HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-21, Page 114, , ,Ninety•LINlintn Year ,• Whole NiAn11)er 4703. SEAFORT11:, ,Q1\TTAR1,0,- VR/DAY, MARCH 24,1:958 " $2.50 a Year in Advance COpies, 5 Cent* :"SeafOrtla business .;"iiilaces • Cf:.' tewn,vise -entered w:as: inner .SitSii".-1p-iii:[...:gaMitig".eiiitry'tlie 4. Were entete,d, . but a • third.:foiled -BA- Service.. Staticin;.: a. the,. corner I thiev,ea :-apParently, replaced • the - thi.eyes. TuesdaY'Morning-in-,e:-regi. ref ,Gederic,h plail„„ictoria. Streets. -Storni ,-window to ovoid arousing of break-ins. A afe, helieyed to. Thicires 10 the suspicion. The 5004pound safe ;was, " . have „'Conteined", severals,, hundred- OleerY eta1thhienI through ." e lifted from its •stand- in the.stnall„ tioig dallers,.. was , reitioved-".•frorn , the rear; -window,4000rding to Sea=•, office:at , the north aide', of the: ap,•.id, Main, Street Cleary 1. G. Mar- fOrth -sPolice • 0.1hef:', Edward Ent:. store and _Wheeled: to the rear 1tet,-'end-1-later,--..Wai -"discovered hai'dt,. the, startill4Vinclow at the., ,trance •'' • . 0rir..siai.iinaltinglttiar,fttaT appe1 fti,440nda:"*it ' W ;Y. "...•19 • '.):. , ' ' , .. :-. ,- ..,. • .:."..:,,Witi $,`'`e r4. ,'eanass•-,40,f , the '-1 iiNViiii.3e1-4:***.ij ,'-alivobet:s,a,-",-,:'t o p„ola', end': ' ' ' • :' -.'' ' ., . -- -- q-' .''.."' ',.'..•:. ' ." ". :,•-.1:.: '..1t.4*.g: \ t;-„Club74,;;*1.t.,'„Okiiiiiiop...-, c;ii,:wet.h..ii-ow:'.0.,.A.',.6.,kt,, ,, .:,•:Nqiift...k.:"Of,:itIe'•'":Se44:f..,',.e''4ea''''''On''''-;e:Very'......,,-. 1 n'Siiititieif ,Will ire hehl, Tues .. v."•,-,•° •,. -,......,":,.. : . , 41.'"iii`.e*Ii?.e'-r$: '''n:f..t,46::.'SafOlai,'1:4',46b,:.:•;:a"1;:e•-'liaik 14/1i'''"10.Kei: hi; '"egillik,'"IfiratCfial: :'for- :'"': '': '6't-ell'ing:' in elininn''Intn . the •: ' death.' ' • ' • • - ' - ' ' s ' ' • - • - .. ,•'-' ' ''', "'", ' ' •• ' - •'- - - , ' , 's ' .af 'Sit- ear-Old'',Kath Little. : C0 r.',,. cracked openq.--iir.,-- '-'graVel- pit 'at rear of the,- building "vikai 1 urni?,1111'.,iWotint ill ,IlartYP4st ndf the` gtassi .takeu„ -t-Voln the•,t'tet(dn of ing, iMme X, -7.".• • Here r Cent gni lng (fr, . , n ' t are,:'Orn. :TV F 37' •••• • t Butt, Mrs: s• john ,McGreger Cathill, Airs, -A-i514et.Y.' 141,8.:- Ada', fteid, IVIrs. J. It Russell, IVIrs:',A oore -and s)__• s a 'av-ceadro eo: a YN.0 4The Little w -as' girlJ Med instantly iVfonday a -Highway", near 1.noon- :She was in collision L°Acii:sbd(ar-u°g•inter of and _PfIrs. ,, • , ' Little, 1-lullettsh , e yvas _on - her Nvay home frofil S.S. No.8, Hullett, ,witen the accident " urred, The driver of the car 14 '956 the Yoper„.a,,.„ "'1 1/ '!3n: _r wa.8 ,.--,;•‘‘•°r 4 .1hixa-y, on --the 'W. -ay. to 11 ....„..„_,,,„ , v e • ,,, .•• I, .:,,,, 1,../.eiii_ In 1 • cost ei operat,ie°';',d- p e r. Itirs, .w. cid, A .haYi.; C,Iiii,otTiKoatiatide'rmini.lehe.:0'rth4513'Pnifa--•s_Liatd°e,ailh.r.tditehoecishe. ill t be -$ per pa $10 559.95. , ti e . d etion of a.five . . 'VI Lea . --et.".LA'',--iii° ,,....., .p.,,,,4: Sell°° alleged y at, the anintat T f'' d':- ii.Z: ins exp [ :pith ri. Y- ''' • to $11-2,966•84: Of t 1 r, The stUdy_ _rev oly.,Irsi,, ut• -mod- more than- half, or $84,843.10 re- ago. , . ,. ,.,-.-,, • - --- r °a., presented s-alaries and Wage8- 17'.00d . ernizatien of the• floo f l' • the main ,13\1-1,1dirig'bi.),13Plig it to r:oniri , rate schedu , ,, , • sttppliss cost '$1636.45,Plaiit main-. 'et-tect,- On -APril 1, Room' -rates F. ealled. .__ .--"--, , - • - - - This WaS -IKatherineis .first, year at the school. She was on. her, way to" her home ' all/lost across the highway from the School-. Be'sides her parents, . she is 'survived , fliree younger sisters, I..anda;" Shar- on and Judy. Mrs-. 1,ittle is' the forinef-Rita - liedkinan, Mitchell. Sihha6dtdeiacicAh,:berfy.°IlptdSufiellsItitni3:it'poir:MnisThsip. •'`Al...n . David Willis, the - -bree,montlis- ,old son of • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willis, of Clinton; formerly of Sea- , . -- "forth; , was "found dead,' in his car"' riage on the :front porch" .of his Clintoif-home .Meeday 'afternoon. ' • .- Coroner , -Dr.---,-.F.-..G2, .Thenipseil was told -Mrs. Willis -.had-placed the baby in, his 'buggy and when she went to', cheek' hilt' 15 ,-or 20 minutes later, found him 'dead: He .appeared to have choked on some food. • - ' • . • Dr. - J. -L. Penistan, 'Pathologist at Stratford General,HospitaL, con- ducted, An autopsy., Tuesday Morn- ing to determine . cause of death Dr.-, Thompson Said 'Wednesday-it- WaS pot, expected an inquest would- be- held. ': ' : --,Mrs..-wiilis -, first called* -Dr: - J.-° ik,.:Aildison, of- Clinton, who called Di: Thompson. .. The, baby was the second , child , of 'Mr. land Mrs. Willis, who went to Clinton from Seaforth •last, No- vember. ' Mr. Willis is an -a sSist- ant accountant in a Clinton bank.: Mrs.'Willis is the former Margaret Iliiiilierger, of Seaforth. Mr, Wil- lis is a sob of Mr.- and Mrs. F. E. '10 fh - ties- at s°4 14 th Pa r" • pielintirar.Y. Paten- - $91 604 04. ro abou , staIt w , come across - the - rating: revenit week- as- ex13 lp,r9Ile,„ -snow ers the ear t• :wir 'Reid said. -013e u t, mediately, oi.jring •Fasseng ' proyision,'• cl to - - • 2ra 'ph --change 1 time L oy • Blyth a aled ',Der e tune, som • the sa:n 901.44 autnyrt4- -new R. • iden • / jhos- diture--ros time, f the acc W05 a so °tint, o At 'the: same , le will • F G. ThomPse „into scene o , R NV Street, I d Tasker and' son, Kevi Clinton, _ t, Coroner Dr attended e 'di' :Of ,-th9.' car., -••-Standarels,Aecepta bier,to the dep.irt. tenau& 84-102, fueI and -light S4,87€ , ruent;' Se7cdt,,Pre.Pnr,t,-;• - • — 'Committee -Cliaithiati;'Seid ,°.(k_ vim-, , • g ' ' eVentie including Ptovincial r ' - tun of •13 additional beds is eon- -, . d 'County grants • interest -on in- . , temple ed. - . -- . ••- c vestments and savings, amounted by , - while,' the .0cctipaney rate is:, not to $14,828.16„ an increase frosn $13, - W11.1 be increased from $7, 48.50 and --$9.50, to $8, $10 and $12: - Real Estate Changes Completed -dere& abnormallY. hi'13 Peak ,408.51 in 19-56 _ patient loads are being created at - • 0 e ' ,increasing frequency,. with, the re_ SuPerin_endeRt Miss .V.. Dr p I, to teinPorarY accommodation in .!n__1.81T,.ns frbin 1,b23 1956 t_071,64..9 gerndbrs- i'S to -relieve -this •-sit- Average stay of '-'adult patients as eight days:- During - , uation that -the-present:study is be- theyear-there were159-births -at 171 conettifin- g a program renovo, the hospital, a decrease from, tion cominenced sevcrat years ago the.' beard expects "sebit- tenders for provision of a new -laundry! Equipment; _valued rat $10;057`,,- was purchased some months ago',, and + • will . be 'installed -in.--ah° area in -the- basement of, the new west 'wing. Plans and specifications_ for the laundry, „being prepared by Archi- tects 'Barnett and Reider; Kitchen- er, are _expected next week: While - additional patient. "acconi- modation is paramount hi the -dy.. being carried. out by Barnett • and 'Reider, 'eonsideration -iS also _diary had __raised aPproximately $1,500 with winch to assist the hos, pita/ by the provision. of , special sult -that some patients arelitnited reported a slight iii increase ad-- •-•Women's Hospital Auxiliary for, the- .ceritri-... ,butiona • the groat; had Made to the fieSpital;Anciudiiig_linenS" and blan- kets. , 'Daring the year a; seeeed- Wheel - :chair' , was 'donated by 'the Re- •bekahS .and OddfellOmis.- • Mts. Joseph. McConnell, chair- mari of the • perSdithel, committee, reviewed 'the, work of her, comniit-: tee. 'Mrs': Harold 'VVhyte, Hospital.. 'uxiiiarY-president;'said the. aUX-, ." --being given to the provision of a ; new Maternitysection' and nurs ery,- as well ,As clerical atd ad - administrative fracture accoinroo- , ' During \the past year installation ,of modern X-ray 4 equipment was completed, Mr. Scott,: said. The machine is equipped with two ro- tating anode tubes anda spot -Min device, which permits a much brOader, use than Was the ease with' - • -the former equipment, , Operating Loss is Less- • While the operating loss- for the year was reduced'. 'substantially from the 'previous year, it still amounted to $6;53416, V.°,,A, Reid , finance committee -chairtnan said. 13tiarci chairman Scott 1-lablurk presided' for the. meeting,' which saw the election of four director's for a two-year term.. They were M. A. Reid, M.- kieKellat,- Mrs. M. Hillebrecht and,Mrs. -H. "Whyte. ' Others on, the board are Mr. Ilabkirk 3 M-, ecen.t farm real estate changes include, the sale of, the Kefth 1<ell3r. feint,' 'east of • •Seaforth,, to Hairy Arts, Crediton; while John Pos- aii,• Clinton, has bought"; the Nor : - than O'Connor farm on the -Second concession of Ilibhert, South of St. -V.JoLluitiban;i• AL4pfth,•:-'--area., Berfiard."'WeSterWeld,''haS farm froirf.' Mrs: Margaret WItirray,-; of. .ivicKfllop., • , These changeS Were:liatitlied by Joe McConnell,- Seaforth, . • - • • eretta As a program' for, the March Home -and Scheel meeting Tuesday, night, students of Seaforth Public School , °presented the ' operetta,• "Tom Sawyer."' ° solo parts; of, the operetta were sling by Kee ' Card - no, Bob, P1unmstee1, Peter,,Sillety,, Rielor White/y," DarrelL,Sclmeider;* Craig Hall and lan Sims.';The song, "Spare the -Rod 'and' 'SP!1' the Child," was sung by p,.41114r4 Tal - hot , and Sharon IVIcNiefoL--',7 Directed by Miss Mabel Turn- bull, the 'operetta •sound effects were looked After by Keith. Stacey,: Andy Calder, Bill leen and Ted; Lamont. Pianist was Mrs. J. Card. no. 'Assisting liftlie-...-prodtietiot was David;Mills•and.,DouglaS chorus, "Our Boys- Are : Back. Again," coneluded ''tne presenta- tion'. .," • , ' The grade taught by ,Mrs. J.. A. MacDonald had the 'most parents present, while Mrs, John-, Cardn.o was the parent of the month. The dew seeial 'study course, receetly ("forth Rinks Successful In Mixed 'Spiel . Two Seaforth rinkS were success- ful in the final 'bOtiSpiei. of .„ , the year' at sonftirtk -curling ,Ruik 8attirdaY. Second place in the 9 a.IIL. draw Weid:103he Irink skipped ...Dr.:,,m,,:iv:;,Stapletori,-and corn - posed of Dr.t- and .Mrs Stapleton and Mr. and vininnu conp-, ..bell„ with [-I. Wins PIUS 1L',1 Third. in the same ° draW-teat„tO'Wfillairi riuk dOnsiatiiig of Mr. and . Mrs. BallYand,,Mr: And,Mrs.,°,parni,' ; • Man ItetVeliffe, ,With a score of • 2 • r• •, First priZe•Iii.''the early ,draw ,ivent, to ped by Dick: 0Ice 'vvitii`3 "wins' pluS .,, 13, Flaying onthis rink were Mr... •' - and Mrs. Oke ankt MC; and Mrs. Lorne _Wilhts. Consolation ° .prize picked „up by :Art ''Stacey's • kink„.. with Mrs: B.'‘It".,'” ....1‘'...11PS$1.and,,Mrs.--.I, A. Park Sea.: forth, .• as team nictitberS, • • In the 112 o'cloek-draW„_"011PriZeS went -nut of ' toWnt- With a,Wood- stock ,fink taking first, With..•3 wing pita: 14; with 'Verne • King„ skip;' Attri, Verne King. and ip4„ and Mrs. .'•Second { prize also 'Went- to Woodstock' to the rink skipped Aft' 1101111Itedi; •with i wte-plus, 15. This team was coin- . „ posed and Mrs•Ifilitilteri and NIL and Mrs.,11. Harrington. Tird prize, with • 0 sedge '011.0ns phis 13, went to the Ayr thmk. skip- ped., hy_GOrge..rteist aiitt.compris, E. S. .Battler. W. lVfetandieSsf,WaS given' An, cOnSolation.,'..,,,This".- rink consisted of Dr.::,'end.11ts, McLan- r1re, and Mr. and Mrs.."•*. Conner. , • 91st' Birthday , J,ohrt'' KennY, well-known district resident, Will mark his 91st birth, day on Saturday, at the home of sister, XI'S. Len Fortune, ilrlt 4 Seaforth with whom he 'has' been residing for the past number of years. Mr. Kenny was born in Logan -townshiP, on No. 8 Highway,, east of 'Dublin, 'the son of the late Wil- liam Kenny and Bridget Carlin Kenny, and farmed 'there Until about nine years. ago. - He has enjoyed. excellent health until last November, when he was hospitalized for • about 'three months, Mr.Kenny has returned to his sister's recently and is up and around every day. He and ins sister are the only survivors of a family of five, the. others being the. late Mrs, Thomas Moylan, Mrs, John Redmond and Joseph Kenny. r.„ „LS • 'ROW ICENNt. ,Who. niArks Ims014: birthday Ott $aturda,Y,'' resides with his sister; Mts.. •° Leo Fortune; east of -Seaforth.- .° wlits, Seaford!, -• , _ Survivingissister, Linda, 1."4 'Years'old. "'Private funeral Services -wore held from ,. Box Funeral Chapel, Wedhesday -afternoon, con- ducted Rey,' S. Lane. Internient followed itt 1Vlaitland- :1), ° Senforth Juniors Advance In .knoFestival. introduced into the school, was out- Seaforth Junior Farmers -topped lined by Principal John Talbot, In-, Exeter in the ti4rd event of the dividual, course's for the...different fourth annual drama..festival, Pre - grades were •,exrilained by Mrs. Elva Ellis, grades- 1, 2 and 4; Dori- senting. Ithep1a, Cleaned aha- ald Morton, grades 4,:5 and -6,.. Pressed." The"Winners were corn - and Mrs. J. A. MacDonald, grades mended. on their ability oft, stage 7- and 8,- by the .adjudicator, Mary Louise, The April ,ineeting of the Home Brock, CKNX Ninghana Mrs. and School will take place Thurs- . i day, April 24. Present at the meet.RobertDog directed the winning, „ ing will be area president, Mrs, performance, and those taking part Ken. Griffen, AS/liner, and area. or- were Sandra Doig,' Marjorie Smith, ganize,r,„mrs:: ' tarty Wheatley' and Mr, and' lVits. Ke Camphell. Kinsinen -Hosts toriurn on Tuesday' evening, an Held' in Clinton Collegiate , • . • audience of 100 watched the two n O a - -51-Patrick' _de m one -act' coedi_ es, Exeter present- ed "Spring Formal," and • those ' Seaforth `kin -smell sponsOred a" taking part were Doris Drbbk> Dar- ineeeasful 'St. \ Patrick's party inbara Kerlack, Patsy Marshall, theCortitimityCentro Monday -v- John Pym and :Barry ,Seffrey. . The- affair,%Was.„everything rector, was " Cecil Potter. we. bad bAtioar. Chairman for the evening was President J'adr, Webb; as be ex- Bilt DoUgall,' president of. the Ifut- PreeSed appreciation to all ,who had on County Junior Fardiers..Misses., cooperated With the club. Der's and Doreen Brock favored, -Highlight of -the evening was the with .several duets ,during the eve - drawing for an eleetriC dryer, the ning's program. Miss Sandra Doig prize gOing to, Dong Kirkby, :of gave &reading, "Too Late For the Walton. The lucky, ticket was Train," and -Ken Campbell led' in dta*n by district *deputy governor. a 'sing -song. ' elect Bill lVfickle, of Hensall, who,. The dreida.,finalsill, .be held with:Mts. Miekle,•-Was a guest at in 'Seaforth' District gigh School on the party„..0thers,;Who attended z. TtieSday, April 1,.• With .Seaforth 'nintted PePtttlf. Governor Les Per. presenting_ "Cleaned. 'and' Presi: Itne.-1001` Mrs.. Parker, of Exeter; edr;:North goon, “Vright", and Prot:Out Jack Drysdale, a the gOwiek; "Contin' Round the moult., mum r,eitib, and Mrs. -Drysdale, tai,a;,-,, The winner will adVinte to; and Mr,,, and,MrS.-Saek Weber‘ of tlie Oritarld' Inlets iri the rotetv,-^,-T. ' Guelph, on April 0. - the.itvestiga HWC 346eCt in lee 4scat Snell 'toured:i of the ,na, ,•,• 4 )00 of Qor&tb1e 'SneI e0°°.titsji..:• north the.....ga*Ok374t.1eo the vjewing the in 11 i110t11411 p :lt'Ii with 14 5411)1 eiVney in it 111 ir. the dernolis$. sa.fe,f Ole c'af' had been:. lifte According - C " d marlis: on 'the :safe indicated. .a. ,:sharp -Pointed'., instrument' " , , been iised kenkilfine.g‘V'beaCie :tahrlea Oanly°, °tei76414's',1,40`n°`!"it4'1' being lef.t behind; thete,4 linton; ivere' elitere0and' - belie -VC:" that- tnels • hililding-••were USed to r'enter4:' ' •••,.; Sejilen,.tatten , .SerVie atatietis-efierator„"' arrived at .lug 'establiabinent,: :'ne.--..touna.., west worth ., of cigarettes: and-thre*V '-arette- lighterS.Missing.Policql this. as also 500 -POUND SAFE, stolen from Cleary's IGA Tuesday Morning, was ' found broken open, his building about 2 a.m. and fofli later that __day hi a McKillop townshiP gravel ,pit; northeast of Seafr th. Here, Seaforth Police • nothing amiss at that time. Chief Edward Erimrdt, is shown examining the safe shortly after and 0.P.P. Constable " J. A. ''Westcott, jeweller; Helmer Snell discovered it. (Huron Expositor picture by Phillips), _ happy -Tuesday that back windo. Move Anci 0101104): ' neII • , or ri -Helmer Snell, • a -policeman in Seaford.',formote', ,than 25 year, and who during that -time has serv- ed_, on three different police forces, has•lie,en transferred- to Goderich. With the 'transfer, effeetive April 1,- -comes a well-deserved-. promo: - tion t� Corporal. • . Consteble. Snell„ -a Member of a well-known Ifullett fa rally,' beg an his police eareer- orf--J-anuary.1,. 1933; when he , was sWorn, in„as Chief of 'Felice of. , Seaforth. Establishing an enviable„,record" as an efficient officer,. he' Was aPpointed to the Ihiron County .force, eight years' later. As a member of the county force in charge of the Seaforth de- tachment, hisduties were enlarg- -ed_ to'____•include__Tenponsibility_for neighboring °•thwAships. When' the county force was takettover by the :Ontario -Provincial' Police 11 ' C table $nou. years ago, ons was among, the members • Of- the. eotin- ty' -force who Were ,absorbed into the 0.P.P.,Me continued to handle the. Seaforth detachment.-:- • While ,Mr SneIl piens to move to Goderich, this .will not be pos- sible in the immediate future, and for the time being he will continue to reside in his ,Ord Street resi- dence. - - Succeeding ••' him 'In the Sea - forth ' 0. , P. P. detachment -will be Constable Jack- McDowell, -'of Kitchener. . Constable ••McDowell, who 'is 'married, with one son, will move his, .family here when' ac- commodation has been arranged: Ch Staff- Here, Wins $200 Prize Roly Harman,: 214 East York, won this year's_Mter-collegiate re- porting conte_st. Third year stu- dent in journdism at Ryerson. In- sdtute of Technology, Toronto' Mr. Harman was on the staff of The Huron Expositor last sumnier. ,•° The conteSt was open to students registered in recognized Canadian schools of journalism. The $200 first prizewas,Mkar-ded: bythe Canadian Electrical Manufactur- ers' Association. Announce Results Music ,Exams :In the recent Music examina- tions at St-. Joseph's Convent, -Miss Sharon Hotharn has suceessfully Passed her Grade IV' eminterpoint obtaiting ,90 nmflrk. " She Was Also suecessful in passing hdr Grade IV history exam, obtaining 83 MaricS., She is a pupil at St, 40$0 i 4'S Convent and s the grand - 4000r °Of Mr. _and ,,MrS, John Wilson St. 11 ' • ''. ''''' • " • ' ' ' ' °. •-••‘-,,-,•-'• • •'-'", ,° - --,,,, •,•••• .. ' ..; ' • . teeted bY,heeVY woOden„iiiner: n 7 .,.. , • --,'--- -,-,--- s •,.• ' ''--- -..- ,-.,:.. ',-'-' ters„.. Which- he .closesevery,nightt.:m., .n., -5,4n, 4..,,..i,,,,,„.-Vidtext:" 1V.Ir...-: Westeett opened, .,:•trita,;,/4,4„;:, -1,...'..!: . ,., , ..„ ,...., .,:•:.4,',:,:.''' . .shutters'''. at .,his,- • 'store,. ;',-lecat„.4:,`'-'1 ''••"•"•'-'" ' - • •••••;'` -* •-• • ' - '-- ''' • ''ed•-•:ijiist-.•• two • •... 'deers -7.-ffent." c•the.•''',7 at es •••:' „, • Cleary store, lie'foundthe•,WindOWY,„;:,, . ., .w i„ ,, ...:. • , Was, the-laSt-minute: rush very pressing this. -Yek,r? "Were we rushed? it as the biggest •'rush since we took over 13 year's •ago, via,the rePlyter• Seaforth-metor vehicle, registrar, J. A ,Westepa..: Weary after 10 days ..of ,: hard Pressure,' Mr. and.. Mrs. WestCott quoted figtires: te back- up 'sthteinent.:- one cliLfyalone blisiest- day they can 'r,peall, ;140 car: licenses were issued, as Well 11001,1$0 . for 80 ether :vehieles andscores Of drivers' •perinits,,,,j,.. To further heir claim' that:pee-. -trailers and „driviag:ligrai,A,_,ciae: ht cott disclosed that 1,070 ar plates, mssued between .March and 15; np.td Mrs. West- inost of them prier to the 'deadline, excluding titicIts,, station -wagons,. ear _during March_s_t_ ;sone period,. 899 car ,licenses W,the: were _,y • • Still. proof • that the ..ritsh;. WAS greatest nearer the deadline,: der- ing• the ;first two _Months f the year 'only.: 683.: 'lleenses' ' for Cara, Were filled out -about one-third of the total .issned this year. . - • • All in all • 11783' cat plates ',Were issued,. 431 trileks, 219- trailers,and 48 station wagons To ',date; 1,682 operator, permit S have been pur- chased; '1,158 renewal ,chauffers, and. 23; :original chauffera. ,These figures.de not includer,docter'S'lic:• ens,S,.; instruction perrnit8',. tranS-• fers Or , increased • 'capacity, 'ac- cording to Mr. Westcott.. • , ,Toptiotelt ,Meets ' onkton'..b. • _roup Frnflls . TonnOtcn• advanced into- a groin) - • .• playoff. series.'witk.Monkton'-in In- termdiate 'WOHA, when they defeated St. ,Columban ,12-4, at tlle _arena., Tuesday,: night. „St. • .Coluntl,i• ban lost_the-lirst. game 13,-5. • The opening.; game with Monk:. • in a •-best-of-three -series for group' honors, , Will be plaYed, .in .the' arena here _Thursday, 'witha soeond ganie..",on Satnrday •night, Seaforth. °'Should a. third -'g,aine• he necessary it, 'too,: will, be playediniSeaforth early next Week.; open and_watchniaking tools, Which - 'usually hang on the wooden doors, strewn .in the ,back • yard. -The wooden profection•showed.signs of pick marks, where the thieves evi, _ dently had tried to pry the boards. off, but the cover proved tab much for the would-be entrants., "That's the ,closest call' we've had," coni - merited Mr. INesteott later -thatmorning. -. Investigation is continuing and every lead.iS"..beingf011owed to un- - cover the culprits. Chief Erhardt is in charge of the investigation, whig the OPP Identity branch at - Mount Forest and OPP Constable Stoll ,are co-operating."4. , Vandalism At).Hockey Game Police, -busy mvestigating the , -break-ins, are also attempting to 2 find the young persons responsible , Lor an outbreak of vandalism at the • Seaforth Memorial , Arena. While owners: of vehicles were at. tenclmg •a playoff hockey game be. .tvi./egn. St.' Coluinhan and Topnotch Feeds , Tuesday night, ,at least eight suffered damage at the hands of whom police described as "!light-headed", Car aerials were twisted • and befit "to -stich 'an extent that. they are almost useless. ' Police have. at -least -three sus- pects whom they hope to question immediately. Investigation is un- der Seaforth Police'Constable Oeo. N WED 50 , . „ HIBBERT COUPJ.E MARKANNIVE , Cromarty, residents: for the past 14 years, lqr. and -Mrs. William' Hamilton were honored on the, oc- casion of their fiftieth wedding, an- niversary at a, dinner at 'the home of their daughter and son.in-law, Mr. and Mrs, h. D. Sadler. The celebrants have seven ail- drertl Mts. Nelson gunlon beth), Belmore; Mts. Alvin Wet., den (Gladys), Staffa; Frank, Cromarty Mrs. Clifford Miller (lUargare,), affa, Mrs. 13,iuce Balfour (Mary), Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. Carlyle Cornish Seaforth, and .Mrs. R. D. Sadler (Hatel)i„. 4:tette, Also ' r)teserit on the .occasion were 11grandebil-, dren And two'-great.grandeliildren,' The ,couple were -married at the horoe. of the, bride's. perentk, Mt, and Mrs. J. 134.altylle;:!trliairina goad; ..11Sareh 4, 1904. They farm9 ,ed near, Cromarty for 24 years,. and for the past 14 years have ed in Oro/natty, - Wed' 30 . Years,' Friends - Mr., Mrs. -Campbell. On Friday evening the family of ' Mr, and Mrs. George R. Campbell, . McKillop township, gathered at their honre• in honor of their'30th wedding 'anniversary. They were presented with a step-up .table, matching- lamp' and a vanity set. • Mr.: and Mrs. Campbell were inarried in the Walton :manse 30 years, ago, and have resided on the same, faim.since that time. , On Monday evening, friends and neighbors from the 'all and -7th, concessions of McKillop, feted Mr. atitt Mrs, Cambell -in their homt. Present at this gathering was Mrs. James Kerr, who had been. the bridesmaid 30 years ago,..!- Mr. 'El. ,dln: Kerr,who had been grooms- , man„ was also present. An enjoyable evening .was 'spent , in progressive, euchre. , Winners were:, high ladY„ , Marie 'Scott; high man, Sandy Dail; Ione 'hands, -lad. Mis Louisa Beattiel. lone hands, men, Walter -McClure; low;, -lady, • Frances . Storey; low inan, Xenrieth. c arobell. - Tn a preseritationy the friends and neighbors.- the following gifts ' Were reeeived. T -Nr .neek±; la'ee and earrings, cuff links sii(1` ti� clip and' a box of dmeolates.. The, mother .of the AroOm, Mrs. ,Barron, was •'unable to ottptill `due 'to1)00 health.