The Huron Expositor, 1958-02-28, Page 1ti 4; - Ninety7Nint,h Year Whole Number 4700,, SEAFORTA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY FEI3RVARY 28, 1958 0 a Year in mgje Copies, CHAMBER Or. a:in:31MA a largelY attended dinner meeting ThorsdaY eve-__ c'ers fin. the. edrriing year. Shown here are (left to right). 'leo'Hagn seen-, mith, vice-president; Mervin ,Nott,. treasurer, and.- president. , • ' ¶'rging broadSUPE) rt . for 'What ,WC,,,,teltit, or -Petinit •it .tol*,*(11). Charribef'''o , .onirrie tee' as .0, pro-. *EferforinaiieeS in the:, Past '"-dee ade s lectnr.,;::of tLe11:,ree enterprise; '5.: have indicated*. that : gev. ernm en tS: -.:the..„-..Sre.a.fortni.pror.vieleid__an.d...:-, federal __levels, a mlier: .' at, itg-,'• antinal, Ceting increase: Pit „powers ...t'Vithdtit too- hatha--niajor !Tele .to play in • PVery.: Conan:Minty. , _ • • 'He ;said; the tree enterprise -- ys- tern was oni of th' niain,-selling: points in yerstiiding,•the uneorninit.7: --„ted'hations. to Join the,. 'Western powers. hut. that "the, Wily thingS: are going tiS.St3IIi11g poiiit i, r3 ---,going' to, be wortfi*-Mhe-li—b-echnse rare,ranidly...:MOying ,,,freedO,,,n.,af - enterprise frnin the '...North. , • • TrendS.'leading to a breakdown- of the free enterpri-;e ' lie- s -aid. were excesshc taxatiOn,..02.7,1 neglect -, of tbe• prin.:: -BritiSh!! jhStiee;. pedient 1egislation -High taxation, 'he said; enceUrage4::. inefficiency and' • :•Warning of 4,"*.trencliif 'llnentS' 'to ...:iperease-:their powersi. Coli:WhyW-reininded.hi§:"Mirlierice ' thattheTPPOple°-..:',d1r6 the govern haent., "The ;;Goveriiment :MAY. does Mr. and Shinemwere .. ,. hon- ored_in Toronto ;Sunday When the presentation to them: of a,,scr.011.,by Inembers of _their ,fainily., 'marked the. 46th anniverSorY., Of 'their mar- riage The s,croll, heayilk.'eniboss-• ed- and. ilhistrated.:came from ,'Ger= :Many . and is dedicated , in, their The, impressive.% religious cere- mony,. ''Whielr. took 'Place , in , their ,-:$_,ynagrigne; Was followed by a ,re- ception ...attended by nuir0,:than 300' trIeroiS 'and' relatiVeS, : Mr, and Mrs. .:Shineri; whO .have: been 'Valued regiderits: of Seaforth • for 32 -years, . Were married in White Russia. Shottly..7after221-the. Sliiiien. ornigrateete: Canada;..,;;Settling---iii.-TOronto..-About: 18 months later Mrs.-:"Shinen lowedhim to 'Canada,. and in,r1p2,4- the'Oid:Boysi. Rettnion was •in ,Progresa..hete, ;Mr. Shirien re calls—they - :name. to Seaforth. • For a- number 'ot„YearS., they ,-resided in 4EgniondVille.„;Same years, ago they: .3purch,aSecl the Main Street build- ing nOW,,OCe0Pled:t$T their business and apartment: • ' Their amlly consist S Of &dor' • daughters-: -Mildred, er, Toronto; Ethel, Mrs. Harry .Eznil Iszieliovies;,:s.:Seaforth;:'' and Miss Ruth Shinen...Toronto..There, are gandc , r, , ,Purchases: dditiOrtal Chairs .-.A-sath_AeOLChai for loan'has been :purchilsed by the CPT coin- miittee according to a report given by -Miss ,Ma Smith, , at the regular 'meeting of Edelweiss Rebe,kah, Ledge Monday night. Of these sit. chairs now :available, two have - been Placed in Scott MeMorial Hos- . Mrs, Hugh 'Mot -Ups -en,' Neble. Grand; presided over, the Meeting. A donation. was Made to, the Navy Leagite. of „Canada. Also at this .rfrade,- for . euchre, to fellow the ne)d.meetine The meeting: will commenee at An invitation is being extended' to WThglaarn Rebekah Lodge to at- tend the regular April meetipg atned Voting Delegates Bolton, 'IR" 1. Dublin,'• , Robert Welsh; RR 2, Bayfield, And "Crescent Dayman. RR 3 Exeter; - 'Were. named voting 'delegates by .Huron - County ''Whext--Pmtlitgers. - The first antilar 'nieeting of the organization, held in Clinton 11,161.1 day,:figmed the ,three delegates to represent., the , county's 700 grow- ers, ',-recently-formed . On- tario --Wheat 'Producers' -Mar.40Pg' Alternate , delegates 'appointed were.Marvyn Daymati;AR 3;.txe- er a$ Williant Wiggins, ' AA 3; , edgeth at „there „is nothing like tak,;., invirieriey 'but ;-of: one picket- and, putting it haelc* inth Miany Others t6'. get . Votes."., We ...Must •look careftilly at:, every step ';',Whicli takes autorti-' 'ony. ,fromr:the Municipal_ ;field ,and puts :it *inth. the provincial,` - and also .froin ',ther,-provincial. and 'illits' it in- to 'algoverrime";:it. We must: do alt hi- our power to tr and tut back the Powers-,-from:71;lie-proViit- cial and, federal agencies 745 Ons' municipal' levels: But ,-aboye:;'.all,: we iiinSt*.strive to do our ,innuist to keep ,governments on • all., leveIS, .frOintaking., _phores perl.y.„hi Klotigje-private enterprise!' DisejuSSitigAlie-:,-WOrk, of, 'a ideal chamber Of .Cornireierce'llie.'speab;et 'stresSed: that , Merely belonging te chamber of .Corninerce-iS not 'en. otigh. :.ffIt' is .triie,Y. that, the -chain, her must3iave tile mbeisshitis-:14.Sur-. Ativ.eas_expenses ,must be pid but, a'..ehaMbet t�-' be worthWhile:. m Ust do.,..-sornething.' More, than merely collect fiirida.' forits survival. I is lehdid: Thing t.6' have 'a 'good preSident. .,and" -.a good. Sectetery;',, they , make. a, .treinefidoliS; tOrdribut, lien' to your:. Org,anilation-,- but -theY, .4Iose eannot,:produee;.the- vitality that ...SeParates-',"'n.tiied-::.':-.Chanilier,- froin:' 'a • „Poor. .one Yen:, Must be prephired te„ . help :',,the exeCittiVe. When they 'ask:. yen. for help. You must -Work: On ' every level .of the, chamber rnoyernent.';- You iinist have. strong committee's; you must have „a strong board of direetorS,'", • col: VVIIY-te, ,W116'1., a past presi- dent. of the Stratford. Chamber , of Cornineree- and A past direetor Of: the -Ontario Organization,. was Erbdticed:by;.;A. Y. 1Vt.cLean, AP. preciation of the 'Meeting was ex- pressed by ROSS- Sava -age: '. Chairman of the meeting Was C. J Sills,. later namei . organiza- tion president ,reyieWed chamber activity '.and :-Stiggested •a prograin.'for the i corrxing,. . Year; Greetings . from the town were -:.ex - Tended: by Mayor B F, ChriStle.'.- The erithuSlastie 'meeting; atteiict- ed by nearly eigh± Seaforth buii- ness' and i'profesSional Men,. adopt-.: .a ,repoit „presented. 'by :Eimer ..L,arone..o„ the -nominating O1fics- are: *,:jiast ptesident:. ;J: .rice-iiresidcrits.: *cliff Rrea-dfoef,;....treasurer;_nervin 2:Slott ;.• secretarY, 'Leo Hagan.. Coin- mittee chairmen. named inelude; industrial, .1*. A. Stewart;pi rc - ants; G. A. „Whitney; 'ineninership, P.S. • civie roV6rrient. J • Crich; adVertising, Mrs.. Walker. I Hart.) • - ' .'Foin secieta.ry-;managei. *of the. Stratford •C. of ' C., *and- indus- -trial---,comrnissiorier ,1fOr Stratford,. ,speke brif1y. as alsu did... R. . C. Drew, manager Of the...Midwegterir 0r31 :r .A. WcMaster ."expressed appreciation tothe ladies. of St.. ThomasCireh, who "'catered ' • :* • . • t isher Dies - Suddenly " years, editor et the Blyth Standard, died 'Suddenly, ,..around 4:00 am. Sunday A.,year....ago.•' Mr, 4VhittnorekSuf., fend \,a,4beit'Vf ;attack of the "1u" .vvhieli-lie'f'W-a7g''' 4 Tohg. recovering, his', normal health? But he had "remained the --job' all -.-the'11410..::,iintil- last, Thursday:when : he took another attack 01- "flu.' ,The imniediate cause •o0:, death was at' 4ierfOrated ulcer cauSing haemorrhage. Mr. Whitmore, who was in his SOth-; year, was a native ' of Col- borne township, near ,EI•ciderich. Af 'ter. Serving an apprenticeship, with the -Clinton News -Record, he bought the :Myth Standard :some 29 years ago, from the Jate A. W. Robinson. - his -Wife; the ;former Gladys' 1ake, . also of Colborne township, and one Son, ;Douglas, ho 'as*Bisttaehdd.dabrisfat.le.r'.1fi publish ipg e . The remanis7rested at.the Tasker MeniOrial Chapel, until Tuesday, when a • fafgely., attended funeral service Was held,inBlytli'Trillted . Chureh 2,3P p`,1117:'-'11-ey.7-Charles Scott, of Sarnia, n -former -Minister at BlYtlf,, officiated, and interifient was in ,*Clintoncemetery. - - y • "This is not only a day of prosier, but a,--daY '.6-f-givitig,-and7;sharine *Ss, Jennie Hogg, Old the wOmen• of Seafprth and district who gath- ered at First Presbyterian, Church Priday. Afternoon, to 'observe the. , „ Wotler'Day.of Prayer:- 11/1iSs • in an 1impressive address, gave a vivid . picture, of iworrien of ' thewprld—wbite, yellow; black and' brown—in Arctic Old and tropic heat, united in a common bend of prayer on this ,day. '-- MRS 40.11N'L-$311T1I, - known Seaforth .tesident,- whn.„- • will celebrate , her 'Ord birth- day at her, home hereon „Snot., , daY:' 'Mrs.:- Smith is in gond : health, and keeps house for yer - son, with When): She resides. She told' the gathering how-- the _WOmen.in,,Ifidiagathered.inlittre„ groups under the trees for an all - :day service;' how the African wo- nien offerings Of .Corn and rice. :Continuing, the speaker,(juot, ;ea the . words:, of .Helen McKelIar, "we should prax.not for -tosks.-cq- ual to our-poWeTs,- but powers et- ual to - our -•.PraYer 'Has ,Grent-: Tower ---.-Prayerishe :concluded, is-. theAnez force least used, yet .the mightiest power in the .World. She reininded the community women that in the. words of the. Apostle St. Patil, they should, ."pr -ay : .Without eeaking.". They houid, in thewords of the poet, 1whisper' a prayer in the morning, whisper , a, prayer at .noon, whisper a prayer in the 'eVening.rto keep .your heart' in tune. .C4-od an- Swers.,--prayer. in the morning.. answers prayer at prayer hi, the evening He'lI seep, your heart in tune." - Mrs. J. L. Bell led the call to worship; assisted by a choir of dis- trict:women,- with Mrs, jameS. Stewart at the organ. ' Theme • of ,the progroin this, Year was, ."The Bread of the or- der of service .prepared year by ; the Women a Australia7 Local, leaders for the 'day were MrS, Orland:Soh-listen; Mrs. Bruce McLean, Mrs. Semple and 1Virs. Short prayersvere given by 11/trs, Oldfield,.,\ Mt-Ss:MAE-Sinn ,hrMrs. W. J;Thertipson, Mr a„ William Ball, Mrs. Ebner 'Rivera :and Mrs, Nor- man Schneider. A solo, ‘.`Near, To the ,Heart of God," was beautifully sung' by .Mrs: • - Tbe-offeringi' Which is used for intern:a:06nel. eigittiiiif.'litei-att*, W4s. received ,b3r,„,,Nfra-',4;:.1vLeGteg+ir and : Mrs,' R. wright. ;Ushers.,m(gre Miss Ace 4anitibeiVaixd Mrs? The iii.104-1. Eipositor. JitIS -"1.3ePn . , Warded;tlie i&airehild :prize for the eSt use of pictures:, during- 1957 .bv an.Oritariii;.;,weekly newspaper:, Tite Contest was .conditeted,bY the ;Ontario 'Weekly „'Nevispapers-- AsSO- and. ihr 311 rd touteed (hiring . the .:Orinual Con- '*Vention.of llieasS•kiatien*-iii:-.Toron; to FridaY.; • ' • • • 1114gEd 011 three ;issues , chosen: .from. the,year Use .award whining papers',featured.7..pidturesi.:4.-gt'ojc .PiiiilipS;T:Seaforth:,hncl ROY Har- inan, ..Toronto,, third:year flYersell student whO,spetit the Suirtnier oii the.,Staff of ,thisi.jjappr:',::piPtureS 'On Which ..the aWard. :Was ,based, ed -those of 'aCtion-Sceiies,.' at Ses lori1 Loiis POOL construction.„at crotnap,.. ty::Feed buddy:4of porm-. ahent. n,th at Seaforth.z.Agric - -tutal,',Park,-*,:lVlariSel Cook. barn...;fire, Seaforth 1 hrari an, orreta: Tho inp sot :Fair .and Briissels FaU Fair.''• Eica,Ok V .". NOlaii itoPliy for best ,611- reund, weekly. riewsPePer in-: the :elaSS.,,frr 0)31111) 0011135 hetWeen 1;500 and -1:500 •Other whiners -in, tbis class„:.were .Aurora Pariner: and. TilbUry 111ue. 03 or 4;500 pePulatien aWaril,-*-ilie Ankara :Banner .aw.ard, Went :to,,the Midland Tree PreSs; under 1,500,,the Jeseph* T. Clark ti aptly went : to ,the Chester. -.Press, :RedneY. MerturY and:* Cbesteryille Redord., 13est tronf". page, E. 1' Stephen i.on trophy: Bewitianville , Cana dian. Statesman' Exeter AdvoOate. Tillies';',,,WitiehesterPress; using Atilfokan „pro-- gress; Stouffvifle nib -tine; Chester,: The plaque tor COnntry,,eiirreSliondontWas award= ' Jeffery .ot. the • ,.- ,r'.. -conyention:".*PditOrS. were' urged 10 spriMe Up ,' their •p4iier's ;by .zriakiag.thein'niore:Stirti jourrialisrn and4printing,..tiariage-:, .ifient.: at .Toronto's Ryerson mali- tute lot "TecliiiiiingY.,,," said :there is -a. tirdnes in the wrsting style.' and. page layouts �f many wcekly -newSpapers if. the editor. aren't having any fun.' -' . Ontario's ,:..Weekly press, does a thorough job of .keeping -its. readers ,informed of ..16Cal„ :events. „Mit . cdi- tors should strive to aceoMplish" the .same goal' in...a': More .interesting fashion lie. said ' • ' L. Elston Cartiilf; Bresiels; was chosen candidate _for, the March 31. election by Huron Progressive Con, servatives at a rally in ,,Cluiton Friday. Mr. Cardiff ,niesnber Df parliament,- for, the last 13- years, ‘vas., the only one nominated' at, the meeting in the Legion Hal.. He: is hi his, 70th- year.. ' Mr. Cardiff Was elected meniber' for the Formerriding of . f,North- Huron in .1940....1045, and 1949,-, and for the new Huron riding in....1955. and 1957. In the parliament just dissolved,' he, was -government whip. The unaiiimens choiCeof the ineet,; ing, he was nominated by, R. E. Pooley, Mayof Exeter and the nornmation was seconded by Mrs:, Douglas. Mooney, .Goderich; Predicting . that the. Conservative government vvould go back: after march 31 with an absolute. major - it M the House' of Commons, Ca d ft, expresSed satisfaction that: -We'll go- *back withat least 150 spats." Liberal and CCF tactics in I the Hot ere Th-W-Tere -.blamed. by -„ Mr_ Cardiff for 'the necessity of an elec- tion., much time --Was,, be- ing .wasted in the passing of bills, and, it- cost $1,000 per hour to run Parliament. - - Principal • speaker • for the even- ing, John B. :Hamulten, former pan., lianientary assistant to the,„„minis- ter of citizenship and immigration, told the group that aofeeling of ligtehatioenlymefPirritililta:1;:ee:nec'th: he th-%ucPers6tigl' t°r:evilotelvreeilsidr:111:erae6:1111rftindi4;reenu'heosi, on satu 4ay, shonl&-.0-6,:allewed to interfere with ight atthe Mitchell ekreIo_ gionveterOnemhenwttd:e;ttsh_, st' sp,:;1,04-teeta„.tlittd Seaforth the. hmdtowpers .Ban- notI get in the position that the Lib- ta„,,e1r: .d:tdhf-eroaNioilqs ot-1;•I°^14--Cli --.1'f3rini2dallitaSntoOdf-ptBlha'aney'IMtVaTialli1117-ge‘ar:Ct°P'll' :S.1Ainera'Otf:Aher't'-:117Trnthhiee: • id afetrmtheer McP, *f.(i)nr -ether semi-finalists are shallow York We 1 conservative shdolc..1 ,ataa'd" 'fdrre.. Lake and 'PalmerSton Ida :Yiag .011 - Canada, Crown, CotothooNea,lth: 1ThorethNle'l"Bearnstaomf ta1Cell" seehraiernsPliolanyshaffiP. Ccinsfitution; Commons f-ancl _. Jim Dick opened, the scoring for. petition e a era Mg on what,se .seaforth in the first:period Johly to mth, Ana 1j. geiss,te3sre;oeituFei 0 thei iptstetuh,13,p3re, e: tjahAdep'thli.loee .tlinysttosbrIeNionbrg._- ‘7 m rnir a , e second!.geaTOFtlie, to James the 'hemetowners in the .!:ad ,rieli-7a-E-d-.aPoroyed wltb 1,..to.wev17., seeQuv , the 1*,‘:'initigeenth:lie6c1:"Wpsarusoset'oCabellidseinclrgvseaill'311wbloy7s:mtetli.e.'7D-47111_:-..getticai:n''IP:g°iLt.httitesslirn'-osaneleondweritoh("1- Jimmy s. t{iti ikes vention ,gathering, it up. the late Thomas •PrillYdeni,..,e;b°0r!Wd0s zlohretd,lothtiee BgoCilDaintsmi2°..1a. for ten .Ye8"rs •CnnserYativO*IVIPP for the visitors to -.Put Them ahead 0 - 7 N'AnETI--- C()N-SERVAlli- ,VE -,.--,:,---._.,HE-R, oN -LIBERALS—eh-68e- , ,. candi.,..,1ate._th_:conte,St.' the • 'ele.fle-, ' tion in Huron is ElstoMeardi , , Woldill' Elaxli'lefer :Ia. Cw7,ehrraa.nsethell.V-ceaanr; . ' w,ho haS ,b'ecia:Mp,m, ber , since . dida,te in the fortlicomi, n_ g elpc-, b C 011 ` hTahrel e es omn ye. natiuogah, tw6117 EcxOne tdeitre_pt erde bs, ht The h.opeiehplays Tre pressure enli,wder in,ostititttaeh;ri slco, tt atie dent 01 the -association-. The 'aPea.K-but seafurth held them . off, and er was introduced -by Elmer Beit the seore ended ' • Q.c., of . EXeter-. and: ;thanked by , . ,• George Ginn, Goderich ...towns the' first gaine ,of the Bantarn :After nearly 43 years on ±h job Herbert,2,NombS,:„..Well-known'.Eg, Mondville reSident,.,. retired from Robert Industries "Sinned: tins-. week. Ile Was 'stationary 'engineer, .at the 'plant and held his first-class. en: kr: doonihS.-‘ca'st.:.Went': to Work,. the firm -known then as. The Robert Bell Engine, and Thresher, Co; Ltd,.:was busily ,.engaged "in itatidaeturing,;:_-sheus . during.. the Ffrst well& War... :while in the be- ginningteaiTuPeoaaiiii;a13-i)g,:sorogd6,0nd 'beaect until : he, had -,.Obtained his first.::. _Clas.C..engitieer:s) papers. topk :a great 'pride.in,the' waY in Whielf: he -.kept ;•flie. peWer- and heating -plant:Operating efficiently. So -that there' .wouldhe nb. doubt that there ,w,ould he ' -power when Work start,. 'eel,' for ,Years': Mt.. Coombs riiade.11 a: praetiSe to: start Work at six o'elogk!.eaph. morning,' ' bour ,earlier-tliiii the rest of the": st jut :_the • same • as .anYbOdY While.--h47Wastet 71.e.- ,Ouired _dO......soy'bUt_rather out, Of a iseifse"of duty,"for,:many, ' years he worked roOre;than 60 lieurs. a week. .,Nof feeling' too well recently, CoolirbS,-. Who will be 70 in decic.led ,it was time . ,retire;Re Will 'fake -.'things-. easier now, -and, looks • forward to -Watching -hockey, -and- ether entertainment en his, tele-,, , •: - Expressing regrel Mr. retirement,' Btad, .Bell In- dustries..'Manager, Said it :wasn't, often a cOrriPany had the benefit. of an ..employee as, conscientious and ',faithful ,as ,41r. -CoombS,. had been. He 'hOPeO.'he ':wOUld. have Mani years of etijoyllient in retire -- menti ' ; , Rorn-hi Winthron,, Mr. Coombs -Moved to Egineridville shortly 'af-. ter- beginning. Work. at. the Ben 'Plant .Iti 1910 be married to Anik :Worden —Also. of 'Winthrep., aid theY.--• have • farriilY.' d • six sots, They are ,Paliner, ot London -and. Cleve,. ken, Wes, Ray d Fei nMerWIVM-LNPoaiungthed.ths1Yeeirnetrta°rdYlic_,eoaf .‘twhee. ;:r-.111"e-it2golaWynoeffrss-ctintheUIViuiltvoerirtt°ollr:: Wti71,ei party executive in the rielitigt:Ifirg:, a, 54 !tiverifinc , F.• G. ThOMPSOm and '.- vice -residents Dr E. A. McIvias-eaforth'" in, thefirst; period:. Stpv- 'ten • Seaferth, and IL ...Li.: Sturdy., erison 'scored :for Milverton to tie, Auburn. Also on the platform -were it- Up, and Deeton, Put, Mi • lverton up and .,John. Morrissey, Warden of :William 'Willer,' Mayor , of Clinton- art AO -Tend the scoring, HA- the first, :Iluron- peruou „Tom ,:Diek..,Segred his .Second. goal in the, second *rind,: Only to , have h f ,1 ton te kuters °vie Monne PAurch 27 The annual review,- sponsored by Seaferth Figure .Skating.'Club, is being held this year on' 'Thursday evening, March 27, was;:announg, ed. this .week. .` 1-1 Taking , part the earniVal:.wjll be the. thirty nierribers. of:the:Sea: forth Chill, ..whO'havorbeen hard At -work during recent :weekS, practis- ing •tticutintherS they., will present Instructor -,==is Arthur ,- BOurke of Stratford.. ' • Kipier note one or 11.ver give them -a lead in. the. '..secorid period.. BilLTeallscored SeafortiVs. third goal ah then Torn.Dick• scar,: ed .his „third goal of -.the. night, to put the liometowners in tbe. lead stovensen- eacfrie through.. for; Mil- verton, to tie 11 up andforce over: - time -_ Tara Dick 'scored his fourth, goal of the night, to '.gi3:46 the bofnetown- era a."4-4`witl. Tht retiira game in' Milverton is ThurSday night at '7' Midgets Lbse. ..--Abotrt---600-spectatorS. saw PorI- ElghT Midgets "eliminate 'Seafoith l(ihsmen gidget ;front the -running Tne'sdaTT'arSeifortitLarena. Port.' El.in paced the score to eight 1h Seaforth-' colleeting only „„Port Elgin the Series :When' li!ter to ,Seaferth'.'4.--0-Thurs- day„.night, they came hack on their te the hub ef acariCN:1,infnae,rrna;::0` ..,hs3-P::!*f7e),4'ntih'ePP:11:5n4dtailt..libtrfiedeeanYS:rat,ii-lit'ulidrbdhflaty'-:Itadhin, wa nominated by William EJston of • an ...W;h:t....ehra,111-, A; E:943: gIvr aand 1:cata le WO': etihseebil; eaIellh:.',..cholaftievd'414'w'giac:Ilie. -et Raac-37c account eta iiifos:; .':'ZY.,,eurrs,....11-eth;`• los; 'a:'"Y:-.-lea:teyren.r1OPntht'aertijosin;:g:14:1 ;the .saforth...goals_ For .port -,9en-rane has hmi,e0181d.etablre: laig; 7.E1 -gin Don-Honge, kon—Rei- . an exPerie.:Rce;4---heMg.:4,*--v1.0&, while TuiniM presidenl df. the Liberal Riding As-' lldge°111chIllcounted Dou'nothedg Dttint; soctation for prot-inial. purposes.. gp011, scored once„ aH.pe. wthati::,seevcroiayear etar,,eyosf. theorgaxliza, Scaforth 4, Port Elgin . tp. lrt the opening gaine, of --the ser- Tie haS had --six. years' .experi- ,.igTa joem:4)41Loy,ygoal of ,fiefirst fru.u.ipinder ee ineniber of Exeter town ,pr-- coupsl, i1?--11-iding two years as .40_ci. In,:the second le , Harvey ,Da, Bia)1.and-er:year as • Deputy-- Iwerioennnttheinete finnl alone,j, -pa whilehasas;h,,ferLosa:rurrith, Dale goal itRay.eN,vecv. re111 Exeter, where he :Joie-611%46ga- was' -tallied by Bilk . Pinder from .14-4TrnVeeY'.kaPmaleer*Was.: ''re'al!'-thriller- with.:S8aforth.'penhlized'only onee While- the Port Elgin . squad' had prg the final minutes- ef play Bob Reith. of the. Seaforth " Stidad, was injured,..:, badly ; 'Weakening :* the -16-i 'deferiee for tha i-eniainder ef the ""seties. ' , Port Elgin 3, Seaforth '. Seaforth 'were edged out 'in their -first loss Of the %Year- When; Port Elgin - the to take .a close game Satan,. „Scoins-started. ' the scoring for Seaforth on a :Rasa from Pinder, in the first period. ln , the seeond;,•Larry Dale,:,,counted; then Port Elgin started With a goal by In the thtrd the iierh team tied. it -up, With Dong.Duncigeontal, 1Y,ing 'from Mite1el1, Mitchell then scor,edtlie winning kOal ''TJie Tor governine a nothing more than. *continue, a, gram we started three .5,'" -ears 1Walteril,fatris :bald abetit ,25040, sons, at:.,;ese.Ti4ron.Liberalr/Ond tion :meeting in C1iton T,J*4 ,The foriner ;Liberal financter 3"as commenting 00 e:: ed publie Worksr,reeentlY,,., baker:•, . ‘fThe, ConserVatiVes' fiOthing positive .abotit, .nnein nieni.because they -claret, kno,„y:' 1e,',(10,":„the .speaker charged -Begirding • trade., policieS:i Harris,thld the g0OU)'that:Con0- itiVe trade policies will :ten antagonize the ',.,Ealtede biggest :Single 'inarketi 'custothet: • '"Trade Wash cline(' under-. every,: gevernMent :in this centir speaker:, remarked - William G. Cochtaiie:43-:y Exeter, lawYer, waschosen clatelor.the .1[areb,31:-Thder tion after:: a -,tWe-irian. band rneeting He was:_elPeteCO V. S. Archibald. 13,R .4; Seaforth civil engineer smith.fariner,, who; later tbrevsk, fullupPort" behind mr. .ctoo- to make the, choice.unaniniousZ; propos' d for nano tia but who Stood :aside froth'. thetenitt* teSt 'Were A. Y. McLean, 'Seatd,t fernier:Liberal ,3;1 y. and candidate 'Huron: :Ivan ;Kalbfleiseh;., .ich; Cecil*Blake,'fteeve'.,bf:::AsOemr, Township.';' 2,--Sea0erti1;;-G:orden-IWeGaViOWOr„, Hawkins; _Clinton; BreS* dent :7 -of Ilureii l,iharal Asseciathin• and,Hon, Walterf-Harris,.. ; :CncliraneTexPreSSeetlibt:Te-PF mg' that he, had grown 'n.p awareness- Of. farthing:, problem;: having 'been:raised' in Eketer,ivitich, A Lineups ;for . the 'seriS Were:. ' PORT ELGIN—Goal; BrOwn; de: fence. Mitchell, and 'centre, DOug-,.pundgeoui,LwingsAteid.',.anO Grant r alternates,.:Pon .Dundgeon '(COntinued, on -Page 5). , • ” ve 1 . • Claiming :that the ' „bargaining power - of the farmer is loSt•unlesS ,he' directs hogs from his .oWn stable, Gordon Hill, Varna, President of, the ' Ontarie 'Farmer's 'Hilton, pre- serited, a. :, petition to the annual: meeting Of. the Huron County hog, :pkoducers„,--Held in Clinton. Satur- day. the. meeting voted two to one against 'the 'reSeltition, , requesting' that the board ' set, up, on a trial basis; -a, syston'Of." directing' hogs Item the farmer's barn straight to _thp,e. packer, ' . ' ' , , , -- - t4, ._ A-- resolntion . itrooluccd-, bythe resolutions " cemin1,tee, headed by - i Ed. Hendrick; ' St hen-, TOWnShip director, approving , f "the present system ' of, assembly',:, yards, . - was stipported by 'the large,gathering.: One: plan is enough at , a .tiine 'Was the ;fgeling of. several prom -,'tent hog Rochicers in voicing opiri- %Ms -on Mr. Hill's resolution. They': felt. the assembly yirdS should. The giVen a fair trial, , ,,,•e-ereeted AS the ASsociati -Rons' 'exectitiVe wore:"... pOsident; W. 11, Lobb,;_.CliateigL first. vice-president, Ross Love;RR ,2 Hensall;. second Vite,PreSident, Albert Bacon, - Bel - grave, and seeretarY4teastli'er.:Al- fred Warner; Bayfield. ',..:,•beregatgs 'clibten„..16, represent the AssociatiOn at -.The , annual meeting of " tho . proir,itiefal , orgah- • .. ,..,:. . gus, of Seaforth, .• A. teacher was 'having difficulty making a 'little' boy understatid subtraction, ' "Now, Bobby."- She said, "y00- have fingers. Suppose Jour were missing one day. What would you have then?" "NI) -13tehe , he repliedhappilY, , . iation were Mr, Lobb,..gigin „Pon. ter', Goderich township;: Alvin Rau, Zurich, and Simon 'Halla.ha,n, grave with OrvabTaylor, Belgrave, as 'alternate:— ' , Tribute Was paid to Huron ty, as one Of ' the. most progres- sive onps.iii assisting in getting the present program of marketing hogs -started, .by „ot.the. Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing. Board,.., Eldred.: Aiken, ' Allenfard,` Production has, clrepped off:softie in Huron _County this year, he' said; adding.' that last year -year Saw' 139,000hogs inarketed-;:.."Patatio does an 185,000,000' d, year business -in, hogs —01 Which Huron's share is'. $6,.. 000;600," said Mr. -Aiken. Speaking assenablY yards costa, he re- ported . that in Six ,years: the cost was 96 'Cents per -hog, and that the cost c ,rise as more yards Ire Set'up, ;DTACfiaffig—th-'e—pl.:esynt fifirket, ing set-up of the association. SartieS I3oytiton, secretary of, the Ontario Hog l'roducers' Association, told the- group the - present Ailari costs -24 Cents per hog and. pro -rating„ which. amounts, to '5 cents' per how This is a sharp contrast to the costs , on Vnion Stock Yards pre-, viensly. The .1.egality of the mai» keting las been clues:, boned, by produCers, he said,point- „ ing t, that the legislation- wak up- held -in the findings Of the :upreroe Court. "statement of the number of • hogs shippedandthe tattoo identi- fications will_ have to he supplied by the, truckers in thefuture,. fol- lowing the, adoption by . the meet-, .ing—Of a resdlution,;tevering these points. • • 'IYOUglaS thral :representative for , Huron Cothlty,-presided , for the election of township • directors and': dee- gates ,and I alternates, which , re- sulted as - ,ToWnshiii, Of Ashfierd,-. • director and- . delegate, Finnigan, alternate : director,. William Iltniteri. Colborne, Fish- er, Ill,,Fisher; GOderieh;,A,.1%..';War- ner, William Longmire; Stanley,. -..COlernan, 3. Taylor; Hay,. Ross LoVe., 0, Grenier; Stephen, 'Ed; Hendrick, Bruce Shaptbn; •T.T8r borne. Hai* . Hem- --rearki. Grey, M.tDerinis, Doitglas'lleiting- Wa4; y11,4116xietta"OLI:YerclSstettwithar,t,0Arorndoolud o Tnelterstnitli, :Wilfred Cole - Man, A. MeGrpgrir; East Wawan, ash,,Tieliert'Arrostrong;Prank,Nes. hitt; Weat WaWatiosli,,,VV, Good; „'W, kettelian; MotriS,,;,A. Raton, Barry Mulyey;:lIowlek,t Harding and G..Ailgsts public and high school, since 1946: Prior to that time he served four_ and one -half -years in theArtny; Most of that Itime overseas. , The. Liberal Candidate,: who Will face Elston:. ,Cardiff, • Conservative UP. for the;:riding and..candidate., in the forthcomair".election, is married to the former Elizabeth -Martin, af Sinicoe.,-.,TheY- have *a firmly of three daughters: -1Wart11.44:,. 1$ TElizabeth, .10, and Mary, p. Hugh:'Ilawkins. Was 'in 'charge ,Of the ..ennVentiOn; and ,Hugk Hill, ..9,0„detiehL`lehaithfaai.. dariag•,: the. :series -Of short .addiessO.by seven of the propOsed,...nine 'persons: ,Spe.. retary of the.:iconvention proceed - mgt Harold Shore, GOderieh. Mi-,,.HarriS was introduced by Y; ,McLean and 'thanked' by. Mr. Scrutineers lot , the,. :Vote.. that .seleelad Aut. Cochrane ,were asso- ciation. _vice-presidents7: G'ar.46t. 'Hicks, • Exeter.,; "Earl CamPliell; -Hensall; , Robert' Siinpsen,-.Ashfield township; E p a in Snell, Clinton; John :Hroadfott, Tuckersmithi and, Elston, Morris township, • t1(1 o (me. aris emu' Work; Loy.. ore (tibia, ...Additional table which 'McKillop Municipal Telephone • System , 'pro- poses installing_Tthis Year,. ,win „re - Stilt iii_improyed..'serVice,'subscrilb ers- attending the'aiiiitiaTheeting-of - the system in Carnegie Library' here on:. Friday ' were :told. The cable, already., ordered, will eidetic' from GrieVe'S :Bridge, north to Win- throp, In all.- some 14.120 feet of cable IS inVOlved, , ' The proposal is part of an Over- all iniproverriOnt program' started several years ago. First PliaSe ,the program included . 'of Cable from :Seaforth north to Grigyes," bridge. -- With the layingof the Cable More circuits will be put it opera -2, tion and lines . which "have more.' than 10 subsaribers, will have ' the nttrnber reduced. .• •- -,..lteports available to the _meeting indicated that since 'rates. were increased last :year; the -pa*, eial condition of the system is muth improved. Total .reVellue-for-1957-- amounted to $15,246.4;. total roper, Ating expithes-vg!ere ing a.gross gain of '$3,169.87,.. Sur plus for year. amounted to*$2,926:52, • The Meeting re-elected eorniiiiS4- sioners George Campbell for a. one-year term, Harry Snell ,for tWo-year, tem: and Allan 'Campbell ' for a three -3 ear -term Following the Meeting; George CaniPbelt NOS harried chairman Of thepOrr,trniSstkin for low J M Eckert IS' secretary. treasurer.