The Huron Expositor, 1958-02-28, Page 2,•
'Mee 186 .$67144: the Ccitiinunity,' Frst
P•Oilat spAPQRTIL, ,91•ITAATQ,: ' mooing by
ANDREW Y Mcl,r,&,_ Editor
Canada (n advance) $2.50 a Year
Uxuted State (i advance) $3,50'a Year
, .
4t1iorized is Second Class Mail, Post Office Departrnent,-Ottavva
-Member of .
anadian Weekly'
• RespOritibility For _Allunicipal Prolilerns Rests•With Ontario
"inforrnal conference". is pro- celebration as a result of the. Priine -
by Prime Minister Diefenbaker Minister's statement that an nfor-
solution to the -problems of the . conference' with municipal offi-
nicipalities While it is nice to cials will be held this Year
w that rn the nlidt,a--.anfelectton . "In the first ,place, ofcourse,, the
,aign the municipalities and their - l'rime Minister cannot, at the mOin.-
elliP are gaininrsonie .attention,. • ent; undertake to say what will be
the Itrime Ministerk the -fact is' &Me past March 31, the conduct of
responsibility for the plight irt. affairs may not he in his hands' after
rch Ontario municipalities ',find • that time. But moreimportant, an
emselVes is, that of Preinier.".:Frost., Ifformal ,meeting' between federal
he difficulties arise because pro= and municipal officials eannot-P°s1--
ciai assistance to muniaitaiities ,Produce -any results. The-inuniei-
-rhig recent years; while increased Pallties are the Creatures of the Pro-
isome extent; has = failed to. keep-vrncial governments.- 'Iloever de- --
serving their 'case, mnst apply
te with either increaSing municipal for help, not_to-Ottawa_Out to their
Osts nor with Increasing, proVincial ,
venues.. The municipal taxpayer--'provrncial a7--41hough the
as found hiniselfluiche-iniddl-Cfae=.----.7FIlinle,-iviiinListernlaY-he;willing--to for -
i -..steadily rising taxes on hget thi
is real, ..Cne Provincial Premiers will
,4eState. - , „ hOt
iVir Frost long -has maintained- he , Would be quite another matter
oilld'do no'more unless he received to propose a meetingatwhich mu
eipal delegations would attend 'with
00 million whieh heeontencled was .
th.e Pronce from OttawaYet, , .the provin' cial delegations -This was
:proposed last fall by some premiers
espite this long-standing contention,. and some maydrs;and rejected -by -the"----
e now has settled with Ottawa on 'rime ,,Minister at that time It e basis of 20 cents on the dairkr.
quite posSible_lhat at a three-level
DiSeusSing the fallacy of thinking' rineetiiig a...formula Could be worked
gean.coine of -the Dieferi- ' Cuitthat woUld___briadlyneeded
er suggestion and emphasiling. financial - aid to the municipalities;
Oat -municipal ' problems -are'sphaly. --but-there is no way of by-passing the --
e. responsibility of the provinces, provincial governments.
e .Financial Post, an editorial - -
eacled, "It Doesn't Mea•n a Thing "• Allisperhaps fair in politics, but
. , for Inc rrnne, minister AO suggest
aYs' • ' that a --n informal chat in Ottawa will
"Qnly the most. innocent and naive solve municipal problems is quite un-
offieial will engage in, any , realistic,
°Intention Tai'Leid„Farliament functiOn,.
the-V.tifttor*-Tk-a- es
if *any Single thing can be said to
ave destroyed the Liberal govern7
Mint last June it Wa5.,:the Canadian
pOpple's resentment against the goy-,
ernreent s contempt of Pargainent:
Though the actual-faets of the pipe.
line debacle were widely distorted at-
• the time and the opPosition was giV.-
en, ampie opportunity to diseuSs this
hies& if it wished to do so (as- it
dn't), still theinstinct of the public.
ViraslinqUestionahly sound.
-- ad indeed been af-
mainly 'by Mr. lime
against the strongest objection front
irdriiste".r$ like Mr. Pearson—and the
,1 people Were resolved that nothing of
• the.sort shoUld evic happen again. •
But it has happened again, within
eight months.,Parliament has -been
• affronted te very Conservative
leader who 'rose to -power mainly by
:making himself Parliaments eham7
_ ,
.. Non.
. :
TThe affroilt began 1st authrnn
• when the Diefenbaker governmenti
reversing. the promises- of the pre -
summer,' refused to give Par--
iardent any detailed accounting of
the, nation's finances; iritroduced no
budget,; pretended that it as in a,
.eomfortable position of revenne
sir -
plus when_it knew that huge,defieits
' WoUld begin next` A.pril 1; and, final-
ly'freversed-theru:Ings of -Parliamenrs-
,presiding-dfader after ' eoncteinning
"t e o
h f litter government, for doing the
.Sapie thing. - • -
at wa,Sthe hegimiing Of the new,
'affront to Parliament, but ridt the
end.1V/r,;- Diefenbaker . „ • has
shown a new eontenipt fOr
Mentrately, if evert equalled by a'
• Canadian prime minister:
His -Method Of dissolving
mii1 was bad enoirgh-----.a-seeretilight-
The simple and obyious fact is that r
iVti. -Diefelibak-e-f-thWer-Tintencled to
let the 23rd Parliament _function. -He
destroyed'it at the first convenient
opportunitY when the prospect s of an
election looked, good to larn-,above.
all, be ore Ale had t reveal his poll-
-cies, grapple With any basic problem
or 'cliselOse the true state of the trea-
It is bootless for Mr. Diefenbaker.
to s, as he is saying, that his gov- •
„erniMent could mot govern -with_this
Patliament. In fact, he received from
the-rarkest Major{ `Votes sin0
The Liheral:oppositidn,.: never ,a
„tempted to .defekt the government,
as it coiildzeaSfiy,pave.,dOne at any .
moment -bY metion sure to attract
• the ''OCF.arid Social Credit. parties.
All 'the ortant: legislation -pro-
, by the government was quick-
-. ly-4aassed, 'perhaps to6 „quickly,' con- .
sidering its ultimate edsts.'
If 'Mr.'.Diefenbaker-liad one on to.
iid±oduee.-more 1egislation it too
, :would have-been,passed unless it was
a1pab1y unwise'
. -There was no hold-up. of business.
". and if.real polieieS on such' probleMS
unemployment. and' trade were
• 'layed, the delay was eaUsed Solely .by,
a government which could not make
-up its own Mind.
Yet ..PiefenbakeZ- destroyed
this 'Parliament sole* `for strategic
reasons, leftthefitiblid :ling in in uncertainty; -the .unemploy-
itierxt problem basically untouched,
the- 'nation's trade pOlicy in (101114)the..
' treasury.concealed, the public expen- -
,,,Clitures unappropriated and. all the
virttous protests of last June- redne-
„..ed •flotisthise: •
Suet! Is theJattitu46 d Parlia-
-Anent's-fair-weather friend .onee:he
inofficeandiraSpS tile trigger of dig, -
Plution.• '• •••-
to the Governor-General at Quebec —
an arincuneementof diSsoltition a: ore° Of Agriculture
a purely pelitieal speech and a.,--refuSal , , (Picton (Ont) Gazette)
let. Mr.' 'Pearson speak at all::
This gaudy and theatrieal episode,
however, „was. ari ,epiSOde only. and .
pehapS will soon he forgotten.. Much_
More seripii$:.-7,-as the state gt Mind'
behind it.
Many farm organizations are now
^holding meetings' and banquets.
These' groups are the voice of those
engaged in agriculture, and that ,
voice is only as stroog as the support
the farmers give the orgatitation.
Home Burns,
Mr. and -Mrs. Wendell McCallum
sufereil .a.f„..shoeking .',Surprise on
SathrdaY aftertglen after their re -
tuna from Wiiigham, to be informed
by .!neighbor,s that. their •home in
East 'Wawanash hadbeeri camplete-
ly destroYedbY fire. In addition to
their home, all their personal pas -
setons -and their, dog, were lost in
the blaze. - Wingham Advanee-
Times. •
$200 For clinton 'reachers,
Teaeliera of , 'Clinton . •District
Callegiate .1ristibite received :ap-
proval.for ' salary increase „ last'
week, - when -members of :. the
board' •decided to increase .the
minimum to $4,0O, from tho Pre-
Vious ,-$3,800.- ' The Maximum rate -
was 'also , nen-special-
ists to $6,700 from $6,500, and for
specialists,. te $6,900 from,
_The; arinnal increment .of „f$309, will
remain the -Same.These increases
go- part. way toward meeting- re -
questa made by the 17 teachers -em-
ploYed by .the:.Board. -- Clinton
News -Record. ,
Full House
A, pretty little nine-year-old Zur-
ich girl, Linda Gascho, was
chosen "Queen the .Carnival,
at the Valentin'S,' Carnival held
in -the arena • on Saturday „night.
She was chosen. by judges, Mrs.
Roloert,.Cook,,, Mrs. Darold Scanp
and. was, presented with flowers.
and a gift' by Mrs..Roa's Johnston,
of the Dominion Hotel: who' 4011-'
ated, the -prizes.' This year's :car/A-
rai ;drew do.Se to 500 people, which;
accorohng.Ao arena ()theta's, was
the -1 -.largest crowd ever to attend
stleit An Zurich."-- Zurich
Citizens' News.
Vote .114sessT%lent
qualified to
e r4VtoetPeaf ontheerfr 'questionwhoe
go fo ine polls on Monday to give
approval,. or otherwise, to Cowl-
eil's action-brz-granting a fixed
assessment to the , Beatty :Ladder
Company. Lirnited: 'Beatty: Dios., •of
Fergirs-,7are-toring their:ladder-
making operations' to thel Lucknow
Industries plant, which they •
cently purchased tram. VVilliam
Renaud, Kitchener..- Better , known
, .
to many as,the Lueknow, -Furniture
Fcitoy,thepjant ,-Iras been idle
for ;10 Beattys are setting,
the end of „March -as- an aPproxir
inate date-for4farting operations
bere.--L-LucknOw Sentinel.
'Aft .mare- three'.
snowplows and .:Six..oPerators,' ,two;
ambulances and: 'their drivers and
an :Exeter' doctor -all 'figured a
four -hear battle, against'. a wild
'snoWsternilVionday night t9.R. sur :
the4:Safety:Of air 18 -year -Old 'Wife&
a -Centralia' air cadet who WAS -2.1)011t
to . giv,ebirth t� her firstchild
eVenperSons' in all and aver -.-$00;-,
001.1.! Werth ..,of 7 equipment; were., in-
VolVeditt4he (trona* Mercy trip
trehi7Exeter to:Landint duringthe
height -of :the Tatstriet'S..; Worstrbliv.„,
Zard.:in hearly-:. a:decade; The' ex,,.:Mrs.-NernraDernard:
WIfe-of Flt ,cidet•Oainelle Bern-
ars4.•.to St. Joseph's.Irosiiital,;, Lon'.
Min, for a caeaarian•Operation. She'8
no the Proud iiiotheebf, a girl and
they're, both doing -:fine: - Exeter
. 'Miran , UnemplloYMent -Up, '
Employinent Office
at Goderiph,, at rnidfFehrttarYi4bad
irlistfof-T,07g persons inthe area.
served bY that ,,,offieelSeein'ng4ni-
playment. his ,v'aS 304 more -Peo-
ple thapfer the corresponding per-
ied a -year ago,' At mid-February
a this year „there; Were 901 men
'and VS.' Women,,seeking work. At
. the sante ,time' a year ago,the hunFb& li'as 51 me i4 .124, Weinen:,
There are 25 )31061:S-601:nen 013 the
unemployed list new tan „there
were. -a Year go. 15m�re-niaehin-
iss.. arid toolritakerS4;2-1,111Ore
'era, .a few ...mOre4rock driversi,
• about. •.?q -mare,. _men e4agedia
hither:, produeta work and.. about
the same number of carpenters as
,there • Were , a .• year age.-Gerlericli,
Signal -Star, "
, .
„ -.With, a total enrohnent of 489
Pupils . 'the--7-Clinton--Public
Sell-6W:7a the end bf,
Members:, of the School. linardbave
been:Jame&to,consider building
an addition ::te 'he
reit eat !••bas sed. frank/ 469.
reported on Opening 'daY,.`: in„ Sep-'
ternber., 'ACtuany,- withthe .school
reoins; ,iilled , to. ,the.
Start with the eXtrainuPilSbave
forced 'consideration Of tan addition.
Also;: the ,,predictiarl,,for enrelinent
next -year seennste aS' high' and
probably • higher.' Appheatioii has
bn"madebytheoard to
-Conned of the Pewit of Clinton,;far
the passing of a. „bY,,,IeW authoriz-
ing :the borre.whag: o-$40,000.;. This
ildTanal elaSsroeina,,' Clinton
N Ves Ree d •
athonnt wilFbuiJd an.d. equip. two
" , Salaries $590
..:Chairrnan -IletheringtairPre:
Sided ,:aver -.the.Felaruarr.,,ttieeting
Wednesdayoiternanii. f last Week.
The enairinati welcomed,:..a, new
• 'ineinber. of .the board, Gordon. Moir
of Gorrie, town-
• ship
. of, Ilewick,:: replacing._ former
;hoard of,
TC V..,
lowing , a:. study :of. 'oaretaking.:CoSts'
,in 'other ,-schools, this area ,
Wag 'elecieCtliat..;the.JOcal school
.Was somewhat lower than 'average.
As., a result, the paymorit, te.Care-
taker Wilfred SeddentWaiincreas-!
ed to $6;500;. out' Of, which: lietneets•
the expertsrairnereSSary assist,
ance.:„Dr, WA. cKbbobreprt-.
ed that the price of„Cafeteria-meals.
'ilk -"Meals' 'Were 25e 'until 'a few
#60.10:,sgiti,.. when it was found nee= .
feaSarYto, inerasethe,rate. to 35e
lloWever,fairincreaie irrattendanee
liaSperinittedthe droPback: to the.,
present rete61: 30e, „ Teachers J.
BearedbefOre the i'beard.t.O„:5. state
the :..,requestAif-. the Staff., in rega r.d
wage"7.'itiereaSeS.,' After '-danSider:::
able '.(lisetisSion: die board Ittggeat.
tee.PropaSe an. inerease:Of;S560-..fer-
.411 Staff Mothers.„Further-rliseuS:
sionS lietWeen .the eoniMittee,,alid
:Stitt .'reProaeritativeS.” he :held
Engaged, Girl: .''‘Was father:
:when you told bim you've saved
;Fiance: "Pleased?” I'll say.
Ile wants to borrow half of it." .
• Friii TDijin ExpoSitOr-
• . ,„
march 3; 1933 '
Gorge A Sillswas honored.Lon
the Occasion.Of his '78th birthday bY
.the the nib era of- the, Se aferth •„7.1re•
Brigade:- Mr. :Shia hae been a fire-,
man since 1875; and -for the 1.Paat.
37- years has been 'treasurer the
-:.The grace* storeof .W. R.,. Smith'
is , being reinodellect-and newlY
Painted. The shelving. has been
Towered and tables: and 'counters
30114 be- re alzranged ' in :..Order• -,that,
‘pat ons 'maybe' better served, • • -
While after rabbits' ' on. Mond a Y , Of '
this vveek,',Di-L R. R.:RoSi ,and -Tony,
Phillips. 'were surprised' to
grasshoppers ,in t February. They
Suceeeded iii catching' a•match ho -
full ,and brOn'.ght'.,thein home as
proof to skeptipal Citizens. . !
At :a Meeting, of the -directors of
the MCKillop Mutual,Fire-bistitanCe
Conqiiiif,"lield on Friday last,, the
resigliatiori of Mr -D. F. PteGrgor,
virto ha S been seCretarY-treasitrer
for g number of years, was accept-
ed.: Mr: Merton A., Reid was ap-
pointed tii fillthe ygethiey._
The priZe winners at the euchre
and 'dance,. last FridaY night at
WMthroP,..Were Miss Resale Pat -
i1 for tthiros'. first prize and Miss
Margaret, Fetid& 'far, ladies' lone
hand priZe..:Men's lirstPriie went
to Mr.. jimmy 'Moore and. Ione,
hands, VI Mr. p4y. Dorrauce.- , -
, Catherine, the little daughter of
Mr: i and Mrs. Charles IleImes, un-
derWent-- an 'Operation for appett.
dieitis, in 'Seott;Mernoriar-iloapital,
on. Wedaesday night.' - -" - -- ••k: '• ',",
rritin Thd HttrOn DIPositOf A
• 'Februail 28; 1908
. . .,
The, Ideal. milk dea1ers.41ave re-
duced -the -Mire al.rnilk-frorit seven
centsa- quart to five :?cents:' --This'
is•quite ' et LiftOp, but, not, one that
Will.' ,displease the Patrons of .the
different dairieS,..L _._ „ ' ,, _
Mr. Charles Golding; , *ha ,has
eek.cohnected-witli4,-P„ Beirs
laundry here fora number ef years,
has' gene to OwenSound, Where he
haa taken :a position -hi' a laundry
S , E. Irvine' has ' sold - Ilia
Muse Vfllage' latS• in Walton
tit thiS; W elt by S,telvakt:-IllreL,
th',10, Art. ew 4„ohnson, of -Grey,
me! fella' ing have been ticketed
CFR . 0 gent ' IVIisS , Myrtle'. Sproat
M seAfort '-t4, WitiniPeg. M. atid
Mra; Ito rt Bointiaoils of WinthrOP,
Interesting items gleaned fr0,131
,.The Hjiron .,Exie'sitar of 25, 50
and 75 years 'ago.
te Regina:, -iyh8.s 1... -Scott, of Lea -
bitty,' to Regina, :, 1cIntosh• t
Broi.• Who: Italie been
'eondnoting 4-dairy,for ,some -time;
decided to g o;ut of
ness the fir,st,of the 'month and are
having an auction sale :of !their
-dairy- herd and other fbitires: '
• Mr. William ShOldicelms 'disput-
ed 'Of his house andlot'ia,Walton.
to Mr. J. a meN;41drrial..whn, assumes
Annabet-roSter. has' receiv-
ed Word from the CdaterVatory of
MuSic, 'tendon, that 'the, Misses
Georgina ;and. Janet" Logan,. who
recently tried ,their .prithary Piano
examinations, had --witlr
first-class honors.
From TA? Hlln Expositor
' March 2,
. Mr. Robert Serniesori and Mr,
Tkoniaa Duncan have returned
from their serni-annual trip to the
Old Country. Mr. Sairdesen arriv-
ed home last Friday; and Mr. Dun-
can MI Tuesday.
Mi. J.- A: Wilson has returned
home ,from 'the Military College at
Londoin,heving passed A very Cred-
itable -examination There and is how
onalifiek„to, take any__ position in
the "irattary--serviee- „ • „,
Last hiOhdaY night as Mr. vv. `H.
Mundell,' , at l'hckersmith; Was go-
ing h�ie frorn the politieal_.,meet-,
ing: be met: with quite' e:inihajr
'When about half Way between the
station .ana carding -mill,' he Went
rat,her near the side of the road,
the sleigh swinging around and
tiirtil tinside down in the ditch
whiCh was filled with water. There
were severet , other gentienien • in
the sleigh with, -,him, but further
than- _receiving a cold bathuone
of thesn was seriously :injured,
•'Mr..Thothas Leeming, of the
coticesSion -a- --.3Y1eX1lltpri; redehtlY
said' a two-year-old filly. td „Mr.
Charles Meson; of Brucefield, for
the haridSenle sum of $190.
On Wednesday- of last. week Mt
George . Mark, Sr.„--a„-f0rrner:---who
resides near 1Kinburni. Wes -toming
Out �ta hause in the, village, he
slipped, and fell, fracturing his leg
at the ankle Ile will be laid up for
some time:by-till, injury. ,
At a meeting of the'shareholders
of,: the „Sea/oral- Cheese' Pactoty,
held Wednesday, it. Was` Unanimous-
ly' ,reaelied t� tenVert the :eheeses
getory into a ereanterY. .Alf thaSe
intendiq to lae pattens Shaul& try.
and lay m 4 Steck Of ice. •
Once Tuckers,jith
Resident, hiquires
_Mogan:du, Feb.:0;
_ _
diter; 'The Duren.,ExtiOsitor:
.. Dear- Sir: Just a few lines. ask-
ing if yen vvonid please Send Me a
copy, ..of., The ;.Seafordi. ;Exuasitor.
Myl0ther was a,subScriber :t.15„ your
.peper-longsbef,ore l was latirti, :end
Tnekersinith., My:nanie,ls .,George
A'.."-Ple*.e,, San .of George jrielVes•';',
,? Cape lent, to, .thiS, ;western couir:,„
try' 189r, 'Vidieit.:it Was. juSt :bald
Pre , any , g „.jnit
that noW-very thiekly. settled.,The
town of Monsitin *ea Jilst1014•:',..P,OW.
. : noW ;
was 'wondering .irthere are xnaiiY
of my age living in that district 404-.
farmed :in this ,,part_for a , good
many': ye ars but ,. have been. -
in thetown-. of .„„ligensiiiiir. :for ...tli&
Past ga,:yearS.
7-three,quarter se'Ctipti..: ,yeutig-
est daughter .is keeping': liduSe for
Me, ••itty---wife':haring; passed' ;away
11 years. ago; -She was iwher 86th
year..'t,haff a' bad aceident-4 good
many ::.years; age' and. lost MY ',leg
sith gangrene -so had t� giye .'up
New, vvotibi. you kindly 'send me
copy of yOur Paper and-t4Oblige.
• ,
- 'Sask.,
College Roya
Top Event °f Year
College Royal. the, biggest single the .extra cittriettiarbfe of
the:,,StucleritS-' of the- Ontario, Agri,
Cultural, .College.,..,:Ontarie,..,Veterin-.
ary -,College and, maedonaid'iiisti-.
..The Royal, „was -initiated. in '1925
to.,give'Students o the.Ontarie
. College Praeticaltrat-,
ifightliveatodk,shaWrhanship Dur-
ing.'itifeAntervoiiiik 34: years
lege ,Reyalf,haS,,...eXpanded.. to the
ether, .tWo•CollegeS,,on. the ,,cainpus:
arid•inereaSed,indirationjroin one,
ilay„to.,- the 'resent: seyeMdaY4rii-L
year",s'shoie will fea=
.tnte: liyestoek,"-shaWmanship;.,:byershow, square danih competifion,,
tattons, ,dispiays, a. fashion
and ....a. ,..shiclentProduCed
13:0Yar:20tirtaiti Call'..', „.• '
-Sate:tit-4Y •nighta.:Mareir',I, the
Royal...gets:„ 'Underway ..: with, the
•CraWning:- '42- L.Reyai.
fitting „portinand 'cere•;-,
ate-at-itie-varions- -shaws, • itinehz,'
On -Tuesday. peg
$heik Will: be- held theneW Arend:,
-aria, will...! be,,:tolltiwecto‘.iiiiiiiediatelY.
by the -'sqUare dance 'coninetitian.
.and:, roeSteroraWing, contest:
wedheaday.ISCollege Royal Bay;.,
:the' big.„ day,,,iyhen ,the,„
Opert,their,*ors., to softie
5;000 attidenta and professional agri;
drahain,,, Deputy'. Minister et Agri.,
:maitre; 'Will officiate at'...the open-
.of the;Royal • inTthe'. Arena.
Throughout the.daythe.YarionS, depart3nena1 :buildiiigs will feature:
ekhibita- agrenority; agriculture,
hortictilittre;,:..yeterinary medicine,.
hone 'echnOnticspoultry,fbacteriol-
ogy, 'engineefing,•:phOtograPhy and
,art...I.In,..:the7=afternotiir 'the Mac --
&afield Instititte,FaaldonShoWtakea'
place:in' War 1V1•emoriali Dail. •
Finally, in. theeening, the win.
hers wil „he aecraiined', at f the
Atard Presentations, folloWe&-bY,
the:06Ya1 Curtain Call,,the,,student7;:
Written and prodneed,
tire Ambassadors. Abroad!'
:The - Curtain be, featured
..ail7WentteadaYil.ThuradaY and vit.
'National -poet: GradesRevised
The Canada. petiariment of Ag-,
rictilture-has announced a' revision
in national beef grades; 'eff„ective
January 16, 1958. it IS' hoped that
thiS revision will provide . :an.
.prov-ed /Deana.. of intefpreting.,cow
sumer preferences ,to the pier:Weer
and..alsd'facilitate each,'quality' Of
beef ;in :finding. its ,ocinilevel of va-
lue according,: to, supplY' and de-
mand for sit. , The use Or national
grades continues . to .be optional un-
less otherwise. -required .hy'proyht-
cial authoritieb .
This .gracie revision will slit -the
old grade C, Or Commercial, into
two.grades;, Standard and Com-
mercial: .Provision is nude to
shli-divide the .Cemmerciall into
three ,elas,seSwhere desire*" The
letter designatiOn of.the glades has
been drapped' and'grade names
will he led 'exclusively. Further-
more, '8 -ghtiy. nore reStrietive
staridards„-With •respeette- eXeas
fat on the top grades is involved:
. To what -ex -feta- ,,the hew grade,
Standard;, , may be used in iner-
chandising-ineat, depends, on eon
surlier deinaml, In view of the con-
sistent .conatineer, trend, away from
tht-,hi meats it May be that' the
neW grade could meet. the require-'
tents of-qttite a number Of people,
This Standard grade will consist
of.beef; Which is equally as youth-
ful as. Chaide and Good grades,
well -fleshed with leen.,,meat
andless fat', than.meat graded as
Good. 'Standard may be .,lightly
leas 'tender ,than GOOd,lint it , will
also' be less, Wasteful ' in cooking
thatt.the 'twe fop grades., The rib-
bon branclnlark for Standard grade
will; he iiroym, • „ .
The Inlet otitieism.Of the ori -
bit grades was that . the ,third
grade,. Commercial, -was too broad
in -setipe At the top end it inolud-
l'Steer and heifer beef of good
conformatinnwith slightly leas fat
than the 'Choice and Geed, grades,
and ranged linwn, to iifelnd0-10111%
beef type. covvs, This eanadtit,'„Shine
difOcultY in setting1.-fairprice tor.
'the. grade' When cattle' Were being
MU by the producer on ,a eareass
baSia," It also hindered, any, wide.
Use of the grAite: in the Meat trade
,where more Specific designation of
quality is needed.
Stormy : i/Veatheir
• For a ',virile .there it if
we „Were going to: have just -about.
the- eaSiest,,fiiibeat kind of'winter
weather We have had in years -We
kept, hearing news abont ,Itow: it
was unusually eold down South this
season, aniktliese Of ns wIo c16ifi.
belang ,•te...thatAtainiy: group which
,eahi take -time of to fellow •thesnit
began to feel pretty Siting .1 know
.Said more than: Once that there -
is, Minting like good Old-fashioned
Canadian- winter..
Well, that's the trath', Ther sur
inst When -the 'Old Weather ;Man
had tis _lulled ,into thinking that he
had lost alr his ,punch, he'uncoiled
one that still has us. gaping:' •
Time weelia ago :the Teat -her' took
torn:which alineatkept, nre from.
taking:to ,:the road .but,,,,With -dare
and patience..y.m6.dd' it: 'fa
.althongh., I hiuSt_Phave, passed - at:
leaSt,,teir Cara whieli, had not been
quite, . so- fortunate ',and.' Were--Iett,
the diteb,;.: Then. 'last,
Two Hospitalize
In Sunday.ACcident
- About $300 damages „-
when a ear left the road and over-
turned in a ditelt-on 'fog -shroud-
ed highway 23 cutte., just send - Cot
1VIonkton, early, Monday morning.
G,eraid Hoelscher, Seaforth, escap-
ed injury when he miSsed the curve
in, the -fog _and' his car skidded into
the east ditch and rolled over.
• Provincial 'Censtable .i.loYd Weit-
zel, Stratford; ve
eiss sDoozmioan o. Don,dCampbellasaonnd Rs oo nn
nie McMillan; of Kitchener, visited
,ParsA pieters left last week to
visit „relatives in Holland The trip
was' made by- plane from Melton
„.The,.regular-ineetiog..of 'Eginond.
Ville:XPI.1-4waS'hekreir„Stinilay ere,.
'Ong, with:', Margaret Weed",'4: the,
President', . th During, the
•bitsiiiess.'Dahlrenieer was elcted
.v166,14toide4t,',',04d..gruce COleinan,
press- reporter.. planS...Were: "Madeevetung Feb 28
' ljfp0 OAS tiOnekl
Ain Forrest'.',CatiVeiter the Faith
OnteliShr.Centinission eoc
•144-.Ned1,.:read, the ,scrspture fol
'led in
PraYer.;„:; Dr. J. sehirilei' *4's guest..
The,:heittheeting:,.Witi beli ein
. • , „ .."..
weekend the Winter .reallY. It loose
They saidit was- he worst .bliz*arel
,,PithnAetrahtdd:.i.aclis'yrtle:etat: alwaysno,di*nt. 'a::::ttiorirttrnietbilei'llnwIn
baPpening„ and this one WAS :110,
'exception. • After 'bioveing
herd 'ler a couple... of -days, it was,:
'quite Clear 'that: .1watild heVer. get. ;
mitet'the, clriVew0y,..let albite make? ,
anytime- n the- road, .I found..out :
1aterthat provneiat police were
statiid 'aTt-the edge �l alt the
towns around t� prevent any driver
. In a case. Such; as.:„his; one. al- ,
waYs returns • to „anold faithfur:'
friend who:in:aortal times, these
days, is often, ignored arid ,seorriedi 7,
Mean 'the' railway. ..W,henyI:got
doWn. to the 'station, last 'Monday,
affetiidoh the* Waiting . room was
and More peePle with .red
frosty' .faces -.were opining,
the . tirne, Ditaineas--was; really
booming because everybody knows
thatIong •afterthe roads are block.„-.•
ed,, and traffic is' to a staiic1tiIl'
the- old faitlital train is -still- get-. °
er, it wasn't gt-
ting tlirough. ekactly on time. f ,
'got to Stratford -all right, :but 'the
• • „
connecting tram .was late, in fact
:it:Was se late that td this clay
not; atire. that it- ever did. arrive!:
Another one; from another:
thin: and headed toWards, London;
'gat: there first, s� 'We all -took i •
..„..And just. inttme, ton • ' If' s a fun-
ny., thing.. The,- list few weeks I •
have been buSier than_ ever before- r:
in My „ Right ,noW:I den' t 'seetrk
to have five ,minutes to relax-, and '
yet ,when, I faufid,,inkself stuck. irt
'the Stratford „Stationtr. three hours
with ,,nothing , to, do . but ;rest. I, was
miserable.- .'We're • strange crea-
'tureS, .a,rent We? I have a suspi=f
eion_AliatLchrifiarinesSisi-,'.,.one•, of,
the strangesf, of •tuttnan character-
istics. When' We're' too. busy,, we. '
eorriplain because we never:have .
time ..just. to, sit" and take iteaSY;''
• When. we:got .the • chance,'we get
impatient -because we want to be
UPand doing. , „ ••
e-xPlatia-tion ,
the "Only one:On-is .affected.that
„war.' _.sitting , " That • statioir„.. r.
Watched all., t.he.._otheiTTOW.laraiiiid:'
inc . and they were Providing' apotindr•
the waiting, room like aged tigers.
Vend liad"...fhaught, that -.the stornv
had been sent.toplague theni per-
son -ally, and. that, -..they Conldn't. be •
spared:for' a minute:, , '
',Maybe, that' wastrue , for
but-I-Ttionbt-it.,' Take .
,aCthe',Storna„area-and'was-•.able tor,'
resoine-My norther .
I got .undeeWayr•again 1.fonnd. :that
nobody 'had tTh-Life
-1111gene on just the .sanie'andIalt•-2":
the things,. Whielr 'had .tlioUght-r„,
could not , possibly be poStpatteif
were, unaffected...
That storm Made Me
Malto m McKellar — Congratulations,
.1908 - 1958 •
_LA; i; Will stand a long, re'hg while;
Is fifty years at SerViee with a smile; -
We're proud to: have, yOu,, right here in our town;
"Y;ou're spirit always up and neVer down: -
,"A man you are. to 'town: and„ebuntry dear."
And Mac, may You be spared a Tong time,liere;
For fkegi'S •A'...Well-luityvat.figurc'en your
,Therigh long the hatirs,..7- you did:not go oh strike,
So 'let its -all say; • Tharik yeti,. Mac McKeJJar,,
Valued eitizPii, a' tip 4.4 feller; •
have been .bitildies-„all; those fifty ,Years-
IlaPpy.-'slayS together'„' not ninny tears.
...fGuard. well yeur, health,,,the,lears; howItliey.,ereep on, .
better,than.your old friend, ,John;, „ „
freday ,I..'scan, the years and (ince again;
reininsein far ,doWn.,-memorY's,lane....'
ISserwv e,fd,sr
te:itSp you ital paid
War: -years were bilaY ones', bath; day and,,night,...".
Messages for loved Onea„.so hard te write,
your 'chores there' 'moat be timete'play,
-And every -year, you „planned. a -holiday; '
' ,Zotir.:recent illness caused us iota of.worrY.•
Molcellar $Pirit-healed 'yott:in4nrry.
3'011N. 13NATTIE
, .
1957 Dodge Coach, -
1955' Chev. Cdach.-17;000 mile
1955- -Chrysler Ilardtop
1953.7,1 -*d; Sedan,
1952, ,0.1.fe'V-.'llardt(ip
1952' Pontiac Sedan.Delivery
1952' Sedan. ' •
119$1 Sedan'
1949 Monarch
1949 MeteprOdaeli,
1903: MeV.: Sedan
'1.946 -.Mercury::
No ileasonable .6ffer Refused „
;PRONE 541
.. . , .