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The Huron Expositor, 1958-03-21, Page 7
" AWED CLEANING >uIF Hater Than `Etter at a, C r .fir cleeeerS MOI)$1 FOREST ", - *Ore Spots and Stainb. Removed Garments stay clean longer Will Wear- loner. Phone 669 r 2 f rth,. :ANDY CALDER,' Agent NOM and THURS. ,Mounan i s USBORNETOWNSHIP CO a aI position Of the ,Town- ship of Unborn wasrhigh last Year, with an operating 1957• of ;2,380.60;'ti'he auditor's report We, showed a;,eash stulrplus '.at the end of the year of $648151, and no oo current liabilities' • Reeve . Clayton Smith and 'Cpgn- cillo r F rayne were .appointed as a connmit<tee to'meet:representatives from. B;lanahard township foliotv`_g�'�ng alietition fey .;street lights Ire/unite Village of . Eirkton. ' Lorne ;Mar-, Setif ort onsenfutiv• Cam ai .; n Nea p g d, uarters iiii--c1T rite*S1 Of E.,. L. . Cardiff are situated' ver theTeront -p . . Q c�rn�nicn B nk Phone, 799- 'Seaforth nese m KnQ so un jHestmeuts Huron & Erie-Camjda:"rust: Debentures and Trust Certificates. tnficates. n units of $100 or more both these' safe investments pay 4V2% -sincerest" periods of i t 5 5 years,' Why hot call in and askfor details? uron &Erie •Caria da EAEs ,OFFIC; Oil 011 District Representatives: G Bonthron "[email,. , , Watson & Reid,Seaforth . rus Ontario shall, ,Kirkton,' afrpeare4y4th the Petttipil On behalf of the int rested l;atepityers, The matter of additional fire pro-. to �f... an or the town ` i . s1! pis ,Still tinder " consideration Cir-4Peratitin of the .township : with the Tnikn: of Exeter for fire r' o ti to ozi s-° 'dis- cussed G was-, dos- cussed at a''meeting 'Marclt 5 with representatives:from other affect- ed areas;`;and ,from the Fire Mar: steal's office. Appoint Inspectors itoad , appropriation by-law .pro= yiding for the spending of $38,040 during,1955on Toads..,lif 'the town»' ship; was. passed, $15,00(1 • of" this will be used for_;eohstructien and $23,000 for: maintenance. This by a:w i8suudeos io irlec apps yiU of: rhe. Minister of 'Highways; •Road accounts;. aniounting to ''$3,050.50; :were ,passed for payment, Lloyd' Parsons, r; was: appointed'' warble .fly insliector, : to' be.-- in ,charge Of the program, and Hub - err • Hunter: will ti aveh With the°. spray 'operator --and assist With the s raying ,Bothi inspectors- will .W paid, $1.00 per hogs while. engaged to duties as, Well as.;mileage at: the prevailing township rate. These new inspeetons .were also anstruet ed *to attend the ••inspeetor settee), at Clinton., Clarke' report ed receipt of ,.5,65 from ;the road superintendent and other' receipts of 11,609:46, Balance at "the end; of • February was $1,869:20: Since December 31, $2,175.65• has been .received in,,1.957 taxes, according to,':the report of tax collector Wil= liam Johns. Balance of 1957 taxes still outstanding is $5,156;58 Cur rent- accounts in ' `the ,amount of; $1;465.78 -Were passed for payment.' Council adjourned to meet. again': 'ob our es ,:.. 1V1`any people never ;eem Ro get a good mait'a rest- They tum`atld toss -=blame it on `nerves tghen ii maybe theu'kidneys, llealtby Ldney filter poisoes and excess', aces- From the blood., If they failand Impuntaea • stay In the, ,system -disturbed teat often Follows Ifyou don t rest well,', getand use:Dodd's Kidney f?W ;, Dodd's , • help the -kidneys so, that you • can rest better -- sand feel better. 136 Odd' 1V:In+e�r P lis . free! Mari A Fraser's new Cheese Casserole Recipes. Sendteday! DAIRY FARMERS; OF. € NADA, 409 Horan Street. Torohi0 •- Swiigsi NG -Sca. :one.of the. five, crippled children• s` Ds in thepro ee,thatare ownedand,operated-btt.heOnta oocity for.Cripple`d Chldewho' amialiyconduc05 -Seal'Campaign, By_contributing to the Easter Ca'pai n4last ,year,` you made nt •-passible `for more than 1,200 crippled :ki'ddies to" - en;®y a three week. sunm er 'vacation , ; The ;1958 ::East er Seal Cam= `, paigti has an' objective of- $750,000, and rens until April q:..... ;In Spa- forth the,. campaign: i.s headed b. y • a, connni-trice of `Seaforth Lions'. • amen ung As . elects on, -me "dr ti aWs' ,near, ,Returning Officer•,J, IHunterGoderich has;r-announced �theap-pointinent^of Deputy Returning Of- •fica‘rs for the'145-;,polls- in Huron, including am`advanee poll. ' In,:ad . dition, there rydl be Seven or eight split pgfl ASHFIELD-No 1, EIdon Cul bert, Nei 2, Bert Alton;No 3, Jno Rntchie _'No 4, John"Tigert,;No. 5, Eazl,Drennan; No. •6, .HoWard Bar- ger; • No- 7; James Bradley BLXTH No. •1, 'Mrs:, Donald Bowes;,:No 2; George•.;McCall,r`, • • BRUSSELS -No 1,; Selwyn Bak- er • No. -`2, Meno Jackson No 3, Boy B ;Cousins: CLINTON leo. 1 (A-1), Mrs.. E,' BartIifi ENo ;1 (J -Z),. Charles John- ston, No, 2 (A -J) ,Mrs: 'Ron: -Mc ,Donald, „No 2 (IS -2); Mrs Mary •Nediger;, No 3 Hudie;No $ (L -Z), Mrs Doug m Freean,; No 4 "(A Ii), _.Mrs, Bert Irwin, No 4'.'(x, -Z), Mrs. :Frank Lobb CO LB'ORN Verne G1ed= hill; No. ` 2,;. Walter Daer; No -3, William J. Clark; -No..., 4, .-Leslie Johnston :- , Published by' the Ht>,ron ,:ro" rest :e .P g V Causervative. Association; ,E XE•1'p;R 1Va. 1 (A -K), Alva_ Brinttiell • • No. 1 ,: (L' -Z); Mrs. Ethel. .Cushman;;:.No. 2' •(A -K), Asa pelt hale, No.:2_ L Z) -'.Herman Powe;; .F.ar_l Carrot (L -Z) 'M-rs, L .Kest1e GODERICH TWP No,; 1, Vic for "Fa)iooner; No 2, *Ward Stir dy; 1Vo 3 William Mcllwam No• 4 ,Charles :Cooper;: No 5 1kler`vyn Lobb; No. r 6; Robert E "''Bowden: GREI'-10 1; .Ales Johnston;' No. 2, "Charles Storey; No; 3, Stew, art 'Humphries, ,No 4, Fred Cox, No_:5, Cecil Bateman, H'olmes,. No 7, Stanley -Fischer ' HAY. „ l�To; 1, .Horner Russeii, No 2,��V_illiam-Petty-;=No 3 (E1 -J) -Mrs:= Laurme Rose, No`.; 3_(.,K -Z), yrs._ Ruby Neeb No. 4, .Mrs -"B. Hess;' No. •5 Will am..Ziler•. No.-, 6, Chas, Snell, No:' 7, 'Glen' Weido; No 8 Avila Dueb-arme FIENSALL-No 1, (A K), `George T'ollick No: 1 (L -Z), W. R.•Steph=.' Pniin HIBBERT-No- 1, Mrs. Looby, No. H 2,; Wiliam , Gray; 3, -Sam Morris; No:'. 4; Eldon All _I1iJLLETP-No.` "1, 'Secord Brien, N4 `2; Bert'Beaconr;.No Murray East; No. ,4; Leonard .Ca well; No 5, Charles' -Merril,' No Harvey Hunking, Robert Turner , McKILLOP No. .1 Hen•: art;' No.2, :Sam Pe`thick; •No. Edgar Elhgson, NO.. 4, 'How.. Hack,wel� , -"•MORRIS-No. 1, larvey'Ero No, 2,"Wallace . Bell; No, .3; M Richard Proctor;'"Nd;'"4;' Geo Smith; No.' 5,`,Wilfred Hawes; N 6, Carl Johnson-. SEAFORTH No `'-1, Charles Barber, No: 2; Harvey Mason, 3, Mrs Margaret.' Case;` No. Dalton Reid; No 5, Herb Trapn No. .6, .Dorothy Parke, :STANLEY --No. 1, Clifford Ste art;. No., 2;Fred. Rathwell; Wo Howard•.' Lemon; ,No Cblenian; , No - '5,- William Ar Strong; No, 6,'Leonard Talbot, 7i Charles, Rau;' •.No. 8,:-'Anru dna No. en.; Me-` , •3,. 6, Stew 3 a rd: wn; rs.:. rge o. A. No. 4,;. ell; w- 3, on. iia_ e Seaforth Councilj Approves .AccountM • • Aecopnts passed for paymt. b Seafo rth fiawn Cortrr.Cil Mondayena 'eluded P IX C _acct,, $116 67;• „Mrs. Bol, ton eafsoectrth , CSeltolewol, , aec $201;t41:11$'. 0Public` vai ce, $3,50Q; -A. Pratt;.: $40• •A Miller,v wages,' $2,5, ;aWaljae acct , 03.50; -H. Maloney,'eve. time, .•$2,3;.. A Price, evertirae, ,$ A. •: Horne; ",salary; $35.2O;•Mid Western Degelopment Association aeet , $130; Watson & Reid acct D. H. Wilson, 'Salary -$250, Ma' nee c� tar t t� rn, n n salary, 199,50; A. Buslite, ',salary $141,40; J,',�Cummings , salary, $20 E. 'Earhardt salary, 2$1.6.6, .G. A Marton, salary, $233.33,, E, Laarone acct , •$85:27, .Huron; Expositor acct., $58267, Se,aforth News; acct $J6;34; Seaforth f'nbhc Scjiooi ad vane, $1;000, `;relief $35;rFrovin- enol;; Treasurer, acct , "$4:51; Couti ty of. iuron, indigent; $9X..75;. Bald wnq".Iiardware, acct., •$73:36, G. Boussey, .acct, $3: J. A Westeott; acct , $6; Cana - National Railways, ' acct., $50.58, Gam:' A Sills• & Sons acct,; $15.30 W. Wilbee ;acct , $3,5.70, C. Coombs, acct., ,° $3149; ;Siipertest Petroleum •Corp , aeet -, $8,22; Daly !Motors,',- acct.,. $20., N C: Beg acct. $5.44, M Clarke; acct.,. $22.50; E 'Boyce, ,acct., $10; H. McLiwain, acct., $147-; • Canadian, Tire` Corporation, acct $32.94; ing:Seagrave L-fd, acct.,' $5.09; lVirs:= H,,:Bolton, acct,, $2; Treas- urer- of Ontario acct.,$29.47: E: Erhardt'.aect $111':28 :G; A,.Mar tin, acct-, 899.92;,. E Epps sect.,; $243.15; -M�Ile,r,";-acct;, 5' H.; e,- 7.,; \ $41? 26• Bell Tele tiO e. , w p n Company, H y�,. } CAVAN Th e regular sheeting of the --WA., of Cavan, Church; ',Winthrop, was held ;int the Sunday School room of the church "%on .Wednesday. Mrs. Oscar Cuthill president, presided and the• meeting opened. With a hymn. The scripture lesson,' taken from Mark II was ,read,.: -followed` by prayex_by Mrs Cuthill The •roll call wes•aanswered by 23 members, and the minutese„iyf. the --last- meeting" were, read. -:::Buse ness'was discussed and•plans,Were made: for the quilting ,on ' Wednes-, daya nd a bake sale:`:nn' April The:,: meeting• closed,; with the theme song.; . STEPHEN, -No.„ '1i : Elmer Powe;` No.: 2, PrestonDearing.; No 3, Al - vin/ Raker ;:' No. 4, Lorna•'Hodge;' N.','3; l9lement IV.iceinn; : No. • 6,, Otto Willert; . No 7, Kenneth Bak-' er• No 8, Russell Brown;.,No, 9; Ed: Gill, Nb. 10 (A L), • -Thelma Booast; No. 10 - (M -Z); Jean Cas. grove;, , • TC)'CKERSMITH-No 1, zfloyd Haney; No. 2, • Roy 1V cGeoeJi; No. 3„'Mervyn Falconer • NV. '4, Ervin, Sillery, No. '5, D • . -Kyle; No:.- 6; Jack Consitt; No 7, Mrs. 'Jean Johnston; No. 8,, Frank .h aIeoner. CJSRO ?.NE -•No 1, Oarnei M-- FaIis'; No 2. Mess 'n :bagman; No. 3 Wiliam+ Etheringtiiir.; .111'0. 4, Ray Cottle•;. No. 5,..'Theron Creery; No. 6, Delmar' Skinner; -No. • 7, James Miller. 1,) EAST WA WANOSH-i=i•Np, 1, Ma- son Bailey; No;. 2, John McBurney, No. 3,. Lloyd, MBntgornery'£'No. 4, Sam .Thompson; No. 15, Robert Armstrong WESTWAWANOSH=No, .1, Har`• vey Culbert; No.2 Ken Scott; No. 3, -John A. Thompson;:' No. 4,;' -Earl Durnin; N0.:5, Wallace Miller; No, 6, Howard Thompson, • - GODERICHi• TOWN -No. 1, Ger-- trude Sturdy; No. 2E,,,, George James,,• Nb.. 2-W, .John •Cutl l et.t son; No. 3 (A -L), Emily Legg; N� '3 (M -Z), • Catherine Smith; No; 4, Helen Oke; No. 5,. Ebb M: Ross; lo:4, James 'Young; ;Nb. 7, Heiety Leishman; N. 8, Billf'ridrtiore;, ,9 (L-2), H rid • d nWilliaElliott;lNo. 10,, Imlay' McLean; No. .11,' :Fred -Bowra; Np 12'-E, T;bwis' Taylor; 'No;73V`P.NC 12*W, Wilfre EdegPe'Elliachott, , y. A*.. h "HoW Iahout giving me a ond' tri b acelet." ., Xiet "My ale `r exten a in entnstatices ' a , e t perforce irie to 'pre clude yoli'irOin such a.bauble, of ektrnvaganceir .• She;•t{i don't: get it.' • IXC. "That's what 1 just Said," • SKY -H1 3L4A on the nest _. or an the -cage Swift's new SKY -HI 314A combines -hybrid vigour with an unuasual agility to convert :fe'edo eggs 'efticiently,..,This 'new layer is truly a;topp perforer-- whether iii' floor or. caged NEW • SKY -H1 AVE oES .289, EGGS IN ;.TESTS Ili :tests during' 1956-57 Swift's new'•SKY-IfI 314A, 8 -averaged 289., eggsper hen; had less' Hiatt 2%. mortality .to 17 nignths of age : sand •showed, .1a feed. ;,efaciency of •;3.83' lbs of. feed per dozen. eggs The;' nearest con±etitive layer in 'ti r,• test' averaged 18.2: eggs tess than the SKY HZ. 314A. , Think what an extra 18': eggs per hen could;mean to; ', your income! Hveri at 300 .:.per c ozen, these',extra eggs would' be. worth $45 per ' 100 he*s, Npw is the money_saving time :CO see •'about ordering. 314A lsy.er chicks for your ioek: SKY -1 -If is;.a trade mark -of Swift Canadian Co.; Li rtitedi Per these and, other -fine ~Swift. :chicks,'contact: ELGIN . NOS R.R. 4,, Clinton. Phone 847 r 5`," Seaforth. t'oServe )'oorFarm and hi ilyBetter • w n J RQN z osa<ae OttiTt M: 1 to illi 'NSHIP of car owners in ' the Township McKillopr � � request their - cars' .on t Part 1 owns hi duan! inter. no' t Ctrs that are left on the,'roads are. contrary to the Highway and are a detriment to operation of snowplows After January 1, 195 -8, -please. xlote that I'ro vincial` Police will` take necessary action to see that Cars are not 'left on ' roads, and prosecution mray. fallow. oat • �.. MANLE' Su erin en SEAFORTH MONUMENT T - OPEN DAILY '. Pry, e & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIAL Inquiries are invited. -- Telephone 'Numbers: ' Cli nton Se afOrt h 573 Exeter 41. BUSIINES4 AND PROF, ES$1ONAL q\ n. DR:'`M W.''STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon . Phone 90; Seaforth If; no answei; c<a11 59- ..TORN A; GO W LL, B A r M.p Physician and Surgeon Phones' office .5 W Res 5-.T Seafprtln ' OHN',C _ GODDARD M D • ,Physician 'and Surgeon Pfioue , 310. Hensall .SEAFOItTH CLINIC °' ,Tel0gltOne ;, 26 McI STER; B.A. M.D.. internest ' Telephone .27 P-. L BRADY, M:D Surgeon Telephone 55 DR:1' 'MALKUS Telephone I5 EVENINGS ..Tuesday, ,Thursday and,.Saturday only, 7-9 p.;in Appointments may' be made. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LINGSTAFp ° OPtometnst : ` Phone 791Seaforth Eyes examined 791: Seaforth Glasses Fitted MAINOFF(ICE;;; SEAFORTH . Offh e 'Hours: Seaforth daily,,, except, Monday, g a.m.- 5:30 p m,;, Wednesday, 9 ,a;m..12.30 p.m:; Thursday evenings liy appointment, only '. Clinton Monday, 9 aim, 5.30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware:) - LEGAL A. W.. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones 'Office _173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO • MCCON.NELL` ' & STEWART :Barrls'Eers, SSo.TElicitoVt!A1Irs, Etc. McCONNELL D; L SEAFORTH, ONT.: ", TeleTphone 174. AUCTIONEER ION S•, •,DENN1,5 Auctioneer . ' • Graduate of Ii.eisch American. Schdol of Auctioneering: Licensed in .Huron; and , Pe'rth. Capable of handling all types of sales and ad- vertising. DON ,DENNIS, 'Walton -- • + Phone Seaforth 843 r -11 OO'004Oob000 49 0 0'W. J. CLEARY. O Se*rtias` Ont <> 'LICENSED ,EMBALME1t. O 0 and FIINERAL DIRECTOR 4. 0 Night or Day. Calls - 335 0 rt, 0`O.4i»' r<9 gOk Funieral Service S: BOK 0 '© Licensed Embalmer 0 Prompt and careful attention b o Hospital Bed �? FLOWERS FOIL ' o 0:‘' OCCASIONS Aft.. t o phones; O ,les. 59$-W store 43 0 0'0 0 0 *' ► .�.,c �. � TURNBJT,L�B'SR?Y VETEIUNA Y '. Ali CLINIC W. R Bryans, D V.IVI.,:- V S -i . G Drennan, D V NL,: V$.• Phone 105:.' Seaforth," ACCOUNTING. A 'iVL HARPER, '. Chartered Accountant 55. South St. - Telephone Goderich ied Licens,Munic1 Audi • ,,.. Pa :.. tot: C-HIROPRATIC D Hl�IcINNES �' Chiropractic Foot Corte'ction ' _• `,'CO13MERCIAT.HOTEL: Monday; .Tharsday *Doctor< of Chiropractic 438: Main Street Exeter:' X -Ray and Laboratory Pa-CMtie9 Op et Baeh `p(1"eekday Except Wednesday Tues and Thurs Evenings 7-9- • F'or. Appointment " Phone. 606 INSUILOTCE L The MCEILLOP MUTITAL FIRE INSURANCE CO„ HEAD OFFICE-SEAr'ORTH, Ont. Ol± DICERS President Wm: F Alexander Walton ' Vic Pres Robert Archibald eafortb,� • Manager and Sec.-Treas. M A Reid; Seaforth DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, : Clinton; 3. L. ' Malone, Seaforth; Chris., Leon- ' hardt - 'Bornholm, , ..Robert' Archi- • bald, Seaforth John 'H, . McEwing, ,. Blyth;..W,illiamr S. Alexander; Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; J, E. Pepper, Brueefield; ' Allister Broadffot, Seaforth William Leiner, Jr., Londes- boro; J„ F. Prueter, ' ;Brodhageti, Selwyn'., Baker; brussels; 'Erin Munroe; <,Seaforth.- J. A. BURKE ° ,. '-Fulterai Director' '• Cm d and Arnliulanee Service 0 <? DULLIN ,... : ONT. tD :0 ' Night or Day Calls: <y P11riie 43' r 000d';>0 *000 • C�® Oyu®bOO� O G. A.EY ®' " 0 • Funeral Home • : ' Goderieh St. W;, Seaforth AktpLA.NCE SE :VICE Adjust Ible',•"hospital' beds.. 0 o _ a for tent 0"0 FLOWERS ,POR EVERY ' OCCASION d 'Telephone: Day or Night i . c�P