HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-21, Page 2. .
-Since 1860 'Serving the ControUnity First
blished at.. ONT411.0,.' every Thursday tooriOINg by
NfeLean Bios, Publisher
AMA -kW -Y.. IVInLEAT4„;Eilitor
• .
Can:4114 (in. advance): 42.§0-4Year
pitgd,Sta,tes advanc0,-, rYear
, sP4-94 coPiEs -- 5 'CENTS EACH.,
• ..
. -Authorized as Second ;ClassMad, Post office Department, Ottawa
, . ,
• Member of
Canadian Weekly
TARIO,1MARCW 21, 1958.:..
Excuse- for License Tirmer-Wcistin
' •
Or, "VW
The 'license deadline hascome and- motorist receives by mail an applica-
ne, and the lineups at ,the offices _ton form which h , 011.1 t s,
at -
issuers have „faded away most taches his cheque and mails to the is -
of licenses The licenses arrive
otorists managed to, ,get,in under suer- -
fe-or days:. -Under suclta system
but of th,-"ose' thatdidt t,there will of course continue to be
goodly number who, continued to those wbo knore deadlines and who
rive With,- old plates; have been . will not bother to obtain renewal -
arked with an, offente., licenses- uail :the` last _minute. But,
Course there Was no excuse for at least, the clueing Up, the wasteful
a last-minute rush. 'NI:otorists waiting, inherent in the Ofitarib sys-
- more than two months in -which - tem, is eliniinated.
o buy their 1958 licenses„ At the In British 'Columbia, another sys-
ame time, any-licetiSin-g system that •-• tem is in vogue------ comMnation Of the
ieates the conditions that existed Ontario and Quebec ,planS.' The car
his year is unsound and needs over-
uling: '
Surely a better method for distrib-
ing-licenses could. be devised by the
ntario, Goverliment.- Even had, mo-
ristS responded to the _ apPeals to
et early, there still Would have been
-)uia' necessary waste of time 'as• -a- re-
ult of the necesSity of 'appearing in
'person' in. licensing offices—many of
which are ill-equipped to handle ap-
plicationslin -
Other provinces, have solved the
roblein: In Quebec, far ,• instance,
b-efiges are obtainable
owner receives in the mail his new
regist,ration •already made out -
-lacking 'only the "Paid" stamp. He
merely- presents at the 'wicket , his
money, registration shp
which is stamped and? -returned with -
his new plates. Thus, the queue..
..'moves more quickly and, in addition,
the'-dffice can -open many wickets in
pe_ak'...haurs as only one man is re-
quired to operate each one. -
Perhaps bfore another license
period arrives, Ontario officials will
h -ave acted' to improve the outdated
system in efrecthere,'-
d Cross Seeks Support Of Seaforth Cornjiwntt
. . ,
-. _Landscape, Are -Mid Cairn•- .
.0n• Wednesday, Mardi .5,, Traf,
rem Zurlirigg, ,,Arthur. Oihson.'.;and
Italt • Haskins; . the coMmittee..
Highwayrg91 :81. th
6Pioaeer Park Pt
entatiVelif...the Pownham: 'Nurser-
ies. to landsdape, . the grounds
around' theineniory
.nowieh. ,ptorieferS; :Wittek,',W4S-'TerF:
.ected..M. 1.0N6 . -..a the time of ;the
.1lowiek. centennial, It waS•;,decid-
'ed to plain 'trees arid ,Shruli'S..in, the
Advande-Trinies... • Conditions of Mr. and Irs. Har
Weffay' Vtere
• deserilied- as ,"fair", Wednes,.„
PrOgneets'for-,CoestrnetiOn.,.Of 20 dey'Taf tenoon by VICtOria Hospital
or moi 1eta1honreshere autharitieS'after
look -far •front-'rosY...in, view :of afft\flieY',-,Wiere :riding.. Struck -•nr tree
announceifient.froin.'.0ttawa,, a 'few sputh. of Clandeboye . earlier the
days ago. Down to $50, ,saine .•.day. • ,JefferY, former
:Central Usherne councillor, suffered ahead
Mortgage & 110iising,:;CorporatiOn 'injury:and. facial -lacerations but it
!.iias 'decided Aoa_adVance -ini.:MOre had not :been ,determined whether,
trioney for ren4alliottaing:s.ehemea.7-. any.; bones 'w,.ere., broken.' ,•He , was
This looks. likehadriewS40r,Giade4. -said 'te. be. 'resting ,eiirtifortahly:7
rich authorities haste. been „Airs. --Jeffery received' art,injtirylto
hoping. that; ',CMHC-•,:iiVill':.7:1i1.144'..7A-ler rightknee and facial lacera:
levy'rental housing •projcet,liere.,to .tions:. OPP Constable .TOhn•Hainea„
alleviate 'tinemploynient•H-Goderieli- of., the;•.London.."detieliiitent,,- said
Signal -Star. • • _ the .4 efferr .• ear 79';''S .?.n.01yed:
' .the Crash „aS.,„tfara,s --he could
.'rieagiiiidlar''."`alinreiing''',1'en. .determinecontinue.-Exeter *Times -Advocate.
. Will
MendaYnight„ the tillage trustees Add-Rio—
received a petthonfrom •: theboard.1
ereEctiiveTtit gliCatineCmhilitcoh'fii4;Z' thig' ce°1111411t.c.°1
•drain in.,..lront a- the.,ehtireh.• the-T61-11-°f;-eillIt°n::'ci,nTuesday
O0-pub1i school
"pit, iare coafr.:. h. ela , uncidine•
board onip1ained that every time rng gave. ejr. approya p e
.f-ta6d'Ot4lidt..itlio.rit7vif.sn'..:40' $3, 50':0°".
g Egfirxiated"'COS('' a.
the' 13-tdoin. ScliOol 'has... an:
make -the. necessar.y :repairs jct • as
• 7'505.L--juSt..-,„abont
:the :work ..th'• "'Thep airsairs of 6Prding
heaVy'"'Wo011ein to 'he, used
bY.fireinen..during eeld steady of pupils -through
-the neXt four . or five Years; at
•Zitrich: CitiZenS •
• least,, -,,:are',' goo, • .Clayton Dixon,.•
- Alter Fire Brigade By-LaWs ,,Cliairinaii:of 'the seh0O1.1voard,'
t d thetion first-,' • noting
Several '.(if the by-laws in.. the ,
th.yth get
Book-CoriStitutionSof Blyth that serighs ,OVercrOWding, Was., be.
. -
Brigade' has. been altered,: Cand ard e g, experienced,„ and 'it.Weaticl
•worse::(The' ideaLniuribete‘ptiPils
classigoin,is'.conSid.ered to he
for ..1aPproVal ".The
- 2 ll•oft the :roox.at. the -Meal
reSensitator;;;purehased .13Y. -the "
.schocil average.over 40,:,.'andiTtkoavailable-at allT
Aceorthng to Fire ,Chiet y
Bowman „ the. '..residents - 'this. ".„ Goderieh:Recreation and 'Arena
community ill he.-tfearint' :the [Com niittee,',,whteir,ATOperter.t-44- 1057 -
siren, cuitefreOuentlY during the:defieit-of-13,535.18;.'•Was.,told.Fri
and thte immediate surgerY was to
renteMe a blood„clotresuRing from
the skullLcompressikt. His condi:
tion was regarded as'aerious, but
,the first of,_the Week his ,improye.
ment was • encouraging, even
"thengh still in -a State of Shock.,
Bobby will have, to undergo `an-
other operation to insert a plate
in the skid', but when this. will be
done is not known.-Liteknow Sen-
;;Former Councillor Injured
No -More 'Homes? •
tices,have,heenpianned.bythe bri- now should be to find ways of in
This IS Red trOSs.-1111' increased,Ohligations. gade.„-. Hose- bays - , the - truck 'creaSitig-reveinte,*4ithetit aSking,
-the' year When- vie focus attention ',An'increasing pOPulatiori.alWays,Pre,..have- been enlargnil, enabling': an-'' ninneih fibin the' town
other 400 feet of inch:ailitoriehalf, treagury. • .Town.T.Conneil,was:.drii•
a great international ; orga.inza-; sOPts-. a 'C °ligefor,more extensive hese to he: available at .1Ocal; and, termedthat rePairS to the arena
iniPortance of tlie 1958 Cana:- _
Ilan Red Cross campaign for Rinds,
hotild be apparent to every citizen
f this comniunity and the.11a:don.
; ,The budget of the ,Recl:-CrosS-Ibii--
958 is a large One and: there is only
One ,source for the money to allow.
the_Canadian-iled Cross Society -to
,-i.neet its humanitarian': Obligations
or another year. That money 'Mist
e provided -through the generosity. -
'4f:the people of Canada. . •
• The Canadian Red Cross means -
ina,ny things to many peoplei-In :most -
. provinces, the'Red,Cross..ineans free-,
blood • transfusions for everyone. -
When clisaSter strikes at home or in
any Part of the world We. know ..the,.
Red Cross' Will be on the job . doing
the things we would like,..tpo if i've
d the opPortiinity. In remote*,
as of our vast land .a string of
Cross Outpost hospitals and .
ing Stations provide care and treat-,•'•
• Here in our coniiii'nnity- the Red
Cross mean S many more acts_ of kind•;.: -
nesS and help for our citizeiissi• •
• This year the Canadian Red CraSS
Vertising Tops List
her are many Ways ta boost your
the St.' "Marys Journal-
p9ints:aut, but advertising in
newspapers _fops the list • because
, newspaper .advertising • produces
,jaiere'' sales per dollar of-adVertiSing,
cost than do other.meclia,
This is not the opinion of the news-
• paper executiVes; but that. of leading
•a4vertising authorities.
Take CharlesP, Lipscomb- , Jr
presidentV the United StateS-Sur.-
eati- Of Advertising: hestates that
newspaper -advertising reaches more
people :than anY other ineditim; po-
like: idsrertising in neWSpapers
better • -ii-iir-Itiy.--ather Inethum,.
pe9ple feel friendly , toWardS ver -
twang newspaperS hew f
fr sainethingfor everybo y, and -the
reader'. is i
,not n a ."caPtive audience”-
which inter-eit:hini iie*SpaPer -ad7
• , vertiSing,getS'inOre 'action thanJAIL-
'. -,ierkinds;'ne12,01)aPers give
the great-
st degree:i-of:. fle,dbilitk, hi selling
eopy neWspaper
tates the best retail. merchandising..
And 'what better newspaper is
therein vviiieh to advertise than the
• ornetown paper, winch gives you
• hest vain, for your ra0±1,0Y..,,bee.a096,
:has Maximum appeal tne:areg
..insWhieh you .do your business.., Irow •
are not paying, higher rate or
waste circulation!'
. •
-In Seaforth, canya,ss arrangements
are being handled -jointly: by 'Mem-
bers of the-Ilia/is-and Kinsmen Clubs,
-tinder the ..chairmanship -Of James-
Stewart,„Every home wil be visited,
With a fini. ivindup. onednesday,','
, •
:One of these ,dd.--fs::-AlVolunt:eer can-
vasser Will call, an you to request your '7,7
financial Oppoff.,.. Answer that -Visit
•-withgenereus, donation and yap
will have the inn --
er • satisfaction of do
. ,
ing your share to help atners. „
Pension Promises
Financial Post)
ensi3Ons for the retired '.are'popn-
lar im the political football field.
- But -ft-a time -has come to watch this
business—and the big- premises --
very carefully
The chief question now is should
we graft on to the Universal pay-as--
y,ou-go system some aspects of the
'U.S. contributory plan?
The Diefenbaker to-ernment has
ordered a study of the Canadian and
-U.S. -systems. implicit in the study
isthe idea, that 'game expansion of
the • Canadian system lies ahead, -
• I3ut take a look' at an analysis pre• ,.
pared recently by W: M. Anderson,
president of Nbrth-AMerican, Life.
• JVIeasured in ,terms of per eapita
, consumer spending-, Canadian bene-
fits right now are relatively higher
than 61-iose in the U.S., Mr. Anderson
says, IVIoreover, ,the' less campIicat-
ed- Canadian -scheme' is cheaper t�
He sums up tlus„,way:
A supprementary contributory
pensian sy-stem involving extra con-
• tributions to provide extra benefits
appears to be a gross interference.
with the re.sponsibility and desire of
• the individual family to govern its
own affair"- •
-Remember this: The U.S.;, scheme
baSed on contributions from
and-employers cloeSn't cover those
Who need old- security and who ,
cannot provide for it themselves. - •
SUrebr OUr gOVerranelif should re-
strict- itSelf to looking after those
who need to be looked after and (can't
do it -themselves. ••
It's title sozne sensible—if perhaps
temporarily' unpapular--elected „
presentative stood up for the con-
tinued encouragement of volUntax:,y
AaVingS and the inVestipg of these in
productive entemrises.
district fires. -Blyth -Standard: • .conipiressct .Were ,the-triain-''Canse.
„ •, of -.the red' ink on the Co inttee
Suffers Skull IF.'racture. .Berryi.„, ,secto.c&i,k.
On Tuesday,the' Condition',•of treasurer; s a id' ,.. that,',12,;(5 had
de Bobby Simpson,. Who , suffered, been-,biidgeted",for .arean'tnairiten-
eritical::: head ;itijitries .last Week; .ande'cOatS'hit,: $5;126: f:Last :' year;
-W517.rep-orted-'•as improved. Ie the „committee spent 426,455,..
To -
had -recognized and. spoken to his. tal receipts of $23 320,ifieltuled'$14 -
mother on MondaY, 'When. she vis "•50if in town and „provincial' grants..
ited hiin in Siek'iChildreifS The budget whtch the coMMittee.
tat-at'Lottdon. 'BobbY 'i,s the Sen: PreSented-te:town-.emnielL',Filday
of Mt. and MS . -Robert SiMpSon, .night „cads lor,eicpenditure'of „"$28,::„.
of Kintail;'; and WaS three: year ars.,n1C500,,incinding• • $3, 500 to Cover :the
n'':PcbrtiarY.717 LastThiirsdaY, deficitrolled-np.laSt. yoar:TO.PaY.
morning he hadanConinanieirfilS7-161.• ttust-yeat'S'Prhgrarn' 7; thecom
dad to the farirrOf JelinS:--Datton, inittee expects it will. neeil'.grants
of Kingsbridge,2•and • while ; the : men of $3 Ack: -fx9174,-: the :Province anrl
Were "talking iti. the •barn ;- Bobby,$17,090-frointhe-toraThe'aingunt
moved away frbm••thiS dad ''and requested,from:' the town is,:rotigh7
droppe,dthrough',a ha hole in the ifY,:httivalent 'to threem s.,Onthe
barnto :the ' cement •• floor •in' the tax" rite.,;,, Reeve J.anies' Donnelly,
stable, „ .about: eight feet below ; He ,tax: ::chairman, Said .that be
'ra.,Skri-oCked7out by the fall, but feels the ' 'townspeople are .prepar•;.
canie to -a few rnitiutes.,:later, cried 6dto paytWo'onilla for recreation,
'a' little', andthen lapsed -into un- and, in: fact, they,' havet been
conscionsness -Bobby, received, a ing that 1111:101 or itiore.Goderich,
Compressed jracture.o Ale skull 'Signal,Star. •, ' ' .
• Use Easter Seal
From The Halton Expositor
March 24, 1933
Seaforth •grocers on Wednesday
morning experienced an .unprece-
dented run onsugar- when news of
the tax of two;„cents -per pound be-
came known.. Early inthe-mbrn-
ing the price wararlow as -$,4.90,
a , drug hi some stores, and the
conornical housewife put ira
sMck to fast for a long 'tittle -le
' come. 'Hy„11 o'clock :the- groeers
had become -wise' and -either re-
ftised Id flhl orders :Until definite
Ward had been- received 'or were
Sellingt, six and, seven dollars' a
bag, '
• An announcement was.rnade tit
week front London that lgiss Nor,•
ma Muir had -won $400 and
Sadie 'Hart won. $200 jit a contest
conducted by a London paper..
• -Mr; -Bert Williams, formerly of
the Ilotol.London barber shop, has:
takeh-- over -;the :barber ikg and
bowling' business whiCh has been
conducted by -Mr. John -Pullman
hi town. • , • .•
Mr, "e. Kestle and family have
Moved into le -residence of. Mrs.
.Thomasi3-eattie NOrtirMani -st.;
formerly occupied by M Robert
Grieve, who has leased the, Gill
pie cottage ent High St.
Mr. • Frank- Lamont Underwent
aa operation.,pr, . appendicitisin
Scott Memorial Hospital on Mix -
t t :-
The gurou EiRosit.or
• March 20, 1908
Mr. John Weber has disposed.of
his 'barbering businesslg Mr;'red
Manns, of HenSall. Mr, Weber
remain with Mr; Manns for a
and -then -talks of , going
A foet raceisibeing arranged for
in -the early .suanner, the distanee
being from. Munn% saWinill;
Me -
t� Leadhury and' return --
six miles. We understand eontest-
ant,S will 'be Meir Main, ,Geoige
Roe amilleilaz ,Iamies Campbell:
Seines MaXwell, -OF,13rusSe1s, has'
purchased the 100 -acre farm be-
longing 'Id Wifliani, RObbt ,on the"
6th ••cetteession • of, Morris, paying
$4,000 fOr it
•'Robert Charters .1125 been
, 'Interesting items,gleaned from
The Hition Expositor of 2550:
and 75 years- ago.
• -
, .
residing On, :.the 'same " farm in
Tuckersmitli for .63 ', years.' Mr.
George Habkirli, of the North Grav-
el Road, McKillop, has quite_ vire-
cord 'along the same. lines.
Habliirk is tioW living on the farm
ori." which- his father settled' when
he cattle ;hi' this country 73 years
Those.liming itt the. neighborhood
of- Cook Bros.'- 'flour :..rallig,
sall, were startled ban eXpIoSion,
the dome of , the., hoiler_Thaving
blown_off, • . •
• •Mr. -lames E. McLean, Hippea,
haf.i a geon cowdie the other day,
e animal choked ,on a, piece ef
• Mr. Isaac Sarroft,,Kippen; -met
with n heavy, loss`a few days ago.
-Four of his cattle strayed 'Onto,
the railway tract while a freight
was coming along. Owing to the
banks of snow; they were, unable
to get off
by tha,
engine an
ivrxpe,u. ek
• . -••-- - • •
Whitney kros.• havedissolved
partnership, The business • here
will be, carried on hy- Mr.., Charles
Whitney, whale Mr. George Whit-
ney goes to Wingham to. start itt
business there -on his own account.
• The residence of ' Mr.. Charles,
O'Neill, Huron -Road, McKillop
had a narrow escape from de-
„struetion hy fire a few evenings
ago, The fire originated from a
defective -stovepipe,' butl:Was . dis-
,coverecl: in- time and -Vias wain-
gtdshed withOut doing serieus dal/t-
ake: _
`-,Last, .iviOnciay morning ”Mr
Robert Laidlaw, was attending to
one of his ' hOrses, -hthe
tramped on „IiiS ,fdot, breaking oite.
ot his toes, " It is pretty..Sere and
he will be a erippie for tome tithe.
Mr, David Wore has 'sold his
farm on the Kipper' Read, near
the rted Schoolhouse, td Mr James
McTavish, Of Iii1313ert, for the
of 17,000; -The' farni-ecintaitti 180
are S' and is cheap at this figureJ
Messrs., •IL Snell 1,g6 Sdm, of Hul-
lett,, take the 4044 with thorotighz,
berd ealve$---thig year, ,th-C1L-11At'--
tug eight of them,. soven belttgliez-
To the Editor •
Agriculture Needs
Better Business
Soles T�chnique
• , • • -
. Wroxeter, OM; ,. March :.13; 1058
Editor, -The iluton.ExPoSitgr:
-.....Pear , That Orteinehitelii'On
your editorial „page'. (.`Woice.,:Of
rin0lture")•-°Manyfaun., organ-
itations"' are now, holding ,.meetings
and ,banquets ---These groups are
the-Vbice- OftheseengagedIn',ag,
rieu1tiire4-and that veice•is only . as
"Strong as .the: support .the farrOers
give the: • _
The „aboyeOlaridii-„O-all- to unity
is duly crediteiV716--[yotir-!`..LPiefint,
centeraptirary,,,and- 01.6-
pritna,ry ';ai,in of this Iittleletter, Of,
.cona.inerit is .to:SaY that :I heartily_
convirieed that wht I would d •
agrictiltUre into too Many
endeaVouringto., del,.• as,
sllch,with_:the. . tightly -Organized,
„felk. With .whoni„they MuSt.hargain.
in the market -place, ": is- the . weak
spot --in the.,','farmer's--
, ,
„Irecall. a'iriend. of this, basielit
dtistry24-the.,Mightiest activity not
oiilY,..inthis.,:eanada..; of 'Ors -
also, �f theentire..buman,
Haft Politics --
DY JAMgS scow
It won.ld be kind of silly of Ine,
L.think, if I tried to -pretend in
this- sPee that r didn'tknow that
there is an election on. Every-
body around here knows perfectly
well jnst how I stand on ,this mat-
ter, and even .if they don't agree
with me, I haven't met anybody
yet --who denied me the right M.
have an opinion even if it seems,
to thein to be -a pretty foolish one.
- 1
And what's more: I don't sup -
se there's a reader of.this paper
who doesn't know how the editor -
and publisher stands either. After
all, let's come right out and say
it: When a fellow 'like Andy Mc-
Lean and a fellow like nie have
both been -candidates for the Lib
producers ,on -the Prairies „stime 30
years' ago -;,'when -the ,.fotindations
Were?-beifig poured into :what are
teday..-reeogniied as •among - the
greatest ,farni. Co -Operatives in the
World: Car you people, as „a.
great, ;industry -broken, ,. UR.
scattered. 'units -can Yoti ply the
keys bf" commerce,witho'ut".yonr
--cd-operative organization, to help
you play the 'game? 1,dori't „think
you ,can, and history' denies' that
you .cani!2'., Theodoreilgack.
lin); --=
•'When, one...steps. to consider ' the
abso1utly essential services „wine ,
ourfarmers render te'the.naillion'S-
:ga__ fidly.emplOyed .;„ Canadians'
off.the farms,' and ponders also the
'facCOf their stattieWhieh is 'Pretty,
as one 'of 'the -urban .eoL
2,umnists:phraSes':it,;4at:the-TOdt Of '
...tlie.._claSs Lin. „the. Canadian -Working'
scene', 'orie- 'ean-only',.come to the
conclusiOn, that there is ,something
very ,wrong -,in agriculture'sl'iriar-
keting Mechanism.
suggest it is high tithe that -Mir
Jarm brethren take at, least: feW
_Rages mit ' of. the,' htisineOL_s,ales,
technic:Pies of their city '.brediren.
1 like the ' thought which I • ran
adross, in one',of the-larni. journ-
als: 'Production is only half of
farming -the second' 'half is mar-
keting!" ' ,
eral-Party, we 'ean'.1 petlfcl to le
anything else Ufft-vvhut we are--- •
and that,, -of eotirsei is Grits.
Hewever, I -hope that we -aren't
going.,to,lose any friends over this,
althotigh. I. just might.
One • of- the things. I„. like about
this ele,ction, /campaign is, that it
Seems to 156'getting_ pretty lot and
that, it seernS. to me; is a very.def-
inite IrittiroVenieliC,Over the lulte--
raakremn.-aintTedCeenat ltflitinefs!alic• Astiehtahveer:„
ttling-t_likeLls_ that things. are not- • _
„So entand dried -as they were. •
• Just "to illustrate my point, let:
ine tellYou What.happetied,.to'Me.
just the other day. A, good friend::
of mine told tie that site- was not.
going- to vote, Liberal this time,
although she 'has never voted any"
Otherway than that itt her life. ' •
I won't go 'into her reasons here -
but• let lite 'tell you that beiore we
were 'through the -twig of us were
yelling at -each other as if we had`
been lifehmw political foes - and -
we weren't fooling either. •"
-Now 'think we're still all right
(and "I„ ,confess that I'm still
hoping she'll: see the light again
before :;election day), but ---it' jut
goes to SilOW that things are both -
hotter -and more_ ' uncertain than- -
theT used.J0 be.
• A cl it's working ,the ptlier way ,
too. ' L met a fellow on the street
the other .da3', who. told -nie, that -
his wife will hardly, speak to 'him '-•
since he told her he thought that _
1Mike -PearSon is -such a great r,riart.
thaehe's going to Vote -for him,
• even- though he's a Liberal.This,:
fellow- never hefore in his life has -
-rtbat there could ; any .
kind of a Grit; eNeefit a rogue and
• All of this ddO the cour.trS:, IIG
harm just -as long as we don't get
to take our politics So seriously •
that _they_interfere with other
lues that are. oven more impor-
tant.• I mean things like human
kindness, • charity tow,ards one's
neighbor and toleranee • for. the -
other -man's •point•of view. - -
`Hot politics are .fine, but they
are-rie substitute-for-warin-,hearts. -
,Whenever disaster stnles the_Red dross
aet.s' inunediately-Hhelping fainilies. like
-yours in communitieslike ours,
. To carry On its Work, the:Red Cros,g
, needs funds, andit ifeas then1 Urgently. "
_befall..othp•Teople:--PleaSe- give gen.
misly.,Let's be Sure; we,will be pron4 of
• the contribution, out own eorrininnity
rt your
our. participation in this Worthwhile
by the foliowing Progressive
Seaforih,. Merchants:
s E*re-
Il14rEllP, ,s BAKs
8 E