HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-02-28, Page 3OAS STOVE " and - FURNACE 1:1.1=4 • . DO RIGHTRALL CANADIAN i..grittoFmA, itrp - Dealer ,and. Distributor of -.- pRomyr PET,ROLEUMPRODUCtS `. ' FA44 ! and V-11°-11e.s3 Seaford]. DELTVERT ERSO ENDERSO 'Started Cbicks ITED Featnnng the Famous „. . „ eistiorf 8* .; Nelson', Nick Chicks'i AY - OLD - 101214 16 and 20 lAreeks • We are running ARTED-,--- (KICK pEci icon/ IVIarch 25 to August ' 3 - 46 EC WeeksOld R Weeks kV _lar 90e gu SPECIAL16c ,Regular $1.15- .00 SPECIAL $1 ERSON'S are, making °till§ SPECIAL OFFER so that you the chick buyers can have the. benefit of these famods ; LOGSDON "H N"' telr.tti),CI:s at the heavy' bird r'iE.AsE CoNTAc%r. : prj:er.!: liENDERSON STARTED _ CHICK '31 AI i2 R • -PHONE 6454-1 or 642 - EAFO.Ft and vailable 11 EXPOSIT , -dding-Nlachine Rolls—Vine grade bond, ea. •13riStol:Light,Weight„.all colors' 2211.; k,','21/2"; sheet coltnis '22" X 23"; sheet-;... • •.• p_esk,Bletters•Green only -,;20" x ounter 01?-e,elc .POokS: • Blank, carborileaf each • - .•-•• • .• • Carbonlb.elc; each.; Envelopes: , Business, White Wove 35/8 x 61/2. 25 for . 5= 1 1,, 1 1,Jarge Business Wove, 41/8 x 91/2; 25 for .25 File Folder -Letter size; each . . ":',1",---' - .04 ' 3 for '. ... . 1‘ -----' . -10 CApt'Si-4e e*--a•ch* * ' * * * * * . . for . ' , • Mimeograph Paper, Ntrhife-"-:81/2A/x1,1": , 500,for . .. . .. .,.,.. . . . . . . . : . , . . 2.10 , 1;000. for . .. • . ...-,. . . 81x14"; ..., 500, -for ........... .. - I.,000 for .. . „ ... .............. 'Onion Skin Copy Paper—Canary: 814/14,11.1,'-500 for . , ....... .,. .6' '7.1,000 'for Signs,tockpirtnted T it sPassing", ,"For • Ret;" s„FICIA1.- 500 :Sheets EVIR1TER- PLAN W:EIITE—s'/2x11—IOM pLAIN WHITE-4y2i41-81V1 • • ,o! • • " • • . &90 .75 5 375 .25 • 4 • 2.75 $2.40 AVAILABLE! AfTHE HURON EXPOSIjOR .Gestetner " STENCILS, White N 63-81/2 ! - Since 1860, Servincthe Coinntunity First PpitEmiNg010 *nrig• Qilit;t1TY PRINTING , tie Seaforth Sliowers, Tea Held; NEWSOF RENSAIL Honor Kippen Bride UNABLE TO AROUSEUSBORNE FAMILY N BURNS; S ' • 111:Reefit:Weeki". , , 'Ietyf iri)poTed,n, and lier daughtr, Mr. .of :Exeter,: were .bostesseS• home.0 Mrs. Bell on TburSday, ey- enipg. for Mrs,-.J14§"""Faber tnee Marilyn ItteusSeau), when mernhera a the 441!'Cliib" honored her With a ,sirvto4iTtP,11.tireVert,. shxow.asr..-three read "-the :fellOwing preSentation -addreSsz; 'Dear Marilyn:" . Winter IS now. the 'tithe for ,'brides, That's; what tite eiperts.,;saY, : - .But since thelieginning of 'It„. has not..alWayS'ibeen that way: aillyn" chose 'January , AStIeMonth ,say:, "I :do.”; And took her '. Man for.better,"or ' And prerriised te him to he trhe., Of' contSe it didn't SurpriSe 1.1S; We'Ve .seen that eye That could hayeoneineaning: goingfto marry,that Biit new, -that .they_are•married, Mid the ktiotjled good and tight,„ wilfget hackie normal, They. Might ' have; time • for „,,ngbv, en'yetir:lionac readYM'live in; A cozf!leVenestt!it. be,,. With happiness it 'Will be .crowned And,your-2hparts.•'..Will hold,,the-, key. The --Thrifty :and . other , friends Want' to -share in its contents, And se "-:We .have met' here .tonight To bring some gifts wehave chdsen Whieli, we hope,- Will please •you ' all - right The manY, geed ,-Wis):1:es' We ,;:bring - Will -stay with You all threugli Year : -life And . Will alWaYs tend to you Of the day yoti-. became- 'husband and wife," ' „ 'Contests. werefeatiired and 11,arich ; " "!:.• ' - 'Entertains For Daughter, Eliar -Mousseatt;3 :Of .Kippen, eitter,fifired;' .fen•-ather:bonie Saffirdayl",1Felo,.,:15,,:fiLlionorTef..her daughter One:. hundred' and fifty .guests.attended,..the,affair from Grand Bend, -Braritford.:Bay:i field, Exeter: arid ' Mrs ,MouSScati and,IVIarilyn, as- siSted: -Mrs p" ROCIMS-Faber, ; the groona".S.,:: Moth the guests; and Tanya Parkiiw,i,Zurielt, cousin of Iiie;-,hride; was in -Charge, of 'the, goeStl•bobk,',,.13aSkeitS. ofdaf- fdiis 7 tiOnS:,..,,The 'tea: .;table; ."..cOVered•With: a cut. work linen 'Cloth!' centred -the, we cake,. flanked .,by silver Candelraha",and.white- taperS. ' .• . . • • • ••, tea- !in the-; Were' Mrs,' .Herb,:,Mousseati„"..of.,Xiir7 Pen ,I,AsSistifirWere.MiSS.'"-Berinie enS:We're :Oisral: by, ,Viss Deana TurnhullGrand.Bend;". china -Miss iao1dMig7 draxid Bend; gifts evethng Mrs catiAOti Vibb.zitti4M of Gree4wori.}' and: lgW.JOhii,',Re an,:df 13rantfOrd; aunt :'of- the grown rPbutir.:' ed: .:Were,,..MiSS!'", Ann Sirlclair, �fKipn, ad Mrs:,TeMY Marten Woodburif,.. of; .,GreenWay;, thitia,„''.*S.::,!frylii:••iForil; Exeter; gifts, 1:11ItS Mrs floss Faber nee Marilyn Monsseati';':a,Tegent,liride,, haS!,beell feted, , Many ..fimetiOns .felbawing- her. '.niarridge.',.FridaY eVening,. St,: AndreW'S ,KipPen, attfactive. in..-"Oolor'seheines pink :andLwhilas:..00, aetting' for: `a .iniseellaneOtia .,.:present.a,tion,whert t_he guest : of.litiner .": Miss . Bonnie .:Kyle :reed. the-pres, entatiori address aid -the . Misses Sharon, ' ,McBride, Faber,. Jean aid Eleanor Wright aSsisted,-;11VIar4yrk in .operung--tke gits- 1Vlisa".•Joan Sinelair: favored With a' yeeal:solo,,,andilliSS Sharon McBride; ." a pianow;aeleetion, .„ Mid Mrs,!, OrVille.WOrkinari, . a :reading, .MiSat-POTothytTiitner: directed!' On - testa', and- n, sing;Seng.Was,enjoyed.' Ms. iEinnie'rson inVitedfall to the team .roonf,:leVely in Valentine rnotifvliere hifickWas . The, 'address: read,,..lay miss, Kyle was: MarilYn.:- ,Your, friends. 'and. neighbors, have ' gath- ered :bee tonthtlo ,honor yeti and extend ,.. nut sincerest ;: viishes for nitich,happiness along life's. wedded way.: Our sincerest wish. is that...as. yhti::journey through life, the. sun-. shine of -happineSs'and,"'.presPerity, will-beant •upon - You, giving 'Yon' joy "andhappiness.,namarrect by- clads and .cliSappoixdrnent 'Just rernefri bet '.that. if: you tiara your face it0 wards the ..Sunslinie,;•.: all the sha 4�wijI'fall ,behind You. $1.1c-iesS Will 'not,jalwaYs ,We. who oW."-"Yi„, MarilYriy.. feel 'assured that. in YoUr new!, capacity. as a haimeinaker, that -,indeed .you 'will be -the hest, ',:and,•as yen' are .not lea,Yirig the 'conimunity, "Ve, !wilt. be enriched: by your presence, As- a token of' lour' esteein;-: we ,ask you, to-apeept .these, gifts.' :As you.use .thein; :May: they'dOnStantisf'reMind 'you of. your. friends, whci every ',joy and happiness.,Signed on' laehalf: of Your 'Friertds ,Neighbors!' - • ' ' ' II -AR .L0 . 1 OVER $;$_,:,00_ .r..-tinknetwoDriiin tOroOete- 'Spent the' elg "tb,-Thi - ed:by Gerrit,BrandenhorStit4 AR- Mk. and Mrs, 13, A, Orr -attended ly cleitroyed:the 80 b 40 barn own -7V° e yB Shaddrek, at ensall. 1; Ileiasall, earlyFriday morning, the Bisson -McEachen •wedding. at Loss was estiMated at $25,090.' •Sacred Heart Sarni on Also destroyed * the bli4e were Saturday. .The "JoYee Me - 12* Sovis; .22 pigs, 200 bushels -`:,of Eachen is a niece of Mrs. Orr. . grain, barn full: of straw:and ba"y,'!"'/Rev..C,. D. Daniel ;was elected a Srfurrit_w' plow ' and an eleetric: chairman-lif Hurpn...„P,reshytery.,. . auger, - " ' held at Clinton' oli Thursday_ John, Lowery, • a• neighber,". who, PresentatiVe-from..11essall was Mr." saw the fire, tried to rouse the Douglas: Cook; ' family,. bttt was unable to- do So, XT. and NIT& W Eers1ake, of, until their son,: GOry, who. lilies on,:!. London, Were:weekend guestal,with poSite his father's place, awakened Mr: and Mrs. Harry Hey Mad lam - at. 5 a ii to milk the OM'SDis ily„ - -”, • , _ covering ,the fire; be, vvent to, the Mr: and Mrs; E. 1VIttnn sen t Sun- farni of his brother, Bert,',Whdlives day with their daughter ariA-Sian,:an, a half -mile -from his place and en law,, Mr_ and-,'Nfrk, Don Gooding whOSe,,piace" the..•, barn ; burnt, and family at'Paithill. • , 1 and awakened titent;,--,- -----Miss "Joan' Kers ak e; of , London, 'Exeter:direr-nen on:call t&a-chim-visited over the weekend with Miss ziey fire. at the holne- of: FraYne. Norma Passinore. • . Pnrsons of R B 1 HensaU, Us Mrs. -A. R, Orr' visited-Witlr'rela- berhe Township, Saw the fire , and tives n London over the Week- Went-te,the..-scene; but- were unable end.' - . • . to get -in' the latieWaSi-- 4.3W :t•tre Serviee for reopenlng Hensall cept storms )' Fe- •Sefvi0e. for reopening; HenSall eent „storm's, United Church has been schedtded ....Mr. " and .13rariden,' for sunqay, .March 1& at ;ft a.m. korst, 'wilco' own, three farnis Guat-,speaker ..Rev,' Ernest area, are New / Canadians .and E. Long; -BA„ BD.,,'„D.D., 'of Toron- earne to Canada-Trem'H011and :five to,secretary of the General Conn - ars agn...- They have ..a family- ' cil of the Cnited Church,Of Canada. six•sons and sucydaughters, Mr., "Postpone Birthday Party •_; -_,Anaber-Belienah Ledge:met' weu- ‘Bthraatti4the4119Visetr. e6.thtralTbdut. etos2lahwear'-eens.°t0;1' nesday,....evoning, for „; their ,r.egtilar the',fact, they'work latehoUrs, 'get: meen g arid.", made °p.lans or an ting ali,out Six limits' sleen a' night- - - birth:, . Easter bake 'sa el a nu 11erlalledclen, who is .a; patient at clay. patty, seheduled' to' haveheen. Victdija It°sPitaWie l, London' 'dr-. h• eld that eight s,at wbieh7 Hiironia . went surgery. at tlie hospital -last .Was ''attcnded- Tget Lehona.dridelis: G-±13' tr!k"...e;11.61." c• i°41egrueStS,- ,,wwas postponed G d were -to :have been spe- d da an'Adiriamal(1,1d;,.fiorf,.140JDnodnoaal,ctwIte,r(!ebinwsPfhn. Noble ":-OrMaltrisd, Wil VVi; Mrs., Cross ,Sunday. . , , • . Tell§ Of, Trip , Dennis Charrette 42 R It No 1, --pash,WOod,',,'Wlid",:resides',.tWo-,s, Miles -frief-TirtirSda.-Y-Safterneed,--41.---tlie- ' South, Of St: " JOseph, :loaf he, undex hom,6 , mrs; Alex 1VIcGregcn7-,-1-With! fimger- of.,, his -' right., hand !when MrS. John' 'Sinclair ; as" -,cohorstesS: $4.11.1,. IVIerrilaera answered the roll lealt.,by; ThUrsday.atternoon2,„-,a--1e,-11114.erw.en,l; !`iyo!s: and Don'ts , for ...Safety,' surgery -at Suth 1-111,on .110sPl4k, Fire -Chief J.: F. Scott- Seaforth, .'.l.,XCet!&O.dildar'€‘17aOs‘'ljtetriP•sts71'''F:1:btime'J''...1?fiat:',..•.(k-a§ 'Unable to. be present. scheduled!";.Mrs.- . speaker for Wednesday •juredis the father of,Tony-Char- Arther, Varley :gave ; intereitihg rette of .Ifensall. high igh s Of her trip to Floruda ,Lay,ettes for -,Unitarian Seri/lee, Hen -sail Pee-',4WeeS:,:defeatedAur- fer,the'.:Wai-:.jvieitt-- BenSall Londen,.. , were, en, , at :this" the, millinery Cpurs,p, to be held on ..Turnerand,Mrs.--t;-geAlhster: were at Of hOsteSses,..:,:':.;' MES.;W:.":".RTY euchre,' and TheProgra0Jer..the ,,WoridTrDay dance wiirlie 'held. ilieLTOWn.":Of :-Prayer . Was Rev', . D. Hall, Insall, Friday, Feb:8;A. MacMi1i,an- as'fguest-',:speaker';.. An".'invitatiOn ,,is -Sent .took as • . ,sithjeet-',7'ellrayer in Olen' Geikrie. Iastitute, to .oui'LimeS.'"': A: sOlo,,'`The'Stranger .1 . 15eguests of "inStitute;•!at 44e* ivfareh:• :meeting,' ,WedriesdaY;,.4he--' ae-- Iqtli, at --SS-..10,"Tuckei-Sinith,...When conipanied."the . Turner to ,visit the shut-ins in, March. A etterwas 'rearl-TfrarliSTAinteri and . a ;Card of thanks from the 'Moffatt family Consitt reaiva'. letter, she receiVed,froth itti; Grand", 'Bendi. tkiiiing7.the :"PreSlijrterial7in'elin- tori4M,..Marcla. 27,- and invitationitem Seafortli tit, attend theirithank-:, -offering-•Meeting ,.,en -;-March .25,. at -ANNOUNCEMENT - - Mr. and ,Mrs, John B7Sific Kippen, wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest datighter, Elizabeth Ann, to Allan Beverley, son of Mr. and Mrs. l3-ruce Grigg, doderich, the marriage to take 'place in. the United Chureh, Kip - Pen, March 29th, 111111111111111111111011111111111iiii01011111 F E R CLEANERS • 0 -LEANING • PRESSING For pick-up- and-deliirery 'Flannery Cleaners oft stieet Seaforth PIIONE, ninononanunonoomuonnuno leh.:5,1,in a WONA'heaFek'gartieat br• ial • HOSpita-171nr .:Sick Children; fers- for .11erisall Weie'2.046' ineeting;., ip ay WOet. 2, Reftert,',IVICNatigliton,'GreY".:Chap. ouutheu for Mali" and,. Bobby ;,,-Middietion.; ,I.Orie , , Bf11 Shaddick rapped in r:404.1S auid tee'Kyie. three, as"Hensall BantaMs.,...took, a :1-9 game,lead. in theii7besOif-three NVOAA..:.Baritain `IY,plaYeffs..at Hercaall,FriClaY, night againg AtWood. ',.Other scorers for the -,:locals were.:.Gary:,,,lories,,, Jerry the ladies' will . deinOngtrek', bats' Chapman, Brian ;,:BonthrtM,"'..ROSs..and rugs: MCB,eatli.,nn.d'IlareldJaqUes,Fin1r1Mrs..,..-Alek-T.Mcgregei- gave. the,' Seotenf the game was -12.70 for Hen- history of., ;tne! .McGregor of-Seforthvassd10- Hensajl having defeated Zurich ist I114...Mrs.': John,: McGregor was in the-best-of7three eries, defeated- .acCOthp'aiatst, president ,Mrs At*.ehd, gan-le.1-..e.E-Ahe"!-,cantPhell Eyre : chaiied the meet-, ;second led the Heristall.:tenin,AVith, the de fenCe10fHortori,,,". Chipchise ,- and 11/fickle giving., goed,.support.".."?..'„ , Women, Complete Quilts '.,.°'The 1adis Ofthe-iWOMen'SMis ; iMam- 31110'. sionaryi.,,SheletY of. --:'the ..United • • -1",- • • Who. • started 7' quilting ;"On. .:WALTON.lit,CarigarY; On -Feb, MoridaY;,:eOrnpleted ,:liag,4project. on 9• , • Oath, 'came suddenly ... to ..Mrs: Thursday:: ''.afternoon„„iliaving. coin- Kate FarcinharSoni. Of 2015 3rd 'pletect eleven quilts iiichidirig three: Ave N W Bore in 1886:near.Wal „ensteni ..quilts • And :eight .tpriit$;for, toil; Ont.;:,' she was the the yoUngest thebale, to -be ferwarded t� head-' 'daughter of , and- epiarters. of: the United • Chureh j xi,S,,Telfer, 'and ler early:, years TorMato,',FiftEtexl ladies aSsiSted- 'Were, Spent' J.4;this joality 'every, day,.'in tiii veryL,wOrthWhile ' In1915. she 4S Married to ,w. G. eause Tha qriultihg was held in Farquharson .. and went :West :In .the,Chtirch'schooltedin.-.• _,Provoat, -Alberta,. Where .:she lived " ."- ; , • . the' dea. Of'her. in WomenParticipateinService , Witth husband,ti',t;t1(16 ',excepting ,one. year 'M''..Ednicinton;,ESne,'„,-has ::suice„ resided:in ',Calgary: - : SUrviVing, .are brie; .Son' .Stuart;. one: daughter,, ter,,,.,Mrs-.-Agnes'.7Dayidson,", iil of :,,-..Foerat ;service was held. in Fos!. tees .GardenChaper witir t1ie4Rev,-; Parkdale. 'United ,,.,.Thetherne of the meeting; '"'rhe Church, officiating:, Interment was Bread of. Life;'!, .Prepared made-in•the Provost cemetery, WOrnen", Of "Australia. ,,„ 'Leaders Were ; „ - • abowin,, gas. s, .gall and ,IVIrs.!,C.-a,, Daniel. Prayers' , • . • Were. offered: by Mrs. Taylor Mr., and. •Mrs. Fred Rathwell, of Sr:; R. Stephensorf,L,'Mr s' 'Brucefield;. • were .gitestS7,:.at",.the. graduation ,expretses. ;of ;the . 'tine Of Chartered, AccouritantS.,.lield. at the. Feb. C.A.;.receiVed , News of Iiippeni Preparations For, Better Living ShoWn, Y. People The VPPen Vnling People' enter - tabled, the Hensall, Brhicefield and EgmondVille Y.P. their :guests On Sunday at the Cht/roh,-The Fred-. dent welcomed all the unions. Scripture waslead bY Bob Broad - foot, of the Biueefiem In.P. -Jim Love, of the Bewail Y,R, led prayer. A selection of hYmns were sung. , The guest speaker, ' ReV, f:ergn- Son, gave a 'utast interestiitg talk on young people's. wnrk and show,, ed how th young PeOle ennld, fit themselves -for[bettee Christian liv- ing; A delightful piano duet was given by, Margaret Chesney and' Carolyn Neil, of the Egmondville.Y.P. Eol- lowIng this sanie games were en- joyed -under -.the :direct,ion of PhYl."-- lis Lostell. A delicious junell was Hujilett Distri fleas -Ted Gower 33ov:ten Brpwri, -Constance,was ;elected deputy-dislxict master 'of District Ok: Ifullett 7,0Yal- Orange Lodge,, 4 the .anAtiai meeting held in,.Riverston 1.4.0,14,, 145, Onderiela Township_ 411:10dgesvf the •diSfriet pW. eiotsrtrelt!tre}:nofEePub117re,ssrre!';:ltietefl,o'.0dy; lenr,-elujoecide!. Tieh; district chaplaini, WiUiam Riehl, Cthiton;. Ostricf• roeoran seeretarY, Norinan coloiOng14 God- erick -district .finanee • secketarY2 Ross Miller, Clinton; distrietIreas- urer,, :Alex • McMichael, Clinton; first district Iectirer, Rey' Elliott, Winthrop; second distriet lecturer, - John Qkifield, Seaforth; 'Aistriet marshal, MeredithWilson;Goderich tOwnsilIP- 'the election and. iastallation of officers WaS' Conducted' by Kenneth BettleWmthren-,-edtintY Master Sotith Huron,. ,was assisted hY Thomas peeVeS,!'"Cliatori:: served bydhe " Fred.Nieholls, of Birch Riv- er, IVIandoba, who 'has eea ,HARLOCK ing Mr. and Mrs, Lou Clark Sr.. . an r:. and Mrs.. Gordon: Wren ' left ICippen Monday mornMg.:: Mr.; and Mrs.: Don;Cooper and son, of Eketer, visited, SundaY with Mr. and•Mrs, W. R. Conner. . and Mrs. Ivan, Wren,. and Laurie,. of Hanover, .„. visited Satur- day With the. former'a pareuts,-Ittir:" ,and Mrs:, Gorden .1/Vren. :,...geSSI'S.:TOM CPA Lleyd er,-,Jint McGregor,. and ItaY Thth- r, of near Brussels, ,naiitered t'o .Los through' Nashville, Term., they, stopped ' and, - attended the Grand, Ole :OPey. Friday evening 'Mr.' 'and ' Mrs. Elzar Moussean-_entertained at •-a dinner at Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter, in honor of their daughter and- son-in-law, Mr., -and. Mrs. Ross Faher,_.neWlyweds, at,,whieli--forty,- tWo- aunts, and. uncles .attended Special gitestseTe:Itev. and Mrs. A. Holley, of Grand Bend;. Rev, and Mrs. I. Boderiham, of Bayfield. The guests- were ail -invited toMt and Mrs. Mousse,au's home for the, eve- ning. * " • VIT M.S. Hear Invitations - , • , , The February Meeting: of the W. was, held Friday afternoon' at churchr-with 27 in -attendance. Mrs..: Russell ,.Consitt, 'president, (ktended ,fok, last week Sebool was eaneelled .on Monday, andTitesdaY 6, Bailelt, 9.Ni/it*: to, hatl.weather, cOnclition& .The Burns •r- lLemdeShoto Young People's .Union held:".their.:regular niceting_oni,SundaY. with .20 Barry.; :Pipe nillitfarguerite-Marguerite eondtietedthe "Singsong. :.This • •WaS fo11osfed -by the busineSsAed liy,Gartet-Nright; 'The :-.Worship aervice. was -"uilder,;- .(1:' the directionfoftBarrY Tiel, man, Westerhoilt,led'the recreation' and ,,lunai.,:folloWeld. The rneeting VIInS about A 'ver,TStteeetSMI 155 „youngHpeople. :Present' • Jane rXec:o.eli" and.T.MarkikritefILYon""--di:- rected: the sing -song. Prizes" - for • :crekinele'Were won by: eapifo,c:',); iugail. Lunch 'was ekt.diole:buyyg;. the „recreation -group and the meet- ing closed : With "Taps..'," 7.1y1t;-and- Mrs; George ited..*itb Riissell "Macpeth. Mad children' of ','Lefideri,. on Thursday.• ethIlilc-Evarig-is-t=practice chaired, the meet,ing. M. Ralph is, ric . bituctries '.111irs'. Middleton was. ttiest 'speaker' at the.World,Day Of Pray- ed, -held at. St. Paul's 'AngliCan Church- On Friday -afternoon; speak- ing on -Abe -origin -and de.velopment cif the World. pay, of; 1)payer. ,She also pointed'Out schne of the more unusual "uses ° orthe 'contributions from the World Day of Prayer. Don Joynt, Mrs. D. MacDonald, Mrs, A,- R. Orr and Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Pearl Passmore ,was :soloist. Mrs. Middleton was at the organ console. + Uniting for the serVice- were the sOcietieS from the United, Carmel Presbyterian 'a n d Chiselhurst Churches. There was a splendid , • Slte:' ."That, Woman next deor'a going 'around:telling lies alitiutosP,!-- He' "Don't Worry. Just wait and Mrs. Donald Robinson t11 she starts. telling the truth:”. and 'family, of London, ! Visited' •on Sunday with Mrs. W. B,CrosS. Mr.- and Mrs, L. Nap Den, Hovel, and 444d. Mrs." K. Van Den IleuV61; Kristine and Laurence; of Goderich; „ Were °dinner . guests on Saturday wit'. Mr.. and "-Mrs..-Sint. " Mr. }Tarry W. 41"ortori; *asa patient nt South Huron llospital, Eider, and Westminster' Hospital, Lcintion; his ' returned,: horrie, ' ' Bill Sbaddicii,-of:, Londestioro, CeritrolictRink Cops Top Trophy TheCarling trOOY, ,rnajorOe in. the HeOsall teigling , Club's, one- daY liOnSpiel -on "Vir.ednesday„ went to .*Madron-Leader 'Joe Itoss, of RCAF:Centralia, °. foUrserne, with three vvins,:.plus "18, and an aggre, gate of, 53, The Ross rink -wOrt-the 'second draw. , . • • Whiner of the Era, draw was e`t sgoigAlt HuberW7hanrtf°ri,th threes1ils.8,ratatpo, •Runner-pnr-thfrt -draW WaS Jerry Carey of 11111tChe1h,two5 plus 13. 'Milk§ from SbuthamPton; .Exeteri Heiman, Seaforthand conapeted . Brdwri,'-president of %the Hensalr Legion, who sponsored the bonspia presented the trophy,: Leg- 'LadiesAuxiltarY..'atered for tbe theai$ fer the turlers,, and judg- ing fropa the co/nine:Ms heard they Were ekeellerit. Tap Quality (hir -Motto: "Lea-INTehee on the t4.k mans • , "QUALITY" in the Bag tea -Weber '.-Lirnite Local Representative: Herny Sfryker alton, tints 830 R 33 " 11.04$411110".41.111„r"4 The :missionary . for prayer is MiSs Gladys.' B. ...Thernbur, I3A., MrS.,..":V: Alderdiceled.' in the intercession with prayers be- ing offered by "IlisT:W: Workman, IVIrs.:: John Sinclair:, Mrs. J. A. CooPer,..IVIts. A; johnSen. Mrs, E. Jarrott. and Mrs.Lloyd Lovell, Mrg. Sohn Sinclair :Moved 'a %vete-, -Of thanks,, the hostesses,to fles. ./gaeMillan.for.liik.. address and Selo and. to all, those taking 'Part.. Lunch wasserved .in .the.r schoolrooin of the 'chureh. Nuron,, Farm: News 1 Prices on the: steer markefthis last week :have been thehighest for some -time because of the -fact that it WAS -impossible for, farniers to, deliverliVestock to themarkets. -the ;agricultural, 'organiza- tian. itieetings planned for the first' part of last week-liad, to' be post- . y r3r few entries „haven re- ceived so far Tor- the Huron' County' Seed -Fair o'n March 7 and 8.: The deadine for eritriea--to":.reach , the Department of Agricultitre,°Clinto is Saturday, March, . VETERANS CAB , RAY CHAIVIIREItS, Prop Effective March 10, we will mov,e . to a new --location at- the. Cities Service Station - - Passengers Insured NEW P11010E NUMBER PHONE 149 _ SE11FORTII Kippen East iVomen's Institute --EUCHRE,' .8t' 'DAN( „_,IIENSALL Town Hall FrcIay,'-Feb. '28th Euchre starts at 8:311 NORRIS' ORCHESTBA Admission Ladie please 'bring Lunch LUCKY LUNCH pRIZE' th :°‘4.0aaAnr :41ce 1:S�a .,).1 MON, and THURS. NORM( a Illiiimpowiummummtiniun And Ilia;,IVIelodk Vocalis WAGNP,, AblkilIS48111.engi: '64L, ,„ •.. s inounonzanannio I! )11 USI3ORTE,, & HTBBERT AlUTLTAL 'FIRE INSURANCE CO. BEAD OFFICE - Exeter, Ont. President: E. Clayton- Colquhoun, R.R. Science Hill Vice -President: Alex J. Rohde, Ut.lt. 3, Mitchell , DIRECTORS-Martm Feeney, 11:-. R. 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R 1R 71, Cromarty ; Milton McCurdy, - 1, ICrkton.; Timothy-- B. Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. AGENTS -Harry Coates,. R.R. 1, Centralia; -Clayton Harris; Mit- chell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell, SOLICITOR -W. 0., Cochrane, Exeter. - -"%t: 'SECRETARY-'1ItEASURER-Ar- thur Eraser, 'Exeter. .1-4950.'P.1.31nouth--• Dodge Sedan -1-- .1955,, DodgcRoya Sedane,-.Jtaslie --1955 Dedge'T'Sedan--Radio-!--. 1-1953 iDe Sot:0' Sedan-itadio. 4952..,,,06$0tOedan.: -4952.:0Idi-Sedan +1952 'Pontiac. Sedan 1.L-4951. Pontiac 'Sedan • s1394rilO0• Attended:is;Exeterg'r-all4iteet4 years Aago,,-..„ -I.J‘niVersity Vit.e st e ri Ontario :'1938; 'and Os- , :,-geode '.11a1.1 1941. • 'practises •LaW, in, Exaa. eiipeti•- 'ence nienkbet Exe,: . ter ...Cod/len; ...2-.Depint*, Reey-eone year, ;,14yOr two* Years.. • • 1Vleinber„;-.Presbyterian Church: 'and ,Superii*- - tendent" of S n.'d a y • '21Seleimoobje:ri, Lodge, I":0.0,Z; Cartal, !Ilan Legion and Lio 40 le.tii:vb7e4kl'.i.n. A;1111: World = ' 'War. at :home an oversea. • ..MArried; 'With - daughters. •• 14isecl in a rural.corn ninnity-; is , i=vith both 'rural Ati urbah,froblems. r. tionpt . DE SOTO CARS ttODGE 1111•Ut cmp -,EAR111 IVIAC,HINER e26- - afo -(Published by Miro ral'As8001$140/1