HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-07, Page 2S[E''IN'IN THE COUNTY PAPERS Si? -to 1860 Serving • the Compittnitm,,Pirst Published a SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, ..everi", Thursday morumg •XeLeaia Ryas., Publishers - Aigmmw Y:.--,‘i1,1eLEAN, Editor $U1SCRIPtON AES anada,;.(in,adymieel $2.50 a Year Uidted States a.iiyanc6.) .$3.50 a Year .- -Swam COPIES 5 CENTS EACH , _ „ • -- -Authorized as Second' Class Mui Post Offiee Department, .Ottawa f Menib.er ••Canadian Viree ••, Newspaper AsSociatioll •••!•. A bistory of a district is, a, valn- ery long established business • . • •. • .• • ie heritage from. Which the present area„ neration, can lea;iii to., advantage. - Already, the history is well advanc-” art from the lessons which history ed and :complete details: are a,fhan, an teach are the: benefiti7Whieh:. a ..reSpecting nian_YI'diStriet farms.. But owledgeof our ancestors,: and ,the . ay' in:which the hv'ed, caa provide , Ando it is that the-Seaforth cankro,ofl with oth- P4i histitutes throttiloYt. Oxita17,°.z. is TeanCent.rating on Pre, paring a com- 1et1iIst�r:3i Of the districta in the - hat, thkes to consideration and re-, there 'Others of „,which little or Uothini, is knOWn. . TO 'make :their.' task. 'easier, a questionnaire,. which appears. oii.Page 7; hasbeen prear--, 'qc1,:1337-thetitil.te., In the knoWledge that each -passing year -makes it more -..difficult to»obtaccurate': in- farMation Caneernifitthe: early: days, the InStitute urges -that reports be '.orcl.S the ,Ottlers whar'fi.rSt peopled . prepared on. each farm the area. a—nearby--Alages--alld: taW##hip_s,. It reasonable request, and one e...merobers are seek.10:.:,put the- : that takes but a few mirilftes to coni7 mes of those- who came first, and plete. :By ;doing it now- it May. be the names ..those -that follo-wed. that, -.L- information . that otherwiseWhat : the hope ta.provide al de- - rnikht lost, can be contained in thefai1ed - :11-istaryaf -every farm, ev-_ Jristitute's records IzAkotorists Have Only Themselves o Blame There will- be a lot of people in the blame everybody but himself. As in eaforth district who ..will coMplain - other years, he will continue to " de- tirisg--the---fping 'be- lay in the expeetation thaethere will fore March 12,, that they have had to be extensions, granted. But this and in 'line in order to buy their . is going to be different, according to `motor vehicle licenses and drivers the 1V1inistei of Highways. There is ermit But really th.ey:have noth-- to be no extension after March 12_1 ing to complain &milt. , They, have nly:thenaseIves to blame. , ceilst_s_l_iaVe been on sale for two ths, and until a wee,k or so ago it s possible to enter the issuer's of - e at any time during 'the ,day ,and waited -on almost immediately, It only duringyecent days that there as been any delay,- and that is be - Ex Election sive - • ton AN,e-Ylson- Caz-!ctiniin chieefee°1recletin°rg3A-13?-effirsceuri tChaen9eak4affao'-e,61wiil °080e' tin° ensive oeato,-,: a OpenISTeiv. •Bitildbig . • JobrOS, Quebeni-oirer the. Weekend' oeCuPied Credit Ilinpu "Ltd. build., (hiring a Itoya-tockey gaine `TEE ing Was officially • opened Wednes- Yuntb, died in hCnsPital .earlY.Stinclay. 'day afternoon by- the ReV. Breit from injUries Suffered When the de Vries,' 'Vector of the Anglieen: r:cliefretain Ile. had been watclimg,. :. Chnrch at Bi3rth, "; Mr. de Vries ,the. gam. W.ith his latker; PO. Won :this ,liOnor ,..by bringing in eT. Bjuratrom .who suf- Chirehdier tneoitt-dens.ethrei.°Allasrkgbearel-.c.lisit(lAriejanbaudtiainS Uuiu £han any other in A ; recent :'cOitteSt.-L,Cliiitori Ntws- Press report about .1°°: Reeoid. , ; , persons Were arena; originaL ijr0 lY a Wartimedrill Eketer , Tiines-Adycicate. • . Two hundred and , fifty editOrs • t. 'and. .conVetition :attendants at the • • ,Insitraike CO; 'Elects, Orithrio Weekly' Newspapers ; Fred -Haberer, Sr., :was :elect,. ,atieii -Convention in Tor-OttO-last ,ed--.7riresident; ;and William Levet-, Week received an official invitation vieepresident of `the-flay....TOvvta to LucknoW:s. 100th birthdaY.' The. skip Farmers' Mutual Fire. ,ThStir- invitations Were -attractiVely- ..dis"- Cpmpany,•:'-af the • annual played.: "ceidentlial• ..enVelOpes" 'Meeting held in the' :TOwn anddrew ratich7Coninient from the, Monday. afternoon. Two reeinients. •Don•Thompsoh,, public -new direetersi. Albert ,Keyes and ity. distributed invi‘ MaXim • Turnbull,: . were 'elected for tations.,—LikknoW Sentinel; tWo-Year term . to ,replaces Wil The., newly '..coitiVinted: and, now, When. a wOoden. -arena-Collansed liatX/1 Haugh,•who is new an agent 1...eg Mangled:. d the late ,OSear,.,190-Pn.••., Three' ; Bruce .Montgomery„ Son of ' Mrs.. nn--. — T Other,...men„, 'Ray 'Fisher, • LTheiciore' WilliarnIVIontgoniery, 'fif -Wroketer, 'Steinback„ and Henry. Becker were who operates the ..Turnb,ertw Tow'n:...' s-ti,i0,...4.a.xier., .,,,..uffered,,painfo ,J0.8 nopiinated, .but • were unsuccessful the 'election.' Three , . directors ,injtiries laS.t.,,:week when his clotii,.. in elected for. a Iiiree-yearterm. were •-ittebecarne. entangled in the drive Fred•Flaberer, Ezra Webb and Ed: :shaft, of the. big 'inadhine, Fart. Of ward • -Hendrick. .:Three defeated _is' ,clething..was, tornuff' and .one candidates • were , Jack Seetehm.er, led' laa 'lily . Mangled...He was take -IL .' Robert • '-.-•' Stirling. ....•dnd '.".EdWard to Wingna, ,m,llnaPitat for treatment .. - but is now •;around in. a 'Walking ia.sri:-L4V-i'nghan-t,:Advance,Lt' imes.: . , . _ - ,,,, , ,, ,y4gage, • ,..oit m4,j, :, ., Analyze Meirket For Livestock During Past Year The: follOvviiwaitaiysis• of the 1957 10,csrtock haSlieen',prePar. edbythe Markets InforinatiOn 'Sec- tion Departmod.. . of Agriculture, • . . . - . Ottawa-. r',It is, preliminary to the, . , _more , detailed.: Livestock ,Iviarket ReifieW..• Which .is .released:later,in the Yarekaerti. ng. tle to, pnblie stockyardS, shitnieddi.4.• reer to ,..paeldii-CpIants -, direct on eXport,an.1957 tetalled • 25.7t$791; a a 'Mere ase, per plies at 1,018;985 lip.ip:4A-per'bent;-4,,e,, 5,1;19.7T7decrease ,,9.,4715.erTeent, se landia 598,979,1 dOvirii 1.6 per cent. . :Quality; -.The; :average. dressed; Weight' 'of beef . careasseS *,slairght• ered inspected•.plahtsI.,,,waS.,,505.6, '.nearly eleVeit: pound's , More thari:.4...$rer,.:.,:earlier and -the heaviest Since log, pastures, and . plentiful feed were eVident. ,•the.......heavier-,weiglits, and, 'better' ••-lif the eagle' Market' ed. The „percentage, Grade..'A aine.:,•.„varnas$e's the.total slahtered.,:.WaS..,•88:5,-,.'.. OM:tidied With 37.1. in '1956.' .imiireve- inent .for :the third successive year:. shoWed, ,Grad, 'A as 28.7' per eent., of . Marketingal the. ,Schroeder. -Zurich: : Citizens.: News. best since 1.91.; SrnCle • •Ftir,EXeteir:'prices , ' • .. :.A _neW±dial 'eXchange. :be...„..cnt es•t11°qdicePaaYr6trinaegnetdS'Iltihg.a44.-- Mtn the , Centralia area Tate; this .a..•.yearearlier: The..Cotirse of ..eat.‘. W....ilaysoint Tele, tie: priCeS was downwards -through. phone Mafia g.kfer this .reginii.,44' J.antiery-FebrifarY.--tAt mid-MaFch, widaeedlWedneSday. !Theetcrejtienge. the market :Str.erigtheited. and! -will sericHuroniarl RCAF April-Attgitist;4;peritid.; and good -Toronto, , Stayed7.7be-f the Stirroundifig, :rural - re nOw tween $19 and "$20 LS.' ar„ ! -serviced. •by the ',Exeter' .system,,, .kef nioYed. tip, sharply .during this • The,nata'gended. dial .System will be - slaughter - co in- honSert . to , be. &tented tO.iiiciye,"Sonthwardin May ereeted7 riear...-the„: air :station: ., The :..f.,and.wed-arinici,AtigitS1 •b37- a heavy new exchange known as MeV entent of feet:101'SW 'Qood ACademy.8,"2. liaysorn .said ter steers dropped to -$177,18TbraTek-t• alt .work is ,expected to, be. eon:: October.-- November :When pleted and the new system put marketing's were at peak levels but WereiiiiWard beim during D,p,-,. cernbet,,andfiniShed they,ear near , $20...' ,Keen, cp,rnpetition.•freni.E.S., ' btiYerS,' kept feeder„ttcattle„.•,,at unus- ually strong leyeIS-dnringt-14::.f alt Perioditif_liteavy2niarketirib'S, .these kindS: rs 'Aft.. ,e,Wt_.7.1tiglier, than, in 'the ,Previeffs.:, Year;,,. Steers -aVeragine$16,75;for, .good ket:; The .ittip.o.siiintit..4n,,,,tnoit, lf prices,.- was .- ..pro - *nuked; with theYear'S..aVerage•At, ..aVerage-,ef' all Cattle. at 'eletten. ',rnarkety.Was UP 40c at ,$14:65 .ewt,•...'The all „mar- . average.for.the nine' Per cent. tttiller outPut-7-Wa-s.:129,76......for 'grade ,A.; an ificreaSe. of $4.50 Cwt. Creed lambs. average .$20,40, up 25 Foreig; rade:' Cagle exports in-.49574ere the:heaviest sinee .1950, and.ififth :largest 0m -record; • Beef cattle shfPments.to the,V.g. at 278,-, 470," C.014p0.4a 1.,p.6•,.,cover,.. Millient..peiiiniS, of. beef,',Were„...exporteci to all coun 'tis making a"..total• ;Of ; live -and. Ssed ekpOrts., ;•. to About- 877,000 cattle:: Calf--eXpnrts wereiLcreasect to 11823rpXTL 4, ;and. ,froie'n. „beef,. •a total .Of :42;000 •head 'in'tertna, of,Jive,•cattle; at 37;693 head were cjown fiom 45';- 348 in 1956; ?Sheep .and lambs. inov7; p&south`.,digi.k.g.7th.g total of '171.3,6; . eqinValent..of hearty' W,660.•:lamb;s'vra'S shipped as' dressed 'product. Some p(:),;ii.y.t, sheePi ;and . lartibs• were. .iniPorted, from the -(5,...S; andidresSed- 'product: .eqUiValent,td244,620dive iatith-S waS.- brOught•:in:frern ;RTI. conntrieS..." Ex- ports of fresh ahct cured pork to pounds -1n •1957;; Petinds, a, 'year ear.l. . 'HURQN COUNTY1EDERATION, By CARL HEIVIINGWAY_ ,• , CoopetatiVe incorpOrateil has engaged Bill -Hall _Winghafn ...'as theirdriver,iii .eharge of- -sPetrolgiiin sale. He ,sikceeds, Murray,. Hentierson,7Who- :resigned .tobelp.-• loot • after, ,his. :father's farm, after :Eldon, suffer- ed 'a 'Severe -heart, attack. Daring the; 'first 'full year' .of -.operation, Miirraybuilt the Co-op's petrOleuni. business'frorn--scratch to a $1,15,000 buelhess, and--itwas with regret, that his..„ -..resignation was received: -L--LucknoW Sentinel, - ' • 'Deficit Down _ •1 operation by l‘Toveinber 1502 this, to the annual meeting of -the system will be bounded by. .No. .4 ' I, 'have been -attending meetings inamiTosgromnteo leinr,p• thepastfoerwii:ladtayiors has developed, , .” In the.- February 27 'issue of a, Seaferth , paper I learned that a pipeline is _tit be constructed froln" Stratford' th Seaforth, -along the railway line. ' is interesting to, note tint the line is netbeingplac- rrao.ntionr ayApgr6riepulertutyre YPour,ipleFliende- CoMmiltee, has been working with tit. :Minister of Mines under *hose- jUrisdiction 'pipelines- are listed, The cominittee hag been assured that the Pnlehne lier will be -stit;-- died and revised at this session. -The , comMittee has requested th, at.farmerS be notified ofthe,pro- posed pipeline and its exact loca- tion -At-- least 90 days, beforeThe COmpany lie allowed' to purchase reasseolunelttOs"heliTielveli, that tbhie:nW,i1glivbehe -granted shortly.- • . - In. the past pipeline' representa-• tives haVe, sudd,enlY, arrived at the that you are interested' in these, two farmer's doer with an. easement- questions. ' , . form: If the farmer didn't agree at once he was accused of-cibstruct-4 ing.Progress. many eases, the A, prominent businessman was, farmer' was- badgered into„signing asked to describe -an exPert. "All very unsatisfactory 'settlements. I expert," lie said, "is d man wear - In the ease of damages theleoin-Jing a tie and an important look on mittee requests that the- company his face, who knows how to com-, muSt aceept all responsibility for plicate simplicity." any and all darnages. This 'seems' only reasonable since farmers could - hardly be expected to. subsidize in- cliistriar. development. • - • , Pending this revision of 'legista- tion, farmers are urged not -to sign any -type of --agreement • On this qiiestion. r Further, your Fe dere- lion of Agriculture has not approv- ed specific contract form: Ev- ery situa.tion is different and there- fore must be valued individually. Secondly, perat've -31edical Services have sought the co -opera- tion -of the Oatario Federation of Agriculture and it now seems like-- . -thirt5loperative Medical ,Ser vices will be given _representation' on the `Provincial Hospitalization- ' Board, and it is also expected that they will have the right -to 'handle - the government insurance and be paid a suitable service fee. We - believe this, too; will, be granted during the present -session. If you 'have arty influende Ivith your lona/ . provincial members, let him kilow The deficit of. `7,a12.70 reported year. The area covered hythe new., Clinton Public Hospital Ass Oa] 4t10,11 131/. , Monday , night is an,. improve, men't-over,•the-situation-atAlie-ehd„ a 1956, ....At that ;time the, defkit ;shown Was • slightly .over $1.0,009. Judge , . , Finglancl, finance chairman; told,' the ,Menaters: that rev.enues for ',the year .:Were.....up Mere- than ...$16,000 'over the pre- vious Year, and -.totalled $12318'.79:, Expenditures Were-SlOghtly -higher. also- , :due, to -increased salaries, drug andequipment costs.--Clinten east tmhiettioan(P. tgures: d A iies' 11 s -roun c.411Pe_JVst now some :Motorists are pared wi.th, $6,70040,00 for:the:June:10,- beffinnirig 16 realizethe deadline:is at election. The increase is, mainly dUeband . What _difficulties Will:arisa'at to an inereaSe in the.pay'Bcale.of the , issuing: Celitte-S7-aitrags-the—px*itice-.'-;. --.'-enumerators hired to draw ;up the .67 A– •. • ts t - during the 'next' „ e vo- rs . For the,- ...as c- Q.71, • urban enumerators—raceived 10 cents for every name put in the Int, with the th-inimum of at least $25. This time they will receive -125, -plus, 10. ,dents-- a name. Rural enumerators were given 11 cents a name, with a minimum of $25,plus anot,he$11 for the revision of lists 18 days before- - the Slection. , For their work this agihed as about half_ of , the motor- ists in Ontario:- attempt da intbree 'Or:four days Wha,t. they:,could have .' been doing any time -since the first Of the year: The urifortimate thing. labont the, Whale bijsiness is, Of cour,id,, that is- suers Will be Malted for ineffielency; Clgrks will be c riticited.'for the delay,. -tempers will be lagt. . and election. they Will, receive the basic ... bandied about And in all the con': $25, plus 11 cents a name $15 for , ftiSion,, the last -Minute • • ervice.•:For Sabre ' Tbe congregation.numbered over 400,1. aricV,:•there::.were:„...inere, sabre end:their fainilies:present,..than-;.ev- er befere-Wheirthe'...arinnalTinarin,; ere. servieeWayheltl:at ,KrieXPres- ',bYterian• Church, Sunday „afternoon. The r., cliureh "wag, "sPeCially`TtdeCorat-, ed :.With.. a, nautical, '-,settine:,.'fWlifOli.: Highway: ' on.. the east. t,he . Ausable TiVerto the west, .tlie Creditor): read on -on -the of .-....thelVliddieSCX.ArotuidarY. .-?I'lals. section is OW included inthe -Eke- ter -,ar7a,--LN:oEtxhio,etger.;r,Thrt.lii, elle_cl..i:neate.., , . :•.A • few, Moitiberi. of ..ToWii- Conned have . been: tinder., ;the • impresSien that: when- thy -speak -in ","-corn-' Mittee • of the .-Whole;"Ltheir per, sonal..OPinions.' on '• local ' issiies, should . ri.tA, lie----reportecl-,by•-,-tlie- press. , Other ,•mernberY of , council feenliattlieliublie: has,- every right tnewi what ._stand , :their . elected 'rePreSentativeS-aretakin. '6i:tint:in,. \11. itiPatTinatters. Both.Sitl . 'voiced. their . opinions:. at:;;Friday„,. ' glit'S :CQuricil. ineet,ing 'The.clisei OIL ' as to *tat-extent:the pressCcoUld : re-. .port-counciliproceedingS.-ar0Se_jitst , after council had turned. &Ain a , re:. quest, frOn `Goderieli Junior .Charn-: ..ber„of Contineree,„WhiChasked for aid -.in ' financing...a::,,totirist ,preino, floc ...Ventlire...•',.:,1,fFirr;:persaitally..in,, favor a leaving the press in," :said Mayor, Einie,-,C. Fisher, . in no -On- certain:.'•terinS„ • When..the right 'of, the preSS-71*..report • the •diseus,sien. _ „„. .. YOUth. Killed. • .' . .• MMW- a%....e4teltstisii*cOeild'eagnThe°0411.aiiciatiettin': r:i1,-..' . 'David l3jiirStrom, 14,•former Boy, .iy-..10eldrig'after the, jitiblit's-busi:i': Seent: at RCAF Station,' Centrallak ne.ss.. and therefore, ''.,:shotild.:.' have and active -participant ininiinof. nothing- tO "hide frorn the ,pnblie.7-- hockey .. here,, was ,-, e in. . Goderich Signal Star • '• ." if,:-. ,- ' • ' - ., , included ship's,lagS, rutiningfiglity; wheelS,, modeLships; ete. The usk. ers;• who ",alsoqook.lip. the collec tion, were all, -attired...in- form....They, wereCapt. Linne-,Mc- Cartney, Capt. Charles Robinson,' Capt. .Charies.Stowe-and Chief Eti- ineer Herbert Fitzpatrick-9ode- rich SignaltStar. : • • Iiitereating items gleaned .froin 'The:Huron.' Eipositor" of .2-5, -50 • :ncl•' 75,, ye* ago,' • • - We' re rri To-do „ e"re Lenin SPEA From* The, Ilutori :Expositor • March i0,:19,43 At. the Toronto Conservatory Of Music examinations, held recently in Stratford,.ItlisS Kathleen Storeys was successful in' passing, intermed- iate gradepiano, She is a pupil of Mrs, .IVf. R. Rennie, Seaforth.: • •IVIessry, J. F, Daly; W. X, Crich, W: Beattie and C. '9.16w were. In: Toronto on .TueSday attending the annual .ineeting of ,-the Bido- rado 94:Ad ,Mines. - is a director the corrinany,.was reelected'. - • MiSs; Gertilide Crick, a .teacb,er ip Toronto; was: r1nner4,,, :this -Week in the:Toronto, isdy teachers' badminton ,t6urnannent. Miss •Crieli IS a daughter of wir.,and,witg.,ryy: A. Crieh 01 town.Mi , . Alek Lowery, gginondville, while picking up some ,sewing re- Cently, bad the inisfOrtnne to. have needle penetrate her hand and break off. ;An X-ray was taken at Scott -Memorial Hospital on- Wed- nesday, but it *as 'fennel impos- sible ,to remove the• embedded piece until the wound, had healed.. Mr, JamesiE. Willis was sueces•s- fill this,d..-Correctly guessing the •niitabeit of goals scored in the NatiOnal Hockey League during' a cett1 week, and .a -n result of his persp"Wty, has received a reward from a . mgirette. manufacturer, WhichiS condUctirtg the -contest. JOIMIEtoderiek collaborat- g with Mt ,Wi!lis--in" computing the spore, Miss Sparks, bas,.retinned from her-. 1101idakt --in :Stratford. and. Is again in charge of Stewart Bros,' indithiery,-tlepartifient. • . From The Mixon' ExpOsitOr Match G1908 • Mr. Robert Chaers,of,:the Road, Tirekersinith, has'a. teeord Wbielifrk Cart equit if he liVes7 till next Suite, Mr. Charters Will have teOded condanOoSty On his present fartn for 66 years :aid in all that time . the longest. Period he 'hasbeet away, front it, atany one. time was six; weeks, :the' ecca,, sion being a vistr.to' hiS native hone in Scotland: March stirely tane. in like a lion. and One and all are -hoping: that, the Proverbial end/ftWill be in order, . • , Mr thigh )4eintosh *WAS farin CO-OP: CHICK GROWER * "CO-OP CfrICK-STARTER CO-OP 18'Vo 1_,AY AIASH . CO4,P:29%. LAY MASI' ,CO-OP,SVPER 22% LAY: MA$I-1,... .OYSTER,SffET.1 . tEIT (any size) . CALF STARTER-GROWE 16% pAIRY RATIO , $3.50 per Cwt. 4e1ivered,- 3.85 per Cwt. delivered; ` 3,55 per . Cwt.; delivered , 3.90 per Cwt. delivered' 150 per Cwt. deliVered-: 1.45' per: 804b. Bag: delivered 1.25 per Cwt. dell e4 4,00. per Cwt. deliVeted.. Ki0..Per Cwt. delivered; THESg. ARE .11.17` A SAMPLE! ou Should See tke:R�tAt s the..8.th • concession 01 Melcillop to r.w:47$070077,' The farni contains 150 aeres and , the. priee, paid : . The residents of ,,.:VVItitiarop, oe- sitiog t keep abreast of:the!time's,_ feel that they. •need a ruril,,telel pherie System in the .district; !A. canvasshas been. made, Of all, de!.., siring the us of a; phOno,,' and tt Meeting'. will Vlien...a representative- of :the telephone coinpank, Will he there to give the 'desired iriforteation-hi.rez , ger& to forming ,a, company : • Guthie r, CleVelaild, Ohio, ..aPent A •fe.W.,„daYS,;.thigL*0.0k. With"iiis,. sisters; Mrs; R. ,turnsclen: and •IVIrS; Canipbelt„, ••• • • , electrielights.'are being in, staJied ityCarniel'',Churcht.11ensall, this week; ' ahd WM:he used on Sabbath 'everting.' The .tbswill be nearly $400, as 'the' deStre of:the tnanagers-iiiit coxigregatitin -is: to put in., lights in keerMig-witli-, the appearance of thechurch: The work is being-, dime By; 'Mr.' Ttinnias Welsh,' proprietor 01 the- •electric lighteplent. • . Th,erell.,1.1r97. Expositor ivah103.. Yeeders':,:. Feeder Cattle Nent:on- to • Canadi,Mi.' pastures,' itt increasing nunibers-until the end, of .JulY When" the 'intrease over :1956, wig, 25 Per' cent. , "Fri= :August onWard,iLS demand drained. off over 00,000' 'head and at the 'year-end 13 per cent fewer cattle had, been shipped of Stockyards tcl Country, points, the total Iteing,:p9,596'. Meat 8nppli.. Demestie : disap- pearance , of. meats,. ftem, econirier-, cial. slaughterings was little.' Chang- ed in Aotal.•Beef increased 6...Per. cent,veal-5 per cent, mutton. and: lamb .6 per cent midi)* deereas, ed per cent." 'All classes.at.i1,7617 Million Pound's Was less -than one: per' cent 'above 1956; • Values: , Commercial livestock, Marketing's in :1957 showed:an in- crease in, total ",valite of 13 per cent over 1956; aggregating_$655 T'er. bead value's 1957 (1956 in brack- etS): Cattle, $135, ($3.29), calves $45 ($0);---hhgs $47,, (39!25),- sheet) /,.$16. ($15.50). • , "r.,r41, i";11P •-*- • 74,.• • -7- 4 MARCOM MODEL 301T21 PITSH-1313TTON onsolet,i:e Mr. Matthew Morrison has Sold' his farm on the 18th:concession of Grey to Mr. Thomas .Tolms,ton, of McKi1iop f soil\ °f 4350. The farm contains .63 acres, Mr. Morrison MtendS' reino*ing to Wal- ton and will '4eVote attentien• to •conveYanding, and 'a general ag- ency bush -leas. ' Mr. Penald 411i1ior.„ 'Stafiley-," hasa„ turns.,the scales at 1,020 pounds. •, We regret being:nailing. upon .to state that Mr. itimei has held a responsible Positionwith one the leading firms ofthis towiri for the past 14 'years,' hag definitelydecided to remove.fronk, SeafOrth, Re 'beef'. purehased.. a 'hardware' bushiessin'Winglaam and Will become a resident of 'that town Some time in April. ,. Mr: Lusby,. , the 'Wiwi colleeter, has 'succeeded in collecting._ every, .cont chteAn the collector's foll of last,years Tnis speaks, well bir the financial poSition, of the ratepaYers Of thisl�wn. :, :0n.Thinsday inokii14 at 'K. O'clOck the therthorrieter was 60-ven de i - :grees below, zern whipii s isii" pad for Mardi. — -ikkl". NOW! BRILLIANT 21" .PICTURE TittE, SOUN EXQUISITE DESIGN -- 7-a MODELS AS LOW AS .199061LOW DOWN -. EAS TERMS REMEMBER!: .Tano.th4041e-yots b.Ify is oiily as. - good as the service you get. SEV:.ERAL' GOOti .I.TSE0,..TELEVISION -SE At..Sensationally-Low..Friees, . • FOR THE HOME • FUNERAL SERVICE 110U FURNISHINGS Seiforth.: thone