .her .rrnotherdn-law, , 'Mrs. ed.' A .reitisionary.' monthly revi•ew -Sophia .Sellers.„.....' ':',.- -. ' ' ' was „given by Mrs.' D. Watson and . Mr. and Ikfl..X.S. 'Fred Martin, of Mrs'. Ted,McCreath, gave. the topic Burford, spent!. the . weekend with. on ..",`The Son,•”. 'of .Sdloinon-",. ' The p, oriner s pa„ en s,....„ .r. , an .,. ,r,si • -meeting closedwith. a hymn' and CIL' en,ce" Martin. : • , . the Lord'-s.,Brayer... A. contest was. . Mis -Frances-Houston', Eginend- conducted by Mrs..),Villiain, Dennis vide, is, visiting with. Mr„,.,. and Mrs,: and „tench :Was served by the ladles John 'Hislop. -•' ' •'•.: ..• '-. ,,-`, Mr. and Mrs.7„. Roy ' Planke,___of:. Toronto, and'Mr. W. Q..Ennis-and Cathie visited ',with • ' Mrs.: „Ethel • The Weinen's.:..Institute,.. Sponsor- :p,arty in,the COMinun., Aari 'E„riday -eYenin:Z. With. .-."`Iif---cliarge.-:Cif- tlie.•.-"eVeriing• were Mrs. Herb Tra- vis, 'Mrs;. JoeRyan, Mrs. •-ft,iert: --john.ston::,•and*rs...: Bryari_s..- „The:,tellaWirig,,, Wen ,prizes: thigh.. MrS... AndreW Coutts;: • lnne hai'ids,. LindaBryans; 'law; Mrs. 13r1 'Bruce ;::',,,-gentlaigly,...„..Gerald, Siiith; lone ,hands Don NoIan lo Roy Wiuiamson'A social :PeribC.-Vas.',,-.enjo,yed:.follo.Wifia the ;served,. -hy .the. -Tne.,:Mareh Meetine:.4 Me- Iillop lief& at. the 'heine of -.Mrs,-..Norinain!Schade ,on. We - neSdaY, evening- With 1.9,1 triernbers ;Sent-,t-Id-.-NeIstin was charge .ef' the ineethig, '„The.scrip- hir'e -lesson: was .;read bY Mrs. NOr-, in'aii Schad e frdrn,'MarklS,follPW- ed Witlinteditation • end „prayer:. Mrs:. Oeorge.X.,ove ,gave 'a: reading - entitled, ..",Spatliglits During: :the, ' businesS. Periact," it was -.decided 31? E• have u,:,:hooth.. at. ',Ste-WM-VS ..sale.; err -April, ted ,.•to of the -14th concessien, -east._ ' - LOCAL BRIEFS children -have moved inte one. o the Leahy aparttnents. . - Mr. arid Mrs; Jerome NiCholsoin- Londian, visited with M. .Jame Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Evans -and chil- dren, ChipPewa,..Visited With Mr, and Mrs. ,Jolin Cleary in London. • Mrs, An. Murray, Oat; - -,Fr-ank---1Crauskoljf,-TillSontiurg,;_and. Miss Marie ;:linattskopf, Harnilten,, visited with Mrs. Catherine_Kraus, Jtopf: . - and MrS. Frank Stanleton, of Galt7I-Vere guests of Mr: and: Mrs;. William Stapleton, Mr. Stapletbn, is. recovering from ari 'operation in Scolt_.` HasPital, Sea - forth. .• . Mrs, C. Peraint, of Montreal; visited with Mr. and Mrs) Ed' Stapleton.' - Mr.. andMrs.- Ron Butters an1 son, of St. Monies, called on Mr. and Mrs. Toni -Butters. , OlConnell-in Detroit on Menday.' 'Mrs., Mar Y Schudinan,is visiting in BUffalo. • .Ted' Te- atenit;:,' vis- ited 'with Mr. Louis McGrath. Mr and, Mrs 'William' Stewart - 0 -fierier`, viSited withfriends- in. vfflag , Mr. and Mrs'. James' Kelly, Mark, Margaret: and Mr .and Mrs. Maur- ice -Dillon and daughter, , of ` St. Thomas, visited with Mrs: 'Dillon. and • Dorothy, " arles.-=',-Erierid- and -Judy attended the SPortSMart. Show in,,,Torante. „ Mr. ancl' Mrs Evans and two 'laughter's, :_.0f,„ ChiPpewa.,- ited_with Mr. and Mrs. Erarik 'Ros&_ Marie - Feeney- ' .-and Kenneth Feensy, Kitchener," were guests 'With' Mrs. Catherine Feeney, . •- • Mrs. John KraUskopf and -chil- dren' haV_e left for, Newcastle where _Mr. -,Krauskopf is. employed :With' the Looby COnstrtiction Ltd. Mr. -anrs. .ei e y, .• • , EkiMRS. R.FINLAYMcKERCUER.n The death occurred on tirsday,. March 13,,inScott'i Mernorial-AloSP?:-' tal."of ' Mrs.: Entlay,,IVICKercher„ :1)11-c- 13:erL-PCITPelt-.serPo- t !""t , hadbeen in •.,healtit.-for ' • '•Ty- e A nes Map,2_'•_4_*1.i' rig," Mrs Witliain-P,epper, - years.:. i,egleenied forth, has retained frarii lqatts.0FL, 'reSident..ef iviexilinp; she was .horn .tendeci.:Reisch...Airierieati.• Scheid of of the' 14-te--- -Rh e„ieard, City, : Iowa,.,.'where • he.. at-, there '77: re41's AgQ;the ,qa_tl:gli* Auctioneerixig.' for 'the.' past two of LeadkiirY. ' weeks. She is survived bY her husband' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. 1-1-nra's, to whom -lite was married in Lon - Gloria and -Patty; of Stratford,- don-e_-(exirdier112,, 1909, and bya spent "Sunday- with Mrs. E. C. on ,Robert S., of IVIckillop;_ n Chamberlain. • daughter, Helen Toronto"/ and. _ctieNjos4§inNipl: ell i)Koueg3,,sk_emyiss'sancd,:t-mhear thrin: de e;viga„,„rrayfi closhih She dirse also osnual.lvdji,v, eJoan:heyt, Sholdice' attended the annual- On •twO sister Mrs :Charles' (Itettle) tatiO,Junior Farmers church- ser Eleh. aPw.nniv-aT)orecorithar!ticae,44.:......Mrs: En..t. to SEG/AP/NOVI and 'MTS.. Rebert„..., Barton.. 'IMark apd Ruth of Stratford and Oaiviia§tings; 04. .Listowel. Were '..StindaY::-: visiterS, With. .Mr. Thomas Bait:Oily , Mr.. Elmer Clemens, TWo5 Jaw.; "Sask..; - -and M and MrSn, Roy. aegi44,4er0; yisiting 'the foriner's Sohn. 1VIcLachlatt :ansi family aid- other; relatives.„. •IVIrS, Ree•Clark,, Glencoe; wag' i recent viitor With 'hor. Robert ,'Dairyitiple- and, Mrs. 'Dat, • 'blue . , • ; • cod . ,st,9v, iknO, ,Ptirriacd, Oil . vice held at_the,O,A.Q„..Guelph; on _Miss _Elva: `„Toronto attending the hair -dressers' con- vention. _ Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Kerr, df, -Flint, were here, this week attending ,the oluneral ,of the • late - Mrs., jean Chesney. . - • . • Mr. 'and .1Virs." Alex Muir- anil, Mr: and Mrs. Jack, -,Mair -and fairi- ily- si)ent.: the,' weekend hi- Sarnia visiting with ' Mr. and„.Mis. Miller "...and, , . •, ,Mrs., James , Cox, of 'Taranto, -sp.ent•g,ifew days ;with het parents,. and,'Mrs. l'farry Stewart-. • • Mr.-- R.'•S: -MacDonald , rientdnon» Satorday,ovving to the' , Blues of' MS -.parents; • „ - 1‘S.• 'Moines Pryde, 'of Exete,. spent' the „weekend -witli'.. Misses' Bess andlVtargaret Grieve.: , ,., Mr:and Of. Gnelph, called on friends and relatives on -Stinday,, bailing 'just, returned from ,a,„.two • Months' Visit, in • Califoreia. ' • • • ' • "Idiss-:. Jessie . foil ''arirl Mr -Neil Beattie To-' rotitoi-iVitere.here. .last :week .at tendirtg-4Wfuneral Of. the late Mis ThoMaS., Beattie. . •-• , • - Tomato 'Juke 48 -oz. Tin 29c. . . Golden -Dew MARGARINE . , 25C lb. Ellimarr PEANUT BUTTER ---464z: 35c Selig jELLY.:Powimits' ...„.... 3 pigs.:,.29e *tare's Best Choice KERNEL CORN - ..2 14oz.Tins 27c. • Oard, Pateli .Chol.ee Tericiet -PEAS. .... . 15 -oz. Tins25c Clark's13ANS TiUs '2.9e Minnetto's bice Quality ‘TOMATOES-$-,oz.'Tin. 21e idles S-.s.v4t; -ATITXU PICIttiESL-45:qz. Jar 29e TeMpt, DOG ....3.15.• -oz. Tina., 25e. Aeadieut 11146,AAONI 17e Plig.; - • Inter1a,10..trottivr, TISSUE, 3 .Rolls 39e , YOUR ,UNITED BUYERS' won!. S�aforth Figure Illsorar • presents' its EIGH'ITC, ANNUAL :WINTER Under the directlori of ARTnuit Bouax.E. 'Featuring LOCAL TALENT, -asSisted by .tatent • front STRATFORD,' and . a COMEDYTEAM - front Sarnia Community Centre, Seafo' rt 'THURSDAY,--,, MARCH 27th aforth 8°.15 Apivussiom 'AOULTS 75c' •STUDENTS & CHILDREN 50c'. - 'Come Out and Support Local Talent t.gth: of Show Approximately 1 tour and 20. minutes Mrs:. john Chapman, 'of !Toron- to,' washere attending the' ftnieral 6f -the late Mrs, Finlay :..Idcker.;" cher. ' . • ,.`; Miss 'MariOn Scarlett of. George; town, arid Grace Ifoggarth; of Shakespeare,' spent the t, week. end at their home here:: ' Mr.' D'OrleonSills left this week brother, Mr: Thomaa Sills"and Mrs.' 1VIIS8 Prudence. Dunbar) of Strat- ford, _.was a ',guest- lig; _rieqk. of 1VlisS :Rena idekenzie. . Miss -Marian' Weiland, of Toren - to,' is a_guest of hetiparents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Harry Miss' Helen' MeKerchet, Of To- re:MO, wal here -last 'Weeknttendi ingthe;f0neral, of her rhother,Ahe late gr$.,virtlak- Mckereher... • ,. Writer, :of Torant,O, Visited' her mother, Mrs: ,Sznith; over the- weekend. Mr, and over. C. P. Westaway,. Of Hamilton, were' guests Of ' Mr. John Nickel:ale and *las Rena MC- ,. Mrs. Michael .4111101S. has. ret- tereedllteree after SPeediegrqh weekend with relatives and friend§, in WitidsOr and Detroit.' . • Mr. Walter Barry; Detroit, vis- ited relatiVes here at Week. Mr. and' mrs..Laughig.Gear,,,of Fergus., •:,Viere weekend; guests of Mr. and 'Mta.„.:Illissell R..' Sproat. Mr. and Mrs, 'Maurice lc:lump, of 'Lcindett, Were Sttnilay tuest$ of. ,iptct ldrs, .Harold. Fret, Mr. and' Mrs,' Mac Engle,- Cran- hrook .ViSite41. With -Mr, and Mrs, James .keya on SUndaY, '• . Mr. atict k , Ks ,pre:q, ion, and 'Gilchrist, of DetrOlt,, were in tOW11 /this week, 4ttending the-:ftineral-Of-the-Inte-Mrs, Sean' Chesney,• J..1t, • NteMillAn'is a patient itt Weitininetet .1116spita1i London. member cir.1371-45..10,4 an.d.: Vve-s7tatlifo7Antri-t-i1tier„. of the Women's.; Missionary.,',.80- cietY of that '.churcli: ,,...„ Largely 'attended; "..flinerat„.... ger,' vices:were' held:ft:OM' Box Funeral 'Chanel Saturday;:cohdut.d'; "hy Rev. W„.11. SummereI-of-Duffts Church, Btmiat "fo,llaw,.." ed.. in IVIditlandbarik:, .Cexitetery.•Pallbearers 'were Jolth Moylan, ,. .Joseph .••••COnnollY; ..Geerge..; Wleat- ley, . Itaberti:.Carephell,' Crick,:ancti.,Nelsofil 'FlOwer'l bearers- were To- �1opkin., ',Chatham;. Williani DOnaldSon,":Atwcied;., McLean, 'John.; MOdetand , and. Rus,;... sel1HBOlten,... , " • ANNOTINCEME •:Mr. -and, . e ,..p , Staffa; „axificiunceA,he :engage -me t of ..tlieir,'Second Yourigesdinglite , -Mariofrflene, :to Mr. Thoxiaas!ROsa. 3iouWgestson ofMr. Luke' Penhale, 'Exeter;.afid:the:]latei:Mis.:; Pdnhale, the, . inarriage tb,' take, place the latter part.Of March... • e- ees o Plciy oung -Canada MOM. a_ciroloufs.b.* Sixes" St.Parish Hall FRIDAY EVENING arch 28 1958 •„. 8:30 p.m. • -- By pertniSsion of samuel- Ereneh New' fr# -Buck. Ties' , Ur Ladies . 84.95 For Misses $3.95 ilhis Shoe Store The LITTLE Store with the BIG Values , THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "MR" ROCk'. AND. ROLL -it ALLAN FRIED, -itocgy .GB:4zto.No. More fun, more bounce"-, more great stars, than any 'rock and roU 'yet!. .,„ , , It's the -biggest rock and roll and the story of'how-it-'all.began-.-. °ruin "FORT DOI3BS ” ===c14NT WALKER- - ,ViRGLVIAL MAYO-- OTICEarc • - this Theatre wilL operatenightly AftstatmaintomnammummurAmassim.Ii ATTENTION, rn.Y. rt e-- - be t s cents °gS,., A will yard ore pick4tp -- 75 i,c)cal• E roan ub1in..38 -0 All heckey-ietiiity far Seafortb' ls'notointe.,.OVer yet Legian. spem; Sore& Pee -.Wee .tearrf,will Compete' in the'. Goderich -.0a6rida.... I -Rickey Week -during:Easter 'Week.. Seatinth is sehedidedto. meet .For; est onFday;flight'AprI 4; at 8:45, in..theC"',series•... Compettng in the to:arta:Mont a -re 88 teania: front" aeros's Ontario. and _Some ,even, .ether ,parts . of Canada. Also. from this ;area, lien - •Sall, has, .Mitered a Mi ani -n .the' atid meet Miidfliay. at •tirday',-)yrartu::,,20. ' • • m, , r BEST — — 'Work:Boots and, Rubber Boots. lues 20 -Piece Starter Sets In Many, smart. neW Sovereign Pattern de - Reg. Values .50 to,,$0.95 Sale Price $7.95' 98 -Piece DINNEg SETS • Imported Bone China Standard set- for- 12, in eluding fancy_ piecesi plus 6 -Extra Cabs., •\ - Reg._ 865.00 Value , 4 14 RHAPSODY PATTERN ''• Irk Sterling Matle by International :Silver CO. ,s.Er.,„„*eiudi4g: .„ . •,8 -D,eSsert :Knives 8 Salad :Forks • ' 8 DesSert. Perks $-Snrall'T'spoons. DessertSpoons ',1'•But,ter .1Crnife.„ 1:sugar, spoon :Complete .withlieautiful ld'ahogany • , _ , • _Drawer Chest • Regtiini..priee $285.06' .$199 7 SLE SPECI%1 . _ (on& Set Only).. • Other- International ,Sterhtig Patterns Including PRELUDE JOAN' OF -ARC ENCHANTRESS and ROYAL,DANISH: Ma,y be purchased in:sets Pf•101,1r at approxi- mately 20%._,Discount. , - • - - IT'S iiiis Shoe Store -The LITTLE Store vidth theiG ' Values atiallIMMIENNI11111101111110111011111S ,....0"1"•••"" II, 1 I KINDS of . INURANCE w. E. „ hone 224 - Rds, 540 Mfl -$T- SEAPORTH Fi• nal _Clearance , Of Costume • Jewellery , NECKLET'S, 'EARR1NOS, ETC. Values up to $1„00 • Final Clearance at loc El'ectrinc. .$ havers, C At Clea,ring-Prices suN:tgAm. 32.850".....v...8‘sivilL5ALETE$R2.4.95 scincic “2.r, 'RONICSO°4.1X 4!;495"7...t: '8ALE'-' $21.95 riELEILETSy tARRI.NGs., RONItSe&-28ST5A°1411t8ALI) E BRACELEPBROOCHES, etc. Reg.. 21,95,,, SALE $14.95 , Values up to $2.00 PACICXRD • Final Clearance at 59c .Reg 29 9 SALE $16.95 CLEARANCE or English Dinnerware': Pieces At Low Sale Prices ,Ineludes Cups and -Saucers ($ale 39c), Dinner plates (Sale 49c), Breakfast, Tea and B. B. Plates, Fruits (Sale -20e), Oateleals, Operi Vegetable BoWls, Cream and :11gdr° Sets., Gravy I3Oats, etc.' •-ALL AT--CL,EARING PRICES! 1"araond Ititfgs, Ladies! an. Gents11‘'rigS , 'Watches ancl'ClocIts ALL AT IVIAItCH SALE PRICES MANY LAST-IVIINUTE, SPECIALS! 1)on't Miss the Last3 Days' of Savauge's March Sale ! ewellery ,Gifts SEAFORT me China