HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-03-07, Page 1r.
111tnety:.Nioth Xear
:Mintelr -4701
7 1958
• /04.40'ir.
S.,I.S. ELOYCATION 'WEE arlo,;,,,eaehers ..and students', -m- in-schoo well
as 'those in schools • thionghont the4. Province, ,. takieg:, adVaditage'l•ofathe occasion to show ;Seme-
:_thing. :of jheir,--aitivitieS.,,,, juSt--to,-,;indic ate:-.that-LschoeinrOgrain8; no,denger Are -confined te the three -T -
.11'S; .Apd .,that oer-,ubjects ;deinancl rapt attention, - Frank --Ddlinage; 114son- of 'Nft.' and Mrs.' Roy •
Dolmage. arictiLiitia err 8,.. daughter :of 'Mr: .and >11.s. Alex' Kerk;. Are - shovirrk- as ';',theY:, Watch ‘ .
l_heirTifiusie-;:rtea e
WillianiKing7. -OL_Bitissels -- At...:S SIct''''-'4._-0Teldlle_PrITOrvtailonvf.r.S'----2'
' King:. teaTehe's, music
,. ll disit -,scools. (Huron Exp.ositer heti) -
rby Phillips).
-,- . , . . , , ,
(By 11JAitES LACt)
, Corripletien 4:t0,.Pernciaelliiig of
Walton COMMiiiiity:, Hair-1)rings "-to
'lighi'aii'85:YeAti'histery..of the build-
. big' that ranges.'-frOM;ler.VIetifPraY-
et.MeetingS-ancl:radgetricetkng4; to
dances, euehres and ,,community
eoneerts.:"Not; only has the building
been host to 'Varied entertaininent.
'and, 'activity, ', but it,: too, .; 1414
. an 'active 'natter, • having bean lo-
Th; building first served ASr2.0..
,Methodist church, being bnilt in
187-3. ar1y in.1.8/9.06.4\lew
neximl ..;;Seaferth
formed a congregation near
With serviCes..in.life.f.,eadkuiry
inilessouth of et, the vjllage. Paster: -
of the'70hdreh gime from.. seaforth:'.
• -each' week to Cenductathe
In 1873 the netvlY4prMed.,grOup.:.
• in the Walton..aren,liiikedWith:the,
Bruasels:eirchit :and .a.'.ehurch-,,,WAS,.
,built' on the corner .Of the 14th kaf.
--"ThicKillop and :the North' Read, on
T,the .; Andre.W,-,MorriSoif farm, npvii-
owned by N1son Reid. Built -by-
Mr...LeatherlAndrot.'Seaferthi the.
.cost: :congregation
First paStor,,,WaS2,c Rev; Robert
Davey, 2e'and • by.
,Staffor40 In 1874 Wel.-
- ton heentie: the head.. of the .circuit
.afld. a ehure4, k' Was .;formed • at
D1*ring Rev. Tit .8. Baker's time,
--the' cluireh Was Moved, to A more
4ceillial-Joeatia,: Headed by, a • Mr.:
jigarIkneleSporo, three
, ittembemA•tif • ,the,7e,Ongre‘gation
George' Gligg;
liam J. (Bill) .Bennettotily one of
-...•the four, ,Still.'-living:L7belped' .tnave
the 32 -year-old . India*to the -11U-
, • lige of Walton, where it was plac-
ed on a cement :•*alL-at 46 east
ki101101' EglnendvilIe resident, -
Who_ retired •.'"trOir"._Itobert
.Industries Limited ..last Week
afteir,A years' service at the
end of the :villazebit' the....13otin,
dary. It was loeate4 a fenr.
.hundred feet east t,- eorge's
AngliCan approximateiy
'Where the prefrnt reSiclened Of Ed.'.
known MekillOp resident,: who
marks his, 93rd birthday., On
Friday.' Xn good health, Mr.
1VicOavin visits in Walton
. Most daily.
Davidson is. ideated. The wall Was
built: by George Bareliffisontrastor
frem-Brus Sets; AlongtWith
Jim Gib-
son, Bill , Anderson'
At -Coining of Union in 1925,.
when the ,congregational, Presby.7
teriai, and :Metho at Churches
banada. united, the .Methodist
group joined' with :Duff's
terian, it the northern • end
of the...village,Ind.,forme& one eon!
gregatien.. Duff's church building'
at thattiMe . was but 13, years old,
having been completely .rebnilt. in
With.hii-l'f'.''Parjr4theSt:!..ttYis:e.S.efliolithe, -0-.1d;
building, it waS,-:left
after, the Loyal Orange Lodge,;.
No. 252; of Walton, offered' to „Ong,.
the building for •ii-Se'ai their lodge,
half. When this "transaction was
Completed, the ,,building' remained.
in their: hands until -1938. • In 19/5
eaterprising .1 citizens', of • the •village
started looking for, at hall TOr. nom -
inanity activities. 'A committee
ViaS,„ formed' to bargain. with the
LOL for use of their hall. The
lodge, reserving certain privileges;
signed an agreement With; the group
to sell them:. the building ;.for .but
'Wheri,the papers Were signed the
communitY group, by this, time hol-
stered bythe• -sale the distrlut,
- .
(Oda:tinned' oil,.*affel '6) •
If, a. 'retaining fee of 05 is, nnt:
fotheoining from Stanle4:T0Wn,
ship, no more fir feiarien1
l5' will
'de s onWas,reached at the 'month-
meetingof Hensall,"village
eJ A. Patersc3 was in
dt tio bili Stanley $75 for ser-
VieeS.'of .the fire brigade,-lin.lcippen
for two hotits;. an-dalSti
the retain-
rng lee of .$752... .
p4tore,..at the village dump as
rented, to Dirk Van: Waren for $1007
-ifiet-,Year;'-?and,,g11711:1.ghtiiii thepriv
en -
o year. Mr. Vag Weiree will
o ite-apoosilile: for the. repair Of
ences,. and:Tire
the ein-iiieirt for damage to
. Appearing. ,f -or. the Hensalt,,Kin
Ellweod, asked -per,
misSidn.fer the -gptika to use"ehairs
frorn,;:tlie. ,:hao. for , a ,Ceinhig;„atage
,and prerrxis, 'w:as..:grant.
Property Damagd
, Maintenance. Man,
reported:;:otiJhe. removal- .snow
and Contphfined of- the;disorderlY::
:eoridget'::-' at ,rederity,daiibeS:Iii'-'the'rs
villag hall Some of. the property
.hattlfbeen.-.dainaged,hY::some of
thosel'attendie -.gthe' 'dances.- Tax arrears for 157 of $95928 -
:..•Clerk -Treasurer
J. A. Iaterson. Permision was.
en to dpetate,.::a -
of, HighWAYS',7Wiii be:•reqUeSted'. to
approve- the .i:transfer: at 1.$1000.67.
frOni':niaintehance.:Of reads to eon-
Of --tbadS.'J .
Thereeye.'., was :instructed toat-
'tion f MaYorl.:and..Beetres hich
council joined thrS'.iiieetiog:
'•2Reeve Norman Jones asice&bonn',
eil :far iriore.roorn. for the ,•library
COuneitiriewed..the 'library and de:"
'cided ,tliat:,•they1Weiiid•:Pht. thelib-
rary first and:giVe2thein the rOein
now being :iisest.',..ava. 'ebana,j,
'her.,, ranch' larger.' racen.'tharr
that"M Use.. as alibrary, it is: across
the hall. from the,.;library
arrarigehaent 2. is Suitable' to the
;Library Beard, he property/ com-
•onittee. will look after the.j'hioyihg.
Biis and accounts ' amounting to
$3,058.45 ivere-• paynient.:
The fOlioWing were '.nissecli-DrYS,
,dale ItarclWard,"' $1'9.44f;'' ProVitteiel,
Treasurer, $1.854,.."4..,B..BAi7.,''.$'97.7$;.
J. Rotithrinf & ':gxetet,
Times-Aditocafe, Ek,
Telephone; $21.55
Fink, $106.30; W. Clement,
W. Shantz, $10; " J. A. F'aterson,
$50; N. H. Jones, $35; S. A. Pat-
erson, $116.66; E. 11:Davis, $231,58;
iVer Genetal, 75; Ilensall
' $2427; ' 1(eys Transport,
$127.50;- C. Reid, $102;, Mid -West-
ern Ontario Development', Associa-
tion- membership, $50; Association'
of IVIayors anti Reeves, member-
-ship, $10. Total, $3,056.45. -
ppeoves tants
A grant of $700 .was praiiiised the
;Federation of _Agriculture by Tue -
.erSinith at ' the 'regular
.mantnly meeting MOndaY. William
'BogerseM„; JOAn .'Broadfoot, Alex-
AileCreger and Ale*.'10S):es:. attend-
ed: --theL-tn0e4tig'•;p1ndie4tater'ests.af
the FederetiOn, ' ' : I
AIRY hancl'Were George Turnj
er and•Willialiii:Peppet,, requesting
a ' grant. fer;the Huron. 'Central Ag-
rictilturalLSOdiety,j,,,,grant:„Of ,$7,5
-2tWits.r4.Made. - Councjl also made.„
partment inthe'Suin, Of $500. • 2'
'mggravel:, were .•. reeelved,.frorn
.L•, pc tthii
T*74.q r,—*WalV.-4 41Pd to .4aY1S-
..tontraeting,..Co.,:41tenderprice. of
,64c per :etibic:':Yard,-.Siibject to the
:eppreval of .,,the :Department : of
,Highways,„ of Ontario., lOnly '".;orfe
'tender ' Was"Jeceived. for,. spraying
cattle for warbl.eily...cerittol, that
,Of .Hubert CoOpet,:,of'Exeter, .4 12c
'2wridar;:b"adeacdeitnteerc.snera0Y0;n1ndlii..: tiillie.c,2theriardge6r
15g' perhead per spray for 'spray?),
And the, price, of powder was
set . at„. 75e per pound, halfound
Courieil joined. the -ASsoCiation:of:
IVIaYors• and Reeves. Op complaint
frOnf" A,. Bintientlyk,,, J. Sinclair,and
;e'er., Will be, requested to report on
the., repair, Of the Sinclair Drain.
Conneil4,instructed. the clerk to ad-
.vertise'for. tenders.: or construe -
tion of the,7Second.`CericeSSiOn •
ieipal Drain, , • •'.
' ,EXpenSe's '-of•' $25 .ench .Were
delegates :to the..Geod 'Reads'
Seott'T-Wemorial, Hos-
pital, wAs-Made alrant of .$2& Dy -
law' appropriating ,$40,0i.,16 for ' read
OXPendithit was given the
ed re_adings; and passed. Treasurer
Was Instrfid-,terl to Day StifbSicly on
the Big Ifunleigal. Dr_ajO to ,:elig4
ibleLttartiehelir-the satne re-,
'eeived 11.4)4,1'060M: . 1,
At 'a 1:k.reirions: Meeting,
autheriZed, an •agregnient. with ;the
'Union Gas.' Company,. giving per-
mission in:stare:pipeline through:
the lowtiship and for transinission
Seakirifitikqr. Has
Heart Operation
..BarrY'Bennewies; son of Mr. - and
Mr. Edwin: Benhewies, Louisa .
Seaforth; is recovering IfroM
.heart operation in, the Sick-
dren!s: ylooltal, Toronto: -Barry,'
who . has been. a, patient in the hos-
pital Since ,February 18, was oper-
ated On last Wednesday. . ••
Now 13, thelad has 'suffered
from 'a heart ailment Since :birth..
Doctors ' for the . operation were
Drs. Mustard And ,Bigelow, 'Of the
hospital • Staff.,'. • 4,
• , Accounts passed included.
—grants,..$600; roads, $3580.54; Eg-
mondville Water; . $75; -•supplies,
$56,2; ,postage, $5; ' registering
births and deaths, $4.25; fox' boun-
•ty,,.-$2; hospitalization, $1.81; sup-,
pIementary allowance,. $35; Meni-.
bership fees, $10; travelling,: 'ex-
penses, $50;:- salary end -allowances,
$234.481 BeCeiver,General, $1.15;'.
. sundry,
. Supervision in farift management
would helll_the low incorneferinerf
farnffarumi' in .the area decided at
their regular, meetings Monday;
Because of recent' storms this was
the first meeting helcl'hY most 01
, the forums in the past three' WeekS.
Iprogram of •:sunerVision,,,howev-
.er, the groups agreed; would have
to sten easy, as Meny"LoLthe farm-
ers would, .nottake kindly to being
told 'how CO do things.
.„S.S 2 Forum
S.S. 2, McKillop fermi; .felt there.
WAS a • special • problem With low.
inecnn&iarmeo because their thip.-
oVer Is SO 410W;t1i4r;frOOr' hr10.70- tke-
ficiency, payments de' not help
thorn. - This forum tiletWit the
best 'Noy to: help them Would be
to find out who wished to remain
on farms. -arid -give -them supervi-
sionit,theY would accept it. Those
desiring to leave the farm Wouict
he helped in that:direction' also.
The forum ' thought that there
would ,have' to be. much understand -
ng in carrying Wit C ,prograrn •44
this- nature, as many, of the Older
people' windcl -net: take kittdly t�
tfeint, told low to rini3hillgs And
\quid cling to,-the.fartn, siztiply' ,to
maintain,:their inttePetidenee;1$.0Me.
*mid be too 'old ta leaVe Arid 'be,
absOrbed• into '• industry, '
Meeting at the tome of Mr. and
mrs., Sam McClure, - the clielting
concluded with- euchre --and- lunch:
Winners were:. Most games, Mrs,'
Stewart Dolmage and Walter Scott;
lone bands, ,Mrs." Walter Scott and
Stewart Dolmage; consolation,
Mrs. Secord McBried and James
Patin. Next naeeting Will be held
at the home of Mr. and Harry
Patin. • ,
Frlemlly Few Forum
,Members- of Friendly Few For -
urn, meeting_at the.,horrie_of gs,
and Mrs. Frank Ri1eP, thought a
PregranishoUld be set up to help.
farmers in the low ineolne class
and help farm Income.
Winners at progressive euchre
Were:. high, 'Witham Jewitt and
Howard' Preszcator; ' • low,, Mrs,
Verne Dile and Barden J3rbwA.
Next be,, held at the
home, of Mr. and Mrs. ,Earl Law-
. •
,..,1i3reside -.Farm Forum
ireSide korunithought the. low
inUome,faimer should visit the .10 -
eat., agricultural representative or
have hire . Visit them. niore. often.
However; the group' agreed there
Would tre„,soaig.,,sitho would not W
edaeht0,hatetlerengUirt the maw;
per in*Mob they are Beady do.
lag their work. They vkadd hot •
like ota or s1own. a bettor
- Some farmers, thiS ,group -felt;
had lived on sniall inethnesiall their
lives and Weren't • .aintions, to
change? 11 returns • What • the
farmer. has for 'Sale were k higher,,
it would. he a., big, help.
• .T6'get.better acquainted with the
. .
agrictiltdral:',40Presentativel would:
perhaps' help, the, low Iriconie farmz.
er, the. group concluded, or to
ter another industry, , gowevetr,
this last. 'Point Would be a ..:hard
gririd-With-the.,preSent large mint -
her. of 'persons unemployed.
. , . ,
r 11 the 'griMpthought con-
tractafarming:tonld: be. eliminated
and fatirierS, their; wives and
should 'belong and attend any
organization that could- .linprolie
.their larrning,Y 8ome a 'these
&blips listed by. the totinn were
Federation of Agriculture. Agricul.-
thral-Soelety; Hitren Soil •and 'Crop
Iniproventent, ,and 44f. Clubs,
Meeting At .the home of Mr. and
Mrs Harvey Taylor, with ,fourteen
adultS 'regent!, the group enjoyed
period of cards.Winners were:
high, ',Mrs: •Xen, , and Olivet
Atia.ors00000,b4titis;,Atrs. 'itobett
Drdtpti. and Jaiiiet'4nItieSor4:::con-
AfilatiOrt, Mrs. tiliverAntterSen•And
Joseph • ilalicritti, •TliO OAP 'have
Bert Heggart for their:oat meet-
,- • tart Line . Forum .
'Agricultural policies: have been
designed mainly . assist ' all 'farm-
ers, yarr Line Forum ' decided. A
Special problem - with , the ,low' in-
corne,farmeris.„the lack of capital.,
lf capital were 'available at Al Tow
interest :rate, it would be helpful
to better himself, the group agreed:
Another 'Problem ia :that the
fernier has to pay too high a price
for. what-theY busr,--. If, they -go ,
better price for what th'eY-Sold;.the
lew intoine,fartner, would, become
more Independent.
If farlitets 'would organise„ arid
,stand- behind their,organizatiOnS,, it
would help ,their income to '
creaSo,: the group 'suggested., This'
forum • disagreed partly with the
other ,fOrning; expressing the feel -
lag that the farmer would be `ilea
left, on, the farm .and„..‘not,shoved
oito ,soni.e., Other
The farmer mnaC organize at
least' 85 per emit to help lArn eg•
,.Tbg home of Mr:
kitts. wa8 the, scene of the'lneetna ,
antl-i4, adults Were :present,:',.
ners in euchre were Mts. A. 'Belch-
ert, Mrs, Geyer, -Mt64'.C,.,ItebinSon
atti John ,Soldan. .The- :next -ovet-
vita', be. held at lite home Of
and, Mrs.iteith '
been itwitelt,t4,,,tte:lioilicM,'Mts,_,
farther. Minister of Fisheries,
who speaks in Seaforth Satur-
day evening. '
Hon. „James Sinclair.; Iformer.
Minister ;of Fisheries,: will speak
in-Secforth -on ."-Sittirclay-,.eVeriiiig.:
Appearing in. the Community
tre,.the fernier ,minister for .Coast,.
CapiTapo,-.B.C., will -Sunnert Bil
'cochtaner-1..dberat,.' candidate': -.'for
Huron, -'•
. • ,,
Mr. Sinclair, a ..genial . Scot, is.
not unkawn inthis diStriet,
though:it. Is his .first visit to
A 7; graduate in engineering, he
was:A Rhodes 'Scholar in 1928. He:
ihterropted career to
serve in the -Middle .East. witti'the
RCAF,,:attaiping the rank of Squat'
&oh j,eader:. 'In ,195,0116 headed',.a
Canadian.' Mission, eollecting war
debts .Vollowint•his ap-
'nointromit As Minister of Fisheries,
in1952,- Mr. Shiclairz served as CariL
adiari'MiniSter to the Colombo 'Flap
in NeW,Delhi and Ottawaand_ jour-
neyed Act.2. MOSCOW in .1955. as Cana-
dian .,COriurnssioner to the .Interna-
tionar Whaling' Cominission.
• :• After four -Year' abSence,, the
Seetchnian.returned to. his. ha.tive
land for Visit: He: WAS met. at
the. boat by his twii brothers hut.
could hardly recognize. them. be-
cause of their .Iong,„beardS., •
After . the greetings Were„ over,
he asked them-,-.--Ahout the `Ring
"Why, don't 'yoU, rem erriberr re -
.plied one "You tooktherazer With
Pr:ayiheial ,p0tiee ar , vestigat
big a series, Of incideritS which.pc
eniotints.2.-' Mill's 'at Walten,-Bruee
field: and, . Were involved.
,The.` nrecedure.'i said: to hay
41,, e "aepaperbo accahsee-d, t
a,400feetao seli.. a. quantity Of ,fee
alid,00,Cheqee fn an 'aniiiunt large
than llie.-•'pltrehase was,. tencteired.,
The "difference.Ws taken n eash.,
,Later; the hagSof feed Were found
to haVe..been..disearcled• on a' read -
side ; in. -the area.- . • '
' ,W,alton Miller 'Victim
Less .to 'the _Op',-..,ratcir of the
ten . 'Herbert • S.
TraVis', waS about :$60:- •Mr„ Travis
was approached by an, unkown.'
gentleinan who. requested 'five bo 's
Of lay: 'Mash. Mr. 'Travis, while
procuring 'the, feed for the man,
asked, ,,,,oaere,, fie% fa'rine,c1,' The gen:
,tiernan • „replied that he was -.over
near Londeshoro.. Not: being; corn-
pietely si•tilaaVIIIS!v
that loc:.lity. farmers
thought that' the man:',may , not
jti°. 'the
Man -presented cheque on a LoPL':
den. hank;'supposedly issued by aLondon firni, for an amount about'
inc bought a sizab1egjunt_
the proprietor
9e:Sigted°iLlierk:':teatshhi;6' 1.cthiet
cheque with banks being closed on
Saturdays..., "The cheque loked all
right," '„Mr. .Travis :isaid, "and' I.
..ineriediatety-eaShedit. 1iscnied
like Tan ,,. okay' fellew..,-; I reminded
himthat there w juid »u,20 cents
ekehangeen; the- ,.Cheque, „and -he
teld_ine to_.take
' When the".,man left the Mr.
TraVissensed that something may
have been amiss. -r11-h.l.S words,.
-'-`11avizig-- dealt 'iwit1rferriterS7-for" so
many years, he didn.t., act , to me
like..tbe.. farming • type • in percha s -
mg the, feed;-. mr:. Travis 'continu-
ed While.'..talking "to Some farming.
customers Wha...; had gathered; in
his mill oifice. ,1VIonday afternoon,
,"he , enquire as to .the
gredients; ' nor thetoit'of the. feed.
If was thert.'he'declded to phone pe -
lice. And report' his, stispicio'n'S'.'
Arlin Adv
913.ie,'",' 5
- "Y-Later.in:,the 4.6y Mi. TfaVis re
- ceived ' telllng him.
t that:feed had ...bee.a.T;904
'sitle of the toad...'On
g first two
feedin queStiOrkr.-"-
eVer, !an they,
O , out to ,tliat whi
e chased:earlier-by the stra
' ,had :Presented 1110 chqu
d ,lVittch the seine.
✓ folloWed at:Brucefieldw„k
dering- seine feed,' a ':tria
-..phoque- for .-$75,... Ma
BileNall; of the:11'6454r ..
.pn Mill -there Said;.. No '`eitii1401
Were , ardiiSed, and he :.-W4S
chAnge, Of about. $50... It. lia§.t
Until the feecl,WaefdiscpveE0d: ab
dori60 on a road about 2"
West. of RCAF 'StatihriClinte4.,,
' waS. seieet
. hing,
London -Visits.
'Britannia Lodge
Britannia Ledge. here entertain-
ed -Worshipful Bro. C. Hill 'and 70
,iriemhers' of .ScottiSli Rite Lodge of
Perfec,tion, of London, eve-
ning. work In the lodge
rooms at which,125 Were 'le Atten-
dance;:. a buffet supper was served
at the Cominn.nity Centre:-
Arran„,,aeinentg for. the .• 'evening
Were completed by a - committee
.headed. by JoSeph. T. Mas-
ter,. of:Britannia Lodge.
gygioraw* IIELtED When Walton people decided '
wOuld renovate their Community Hall. Here mre; .13.ave Muir is :
busy ,pitting, and hoping: in, the background in Mrs. Art.Bus-
hy, of 'Walton: Evert little Anne ntishy does her part And shakes
, .„.
a can of ptiot, (itorori ;Bitt'Or *AO by, khintos),
Srvnig4. e Lake y t tB, t: Sathae. 01 in5-§ctheir4t (1'1,09117::
time -.Vin 10.1W .17; rt,,On on Thursday
visitors, , 'endedtdpchlet od,. rt' te 52.4131i
for the
Tom :Inelt,..Scored
end goal theopening of thelhir
period; tie it 2a1Se' got
his,,,s000nd 'goal, to put the visitors,
ehead.-3,2„ Then, Stevensop scored;
his se-CC-Ind-goal:Tier MilVerion;TtO7-
tie it hp and.: to. force .overtime:
the first:'10 minutes of :OVer-
trine Paul -Malone put the visitorS2 .
4:head once mere, only ,to.baireMe,,,, •
Kenzie score for Milverten, to tie
rsocidorkte.ath over-
time .at. 13.58; TonDicTk got his
e.t4irs ird'Ograe011fiemr.,tbatdhapt-tarvieekDonaleT'ff.tso'--
giVe the win .for Seaforth after. 23
minutes eft,avertime: • .
• • LOse. $114110* Lake
In the first game Of Bantarn,'<‘p-
firials. plaYed iiilite,§eafort4 arena
Shallow night
"°. -t rb eof 66rn'es thak. re . 61ireotede
.•-•,9vvAdamns S. to
9WIalr :hen' big •,.
game for, the. visitors, scoring, Silt
is )ast
is milt& the'.geipg concern, Tom,
Dickgg basetat averageds4s6s91tregdji gtwice oals ow's. rQa gamesg Mthe 1 7ec,Aa: Inbs.de,
With brother , and. Dave Dale
The harneMWnerS got .off" to a
bad. start, letting:. the epnbsition -
Score four goals in the. first period.:'
In the second.;..period they started
to: go' 'and . came , Within one goat'
of ;tieing the gante,l)ut la the third,
sgtheeeet rt ienvd: visitors
Atior no °its ;d1; It] is;ere laoagem11:111 oea.,n1,411.1.
car' , Champ
iter.'Nejit'' Week
Se:alert"! cerlers are lpoking, for,.
ward.to leai•iiing,_all the fine points
When , the ••nationally fan -ions. .
ing champion,: Gar,Oaropbell, vts- .
its. here next week.
CAtnitell. will be "iP, Seatorth
on, TlitirSday Of next week, and ,it
is--eXpeete.d . will ,hold'. clemonstra•
ti,ons in the afternoon and evening,
The- -puhlie is, invited t� visit the
club -and watch the exhibitions.: •
, • ; , .
Guelph .
De, John_ Oughton.
PichninentIY Identified -indtb-.eclu-•
eational. and, welfare organizaidons
since he C4I110 to, Guelph II year ••
Ago, Dr. John Oughton,:professor
of zoology at„ the Ontario. Agricul-
tural College.; has been selected for
the Citizen of Lthe ,Year. aVvardlar
1958. Dr, Oughton, ;a native of
Seafort1 . received fug. teariy.educe.
IleiSa ntlfdieNv 01 Mrs.
Selater:- • -•
Dr; Dughton is active in Many
Ni'elfare ''organilationS in the.,City
ns totteg_foo: the -boat/La
.education 40de/ell:TO' 'a
panel of seven judges Irani amon,
the -scores of heinitatiOns madelY
- it is the nth year the -
13'rith. Lodge 40 Aponsoreit
;Ward. Dr: Oughtott , receiveda
niaSsive siiVer trophk, Sythholin of
ti* award at a dinner Montiolt
-Dr. oughteth is . married to the,.
farther: Flikhis Smalloy, ni 'Amen.
to. They have five thildren;
additionto tervitt-g,-ot,_th6
board of edneatier4 • • Dt`,' ,ChiOuPtt,„
has also Served 011 th6 lqUe-04' P,
lic iibrotk Ward, the beak of di-
rectors of •the YMCA, the .Welfaro
Coto1014 'the -Caninitinity teen tta. ,
,recently ;.-; helped.-torm the.. :Gila
*oat ',Msbetittiott. He is also
ehititnion of the rederation