HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-02-21, Page 4TIM Iiiii01.\T-ExPosrr
R,. SEAFORTH, -ONT., FEB. 21, 1
lassified ,Ads ..Inserted At. New bo8s.r. Cash ,i•Rites
'FOR SALE, vvANTED.LOST Abl'D FOUND, _ETC. r,,,-. Per Word!
lst Week
1nd,'Weeb ... .. ". ' er Cent
:..W.„aeJS; -...,.., . ....., ?A • t ., • • , • 1 • ••
, 14 Cea .
XiVigTitt c.hargel •
each': inf0e#10a• •,.• 15 Cents
Mari -figure, initial and abbreviation counts as.„.one gvord
. . . . , . ,
of Thanks,•In Memeriam. Notice's. COMing Avents-1 '-ceat Per:Word- Minnnam.
& cents .per 'we*: ...
• , ..,
, ....... , . "
41.13r,e9 play iie directed to a Box No., c/o rise Hurou' Expositorfo
r 1ceirii .ektra.
"'teeit. cebts, additional Wil; be oliaree4 if.. Ails in aboVe, class are not paid within • /0
• claYs" Pt date of final insertion. . „. . .
Marriages and Heath!" insertedfree of charge. • -
leo. sales, Notices to Creditorte.-Bates an application.
- , • - •
oining Even*
10E()0T-WednesdaY, February
oetaent, of Seaforth TOM) Ball,
•M. 'Firstprize, turkey • other Priz-
cot fee. .0.00. Open sights only.
Help Wanted
oinnist to understudy , our millroom
aunt& Pleasant working conditions,
fWages,,,,absiolutely, stead's., empley'-ment.
:MB • 'insarance, etc,' JAMES C11Jr:H
COMPANY, IngersolL
arst.: to general manager of proves-
at,„Maxinfactisring company. Must have
'shorthand,' passess initiatiye, be alert.
,d,..rdepandable, Top salary td capable
14.,-,,ICindly write full partieulars in own
isit1;•and salary desired, to 'Box 696, THE
H 'EXPOSVFOR. 4698-2.
EXPERIENCED "furniture finisher -in -
ng hand rubbing, shading and slimy -
If you want steady employment
Oder good' working conditions write us,
T't7lab3o1ute confidence, giving 'FULL de -
sof age, work histerY. etc. Box 693,
emnship of Hullett
:e "Council of the Township of Hallett
reeeiVe applications for one (1) '
ble Fly Inspector for the Township
1958, spraying et cattle for Warble.,
SalitrY bi he .85c per hour and .05c
mile Mileage while working in the
Plications to -be in the hands of the
' 1.,,March 1, 1959.
NV: CO*4-61; -
44, .....
Property For Sale..
;HOUSE MR-.• SALE -Six -room cott.age,
id siding, with hard and soft water, 2 -
lie' bath ; garage: a good henhouse. In
"Or "Tillage of Brussels. Phone 1/1 X 2.
: WES S'ilt:PPIENSON, Brit:sets "P.Ci:.
. In Nleinorianv,
'ELDER -In loving' irwra-ai-Y- of, a dear,
husband, 'William 3antes Elder;'' who pasS-
ed away ',February .18, "4357:
0 happy hours we 'ante- eRfoY"ea,'
How sweet thkir meraory still, -
But death has left -a lonelinees
The' world' gen.sretter _
-Ever , remenibered by. his Wife.
4699x1, • ...I
. . •
TAYLOR--in,,Joeinexisory of A dear'
son and:brother, Melvin. Taylor, who pass: -
ed ,away three years ago, F,e.kr.11467. 23,
This day bringS" clerk, -sad memories
" Of a• loved one gone:to rest,
But th se. who. think .of you today
Are the ones who Urged you best.
• --Ever -remereberect:bor-Dad
Brother a and •Sisteii, • 46994
or• Sale ,
FoR SALE--Hpright piano.
FOR SALE•-Choire handl Yorit' chtinks:."
31. HODDS: Plaine 833 r14. Seaforth.'
FOR SALH---ForrY nig% 949 Weeks
rid, Apply • JIM.' McG1tEa013,. KiPPerl.
Phone nerisall 6,93 r 12, • '
rov,. Ai.,E___-"kbor automatic e?•et'll'e
Glad -ironer, :newb'og.ncwfoli-tb,"berveleti
9 1
PHONE 3°7'. • • , ..„, in
-mirror, . sdarortb„
FOR $ALF -r7. • al'uin. WI
hall raa t actor,
" leanest burning 0
'ceafatOgill-T8e.Z. eenfertb, A,41:1974;
- FOR SALH-Holsrein row ohm n
soe7, al-
so a • lion alf.. GERALD' , VAN. DEN-
InENGnL. "Phone 852 r 11, Seaforth,
FOR SALE-Tvvo registered,,at.eredited;
vaccinated Holstein cows, one due in' Febru-
ary and one in May. BOADBN dRESB-L,
• FLOWERS -Cut fldwerS, :potted 'plants,
sotsages, ,,flOwera for . all - oecasion,S.,- ;See.
'Phone,A7,,,.:Seaferth. " 4691-9'
'" •
,Teers Wanted
rigt.:ItZreefaotf58 feet feet Seaforth. : °t
On the prupekty
kt tieVY'IO RON DirralitEed, 1,24
. Phone Henson 673 -
• 4699x2
BZ 11'2' Seaforth,
Farms For Sale
-• Aucn: Sales
• •
The undersigned: has': •received instruc-
tions to sell by pnblic: February
26th, at the hour of- 12:30'`P1eek,' froW.
JOhJi A Eckert.' at. Lek:351. GoticeSsion -6,
Logan Township, Wlesr north Of '134.??:.
lin, en County Road', consistirig '; •
9 Holstein cows r 18 Hereford andAtiz,
ham cowe ;dile in •March, 'and
Durham" and, Hereford steers and heifers
weighing from 600 to. 10 Here-
ford. and Durham steers and1,aelfei-si 500
to 600 Rio, 8 Holstein lirifers;';600 to "800.
ItS`.; 1 Registered Polled Hereford:, lailr
2 years old." W.H.R,. P1oud:14=er breed,
1 Regiiteregt.,-Iltirnett'llerefOrit bull
r-iSing- :2" years. old: 'Starra,try-lisitl-Dotriino-
breeding ; 2. Registered P11ed -Hereford
thold, W'.rEcR Ohl Proud
1V1ixer breediag.
rivIpLpiviEi4rs-,-3. new heavy dutY"rise;ri:
rurisini teller beaniaa- wagooni-"o7-:-.tohi:
Mixed • grin. ,
Term's' -Cash.
JOHN A. ECKSHT.,•Proprietor.,, •
doserili J,, etieneer.
" •
Jnh B Siernon, Clerk.
Mulholland's tracks available *far 'deify,
ering cattle at reduced, rates. •,
.1110,RT__ AGE, SALE,
n Township of Hi bert
WANTED--,-MoltgagC1•49:000 to' build,
new home at Hensel/1• feundatiOn already
in. Reply Box 699, HERON EXPOSITOR.
ire suitable emPloYment. ManY years'
experience.. Excellent references. Reply
to COLLINS, RE," 1, Paincourt, rant
• WANTED TO RENT -Three bedroom
•house, end of FebrunrY, -with modern' Con:
'veniences, by, .school „teacher. Prepared to
enter into lease for reasonable period for
:fight• jpreperty, '• Box „697, HERON EX-
Posrron., ••••.46995.c2
xramkrion, FAMdEns ' Prompt,'
conrterms-', 'collection of all dead , end
disabled farm aninidls and hides., Gail
"collect, ED. ANDREWS; 951 • ,11, Sea -
forth. Associated, with, Darling ti Ca, of
, 4697-tf
• WANTED-nighesecash 'prices paid for,
sick; -doWn, ,er diatibled • cows and horse,
Dea4 et'WS ‘Zesso 13is,Zfic a0"' for
VayrahOPgrs°iFaPOtla3li'CollieCt; 56 •
MARLATT; Brussels. ''r • ,
Mr . arid- Mrs, tion MacRae and
family were at Wyoining
Ju fl3d.-Mary OToririer,
iVfiss Anne DePliome, of 'Pundas,
Visited :with kr. and, Mrs.- jack
, Mr. and Mrs.- Jlm' Cleary, of
London, visited .with 1VIr. and Mrst
ank7Eyans.-•. , • •
jim Newcombe, Port Credit,
•visited with Mr. and Mr,s. Williain
:Dt4.0ma:sor.ittli.esty:aolin.fd aran.ndd.:
Mary Margaret, Seaforth,r Were
Mr. Kenneth Staple,ton, Toronto,
waS with, Mr., and Mrs. -Fergus
•St,maprleteattn•.4 wirs•• jor't ,a.tae'r,i,
were in .-Ch,athaiii With lkifr., and'
Mrs. Bernard CaSey,
. 'Mrs. George-: Holland, Of St
Clements,- spent ,the weekend .at
her, home.- ••
Jaek Co-itello, of. Niagara
Falls, With Mr. andqVIrs.: ban Cos-
•• Mr: Wilfred 1(rauskopf-ds_attencl
convention ,
NO school :was held .MCgriday, or
T d • 't theSeparate and Con-
tinha,tion Schools! The operetta,
"The, pirates -k of ,-.Pe,nance,•?!.,,,.....was
also cancelled-Mnn:lay night.
• Mr. Jerry Stanleton has .return-,
ed from "a.trip to California..
•mr.. and Mrs,;LOnis'Lobby have
returned .froni 'Florida., • '
Mr. Don J.•NlacIlae and staff, of
Dublin 'Electric, were: 13i Kitchener
Thursday attending an exhihition,
featuring new Westinghouse appli-
•Honored Prior To 'Departure
• Prior to thein departure for Kit-
chener, Mr: and 'Mrs. William
Stewart were honored at a 80Cial:
'eV6Dillg , by their-frierids • in the:-
evening. • Progressive' 'euchre was
pfayed' and:lunch' was served by
the ladies in charge -
• Mr. Tom H,ntters read .the ad-
dress and ar:,“presentation, .• of a
purse was made by IVIr: /Vfervin,
Diet -z and lyIr,„...Fergus...Lannin._
hite Eggs. Will pay Premium -
p at your door,
• Tenders- for supplying 1,000. pounds,
inore or less. of Warbicide Itotdnoue •Clinton, Ont. ,
Warble Ely -Powder, will be received at
PhOne nu.' .2-9301 or -HU. 2-9565
the Clerk's offiee up ,to •IVIareb •4-699-2 1958..
• J: M. ECKERT, Clerk,
Totice§ TO-Credttors
own -Ishii) 111111ett NOTICE to CREDITORS
.juvnecilt:ioii,et!e-ibi,To'wil• theehiPs'n7,3,io
1Hugiletotwili f
--Eattle in the Township; for Warble ny.
'Tenders to be SO much per. head Per 'Spray
two sprays. Tendert to be th
hands of the Cjerlt March , 1,- 1958.,
Lowest or any tender' not 'necessarily'
accePte •
' person•a:having .againattltha-
'Estate of Margaret Orme IdurraY, late
of the Ton of, Seaforth, :in ,the' COlietV •
of, Huron; "Married,
Wornan, deceased. who -
died "Oil Pr about the ' 2nd • day •of Palma- • VVINTHROP
ary, • 1958, are hereby notified to 7 send •
them in to the -undersigned on or before
y of ,winth.r.op, you,i1g,,,, Peoples iffxion...
the 8th daMarch, 19,58, after which
date theassets" will be distributed, having i Ere planning...a Crokinole..party and
Only to claimg-- then -reCeiced. box' social; Friday night, Feb. 21.
, ATE,r). :t seaforth. Ontario, this llt The -event will be held,in thAoka
d bf'm dst.
GEO. W,..-GOWANi-c,lerk, ' D- of F 64r,, y, 1908. inept of. Cavan Church.' •'sina
ALVIN r "C'gVee-C111"i1!=t1h3!
Under and by virtue of thelfasterS cori4
lained in a certain 'Mortgage, which will
be Produced at the time Of tale; there -will'
be effered for gale by public auction en
Monday. the ',24th4ast,'„o1 'F'ebissary; 1958,
at the hour of 2:31/r31ail.t., at Lot 19;:Con-
cession 8, Township • of Hibbert, -situate
approximately 2 Miles ...west ef Staffs,: by.'
W. .E. Nairn, Auctioneer; die following
ABM FOR' SALE -150 -acre firms on ProPertst, naisselY, Lot, 29'. in the eighth
s Highway, 3% miles east of Sm-
ith. Frame liOnsecovered ivith aslibalt
rigres, filia.e.ee. hydro, drilled well.
elea cheap • for' quick sale. APPly,
i5tE0LD JACKSON. Phone. 474, Sea -
.0)41. . 46994
.:10.2o-A.GRE FARM at lumen, four bed-
:;i-ocen brick 'house with bath, basement and
,,ifOnrice.• Large L-shaped barn on wall.
,thimnt shed and garage: This farra' is
ad and is one of the earliest 'farm in
be. Biatriet, _Owner will carry mortgage.
1,110-.-acres--at Bracefield, four bedroom
rJ5ek hoe wit,h bath, automatic furnace,
Lhasernent. ;Large barn on walL This
•atii--1.4 tiled and has 26 acres of wheat,
;Eninnent may be •bought with farm.
• Saner will, carry • mortgage. H. B. ARN.
Beal Estate Broker, Kippen. Phone
Oink/ 6•72'-r-'43. 46984.,
niiinbef cif Deltalb etarted„,inilletas
anted -for. 'Newcastle and bronchitis,
..for immediate delivery, at 16 and
weeks of age. Price list On 'request.
Jacount on large orders. , MOORES
POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3. Seaforth, Ont.
Blifitie 647 r 31- .• 4699-4
atlUCKSLSismdard Varieties 4n, wM4
Acike, Special hybrids and broiler
•""bilicks,- Pullets. FolAV HATCHERY;
or Mrs: Alex Paterson, Bruce-.
,•411.111. Phones Clinton -Hifi' 2-92320 Seaford'
• or Walter McClure, ft.R. 2, Sea-
/lortls, 944 r 5. 4697-4
have the iannitis Mount Hope Queen
Strain Chair: Leghorn; An:vain-Cross, any
:heavy limed desired all pullets, floor, rais-
ea., Mi. pallets from C.R.D: free florin:.
Phonee0, Tavistock. TAVISTOCK
,Trir-V.Mtau- , 40942
I ,•' TION0 FARMERS Have your
eatt e sprayed for' lice before they eat
our profit Also whitewashing and cleat, -
Call HUBERT COOPER. Telephone
A:444; -.Escoter. 4694x7
RAW() REPAFRS - For all kinds Of
'alitiosite Pick House,•• Seaforth. Phime
1-',00114.PLETE LAHNHETERIA fri Sea-
rietttif arid diatrict and -Dry Cleaning Ser-
•rge:: WERHE B/LLIAEDS, Seaforth,
•' agent' d`iir Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria
;• Ltd Exeter.
LOOTEOZ-Ilf excessive mnistere is a
• Problegt-in your barn, correct it With a
gla4.47.an ventilating fan; efficient, egoil-
' ilinteaL For detaili: and . estiMate, sall
IL 2, Seaforth. Telephone 851 Y 5.• ,
' ,. 4699-2
tinte. newt ntnia• Aro titioaf, '
o iumpralitino I
isof*fee If an btdedii f • aittro.,redik
• ilte- Witte:460 Cattle. RitOedifur AssoefatioP
AC-MANTON- ntr..,;24441; between 7:30
. illav,ri• ail -bveedi
• A204.--403;$ Aaanty row....-eoet,.,; •
1101derS Not A
„ .
St% )0OsSible, *ft tic,
do net -ask us for
Cencession,. of the.. Torsvashipte;of Hilbert;
containing apprescunately
The SO& farm is situated: ob...i.ise" County;
read apprOXimatelY -2,4nilert•Westadr,'Stalia
and 1 Mile fresivi,schc,01:, Ther&,'
oac the said latids • an L -Shaped•
barn approximate:1Y, 80•sta 361 'X
good atabling, 'doublerdeck hen hourte
with' accommodation for 800 foll01;,.C'etnent'
floors, and good roofs,. brick. house' and,
kitChen, oil heated,i
boards, pressure sYritent and lisrtiroalMil-
dan.ce of water -2. write. and:spring. creek
-clay-lOam soil, well ;drained..,:g0651;, fenc-
IERM.SH•Ten per ".43ent".41:3ffro) of :the
pnrchase price to be Paid: at time of' ahle
With balane.a-toithe-Paid. elbsrini 04 Op
beatrg.„X,ArCh.4.:240A, 1.988. Sale: iset.
ta reserve bia....PosSeasioa to: te•.n.ttanseci.
. .
fariheepartieulars and' conslitionS41
Bale, apply to undersigned,• • .. • '
DATED at Stratford th'id-- iistrh--..day of
FeIrruari, 1958.• , •
Jr-iki)ittsca\r, EfrOdETZ' BELL,-.
• • .• DRAM & misEgEst,. •
• •Barristerte "and Solicito'rii,
• 29 DoWnie Stre"-
• Stratfard Ontario.,
' . 4697:3'
Businesi Opportunity.
. •
• • BE "OUR g,OWN
Go :into. business -4• 6
37.* ourself.
wi.fit this ultra Modeili
• •
tation as 'an indePe
•. businessman.
. .
You do not have to be -experienced.
We give you coneete training -at
our Toronto, training Station, •• if
• 'tecessary.
Salary of $65.00 per-.
week duriiig this 'period.
Heie'S a- real oPPortanitY, 'fPfan
' 'Man.
, •
For further infortnation,
• 'call Or 'write to:
-London Ontario
Pliortt •2-63g
ti d ff Every-
SUlicitor forthc
4658is,invited to attend' this party.
Miss Betty' Mickle f Teronto, Olairs for the session will be dedi-
sPOnt the weekend with her par-
ents. Mr,. and mrs, Lai,rd ;ACM:ewe.
' Word was received Of the sud-
den death of,Kennetli Eyre, of Ore-
gon, in his 671.11, year. Ite was -born
at Chiselhurst, on of the late Mr,
•anif Mrs. Thomas . Eyre,..fornferlY
of ChiselhOrst "His mother was the
former IVIatide XcTaggart. '
• The Herman- m
District Far. ers'
Co-operative, meeting and banquet;
scheduled t'Tuesday evening, was
postponed -until. March 4. •
The, World 'Day_ of Prayer .w
be held in St; • ,Miglican
Church 'Friday, February 21; at 3
Have QUilting Bee, ;
- Members of the W1VIS• of Hensall
United Chiirckheld a quilting bee
in the church ,achoel 'room. Eight
ladies braved the:- storm, Monday,
and have been quilting every .day
since. These quilts ,will be for the
it.motu• Drive Frei!, North .
. , , , . -
-.Elgin Reeliog;“ Granville Allan
and -George ,...-Lawson, , of ()Wen
,Sound, arrived -in Mensal!. Monday
on their . way to .Windsor. They
stayed oVerniglit,53i the, New. COM=
mercial llotel. i.TherY' left ' °Wen
Sound • at 6 o'cleck in the znerning
and arriVed in Hensall at 5:30.0.M.
Mr. Keeling said hewas driving 'a..,
20 -ton:', senni.trailer, loaded' with,.
salt. They hit,,,,ManY drifts: And
the . looter stalled several, tiiiieS. ..,,
• Chisethurst Wonien StUdy Japan
... . „ ,
The 'INMS,and- W'S Of 'Chiselhurst
United ,Church Met TUesd'aY''of last
week . in ,the 'clnarchischool• r(idirl-
Mrs.•.Percy HarrIS' And .Atirs.: Jack
Brintiiell. were TIOStesSes„ , and Mrs.
R:"Taylor, Jr.preSided..- Mrs.' Rey
McDonald tecik the. worshiP period..
Onilting,•hee and pot -Ick 'dinner,
selae,duled, lor, . Una 'week, ': Will , he:
field' -li,14-the '•nearfuturre.. •
.''MrS„, Clarence ,Coienian 'presided
for 'the •,',WMS......1VirsEdwin Dick
read. a 'chanter -.6.f. the 'Study book
oh Japan Mrs,--1-tareldi.P.arke:gave
a reading, "Not,.._GroVang '. Old."
The, visiting eommittee' 'reported
Several 'visits, made ",..te Sick:: and
shut-ins.' •-An-invitation was.-receiV-.
ed from Sf..Patit'S.Anillean.•Chiirch
to :Unite -with tliein, ' ' the World.
Day, of --Prayer--on- F , day7 '
Rev.'C. la...Daniel-presided for
the..iristallation OfOfficers for 19587.
Mts "RObert%Kiusnian was pianist
for both meetings. ' "-' .
Tenders tor -Spraying rottichv the head,' , • ;
ards -cif- hank§
under the,O,ntario Warble., -Fly Aet of 1957 In the Estate of CATHERINE REYNOLDS I 'WISH; TO" EXPRESS- deePest gratitude-
and Regulations, in the Town:411P Of /ic- - to the neighbora, relatives and . friontlki.
Killop, will' be received at the Clerk's AlI perSons having ' claims against: :rile ,,,,,1,0 se .kindis, 'rememberedme with-flow,era..,
Office up to• March 1, 1958,2, •.._„';,-. 1___ Estate_efacatherine Reyneldslate"ef the enrdn....1,ettd.4.,tts-,Intd,,,,bitite47bile Litens„,
A certificate front the Wor
'Township •01" TuaTe`fil'oiill-, • in iiiie"1"01,T1W ,a patient ,,SC:"Aoselih'S H05351.6-1:
xmen''e f +Huron, Spinste.r, deceasedr 'wile died on don . • ,
that'all 'aCceit, ts ' g • •
pensation_Soard,2.ShOWing • - • e--2-7th,clay-of,-Ncivernber,,1957,_rare,
. - Is.,notified. tri inl,full /partiesilars- of, 469ibei
are paid Up to date',, must- ac',,
der. ' • " their., ' the:rutidereiglikk
' • sin..GEbn6t.'"O...4.4:k.ns„.1.4...3...-
' fore •-tabe 14th day.'rof '1Vlarch, 1958;
A marked cheque of 4100.00 to accorn- d t assets „Au, be. distributed, .
-puny tender,• having .regard • only to claims then re-
, Lowest or -any tender- no ecessarilY ae"
• DATED at Seriforth,, this isth day of
J M. ECKERT, Clerk,• FebtlierY. 1958-
sonestear,folrotili, thOeutarsraegtjors,
4699 3
ownsbip-f -Hiiliett
.. The "Council of the Township of Hullett
Will, receive tenders for tlie supplyirm of
Seven hifildred (700) pounds of 'Warble
Ely ---Powder ran fifteen (15). ',pound bags
and,one hundred (100) pounds in one (1)
pound' 'liaga,„ "-for, the spraying of eattle
for warble' FIY in 1958. .•
Ail teaders to biTfii the hand e or the
'Clerk' :March 1, 1959. ,
Loweit �r -any 'tender not •necessarily
GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk,
`. LondeSboro. •
• Township of Thillett,
The Council of the Township, .Al Hallett
will receive tenders /or .the crushing And
healing , Of. aPproxireately, 12,000 cubic
4arils,614tch31e1 for the -roads in the` Town -
shit ; grnvel to be 'crushed and Put through
a %-irich screen. • All -gravel to be crush-
ed and spread 'le the tiatisfactiop of the
Road. Superintendent and 'the District En-
•Eciwest or any- tender n'ot- necessarilY
, ,
Tenders to be in the hands of the Read
Superintendent, 1Vrarch L1298.• ' '
'EN-CM,DWEIL, Rd,. Supt.?
LifLondeaboro, R.R: 1, ',
rr_Eiii)ERS W"HANT•Ep
Toivnsiiip of .'ruelerSraitb.
. .
al-';',1'nvited by the' TeWnship 'Of
Tuckerlimitli for crushing and hauling
approximately 120000euhic yards of gravel
to townaCip roads.,in. 1458; %-inch screen
,t,o isa aged. liSiOrk, to be 'completed' by.
• 10'1958,-8lldr-d0tle‘,t0,tlie-satiaftictifite
01 „:_the „"reird IniPerintendent
Gravel will.be supplier/ -by ',the township
at three locations, and" cotitractor
supply 'all other requirements. Marked,
cbeque for $300 meat accemnany each
tender or tender not be considered,.
. , . ,
Tenders to be in the clerk'S hands. by
mareh, 4, isss. LOivoit or any
tender" licit "neceasailly"...secejited;
, •
E. I',• CH.F..SNEY
Coritractor 'to" state price per i'ard:lie."-
livered tin roads.
• , 4649-2
.1 To:reach Woolen or,Workers,
or ernploYers. tetxants or IandOwn-,
ersi -mse the easy --way: Classified
, advertiselnenti'iti' The Hilton Ex-
positor, Phooe 41, •
Township of Tuekeismith
Tenders are invited hy the ToWnship of
rtakersmith for spiiiying cattle for Warble
lIy aontroI under The `warble Fly- Control
Act,- 'and regulations -
•Maras thereto. , ••-
, Contractor to• state a flat price- per
head per, spray'. 'Township will suliplY
Nsrarbicide required,1 -Arid contractor intuit
simply all other requIrements,, including
labour and equipment
Work must be done to the satisfactiOn
or nrr inoeetor. appointed by the 9'own-
Lowest, Or any, tender not necessarRY
. renders fa .be in tha . "dierk's-lianqa 'toe
90 pan.; March, 4; 1958,
10. 4," aftroftil, 'tont. •• '
mailed •postpaid in plain seared envelope
with price liSt. 6 samples ssel 94 sam-
ples 11.00, mail -.order, Dept, •1..78,
NOVA RUBBER CO., Box93,Hamilton
WROUR 'Scott'Memorial Hospital,• ,
on :February 17,, .4958, to
11,31. a
toN-By.-At Stott, Memorial Hospital,, on
• =February .39, r 1958, ' to Mr, "rtnd ,10s.
Seaforth,' daughter'. '
HEITCI{-A,t Scott Memorial Hospital,.
• on•lreliiiiiary-'1,3,; 1358,, to Mr. and' Mrs-,
• • Havld Sehenelq" Saufortls;c: a daughter.
TANNER -At -Grace IloSpitel," ottalica,- on
rPerbruarY 14, 1958," to' Mr: and Mrs. a.
W. Tanner .(Winnifred. Russell), Ottawa,
. • '
o rat
Chdice Cf 10 -key
full 4"eybpards
Electric ar
Hand Operated
• 4i.Co!apact : .0 l-iglifUleisiiit .Portable- 0 Quiet
•• Allilliiies ofnisers 'prove Victor.10ding MaOliittes.are ttqhtfor,sioo, .
'lleilii1 Smooth, Carefree serylOa iS lu:st one Of raanY reaSonswhyyon .- -
•'. wilt notir).'Viettir A.ciding Machines better:. Modest coif , IS: another.
..,..,Irfe0en.,1f yeti Ilst,eild fog, multiply, ChoOie "Victor. So per -Adder. --'—'
, iirNiebierne7ili-ar inifolii -dliecCoiibtradtion also, -you'll went- •
thii VictOr....F,Xecutive Subtrachn'. See:, : .try both „ntodefs today,, ,
. .
Models . tit,..tow.T.',0S,_,_1 30
,‘,..srav $40.00 on..a Full Key.9-,ColUmn ).flOta.1 Electric
;Addtrig lYlaeltine ,-,..,.. Brand ,N Now ift 'Stock
APOlt ' EP: ' 10,
_Dismiss Exhibits
, , •
• Husbands of members of Hensall
Werne0 Institiite• Were, Special
gueets'at 'their' February „meeting
Wednesday; held hi theLegion
President Mrs: Carl PaYtie presid-
ed for the: bUshiess and. krs..A; ,R..
Or Air.' the 'program. Menibers
answered the rail.. Cal with a Val-.
.entine Verse. Mrs. William Henn'
will repreSent the branch • at the
offiders':' topference-at the ..-QAC;
lis May for the, district: cii-
..rgooro.thi year.•
OfiVOS appointed. conven-
er for a. sewing • and. 'knitting pro-
ject When mainhers. of the ergen-
izatiOn will •make Infants'. layettes
and pullovers for .Children three to
,1.5 years for Unitarian -Service Cern.
niittee of Canada.. Discussion cen-
.tred- aronnd. exhibitingOf liVe art-
icles for 'Exeter Fall Fair,plans to
finalized at the March meeting,
'Entertainment -was- previded,,by
lin„ and • -Frank Forrest; : ,on the
Winners of progressive euchre;
Which" was one of the highlights -of
-the evening, were: ladies, Mrs,,
Ainde Blatchford arid Mrs;."' Carl
McClincliey; gents, Bill Parker
and W. R. Dougall; lone hands;
rs. James, A. 'Foster; lucky cup,
Orville Rapson. On behalf of the
Men, -W.-- R. Dougall expressed
•.niirtesy remarks 'for a very en-
'.o-yable evening. HosteSses were
Mrs. Edvvard,Norininton and Mrs.
f. J. Cameron; program, Mrs.
William Brown and Mrs.: A. R.
' —
•Mr.:arid Mrs. John Wallace, Mar-
..;aret, Ann and 'Debbie, aecompan-
'ed. by -Muriel •, Scott, of Staf.fa;
-pent the weekend with Mrf‘and
A▪ rs. Harry Elliott, and ,babe •:at
c•Vindsor,:and„--,with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Caddick and family in
• We are,sorry-... i•epert_Mrs. D.
Gardiner is a patient in SCeffMelli-
D rial ,Hospital; . also 'MiSs Alice
Sorsdahl in Stratford Hosnital.-We
wish them , a speedy, recovery. ,
.Mr. and Mrs. James ,Aikenhead,,
of •Egiiienclville, visited 'on Satur-
day With Mr. and Mrs, Torn -Laing,
' Mr. ,Earl Dick ,and Mr; Hir313T
Norris were in Toronto one business.
Recent visitors Willa' Mr., ana.
Mrs. Andrew lionstou :and Miss
Frances 1.14/01t6n, weret , Mr. ,and
Mrs, Grant Houston and son,-,-ot
Ayten,- And Mrs. Lionel Roy- and
_daughter, of ' Trenton,' --
•Mr. W. J. Flayson auk..Miss
Jessie Finlays0A, of Lorne Park,, -•
spent the -weekend with their-.
• mother, Mrs. James Finlayson, -
Miss Marian Weiland, a Toron-
to, ,is visiting -.with her/ parents,' -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland.
•.Miss Alice Watson, a London,
spent the weekend with her moth-
er, Mrs., J, S, Watson. '
•' Mr; Elmore,. Keyes, of Varna,
spent Sunday with his mother,
MI.'S, -Nelson, Keyes.
,• Mr. and Mrs. -Lee McConnell,
accomPanied, by Rev. T. J, and
,Mr. Pitt,1ofYarna, were Sunday
visitors witia Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
pen East.Women's Institute'
LLTown Hall
riclay,,Feb.,- 28t
Euchre starts at 8:30
Federal Constituency
of Huron
Fri a e rua
, - _
sai-pri, partYT:foi: :mi.- -arid
couple; 7vtrailieIcl„-at the home •of
Mrr-and Mrs.•Capapbell.Eyre, Wed-
.' Whe.some 40 • neighbors
gathered -to honor' :them.: and '.prp-
WftlieitiNVitti Oce-a-sionarchair.-
.• • Presentation address .Was'.'readhy
tatidit bYliffs;•-R..
,.Tayldr, Jr..
,..-"A7SoCia1.hour Of cards •WaS, en-
joyed; With'•Wittners:.7.1adieS,' Mss.
Jack :encl.-Mrs; Itiissell
Brock; :gent, DiCk:Tayfor and -Bob
Munn.,:„.:The.affair.Was arranged.by
Mrs.- Taylor : and Mrs..'"Lloyd Mc-
• •• .1..0$iag Lodge Entertains
MemberS... of .Aroher.!'Rebeha,h
Lodge. royally. entertained! • rner4‘
bersiofthe '10„OF' and .their wives,
tc ntiirlteY'banqiiet and social eye-.
•datd$:: in:. the Legion: hall
Friday. One, hundred -,and fifteen
Twenty-four tables Were Play
for the .progreSaive euelare; and
'winnerswere:,.'„jadies,,' Mrs'. 4:.1'llorss
RichirdSon; gents', W. R. ,DOtigall.;
P.,' S. McNaughten.
• The. affair. waS- afterinath 'Of
a • recent!OP.- &.:T fund. drive,i.
which-the:losers. were to fete the
Winnors.-.-Ainbee. Lodge were the
losers;' and title WOE tile_ winners.
Naine SteWard,Chairrnai..
At a meeting, of..tlie Official
BOard., of ..Ohureh
WedriesdaY,:-, ••Waltef: SPeli ger •WaS-
nanied ' of the beard Of
stewardt;Jini Taylor; -secretarY of
the ,Official,:"bOard, and Den -joYnt,
Secretary i)1 the -beard Of•steWrards,
Sixteen --hundlipd-feet'.0,f:walke.:wall
carpeting,in deep :retr"ler the
Church auditoritint, was completed
on Thursday.: 'Monday Work coin-
nuenced,,-On.. the..ins,tallation of 459'
leek: of new seats; which.' are in
light oak: -.SPecial wiring for speak-
ers: .for ' people Who are hard of
bearing haS ..been
In , special' dedication service;
to be'lield in:. the.. war ititure,, the
seats,, carpet, a new 4CorrontiniOn
table, and nine._ new Communion
• Phone 224- Res ‘544)
Legion Hall, Clinton
- Speaker --
r. John B. Hamilton
...etece.11.11Itimi'Y :iteaintje
Charles S. MacNaughton- - Pres..
Alice Thompson - Secretary
..f.p.Rni-..compiumr:',...c gig
Y Wilbee's, ()rcIte,stra
.Refreshmerits served —
Draw for Clothes Dryer
-will be tnade afthis 1)anc,e
PRIQE 1.00 per Person
1957 PONTIAC DEttikE- OIYA14 2495
automatic, fully'equipped
271956 DELUXE SEDANS • 1,
• al tontatie tranSmission eguippea
• 1958 PoN'riAC -StrkAN. •. 210
automatic transmission, /idly. equiPPed:
• roittrattolviLINE SED -ADT 2
,autom!tie tranarnissiOn, folly equilVe4
1954 METEOR,RARDTOP-Power brakes and
steering, nufeniatle; ludatoo
• fully equipped • •
fully equipped
1954 DODGE REGENT sipitl
oiSTomLiNi sEtsw;
0 1953 i:ortn stnp . .. .......... . . . •• .
• ' •
A Written Onarantee for 60 days on all
'nogg' oat orhe Herne Of Better 'Used Out"
• 1952 tionat aria- ,.
completely• retoriditithied
--ATS0 A NtfriplEn'Air-oL.pEs. cAns;
.., 1095
Model cars-ManyotherMedets to ehootie from