HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-07, Page 6EXPOSITOR, sEAFoRTH, c
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3 axtes : '�CafQ]C'�ll
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our Walton .._
I Walton
D. -E NNS � =.
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Phones: 5eafo>rth_832
•- ERC
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W lton
• in Q
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r 32
— < Rrtiss�e'ls> 90 r 4
Rhones-:---Seaf arch
At Walton
Phones: Seaforth 832-
cuss s 19 r 14
Rose d Fee
(By R. JAMES WALIyAG`E)- 26 years, thr.liall has a1waYa been
Rei iade'lling `el Walton•:Co`ninann -
an active and centz a'i: spot pf the
ity. Hall .was• completed this week community since its hieeption.:The
wide-awake mterest`"'of, the, �.Coiri-
is ' men
efforts of
with the combined e -r• muiuty was responsible •'for : ,the
and women of the district:. Tam'- forming; of this , coinmunityowlned
ing fhe past • two weeks :the build- hall. --,-1113. . until',:193&, .; dances had
in has been a beehive of activity.,,,
.... been: held an. the 0,. Hall,. which use the- hall one light -a month Ed,;,pavldson was•.named .treaspk
when the Community united to in -h. -et mouth,'
.:a . osihon he held .for.. three
was located aliove�hat xs naw T.::for ,. a'' regular lucid igy:.:.at?d t,_ , P ,,
thew .ts, ball, list ll plyw+xid the B ° Marsicall's stoxe.`and the village
the wafts, and,Gomptetelyr paint ' ;anitre'than.ihree special.meetings a- 3'•�ars Elmer Dennis' was,; named
post office, and u ii e., tincie�it` Or .year" with, free ren . .The' 'our= secretary'- 115t,d Joe' Hack
interior. 1 _` der}of United Workmen Hall above teaser$ were requirie , to ,spay the ; well in°19.51; and 1952.
The local labor force wag -form- the present location of Doug Ennis' taxes and ihsurance and; look after' A complete new', slate of officers.
ed under ,the direction of,,,,;a .coin general store. `' u bee
_�r ,---, took ;over in" 7953; ,'leaded by Nor
., ` 1 e - t:a' meet-:... . � IAok' ?I."; •�alt `Fina condito" was.that ,--.„-ane.'
"one mari'Willianison; ,with.. Herb Travis.
on February7,3,;:.a ebau'man ,, ,' `F , - 1 ' room would e'ke t as secreba�i<y^- and Wi11ia?m .�Huin-
Own Roo den.:. • - 9
�,:.. ant Q ,� � t m 146 and :1947, and , Soli'.
:In the meantime, the Walton Li.. Humphries took over as. treasurer::
O I�,,252 and.the Bolton R,B.P. 397 for ;the sante terms. In .194&, 1949
entered into an agreement with the i and 1950,,: ftoy; Bennett -Was elected
shareholders for the selling, of the head by the.' 87 shareholders..Dur-'
building- for $50; with the condi mg;: the 1948• and 1949 'term, Joe
tions' that the lodges Could each, Hackwell was 'treasurer. In 1950
'' i a „rchased the• padlocked b p for ,
frolic-eaekr ?i, . wasiflamed-b kte-; -
-, 'store -and- Conteznplat�d%turiungttlie. oge mem in w„ eh.. re- keep-phries a er--lt2r,'-t�`rYlixx
Donalhareholders .:Chat men were,.. _ , - ... .. _. _
s -.,..£ their od e.: ro ert . ,,..The lod ees son. has retained ihis--positinit auci.
._ rte n• in ,:an apartment, t 1 g P p Y. g
McDonald.-161h:Gre•:Ken,;upper��go yi and -Wil
fors conn�niunity were to supply, their own is ,sail' head of the grope in the
• al -&t . Mor es* ea Ben,
McDonald; _ h Morris; l dances: carted libldilg for and her :locked•room stall eh7dsts_in the pres�, 1957 5& term, ,yMri..; Hu_-phries be-::
t'' , • 17th Roy Allen Searle . 9th _ _. s .. t 5m,
ne. t, Y, . , , - , , - . _... , e: . . s ,.came'_=secretaryin.: 1954•_,ttlen 'an.
lTQUis, Roy Williamson; East. locateon,.for•their affairs .. A cora- enc hallz although the lode 1?a
inittee�-consisting�of, John Marshall, been dormant for several years 1956 brother, Stewart Humphries
Boundary; 1Walter. ,.Bewley,. West:, took ver. the. band ,i e
y' tt :.a d:� ilas_Jo rasion The agreement was , signed by Al ,o Jo . s the pr s
Boundary;' Ronald- Bennett," W; = indicium- Cou s n S Joh-Elgin.,
ton; William Dennis, 14th Mcl - were appomted to discuss withtthe vin Crawford and David°{Boyd,;'of -ent secretary Buirry Marshall
the use:o theirhall the lodges,' -t -and George- Jackson, served :as treasures' in 1954; Fran
.. ,.; Orange Lodge, e f ., .:. :, .,
10 east -_.fens-all . arrows, . ,14thb 1
P> , B Master Gre :Huron:.:. ; � "[Kirkby, 1955 and 1956 and.he res:..
maI ,,wil-west-and,o'T'reszdent:Nor p
for dances, This hall; was..located istric m y ,
o the. eastern edge of,Walton'.i; `.:Harry. ':Hart, Seaforth,swas -con- int;treasurer _is-, man ;Williamson: u
Two. weeks,;later, ,1Vovember;'30, fritted to' move, ,the ,hall �'at a cost Herb Travis is general assistant, to
Complete Renovaffons._ , • - 1938, -the committee' turned in a of,$115,bY a committee of William , the secretary.. -
Armed ',With hammers sawn refiort` on the -hall and it was found Humphries;'Russell-Marks and Joe
mops'aiid brushes,. ,the public-spir' it could,be1purehased'for a nornin= Carter The grounds were•levelled ."• . .i
ited :'residents convergeds on the - Immediately 'plans were and a'. basement put in to; hold the Dltr�Ct. C bltu,arles
-al sum. Imra
hall and turned, the- interior into a 'made to purchase- the building and btul ?ug at its new.. location. The '
•-g. .:move it into a' more 'central. spot;basement. was divided into a kit -
forht • g- an 'dancing rendezvous - . MRS.c C. IL GAR
b,.:> - then and ladies''.waitzngr:room. `-. NISS,
for g and old in .,the village. -.It was proposed to
To celebrate the- completion ;of - -- > ing' and a neW,.'sta 'stage r-esenta- Saturday- M St.. Jose his ::Hos ital.,_
.public with shares selling at $5:00each, b g p Y, P P ,
.1956 P olatth Sedan
1956 --De e- edan -
1-1955 Dod e Royal al.Sedan—Ra
1— Sedan—Radio
1955- Dodge
1-1953 De Soto Sedan—Radio
1---1952- De Soto Sedan
e an S, d
—1952 'Po ti c n
n a Sed4111
-1951 Pontiac Sedan;:..
IN ir.
your canvass the .area for . shareholders, A new floor was placed for dant- ' WINGHAM: The ,death •,occurred
this work, and to allow,the pu c ; m Humphries =donated a site.tion of ,concerts, ,plays and .;other. London; of Mrs. Charles II Gar-
to vie e beautiful interior those cilli'.,,
an-the''oId Neal ' ro pert for: one community, entertainment a n;d niss . 85; the former ,,,liar Ella:
,gp Ay
in charge are plannuig, a grand.op each wall was e ui ed with a ot- Isbaster-+-a former resident of. Sea'
community, q PP p,,
ening; conceyt and dance'.in the near: share . of --stock: in the. comma
•:hall-� hbht: .. forth':
at r,.
future. Loc l talent will •be..fe u-•
f a.contacted-the _ �O rain ' ,night .the building She is Survived by her.husband;;
Canvassers :who ,...., Pe g g • . ,, ,
ed --m 'the early- Part of the eve- citizens in in the ;-- area, . were ' Silas filled to capacity;. with, a represen-two sons, • Alex, Hamilton and
nine; and the"entertainment.-."wily n -ar-shall—Gilbert -ta€ion•-of--the-entire-chfnnrunity, as -G e in London, by one :aughter
Johnsto-. TAhn M
doff with a bi dance
e�appe g McCallum, ,Clarence 73cnnett, 'Wil- well -as ;.:many ,outsiders. Music Mrs. Helen Scott, Wingham,-.
i.: o the" �:A r.-:
• ' Fridaynight :a euchre and - " : _. was sn lied. for dancing n The.body, at the R., Cu
This b - , , ham Finmphries, Joe Carter, Rus. ,• P}?., y home, dance will take place: sell Marks; Andrew Coutts.." and first night.by•the Huron Corn Husk ;rie:funeral� home, Wingham,.where
Jn_use_by the ''community -alriostFred Rutledge,, cis, then ,stars, of Wingham-radio,- funeral service, was held. Tuesday
with a floor, show by A. Whittard at 1:30 p.m Burial- was -in Wing
:llusical ' numbers were given'•' by ham cemetery.
Misses Mary `}lumiihries Beth T., j ` STINSON
Shannon;;. Ethel 'Shaw and -Mildred VARNA..-Tlwmas
Sellers, Proceeds from this : this and Varna;' 72; . died Sunday Victoria
St 'J.inson, of
several other future events, went Hos ital, London. JEie 'vias • a re=
toward the purchase of new and tired faraiier; born in.Stanley town;.
used chairs for the. hall, ship, son of the late Mr. 'and Mrs.
Need. For Community", Park' Thomas Stinson.
In 1945 the enterprising' com- ge is survived by 'three sisters:'
triunity decided. a park was needed Miss. El•zabeth , : and Miss_ -Susan..
as well as a hall ,Four l e5• e •Stinson,;bocci of Tu0kersrnith town
land, adlacent to ,the hall F. were; • a d 1FIrs.: Ernes K therme
n t' (Ka )
purchased`: from George ;.Jackson.- 1?,
for' $100 ;`per acre: 'The:.•char-ehold- Iazard, Montreal
ers inacan coinThe y:,,wt the Ball and.
muiiity-iti:andted a $513:67vasswasof collectedthe- Much funebodral nomasae:; Clinton, where
with', which to 'purchase; the land, funeral service was held Tuesday
t 2;3:Burial was lin Bay -
The grounds, controlled -by -the this- field at2;30 p,m;
emetery. Monday evening at
tees of the h111 are used forsoft
d I,
A-•sliower in honor.of Miss Mar-
garet; Achilles'bride-elect;was.
held -,in the,schoolraom of Duff's•
TTnitedT Church on friday evening.
The- room was .decorated -with 'pink..
znd white streamers and Match;
ing .belts. `•
Mrs, Frank Walters was in
-1 charge of the •programa, which in-
n vocal.• -duet, Jean:;,Sliort-
reed and-.1'auline_Tharner pccomL
panied • by Anne :Shortreed -• read-
ing ;Mrs. Robert McMichael; coin-.
is •vocal. duet, Mrs.: Nelson Reid
and Mrs-: Herb Travis., 'Mrs," Wm.•
Humphries conducted several --con
tests after : which Nlrs. Paul .Som-
ers "`readtheaddress
Many beaiitifui gifts were re
eeived and later :displayed: Miss:
Achilles; Snide a:, very fittinb.,reply;_;
thanlang ,the':ladies for the•
' lovely'
gefts`.;and inyeted everyone.';present
to her home;_ on. Wednesday after-
noon.or- evening: A'delicious lunch
was ,served
=17th and Bound ry Grolip
The February meeting of the,
17th and.d3oundary Group of: Duff's
United •Church was held ;41-7the'
home of Mrs. Harvey Craig with
22 members: present 'he .:,meeting'
was openedby the,:president;Mrs.
Donald "Buchanan.
'Visits to •the sicIt and books read
are';,to be ,,;reported) to the seer"e
tary:: A great deal ,l;of sewing ,had
been: done for the ;Unitarian Sere
v+oe' Coaiimitiee After a: discus
sill ;period,`,therieeting .was :clos-
•ed-•w•itli the;singing Of a hyzrin and,
the Miipah benediction Luneliwas,
;Served:.by!: the hostesses, Mrs,
Craig, Mrs. H • Sxnalldon, Mrs D
,Muir and Mrs, 'Cliff Ritchie, and
d. social• half hour was'. -Spent.:
Seafor. h.8 t � 32 r : 23
russels- 9
'Read the Advertisements ,. - ' It's a P rbf table Pastime
�hes� men: aye w
They invest
in" Huron
& Erie
Canada Trust' ,
Trust .Certificates,.
earning 4%2%o
,interest for periods
of 1, to 5: years.
ASk'for further details.
IIEAD '.,OFFICE - London, ;Ontario
District. Representatives:
Eonthron, He all- - Watsoiri & Reid,. Seaforth.
the, Unitarian; -Relief, also an ap=
thea' from the. W atngn's Institute in
..Ceylon,' for aid owing.. -td recent
loods- in that-;.a-rea. : A number, of
°thank -you notes` were read for."box-
es 'which ---had been Sentto;shut-
Mrs. Ross McColl was appointed
to• attepd the ,Tweedsmuir Work
shop,.., which- is`. to be held iii this
`distraef the, .date to .be set :later •
Mrs. Russell-,E:arr0 was -chosen
as a delegate ,to the• convention in
Guelph on the -8th and '9th of May
Merii.bers • wereremiiided of; the
"Salad Course, ' to be held in Cran--
broak `mall on Maren": 25, at 1:30
p m , to which theWalton ;,Insti-
tute has nv
been:aited. ft was de`
;ceded that each, member bring an
article to'the,next meeting. which.
eax 'be;used to make;;.up a layette,
for' the, Unitarian Relief, such as
diapers; nighties,�7ackets shirts, or
flannelette remnants
The following nominating coin
mittee .."was 'appointed: Mrs •'.Nil
R,eid, Mrs Lawrence IRyan,
Mrs. Forrest McKay and Mrs Ed
Miller-: A=.sing song' ,''as enl Y d
with Mrs -Herb 'I'ravis'at the:;pia1no..
Three of the girls who took the
course, "Working ' .With Wop1 '
modelled; their skirt's and -Other
skirts made by the girls were dips
played,' also. 'their booklets. M^ts.
Willia.tn Turnbull and Mrs Hen:
McDonald. were appointed tp.;pur
-chase dishes :'for the; hall Mrs,
Frank. Walters 'and.'Mrs_ 'Donald
Buchanan will' be leaders fo"r the•
course;" „ ,`Club• Girls Stand on'
Mrs."; Andrew TdrnbiYll and; Mrs:;
Harold Bolger., co -converters .on the
Citizenship •' and' Education: Com-
•mittee;:.w.ere iin •-charge of the' sec.,
and part "Of the meeting and 'were.
assisted by,. Mrs :Ken McDonald,
Topxes discussed were Ten Steps
to ,'Canadian' Citizenship;. Facts•,
About' .the .Goat of A:tms of''• Can,
ada, The Means and Emblems 'of
the Ten• Provinces, and. the Coit
of Arms of the Province
A'kitchen . committee:w.as ap
pointed as follows Mrs Ted Me-
Creatb, Mrs Ken McDonald, Mrs;
Rem` Bennett,: Mrs William Ttun
bull, :Mrs. Roy:,WilliaYrison; ,concert
committee; Mrs IerhTravis; Mrs:'.
Jack::.B.r- ars, Mrs 'Joe Ryan- and
Mrs.'Bert Johnston. Lunch hostess
eS: for the evening bvere Mrs. E
Stevens, .Mr`s; fl. Smalldon; `Mrs:
R: Travis,.•Mrs Wim:' Turnbull and:
Mrs. `, Turnbull
Parents.50 Years'Wed
McRillop :Gropes
The February •meeting• • :of' the
McKillop Group was ••held at .the
home of Mrs Elgin Sehade, with'
13 members present Mrs.. 'Nor--'
man Sehade presitted and; opened
the:. meeting, Mrs., Irvin -Shannon
read-. the scripture passage from
Proverbs 31; Isaiah 28' and Ephea
suns 5.
Meditation on temperance wa's.
given by Mrs. Andrew Coutts The,
secretary's 'and• tredsurer's'reports;
were given 'and business conduct
Mrs George Love gave' an•, ing
teresting topic , entitled; n'he Best
Advice I Ever 'Rae:.The riieeting.
closed, with a hymn and, the Miz-
-pali''benediction. ' A"'" -delicious lunch:
was served:`; by members west - of
Leadbury. - •
Appoints Delegates
The February meeting of the
Walton'Women's Institute -was held
in the"Walton •public school Thurs-
day evening with 61 ladies in at-
tendance, Mrs.' Margaret Hum
phries, president, ! chaired- the
meeting,' which.8pened"with the Tei
"Stititte Ode and the, Mary" -Stewart:
Collect repeated in,,unison.•
1Vtrs Wilbur Tprnbuli reported
on. • the 'January I: meeting which
was'• approved and,,,called .the roll,
which wap ;answeredwith' ''a not-
able • Canadian 's :Tie financial
port Vias -giver' ly, tYFrs. Torrance
Dundas. :A requestwas made for
9 •p tri a s:eryiee-was d at
ball footliah "ad' conductepicnics
the 'funeral; home by members- of
led by, 87; shareholders,represent
ins a total of 122�five-dol1ar shares.
Silas'.Johnston:First President
The first -.officers.' were -selected
at the' 1939 annual meeting, with
Silas Johiiston being the -unanimous
:selection;:Eof the':'- 'Shareholders.' fon!,
president. Charles .'Sellers: was
sec etary, Seth .Gilbert :McCallum
treasurer: The; three Were. to 'act
as trustees for ia; term of, one year
Ilowever, • in` 1940 the $aXne trio
were re-elected.. -Mt. Johnston .re-
n ained;as president Land Mr -Mc
Callum as treasurer, ' for -seven,
years; ".until 1945: Fred: Rutledge
was• named secretes in 1941,,but
served only one- '.month 'and turned
:the job over, te, ;Gorden',Shortreed,
who held' this- position until 19.49
Wilfred Shortie, ed :became:,;press= etery, Bl
Marie Frasers -
mew Cheese
casumie Recipes.'
Send ta:0i"t
ii*EPY 1•KflwKn11flk.Or CANAtiA
, 1 , - • 400 HPfo1c $timet, 7aronea
Phone 267
P ,T
-- hone
- ;. L S.
.. r AIl1T
E TS : I s a Pro ble- Pastmo`
Va7t1 Lrryar�;rar,ge-liudga; --Nn.
1035. ;
1:Z7BLRN:-In. failing:, health for
some time,` Mt0,%George,wMCNali;
widow ''George McNa11, :died. in,
the', Thanier• Nursing Home, Sea
forth, ' on ,Saturday in. her'.82nd'.
She' was the former Janet:: WilsMrs;op.
Berr(Ena): Craig,, of Afiburn.; three
sons,. George, of Blyth; n -u
Sa e1, of
Goderich• township;;':and° Wellington,, -
of Blyth;' one sister; -Mrs. "M:, Ohler
of .Goderich; .-also• 19 grandchildren
and, 29 great-grandchildren.
-the .body;;was at the Arthur fiin
eral home, ;Auburn; where' funeral'
services "Were" held: Monday at 2:00
p.in: Intertiient was in Union, "cern-
. ..
. - r'{ Dr in nd Surve
;"• •phones .'•`•
Seaforth 834- r 41
nissels' 1
Distributor of
Gas`= F
Mr:' and Mrs., Frank , Walters,
Jean ;and Larry •spent Sunday in
London with -.the .latter's parents,
Mr: •dnd Mrs. George Roper, .who•
celebrated - their golden wedding.
anniversary at their home oaf Har-
ris Avenue The coupleja.exned in
West Zorra before{ retiring' to-ten-
o-Lan'don-seven years ago,`: Born -at
aondale, Mr: Roper is the . son of
the --late Mr. and Mrs, Alfred. Rop-
er,' Mrs, Roper is the fornietTith-'
et' -Rutherford .'and was born ,in
Erribre. •
The 'couple `have„ four :surviving
children: Herman Roper ;and 1' rs.
Atthur . (Loretta) • , Ball; both of
London, Mrs.. Frank (Rachel) Wal-
tens, Walton; i Mrs. Gordon (Erma)
Delbridge, Sebringville; • and four',
grandchildren: Fred -Walters; f' -et=
awawa; Ruth Walters, London, and
Jean and Larry Walters,- Walton
The: anniversary' -w2S celebrated';
with a'buffet :lunch for fami'fI,and
Mr, and Mrs r'rank,Marshalland
Susan have' returned;' to North Saye
after' visiting with. Mr M. ' Fraser
and Mrs. Luella Marshall, -
11fr. David'Hacicvell,•of Ciiattialn,
spent the 'weekend with his par-
ents; Mr, • and' Mrs,y;0. ITack
'I le trustees 00 16 Morris Town-
-Alto School Area visited; all schools
in, the township last Monday,,
Miss ,Ruth. Anne Trans, Student-
nurseapt, it -W Uospital, ` Kitchener,
spent Sunday with her parents, 2r.,
and Mrs, Douarlas Ennis
Mr,-Josepb, PlackWell visited, vrith
his daug'hter..and: son extlaw„ Mir.
and Mr.3, Don Gray, Stratford, `ov-
er the -weelrend
For Prompt Dellvery.Plxone::
eaforth 385 -Residence $43-r
11f1' HOlig11
.w-' . �a-a`
Smoker . Elevators
March is --Red Cross month in
Canada. "8om.etiixle" •duriti this.
period. volunteer, teer, canvassers o
Canadian: Red Cross will come -to
your door; They come to ask for'
' your financial support suipportior
the work of nnerey that'nevo ends:
So much depends „on ;' your re-
sponse .for: only through: your..
generosity' can' thiS great work_go
on. You who are: confident strong,
, soeure,,piease help in this wisdom,
of mercy .. please give g
arge',Stock of New and tlsed Machine
OR 0N:.
!ci tion ..
support t
Phones: . Sieaft rth 832 r 33,1'
fossela 19.,r 23 -:
Tf-kou ale xao' °I3
t hosxe' when" fihe
canvassers call,please send .yo-ur..-
contribution direct to:
JAMES • A. ST1WART, Chairman