HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-07, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 4EAFOR1'II, • MARCH 7, on ville Nit URC DR. j. SEMPLF., Minister Morning •L- tt e Gospel According To • Judas Evening - 730, p.m. (NOte the change) ur Failure TO' Attract d Wtik file N°n:Chulch Goo.- „ ecial "Ittusic by, Chorus arid_ ou,t iflg soloiSt.,from Ztfrich „Evan- gl Cl?tireh Yon :Will epjoy--this- PerhaPs 'be. disturbed? •-•dr,Pr•-•••t ' lliliall1IIlllilltlifillt1111111111101111111011 We Specialize in Lines or S NEW tposru• mvti,r41\IG, POtittk 441nrs full fire end lia.bilitY-,,eover- . age at In% below regular rateS: to' home Owners. : : , For fuli information, askus. • IV_ATSOIST: & REID A.. REID Proprietor 7 • General .Insurance 'Phone 214 ,: Seaforth M. A, REitt-JOHNiA: CARDNO: eaforill-PStlertie FOR Skil Two-StiOi.Fra:me toria St Recently redelled.„-All 'Modern . conveniences. Centrally • located, and Priced right. : 'Iaarge,iwo Storey Country: mire-WeSt,_iof,_,Seaforth... pro- perty. wOrthl..**.eh*ating. • ." Storey and lieW,Franie West" St 'Idearrentorlelling,poSsi-: ,biiitI. Priced' : Ear lInformtion_.:. :PONTACT: tOtat,e and, JUSWOrliCe PHONE 214) SE/11E4*TH Other.:Properties ALsO Listed, !S • _ arid' PARCEL ,SERilSCE:: . ga.*pgas 676 __AsLag .675: 'ALL 'KINDS. , atirch Notices • Firs Presbyterian Rv. 1);Leslie Elder.VVern- on, Ont;Iff'a",m:, Chnrch,$ehnol; 11 a.in . Morning, 'Serv1.0;--4130. VeSPDX $PrviCe..• • MeRillop Cliarge.-,-;-Servide$ -4 at. Opfrs- at 10 a:a1.1 Bethel,: 130;,. Cavan; 2 p.m., .Eastern Standard Time.. -;----Rev. Summerell,. Minister:. , S. • ThomasAnglican Claurill..47 Morning ,Prayer,,',11, a:m.; Even son, 40 the; first Sthaday of the month at 11. third a.m.- -.and-e Sunclay.'"Of the' moththat.9 St.!,twia.$? School everY, morning at 10: James; :Reethr: • , reAteePStal.tab.ernieleo,'•-Tues =` 8.-p.iat.,-Lcottagelprayer-Meet-- big; Thursclajr; 8 P.m., Sun- day: io* a.m.,:.-Siind.ay- 'Scheol;.11 d.rn , Morning Wnrship;', 7::30 pin.; V!).7311..C. meeting. --, Rev. H. Ken- drick, Pastor. ; • Northside Ilmted•Clinrcb.-Rev. W- Hall; 10: a.m.; 'Church School Class; • :1.1. a.xn,, --Mereitfg'.,•..WorShij-iT-eondncted'l-by the 4str; wirserY for toddlers, inhior,. congregation:;;- 2 Plra.;. iSteiCliiirch Membership Class,. 7 p "Bible •; ,KnoWledge - -Col- lege; • ..8,-..P.tri:;;,Nottliside Young from Perth; Smith Fails, ";Teesvva- People', s FelloWship. ter, Merritton;;:.Londhir arid:Clinton: 'Egniondville Unitett,Cluirch--Dr. Semple, Minister: 'pi: a.m., The C0i4StANCE •Gospel AocOrding'. to Judas"; 7:30 ' • • -• pm, Service for ,church members- Mrs,' Ken. preszcator and Linda and nun...nbarch L.gcre-rs; •- ,a.m., retried .:home aftef-sPOnOint the Church 'School ,. and:. Minister's, past week with ,,her 'parents, "Mr. Class; .11. • . class and Mrs"-Lahrende, Exeter: *30, Junior' Church; :' Wednesday,: Miss .JoYce,,,,Jewitt;','Thornidale, _7:39 -pm., Lenten: Seryiee'i7"Churek spent the:weekend --atlfie:-..lione, of membership class close of ,niorningl her parents, Mr.' anO•Ifissviihain ,service.' ' Jewitt. ' • Mr: -Douglas • Riley Eastwood' spent -the- w.eekerid"; With lais,,par- • ents7,---Mrrrand-Ma.s. Frartk-Riley.:::: • , :WEDDING. tholowilloniiiimilunimmin nowt •,sea, -faith,. •was ' setting Saturday when' Mtinroe ':became the 'bride of Arthur E, Dark, be- fore the 'Rev. D. .1.. "Lane, ...The bride i•S'Aliel,daughter of,„14,..., and iMts. . Win •If.' lVlunroe, and the ..grot)ixt is,-tho son Of Charles F. `Dark,:-.RR.6, .Lorido and the TJe bride Tore a ;a1 ;i-length gotkrn of: brocaded 'satin styled with sheath' sleeVes ,and., 'full: ski:rt.._ ,A• Matching:headdress' held..',Iler fin- greesretis W'shlet.paelaris°4 MiSs ',Ruth 'Teall,,Seaforth-,2 at, leaded the bricie•aS Maid: Of :liOnOr; gowned-hiLblue-peati-lle bridesmaid Was ',11/11Ss Ruth Park, London, kin.Yellav Veati:de soie, ".:Groonismair was 'T-larold„ Robi- son, and ushering. 'were •Igaitaliii. E. Munroe • 411(1,Robert E. -Munroe. The'ehurch was ,beautifullY'decr. ()rated in white and 'yellow. riaiiins and candelabra. - For travelling, the liiide ,denned a Pale blue Wool dress With thateh:, ing- hat and shoes; and orchid cor- ,sage. The 'entipie will live', in Lon-, , Out -Of -town garestS were • present • ublin Visitors • with -Mr. -and• 1VIrs' Joe • Riley Stmday were; ' Mr. and, Mrs. C ool___News Teni'llileY and Mr. and,Mrs. Wm. • • - ,,:--13-lacker; Clinton. --Mr. -lidieyi-Vho y R. ;FLANNERY) - suffered a heart attack a 'couple of, weeks ago, is still, confined. to `•:: With our work nn the operetta finished .for. another year, we are his home, - Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wil - settling_ doWn .0 some hard •study-; liter :Glonscher -were host -and hos- ing in preParation for the Easter tess to Mr. and -Mrs. Austin Dex- ,ter,-Blyth,•parents of Mrs, Glous- cher,,,on the occasion, of their 42ud wedding 'anniversary. The Imme- diate family present were:AlVfi, and, IVIrs.: Stanley Bali and family, -Aiibum;-Mr.- and -Mrs. John San derson and family, Blyth, and Mr._ and .1,VIrs. Nelson MeClure and Clayton, Seaforth. Simday'Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Gleuscher and Stewart visited Mr.. and Mrs. Hen_ry Glouscher, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby spentast -ATuesday with-fri'ends-iii- . . . exams, On IVIonday morning' the timetable. appeared on tile bulletin board, announcing the exanis-from 1VIarch, 28 to April .3. 'E-WeTfere, SaiTYCddiliui 'Feeney's: appendectomy on Satur- day:,.. NO • all hope -you'll soon ,z•he: back -to SehoOl, Oecffia arutin meantime get. Wel" ' •-' No:.TnereSyen.really,Siould gat 'to -school on .1VIOn‘tlavS,•, R MR AND 1VIRK.ARTIEUR F. DARK, are shown following their recent marrialei ;Frst, Presbyterian Church. Seathrth. The bride is the former Patricia_ C: Munroe, , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric H.-Munroe,-,Septhrth, vvhile.IVkr. • Darlt. is the son of - Mrs. Charles -F. Dark, RR 6 -Lon-do-n, aiurthe rite1r TDark - They will live in London: • •(Photo by -Phillips) L C- L FS Mr, and • Mrs. Clarence Arm, St. JosePh's-ilospital, Landon, for strong,. and on; of:Sarnia. spent , sonie time, was able to return the weekendaat the __bathe of Mr ' home__ thisa_week__- and Mrs.- Harld.,Jacksen, Mrs. M. McKellar is visiting in , Miss Marjorie Biekeil,..`(•A Toron- Toronto. ; • , - tospent the Wre,ekend with 1Vir. and , , Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ferguson, of ited her,rnother, Mrs. Janies pale, Mrs. George l. f LY'SoniiKithteihnenfie4r,vi- 11ett.T.oronto, spent the weekend here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas who-is:in Scott Memorial Hospital. Dr.• and Mrs. E. A. McMaster and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. 13rightrall left•this week for a holiclay,in Bei -- -:'Mr;:W It Smith and Mrs. David R. SteWart were' in .Torolito, last Week attending .stlie..funerall_of.-a" relative. '" r' .Mr. Harry;Jessorrie. is confined to Westminster. Hospital"; Londeri..:` • Mr. John Gorderris ,a -patient :in Stott, Memorial- llosnital. Roy -Nreq-oTp-tre7-1g in Scott mernortal7Htispital, Vliere"she• re- - 'Mrs., R. j. • Spittal was a visitor in Tiaronta• for ,several-d,ays. , Mrs, , E. Geddes is spending a leW;:days' in -London With-',her.son and datighter4aLlaw, Mr. arid Mrs' _Ste_Wart" • Mrs; 'Leonard,.of, Lakefield, is 'visiting her sister, '1.1rS. Robert M. Wright arid:Mr." Wright:, . • • ,,• ,•• SignalnianApprentineWaYne Jes, Sonie; of :Kingstott,'sPent the vveek-. end at'llisheine , ;_.-alVii7.-riaiid-714,1rs'.- Joe. Williams;:1-of Kitchener; pent :the weekend with NEWS OF _DUBLIN AKING WILL REQUIRES C SEAFORTH LAVVYER VIARIIS • • The 'Dublin' Parent Teachers meeting was "held, at the Continua- Seheol -on. Monday- evening with the ..Presidenti.404. the chair. Bev. Dr. Ffoulkes open- ed 'the` me'eilt/g: Witli the PT4,PraY- er. Peorge Goettler, the secretary, 'Meeting. '•• = read the. minutes of the previous , • H Was decided to, diStrilmte en- YeloPeSti all members t� colleet metribershiP fees. This will be • agrat2rt.I:g71 ; stereadaoi tee bta, hyk_,w_e wE eit ws: risprot: C:cr dYD, :unooeen uxrIVlittirsospn,an,Rolv_modwseemr,ameresil.g::;-ce.actLsci....roGfrlondikrinvgiTa,a,n,no.f.:. -dy°aIlrieentsilr°suchgobOlIsh, Th'ellile°rtereita'sautretrjj'es• Tij io • "The Advisability o MalOn_g Wills." nery _Spent the weekend(' with 'Mr. A WilIalioulcl be' properlY drawn and Mrs. Pat Flanner.v .at :Strath - up and. changed periodically, acr ruy. - cording Ito circurnStariees,quoted Mr. Stewart. Many, other' interest- ing..points were ably discussed, and in. -"conclusion 'Mr: •Stewart' stated; yowhaVen't a *ill, make one; a'nd if o,iote of. tAhularnkaFhto11711VNer'ras.elit'etrvhaaav'Ft:•'eitfeli. his 'valuable, information,. ' '-.Tickets were sold .ort a cake, Which was won, by: 'Albert- Cronin. The, Meeting closed with the sing - lag of the national. anthem. - VV.L Has Meet •Carpenter ,-Blyth; and Mr, jesepix Carpeater,%Chathani, Visited Miss Wfonica- Byrne. "...,Mr.„ and •Mrs., Jinx curtin, of Streetayille "visited with .friends •lyfr, and iyfrs. Jerome Nicholson, 1-fondork,..with Mr. and Isitr,s. James KraUskopf. •• Mr, and, .Mrs,- Frank Maloney; Miss Wise Marie Feeney and Mr, Kenneth Feeney, of -Kitchener, and Mr: and Mrs: Leonard Feeney -and sons, of St, Marys, visited. witii Mrs. Catherine Feeney; • Mat.' Thomasi3uttersWas hastess, for the ".; February:: meeting; „held on Tuesday- ' afternoon. ,Mrs. ' Beidien, Aikens, :vicetpreSiderit, preSided:"for- the ..baisiness laart, ; 'of the meeting. -Twelve, Mein:tiers.: answered the:ioll :callwith-"a, e 'mord: strietly-,?,•eliforeed:'' •- MrS./..garold ..,Pethick.,,gaVe; the hjghlnghts of: the course herd '''at:."Staffa;. :arid CharleS. Friend, on "thei;strinni-ary at: AtwaTedior,'..tlie;:third.::rheal,.."Mrs--.7 PethIck, demonstrated the 'Making irtilitti'tfeaotnrsd't liEgea.dthti ariirltdhnietopic;s . . "Citizensh A, • Looby read ",,tlic_etatte Mt. -6 vents . and Mrs. Ai,,r Jordison," the.house•-• hints:, ,Mrs., -Aikens .gave helpful -talk ahd 'demonstration :On the Making of braided 'rugs., , LogbY :Offered' her:hal-no" for : the .March' ineefing.''The:•,ineet-y ing ; closed with 'the -national', thein„'and luneb."-WaS served, Mr, and Mrs. ,to4is,,:,',J,4,alleii.Zaad• ted' With' Mr hnd Mrs; ,Miss Lydia IJordison;4::,.. orphto, Visitedwith Mrs E":: JordlSo1,;,: and Mr. and Mrs. CharJes1'tId.. Mr andMrs. 'Ronald OS•',' -and son, a st. Thomas, w6ifoOdsitorol vvitli It11.7-and Mrs, Tom Btitter`S-i. •• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans were Pembroke visitmg'Nir. 1VI Mayrnan. '- Mrs. Thomas Kelly and Mrs. Jos. - - A-1010UNCEMEM' Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, ainget' iallillgClil'itri'ec'ee'Tieairriloallre- - arle, -.13ritton, 1525 ffin St , only son. of Mr. and Alit. olland, Flint. Mr, and Mrs. ittowfwill-reside e groom attendS Flint College. , Mr. and,Mis. Michael Williams:, in cently underwent -an oPeratinti.- MiS:;:;,Alex Bethune lias re.tarnecl G ;aave returned- from -a. -; • -Anent114n Plori - Mr. an r an ':ii,.'l. aftet Ipending the, past PORTMEETINGS Mr., and Airs. ‘• Frank Mina §nr-if!.' en by -the -Otteen MOther to c,alifoi,z.l.g, cherie• n Wallacedand 1-• Mr. Mrs,Tanis F: beautiful: picture f h sh°wIng 1Vin andMrs. .1, E. Keating,; who ° 4 8 en a fe/I:v aYs Thornton. 1104, , entertain' d'.)'• :1°- 'A social hs. spent .Some,weeks in -Florid ti ingli,4t 10:week 'qrs. - e th e a our was spent and t d ai ave Wallace s sister, Mrs, .1t1713iirchill F1' . . re urne ome. atisilif7Rtifehilt7'ind r1 lam Church, on Ttiesday., wh° were in. charge of -the Ct ti t seve 1 day i klkat,T,kosifitest, serVed by the Withs-lloirnes. ,Mayor" B; F. .Christie and -WS, R; ;SCott. 'is ViSiting", Mr:7 K „pptin0, . -i., s e spen ra - S 11 0. ancl7Mrs:.:Denald:".Secitt at:Fontliill; Ti 11,#ess.. -2-- i . 1Tollo-"ThiS.. Week.' ' - '' :.. ' :'. - ': .7:•B.ePreSenting ,the;Seafortli,'Ptiblic -Jo ...*--0.1.7-,..inIterelf.'w'e .::litga' TliomPsom read' the serilifiirei • _ , . tie., ,:tri- to. swe• tt. it ..,,,,:x7;„,,,6 -,---- -, ---.• , , , _, „ , ..' , , ifi!g...Kel.i, Etue•.:Who..haab6a....ni thilitY-COMiaission.*tt.h....,,,inhai.: Bx. ,,,,fritorik,* .iviA ... _. , „7,,, . - . ..._ , ' ' ' VentiOrt- of 'the :Ontarici llilunici.. th less -611?' '4112d: le4 .:.....„,-i''''''''-91-1" Ot''-til "VIA6. ;eteicteloltgli- :lid .1:o1.14%i,161[16. '1-6 yioigtiov "izz,,ttY'uxn,,,,,,twci otiff.k.,,tAtholft at4he 'hani-not ' '.' pal.'"Eleetrre As,sociafionln,Toron _ Rose oUTralte. ,•;.:, 7'. .- '' '' -.- solos ‘"Tlie•jEfig,'.."-,'W., 4". 3"4' "ill's': '"..,31gtheSnli. '-'-''-.i''t°0' tie,... Chairman ' Frank' Kling, CoM,.. ' thiS,..week:Were,Mayor inisSion r OlOrlean Sills cl•Ma -.:' : ..',.e-WaSsenjoYed,far.a,'#ixie - ".rSiit:•• -7gtors 'UP6i6 'pkelent; Nlis4' A • by:riatir . au' I. lierizing.' 'the.' .franq• , -Mit7.3614706rsejr end AlisS"Kale an intereating 'eVening • came te. a. with•.a.l)oeni; : "Cheice:"' 'A: h/Inn pd'ii - was given ....f.i,eit . .and: seCcoifd . Chicago", returned:: honie '''Tuesday' i. ,... M elose",..'llrs'.7, Jack Thompson ' was -,:sung, and, th. X..e.ord s Pr, Pr ead gs-at the regular meeting of evening: . .• :'' ...''. - ' -' ' : . ' ''3.7. ed a vote OT:thenks:••-to;•the hosts tdie4te.d. i,....,......: ..........'''Logan., hiwnship C'otincilr.:..M0adaY.., ',:lVii-, and: Mrs .:Stewart Geddes and. to ;Winch *.r..r...1 8 e„ott. Tpti#,(1: ,r. , , g:,:the. a.ben.'ee, 6f tile Pre41- All :meniber5-:- were PreScrit and sons= 'John, and Roliert;viSited Sat.: Pa , .. , .. . , , , . . , 1 7 pa : Ci* 4.- WitErS. dent, AliSs,Selp.cooducted the'Reeve .ErauSkopf' presided:- - ,,, • nt'daY „With :-Vr. .and mrS.• 'Ernest, - SOUTHGATE ‚1 1 ' Ptione:S34 -,.- Res. tiiii -, SEAk(14:fil,' 1011111111111111111 WALDEN Sz° • , BRO.ADFOOT... BO; PM* 684-W Res. 337-R ' . • Shop at. , ririi.e'LtrirLt.,$teieNvit th BIG": Values , . , a a roves S tang se.., ' • nierab,er's', gnsWered, the' , eart • , an .n. EGMONDVI LLE l'ulaing egfwh. Ivy t snide]. 'in -doel ,r -in 1111. 3111is P .11: • his a . Gordon Churcliward and fam- Miss-, Laura MelViillan, . acconi- nied_by her friend,. Miss Vera, lmer,.of Toronto, spent the week , Miss, Alice WatSon, of: London, elit .the. weekend.„Fith her moth- ctmatr.sh.ejr,hs07.3: ast, • • Mr. Andkew Houston arid Mrs: at Exeter. • ' , sPent- the -weekend with- ids -.Another, the Mr. Stuart N. Keyes, of mw,rstl:clarNyseYS11.Wiho.n.atlitt,zer46:y1 eaetds: and friends nvention at Toronto last week. 1VIrs.'rAndrewi-lionston ,spent a .Hakel -spent •Weekend. with, her daughter, Mrs. H. Patrick;::' and farni'ly,, in ,St. Miss' Della Wallace, 'Tuckersrnitla; Was a weekend visitor -with her. 'grandparents, Mt. and Mrs, Wm. • • Mr.4and,Mrs, Earl Hastings, of Listowel: spent Sunday With Mrs.' 13taMrtr°.!lan d" Ja-Mess and Merlin, of 'Belinorite, sPent. the 'weekend- With Mr. land Mrs. Wililam Scotelimer,:a, ' after w ch ime was serve an Abbie Seip opened 'the '-xneetilig euisq of gSs to the Union Gas Com- Williams who spent the Winter in a , ,„ • , ness. She reminded the.'ladies of Road aceounts, amounting to $8,- Q:edcles. ; ' en The March -Meeting of the Cath- the bake, apron and candy_sale g29,5g and- g.eneral accounts total- OuC orrnen—TiTeague was, held in whiCh GroupIV are "navtlag7In vne $'617'.1it., were •:,-Prdaroil , , sp present 1h& ,111.‘regulaPirieefindnight for Aoit reeeived„ from certtheate -engineer' the : ehoolreont.,on Tuesday even 0,kiask*,LPlie Off&e.e. SattirdaY„ The:Irigis:ote'n pa u wa-g, ••!-- president, :Mrs, "X, Etu; en:the : opening' night Of the on Branch "G". cit' the Northeast the. meeting with theLLeague preY, 0.h Pasoko„ NYeek: lierViPeSJ was ne in: _The.5ect_etary',0 repPyt.Was deeided__ t(i.hoid te:..nipq.ing;on'.the full', Dram -and thcontractor paid' 6o , • enby-Misa .B1:.,Fortiine, and' trees- Monday' ' • . fe DeVational '..part of ..the .meeting 10-: conductedWifliann BradshaW, She -read a Rosi, "It He Forget"."' A. hymn 'was sung, followed., by •.Prayer. -by. Mrs. N.. Itnight:The. t eriptitre, . Psalin .40,' Was. -.read SparkS. Little Glenda Matheson. -:afid Ruth:. Ann Wilson -favored wi•th, two .top.,da0e* riurabeit,", which .Were inifeh enjoy. .EIgie introclueed the speeker;'-Alit: "Gordon-Wegeiiiie,. who; spoke vir "fear 'characteristics of.a good 144 out several interesting; points.,; Bradshaw ,Moved a; Vote ifirthanks Co 'the. ,speaker, _the,,thostess and those taking- par. A hymn Was. song and the meeting oloseil. With the Mizpah „benediction. A 'Social half-holik Was spent, with linich be - nig. served -by the social cOMMit-' WALTON , The regularl nionthly thM!ng f the Gleaner, Mission Band.Will. he, held- next ,Sunday morning' hi the usual hour. ---- • • ' HarOld Hamilton, ure:by Bannon' respondende was'rnad. by Mrs. 4:2 Devereaux. • • ':; ' ::.:••!•' • :-Tlfeatintial 'meeting L{&b held' on .April 8th With; a pot-ltick-• sup- per. at 6:40:- 'The nominating com-' rriittee'lor: the year are • Mrs. j. McConnell, IVIrS; Etue 'anti Mrs. 1. Meagher.' , MiS M Dunn read:an interest- ing -Poem -:.;The mystery prize' waS Wen bY and the meeting41osed%wifn pra.yer, ST4tHURCH-L.10:HESEA1I- • The regular meeting Of thelad- fee -Aid • ", of First- .;Presbyterian Churth was held on -Tuesday with Miss lean Sctitt, president' in .the •qaait.. Scett: fl.abldrk opened tne:ine,eting poem, "A• D4y: in Town.", The 'secretary's and treashrer's report4 were „read,...and Mri.:Tred,E. VIM showed col- ored slides- widt' were -taken by her daughter, Miss, PeggyWillis, on a trip•-t.hrough.`1Spain,:. Scotland and England_while she Was on .the teach -de.: eltphArtgel-fer a year in England.:OneintereSting item was, the'gardett.party she.a#ended,.. giv- and PILTEL OIL phone ae. 0 *talent ' • adjtiat; Milts On anima Spetial - Rates for Farrthers Erie 'Shorty' AttY'141110E Phone. 394 ° . GROUP -IV 'The March meeting of Group IV, WA of the United:Cluirch.Was held attlie4 lieine. :of :Mrs... John :Turn7. bull With IS:nierriberS: and Aye visi; tors:resenL, .,The 'devotional loer- iod was. :contliteted.V Dal-. ton :land° .consisted scripture reading bY'...1Vfig..H,tilley and a read. ingb 1Vits.'.1)41toe. and two. known . • The. :business centred ,ntostir on the bake thiS •Satordat. for. which all' airaiigerrientsiVere corn- pleted.r 'The PrOgram, was; conduct- ed. by. Mrs; 3, Dill 'and Vir,..'"CtiW, 111'.- This included°, t� 'piano solos by Kareti-, Dill;and::an .interesting. based oti the:Subject, "Silence is Goidert.'":; • Mr sf moveda vote ofthaiilis ter Atra;Oail,,tollowect hr.:an 1010±, priate!:Poein, "Finding. 'G'4." This Istai.lauewetp,bytn eenteat on Trish harries,' ; :Whichemiclutled :the. pro, Stair4 ..Two...tea'Ao.wels and :a sUrPriie Package' were 'auctioned OIL The meeting Closed with the: Mi2Pali b0000tiob,- folloWed. by 'Itineli, After, A. long boring evening,.the young Man finally succeeded in sta1in•kiaS, fr�mlns young lady eataparitaa.' miat'a your reWard' for .heing,4 gentlentati,?* the :girl MurrnUted, `TeWard?!" blab, 1740'4 i'ti.St Workniarfa cora-. pensattme,", Contracts were 'awarded 6S- loWs: .Gravel, Ray Ireland ,Lori.? don, at -67c per yard; bridges,. Ron Is visiting,,with ..enci_ivr.s.1...Art Savile. CdriStruction,--Btratfork-:-IVcCO11: ; '1. . •- $1,M9,0 '$g1070:40,--",-;Benhen :416Ward • itheltWell• and DOuglaS, Bhuck ,fiY.-E.oltbp have returned, home after" and weed inspector: Jr46 1958 road: spenttog niontit'in Cali- expondihire by-law for $50,01?..0a. fornia and other States. ' was 'given three :readings and otEandon, allY passed. • spent the; weekend__with her 'par-, • Council adjourned to meet -aka* 'emits, Mr.. and Mrs:, CeciLLydiatt, . . , Tuesday, April 8, at 1p.nr,.. • .RO.sert"..DC4r.yo.i,14 Is $eventy'seen District ifuaries ".4a,M$S LICDAUSKOUF : nany - DUBLIN. -One of Dublin' oldest years road superintendent in Tuelt Robert forniOst highly ..respected.csitiienS;; -, ersmith;:celebrated-his, birth,7% 13.yaniure'e'Sd'nLe'.strayan,niskoragn,';, Iied hsiosdo,z176%, daY at his ll'ome''11 niondville • *Alr.1 Reauskopf had been in ,hongsT4hetlerflianz'polVforr:hDegrar foPP's: oWni.h°e*, toal itob aa.adlth ars tiiihoeci hCrihsotnimoase,vebrilyl. tiiiie„.„has been feeling' , bit better°, d dtiring Ireeerli daY ay ict.. McCONNELL, from. the Department of Evan- gelism, National Conricit' ,'"of New 0rk, Nviaiad= 'dress an inter-deneininational gathering at :Plitt- Presbyter- • ian Church,. SenfOrtb, Monday. Serviee loll beheld at 2 p.m; FollOWing the servieie, a reenp- tionsyiU be held in the &ultras?' 'gaol rooms ot the church. iagi , Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.' loseph KraliskOpf,•;lte,' conclucthd, a blacksmith busingsg7 M. the yin` age for -over ' fifty years. He- retired in 1950 When his • son, '...fartiesT. R„railskopf, took 'over the busigeSs, Li 1,905 he 'was married to -the former Miry Neweombei-whe Sur- viveS. In 1955 the eouple ,celebrat- ed their fi.Itieth wedding antivers-] •,Mr. Rrauskopf was a ineinber of the. Separate' School' Board for 32 ears. The deceased ,Was n'teml)er St. -Patrick's %Rem- ari, Catholic'. 'Church; .Dubliii;. a mernher of; the ,Holy'llanie Society,, the Altar.S.Pei0Yoac,1 the Propaga- tion oI :the Fath, •He is SurviVed by his Wile; fOur Sens, Loula and charleS; Terndate,, Michigan,' jesel4i. and. tiOnies T., Dublin three daughters, Helen mid IVIrs. Jerome 4tirsura) Nicholson,. LoOdorl;, 'Mrs. Robert' (Caroline) McCortruck, Detroit. Ofie soli,: Dill, died in 1030., ';He is also ,survivett by two sistets Mrs. Agnes ACon nor and :Mrs: Luia Flanagan, of 'Dublin, and two brothers, Louis, tondOn, aad uenty; Seittle, Nva4- on, • tett at the Burke Futierat }Tome unti.l 9130 a.m. Sat. urday Morning, when Requieiri, Ingifr4Viass „will be Celebrated at St. Vatriclei: Church,. Dublth, bY Rev, iDr„3. ',B. Froulkes. _Burial Will follow' , St: Patrick'S 001116- , ten'., • 'blue 0 'WILLIS. UNDAS 011 • ccoMic " ;Ill' re g. a .Pr:ne$ td -r 138 We d 't write heY'rel SiSrtlati o Best Ads. 0111 courses,: The LIME Store - SE hi.the OW FO TIIURSJiAY.Fltipmr and _SATI,JAP., DA.ItI3Y'S RANGERS" IAIVIIES GAINER , CHOUR EUi A group of Men who fight,:love and laugh throng every W oe, derful mornentl_._ ()ming CK ' PATCIT"„ - GEORGE MONTGOINCEItY DIANNE IBREIVS'IER • 1,111 ,of a pipeline -,prossin WDShip ' dr-n-ierg':batere signing a contract -of Agricuture ROGEIZSON” . -BROADFO 0 President. ee.-Treas. k. 50 Acres in- Hullett; no biiildings. •Apjili-to Phone 458 t„...womsonwinin,..ommg uuli • (Last %Dance nf :the .Seaaon) HensaliTown Hall 'Friday,.'Akirthl41 Euchre Starts .,..a.C8,780-- -NORHIS`OrtcHKSYRA Adiriission 75 :Cen please-1)4*e _ ; • ' LOCEY' LUNCH ..Paugy •ilinnonmonnononnosunnonomo APRON rch 8 Scitur a 3 p.m, in -former Oke Real Estate. :'ii, Grimi;4 ir.A. Nertliside thdted Cburea A Xle DE- SURE IT . . ny flip Ilouse_of Stone ;---- SkriaPleS-arid-Fa-shiorialiave d • and arericed ffom Our'Ne &MRS. ( HOELSCHE Phonek36/-W for Evening Appointmen Residence located One block east of Library - .,111111111Mk t! U GET'F,,prt YOUR DOLLAR DURING OUR ' 4 :•finiASsAnOtt:' 17 j'iatals," sejt wintling;thaak re- sistant,','unbreakz ,able 'NXarY'expansOn V1/0111111 Of tfle,:Value,,of :the', Wait ° o Buy :During Scivei4gels:;'Meirch,Sale Select, from One #ne.,-itiiekot Oulavas,•,Grrnens, Certinas:Ur Cornelli Reg.; Value $80,00 Your old watch. is •Wk4.§ $0;, :pS'Aft, rifl;Fl-p*. $60 0 ,Value150.00: .gALE• . yotir. old watch is Worth PRIQE, eg.yalue $25.00— - old watch is worth $625 --pRic Extra ;;Valye., 10 WATCHES AT HALF PR1 OPUS YOUR OLD WAIVD) 1t will pay yon...0 check overbOr outstanatigvAhtes in watches, adWe1ler7 and China nOW'beingrogeted .MAtAt„):GE',S, 3.44tc.ftsitiLL. 1 7, evireileryGifts int?‘: hill, a SEAVOltrit