HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-02-07, Page 8ON• sftdi SEAFOR-TTI*. OlsIT.,$t*B 7', 19 lonaunumumuminupumunuum e Specialize AII Line$'- Of NCE , MPOSITE DWEI.,J.d/N;IG ' rOLICY ra flee and liability cover- lro below regul0r rateS wneri. thll"information' ask ua. TgON. & flEID 7* PrOprietOr eneral Insurance • . : Seaforth, Agents:, jOHN A. CARDIsIO ,10/11111111,101111111110111111l111111101111 SecifortFjroperties FrYlt.' SALE Three-bedroom • ultra modern'. rick, Dwelling, North Main St: Every convenience, inelhding hot water heating, oil fired. Worth in- liestigating. „. Practically new One -floor Frame _Virest William St. Mod - Awn in every respect. Radiant' ."beating. Priced right for quick - ,sale. - Tw&S'threy Frame Dwelling, _ Vie- 'Ttort St, Recently. reniodelled„. All Mindereconveniences. Centrally. ' located, and priced right.. Large Two -• Story Country Home, one mile 'west of Seaforth. ood investment as income pro- -pertyt Worth- naVestigating. :Storey and half Frame West St. Ideal remodelling pease. bilities. Priced right _ -For Inforniation' Gale. MtthroeTIAMJUnlons -Irrlorida on st, ere ley an • 'CONTACT • thur Francia, Dark -son of' TomCleatonlk"ncl the„was the'corasx"'"°f'eswill spend a month. day -Mtn Mr • and Mrs- !fee Wil afSt....Pre_s13y/er- With -Notices: itottillep- charge.,,Servicea: ,thas at 10 „Bethel, 11.:30; 043larix 2 p.rn. Ea$tern"-:.$..ta.ndard 7 •Mster , 'Firat Preabyterian,Chtureli;- TteY:.‘ ' Ont;. 10aonv,. Church Scheel; .11 A.M., Morning 'Service; Vesper,SerViee;, • -"i; St; Thomas" 'Anglican Ontich. Morning •• PraYer, a.m.; Even- flOiy Communion the: liraf:StindaY" 'of the:MO.0th at 1„1-.•a;:iii„,,, „and the thir1.,Sun4ay .".tif einienth at 9, am.; SiindaySebool- 'eyerY -Sunday .niorning at 10. a.m. H. Jariaek.'Reeter,:-." PenteCoStal-Tabernaele. • -Bible Study -and Fraye4 TIturstlay, 8p.m, Y.P.S.; Sunday:- iO:.a.m Suncla'Y School; .I.Vfnriaing: Worship; COM - amnion ••Service; ,geli,stic, Seryikee.-.-Rev„. driflt, Plater: 4- • -• Nortitside United: Chtirele'.-Mini. stet,. R.BrOtee.:;VIP: .1:1011; 10 • Chureh, School :and '",Adult...Dible ',Class; „11„ Morning '11Fotaiiip*, .COndticted ' by the 'rnimster; nursery for. tea, vOngregatinn.s:Vti?"..m.; Bible Knowledgez....:College;„'. bring yet= Eible'and a friend; :&15,p.M...; Nertliside YOuth.FtoWShip- Egmeildville' United Churich--sDr.. Semple, jjflj. National Health. We.ek; ji a.rits.;.„41„..et the Church :0 rhain Itself" (Where 5""SeVinr. ?)"; 7 , pane, Religious filn Ily••• Name is • pm, nit'lgentai,Health; "To Serve theMind"; 10 sa:.m., -Chureh School; ;,Nursery :School ;,, 11:30 a.m.,. Jnidor Chureh;„Sattii-ir day, • 2'„P.in.," 1Vlis,Sion. Band sieigh ridin'gparty.........:, • "-,-,,liED"CROSS NOTES , Sealer& branch 45f" the :Red Cro.as Will hold ita regal ,ar.,irienthly-,.nicet-., ing•".Priday, Tehinary 1;7•AP-3.P.m., in the Library rooms.. ; iIHflIfluIflhJflhIUflIHQIUliflHflU WE DDI NOS- •-IHIUIUIIHHI�UHJflIUIIUIIJVHU�IUHI--r tgiftlondvilte.tadOd qhilreh:wak the scene of 'a quiet wedding,: on Saturday -when ,Christena Magr- et Lillico, London, became ',.the bride of• Robert ;•,Franidin4.-A4ant,S, London. The bride is 'the, d'atigh- ter ",of Mrs, Evelyn Lillieof.',:Sea- forth; and the lite Al.exander Lihi- co, and the, groom.- is the ;son of Mr. -and: Mrs. W.''Franklin Watford. 'Adams,- ICe„ . „ ,_ : j. Semple' offielted' et the eerenionV •Urganist was . James Rose; 'brother4n-law-of the.7, bride and•!Dottglas "McC,Mmell,-- London, sang '.'Thes,Ls ord'S 'Praier"al d, Walk. Withs-You."- ... - . . „ . . , _ • Tho n0v,y ' wbot suit 8cc6ssories' and a cer-q sage ,•of --,,pink' 'Aiia,..virhitesroses.'- - Miss Elinor„Gagait, .London„ was bliclestri0id., and wore .a powder bliie,-.:WOtil;' snit: with black • aeces, sories7and„)-arcarSage of .red-,carita- tions.' • •• '• GroornSniati:was William.Adanis London, brthei- of. the groom. .iJslierwas •Riehards. ' The Couple, will:reside` in London': SEAEORTII Bil.NTAMS:-‘ have Played 'outstanding hockey Pspple- David Dale- ... centre row Jim Boyes• Ted Lamont Bill' - throughout the season. Her they are fallowing their Saturday, --I Teall, „Bill Ryan,' Jimmy back row, • Tom • Dick, Bob , night .game with Clinton:. .front -row, -,left to right, Paull Ma*ne, t more, Joe . laloney, Bill Marshall, 'Gordon Muir, Coaeh. J11MuirKen McLlwains John s cerson, goal; Jim pick,- Thsh. I • . . s_ • - ,(Photo by Phillips) ANNOLNCEIWENT , Mr. and Mrs. Erie • Munroe, WIN LOSE Sea,forth, announce' the' 'engagement OCALLr.. BRIEF of their -danglitert. Misa Patricia- (Continued from 'Page Mr and . Mrs. TJ. Ke.atin:g •,left .-„Mr.,._ands. Mrs,' Micliaels:-Williams ' d Joan of Seaforth spent' Sun- REID cal Estate 'aid Insurance PRONE 214 .,; : SEAFORTII :-Other Properties: Also 'Listed TAXI , and PARCEL SERVICE” kll Passengers Tragired • .• PHONES: • " - OEOH, DAVE 676: Charles .Dark, LoridOn, the„wedng, ,.. • torat, scoring his'three goals, r. and Mrs, G_ T.. Flewitt, Mar- liams, in Kitchener. " -"- " D 'Stewart. Crouch of Toronto law Cbereh, Seaforth, on: 1Viar,ch -1, ',410;:;''''ClefCnce; pair f sjill•-.Ava-oha.u. ,iand; iircc111,of- Brigena.li cirm. ., r... . , Tui - great with, their ' end- fo'...-end.; tashcs..,, .w. 11-..: MiddletenOf ..MOutit pleaS- len. 1958, . - ..--,-,.....-; • • • - , • , . _, .6• ;.; ; • . . . . .. 'Tlie'regtilat-Ineefirig---, Of -Seater*: goalies Alie....lasta•-•:-.:-.M'r: "DOtigiaS •Stbikart, 'et the... -,Cni„..IVIaeLeatis of ...the .• -Chi'versitY_ot•To- alf;;, init4ailect;'-•to..- addsitosstiteir:,1-VereitYliafl_TorentaLsPentstheisek„,...ronta''Spentsi$0.161.idav'Vvith Mt ',arid Women's; InAitutes-witl-noH5e-li __alf.lithe-i'egtdax:_cl-' :at. -..0.--)ant•-',04.e.l0,.ek • • - , .., .• , • • •••.go . was off ••.end with • his parents Mrs and Mrs. Mrs. -.lames ,....,, ewar and 'Doug. ;Clinton ,lievet .h.a..- one' '-sliot-"at.the- ;Taffies' ',.A.•• Stewart--- -- ,----:-: s. --1, :..:MrS.-2..-Alexs McKinney- ' A_BraniO4 and 'Rob Dinsnidre werer' really Viaited wi,th, the latter',s uncle, ,Mr:- is the, guest of Mrs. J.arnes , Ncrigs The -1 henietoWriets .2 Purled -• their ant r TOwhSh4P I 4 Messrs John Boyne. and •Walter ALL KINDS of " RANC SOUTHGATE Phone 334 •L-. Res; 640 .MAIN. ST 1 stkroitTu . Se aforth - on....E.ehrtraT_Y._ e 'forth Distriet High School,' at 8-'15. , ' ens or a W 'Sill y will; be the gdest, tPe flOr ;the third game in' the th-Neil?7,-,ec -fthallirri•aa-njlidd• geeo-iit-nwer°rnof tee -ha-11E11-- • • • ., .. - ; .. -.. • .., „ -• . . ,,. sevent...of..beint, tied..1 n ft ' diplay at the King 'Ed -Ward ' . '-." ' ' - Mr ' James 'Morrison. is. in Scott ilt • 'Institute meinbers 0re'lreinintl-ed: .• ." ....s - . .ii •se -ii Meniortal. Hospitalere, he ,i,s agi-i'cluitTura'in'tsooeidelitrieig' the nn chlonVentiuoaill,. te. :bring their. cookies; arid candy, • for, the ".CountY- lioinejto.. Smitlf-a- 'arena the Seaforth Bantams,cwithe :rel\-r.,,Willlia'iri-'StePhenson. UniverS-- Mat are' to be Packed in'the boxes their :back§ '. to, the • wall; an -I. it:IY:. et` Teeentos "spent' the: Weekend apii?onsceaat'athisispl.yAeS•raPi!"1,''Tcron4y()Clint6illOid•ine. ..csmin#tes for ,the ..43,0' c: ' reeilo,.t,lis:aorueg,ohfi,6v_iatis flying, ,colo,rs, anci:•die-i-.1.-th 'his mother; Mrs. Leo oSteailid- late. • Feb,iti. ary,....,..74, 0. lig.s ,. 77.. be Bake se0tri t'.;14,paiinK°crieek's..7.:a...nmr's'..M:R79.' '.git;'G''.031r.: -'''1-Opi'D.,i.c,It.... came.throng:LT-for '...goa... •Xns - (1•Yth Walla • t , - , .thiferplit . clases..._„., . ,.. .. .,... , ' • ___mrss_G•t,,,d,thjsu,„, forth, again,s•scorIngslOU'rsgoalS.,•'•.;te-:,1V,J;!_.: and Mrs. Janies RitPlaie;"Lnit-- --or's '.''SernOle,.'nfteride'd .the ,, Con liott and' Mrs: Grahant,Keir;.hin-elis..; • ' ea ..;. ; a-Tear,n to a :surprising ;VIC- ,V-vale4e-CiLan-r--.4:1111. and ' Mr's -:' 4.4' '''''... t ' 'for 56 aforth. . Ken 'McLlini.aiti':Jarne$ .wall-a-ce' :an44.-:cherie 4 4 L.3:1:7-117'.4.aria ; 7, ei.rit".L.Tiithe'eSdaY-':s:stonsa Sn r edC T1; -Mrs. Jack McLean, ;IVIra. 'A. Ctoz-; °''.'Y - . - - . .i. d , - sies SUnday while ieroute ,tosthe wake ie'rs-Mrs. .Lorne . Carter , an.d......mrs;, and; Bo)? ;D•listanre see.'„e sint , , ef:,. thd, late, -, Ame,,,Eigtehor;•1Clinton. '1:3-ei,' Alcd41"1:1-9';•-'11'reeaft' '..' '1 ', -.'',(114-1.4-',.; Harold ' lItigill;.-. disliWashera,-Mrs." 'Pdd,te-seat°0•1's win- _The e,r4:1 „, lyti.s. „..-w:,,ri:R.. ' soni.61.1•71ile. i st. ten Alanetlx14)t13r8.1.1Lere'On%41..Pd:11VIStraci'enHillg....,-.e.,13.r.eda...ts:..",'4,... eserved to' ap.ct-,'.they'• herie. to r's.jh°-P•PiP;r4e.elei&VginPgitali:eRt`el,°T...-.---"‘4:11,er_e '''''.'41:5'birsh51:asjb(Isee6:Pah- a Sllea9tilteln't°fill.'Ell°9xst9i:rf6a1 • - - , - : , • aS.' a unit played good TIOCk3/:, ;and, • -•,, , .. . ke it two . in a row • on 'Wednes,, . ' ; . -;.„4 .- . in, London, is not in Scott -Mem- • . -- .-- • ••• nla ,. • .- • . • • - • 1\Ir.. and Mrs. Ilaroia (suirunings , arid' •Sylvia; ' of 'Stratford. sPent '?rmiali.:-Hat)nsailtylairshe.Kreh,.ptIrri" in' e.. r.- and Patterson , ... '. • ,' ... s rday night rig,ht,,lin their., owns back- WINTHROP --.--.,. , • . - ,. - .,''''aPI'd'aiieis4cm' sin the nets' for. Sea- ''Stinciall.- ''''vitth .Alir-. and :-Alra.: c'ill:11 family of London, and Joseph _ Mr: -11a.rry' lehriSten'' and., Mrs.' forth ;played' a good .s..teadKs•,ici.'n).""e'.`-"-c, 1-tinrnings' ' ' , DWyer 'Kinkora, were Sunday viis ,Erank Johnston were ;in .Teironte,..tdeilitmer‘.pshlaal?ros1:1,14,,,,;:illof bt.tieib,Bsatittca:,.ni.,t;,es. s PJ -r. ...antr-,,::•Mr-'s'• s'Jned'. 1‘„1°.,:italin..ii.of.. tors with ' Mr. '•and,'Mrs. Leo Regan. last week.. ; - ' ' • - - ; - '; • .• - ,. . 'Xi •cnener; ;spent un a3.,vti . Mrs MTS .1)Wyer is remaining for a few On Ilon,naysinght at -the, Clinton. to as place Mrs. Joseph , feated 'the ;hernetewners'''. hY the, .0-nsons:',.." s d Made .fo,r 14,are.,tables.and; ;; ; • • , and 'Airs.. layton. ' Ai3ronssat 0'; eight FOR SALE 50 Acres in Ifulleti6Thiiildinge. 4‘. Apply to Phone 458 ••-• Sell that. unnecessary pieee ,ftirniture through a Iluson Eitpoei- tor Classified Ad. Phone 41. EUCH - Orange Hall: FRIDAY, -FEB. T7th Ansplces Pt:opetty Conimittee LU1STCa Admission 40 Cent§ 110. NIGHTS at SiMPLE; „MiniStet p.ni.----Religious , , rotitieed by Protaltatit Film Com- -triisSion and is i tru story. -• filmed On 'Chinese sod:: ' • ,. i15 --Observing, Nattonal Health Weeic sguivt Th1 misTnii, •(Adults}, ;•• Mentltl llealthi, ' Ti*emn -are, 'More :heanitaf 'beds oeciipied by the - rnenth11y ill at 4Me time -in Canada, than by •-• Sintering 'frOin'tH1 -Other es: 'Of dlnegS taker( together.' - e cost is ,rthnlingfiiYeiteess of 0 ;Millions 'a 'S7e41., ' liDEIC- INVITED T,Ci‘ $EC THIS AIVIAZING IW4RAr...MN.MX.;191•87: Foriner. -Egniendr71.11-6''(. resident,• Ilenry Stanley., Tolsonl.pasaed% away, in •Londonflate ThiiradaY night. He' was inhis year, ---Mr, Tolson wai born- in Highgate 'and resided in EginondVille.: Or nurnber 'Of yearsibefOre meying to. Linidoei :about Dryears ago; •- •• • • : The deceased is autviYed bhii 'wife; Evelyn (Beekteit) and.'.three sisters, Kra.;Stanley.' (Lott) ,land, of Twin Butte, .Ait0.-;nlira. (Grace) 1VIorrisOVancouVer; and Mrs. Fre-d7Eleaner).Wilsore' Gteid;, fait, Adta.. He was'antinele'of-,Mr4.- rnet StenloggirroitolyilIevandi a cousin of Laird • Miekle.; Serviees „were.„..coriductedin 'Loh- '-- MHs WALTER.IIIIJARAY•r • -• .. • • Mrs. Walter MittraV•;•:Sesaferthi died 'Suddenly in LOncleniAtiii- day in her 0.8th year: Mtir-' raY had been failing,health for some-tinfe":' •-s . She was ,born and -edudated in Brussels 'and' Was Married :there in 1942.. She came to -reside in Sea - forth thetsame year. Previous to her 'zifartidge she, Was -a . Milliner, She . was the former Margaret .Orma Getty:: • Mrs, Muoca,y, • was a meniber'nf Northside tinted' Chureb, Seaforth., beSides herhusband-is: one .sister, .of -WinniReg, gan,. • , .Funeral:' services, Were.held on Tues.days. .1M 0- at the G. A. Whitney Ptineral'Hott* with Rev.. Bruce Flail of Northaide Church Of- ficiating, leternitent fctllowed- in lVfaitlandbank cemete.ry,- _ • ,.- Pallbelfret8 -Were Christie., Frank Case,. Frank' Lainoiak, terKeir,"Soseph Dorsey. and D. H. Wilson. ' ' A Wise investment when some- thing's...Jost:7e classified,ad to con - tad 'the finder. The Huron' ExpoSi- -tot'„ Phone' 41: • . AL( ° 131t0A1)11.0(Yr s. Phone; 080 -VI Itea, team for 'the reste season, ,as .Miss Joan Williams -spent 'Sun- Mr.. James Barry is a patient in attack of pneumonia.. ; • ; The HoSpital Auxiliary will meet ..coanty, was honored at -a large his, parents are leaving SeafOrth, to A,,,, visi.. , zing her brother, Ron, of Scott 1,,,remori-ai . Haspftsi with ,an_ take up residence in -Marltham. '' Kitchener': .' ' - ' Bill. 'will be missed -by the -team, ' as ' 14liss Margaret McIver, of Kit - he inras- a strong_ and_steady de= cliener,2spent.Sunday_with her par- lence PlaYer: '''` . ''''''-- - exits Mr and. Mrs. Peter' McIyet. - ' Little 'Interest ShoWn'. Mr. Kevan Oliver spent the week, • . "end with friends in l'or'onte• • - :Many parents:, df ;hos, playing, liar; arid ,smrs. Johb meQoaid, hockey., on Seaferth's , minor teanis Toronto, ' 'anent the. :Weekehdi. with this yearhave,shown bttle interest Mrs, J. McQuaid in tow,n. in thelfare,Pf 'the team- ac, rS. Idlut ,WatSit -has: ietiarned cordingi;teAcarn- offals. Crowd's, With' the eXeeptietutif Miner ..tickeY- heen small; with"althOst .the same?,parents-,aini spectator's represchted' at. every . Se aforth' s te a ms ; have ':, filaYed lionkey .Well'sdeSerVing o *h.:slips 'port; Of aft ..eiUens*and; especiblly 'All, Parents, :•this . year..•,...•The gets,....inn.a.rticidar„..haiel.P.10Yed: ceptional ,heakeY, this,„Seasorif hav- ing exhi4, baton ;•gaineS.; ••• ; ar, ents•,to/sittends'out-InfAOWn.• games,. the teanr offiesais are: facedswith,!driving: toaway gams•• • . home fretn.Teionte -after-spending a feW daysLwitirher daughter, , . . . . , an. inichanerened ,;ereblerii.• ,SeVeral members of the lViidget,tearn drive. eara to the out-of-toWtrgatnci.'The 'Officials feel that ,these loads -of' .players; should be chaperoned: by at.Jeast'One_p.arent. or seine, adult - It is. impossible for :those in 'charge to look after'. so andaidesS chaperones can; he pro, Vided Ike z'effiCiaiS feel:. that lay- ers will have, to be prohibitedfrinte C URCH „RSTCIIIJRCJ. liffss Jean Scott, president, pre-. sided over the February meeting ,ofihe'Ladiee-Aid,:if.-Ofrat.Preaby- teriart Chetah,: -The meeting was epened, with0 ,Peelnkf!',Giftsp- by Mita: Iteelterslake. • , --, The secretary's arid treasurer's reports' and, adepted•-, SuggeatiOns or the, year's -.Work, brought op at an executive. meet- ing, were; discussed- and voted on. Mrs. J. A, Stewart. sang, a beauti-• sold,:arather in cern-Pawed-by Mrs. The SPeaker-jcVa Crezier, Wile, spoke :en. "NOtrition.iKot. TO,- day:,"-. She stressed the tlienight food be:conies you,. and'.gatte 0. Very inStrnetiVe mutt elpful•talk,on * th diet „ • , Mrs. R. 11,,McKindsey inoyed. a. vote :of thanks •to the:, speaker and sOlOist-• • ' • ; - ' '..A ;Socil' a'half-hotit 'Was enjoyed. Tbe-Keralalee; -12es1iers'groub-'' Was Charge* ; pintsiut FELLOWSIIIP GE011.1" ; arid Mrs,' E..;A; ;IVIeMaSter Were host and he stess: td. the Eire- ..FellOwShip' d First PreshYterian Chureli on Tuesday'. everting, when thirty'lrembera were'prespit. Mrs. R 1i MeMil- law; oesicl6nt, was in thechair and opened ,the meeting with a pom Intrjnd the busiriesS period ItIrS, Janie* Seett .invited,the , grOup th-•11i0entOi or the March. Meeting, witi. Mrs. E. A. MeMqe- ter fir cliarg6 of the PrOgrani,' Mrs. Robert Wright read the ^seripture lesson and led inoprayne; Mr-. and- Mr S; Sohn Cardnd Were in charge of the ineeting, and call- . EPORT-MEETIN • • .ott. A4ity :.0464-4, ',Who 'sboWed; terestMg slides of British Colum - a, of the mountahrs, fishing and lumbering. • -Miss Alice Reid thanked the Mc - Masters for their hospitality, and a delicious lunch was served. , TB0iflAWA - The ,inorithlY: -"Meeting 'of' -Si. `Ebonies' WA, .,Was held. Tueiday evening, at the home of • Miss. D. Parke, Mrs.-.•• S. .01elfiefq opened the meeting by -readingrffem I Corin •thians,- ehapter, 13. Mrs, G. Mc - Gavin, the president, read tie spe- cial prayers. -for the day, -which WRS. lollgigod by. the members'. Prayer -and the Lords Prayer in unison. • • ; The first..chapter --of the ,study book Was. presented. -,bY" rs. J. • H. jatnes, lending a very interesting 'note to the meeting,' An invitation was extended to -the' Members, is- pecially those'interested in:Seeral Service --Werk* -to-atterid bri'64ay, -workshop •Ineeting, held; at George's Church, Lendon, On Wed- nesdat , , • ' , The follOwing' repOrts w ore made: ,-Tr.,eaurer's by Miss' D. Parke,,Dorcas by 1Virs.„ 14160re, and Social)Serviee by MrsPase.„,-. The service:for DaY of Prayer is to •be- held in .First Presbyterian. Church*, Priday, Peb: 21, at eedieeki, and all inenibers are. invited to tte,nd. tinder gen:, 'era' business, further, arratigernents were. made for the • Valentine. tea and' hake" sale 'tnt Wednesday, Feb: M.' the Patish, HalL ' • - The meeting dosed With the ded- iention of the offeratory - and the balledietion, PollOwing ,-the Meet: ,irtg seelar lialf,hOur was spent„ lunch being serVed by -Miss Parke. 50,060 Blaze ublin chool News By R.-- -I'LANNERY, Our high sehool news for this week „will_ simplY be- a hearty in- vitation to all our -faithful readers to -attend Our» operetta, "The Pir- ates' of Penzance," ' either fon_ Fri- day night at 3:30, or Oil Sunday 'afternoon 'at --3 o'clock. Seesyou at -thas1DiratesL'stlideout. ' Notes: Ann, chin up! blue coal' 1}1.1-NDAS Champion Stoye and l'urnape'011 DUNDAS ' LONEY • „ . Phone 573 or 138 int( ForreStOrS! 114 , CO Friday",' :Feb: 1:4thi 230 pm. Ladies With Box. Fre& 60 CENTS which will be refunded wirars' Bc1x cANAniiArrounot, or- • • F9IIRESe,,.„.,, And. Now ver air 01. WARM and -DRY alUeS tC,) $a.45 ante LESS Than ,Cos The LITTLE Stare Values - SE _ 9 - With t',e FORTH DeStro s urrat s ' RCAF investigato.rS'Tard..--alreaclY' launching blaze that's destroYe'd. 'a'S.,bar.faCk's building.at.13,,CAF „Station,'Clinton, The:fire is beiieVed ,ta:•have- Start= 'ed in. the 'beliefrorari:s lYfintpYjarries,,Stood-SiShiveritig--t•in .the- sitew. Monday., iriernint•TiWhile litess:gutlieds'theSbnilding..'LTW.firea S.la.p ed'',(Quonset,'StYle 'barrackS: ivhere • WaSFirooliiS and:- boilers for theItwo halve's, 'of the quartersTare • The. alarm •Was tin:lied' in at 445 a.m.. -by Reid, ,..of TWillingate ; Nfld.' 'On° his'', Way ..to the washroorn,--'Station....fire-fight, ing,COttiprnent, respoild,ectsbin Was, able-; :to . save . nothing • frorn,i'the; 'The; building,. 'itself,: bialt :largely equipment; . nd ' ,airnien's perSonaiseftectSs.s0part:froms-wh-at Ogle: Were...able, 'to .carry �ut with. thein,,Were destroyed. A feW.-•nian- aged t.O' get dressed; mote were in rain:toils, but' many had Only their pyjamas. -•; ' Stephen..Honor Huron War en John Morrissey, reeve- of Steph- en township. and warden of Huron in thesnufsest ,resideiace on ,Tues- day 'eVening at 8:15.. i'.„111r;; John; Carter, , Who underWerit a serieua4operation in 'Scott Mem- orial 'IlospitalAast - week, is.now Cliff -Kelly, of Lon; doh and Mr-ancl. Mra. •"Clarence Rwsthfl; l Strafferd, sPent .weekend witlf Mr. and- Mra. jehr RustonGEgnicindville. ' . • Mrs. • W. 'Free; of London, 'anent SUridaY at .:the .lionie.;-of Mr. and; Mrs: .Free. • ' • Mr. ‘1".• Scott -Chia is n patient in Sett• Memorial UbPrh: Library Names President -Mrs. T, Robinson was ssre- elected president: of the Auburn, Public ,Library at their 0 annual meeting, in Auburn,' other, ogd icerS inchie: honorary president, br, -B. C. Weir, :vice- presidents; Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt and. the ,Rev.•••,R.: Hilti; • seeretary:. triastirer,. Mrs: Fred Rosa;-, libra- rian.; Miss Margaret.,.R. Jaeltson; assistants, IVIts. ,D. A. MacKay -and Miss 'Shirley Brown, . . • At WI. Euchre A Very successful. enehre . and dance Was , held. on Friday evening in the •C,omnienity -Centre tuider ; the auspices of the ,Wontents,InstitUU,'" When' tableS".',Wete in _play. „ Winners Were: high;, mrs.-Alclen Crich' and Gorden Ellett; sacond, Mrs, ,liarold 'Pethick and *reek lVfc- Ken:, Consolation, Jean •IVIcNangh, ton 04. Bruce :-Wallter:' Lunch •was-. served. by the histi, tete,'nn4. tta,heing, followed,: with, . orcheStra n .mttsin ,beihg , stipplied-bY,Norrisi!s, Qrelieta Wniners of the , spa dariee 'were Marjorie frogge'rt and., key . gathering in the,CreditonCommun- - •;JOseph Deitrich ' :was ehairman and SPealsers included •Eatl Carnp- bell, :former ,:.,warden of ' Huron County; Fred, Reiman, pat• war- den - mrdatesex,•,Cottrity; '•Reeve; "v, Pecker,' of 1ReY,township;; Fad Dixen; ,reeve McGilliVray ship- Jame -a' Ilayter. -chair-Man of DashWood' village. trustee. board, and Glen, - Webb, deputy reeve' of Stephen township. • ; :An .•address -was.: read', by John Hall;' Mr: JVIorrisseY was present- ed withs 'a. chair, and igr,s4., mor- _benettet of ; ;roses.. 11111111111i11111111-111111111t1111111111llIll111 Distric . . iir nuuu , , -WILLIAM 'COLCLOUG11 BRUCE EL, J Col- •clotigh •passect;;aWaY, in -Woodstock in. his 82nd ;year. He Was a former Briicifield 'district farmer, moving, to Woedstdelc 25; years ago. The. dece a ded ' i8,§1,1rvivecI, by two sons, William; "Brantford';• Glen, in 'California; one •.brother; •ROSSell., Clinton,. and five siSters,,lVira. Ber- tha Finch 'and Mrs. George:Hanley, Clinton;. Mrs.ssTene. -Hamilten 'and. -Mrs. Mirinie 1VICGlenn,•.,,Detroit,arid .onessister• Vancoilver. , " The. service was„held Saturday in Woodstoelt.•' " ,- EUCH and DAILC FORTE! "TEE BELICATE DELINQUENT" _ ,Ig4ny LEuris • • 14 413417A r 'fit \TA' e rat frapsiLeinnei theLdeliriOnekt., ,theiri alll„f_Rei_e_kingsand l • • sTOTIGHTAND-RIDTOIsS.. • s. Tlehrusary,sp. 14 ••• 15' ROIVIBAS,‘Dko'NN' RE 'CORIVELI, WILDE McKiII�p ton ,.....„. • •...•••.., • nes venni 0.t 3 p.m. S'eaftl)rh District Ijigh School 'Auditorium FILML-Rodkej-SchwasS's 14;006-nai1e•Trip,.• Through. the' Peace River Distriet-sand,CalifOrnia :GUEST SPEAR:ER-- OLAYTON FRAY, of Sarnia: Director of Ontario J. -log Marketing ,tbatd ; .6TREIt'SPEAKERS..-. • ,, BERT..LOB,...„ Chiiton W SHAPTON Huron County President',' .noud T,taXesentative.; CARL IIEIVIINOWA, • CotintyfFieldinan • Ladies'hring Sandwiches EVERY pEtsox IS NVELGOIVIE1 Also those'fretn• Town • and nearby TOwnshins. Admission., FREE A. DODDS, Seeretary. • G. SMITH, Presiden R E:b&JCt FIRST TIME -doting Sealy `17tli urnverSa ,Ste -CoininsulMnrit°,37:17,C7'tre. • ,....._Fr-.1:1•Adnav:ifie:::g7firth6A,1:-;,v0.---h, 75e .14th: 'Cards af" 8•;63en0;is''-,'50 eetit,„ • :radii :PROVIDED', _4",_,.0iiaratateettly- .4 8,9008 ;,ekeepIrig, New Equipment Cuts Street Lrghts Zurich streets will' be "lit up" at the right .tirties in The future,' Alnew switeh,"for the street light- ing systeni has been installed in that village, and should tdiminate any more trouble with the village street lights being off and, on iit the wrong epues. The new switch is eontrelled by an `electric f'ye, the lights going off and oricwith daylight or dark, Cost.of the ewith 15' approitlinate- p000. ° olio a 'mi...111ftw,•milusb....ff, • HOT ligh•F Valentine Fri a Fe 14th /- • 5 t� 7 ° fleek 'NOkthgide UOted 'Church - Adults .$1.80; Children -under V, 400 Sliontored by Genera:I-1VA. • Sniodfh binfori.froft fop* • ilmipaiincirtonitru'dlon or: , • $it wovin '01 fr lingl 6 Tostod for,10 • Matching bo* sprifigi tioi1 $39.9$/ Full or . Site PLNERAL•ApimtE - • II011V.11110suiNos,--;•• • FLoOti ; ,Finou.SANDINCI. virtsGuutIst.„-AP,icts Ph:One Seaforth