HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-21, Page 8T(i iv ON"E$PQsrrQii, S.R:Ak'OR, , oNT„: MARC(( 21, 1.958 • 11.13EE`..5� CE P Oe 362 tet dlught-31h M. Passengers: Insured Promt: Service 1 11111 1111. 11 1 Ii1t1111tgltllilllhlltlltl! Melt 1 S E R CLAN. • CLEANING ES IN;G del$ .. l. ry annerv=' Cleaners Main Street Seaforth PHONE 87 I1111111t11111I!,t I I1f1l1ilNltt111Ulllllll! FRESH BAKED 'Tasty Eating BRUCEEIELD • WMS Accepts`Invitation The monthly meeting of the Wo. - Man's Missionary :Society, Bruce - field United Church, was, held Wed- nesday -"afternoon with 1,6 women. answering' the roll call-•. The meet- ing: opened with quiet' music, fold lowed -by the worship' service. The theme was. "In Everything By Prayer," conducted by Mrs. N. Walker and Mrs. -F. Rathwell. Mrs.'-‘ S. Davison took charge, of the. business " session The Easter •Thapkofferigg meeting . is to be field on Sunday evening, April 13, ro with: Mrs. White, .4f..Lor<desbo ,. as guest speaker, An 'invitation to Egnionilville on --Wednesday evein-- ing, April 16, - was accepted, the occasion being- their--thankoffering meeting. The girls clothing: requir- ed. by the supply .secretary must be in by May 1, Allocation '" for the+ ,coming Year;. is to be;'$360- • Mrs J. Cairns apd Mrs:: W . -.Scott were in charge of the study book, chapter being The, Church's High Hour." The Meet- ing closed with a.hymn and- the 1V> izpah " benediction: LE SEAFORTH FARM 'NEWS' OF HURON (By D ,H, Miles, Agricultural Re: presentative for Huron ",County)` 'Some; trees have been;: tapped and" maple ..syrup: is .on the mar- ket at arket''at About $6.50 per gallon. Considerable- interest has been; shown in die ' ` use of . nitrogen on fall : wheat:: Since the',seed fair and -panel dis- mission oh Land ,Use Survey, con siderable number" of applicants liave been received for -that ser=; vice.. Interest in varieties of grain and small seeds are increas - ,The price -of weanling pigs is up. to $20, ,and _'highest of $23 ;for beef cattle have'" "been ;r.epor'ted.' Are you ready torent your spare rooin? A classified advertisement phoned .to The Huron_ Ekpositor, 41;- wili bring ;tenant.' • MR i ND. MRS, WILLIAM JHN OTAYLOR;' • seen . following 'their- wedding in.Duff''s United Church, -Walton.,; The bride is the • farmer Margaret ' Jean Achilles,. ':daughter •of' Mr. and Mrs. Rol- and Achilles, Walton; and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs- Grant Taylor, $taffa. On their return 'from a wedding trip to th'e Southern 'United. States, the couple will_ reside 'in .Staff) ("Photo by Phillips) CONSTANCE NE . S.S. Appvints Otio4er"s 'The Stiriday School of Constance United Church held their', . annual meeting in ,,the fern of ,asocial evening, . A progra�m, Prepared by the. , committee, consisted of: solo by Mrs.' Robert Grimoldby; piano solo by Joyeo Brown, solo by Jan- ice Jewitt,' and, several selections by Flgin Nott on ,the violin, and ► ' TIEa..VVE K -his sou, Glen,Jon"the aecordian., A' business' meetin took place with Mr.°Ross: MacGregor as 'chair man. Officers . ,for" the year •are:: superintendent, Foss Mac•Grego•r;• assistant;'' John Jewitt; secretary 'treasurer, Roney Jewjtt;iassistant, Joyandc'e JoByce rogwnown;; pianist-altemarrnates; Marilyn Taylor and Laure3yl' Dala; assistant alternates,2 Gary :Jewitt. priteach??` er, Mrs. Borden .Brown,' , assistant- -teachers, Mrs ' Meliwain,. Joyce• Jewitt, Willing Workers teacher,; Mrs--=,MaHinsocGregorn assistant _ teachers,' Mrs, . Mrs. Ken Hul .' ey, Jteoryce Jewitt. _ Allen- iness:M "•Af'the ce'-' ondesboro, .sbowed •.sI les ori various trips he bad made after which lunelic was :served. CROMARTYK ' 1W14$ Meeting The March meeting of the••W1VIS was held at the house of Mrs. Sar; ah' Scott.. ' A' few wqrds of;meditar tion o enc .tire - meeting" by Mrs. ct tt who also took. charge of the: S, o devotional"period. • In the- absence of `the secretary, Mrs:. <Kee- Mc- Kellar read the minutes" of: the pre= vious meeting. Mrs. Harpare gate the ,financial report. Glad Tidings prayer was ',"taken by, Mes.',(race Scott. The study 'book on Japan •was taken by Mrs. Moore," assist- ed by Mrs. K. ,McKellar,. Mrs. Har- burn, Mrs.' Allen. and M`rs. Hgugh- The.- aircraft industry---- one of EGMONDVILLE Canada's newest in the ;large nn The "regular meeting of --the, Eg-,' dustry field -- made sales in 1957'' ;monde lle Y.JP:U -"was . held. Sim - m• ,excess of : $355,000000. • day and, opened by. repeating 'the. Lord's, Prayer,; in unison .The roll' call was answered by 1,2. members. Bruce.- Coleman. gave. a,' report of the' '.tondon ".Conference Y..P:U. Christian . Service Weekend; which he attended, held at Trinity. United Church,,; i.tgersoll. Dorothy -Boyce,- convener -of : the Citizenship and Community.- Ser vice -Commissions toolt charge .of the devotional .period,-- Aftertt e" Call'to- Worship; °)'hymn was sung, and Dorothy -.B,oyce •led ` in prayer. The, topic -"Effects of Alcohol,"; was taken "by;. ~-ktargaret Papple Themeeting closed with a prayer.• :dile irlveted'.safelyy-and wisely for to.:5..years ! in a •Eriti:sh "-Mortgage cel t ficate. . Ta invest . just et4'in y=our cheque and -all details" will be :looked after: For full information write for an investment: folder' British Mort 'age and Trust Founded in 1877 Stratford ' THE BANK We get many letters from customers, expressing their '•appreciation, • for . '50me particularly • helpful advice :"or service' they're had from. Toronto-Dt5minion people.' Some tell: us of: advicethat has" hellied,to•further their. careers or improve tlieir'business prospects. Others have. been able' to realize their ,plans because of financial. asSistance,from Tile B nkg Sti11 others have been assisted in everything •fro}ri filling outr depositaslllrs tb dealing with foreign exchange. • We greatly' appreciate hearing about tthiings like this= • •:w because We at the Toronto -Dominion have aliivaysmade a special point of'offering helpful, friendly service to all. our customers, noW and old, in overt way. w*°can: THE TO O Tawoom Nora EK THE SANK r 'tiA I C -0-a t'5 AHEAD . P1TT. Matager—Seafoitti rtb Thane! LTON WIVIS and WA.. The March meeting : of the WMS of'Duff',s United> Church, Walton, was !heldlast ;Thursday. -afternoon, in the 'school room' Mrs. Alvin " McDonald opened the: -worship ser" vice with a 'hymn, ;accompanie'd by Mrs:,D,. •Watson at The'scripture taken from-.?hiL ippians N, :was react .fY Mrs:ohn. McDonal[i A, talk on the- scrip- ture, ,"`:In 1;verythillg RY PraYer;" ending>' with pi✓ayer, was given by, the` presdent:.: Rolf call°` was: an- swered by "a miraile. •performed, Delegates fo attendthe . Huron Presbytery at„• 'are Mrs. Ken: M.eDonald and -Mrs.Clinton” John M`-; Donald The; ,speaker and date of the Easter �Thankoffering meeting' were, dhseussed, also invitations to be sent"to Moncriefff Blyth'Unit ell, .Brussels united; ;Erusseis Tres, byterian, and Brussels and Walton Ahglican.ladies; asking each group, to eutirdyr a number:: Lunch will .consist of 'sandwiches 'and tarty , Mrs: Clifford Ritchie,'""Christian 'Fellowship 'congener;' read a- :story on, "Out.Of the Long ),Night of Se gradation" by " pr.. -.,:Martin Mont - ornery:: Treasurer's; report: was:" given by Ws., Emerson' Mitchell The; topic for the. afternoon,, "Our.•. Share: in. Clark; taken by Mrs. -J. Clark; Mrs. E- Mitchell and' Mrs. (ton Bennett., Thea Meet- ing closed -with a hymn and. prayer.. Mrs~, Nelson Reid:was,in charge, elite WA" session, . taking as her ,theme• "God' Speaking to Elizah, followed by':; prayer. Tlie 'secre- tary'sreport and .:thank -you card were; read :by Mrs: R. 1#ennett:, 1Virs: A. Coutts :reported -16i the ' treasury, Having a balance on hand -.6f4135.78...: The.Conferenee Branch • Auxiliary .meeting 'is to be • held in iondon April 15.' Lilies for' KasteY Sunday 'are to ,be .leek- ed^ after bythe flower committee. Tl a meeting was brought ° a close by Singing hymn. and- all' repeating ..the Mizpah benediction' in uiiiso}, .' Arrangements have been 4om- pleted,'to";haye the Easter`Thank-. offering meeting •' on Monday eves. ning, April: 14, with Mrs. Bruce Ball, Seafbrth,' a ;guest speaker; Missiwi $and The Mardis meeting of the Gleam- er Mission. Band of tuff's" , United Church was • he1d'-in the school room on: Sunday., with• 53' present. The .meeting was opened with the Call to Worship by the leader, Mrs. Welter Bewley, after which a hymn was 'sung with' Aileen• liamson as pianist, The •Members' • Purpose was repeated in .unison. and -Brenda !solution bled in. prayer, followeti sy a hy'Ja n The Serlpture,-,take: frena Gala- tians, Was, -read by Barbar"a Turn- bll, and: the theme for the day, 'Was,. "Christ Loves All,. Nations' i;qually.'' The Study of Japan was discussed -and • a review given, bringing oit the idea.o£,giving use- ful': articles • and ',the 'need of_ the linste'r� Thankoiferiing. The'offer- ing Was received: and thankoffer- ing ' envelopes were distributed, The iiiinutes of 'Abe last meeting were read byJean' Bolger; Marian Ttirnbtiu was appointed tto play for the April md'eting; fre'ne John- Kt gtoii to .read the scripture, and Linda Thyans to lead in prayer.. Classes: ,were formed ,for study periodv The',ineettng-,closed -with hymiz, and•the benediction Salo' of Canada Savings Bonds in 1957 w ;re .up 27 per deist over r1956„,t( .4.69,42000. ton.'"Currentievents were given by Mrs.:Willia;< . Miller:, Aline topic-, prepared • by . Olive' = Speare, was read by Mrs. Laing. ,The meeting' closed with: prayer :' by Mrs. Har- per and the Lord's Prayer an nisi son. ;'Lunch 'was served°, by "the- host and.. her assistants. .1+ e • 0 •. .• • • 0,1• •I 07,• ...A.141 oh, ��`. , . �o order—kali your telephones`; ` •• w SEPVIEE > I . . ' .1.. business• office. • •c.M.a • • ••••!•••r1•'• - EXPOS/TOR -WANT ADS BRING RESULTS"—,hone 41= •••••••••••••••••••• too err*ea.• .., .:.,A01 KE ;rx with Step asa vi13g; e:7ftensiOf - , - p,liones' • • • • 40.•411• • whose sure, skilled hand is needed OW`1 Serio ice Canada out of this and `doubt of difficul7 e is the man of peace, the man. of action who in times of emergency enc comes throu r withpOS1t1VE, workable solutions, .:NOV TO, T`HE POLITICIAN OR TO j THE SECRETAR."Y:OF STA'1'1±;. AS• SVCH, •BI3T TO THS ,MAN' .LESTER' 'PEARSON BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL `QUAI (TIES, HIS POWERFUL INITIATIVE,. S'1'IiENGTH ANI! PERSEVERATCE, ;DISPLAYEDINI ATTEMPTING TO:' PREVENT OR LIMIT WAR OPERATIONS I AND TO " RESTORE •, PEACE:" Fronk the'Nobel Peace Prize citation speech. Oslo, December 10, 1957 i a Jow he is proving it again. Lester earson'is ready with a'.•practic 1, all-out ,program'to bring back employment and trade --restore confidence and faith meet Canada's present emergeficy.w tl the Pearson Man' for. inunedi tte action or ucti.Ve.::'leadership NI VOTE .LIBERAL' 1A7� t •:- LE+ S Enr B NATIONAL UM COMMITTEE N HURON, THE MAN IS who stapj rts, ;tile ,LIBERAL TEAM headed by LESTER .: B. PEARSON vote. for. Cochrane is a vote or Pearson -the Man of pecker the Man of Action !r see and, Hear Bill Cochrane T1 day', MMrCh 20th at 6:20 p.m. CINX�`I�V 'rlday, iMac! 'list at - 7q 00, (Published by Huron Liberal Association)