HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-07, Page 5RODHAGEN NEVI Member's of the •Walther; I eagtle - -of Grace 'Lutheran Chur&h, MitK. :chejl, ped°St, Pauls LutherLeagile'. • 'Members or Ellice, were guests o€ the, Luther League of St. Peter's t utlieran - hureh here••for. a' shat-' Ongparty at the :local- rink, �yith: lunch 'served, ,in 'the church base merit: Carole Rose, Jean Mueller, Clay toii'Ahrens, Warren Sholdiee .-azid.; -The. NUAL 'MEETI a mon os.l a,t URSES' The public 1S Inviten to be present Scott wHabki rk Chairman c ®yd Hoggarth Secretax'V TH[ WEEK Clare French, meI11bers of the Glee 'Chib of Mit'ehell and_Drstriet High •School, went, to`,- Toronto 'by bus+ or FridaY'with the other ;mem- bers of the Glee Glttb, •to. sing at the music festival there.- The 'choir received third ; pxize: , Miss; Marlene Diegel Reg- T„ of - Stratford, and, Mr. Calvin Diegel, Waterlgo Seminary, visited with their parent`s, .Mx and Mis, Writ, Diegel: Mi. `and_ 'TMs. I,,erne Wolfe and- sons,- of Stratford, visited with Mr., and Mrs. Lavern Wol#.e on'.Silnday, Mr. ..,and Mrs Harold' Diegel; .of Mitchell -spent •Sunday with Mr: and Mrs L ,Querengesser, ` Miss 13arliara lioegy- • and r.MOS-: tern ':Larry Kistner, ':Allan French_ and ;Billy .Morenz: took part in the se oo c oir ,a T ain rSt eft kited; Church, Mitchell, on Sunday'. even- ing,'undr-the 'direction -of Mr. E,• ,Harley, school music 'supervisor, Marking • the beginning of Educa- tion Week: ' See Family Film Stewards of the Christian Horne m tt..in the church•basement Of St: P,eter's Lutheran Church on Thurs day. evening, : The devotions were in charge of Mr. ,and ',Mrs: Ronald Hinz, Mr- and ;Mr's . Wilbur 'Hoegy and. „Mr . and Mrs: ' Rolph 'Hicks. The. topic"— was "The Cross and the Crumbling Family," and, a, film re- lating -:to this was shown, "Is -Your Pastor Fischer -conducted a Bible study. A piano , selection was .play- ed by Mrs .:Ronald Hinz... Ronald •Hinz, vice-president, was in charge 'Of .-the'' business.' Three -one-act plays are being =rehearsed, to be presented after Easter. ENCE. Friday, March 14th Cards at 8:30 LUNCH ry — PRIZES Admission 40 Cents Everyone Welcome' D ARTICI ,. —Heavy DtV - __. . tr2er Electric-Stove t - ea.Y y�� V D F Ut ". BUh'•I1CI-. - ; �l�•ctryc Stove. �. TV Sets Eleetrieh Was er, in excellent.'condition --Cho remastex tractor —Oil's ac H p e eater - ,,,,_P owe ' Mower•-•• 18-i ch_� reel -type .. —3 HandMw oo er's' —Eleet1C r 't18' Ro r ' -` y ...Inch Mower Ele tri C C a i R d ator .Heater Phone 797 ardware TTPrlE_:. o r for-,., ea p r ; :.S forth. •ey`vs o Rdrlock Burris' III MS. Meets At. Leiper. Home The Burns' < WMS meeting. ; was held Thursday at.the home.2.0f Miss Jean Leiper. -,The devotional part of the meeting ,was .in ; charge of Mrs. Les, Reid, leader of Group :3r who opened .the: meeting with. a hyilnn • Mrs:'George\ watt. led in prayer. • mit Scripture ready• from Phil- ippians 3,. was read Vay Mrs.Wni.; Trewin.' 'Discussion n the Bible reading was led byM°rs;` Viva Mc- Gregor, - - ' •- The study book ,about the women of Japan as' yery abIy:` taken' by Mrs. Watson Reid.. A question and; an;swei-period was , Mr-by:.items: Wea1ey Roe The life of, the -Wo- men of old Japan, Mrs, -Reid told. the group, ,was one of obedience,;. but by , the. year.' 1923, and also -af ter • World War 11, life ; was -ehang- ed by being given greater freedom: 'under new Iaws,' having equal rights with men,'' and having' the right to, vote The old customs, are of -Ake jpast ' ;Christianity, Mrs Iteid continued, hasbeen 'a godmother' for higher eduea-tion, for women; 97, per cent of, the people are; able to read and Areading was, given .-by Mrs:. Ernest 'Knox. Mrs, Wesley Roe; conducted a' business period `Roll call Was answered by 25.nnembers.: It' was decided : to hold the next. meetiug'nnVMarch 20, instead :of. theregular date due to other meet Ings-being.sched led for that .time.' A' :temperance., rending was.. given by' ,Mrs., McGregor. Mass Gladys Leiper reported'. sending, used Christmas: cards;` to Port Dover. The meeting, was .closed with pray- er by Mrs White. Miss .Loss Roe of Kitchener; and;'i Miss Mary Lou Roe of • New Ham -'j burg spent the„Weekend at. • the i home .- of _their parents,-Nlr.- and .Mrs Wesley -Roe. Roe. s '' George Watt spent a few days in Toronto last week attending -the convention' of the 'Ontario Agricul tural Society, - Miss Marjorie;Bickeit, of Toron- to, apent'last weekend ,at the home of Mr. And Mrs, - George Smith. Discuss ,MiSsrons TheB_iiriis Londesboro:' 'Young_ 1'eo e's Union field 'Obit. 'regular meeting on Suudaya t,ith' 31 mem bers present .Bet erlyWagh Marguerite.Lyon;; Conducted .the. sing sorg�--The--worship sei=v;;ee-fol-- loWed with the.Missions and World Outreac hCmm' o ins on in_” r charge ' The 23rd psalm was ,read y Gloria 'All en, and.sB everly'Wrightg ted in 'Prayer., The offering was taken b ; Allau=-pinch an ,", r �' ,d J 7n lt'a& ford. Theto i4r . M ssi,,, i .' ons •••and WorldOutr_a ,", .was; discussed by Nellie'.vi_esterhout and >:Beverl YWri htZ,mora'mgave ; reading. 'Mr. White gave'the bene'= diction.- Discussion gr'o}ips follow ed and lunch- was' served, ;The meeting closed. with "Taps • Mr. nnd. Mrs. William;"Rogerson ai3rL Joan- and 'Mrd and M -is. -fieri 'Rogerson, 'of'•Tuckersmith;'-and M. •and . Mrs.' Leslie:. Reid •ani..' Bob -spent'last `:Tuesday evening.at the home' ofMr and 'MrSJWatson 13.e4 in `honor of David's pArthd y. Miss Mae .Smith ani i Ma... tha Leiper;; 'of Seafart>i, and Mrs: Robert Beattie,, of?Winthrop, spent Thursday afternoon at;tb home; of. Miss Jean Leiper, attending the WMS` meeting, Pupils of. SS No: 6 i3iill'ett took; part in the Mission Band meeting. `held `at SS'No'. '11; Hullett, ,on Fri- day. The ,'meeting was under the. direction of Miss Joanne Hodgins andr M .Ron McIfay Mr. and, Mrs, M rsr,James McEwiuy and Kathaleen visited odSundayfternoon,.withg Mr. and 'Mrs iVor=; nian.`Lloyd of`Harriston.. St' , SEATO COATS -Only 14 left, in plains and stripes. Newest styles, best, colors, Good Tango of sizes left Regula -16.-95-4 29.5 SALE —1/2 Price This season's coats, interlined.'. Values $29 ,? To clear at Half _ ,Prue- SUBSTA,NDAItDS HEMSTITCHED • WABASSO , PiL,LOVV SLIPS 'Regular • quality that ' woul sell at $2.25 pair. Special, 1.65 Pr :Clearance Women's' and Misses' S1ER rI111n,T$R COOWMUNJTy for :amore than-, 60 .ears .first. as , y . , a church, later ass lodge room , and now:; as a centre for;all ;the people of the; district, Walton , Cdnimunity, Hallrecentl has:; a -; a-Ncomplete £-ace-lifting,. Here - bus Y -h d y painting the:; stage;>;in., the-�auditoridm -are-(leftto ;'right) --r Mrs: - Vvilliam Turnbull;' Mrs Roy Williamson and, Mrs. Ken- 'McDonaJd. Help in 'the corner . m poly al os. hidden 13hrs-moter isoyWilison.(Huri.Expsitr phoo,.by P hilpPs ).m • Cowboy `Kings, Ranch:.Boss,' ftotighies,< Bar, "B ' and other makes, in `navy and` 111ght ibiue denim:—T TQ -CLEAR CHURCH ;IN, IVAL;T.0N � �Hensall'Co n .Sales (iContmued from Page 1) • 'of sha es om'eit b ' r h uildi ng, 'deeded to move it to_a�more central iota tion,•and necessary-land.,was Mad.e available m <return' for one' share b ... ....The build ing was imiriediately,moved- to • the loeation-where ittstanday, at the, south • end of. the'business see- On::the :Boundary, Active • in Early: Church' Tlie' earl "'day s. 'of` the`;`c porch 'Were :recalled.mWalton• residents,' -including Mr•• anal Mrs. W J`'Bennett and .Mrs. Thomas Lee-Ming,'ewho made• available the navies of 'many' of . those who were at Live; m the Work ;of' the church. First Sunday:School ;superintendent was GilbertThompson; :, organist; Miss' Mary' Pollard; erlass leaders, M -•, Morrison;' C Dentis and aW Pollard L,E rl mem e . , b r °n �' a Y s i eluded iianies as.111r,,and ;Mrs. J.':William son; ;Mr..and; Mrs:.. L.:Dennison,- Mr, ;and 'Mrs. George Thompson,. Mr: and Mrs. William Pollard, Mr, and' 'Mrs. R. Pollard, Mrs.; John Pollard, Mr, :and- Mrs J.: Berry, Mrs .and Miss• Mary :Swallows, Mr. and; Mrs ,::Reinhart,• Mr ands; Mrs: A. Morrison; s Mr.. and Mi+s . M.. Moir}son; Mr ; and Mrs., Porter, Mr,' and Mrs., T. Air'S. E. 'Ingram, W. Bray' Miss Fanny- Bray,, Mr. :and Mrs:; Humerston, a� l` RECORD tF PROMISES FULFILLED. Agricultural Prices; .Support Bill Related to Costs, of ;Production' • Realistic Pension and Social' Security Program -. • $300,060,000 for (Housing-- • Tight Money RelaxedBenefittin Partners and` Slna-ll:$}istnessmen • :A Positive Approach to "Trade Problems st n an DI NIT. and Mrs, ,Philip, James,:;M ss Elizabeth Morrisenz Miss Marie Morrison Mr •and;, Mrs.- George g Williamson; dVIr. and 'Mrs Clow Mr and; Mrs,' Nesbitt.': , Other ; familie s wh -:, gave a v :good g service, to the Walton,<,circu:it eiade'd. the: Dundas; ri , brill,' -Neal, Fulton, Crawford;' 'Ben- nett,: --Marshall,,; Leemingoy_bes Hacl�We11, Barrows, McGavin,:Roe, Watson; -Nicholson,----Constable, Holmes ,and Johnston -families:; Jubile�:'Last Event Highlight and' alipost;last large ;"get -together" -`in. the .old Methodist chureh,.''as' such;' was a ..giant•.jubi- lee celebration'' in 1923,_ followiri the con letio of 50 -ear g P nl; ,.. Y •sof IVI�th ddism in- Walton and :district,.:• At ':that, time the"church, although •fac ed with dwindling attendances at services,' was',filled -to=eapa city <for both„Su'nday `services and a boon- tiful fowl supper served;by the:lad- ies ,the: folldwing' night '' Preacher for the .day was a ;for'- :nier Walton boy; Rev..Archie;:Me Kibbon, • B A ,'of, Fingal,:•Who had been present at:the opening of the church fifty - years before. Rev. 'R. Fulton Irwin, of .Seaforth, superin; tenilent of -the eircuit,,, was' chair- man at super. event,; al . Three' Enter. Niiini stry During the 52 -years -,:the building was•a'chureh, ,it was •served:by''28 pastors.' Among those 'who minis• tered .to they 'congregation' , were. !flsS _HalfMeloI� n The 2Oth annual meeting and turkey banquet of the liensalt Dis- trict Co -a a ative; Ineor p orated w d p.r P ,,as,, held. in, the Commitnity'' Centre, Zurich, Tue ay with about 340 persons ;;present; -Dinner was cat ted b -the >: ad`emt n _ Y l r of the': Evan- gelidal United BrethrenChurch.- ,Guest', speaker, Dr James Sem. ple,. of Egmondville rnited'Church,;, spoke., on world;'conditions.: A' very„successful year'`was ex- perienced ,by -the• Coop,. with, sales of '$51,173 -and' a'' -net savings:- of $24,767:'• Patronage' .dividends- on • .membership.•purchases” will be .4'%: Robert McGregor,-president:for two. years,; has” resigned and •a re- placement will be named at an, 'election by,the'board of directors;` at a later :'date:. `itiissell; Grainger' g Was. re-elected: to'the board for an-' other "three-year :term.: New direc=, tors were named. to' replace, retir- ing';;: directors, Robert --McGregor and Don Hendrick;• who bad each served siz T years. Named were; Alex.1VIeReath„ Kipper,' and Lloyd Wainer,.RR ,1v Dashwood:°i Garnet Mousseau 'is, manager of .'this pro' ;gressive • co-operative. " Th s,present'Were" e a e'entertained •by W J Howell, London, and Des jardine orcbestra;` suppiie music •fora ,dancufg:' Reverends Robert Davey, C. ; H. Stafford;; J. G.:Fallis, ,W Baugh; Thomas Gee, Thomas Dabine, -W Torranee, W, Ottawell, :7%.w. W Cos -A C t t WW Westman, �b ert Council ens ' Pomer J P. A C. -iffen, A. Dever, C. R. Cars= oallen, A. Andrews, R. S. Baker, . R J Currie, H, Tyler, R. Lack land, S. ;C:- Edmunds, J. Young' F. W Crailc H. J. Bentley, J W. But ton • , and ` V; O,, Robinson. _Several •young men of the con, gregation entered the: ministry. These include A. McKibbon, DeWitt Cosens, J. ° H. Young. ' One, other youth, Sid'nellieWitt;;;was`a candi- date for the ministry, but -lost his life during the First World War:_ (See also'Page6) Huron ,,'Delegates- At:Hog .Predictions that 100 .per :hogs :Woul'd be moving through 'the marketing: points of Ontario -hog' producers were made at the ..two-day annual meeting Aof the Ontario -Hog Producers' Asso- • enation :and Marketing Board, •held in Toronto this week. -' Charles W. McInnis, president of -- the association,•:and"Eldred Aiken, chairman; of. the Marketing Board, reported that about• Sa-per cent of Ontario hog production is how ,niov- War s --.on rag s For Gravel - A; resolution was passed by Hib- bei tt towhShip council to approve thy. ;;installation of a ,wet Water. Ilydroblendg-•on the Seaforth rural` fire' area truck • at -.a 'c'ost of:$4,(19,..1.- Hibbert- $4Q0, Hibbert' were willing to pay' then;: share of this , expense. Meeting. Monday in' regular session,, all members. were ,fitesent„ . • • There -were :three, gravel "tenders. submitted: `Sandy Contracting CO:' of Goderich,' at• 87c cubic 'yard; 3.j Kerr, of Wingham, 720 cubj ,.yard,, and•Lavin Contracting Co-, 65c cull= ie yard,' the ` latter • receiving the „contract, for crushing and 'hauling .gravel dt td 'the roads A- resolution was.'passed;tii ,auth orite •the reeve atid'. clerk• to, sign an •agreement Which approves ,gf the sale iby,- the Mitchell District ,High Sebool B'oard;.-of the ,land and buildings formerly:used as; the Mit- cheIl Kigh School', to the Town of Mitehell; whereby'.the. town" agrees to pay an additional one mill' ort their •assessment :for' silt ye,ars,, to- Ward, 'the debenture and; interest charges and maintenance costs•:of the new high schdgl Clerk Roy Burchill• was 'instruct-. ed to , prepare a 'bylaw, subject to the ,approval of the '.Department of Municipal'Affairs, to levy Cwo-fifths of a,mill utpdn'the. ratepa.yers, who,. are 'entered on they asSessplent toll as; farmers,.., -as , the annual -mein,: bership ryfees in •the ,Federation of: ing through - marketing points, and, the other 20 per ; cent Would very likelybe directed through these points by the end et 1958. •:,-A 'feature of the .twosday session was a panel' d*ussion dealing with vertical integration. -Members of the- • panel, discussed, : the trend,. towards . contract farming and, pointed/Up the•many'dangers which faced• producers°" in this type ,;of ▪ Delegates at the Meeting were urged ,'ta.eensider the possibility of establishing cooperative mar _ke'ting- points which are owned and controlled by fanners -themselves Attending, the conventionfrom this area were delegates otthe' Ifuton 'County Hog; Producers' As sbeiation,:Among the 16 repres, entative w frown the e cotintyt Were Wiil.fred- o'lemair; Tueltersniith;;-Gi7- bert•• S'tnith,. Mciillop; Ross Love, ",Ha` Rill Colenrati, Stanley: Ed, etirick, Stephen; Lloyd Stewart, NRI 1NG ��lRG' � a MARCH 3' b.. Authority Published° f uronPro rsi . Y - 4 � �eS ' ,.. ve•Conservative'Association • �. A. petition Was signed by the Ma- jority of ratepayers on he Cook, •draiti7to"'have the rsaid •.drain' et - :loaded and cleaned out anaddition-• al 1800 feet downstream for a suf-. Relent outlet. , There' were three appeals frQn court of revision on the 1957 as- sessttietit roll• to the County Judge,. and. 'after an adjournment a meet-, aitg ,was held by Judge I.L 'D. Long to hear the appeals. Maurice Rya_ an, ,lot 16, d¢n, 2, Was granted a reduction of $200: from land • -and $150 from buildinga;'':GeorgeSnia1e, lot 6; can. 4, assessment reduced $200, from •lartd, Fergus, _Stapleton; appeal on building being. dls5niss- li[ullett, and W. zl Lobb,. °Clinton, ed.: Substandards faru , 2^ e .50 C ANON BATH TOWEL ' I Heavy weight, larges g , size canon toe eI� in s.. plain shades ..tri or:a es. e .-_ g,..Y P BUY--SEV TItAL-AT. THIS :LOW .PRI EACH. ' f. eao' rt h A ri cu Itu "`. Tal Societ is again sponsorink a `. DIEL=D CR P C Q featurin` PAR L 'Nth K A ‘BARLEY Anyone n n o e in rest to ed -contact arold° Pryce, Ken Stewart or Robt. McMillan Pre Season LIMITED SALE:: , an �T DE 1.L -ER's _ COST 1 Ace bottom 2 -furrow: 3 -point hitch Plow; • 1 •Ace bottom. 3 fiir='• row:;fast Iiiteh •Plow; " 1: Ace =bottom 4-furroW hydraulic lift Plpw on rubber; 216 -sin, double.'dise:'fertil;zer iiriils; 3 -sections fle Bible~ - tooth.harrc'ws; 1. 20C :Field Harvester with hay. androw`: crop attachments; 1 roW crop fast hitch epltivator 1 task hitch :G'arry.- a14 1. 7 -foot stiff tooth cultivator- ori -rubber, • 1:58692D ` P,'T,O'. for, T.D. 6; 1A10l`:fettilizer attachment; •1 ZDD.1762 bean.'attaeh `went for:N'o, 64.Comhme; 1 'grader blade_ attaehment 'for-• powe'r loaders; 1,`8 -foot tractor 'disc harrow; "1:No. `45 Baler widIo chute, etc, 1 13,2501 Diesel 'Traetox' with- Standard -Equipment; 1 .B900 Front, End,Loader 1 Farmali 239 "Tractor;,1 No. d flammermill 3 No. 21V 7 -foot Tractor Mowers; 2 four ;bar Siderakes on steel; 1 17 -foot Iting-Wyse Bale •Elevator;. plus: any Other Items'"Too, N+Tulmerous' To-mrntian„ ANCIFACTU'RER'' S, .WARRANTY, ON ALL THESE' MACHINES TERMS CASH- -No Trades on These Offers, • hone 1:7; sac ,D EA,`LEl forth, On A•