HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-02-21, Page 18 ,
Ninety -Ninth • Year
Whole, No. 4699 •
$2.50 a Yearn
Single Copies,
--•:Seaferth ."...ratepayers :vvill ',pay
"their taxes",:iii1W-Ovinstairilents)_:diie-
June30 and Peceniber Them,o-Ve:
by":CoiMcif_2Catfie.; about as a result'
Clesire„nOt'''onlY--te reduce "eie:.
.penditureS"•bY.:.eliminating.,,the ne-
cessity of ; borrowing "--'inotieY---for •
:current' op rations, • also : to
make it ,easier ,for • roitepayerS,
"ineet„,, tax bill$'.. by 7'.ieducnig„„ the
riMunt payable:.at .one time. '
prevel, for' ' the •'.,:change was
fort corning ,. at an adjourned meet
ing ofconned'. held Monday night,
when a number of Matters,hieh
had been. 'held:, over fromi the , regn
•13};':-.1•PC:°t:hig Week,'
wtre :Conaiderech- Alt Members,' of"
deuziell,*.Preaent 'and. Mayor B.
F. 'Christie presided:,
introducing -the tax rhaue
a committee had; gone, int the,:syS..:,
'tem in ',effeet.',;in,..;elioten- 'Irietha t:,
Williatif Bail, chair- I
Man of the Sinanee- epitimittee-said
paynaents-"'are•.•due 0th of,."'june
.ao.d.",1.5th., of, ,T3ecemher., • The 'rate '
is.. -established in AP01,-., :and as . a
resu1t oi the two 'naYMent dates,
bout $70.000 of atotaLax reVentie-
bf $145,00,1:;"is.y.,eeiYed:"by 'the end
June. This ..ineeinS be -said, ;that
Cllnton avOldS :borroWirig., ;Until the
liAter.P-a.rt of September.
PaYMentS, are in .May. Axid:
See Aniuial Saying
At present "Seaforth.• provides •
prePeyhient-,-seherne„ 'whereby tax
UR.,-ANTF:,MRS..- • .3 -IVIS• were maimed m H nsal "on es 14•4Y.141e'pria
•-• • e I ' - • -
Febr-uay 18 1908, axid
terest 'earned or the .amonnt
celebra ted.- their±fiftieth, „i"uniVersary-
,sons.:•.• • . • .•
...4.,..fp.40y • _party e s,dtumuy eyeuing. 171my..ymve a' family of.thtee,,,,L,Iirrali3p4eoiisttefelite.hilineintieorgeestt4oein
cost- Of -,--inteieSTrOn:
bank borroy-
rngs,to about -$2,300 ii
:yearilleptineil-WaS•toldz-lt Was: c,eiff
•Sidered ;that ,-this„,..ponlit:be..redneed
SUbstantiallY jf tax., menies', ,were
made available earlier in the .Year:
•;•-"Councillor P. .1.2';•"RtailY.: 'agreed
hile there 'Weald, be a lierie-
result the broader field in which
the_ Chamber.had a job to do was
Council approved A motion ex-
presSing ,support to the, Chamber
of Commerce, and 'agreed' to issue
a PrPelaihatnni during Chamber -of -
Commerce Week, April 13 to 19.
- Aid Park' Maintenance
' Council „approved a grant in an
amount of $500'to assist with the
inainten.ance • of Seaforth Lions ,
Park. In .previous' years the grant I
had been $125. '
The move to enlarge the grant
came about as a result of a letter
which was addressed to council on.'
behalf of ,the Lions Club, by ;.Club I
President John W. Modeland. The
Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Adams.,
moudsille. latieth.
wedding niilrersary Tuesday.
.„Festivities forthe event -leek Ogee
gathered at iflerview Farm for a
Guests were present froin Graven-
•,and•Seafiarth. The-•eelebtantS,-Were
presented -*Rh,
set by their three sons. -
_ Mr. and MrsLAdams. were -litar.e
d the Presbyterian irTanSei
,• :
,on 1998; b
, , y , .
ReV::Sniith.;,, The bride; ;the foroanr
-iCathleen is the,' daughter of
er, •Zurielf;:7Whilattie .1groera.is the
'son of the late Mi. and 'MO',
liaxn Adams, Seaforth. 'TWO.nergh
btiret:.Of.„. the 7iiiinister;:'.
Miss Hab-
kirk and Miss Bullard, • Stoed_".up
with the .couple:
Foll•etvitIg :their marriage the.
couple, returned to Seaforth • by
.sleigh, ' where they resided until
.; niOying.•tO'EgrnoritiVille about nine
years ago. Mr Adams was
ployed for inaiiy, ;Years At the.form-
er , Kruse; chopping mill; 'until it
-cloted,.4-'-feyeart•-ago. He UOW'
"- lives in retirement..,
Mr. Adams, -now 76, itt comment-
ing on i'Veather;_c_W_id_itiorit the day
—4tif theilTnifiragey' sifiri-t.,,Wat„, a
beautiful 'Simlit day, ': with. jusC eri-:,
ankh snoW,forc-good.Sleighing.The
Staffa Native: -
Has 100th Birthday
Mrs.' Mary,' Stoneman, a patient,
at .Rusttin Nursing Home Mitchell
celebrated hey„.potkimrthday,
''Because of Weather and read,
conditions, PlerobeXP csf Ye.r, family
Were • unable to be present to;cele;
' brater-with her, but,the staff. Of the
--kerne' Presented her .with a birth-
day cake and gifts from .her fam-
ily; .
Mrs. " Stoneman • also received
-messages of, congratulations titan
the Queen., 'Prime Minister &Ma
Diefenbaker, Leader of the; Oppati,
Lester B. Pe -erten, Senator W.
H. Golding; Elston Cardiff, M.P.*
-.-• Huron, and „Hibbert Connell,
' •A native of; Stafta, during: the
'• Past, number of years- the cehten4
ban= has lived with her .son; Carl,
:Hibbert toWriship, except for A brief
period with . her daughter; '."Mrs:
.William Diimen,StanleY, hefor,e-:go-
ing, to the nursing home. s
. -She- has one .'son, Carl, Hibbert,
daughters, Mrs, Milani
pa*, 00,4•Stanley, and Mrs. EdYth
Bal'nes, GAIL, "
Jan Details.
Week -0 1.6 dr
Holy wee..k services this year will
be held iri St. Thomas' 'Anglican
''llurch, according to Dr. Sem,
secretaryof the Seaforth arid
• District Ministerial Association.
All services will be held in that
*hutch. ' -
,Missioner for the week will be
Rev. Dr, Nimitio,' of at. AndrecOs
:PXOSbYterlan Church, ;
Serviees , will be held eaelt night,
Tuesday to Friday, April 1.-4, ;at
-1111.taid is to be arrang,ed
ea mill
bride of 50 years is, 71, •
:The couple hae•-three sons: Al -
yin, at home- Cecil, Goderich, and
,Kenneth, imcoe; and -five grand-
-children. 'There are six(rnernbers
in Mrs Atlam's f "1 €so broh
ers, Jack and 'Jim, :Zurieh, and
four sisters, Mrs. r agus04,
kerton; Mrs. Ryan, Totenitio;,Mrs.
'AinSbore, Toronto, . And , Mrs. Bob
Adarri5, Seaforth. Mr.''Aciarris:''hiS
,E*0--lirothers, Harr, • Gravenhurst;
cl-Jaek, bayton, Ohio , and ,a- sis,
ter,"lqrs. Burt Kling,.D 'aften; 'Obi&
ie gift 'Tr-OMAR-6' fan -
fly, Mr. finalkit: AdainS- have also
been : recipients of several : gifts
froMfriends and neighbors. A.
partr planned; by neighbors. for
1ast Wednesday, and again ,early
this week; , was -twicepostponed
'becauSe.n.f preVailing-weather nog,
Aidgets Advgnce
o Plo)ioff-' Bert
• Seaforth Kintinen •Micigets..4ain,
ed a berth in the WOAA seini-fin-
als.for 'the, championship when they
misted Eketer in
ning last 'week:by , a 13 2 score, the-
Midgets- 'plaited ha-,-txeter Friday'
night, taking the seCond game 7-3.:
day. With Three, ,goal; Rey Seeing,
two and 'elle...each by Bill Pinder
and, Ilarvey Dale. Assisting iti.the
above goals' were Bob Elliott, Lar-
ry 'Dale, Bill "Pinder,,,I)ong :,„Rent,
'cliffe •and Bob Reith.. Exeter •goals,
Were: scored by Bev. Ervirre, two
and Frank Boyle one. '
, The IVIidgets noW,,ineet Port El-
gin itt the Semifinals irr a
three series, with 'winners of thit
serfeS, meetingthe*irtiters of the
.MilVerten-Wingliam series. for the
trOfiliY. ',The series starts here
'Thursday night- With the -.Second
game in Port Elgin:Saturday:
' Tn order to arouse interest among
Seaforth sport enthusiasts,' the
eh:IV-hopes-to .take . a bus to this
important garne.,Saturday. night if
-they' can, find 40: interested spear
tators. Cost obtranspertation wili
he-$2.00.,,eaeli: Any • person. inter,
ested going this 'game, on
the bus' s asked • to contact the
coach Ron Browner --
place and.date of the third garne;,
if necessary 'will be decided i at.
- the; Thinicia§ ',tilt, '
, ,
'Theparle„, Maintained b the
LLOSIS ChM,- is the only-
. able . 'for the ',citizens, of :Seafortli, ,
,Not lorilf;does" it fill this ,Very,tiefin-,'
• ite want‘"-,,iti!the .ponainunity,- but by.
its pre ence PreVides an 'advertiS-:
ing feature ler'. the town, ,. doiripar7,
able to, no Other 'in thq. .01.111551,.111-,
As Of, the park,: its. ,
facilities ; and the manner' in vhieh
jt is maintained, Seaforth iS'•krieWn
, far .;ancifwide and there are attract-
ed to the 'town, many' :-.Inditietuals
and groups who ottierWiie,-WOuld
.not be here. Their presenee'has-n
most ,beneficial effect insofar as
the ',community.:generally is con?
.cerned. • •
`."•It'' might be Of 'Seine assistance
to you itt deter inining--.the amount •
'ef,;."the. grant . that .you 'would 'wish
tb:-make, avaa able• to know that in.
the neighboring. town al
:Arent; of approximately is
Made 15T:the':
the Mainteriance of .the.±Lions Club
• park -lb -ere Iifacta1mott. every"
community haa;,, as part of its cOSt
et ,,operation,„. the :Maintenance, and
Upkeep ;Of a community park EJp
, until now, Seaforth has aavoided ,this
cest ,other ',than the' nominal grant
• Not satisfied with creating on
Sunday night and Monday what
was -probably the most intem
sive blizzard in several years, the
weatherman on Tuesday ,attaeleed
for A second time. " -
Roads Which had been opened
Tuesday morning were closed light
again, within a few minutes, as
winds of up to 35 miles an hour),
accompanied by heavy snow, cut
,yisibRity to a minimum.
Height of' the storm cattle late
1VIonda3 afternoon, ‘vben traffic
POwnward” adjustment of:Seaforth
hyelroexaths. '..shrought a step
nearer- w1.1..en_ln".•Pee_in.l' at
the Seaforth Public 'Utility Corn-
: :
mission Tuesday- diScussed.: the
Matter withThomas- Arnastrong
and James Farrell, of -the Consum-
ers' Service , Department of, ' the'
}MPG.' :The eornmisSiOn requested -
11,RPO. to. grant,. approval for
a new rate structure.
Plissibdity , that some action
might",.be forthcoming concerning
local rates., was voiced by Ff.IG
Chairman Frank Kling -a t-tlie-;noM--
ingticin, 'meeting,. last November.;
Since, that ;time the matter ' has
been _under.. study by the PUC and
HEPC., 'According to, f_VC
ager 111:70,71-Thlinea, it will be per-
youll baps two meg befordeeision
d by .4;
The commission is undertaking
survey of. -water . installations in
last surVey'.Was in 1955. -
Themeeting was fold the task
.convertingthe former mainten-.
track .to, -:•-td
der r.
—to the
"Pf aeIle va s. \ Ln'l ::*; n1 -1.313.1a ;1 '1:n:1; ha ;"-'.1;ew. why9oe)nslaeeedhe e' who
ii ic."
payments ta
,eP r,s (dice; tatner
'e at
the, clerk -treasure
which has been paid during, past
, years. " ' - -•
'''We should, point- out that the
--east Tof "maintaining -the „pair over
And above the "'revenue that is re-
ceived ,as a result of its „operation,
li approximately .$2,000 per --ear,
i.n--at-the,,bank,-and---thus save -
additional -collection-nnarges noe
. Paid . the bank: - , , -• •,
..• Couticillorl3all, Said that suchen
finive;,VOuld restilteilj.,,there .• being
additional. help
isa theelerk"S',Office.'":',In:;Clintein, an
additional taxc'olleeter' 15 011 'the
be7PISSible 10
providethis additiOnifie
saving over the.107centS="-per, item
which is charged by the bank" for
,collection. ,
While it was agreed' that--iit ger;
tain cases the present system was,
the. Simplest, particularly.- insofar
As taxpayers who simplY. Wrote a
eheque.' on the other; hand.Couu,:.
culler Baldwin said that .the .major-
.ity of :the...people today don't ''',pay
until they have to: ,For many rate-
payers, theprevidingoisthe anion&
repregehted by, their takes at one
time ,Presented g• substantial' hard -
:ship; He ,felt that •Indie''.frequ
payinent-p,eriodsuld .result ,in -a
larger colleetion. --Mayer Christie
,agreed:„ -`1,,f;:yte„.couliLeolleet taxes.
'tWelve times a , Year -We would re-
cover a lot. More tax money and,
wouldn't havenearlyas many 111
arreara,". he Said:
Council- appreved:.the move to
.nstablisb. instalment' ,payment ' of
taxes and details': Will- be W-O-ilied`
oieby' the 7 finance committee ,and
the elerk. .
Endwise Chamber Of. Commerce
Council endorsed . the efforts be-
ing Made by the Chamber of Com--..
Merce to'..revivei•intereat in the
organization,' in, ,Seaforth. Members
-agreed that -every :effort, would be
made. to ...assure that there, would
be a large attend:0.0e', at the' din,
'ner meeting ,behie,heid 'Thursday
Urging 'general support,' Mayor
Christie: said;that, -a large Cham-
ber . of. 'Cornitierce 'Could . make a
major 'contribution to , the coM-.
munity, and told of the experience
of Other similar communities, par-
ticularly Ilanover, where one of
the hest Chamber of Commerce or-
ganizations in the sinallet towns of
Ontario, existed, he said:
'CAnneillor Baldwin, , too,•felt- that
under .the proposed rearrangement
the- Cnainber e7th1 do an improv-
ed job,' In the Pa4, here had been
tendency to concentrate on min-
or problems, which were Of .inter-
est to ,Merthants , only, and ,as a
1 ,
'consideration the payments which
relist" be made from 'lithe 'to, tithe..
-WAY' efeanital.;.imPrevereprits.":
Tbere was ,agreement :when 'Goon -
Was, :,true__Lthat :, the toWn had no
• major park.. expenditures.,1" 11 was •
indicated that,,the'allloggt e#65.d..
ed on Vieteria, Park was something
: in the order of ":$1.25 a ear..••
A .,SuggeStilin by. COuriciller. Brady
:05t Vietoria,'ParIF, budget •heraiS,
ed an.d.that.anything.reniaining be.
,I4ed .'aSsist,„ maintenance at the
Lions Park, -presented a difficulty,
Clerk Wilson said, since 11 wouEd
be necessary thatassistanee to the
LiOrit:'-park :be in,. the form .01 a
'grant'. - • • ,
-•': • - Saforth Park
...Reeve:-Nntriaan. 'SeoinS said th.e't
he didn't look at it as, did other
Members of. •ceuneil,, -lie • didn't
'think:1e' was. fairit,tii :Usk the rate,
layers to finanaethe worit.'of a;
serVice , the tother hand;
Councillor rady pointed-Lrait .that
the park provided'. the best :adver-
,tising which the • ttiVin has 11,Was
not -regarded 111 tlie eyes', of the
public ,as laeistig So; inueli a.Lions
park as .a 'Beefortli. Park, 60 it
..1;vg,i. enjoyed_ by_ all,. the citizens..
In::answer to ..a; query,' A;'•:;Y:.,Mt7.--
Leen,,,Cheirnianef the Perks Com-
mittee.., who waS... at . the ,meeting,
said that, the .park :represented.. a,
capital -chtt . in ::excess • .Of $60,000,
and that annual Maintenance chsts.
ardwinted, td,approxim'ately 44;800:
Of' this • amountarelind.$2;000 was
raised by,oporatiOnt; at the' Parl;:
.leaving ai amount of • over,$2,000
M be raised by 'other Means, .`11
• was to assisti. With this amount that
.the, grant, was 'being requested of
„council. .Brady. asked
What would happen it the;elubgave,
tiri,:operatileir'et ...the Park: Public
'opinion weiild dernand that ' ithe
maintained- ...bythe inimicipalitY;
and the .edit to'ither'tovn woaldbe:.
then many times greater .thari
reasonable grant. '•`,Coundillor, Rtv
ers.'1Was • of .the ...• saine.ePininu, ad.
faVored, a grant Of $590„: and indi-
cated that •iril:his orunieri thn-town.
was getting away .prettY Cheep'. in
view of . what Was being obtained,
-indieeted, that 'tie
was not in favor and flidtight there
, should be -a fit-lei-1'We): stateirierit -of
Parit....Operationt .•,,thaao'. available.
This. Was agreed to, and .the inetiOn
-authorizing • a , grant of $500.„ • waS'
subject to the provision Of .a state -
net of the park operations. ..,
Turning :,to a.' recprett 'from the
Community Centre '13oard.- 1617.-••a5-
i'stango,,, which had been reCeived
at last'week's' -itieethic-ef-Cenneil;
rtiehibon ,'beard: Connoillor
reVieW ttept 'being{ takeir,by- the
board to reduce expendituret.
had been :explained ,previously, .he
said that 'the ..pretent.. situation
erose beeatiSe o a reqiiitedierit.fOr
Majhr.,repairs to-equipmerit whieh
had net ,been...contermilated: While
ander present operatinketinditiOns,,
it wat not likely. a surplus ,'Chilltl•
be eOtinted On in the future., it was
'his ,opinion that the heard Wotild
&mac, reaSOnably' Close 16 fielding
its oWn.. - • , •
-Couteillor Ball, -Cliairnian- Of'',the
fjnance coinniittee said •:that be
had sat. in. on ' ,a';'reeent .ineetiftg
of the' boatil .and,.was....tatiafied•that
a. geed' jok,Of OPotathig
waS being done. , agreed ' that'
(Continued On Page 8) • '
Fire: Lossc.
Net Mstiranee hi...force at the end
of 1957 totalled'$17,105;385 ;it, 'was•
coMpany, at the ' annual mee in
of -the co mnan3,-in-the Towd-Ha.1
here,'Yriday '
The meeting re=elected retirina,
"directors J L. • ,.lvfalene,•
Alexander-, :Ixonhardt.-
was brought to a ,,. complete __stand,
still and: Movement; of any kind
even in the relative shelter of
town streets, Was hazardous,: 'Tem-
peratures throughout Monday and
Tuesday hOvered„pot"fir above the
At the . worst, -the storm produc-
ed gusting winds up to 51 miles'
an hour from the, northwest.
Bearing the brunt of "the storm
were district 'snowplow drivers and
sehdol bus operators,-
' Seat Hableirk, who operates the
fleet of SDHS buses,- said the storm
was the'Worst he had seen in the„
7, scOeir,e08d.ie,onsint096:S,;:. _117:Itai011:binaelngr,t_4,,:rA,AsrluCi..ehrxt,,iar xbaitilasid6e•atS, ,the:0unted 1-1.:
tfhe shdrpl.us.r.ft•riorn.r. Ordi.nary.,":oPeral
$738 IS68
• 'At, the -beginning of -,1957)--the Stir. -
Plus WaS ,$139,195.05.-' 17.edreaSe.-•in
S57441)39. la addition, to-thiST; there
.forth, ,.,was- namede Presiclent, sue -
1'w -ere ;additional reintiiraffee'losses'
' at brenglit the . total - lOsSes.. td
Brhadfoot, Seaforth. •" . • , •
end of 1957 of $130-1-61 09' T t 1
assets are • $145902.59: , a d the t -
..tal net premium 'note residue,.is
6D77ili8r3intg.°305;7,; ''th :---.cciFi---:Pa-n-Y-1-..::
fered '- direct21sses 'that, -totalled:
Walton ' ..Vice."-.presiderit ..is" Allister
'At •a• ;Subsequent e •t ,r. I the
"In'presenting 'tlite,•81st annual ,re -
Port, - the secretary-treaSiner and..
.in,anager, --AI.- ..A, -;iieiel", informed,
policyholders that in 10a7 the ciam-,,
party had suffered the highes`t in-
Brqdhag-efi "
sin -mine lossinthe past 25' 'years.
r Discusskin
of Communi y: or
Participating in Founder's Night,
Seaforth Horne 40a.,,*thbol'heid a
,candleqightingl., Cereniony during
their Februarit. Meeting •Tuesday
'After relating ,the lite history of
the -HOMO and SchOel-fininder; Mrs.
COurtice; Miss B. Grieve lit, a can-
. in. her.
Munn gave a brief resume- of the
history of the National Federation;
Mrs. 81.:,)"; Bechely, Provincial Fed-
eration.; Mrs. A. W. coun-
Mrs, W. ,S. Hay, two Milintee
silence, in. memory . of 'departed
nienters, and.Mrs. J. A, West -
'nett, 'historY, of the 1.1. and -S. As-
sociation. ' Foilawing their r'espe6,
tive- talks, inc ladies ; 'Candles,
Closing Words Were given by Mrs,
Lorne Dale,• . •
The , question- ' ',of thenionth WAs.
anSwered by MisS Ruth ChM, who
knew'thilitle ..of the Selig played
by Mrs. S. A. Canino on the piano.
Mrs, j: B.'Itutsell read the Horne
'and School. Creed;' Class award
went fell. WiddiS'class for most
parents present. ' •
'Miss Cluff favored the with-
salo;1--“my.,Task,", the number
which was g favoriteof the 'found-
er,'•Mirs.:_Gourtiee. • _
Rev, S. H. James address,ed the
group oti.-coinparison of etiticatien
as it is in Riissia-'-its adVantaget
and its. faultt. Heeiriphasized..that
higher edtication should ba,' -free,
and -felt, that it would lief be 'abas-
ed • if it were; free. However, he
said, We shouldn't feel that anyone
With :a • uniVersity education ° it ..any
better than ianyone else. Each-
persen,SerVed'io inc 'best of their
ability'. • •
• l3rodhagen and ',District, :Chani,
members held
banquet- in• the Legion rooms, Mit-
chell; •Wednesday ' ..evening, • with;
their, 'Iedies as .guests. The -tables
were-beantifully: de corated-16--r--ital,'"
entitle with white hyacinths,
streamersand hearts. The dinner
meeting, opened with .the "God
Save folloWed, by in-
vocation by Rev E. J. Fischer.
I Edgar Elligsen led the -sing -row -4,
accompanied by Mrs. R. Sholdice
at inc piano. Pastor E. 3. Fischer
proposedthe " toast to the,lachea,
and Mrs Fischer -gave the reply
Matt to the • Bach - lady re
,ceived a giftetacoftee spoon, en-
graved - with,:;!‘15rodha gen C. of C"
Wilfred. Ahrens introduced the
guest 'speaker; Ward. Bolton; -dairy
:farmer . and •Lions Club -leader of
St. Marys, who spnke on "Com-
munity Work": .,.end" -outlining . the•
word.. Ford ' Dicidson
thankerPthe.: Speaker.
. After, the. banquet, dancing ,was
eiljnYed with • music • supplied
Denald. Wolfe; . Gary and Warren
Sholdice with Manuel Beuermann
sell Sholdice, the president, was
roa,stor.:_of. • ceremonies :throughout
the evening: s. .
andMrs. IlerMan Hinz gave
idonation to the- organ ,fund of -St.
,Peter's 'Lutheran 'Church itt honor:
Of their 25th wedding anniversary
on Saturday,'
'0• Relatives 'received word' ,of '•the
death of .Vrnest'1,... W. likodhagen:
(B111Y), in Stratford last week. .
Messrs:. Ross Leming . and •Wm.
S. Riehl, 'Tait aild Mr:4-
Lavern', Wolfe .attended the.funeral-
of.: John lVlielke, lather or
John Hinz; Jr„ in Stratford on Fri,'
-day. .
Mr. and MrS. Lavern White, at-
tended the farewell service-hf Rev:
Lottis at Seefiach's.- Hill on 'Sunday
and visited - Mr, and Mrs, Ezra
Hinz, end Mrs: •Jtilin-fliniv,Sr.'`-":"
Mr. and ,Mrs.- George. Young, of
:Stratford; Spent Sunday......witn Mr:
and Mrs, 'Williain Diegel.
and Mrs..-McKtirre;•"oft'Straf--.
'ford,: visited - Mr, and _Mrs: .lith
Sininitins Over the Weekend.
Mr, and Mrs..' Russell Sholdice
and Gary' and kr: and Mrs. Ford
Diekison attended t hd farewell
Party on Thursday evening in the
parish hall, Db1in, for Mr. W.
Stewart, bank manager of the.Can-
edian."Bank of :'beitimerce in Dub-
lin. Who retired over the weekend
to live' in Kitchener.,
Valentine 'patty was . held ,. at
the school ,on Friday afternoon.
The pre-school children were also
in -attendance.
The, :siiONVPIows haVe been „ kept
bits'Y this, past, :week. This ; has
been the. first busy time ,for thein
this winter. ;
•Mrs. . :Howard ',Goodrich -has- -talc,
en a poSitibn as a •nlirse at Strat-
ford General 1.10.SPitai.• '
Mrs. John' Brodhegen, who ,has
been with her daughter, Mrs.. Mel
Vell and. Mr: . Volt, Kitchener, is
With. her tie:tighter,' IVirs„,;. Harold
Moglr; aild Mr: *Oa-
• mt ArthurNichol, who has been
confined to Stratford Hospital for
Some time With a 'heart. condition,,
'has returned home, but is tiil con-
fided to his bed. .. •
ersinith, who 1st week was
elected President of the Mc -
Killer) Mutual Fire Insurance
Company. It was the 81st an-
nual meeting ote company.
umes Overcome
Lonit".,IVIaloneY, 21,:'had•a.'darrow.
d's.tape• froin. -deeth 'by ,asphikietiori
when he was oVerceine by Mints
,Wednesdny- night: :He 'waS .V,Faiting
in the cab ofa truck=:te-Was,driv,
nig,- after it had beennee onoW-
hourrCin Fullerton TownohiP, ,
A driver •4or -136yes' Transport
Clinton, he had '..phoned . the, ;com-2'
pany. headquarters in Clinton for
help, and was waiting .in.the .truck
.cAEL,when vvet hvereoine: .
Found some Eoui's'Tater'71SY—a=
crew. sent out -from Clinton to, free
lie was rushed to Mitchell and
giVen first 'aid. ',.Later ; he was id -
moved. to:Scott MeMoriel Hospital„
Seeforth., was released' from
:hosPitet on Sunday: -
He is 4,:son Of Mr; andlVitS: Pete
Twn losSes of.,$153000•..and 'over
Were..,...major.."--contributifig factors.
Furthermore: two additional claiins,
totalled '$13,287,.. Whilelogs from
lightmng co ,. e-compeny• almost;
'another "-$2-',5011;., -Losse by "liglit-`
lung ,were below average, during;
1957; -but": a . coptirmance of -heavy
-losses' onfarin.""properffqrilE,iieenTSL,
sitate .a rate',iticrease' for 511 agri-
eulture 'llnes,.:the .report -coati/Medi.
• i; "report Went en to
Point out that :electric .wrnng and
heating equipment • are heconling,',-
year..after year, the ',riniSt dreaded
factOgin-ifiSilianee 'underwriting.
The .••Voluine ref insurance is up
$1;090,000; . with an increased • net,.
retention of•$770;000'
.:: • • - .
• ...In his rePort,•"Mre•..eid :•gC.,fes ,nli
to egiphasize•the tire %hazards...that,
are „Contributing to farin, losSesr-
"HeSt bulbs,"
creating -a ,ini•ajer,;--hataid-:and are
ofdeel, concern to:, all :companies,,,
Surely the -sad'ekperiericei of those•
who have lost,their.„buildhigs,should
be a .,warning ta alt users.... A few
dollarsspent iti; prevention Will •P"a#
-handsdirie;:dividerids?-": '
; The. ,reptirtpointseeig,Ifiaf rural
; equipmeut 4s.; 'again
:proves its Ualuc isa redttenitzrural
• ers cat 'proteet their farm proPeit-
ty. by 'Seeing that a.mater supply 15
inadeaii,ailable. • Farm,..eponds , can'
be an asset and:',afford fire protec-
tion as well; cisterns lauilt, at a
"onileal and'.eauld be .4 great
aneial saying in event -of a fire..
'In, a final, Word,' Mr, Reid' say's
are still' confronted .With!gaso,:'
line being,,improperiy:, stored., .•
is dangerouS, to propkrty-,.•adq,
Should: not ,be, handled' 'careleSSIY,i-
he said,
.- •
,strihe wllh sueh SeVeritY4-
eVerit. Was -fo :net postthle
onr 'taol. 4ri :ft; et :IS; ia and b ut •
,were.brought , to Settool, Oze
.ship7and" Was 'not'
thesnow inntil,ea,r1Y;
.Reabzuig ti.WOOld' ;bot
sible tO rethit•ptipils,tetlie.
in the 'rurat:,areas,,-;Prinei
c 60°. ift ;;T: nhMi ia .61' .
06. t eiiced ?re' 111:
the nig
doubt -
PlumSteel id: ei
alter twirc ,,4lfliaen*Ere
were calling up ali day," hi
he .expressek'
.of-- the" StUderits :•.• •
77,-,Th6,--I4t7.0.f.' the .4,1.
..ht-doin‘ edaidrlYn,,t7:.:ee:cdtia,;;:ayv7- ,thj.,074
return Inc stranded'fiupits'te::th9
ter 11 o'cleek that -night. •
then; ten • el the' StudentS7::cani
back ; with the .faiises.
possible tii.'_get• near their horae
"SDHS students were Mit, tite.'';614
people ,stranded-• in ,toWn!,,Alitiiir
,d6zen employee- Of Seaforth Shoe
in the districtMoi&y, \"ere1OjC
ed to remain iri tuivit. Companyi
them billetted here. -
cd round the Clock ,whenevere0.
bility'Perrhitted it wa not possibi
open. North ind south iijt
roads, opened-several,ti '
quickly as""Ano-W.And .W1,
their , onslaught.
casionS, because Of lack' of
came tn.u,s.tandstill on.SeVeraLoc
ity. No. 21 Iiighway. from Go
'rtcli to Amber1ey,7wasTblecke
til0•'WedriesdaY. No. 4 -,I9lighw.4)
nOrth;•fisim-Elginfield Was' cioe
LseiVeral'AiMesTravel' .041
:brought:4i a standstili,ron Moeda'
' The . storni caused ':the postpone
inent Of -several funerals" andrmeet
The ConservatiVe'nominatim
edriVenticin, 10 have been; held h
"Clinton Moilday;,.:Was . pestpoi0
nnw.tilh'il.Fritbdapy.irm. • resv.iied itt sv
eral "Minor accidents, .there, •Wa',
.nothing' of •a.,,Seriblis', nature, .orl
constp.v.e Helmar Snell" said. • Sea
forth fireirten Were called, ::0,14,
about 8' 97.eleck Tnesda y, evenln.
when flames, Were. :said" Slinetira
high in .fthe neighborhood ,of
Sewage disposal plant,,. -The .f.tr
Was .7.found',- to ": have been -Yeadie)
'when ,a Onantity,.ef_serap,rnateria
being; .. disposed; by a- trucker,, wa.
set.. on fire. ; Ordinarily 11, Woub
have.' been burned ' One the .,r-tniAn
, dump, but when snow „closed'
POa4 to • the, dump, a Vacant fieli
g Or the ::disposal;plant was clidS
- Because of .ceiifuSion as to th
iopation, of the fire„ firemen wer
directed :-firSt, to the 'premises '41
Seaforth Sewer ' Tile ..Ltd., at..th
end of town, rather than t
Malt'..serviee '' was disrupted
the 'storm'. RuraP couriers OW)
not service 'their :routes.: Track
bringing ...mail., •to.'. Seaforth Pos
Office were-7-running:::',far • •behin
schedule,with several trips bein
. • : '
•--40-46ith..Tpc_.,enaployeeS :battle
snowdrifts '• and" .cold weather. earl
Wedriesday,. 'Morning- to- repair. •
leak in a-wafer-seri:dee...en. Croat
:"..-".7',Driver in ItoSPital •
The ' driver of 'one. of the tiv
vehicles involved s in,Seott .Mert
lariat 'llospitai' as the result, of
coliision which 'took place- earl
Wednesday aftetrioon., about a ha
mile north of, Crieve'S Bridge,
the North Road.. Snow was &Min
badly :between high" hanks, acceri.
ing :to. .0.PP.., 'Constable. I-/eIMa
Snell', who: investigated; ,and
hility WaiS- bad. ,
Injured IS .ArnogIT-Osbaldesten
'of.,Goderiela.; who was driving souti
Systqnl he 's brought to Scol
Memorial Hospital Box's an
bulanne,,, and ..'ig"-Sufferigig • fret
'chest, faceand'leg. injuries:
were Wilson
• etheirvehicle, a light truel
and ..his -13 -year-old san, EdWa.r.
The lad, was taken to hospital wit
'Minor bruises, but waS, later r(
leased. , The
:injured were attent
ed by Di'. M.W. .staritoon.., wh
was behind - the Osbakldston ca
wheu the aciident occurred.
. At the 'heightof the storm
TtieSclaY, five .earS. were involve
ig an" actident 'north of- 'Winthrej
Constable Snell:said. *short tirn
later :Iwo_ ear,s,_t,!pre in C011iSie
opposite :the -:Coirtet • farm, nee
• Walton. , 'Further details were'm
available, "since blocked Midi' ha
prevented investigation 'Coristabl
Snell Sai& ,
'‘Ilow'd You get the Shiner?'
'`Kissii4 a :bride Atter the eeri
:inoonE;t..',ybo.4'3„.; tic14.
"Yeah, but this Wit tWo yeal
McKILLOP . . • .. . .
, 'Clayton 'Fry, Sarnia; . director of
-Ontario Itog Marketing Board,
traced the.differeht methods 1 arm -
es lieVe used to improve their con,'
ditions and :help theniselves; at he
addreited McKillep Federation ttf
AgricirlEire at "their annual' meet-
ing Wednesday ,night '. Meeting in
Seatertir'Dittrict High 'Seheol..,audi-
torbird;-....tIvir: Rt..Y. -Pointed outthe;
advantages of thinking collective-
•. '
The speaker was 'introduced bit
VicerPresident jannee keys. Doug-
las :Miles, agricultural repreterita,.
tive '.for Huron,, spoke briefly on:
farm 'Management. • ""
Varin marketing. -plans -should be
given more siippert,,Win8ton Shari -
ton . Huron
Scutari:* WI.
Visits HuronHome
_ ,Seaforth 'Wonien's Institute
held r .StlOteSfUl.euchre in -See.,
forili;eommunity Centre on Friday
evening,,. when 24 tablet,. were
14innerS;i;ele' MrS;
Bob Dalton and miss --Margaret
Sinclair; meiVs first, Mae Wilson
and. W. . D. Wilson; loW;
Mrs. Art-
Varlcy arid William; Ryan- •
'On, Friday Members of the Insti-
tute. Visited the Huron County.
Herne at Clinton and distributed 100
boxes., They also britilAftted -the
residents' with a, short 'program
ing on farm Marketing, plans,' also
stressed.'" that morepromotional
work should be dorie itt Ilurcixi. '
Accomplishments and activities
of Huron Federation during' the
past Year. were related by Secre-
tarY.Fieldman Carl :Hemingway.
Reelected President' Gilbert .Smith
briefly ,described the 'Work ofthe.
federation .in ,McKillop last year.;
Report of the' McKillop 4-H" Grain
Club was given -by -Stanley
whilc Bert'-hObb president of the
Hared C-ounty Hog ,Producers,
brought the orga:hizatien hp to date
on the work in'19t7,, - •
,Entertaininent for the evening
included, a sing -song and -duet by
Marjorie and' Jean. Hilien, accom-
panied .by ileen Smith. Highlight
of the entertahhilent'vOS the show,
Mg of a' tilt -6 bY.1,11,tidgek. Schwasi,
dealing with his .ffetent 14,009:uiile
trip through the Peace' River Dis-
trict and Galilornia.,
Mr. Mites 'condueted-the:election
of -officers, With the gronp•re-elect-
ing Gilbert &filth as president
Ken Stewart was elected first vice-
president, and .)-arries Keys,,seeond
vicepresident:- Gilbert. Smith, was
appointed , director to the' IlOg Pre::
&Mere Association, with Gordon.
Elliott alternate director. Orin
Dodds was again harriedlo the,pos-
ifion of secretary -treasurer.
Directors named prior to the
meeting Were; " Prendis }linkmen,
Oliver Pryee,,' Gordon:Miller,
gus X611Y. Murray. Dennis, ,Gordan,
papPle,,; Gorden Elliott;',Harry p41.,
-in; Walter Somerville. and Gordon
, •