HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 87 EXPOSITW'SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 3.1, ,WeStiga41ize.li 11ifies : SARA NW .COMPOSITE DWEI4iIICQ Offers full fire'-al'Ud liability' Co: ver-; ;a0 at Dro helow regular rates •to,,, •OWIlers. " For full infortnatiOirfaSk-tis-. • Al!SON,..f RE,J.,0-:' REIH -* Proprietor" General Insurance , Seatorth 1±4:.; A. RETD. c„ig,0-_wo ,Seaforth..-Prop-erties R: SALt.. Three-bedroom ultra modern • Brick -Dwelling, North Main St. Every convenience, including hot water heating, oil fired. Werth in- Vestigatiirc . Practically new oneiloor 1Fran1e Dwelling, West William St..:..Mod- ern in every respect Radiant: beating: Priced right for .quick sale. • „ Twoterey Frame D4iling-,• Vic- toria St. Recntly remodelled. All modern conveniences Centrally Located, and priced right, Large Two - Storey Country Horne, one Mile west of Scaforth. Good investment as income pro- perty. Worth investigating. Storey and half Frame Dwelling, West St. Meal. remodelling possi- Unties.' • Priced right. For Information CONTACT ' M. REID - Real Estate and Insurance PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH Other Properties Also Listed LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE - All P'gsenuers Insured _ PHONE: •, CECIL . :675 ALL KINDS 1N$,URANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 — Res. 540 ST. - SEAFORTH '',111.11111111.ffiBENSOlfairsirimallfar and Ft.TEJf.., . Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth YOUTH SUNDA Egmondville Church. 11 A.M." "You Have' Resources ,That Are Priceless" The Minister Preaching v. 7 Outstanding Youth Service Quest Speaker— Mr. Rn Steene . • President- Huron Young PeopIe'S Unions Others assisting with the ServiCe„7 Cord -MI invitation. to People' 8:15—YOUNG .VEOPLE'S UNION *tractive Features 7Church Notices „.•• .. • • 3100.110.P-0114.,*4014. t!o* 'at at '10 a.m.; EetheIr11430;• Cavai, .2 p.m, Eastern Standard Rev. IL ,Sumine Minister. ' - . First. PreshYt,erian- JameS Jack,Stayner,!:Ont..:, Church a!iti..; Morning Sxic anther,. "L'Ord, .Let,"10 1,4e.,.;1!OdaY",.Crtiooreh. 4 30 p.in-4- •Yespetio,Service:. "sole. AI Lpviug ,Father” Riego); F. K.' 'Organist and -04P!irLeader.'' • ; . .Orning 'Prayer,. 'Song p.m.; -1161Yternintiniee .Of . the. • months.; at .11.,,,a.,2fl,,and the: third' 'the -month at 9 a.m.; • Sunday School every 'Stinday morning at 1,0 ,a.m. . Rector. ,. Fentecostal:Tabernaele::-- Tues' -day-,- : -8: Prayer ;,., 'rhiorsday;78--Ptin,4--Y.P:S;; „Morning •Wership; s•O'i 1.49P:Agu'l.*ct;',' "Are •BloOrl'TransfU stens: •Scriptura17, 730 p in EV-." arigeliStiO7Seryice.--=---ReV7-.117tIten--7 drick.-•!Paitor.-: '."'''• Egniondirille .a.mr; f.,`YOU',-Have.".0,:esoiirees 'That "Are. 'Pri"celess"; IIiitstand-• ing.lrenth .Seryieb:;:„:7guest -speaker; Mr. " ::116ii:..,,Steep;., president., Huron 'Presbytery. ,YeiingipeOPIe; 0 a.m., 'Church School • Class.;:... 11:30 'a Junibi.; :Chinch' and kfliSsiOn..'Band.Dr, •. • •' - NOrth-Sicle, United Chuncli,-Minis, tei'. Rev, Bruce W.. Hall BA:, BD.; .Friclay-,!•:•january, 8..,00, p.m.. Annuals -cengregational•"met-, Mg" in the Church ChtirchSchoel,i.;'.:.."..andl-f Adult Bible C1'assTrff4ni,;•.M-Orning. Wet:. ship..conducted' ."1*: • the lVfinister;., nursery. . for ,'.:OdellerS,;,l,.:jurtiOrt, con. College; bring: and', :a: 'friend; 8:15 p.iii4:.,_!Nertll isidet7entliFellowship.. , ,! WOME1',.._S_ANSTIIIITIS. NOTES: 'Conimittee for the • euchre and dance oi evening are: tables and 'chairs; Mrs.. Sandy 'Pep- per. aiid Mrs...Harold Ilug,i11;Tiinch,! Nrst-Eldin" liern....and,4rS. Gordan. PaPple; diSh washerS!,:, Mrs. jarnes, Keys,. :Nfrs.:Gordori MaCKenzie and, Mrs: • John Icerr;• Punchers,: Mrs:, Strong, llIrs7Tiornc Carter anct,Mrs.„: Elmer Cameron.- NERA . • 0: FREDERICK HOE0X ' G. Fred.eri61"HoegY,72 died at hisnesiclence Jhrron,,St, -on Satir day. ,Mr: been-idfailing' health for, the :oast 'five and a!bali He waS born in-McEilloP, ToWn- ship, -where received -his !early-, education.' he Married. . Et - ren' Doerr, .aflifilie-fteirlre:'.1a-frii--- ed most of his 'life in IVIcKillon, tiring to "Seaforth195L.: Ite had been a trnStee,,o1S".'6: a nOmber • 'of years', Mr, „ Iloegy was ineiliberef" the Evangelical: United': Brethren Church, McKillop Three'ts'ister's anct for brethers. predeceaSed ,SnrViVing, . Sides his "Wife 'are two- daughters,: 1VIrs.„ Gerderi,'(.EvelY.0 Kleher, chener, and Mrs. ,Edwin .(Lentta) MacKenzie; .:Rosevillei .Mich; • .two, sons. Wilbur,. Bream gen,, :And vern, one sister, , Lena- Wietersen, Logan ' townshi and one' brother, Williana,-Seafor : There! :are 17 stirviVing :,!gt dride411- Ftiner al :ssr.Vice :Was,held- Mon, day --at 2 P.m., at the.Evan„,oelical, United Brethr.eirchurcli: with .R0Y, A: M. Aniacher Burial follnwed in lhetadjoiii- ing cemetery. • „. 7 - • • Pallbearers were Gilbert.MiirrAY', Thomas • Purcell, „fairies Sloan, •CIarence Regele; deorge--. lenor",-; mann, and Charles Dietz,' bearers ...were,,Roy Kleber, Wayne Hoegy. Ronald MacKenzie, 'Brixce Eisler, Reid Allen, Barry HCiegY; Ralph. ,Wiete-rSed--- and ':1..l.a.,Y11arti A WV; ' URCH GROUPS REPORT MEETINGS ..#0I1ST PlIORL70..CGIT .' .t...;the assoCiate.MemberShili:.' ' . . The d°41•'' a •Fir -4t'• '''i."°*.1.1.--411- inglYi:rin;ttni:hegliabtsent"k-thCiveroi.Ugthlie;11:06:st „u:i.,..,......-.....i..„,..._,,...:,„,,,,_,,AirotiT.,uniln,,,mfa Nora, ,GorWill presiding': ,,The:.ineet7 - ing:' ortened /).! .S.10gIngl 41e. W"Itin, Bstli:ige-gil.a.tcwa,lh-ebY-se'rPipr4traYr,...sapiZn$4', "Simply Trustnig," followed by the Liiiirs, prayer,4ta!the!!purpo§e re. cliaPter .. a i Philippfans: Miase's : • :. -'".. - - giaChboiiagaTVealbtto andloVe?yila' nmtilMiNter°s-t: peated,,in unison .. . : • Arnie :Rliug read 'the. ; seriptnre "whispoing „Hope- so. the: ..24ro and .Toap, 'Teen.- read tbe. prayer., psalm wir, ww,a,rt,..acgorimmed, The:minute& were read by the sec tb,om: /Ars:, 4,.,.., ,roto104‘. took the retafr,,•lgatPret• Reeves. " -AgnCa ,stridy: nn. Japan ..'froM AM study Carter took- up .the...collection..and .bock, which all enjoyed very inuch: the fell WAS, called by '"Da vine -HO;The nieeting.2cloSeerWith. Hymn itp elt:: ' '.' '.: ' . ' ' . -.- '''' . :'• , ' ': -' and prayer by ,Mrs:Jcziiightt' ,.. 4......,,,....: ''''•Carele. .DenniS,.;',„expleined, ..'the IS' :a: ';';••.Linda, .1)64s.on'...isi, the: ,... The January of the Sen- rides.of .the eMitest, for which she,: ,,ptmQ.R.; v.i.,r.ins......ivv714,TARY leader Other leader: ;• Mrs.' E. Sharp S,gaite:''ior :WMS-AtOdlrary, of .:First "Pres:7 an ..interestingt talk on .``Japan., -7 bYterian ' ,Chtircli ',, Was , held, in., the the' oolintrY: which thb! gt.DIAP.'4.5 .st.1.1'.'s•SittICIa3,' Oehoidroenn. on TuesdaY nft. dying- thiS Ynan. Fin"41.7litalis' W6r.tb 'ternn. With'. the ..i.ieW 'Pi'esident. Made for the :skating "riarty, •wbieh, -Airs; J,. ,L:, Bell, presiding. ,•''After is toc, be held., this Friday • night :. ',the. singing of the Opening ' hYPin, After.' the hymn Taps, Which •was chose by Mrs;!T, ,Oli- Jthh'ie,04gr4iitiftWeT,a7ittirseatEectliztoethectahriditebyvy.:;.,:avilerck".tk'"4,,p4relsz,s6131etivtev•Pornit'%_;:aPgre!"thr7 ,drt,,,,VOilii4i4ist for the hY..1i1,11f.! L. S'which -she urged :all. kr,tcpep look - ''r ,.:,,,A:.. -)ft,.. -......8 tits4.; ., , .. . J.,* ffirw4ft,„.rathet:ththf 4aelti,-,,,ard, .. ....,' ' .as we 'faCe tlie.'Work, of 1.958:,.;,.,,,-. ' ...The Rarliara•L KirkmanA.uxiiiar.y; : During, the linsinesS,:disensaionat .,ef....-Fdr:St4Ghinehliel-cl-!:itsrlitst-iiieet--- idea..th ,h-4,sre.,!the.,,rp.e.mbers !,.tnitingg",,ofh.ath.:ti..:"We..h:Y.ti.,0e0i.r,..71.1.,ontd40Y.f:1,;!.ho'etiilneavthee.tehhenirriht%teads"0_0•Clirxiistnlaosn,,E,esaitiridoS: Chinch., .Thei,*eSident. Mrs, ,W,,,,o.:-t •. Mrs.,: W. Jelin "Thoinpson, t.whose injelletntit4aWliitth7s'al,4:644V';''PEIrPaeyn'e6i-dr.:Ythor,e ' tIe°11'161,rt4tfotiill-hPaarrfeEi'f.thl..ee,SrfileCie'.:t(iite;,.. the .New y.0.4i:7!. '.. This' \-iraS, follow- The scripture, lesson:, was te-arl•••:by ,oci",,bit..!a,„hyMn and Praer;,.'"'-'. . ' , Miss ' •Maud,..Baldla w„:::fellowe.4 .; with . , . . ,. •, „• .,.. Twenty -Mie, meinbers , answered prayer -by Mrs. W. Drover; Mrs: the Toll. •call, l' The-.effering]waS,!..re-• :Thortipson. introduced ..,the .lstudy ceiVed bY:MrS:.:.1-1..tieslie and Mrs, bObk!, 'This is Jnnan.". 'The _infer - W. Ross.. The :pet-Inek SupPer :Will .ftiation .,abolit. the country .th-lclpres- • b e held , in "Eetirirark,;.-: The 4ev•Pti•9*.r: en t'7. da y',...:Cenditioris. ',:,,hlere,,,-,' werd, 'al : "part-,'..ef":". 'the.,:meeting !,Was.,!:, in brought to the ,grOtni Very. YividlY charge* of: ,Mrs:-!:--7..11::;Kerstalce,, Mrs:-., threngh,, ,a: 'Panel, discusSion:, 'with W: ' Boa's ,...gave...lhe Glect., TidingS Mrs. .E.'"GeddeS.•!-Oint Mrs.. ,'E., !Bat prayer,'„aficlMis,,,,D,.:Nixen read the representing...two. Canadian women and l‘frs,.. _Thompson ,t taking- .the part of . a; 'representative "from ' J -,it; = 'Mrs, ,SteWart. Crouch, of Toronto', spoke briefly, 'and, 'told of :the help being f giVeiitTt-6T"the -Japanese " in- Toro:ad . by . ' a ,:chtion: !'s he! had.: fer-: merly..Attended, and in:closing:1- end the Japanese version : of the 23rd, PSalifi. M.i'S".!' Thorn:Oen cloSed7the:, Meeting ; with-; prayer.. .• scriptiire 'lessen. - • .1 'Mrs All. ..,introduee“d-J11e study- book, -i'..ThiS is ,Tapan,'',! telling of.:'cOnditimis, in that coun- try.",at the :present time. 'AliegAnn and Gene Nikon .sang 'a t.net; !"The Stranger 'et ,Galitee " hey were abeerripanied bY''Mrs. J. Ivinnn; pianist -for- tlie greeting. _.."' An intereSting,,,,filiii-strip in, col,: or,",..TtJ From' the Church At „Nistioa,” was:.preSented r by E.: Rivera and Mrs:. J. .1:".4tet 401.1; It showed:. the.Wcirk 'being. done .bY•ChriStiatiS- ia,thie..,small;.village ,Japan. .The..rneetin,,,a. closed With...a 14,3*Iii and. prayer!Krsta,ke.j 'NO-R*SIDE .ATNITED t7-',-The.!.-oPeriing,: meeting ef thenew :Nor.thSide • United . Chinch W1VIS was:.held -Tuesday evening".at 6.30 with a 'very bonfitiftil .potquck sipper. There. was,.,a large; Tatteri: dance and Jlid° ,stipPer was eirery, thing.that.conld' be ,desired. c7The-2"nieetitigioPPted W. Ball'in,:the Chairland,Slie'zread a.. heautifuL;,peem.,.: pod,' of ;Gin • BR D A EN followed by ;•Hyrrin502 and r Plf1V7resi'iCi32,YVV.';Mailsdsen°°,413:6'tliniellsh6tilla:in' ess IIiithoranth altar.‘,,.04nrofi, 'ofon Sunday ! in 'ado:Zed .meeting and extended 'a hearty' welccime 'to inembersahd •gtieStS. !nli ete eraY.. ,s.soff..2kwuagynsone,t-Flyearill, ebreacghot; ,The.rninutes of . the. December 'v meeting Were taken :as' read hon 'January. :221:-. They were pleeed by secondeI by 1[rs"R.Savatge"Tlie The sympathy of the Un-ity-L o-cletaftohrt.Ohf,,hi,, minutes.. the execnfiVe` roeeting, is extended to Wilbur ffeegY in tiie,. read and:approved, The :Conimuhfs .: ity Friendship r4iorte-d'55-hoine Relatives received word . -of the d ..hi: and ;55 .hospital The corr,e1 dfrfi, Lon pondenee was readanddealt.Wit. The:group "accepted 'With pleasure' T..t.i'llefal'.WaS.',IfeldliTTKiteher16f on :an 'invitation from.. the .)a,e Lane' Nmedine.asndadyivi.....„....d: at their.' birthday . Meeting FebritSnpli, and Mr - .1Vtis; japies, of: St, and..'.Mrs., ,Ilarbfd Wurdell visited Thomas' Chiirch,is to .!he guest. Mr- .eorg'Bennewis,,,,who'lsiiL speaker at the home of Iris 5ister Mrs Bill Mns Balf„„siipply'setretark Made-Btssert an Kitchener, her report and. asked *for, mitts for Litfle.. Miss .. Elizabeth hoy$:.'for one of the nits siba heines.Tgecirt.; a 'roe - Mitchell, is with her Mit. B. Fg .: Chriatie cenducted the, roll all, and .lars,. W ,s4iery Querengesser and aunt and, uncle;' *gave 'Me .treaS'urer!'s rePeirf.he Mr. and lats.:1'13:', :Sholdice; lowing g.00:_,e2s.psA,A0 139 ho'Ina',..4n0 _b,Arp. to the illness 01 her mother Mrs hOspital ,callS:77It-was-4ecided the HoWardqiieren4reSser; Wlio-' under': WMS WOuld.r meet and attendri ent an• ai*ehdix ..0Peratien church 4p • nfrbody .foi. . the stx,i-id4y Statford Despital.. Susan -arid- Pa - evening ,,service each' Sunday eve,. treiceikaenQdttehie-eineges.Ser:alr Spent the .ning•preVietts to the regtilar 'Meet- Ny iriZ Mrs, ,i3.. .Mrs: Ida -Drub -Or, of SebringVille - visited with her danghter,.. -Mrs. . • ' • Mr. and Mrs,-TolinPisClier, Mar- tin and Rogeat:of Toronto, and •Miss .yae Fischer; Kitchener, 'visited .... 1.,arerits, Rev: and Mrs. E, Fischer, • ,Mr. Itoss--PuSchelberg,-- --of.- --Lis- toWel, visited . Ins mother,. . Mrs,. "Charles PUSCheiliert.. • Mr: arid Mrs, Cliff Wbedward and daughters, of. Toronto,visited, het. parents, IVIri'arid :MrsAlbert' Qiier-: engesser, and larsi Ronald .1Vfogh and ,farnilY. of -Oil ,SPririgs, visitd Mr. and Mrs, Ross.,Leorihaidt'. re:gently, - BL Master Master ..Elmore-Gesch:is triicking gasoline now. • janie.s Dinsmore,Slipped''and," fell 'on' ,theiee and hurt his ShootilclerL. and: MfS.. Kenneth-Gingerich:, and datighter,',Nornia jeMa,- acconi- pained .liy his brother,',,xr. Keith Gingeti,ch .and Mrs. .6ingerl ich, :Son, Harold and visited Sunday' 'afternoon with', reIatiVes..."-at Kitchener., DUBLIN Mr.:, arid •MrK"Itionald Butters• and Brian pf $t. Monies, did' a.n nutters, of Newcastle,' visited with„:11r. and Mrs, -Tom Biitter', :Mi.' Jim NeWebrnbe ' :and Jn- mie, Port' Credit; , and. Mrs. William Stapleton. IYIeSsts. Neil, raxtd letop„.Ketineth Feeney and; Fergus: Kelly,:. OE St„,J.erome, s: High Scheol,. Kiteherier;spent: the weekend' -at 'their' , •'' Mr JoffxiKratikopf,.NeWcastle.: .Viiited, with ,Jai,S:2•KratiSkopf an4: children , -Miss Margaret Flanagan,' Iat- hener-, „visited With and IVfra; WilisaniFlanagan. , r. -and Mrs: "Williain Mtewart, Mrs, H. Pugh and MO.' /06. pin Were' in 'Kitchener. 0, • ! Mrs. Edward Hallinani and , Mrs. Utile Cronin; Tietroit;--ViSited•With Mrs:: Elizabeth Cronin. - frimil here 'at. tended the .reception.iii-Staffa hall Friday evening. for Mr.! end, Mrs, Base 011onrIte.!:.- • . MISS Shirley, „Horan,. Brantford, spent-Alie weekend' 'With' Mr.:and Mrs. Fergus Horan. ! Mr. Jerry Stapleton •is .sbengling rriontrs -Mr- and Mrs. Calir Seat- were in' tendon. , - 'Mr:: and Mrs. O, 1VIO1ter, ware.; Mr: and. Mrs. :Ken- Nichols; Gratten„ and Mr. •andqVIts:, Toni McKay,. Burlington, were gueSts". of Mr_ 'arid,Mrs. Gerald HiIIand.' Mr; And Mrs. James AtkiriSon, And' eltildrett, ef,.I3ralitfOrdi,! visited with,Mr. and Mrs. George' Coyne. 'Mrs- P. Sordison has returned hotrieter :.a.' Month ip AncaSter, witlfrMr,; and Mrs Jerdison,„ , „.,. NO SMOKE; NO ODOR flEATING OIL, WA141,)EN. :4gZ • BROADFOOT Bus, Phone e864V -- 'Hirt 3.37-1 .EXPOSITOR WAND 4PA BR1NEESULTS Phone 41 • , • ,e•ciforthi:...A6riottitueot.:socio •••..,•• . . • • . . • will he held in the' on — Wednesday, Febru,ar t at 8:30 p.m_ Guest Speaker -- ROY JE CP -PL -Ty, London , PRESENTATION. OF TROPII 'Si pport Your Fair By YoutPxesence" NNUAL.;,:MEETINO rfodoi*tiott..;4' Agriculture • ......2.1?1pRUARY,12t117 •••.Sho• 1vfbr.,..p.attleidaral.neftt...week, • •• •• . • •.• •• •, Pistrict.-Oblftiariet DANIEL 'CRONIN ST. COLUMBAN;',..--'Solemti, Re- quiem High Mass was sung Friday morning, for, die:funeral a Daniel ;Cronin, who -died-iii-Seett'..Mefiret=' ial.„ Hospital en Tueiday .Morning. J, J; McCowell was ,celetirent,. with .Reyi Dr. Ffoulkes";" Dublin,, 1, as deacon,. and Rev. P. Webe4Sea-: finer,. as .sithdeacon. Denald- Benninger,. OWen"..§nnndf Wag • ia Pallbearers , were,. ftedy; Joseph Hart, Joseph Nolan, Edwafcr Melady and ,,,Iiigeph Dor- Sey. Attending the funeral:from a, dis- tance: -,Were John -Cronin, Wetasitit, win, Alta.; Rev. Donald Benninger; C.S.B. Owen Sound; Mrs: Nellie reeneg;. Eitchener; Mrs; John Cronin,- 'Joseph Cronin; Mrs, Ijolin Williams; Mrs,' &Ward' Haitian, arid:Lorne Crenin, Detroiti,• Mr. :and Mrs. Charles :NokWel,-, :reset* Downey and .1Vlisi Marie Ororindr, Lendon, and Mr.' and IVIrs';',!7LOnt Ard • Cronin, 8tratfOi'd, Maps .01.,ge4fortk .NOW Available . • In answer td repeated reqiiests 6oxii viiitors and residents, a 4e - tailed mat,f .0eaforth, showing, streets of the tovrn; a's Well As the locatioti'',.of „public h4s been ;published by The. Huron 'EX- posittit; Printed 'ciit'l1eavY:10ager paper, the ncrati is availableilit, $o ceritii a 'copy. Tobogganing. Part Winthrop' Treat regular:moeting Qf WhithrOP Young, ,Peoples ;Union was -held $ttriday , evening • in' the bakerpent Of the church, be Meeting open-'. ed with' the:""Yohng People'S Pitr- Pose, folimied-hr :a...hymn: The niinutef of”the last 'meeting Were. read. and adepted,'followed :43, the roll . •• y- in the business' part of. the Meet-, Mg it was. decided 'to. I?old the tobogganing party on Friday eve-. lung, :Feb; 7,. at:8;30 at Dodds' hill. :There will be' no]-1"egtilar meeting n February .9. ..:Marjorie Boyd was nanied nSsiStant for re-: crea.tion' and. eultgre;":.A. crokiriole Perty,arid ibex" Streial.':will'beleld FridaY, Feb. in' the basement of the church. ' .'" The 'WOrshiP ,serViee, opened with 'the singing .of..a hymn. Elinor Chris- tiansen led in praYer.,:.'The scrip:7 tine; taken finni Micelt;. Chapter 4,.:. :Verses' /-5; , Were - read :by: Boyd, The 'topic was given by -El; bier, Christiansen or 'Wide, Wide' is the .:.'Oerean:" The offering. 'was taken • followed: bY.! the Closing, 'ed • under', the " direction of.,Den, Dodds., The' meeting closed with lunch' And the' singing of --tfTaps." - EGMONDVILILE Sunday visa:ors "With""),Irs: J.' S. Watson were;, Mr:: and -Mrs., Albert Clark- and family of Muirkirk, and Miss Aliee-Watson,,Of London__ ...miss Frances -Houstini is spend- ing. a few„ dayswith- friends,at - Waltoit .. • • • ,.,. . Visitors with Mrs.. David ;StePh- enson ,on Sunday were,: /Mr. ' and Mr -s. Lee McConnell and arid Mrs.: Perce --johnstmi. 'of ',Varna. - MT. arid .Mrs. John- :MeLachlan,. have returned home feein. a leas - ant trip to' the: Sunny South' ' Mr. ivy; Henderson received juries to ins right erne, the of a fall a few. days ago. "W"e :hope for a .spcedy -recovery. ' • .:--.. lfrand Wilbur 'KeyeS.: and Mr., Thonfa'1aarhtte'fide'd-the funeral at, GoelerithIiii.,Tuesday, of Mrs. Austin- . Sturdy, ,the former MISS.:Beta XeYes'.9f 'Stanley town- Bride-Elee(Honored' • - Stinday School, room was. ,:the,-Seend.;of ',,alplOaSant ,event WednesdaY , evening," When ,the lad- ies •of'the--corrimunity :gathered in honiir_of. kiss •,.Ena Liliico, bride- eleCt" OF-Sattirday,°, and.; .preSented. her. with • a timber of lovely gifts:. ' • . ST. COLUMBAN Miss • Bowntan'' Strat or , spent the weekend' with And Mrs:: Frank. BowMant:::::::""7, Rev. Father-'lleach:,:.!Braiitford;' visited, Mr -and IVIrs::jeSePli. 'peen.; Miss Anne Marie McMillan.Lon. den; :Visited' Mr. and Mrs. "WilliAm MdMiflau. :. ' ' :Miss Florence Sloan; . ,,Londori..,- --witli-Mr....,=andiVirs.-.Jaines- • .., Jack /a -alone, .Montreal;. Mollie Matene, -.London, , arid .1VIisS, Clare Maione;,Stratforcl.,,,viiitedrIVIr:„. and.. Mrs. 'J.. LI- • ,Miss..Fatriela4fniiley„,Stratiord;. Spent....the weekend with 'Mr.:. and Miss"Marie, N14161'10', 'Eit ener,! Mrs. Prank' Iliektiell. With Mr., Con , sPenta few -daYs 'VII', :and Mrs, J. Holland* • . ;Mrs., ilionias Feeney; .1c!,itelierier,_ Joseph -Eckert ..,, Miss Marie and.„. Miss-Noreee.:,Dalten."Brantiend, vis- ited Ntr.. and Mrs: IVIattrice.,Dalton, , Greg Iv -Terris, -Pert Credit, ..Vi_Sitedi at his hoine•here: • Jack .;Croniti° 'left by plane mom; day,'.f0,1'', his htone in WetaskiWin; Alta„. _ • , iSS Marion- MCIVer; De trait. iris= ited Mr. and CONSTANCE , Mr.1:11,eg Lawson sppnt•the'week-: end in London with Mr!' and Mrs - E,, -E. Warren'and fainilY and also attended:the. hockey •gante„ at,. 1VIAple.:.Leaf (Gardenin Toronto -Mr: 'and :" -Mrs., Borden -7-13i2own; Joyce and. Elaine spent ,the week- endwithrelatives in Hanover and attended the At -Home fkielyli..7 Thos. .Briatam, who 'celebrated his '90th birtlide.Y., He is " Mrs. , Drown's: father, • , .. Mr. -and -:11fis.1Emery Pfaff = 'and. family.; of Crediton;" spent, Sunday :with Nil% and Mrs, Keti,=,''Prescaz- and faMily. • , Mrs. -Arnold Colclotigh spent.. the Past' Week- with her on; Mr; and Mfg.' Hans EdIer, 2 Seaforth, r`7. Mr.' and Mrs.-BOrden Brown and daughter On ' Tuesday night ,and in Hanker to )yiew the remains'of Mrs., Brown'' 'Cousin, Mr.:William Croas, at the Richardson funeral hoirier- - -... °_-.. .,.._:. 2..... ' The Eaini` fortiin ,Miiiidiflight was held at the home of "Mr.. and MrS, Ross MacGregor, andit being, the, fburth. 'inght..there' was. no. dis- cussion. The. grOup-hgld, " -''Periii.-- test and then-enjOyed- prdgr Ssive euchre.. :Prizes were won 'bt Mrs,' HOWard :-PreSezeatOr, ' -high.: lady;, William Jewitt, higli man; IVir, and Mrs. Verne Dale; - door, prizes. ,The. next meeting- wilt be held' at the: home ',0f,.3dr., and, Mrs. Verne, Dale DU.blikt High .c:-,fioOl.:,:Nes FLAjsmgRy With' our '6peretta onl.'y one Week. away„.the halls .tlf :D.0;$, are ring- ing with the tunes -of the 'Pirates" of :Penzanper, froni the -light airs: of the dancing maidens to thn deep, torteS,Of. the sea-faring„..pirateS:In the background-doifiesVie contimi- puS .seund of 'ski, hop, 'skip; . hop, one, tvvo, .three; bade as . the dati-," er8 perfect their triekY,,steps. Abdve all the Music; Settle- Of :the plaYers cnn be heard. : mennerizing their speaking ,parte so that They ean ;he heard at the back of the,, hal4beeause, yow.See, We Are hop- ing for a 4011.1ionse. • ' 'that nitteceSsary piece of. inrnittire through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified ,Phone:41. cAt....BRIEFs.:\, , .., mi,. nobeitli,..scott:is. in, Scott Memorial: *Vital, :..Where he-, is, r'eMetV.,113Mg.. tHr'!;:aMtnOlKenOlIt.Zie,"retUrnH! ed•tO' Oshawa....last week after: spending ,Sonte time. •With,"lierniotlier,, ••Mrs,, Mae :Dorrance., • • '. ' .MiSS!,--Bebbie". Merger. has- /*Own-. . ed .tcy her , lioine .iii:''-iirAch after -vis-, iting her, -.grandparents, ,,, Mr,.. , an IVIrW.‘e,..elcite'n‘Bd,',If.gilleinstegs..'WitC,.Dr..-.Aid7 Mrs,. E__!'' A '-INT Claa Ster Were lar.ancl. Mrs,- G.: . Reitz, "and clan liter; -Of .114r, and. Mrs:. Ranald 'Teman., 'Of t PreSton,',Ini. 10,-,Paill.,.. cMaster, of Ridley "C011ege,. ...St, , Ca aritieS: IVIilVerton; spent ..the,-,w,eekend with IVIr:!AndilVIrs". H. E.. Sinith..;.---"""-, : ,..'MrS...:-:," .'1V1,..-..-MeMillan-sPcnt ilLe Weekond.,,ia,riocering, .•.: •. ' • - 10.' and. Mrs.; t; "S; ,MaeDonald ancr..:".,Rebtirt were'in Trenton .pitOr the',..'Weel*id',, owing- to the SeriOns: illness ' Of lar.:m4penaiws.'inotber-, , wits. '..,,•;',Vtr.' Spurr, ,WhOhaS. been visiting her', daughter, ''!!".Mi:',0, A. -Y-.. 1VICLeari3f.71eLedii- fOr ':.som e time; '', ha'STTetrfor tier ' home!, iTi- Nova • tentia,,:..t, ..„ ",,,..„,_:•,.... - !•.•-. :•," ,•:'• 'NIL': . and •Mrs. -W: ilk:Hart :spell the ..Weekend in Lendon,,,the .guestS of7rvir,..and ;Mrs. • Ilortier7lIelleii-,7 fernier Senfe-r-th• residents. .-,.., .:Mr"...7and'....„3/pes.',Llesfd MOrrison,,o -".: Mitchell, '.vvere--in • Seaforth . Friday: attending -the Annual. 'SDI -1$ :Oanee. .:"Mr.. and: Mrs; ‘.1Vfichael: Bechely, .' Of,.Torento,„:and-Mr.- arid XI'S. ,Torn: Merris-:-.andf tWo. daughters; of. Till. senbiiii,',,SPent. the, weekend::' with ,Mr..-anci'Mrs., Peter, .MoIVer. ... ,.i.,Rey:: Charles , 'Murray: , and • . MI's. h'ilt.lil'43',7- ef--7-Leasicle,.., Were . guests thiS.week;at. the home .Of 11:1r.:„and 'IVIrs:;4t:.* 'Scott.' Mr Murray was' the. :speaker at the . anneal :Lions::: Buiths',': Night' Menday:, ...,...'.,, ; ,Mr:!,:and •MrS,' Paid 'Somers :have theyed tn:the ' iteW "..reSidence"....on Jahn, ,Street,..,,reoentlY :ere.,:cted:yniy: DiSCIJSS ft e vs. Confine or. -Pcriltry • ,1 ," LONELY 1VIAN" 'JACK PALANUE r, TONY PEItIEINS Different -in -:every Way a' picture yen neVer forget 1.- .4111P- ."..TITE DELICATE 1MELIN9lUENT JERRY LEWIS, '11.11.011111101011.. '411110b. ..611111!. , • , I SEAFOliT E mo atur ebruar)e' —TWA Playoff Gam -es-- Bantams cuNfroN Midgets , ',Bantams': •,-SE2Ceoletit p,rn. A ,puLTS,'----3S .Cents,:. ,. !STUDENTS: and CHILDREN -725 ,Cents,,.. SUPPORT YOUR. HOME:- '.17:0W;N:-.1'.30YS: Dont Send Your'.[Chilitieti - , , . „ I TERESTE • ThiSig.your o POrt./.3::inity to learn the -itindainentalsi-. So :too; can. enjoy - .all the - pleasures of ‚this Jin Wiritef/ 'replacement ,pullets! in confinement is MAY ' 'a cninnion practice , a.mong•poultryrrieri:.•;-: Re- cent. Work l'the EXperinierital Farm; ' St!, John!s:West,: NeWfotindi • and,: gh07s:::that this, .is ..a. sound procedure,: says'„Superintenderitf,H, W,: R.; ,Gharice-Y-*In .this 'expri reared in ,Conine, in'ent prodnced,ploTe feed Per :-dozen :eggS!',tbari-Pinlets. reared: On grass' range. : A , laying trial:covering 'A, per- Odof fourteen months:: '360 ":incrosS hybrid hens reared in:eon:ill-lenient were•qempareq. with-366I,hens _from he ,same hatch rared, on grass range...! AVeragee,gg productien,ef.;• h'' bircs .. are-cl'in: ,O-Ohfinelnent was 65 per cent-coniPared!„ Witn"•62" per Cent for birds-rear:ed..,Ori range. :Tlie...birds' reared' confine Orient als,d:redi,41toci Jessfeed 'Per ..dt4ert conipar;ed With: ef, rearing and 'rriOrtality Was.,!intich, ower .•fer •the confinement:r eared birds during ':the. :laYing.perrocki„-, appear :'irotri:thi's- perirn.ent '"that. in ',areas' ',Where, range ,,a rrient %rearing :of pullets: it..,notlorily Practical but 'may. ni-s0.1).0--adVnit?'' tageOns, • •• • : The '.exPerinietit: will be :eerielue14, ed at the, end' of `tWe, laying :approrUxiately':2'3 months), methods.... two • In March _1957 the federal gev- ernment?s,-"payroll included 1.48,poo classified; civil' servants, .°comPar- °eel ,to:116;000 1945 -'and: 450041:in '.`,Vitell;..rriayb'e FA better go noW,", he ,liligeringtl.zuest reinarke& G-oodnight„ and I hope .• I haven't, kept you Item yotir,,regt." `Oh; not at 'all," the faiter- re-; plied • be. ' -getting. up to .d6 the chores.- about:: how- anYWaY!.' !blue coal :.DaDAS' Phone .573 FARAIFiRS' ' INDUSTRIAL CURLING CURI.414NG mencing Monday af- Commencing Saturday :If - r m ternose., ' February ard„ at ternoon, Febniary 131, at . ., 1:30,a-ffd each Monday Our-- 1:30, and each satli...1'..y. ing, February and March. 'during February and 'Ala': ch: phone of see' - -- _ • ' - u - inforraation. r further information, For frther E'Ll, ` ,,plione o,ir,.:ipsileoen: BILL CAMPBe , .. 90 GORDOlV MeGAVENT . DR. M, -1°V. STAPLETON 'CYIIIL KIRK 851 r 22 ..Special ' Introductory 'Offer:: or Two Month _ „... , • • Order- Them ° 'Ti3TOtigh HURON EXPQSVT 1 ee uesti ENRICHED' ONARCH FL _ CAMPBELL'S • . °LYON'S --ECONOMY PAK ,- ,FANCY:1,1QITALITY, ,Bek of 109 Lirge' '.0z,. lii , cEftv.„A*cnt - FreSh' Ground COFFEE 1-113: 'Dag,' 1111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111.11j1,111111411111111110111111111111111111111)111111M11111.E • 4djuSt;, -8..peei41 • `71ta-tesfor Farmersn- . - Erc-J .'Shorty'. MU1STROE - 1111111M1111111111111111111111i1111P1111111111111111i10111111111(111111111111111111111111111111111E , "Soup vvinsrE SAiCOTUNi on mg ems NW rnl1uc 140,- )0, erg 11E1142 BABYS LENNOX ' Taney , COice .Quality,, --TOMATO-- SAUCEJUICE' . , " 19c 2' 'Oz. TINS . .--- ednesday MORNEs,TGS Frdays AY'S OKEI) AYLMER ' ,CRILT$111114 'PINEAPPLE ;. and ....SatUrdays, And Now" AVE MAKE YOUR DOLLA-RS'' AGAIN I BIG Elniati Pure Wholesonie PEANUT BUTTER The' Kiddies', Favorite • , pr.4.41.014.)s.Jitis.4.-sTg tins ' ICHRSTIE'S , -- • Preiniuni CRACKERS- :1-peurid,' Box 35c 15-0Z. tins 3 20-o2, -tin GARDEN PATCH Choice Tender PEA 3 1.5 -oz: T1118' -15-oz. tin 3 "HA.MTANT PEA Spil) -OZ' 4111$ PETER PAN SA/MET mixg),P,icKL8 Jar ALL ITEMS FEATURED TifitiRSDAY, FRIDAY, sAyuRDAY---Jart. 30-31, Feb, 1 •YOUR UNITED 1313YERS STORE' :0 0 The LITI'LE 'Store INith-the Values STAFORTH '111,0ne' 12 .eitforilk