HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-02-14, Page 2, ..
Szne 1.860. Serving the•Comminuty Arst
obilshed. at SEFORTH, ONTARTO, every Thursday Mothing by
IVIeLeari: 13r6s., Publishes
_ .
-Canada (in advance) ,$4,50 a Year ,
United States "(ill•-adiTance) $3.50 a Year
Authorized as •Second Class Mall, Post Office'Department -Ottawa
••• • ••-• " • •
ere is • :111,....0:..,Kick.irk:Oritarto:.:Winters....
he -Storm which arrived 6Ver. the
ncl was a vivid reminder that
i'Alart of Ontario can still -produce
_ ,
2fishified-winter-Storni.S. 4 7
, ,
t has heeOluP a 114bii') during ,Tp20.•
„11yearS to suggest that the sea7
s h'S; Are changing We congratulat-
!.'ed'eaeh other: that -it isot:near1y as
cold in the vvint&.• as, it used to be;
that the ;snow i not nearly as deep.,
'The-fact'is, of course; that no two
winters are alike. That there can
be days just .,as stormy aS tlioSe, we
e*eipber as youtli8; -Wa -proved
-Member 01_1
bite outofStorms :and they no long-
er entail- long days of iso a ion
which, once ,waS.Lthe theY
are still - storms that rate with
e best, as •.anyone 'Would soon. fin .
IlOnt' it 'the-. benefits Pt ...14P*ed. r0a4..
and. heated' autos were abandoned -
for While - '
Despit the -fact traffic was • d s-
-impted aildi:roOS were OD 1
Sunday andMonday, the WiTitei-th:4':
far been fine:
-one: Days have, been -Clear and cold ;'
•„,•there 'has been,ehOUgh-SnOw to keep:,
_ :fieldS androadscldRD.
;Oyer -the weekend. odern stand- And. until a few days ago,there was
s of living have taken a lot of the no ,difliculty getting about '
,Wered Prices for Some' Farm- Products
5% upon the 1957 figure, • Prices wi
.• be -lower in Canada. 'But production
is deehning south of the border; -so.' :
.- there'll he an eXpor inirketfor Can-: • -.
adtan cattle. •
Eggs—predict st,ronger demand,
but higher, production; r with -prices .
about the. SalTle: PoldepST-Ipripes
stAble Theres an 'import
. •
re w I be interest in predic-
4,1-Ong concerning • prices -which farm
products vvill bring in 1958. The pre-
dictions. are those -of the ,Financial_
Post. -
, ProSpecth'for farm products.prices
are mixed. ..;The general tendency is
probably clOwnWard.'
Pork' was - -underprodtteed this
year with consequent high prices.
Erospects- are- for a -16* to 20%
-.greater production in 1958 With
consequent price' Cuts:-
:_Thereq'be-,a -lifiher -production of -
AnAdian-Cattle----=a- talibn-Li-head,
ust Teach Neini Driv
• ,
(St Marys JournalArgus
An, increasing proportfor _of auto-
. .
mtibile drivers will be of teen-age- in
the years -ahead' and, unless these -
young eopie can be taught, to be,re-
faces a "staggering" toll •of dead and
e jai Oil "R
injured, says the mp r e -
view in its February issue.
Today -drivers in 16-21 age
grout, have` twice as.";rnan3r accidenth
as all Other drivers and kill 50- per
vomit, e -behind the wheel,- Catia.da
cent more people. They kill 11 times
more people than the safest drivers,
the 45-50 year § olds.•• -
The Review warns that the situa-
tion,"could blow' up.ln 011T faces" -'.as
the bumper crops -of war and post-
-war babies reach '-dr-iting.'age. To
there are 1,3O0,000 Canadians -in. -
the 15-21 age bracketi• by. i966. there
will be 2,700,000. '
''The article- prop' °seg. 'Stricter law
The Coriimercial Hetet -is. the*.
cOriverted into. Seven aPartments;
eaela. with. three roonis. and a:
vate bath: -.Business at the. Com-
rriercial-Hot.el will he resumed-lat-'
er, .at the old Public School: build,
ing.--,C1inton 'News-Beet/rd.
•Suffer$ •
.„ • .
ton .McNall; of -Blyth,•-the otherlby
,I1„ene 1ercruyasen,"
;C011idect on. the '8th-CingesSion, of
fast Satarday
Morning., with heavy;. . damage ..,te
the,VellieleS; and ineTheal aidneed
ed for the elder Veretuyssen,: aged
47 a'passenger with his son, Ilene.
The elder,...'•NercraYssen• suffered
head. laderations 'arid .shotle .and
was,attendedpy Dr. R. W. Steet,
of Blyth, and takenta,Clinton hoS-
pital. Congtable Rosa. Balls, of the
Gocierich:OPP ,detaehment„in-Vesti=
gated,--Blyth'Standard '
ies of. specialists by '$'7Q0.. 'Increag-
ek-..10f._2;5Q1) for the principal: and
•#,,000, for the vice-proicipaL were
included in the teacher's'. reqiiests,
The, teachers, also asked inereases
in ,maairminc-Salariesi.plris ,Spedal
experience allowances -for ' six•
teachers. Board 7 nieinbers felt
that the teachers.did notgive. ade-
quate reas011a tO sUPPOrt. their:re::
quests.; lt Was claimed ,brbpard
Mein -hers: teailinTs .iraut
the increases:to act As a buffer
,againgt `Gederich
'. wir'n':g$ht:ee't,ovr.n.ro'n3ca-1111,'earset' :a new
record forbreVitir en'IVIOnclaY' eye -
as they 'Met fer-the February
aeSSIOn,-h Mayer B. E. IVICKin-
ney: in , the---enaie-and , all council
ine,iribers,- Preserit,,-- , The ' meeting
lasted -exactlY.' - 47•., riiinutes:' '.111.6
queStion. ot wilether,er -not-to -re
move the aeatimulated-snoW. fro -
..Increasing IT' eitinie . --. '. - Ments-,..-for ' trailer residences . e .
erged'aS .061\0 main 0*S-tinder-
diabUssibitt , Gonlicil received'an.a.p?.
Pheatian: fo . establish , a trailer, 'Site
an.-.4113,ert.°St;,.!`atiela diseusgiqii of
tat .rates enstied,,.....It was decided'
that 4 $10.Per month should
be2Charged in , future for .trailers
which arp' beingused ,as residenCeS.
Th ,e chief .af. police', was also in',
strutted to investigate aTi.'. traiiptS
„.-wliith are . at Present being used in
town,: to 'ascertain '. whether or not
the fees .are being Paid.--Wingliath
Advance:Tithes. . '
.' -.:: ',Meet '(*lit. 'Officials
' '''Iii.feinherg'af the toWn!C -----I''-- 4
bt'etipstiteessesn_mr,ltativwt,es g.'.otif:.;:iiiithcletiQt.SutTli!..ytic ,61• ..g,' and
night, Of, last :week.: with:a. fat t7find-
ittg:....irtittljr..„,s:ditt ,oitt. by C.4ti4oiati, edge- -seme'eggS Ofit, of .'grs, Ross,
'Billy and Dan grabbed her „sacki:
Np:itith, O.net,asltbli:al.frilk,atyast'drinel,:tiiiv.r.iees,:t.,..F.o.-:,,,t:Eh_e.:. triaeethiie7.,b,b.a:fir-:;,_.,ashnea..,:idr:Iiy74,h„aitd 0:: ,,,,h4eixii.-
giAtili: Of: passenger 'service .on -tile.
,baCk.'. Well, they 'ran' with :.i.t to.
'Carl'in, Stratford, rePregentative ,ef
finie, reeovering it. 'Yes, I well
CNIt,,, opened ,the'..diseiission that. reinerriber 'Biddy., ; ••.
at present' the. :PalirierSton. 'AO'. Kin ,
Now -this rWaS before • MY tilne,
Carchile line:- cattie' 'ari;';aveag0 of hut 'does', anyone -1116w :1,1.I.O. had
He the ' tannery- at Bill- Aikenhead's
about 5. passerigerS , per ' day:-
.. Said. that the -ifa-4*-&3';'. 01.#cials': hd biidge ,iiy.,our, filaee,' When one day-
coroe to Wirlillarn Only "th- 'ask1ar this, Geordie .McLeod got in, there
thoseb6/ ooamln IV' fe:7enne'ht. ts(:,e't'llsd' e' ea''''''n'linnd.::1Cal'-PssilatliCagi.:P;as451"jeiatiin°Yeilfe:-e'lv' f were or: u°H'l4ic.; ': youi.1'.'.t youh h6:a.' canti fa, tan:d-1:1O3.71:111a dollar.'.' 1.1 'di!. S'.: ''.1): Gi a' i LookCie . George I'.-imh. giveearde
begging'. far A dime ,and , theLewner..
4s4-Idt--:-'dit114.At4::.sd:j-6116;6a:b°-°-'1-4119.1v-ile2'13--Yi-et.'-2.-r-t: Mrith aleoliOratrd40-11-41-17.41-6 ' didn't'
to" crag§ it, but he already-had:too
ago";• the railway had.: definitely, collect : the hall :dallar,.. but he 40
Suggested curtailment or complet collect' a -good 'f-gtall" finish • .. - ,
reffioVal of the paSsenger service- ,.....,
.,. .'ilere-were Several others, whose
4 narnes, I -.cannot .-rernelliber. . . But
change; in...appro acli. to .the. Subject: these .tifet,.,.ttittates_,_..t.h,t .....tiitie,,,
„Voltune• at the. neVidY",:establialied
hog24SSembly;'.yards' at. -Clinton is
steadily- growing: ; jep,,Critey; Man-
ager �f the -yard, reports that 513
hogs Went threugh • . On -,Tixesclay,
.$2' per cWt. L10: Clin-
ton-. Imads: went' out to . 'Whyte's;
Burns,', Coleman, .Swilts; Canada
Packer's, and PressWoodi Ajlants:
According to • Alfre-d-VVainer, see.;
retary, Of the Huron -.CountyHOg
predneers Association;Aboilt'three-
quarters,. of the hogs 'received Were
brought in direct, -by 'the farniers:
The :rest carne, in .gratiP lots;
brought -in by -truckers, Cliitton
NeWs-Record-.: „
.. The Florid.a , Chamber -,of Com-
merce won't this.; :Goga:‘
practiCaL:jOker,'. has Sent - relief '
sister. in Hollywood, ;Florida,
which. UnderWent
cold .Spell recentlY.. The . package
LeontainS., Coal ' and. dried apples.
. explanatory- rmte, to the . past,
remain -control tur.keys ,.and priceshe7__
%-are stable. , - -
ilk—if anything, increases are
predicthd here. In Qnta,rio and I3.C.
'thilk'lifice is hitched,to•-a_cost-of-pro-
- cluction4ormula-.=-It'Srutilikely-Ao2g6 -
dOWn, but a -476 --rise IS:possible.Ther
other provinces should follow suit." :
llutter—price rises are :possible
ere, -Stocks at the moment are 30
illion pounds lower than last year.,
The- tendency for all grain prices
--wheat,-barley, oats,' etc: --is down.
The prices of -these, depend' on world -
priees, and_th-ere's k:--glittsituation de- - -
veloping throughotit the World,
man, Bill 'wrote on the ..ontsicle of
the PaCkage:, f"Coali-to..keefriny
sister warn 'hi 'Florida; dried ;pis --1 hear hear the oranges are :all
ffozer' -His sister is Mrs. ,Ehza.-.,
beth Hilger.-Exeter TinieS-AdYp-
A -criminal-,-,-.negligence charge
against Lea.Zinimer,.....1.7, of Zurich,
Was withdraw Wedncsd after
he . 'pleaded , to::.-indietable
drunk ConnectiOn.7 with
gram of -professional 'instruction for
young...drivers.. In :three- Manitoba
'high schools'offering 'safe driving in-,'
the aecidefit% rate -among'
graduates ,Was -only one-eighth that
- of the average motorist
- Most adults,- it says,: believe : they1
• safety -record , of . the • homeTtaigght;
teen-agers del n't support this. Stt-:
'dies show, - that young .drivers' Who -
...have, undergone ,competent driving
• ::instrUctions Are twice as. :Safe,',as,..
others of their age who had no.:sUch •
enforceinent and a ::ste'pped-tip„.pro•-• training. "
Saxe..§40 Kerida. 18lso of
Untir,:nekt.::.,,etairt,-.:-....Pelaruary„-:, 19; .in
Exeter.' ;penalty' one;
Month'. in -jail; ,thexiremn,is three.
'.on; .charge Pf,
drunkAriVing• ag ainst Clare Kegier,
.aCeicleiit,": Was; also; postPoned, until
next- Court,"
WAS -defended
S Thomas' Parish Hall
ear a
.• •
' • •
ecia speaker.discuss Coramimitk, Problems and how a
, .
Chamber of Cpmmerce can assist. ,
All citizens interested in the Chamber. of -Commerce -Work are e,
ktra Ti liet.s may be obtained at:.
.SIL --11AT;,1)WAltla
Bok Ft.}-1t2+TITIJ-ItE
Suppoit: Your ,Chamber of --Commerce'
Spaee contributed rin the
er-viee ofthiS. ebmmunity
bY -John Labatt Limited.
YoUr Presence
-GodaicirL.District Colicgiate -In.
stittite Board. voted Tuesday: night
to--"trold'the.line" against;tpachers'
salarY,dernanda,1` Which were 'called
"`Outrageolls'". by one board .-xneim.
her. The teachers 'asked the:board
to" increaSe. Minimum ,starting sal-
aries of non -specialist teachers by
$500 and ' naininium starting salar,
, . .
246 Park St.; . pastor was 4 all imPressed. His
• Lapeer, IVIichigan. apPetite readily left him; he pray,
Edit The Huron Ex'positorf: d with us" mentioning -each. one
from Brucefield this week in which ,
Ho* Many remember ' when
the vvri'ter asked:. "Jim, do you Drew- - San, 14,e n McConnell,
remember Biddy, the old lady vv,ho
1-,TisRedilninteonitnbe:egrvill.4:amigde°d?rtylg; -thle, :arreiners t"ellthilr T"imF°thanedri'n#rhealnd Waldron, 53111
•Falconer; "Jack . McKnight and
u '' do! many others used. to haul logs all
In fact I.bel.ieve Biddy was more
' individually: but he didn't Men_
Dear Sir: 1. received a e e tio4
ttgiilbglamels%,t,han anypne.els, or, any winter to Mastard's •Mill7 I thiak
avvPI:anorsil.71fi3:!:P'cl,:idUuaf Tin:drd:S1 pastte 1:11irtlh°1-, 7 me-playing5 oee ClogtrP: 1 I :gbA int hi .:aeiiossssnet.' de. 17 imBY' (11' Mrawacit ingolc:: ewe .fgk. MrT tieonlitughd istha:re. r:,d13- lmill'paa'n 1' el now wt117:::nn ni°1 udutiligg:1!:
eafadtheafRt40a;d'°„nee'f..ath1-04eetaietn-e‘s'IC:iwiogifihttis--;htrey-arofthtehatb-igera-, Yea, can still
aw=and, too, the
Tuesdays and
1,: most Itow
nweaoatu aroundyrda511boYstl:wie.. IniZthwtb191aBe:is-fd-Itt.1,ecia°d..:1:6Y,r :Wserf St-1lncie Fridays:
ilt ni IWYleaping 1 i'Aorl6mdi Waldron subs,epor-daild-t°ol‘'ovdfClisi ogijghest-
never tried to harm me any,paSsing through the village, and
way; in fact-, she was always nice, when the of No. 10; Stanley,
Ito . me, ' But I was alWayS afraid- were coming-horne?' 'Arid how. the
of her. Her language was so ter- snowball ,fight would, :start, and
rible-how -many remember how
Laura Satider-,-Milide Wilson, the
she c'ould swear? - car, caiTid Boss, and -it
'Then there' was a fellow, Geordie seems to: me, the"Burdge
McLeod, he used to drop in. Mercy would try to wrestle Tim into the
deep snow -filled • ditch by Jack
Swan's farm, and -really smother
him. with snow. ' '
• I thinldng now o*f the old
skating pond , behind- Jim Grain-,
ger's home, where.. we used to
gather nights and Saturdays and
havna,Teal gocid time:- There was
-another ot -behin the Pleu
homestead corner, later -Bob Mu
dock's.There was excellent skat-
ing_ there__ _____
think- t o the +,m
sakes! MY little legs -wand& just
fry to, get -me to Uncle M the fields.
I was probably the most plead
yonngsthr in Huron otuity when
eybuilt the House of.Refuge near
,Clintori and captured all these "fel-
-low travellers" of „that era._
_Biddy used to Ask for eggs,: cloth-
ing -cash-anyth g. ,_I..re..
call, she came to our p ,
cussin' seems ,she was up -
hill to, eall on Sandy (Alex)
Ro and- Dan - were-
- ,
when Ben Higgins USed to chase'
is out _of George -Forrest's grape,
vineyard -Latter Ben married Lot --
tie IVIcGregor and took over the: -
Pete MeGregor farni.in the village.,
renieniber night *when, With
'Ben in hot pursuit, I almost left '
my britcheson,"a Strand el barbed
wire at the rear of the ibt.
Very stncerely;"--- -
Pinanc 324 - Res' 540
'MAIN ST , • - '" SEAFORT11
IF!! a ,Feb- 14t
• „AdMission Cents
090.1LP. „RIVES_
St: Patrick's'
home. While ' she was trying to -•
but " that the present.' moVe.was-
Myr R nney-registered
.4ny kinda
He Saf:dAhat.tin'':ao:YrP-M-7e:":"4°`'''`"`:-'of thonr J.ised;te.'.`fllfv.",,,ea.bbag• es:
tii had been supphed as to the froxn the gardend of the OId Am
nature of th gathering and as a ersean and Dixon House, and try
s no opportuaity fer to trade thern in for a 'horn or
itrfie:u.1:6:41141;;;:tfin,sUgesions to two at the bar
the preparation of 'I.
• : Expositor ,:relating that ,a mr, and
; WS. • •James , Dale. la
• , • , .theit golden wedding.. amThe won
Ladies Auxthary of theHall on 'ftrh1:::),thuee
"VireduesdaY'':-everiing,;•.when • , thirty -ere. soccer 'team? ,:-The time would
ladies attended LaY=-:
president, :'preided ' -ten was another 1 wonder lipw
A. birthday pilrty, ID be held 'thany.reinember'thase,..fellowsZB67.
4VPtil'Stalniand ,.1Y:beurse:-T(1115s;e4u.1°S;s:4eclt..'c:I.i1VIelfresis4es these, there was John Mus
William Little woi the one end of the field almost to the.
LiinchwatTserved Sheigner.d; .01 .nenaI1;-.Maek
niittee m cbare .and Bi1L .Aikenhead :Torn- Baird
Thorripson,r -and;
• .
... . E"
ONE I should .:remeinnef ,•every-:•
now, let'a see -who have I forgot-,
Wright Bill Swan Alex IVItirdaeli''
, „.
• one, , even en that:. teain, because
„,..Itnhteer*esutirnogp.: imiteinikissigtloetanoefd2fr.5, w 50 The as 'utrlider:Bririapepesiiite;rd_iriretphooleerpfyor
and..,j5,years • ,.., fld..coVered -.0Yery--:kanie at lotrie
•and aWay„,'
L. recall; in particular, a-, „semi-,
,FroM "The.. Huron Expositor ' . a :reliable, 'and energeticoperator' flag- game iti P. 'Mile. :to." heaT-
,_ . .• . ..
.. . . .
of' ,flireshing machinery; 'haslitir,. Berlin (now Kiieliener)-;1)layed in.
February 17, -1933 . mit_ a, do.wripoiir of: -rain.,,--inost ...of : the:,
. , .. ., . , chased :en.,Up-to4 ate threshing
:Auditors John acTavish
--.M•. - Mid :fit liam.-The Robert Bell -Engine gairt6;' that 152.---'`relTieniber that
William Scott'; Brucefield's, 'first
,A. Reid are at work atid.. and.:Thresher -Co. ., • ..; ,
iting thebooks of Seafer.th. ' They ,- 'Mr, Mack 'Burnsts diSpoSed of elii?eilr. was ' with ''as: as was 1.11.:'s
are 'doing their work in the conn-• his,. 15eautifid Usual ustont; he..was very proud racing: colt to..MX.
'ell chamber in . the Town Balk „4:esenh ,Giviin, Pf Melchior'', at . _ a .bofo'ttileh
6r lieirnaitj-m8
am. al.lbd.!_.11. title' ra13.,,c1,gt,„
In kletter to Mr, W.' d,: Barber,- 'good, figure.: He has also . sold' a both
Scott, Jack Swan; -Jack Kais-
of,,town,..Mr.. Ga.riiet.,,Sillery,::Who fine draught colt , ID' gr..- Patrick
is Working, in Northern 'Ontario; -in reen• , eY; of Hibbert, , • : ' :' • : er,AieN.'Mustard, Jack McIntosh,-
. . ''` ,•
the .Kenora District, says the titer-- ' :Mr.;Itobert • IVIeLean; reeve of Jack Snider,PeteBowey- 13 tuce'Bossenberry , Were , airiong. others
me:meter hit 49 degrees -below zerti. Goderick, was ;elected warden'. of }
during'. the-., past . Week. CitizenS the COunty. of-Huron:at the 'meet- who' 'requeriii' travelled with. "::'.the'
who felt they.: pophl.,, not -long aur7.,:ing ,of county.„:.countil on -TUeSday. '-tharn.• ' - '---b,eli":-e.-.04t' :Was -14-1907'
ViVe'lhe..-15-below-Ahat -WAS report.: :' ",Recalling:1808; I 'read in the• or 1903
here last week,'-have•niuch to,:• t
trdit Free ,PreSs. today: that it was
be thankful; for; it would apiNar,. ,,,, :Prom The Huron EipoSitor
:When ';,ftlie'.11orSe 'Which .she waS. •at..the•Michigaa State ..rair'lt,,..D6-;
,trOit, ,Wh'et1 the fanuitiS. race. horse,.
driving on, Main Street. on Monday ' ' 1.`.ebril'ar3: 1q.,..,1-.8$3', - - Dan ,Patch, rao',,arid- won- hi last
a,fternooff . became- suddenly fright- ..Mr, 'Hyslop has purchased .the race Bill ,kiii aviantosh :and I, were
piled: and bolted, Mrs. Thomas •Fer- cottage formerly ;.oeciiPled by M. at the Fair ' that, day.. It was -..a
guson vvas: thrown' out, -and dragged -James ,• Pringle,:ifiona., iyir,,, .- it, _L. real thrill., We bad some .iitner
for a distance, but was fortunately' Sharp, for the Simi of -$475, ..,' real :"thrills" on , ;that- trip; but
inGodericfr.Street to its. table on
tint seriously' hurt,. The horge' ran Mr:. Thomas Mellis, Kippert, the. which. I will:LW:VI tell you About
) s
Jame Street, and iri Making the popular blacksfnith,',has just coin. ,(or,' he :may: ..say he has forgot-
tusn. at Mrs.. L..C.. :Jacissort,,s 40r, pleted.the work of , inakiiirlialf, -a ten). ' Oh- yes; I.: remeMber - Jess
te.r;.: t etaTme,,:rard,. lip, witk _some ton- of hordesboes.,; There is some-Gemniell had 6., ,partY tine 'night
trees and lost the cutter.' •, : ::. :hain.niering:in this amOunt of horse about the saine,year, and Bill. and
Ahinteresting ceremony took, iheeS, and thi:liet'lliat-Mr, 'Mein's-, rirrOve ..oul,,,tOgether ,late about 11;
; , '•--
piece at the evening service -in St. requires alt these iti,hiS -Own buSi:- p.M. • When we arriVe-eat-jess',s-
Thornas' Anglitan.Church last,Stm- ness shows the 'extent of the trade house,- we Peeked in . the „windows
day, whet tife m_._..e.iiibrs.hip ,,cert.t... one y ,, un, ., ., . .. .. , , , . and it .appeared •.to us „that. .all
fteatee.,la the wms woe pteseated / in' oriso quantities' of ice arehe., there were 'sort , of "pairen," so'
Mmg hauied.„freni,..the • Egniondville rather- than .expose Ourselves as a.
tr°'atiVikers'`e`4/dohxn'i,14s..iniul,JeheeY'i,311e.trttis'ekit;•tjh66' darnjuit tievV,,, Notvvithstanding the cotMle of ,'"forgotten -.bachelers.'
gift ', of the mis:ses pnssweiL •The, severe.„fioguilitto have ,had:Ithis. sea_ unable .to induce . a couple': of girls.,
iveseht4tion-„w4s made,* _mrs. t. soli; the ntialitY Of .the article is to comewith us, We droVes back
AuPleford 'aild-Nfes. 1,:- G. Van Egnot at'all 0'01 : ' - . • home m the'village.., More 'details
MondCanon- the rec. „Mr. .S.. •G:';'1VIc.Catighey ..lias :dis-, on this, too, shouThi. 'come from
tor Snake briefly. , ;
, posed of the Property, in Harpur. Bill, . if he- remeinberS.,'
‘. • '
:- Mrs. W. c Sproat gr* miss Bar„, hey 'belonging -to IVIr, William, Mc- Abbut the same -year---or maybe
bara have returned to trom .
.. - ' • Culla& to .Mr. Joseph Brown: The earlier.. --I was„Working.for the.1741
01*OLI.t0." .
• own f ,--..
, , property,.6onsists of six acres' _of droll' 'T0111131- hOnlhe. London Read.'
,.' - •6 '
land, and „was ,:sold . for -$70, per The. elder Were still 'liv-
acre; ' ',. ' ' ' . .. ' '-.. . .. " '- . Mg: Tim had returned from South
i`TotriTlie Huron,' tiiiogtin- .,..„ , .,,' Mr, Sutherland, the Market Atileriee -With, 4 nosy parrot, Well:,
- ...,. vehruow:54.1908,_,, • meta, .entered . Upon; -the duties of anyway,• it was .slipper: time:. we
.. ,.: ' • - :his -.Office last. Monday ..-- - • • • were seated and m dropped 'Rev'
. : IVIr„„John. DicksMi,: of ,Winnipeg, • Last TburadaY there were eleven Mr. :Miller,,,,Tastor . Of • the'.,Varna
:atid'Iiirs.Wimsth4;:,of.:Aurpra,,:.,,are men , shovelling .8110YiOP...#1•0••',rail. and Brucefield Methodist • Chtirell-
at. present visiting at 'the Mine of Way track 'near* Ethel; add 'they, as. ,:. Now Polly' had..,been .gently
Mr. James teekliart- of. McKi.11oP had_to'sheVeI their way.baek.hoine asking for' some Supper for :hex's&
• : Mr. Percy 'Smith, of Ethel, has' ,agaill as the -snow' had. drifted - in --up ID now, tliatIS. 'Suddenly:site
taken a-;, position as 'clerk :'in Mr, as : fast as they, shoVelled -it, out, , decided to take 'a more' direet and
W....,`G.:Neal,stOre, 'in. NiTalton; ' Some ,days ago while John. -and aggressive approach in, her appeal
, „MiSs Woodley hag sold her hei.iSe' Charles' SteWart, siaii of Mr., John and 1 think eyeryo'ne -but the good
inkineeffeid to Mr. Riesberry, Stewart, Of Stanley,were.,practis-l'inifilster, arose as a, unit, fo :escort
formerly of. Brandon, Man. : The ing with a revolver, it accidentally that_beaStly,„bird fo,. a 'far •. corner
sabe Was Made • through: A, A, went -f while in the hands- of John of :the. woodshed:, , What she .Was
Watt's' 'agency.- • .. . •• and the hall.' lodged in the fleshy saying...and kept on saying-.4asn't
,,' Mr.-,Iloyvard 'Hartry'. and ,mr. 3, Part of "Charles' thigh„ where, it exactly from, Shakespearel., Tim
C. Coning. bn;vn. - been •• prioilitettstall reinains, ' The revelVer had $.01.ight to-explani that 4 enure .'of
tawn tittclittirs,, the: gentleman first snapped twee , :without Ong Off f.ftr.anips,” had been, in that .day
aP Inted: having &anted: to -act; and C,ItarleS:waS, jttst coming over, and :the 'feathered . friend naliat
.inr.,11enrY-1RtherA. thresherMart the fade to Sep ,What.was the. aa4t, have cOpied Soine . of their expres-
of long eh& 'Varied ti**Ilence' and ter., ,when he receiVed ,the hall-, 'siens. Bilt fdon't betieve the, 004
Pry -de 8t- Son
,Inquiries are invited
Telephone Numbers:
Clinton -162O eafortli 5
Physician and Surgeon
Phone, 90' • Seaforth
no answer c
• - Physician and Sorgeon
• Phoies: Office 5;w keg, --5--J
Seaforth -
. .
physician and ion
I'lione 110 : Fleneall
• Telephone -26
• " ' •
• :Telephone 55: ; ."
• Telephone :
'EVENINGS: ''"Iwiiesd.ay,,..,,Thursday.
and SatUrdaY'only;,'
• ..AppointmentS 'may .be
3011:N E. GSTAFF
_1 _OPtoinetrist
Phone 791 Seaforth'
Eyes examined Glasses Fitted
Office Hours: Seaforth
except lVtondaY, 9 a. - 5:30. p.m.;
Thtirsday evenings by appointment'
Clinton; Monday,, 9-- 4..rn.- 5:30
p.m, (Above' Hawkins! Hardware.)
.. „
J.•O. Turnbull,:
Bryans,' D.V:M., VS: '
W. .G.•; Drennan,D.V.M., V.S.
endner4,105 : •
;,A..M. HARPER:-
chatteed Accountant
55 South ,Telephone
Goderich- -343
--- Licensed Municipal Auditor.
ChirOpir die Foot Correction),
Monday Thursday - 1 to 8 P.M
' :G. A.. WE, D:C.*
%'Doctor of ;Chiropractic
438 Main Street ,Exeter
X -Ray all40 .Laboratory
• • OpeirrEactheWeekciay Except
• ,IVednesday • .
Tues' and, Thtirs Evenings 7-9 '
For Appointment ' Phone 606.
Barrister, , Solicitor,' Etc,
Phones: Office 173, Residence 781
Barristers,' Solicitors, Etc.`
SEAFORTII,- ONT. 'Telephone 174
uc oitee
Graduate -of ' Beisch." AnieriCan
School of Auctioneering-Licensed
ID Huron, and Perth, CaPable of
handling all :types of Sales. and ad-
vertising:• _ '
• .DON DENNIS, 'Walton
: Phone • Seaforth 843 r 11 '
-President Witt. F. Alexander'
Walton , .
vme-Pre;. . Robert Atchibalit
Manager and Sec.-'rreas. - M., A.,
Reid, Seaforth
E. J. TrietRarEtliCTa,OR:C1Sin' ten; S. 1-4.2
Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon- •
hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archi-
bald, Seaforth; Iohn IL MeEwing„
Blyth; William S.' Ale.kander, 13ra1-•
ton; Harvey Fuller, GOclerich;
Pe-0er; IlfUtefield; Allister'
Broadfoot, Seaforth.
aJni. F,LePilleruraer,jriirOtil4hatgclet8:
Selwyn Baker, BrustelS;
Munroe, Seaforth.'
Seaforth, Ont. • <>
a Night or bay 'Calls- 33$ <>
a. 9 a a. aaaaa90
a a, a a -:a a 9 a.a
° 13OX
Funeral Service
•C, R, S:,,110X
a 'Licensed ignabahner
a Prompt and carefutattention
PfoSPi,tat Bed *
- ,..00CASIONS
Phon,es: .0P
4 Res: 1.58fr•W Store 43 4
a a 0 a. 40aaaa
o a a -a aaaaa
J• A. BURKE 40'
, "Funeral Difector
a and Ambulance Service -
D'inittg" ONT.
Night or Day Calls:
Phone 43 r 10, • a'
, „
Funeral Home .<>
Goderich St. W., Seaforth.-40.
0' Adjustable hospital beds 0.
• fot, rent
*,,1 • , OCdASION '':
4. Telephone: Day dt. Nigtt 110