The Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 6THE Ut itON" EUPOSr OR,,,,SEAFowrF1, OI T . JAN, - 31. 19. [V. TICE Po, - T0SV N .OF' SEAEORTH a p RIS I�1 To fachtate snow plowing ,and 'snow. removal oper°ation$, PARKING ON. THE STREETS'. of this Municipalis-prohibited between the _hours; of 2'a.rn. and $ a.m. • s. Thts order will be strictly enforced in - accordanca with. the 'Highway Traffic, Act, Se4tion'43 Subsection. 9. 'NOTICE I'S. HEREBY" G1 ZENthat the Munici. Tit Wi11,;not•'be re .: , o Sible f or an dam- ag•es caused to •parked vehicles as' the result:of ow lowing or snow -removal-operations:- EE • IITov-al: o eBati0ns �� r.g >�2 re P T A.:NI S RUB E�R S P E�f � R�I� THE 'HURON .SIT � X E PO • �I. .. W ".L RO C M• l . u h. 1 195 P Ino t S.eda�l�• - .. Y, 2--195.8- - Droda S da e c 'rl 1-1955 Dod - e' R al 'Sedan Rad oY i,o 2-1955 Dodge Sedans—Radio l:. —1953. De Soto o Sedan --Radio 1-195? 3 Cllev.' Leh Air Two Doo. 59 Soo 1-1 2 De.. t S�', an d'' ;• 1-1952 ds O l � ' O S � � ed � - n• H 1-1952 Po• nti eµ ac ori Sd 1-151Pi�: ontiac San.' ' - YY' DODGE' - SO O.CAR DOI TR7°T I • U�i S _ _ CASE;FARM M HT AC N"ERY Phone2611 . ea r S o th f 0 U. President, s Speaker -'Here Thg; : Seaforth Local of .the On"" taxi° Farmers' ' Union- held the regu'tar','monthly: meett g in:- 'the Town Hall Thursday: atit',125 in- terested farriers and' theirvWives were present to hear M. George Prosser, wotian. president' ,of - the Ontario Farmers' Union „' Carl •Dalton, president,. presided 'and .welcomed the audience., Mr: Dalton called pn Mrs. Alfred Nes-, ,mitt, ,lady director £ar.::3-Iuron Chun: ty, to introduce the guest speaker.•. Mrs,, Prosser congia'tulated the president on the interest ".,created and; attendance at_the meeting and proceeded to outline how, the OF'U- was started" ,She .sad thaVx o one:. starts an organrzatiot of this kind: unless there 'is a necessity;, farm- ers hadlost 4822 per':cent of their income from 1951 tp 1954 and a fur ther drop . is ;anticipated this year It is time for farmers to organize, as 011ier groups have done,9acoin- tonue to be exPloitedcontinued" the The continuous' ".movement ' of farm, people 'away from the farms' is alarming and :is aeausing`;•eon _sternation , among the, city=.:Iabar force., -as many% farm people; ,are. takingjobs, •away frons those; Pee), ale .it: has other implications and the taking . '°;vex ofcorporation farms IS serious, as .they Will • go to theiSourcefor thpir•}supplies- by; ,passing small: towns'..and. _villages, creating ghost -.towns, leaving stdre keepers, implement dealers and eV-: .en the rural -:clergy , without an in The :Ontario Farin::Union 'mein hers are kept- nformed on agricuL tura! ;'conditions •and whenthey `A pot=luck supper preceded the know..,the fa'ets about their.- posi annual :::congregational, meeting, of tion theeV are. able .ti _ take':_ection �;buff.sn Unrated- Church ; Wednes"day going :through:the'. proper channels evening:.fi.hv W, M. Thomas acted for cansiderati as chair an r the eve on It' is not.. 'Channels. ,. m fo Hing.. and 1' ef. theOI+'U tp.:gloSs o�rer or Mrs, Harvey--Gt•aig was appointed_ ecnceaf factsto'keep secretary; , ' 'farmers'ha por to Gull h r's. ; Craig."read he �'r ' t, ' FFy t em myI t . epos of to a •false sense of, security.;': the'last annual;aneeting • and Rev -Being a •--dzrect •�-dues •.-paving, Thmnas -grave the -session: report,:. -A z remberShip .:.organization : :t h e moment of 'silence was: ,observed farriers own;_control and make the in memory of those wlno!had Pass - policy .of :the farmers for the; farm-: ed away -,'during the yeaf , and; a ers, non-partisan ,polities; as;. the prayer .was offered! Doug. Fraser m,..mbership is draw from all.polit- gave a -brief' account. of the work -ical partiesmakesi, free to .eriti- done by "the United Church Arens:. cite ;:.an y,' government ;that has or Council •during tho year,;' for 'which brings down, legislation detrimen .he was representative, ,;lie inform tal• or • contrary' to th'e best :niter>, .ed • the meeting that -r4 school fox, pests of agriculture;;` When •making •elders"and stewards would be "head presentations' to the Federal' Goy-, nn in,ton- thus. 'ear. Mrs W: R;. 'eminent,. .,they.': resent the :. rue Shokhce.;and Mr; -Allen Earle •e' we to. •all . mem. bers- 'of 'arty.. nn ,appointed as.' •representatives.:, „far ower' and', alsotio all `. embe s of this. .ear:. three" opposition •pmarties , ... The Mrs. Harvey Craig, churFh'treas women;:. haG e .e ual status in the .urer „gave -the ordinar :,fund Ore- OFTJ and can,;.be_ elected_ to :any ;ort,- which was, -very -eneoura g F. g�, o i r a;. o ra t i o' if c l p non all levels:' All and -showed Substantial .surplus,, ::officials must lie elected each: year; The inside, of the: church was cam-' and after four* eonsecutLve. years pletelyre'deeora.ted during. the year must ':e thea. o::u Fg down•'or ut in i neludin':the lower and tippet ud< o g., PP a order_ i that no ;one -. can get control,: itorium;: rTlie rhissronary and main the- z -- o prganizatuon ••-- - �`tenance rep°rt,,;;also given by "the After:: Mrs. ,Prosser ,.eondluded-her treasurer; showed that' the alloca address- there -was a ie -n th g y and -'tion had been' met,' .The sum•'•of ;In•.teresting..:' uestlo .:• eric r .` The 11 e . 'T r `n b q u p d �1, 00 was s rat to 0 onto duri g I ladies: served -,-lunch;: and many the •year, -The :,inmrster ? moved a stayed, and discussed, farm•prob- vote of thanks to:the treasurer:for �'lems in nner .in ';which -she groups. ' " the efficient ma OFFICIALS' WHQ ATT Ela'' _.,If,ND .....the'° : nin da af..the ,. Pe . g Y Se b. Y yards. at .Gunton for the selling. of .hogs , oilier •.the direction;' of".the Ontario.: Hog •Producers; Marketing', Agency, were; left to ri h't We 1e 'for- twood .Ha ave d"re . g g rn x a n etas 4f - he•- Ontario Ho Produc Y ,,. g ers 14xa`rketmg:)oard,,E1 . dreg:Aiken, Allenford, ebarrrnan, of ,th,e Ontario Hag „Producers:<iVlarket}n'g• Board ' ass:Love :Ile all, -a •director of.'the Iluron County. Hog Producers, .�lssociatnon, and Alfred Warner,. Bayfield;'sec • e ry „_. cr ,of the"Huron, group ^_ (EWS OF `WALTON . c RPRISE - PART'Y WELcO$ O;Q l4GE111: VEW(OJ E A surf rs w 1 in _ P rtY S- r e ..eco e.: a ws �he1d in llinz's hall(- Brodhagen, on Tuesday. evening -for Mt. and Mrs, Mervin". Leonhardt(End.Clark) and m y, Riebard, David; Douglas, Karen and. Sherry, Who recently' .purchased the home of lWrs.-Henry :KIeber, 'Sr , and mp red; here from Mitchell; Mr: Leonhari#t is' em- 'played by Mr.Ford Dickinson, hardware .and - plumbing Pastor,' E, J, Fischer read an,`ad 'dress, :welcoming them to the -cam .• munity; -rand- Mr, Ford Dickinson presented them with : an 1electric rnixmaster, •electric frding pan and•, electric ,tea kettle on behalf `: of, :friends and neighbors: Mr. and M}s, Leonhardt' both thanked the gathering for,ttte gifts' and: tleur• thoughtfulness Progressive• euchre was played, with. Mr and • ,ldrs Lavern ,Wolfe. in charge, - • pr es going to 'Mrs, Manuel :Beuermann 1. and Chris, eon ar high andrs. ,Irvin .,: sboxtumperiod-f - dancing fol;'' 'lo 'ed with music •sunplied'by Gary' and Warren Slioftiice • and Don `• •Wolfe,'and Manuel Bettermann. as caller.' 'Lunch' Was {'served lllllllHtilltllliI111111lllllllMtt thM111100 F'L *NEAT. C A RS NE,:,,., w' CLEANING -e,' PRESSING .Ear— Ick -u '--ander=dell�:e�� :Flan Cleaners e _ !ea • 'Main Street, Seaforth • L h dt h' h, M ,, PHONE 87 L h t" and rd Irving: a <, . � r� enhardt, ° n u uiu nuuntr � ltllutellntltnlem lt E TI -I ,, a Pro' table•Pasti -e ::_ XPOSITOR. A W NT, . AtiS: BRING.: Re,�U�- ,S-�=-'Eione'' 1: 'ERLOO ,CATT�.E, { a .virfirt G.Y.Wi'S FROM. 4,250 Lilt.•'To 4 6,000LBS Ce_ C.W: S fo 65,000, Let.' ouleu�rd beau Big -haul braver * 'Handsome new Sweptside 100 r; model.. -neva 'fashion-sefdr' of,' the fruck:viiorld--with•prestige-winning, lines, passenger -car ride! - 3J1 ;New .•Forward •Look styling . wtlls distinctive dual heddlights thatthrow •;Irght Vp`to 75-feetfartherr * ;New higher po'*ered .1/ 8 engines give yott up to;234Ti p.! New full. -traction• differential eyed- cible for D I DO m®dels ..: auternottcolly provides better;fractronJh snow and , ' mud, ocon off, -the -rand Jobst: This, year..Dodge Power•Eiartta`step ottt front to stay!, Mir' here is' new-, . Hess that' budget-wt"se truck buyers �;,•caii't afford to pass'up. For exanupio, I•okdge DI00, .,hall- toriners provide ,a -new easy -shift 3 speed tra-nsmntission for the ' s»ioothest,� manual.; shifting _of any -: ti ick; or ,your may prefer' push - b i tion Loa dFlite..antomatic translnisszoii . Dodge : e'eavy�dut trueks;,offer many ,, advantages, too G V. nV bra '' t7 700 in °del h$s ' been: in crewel! 2;400, lbs. (nova 85,000 chassis �ycoin onents 'uiniude wider. p rear apringa (3•'). . new, bigger.. , t rakes! • • ' 'here's your -choice -of • a neW • Power -Dome V -Sin alt n iodels,' or a - thrift -engineered Sig . i jight-Wand medium tonnatge:inodels.•;�ee, coni pare, wdrive one. of dress �iciulerittrel beaacties with.. big -haul •brawn :slow! N SL6R 6ARPDRAtIDN Df CANADA,"L1M;Ito- BREED! SSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls 'Are',Vsed" KING OF ;ALL' HONOUR' LIST SIRES conducted 'the 'financial ,business of , -Bali Board' Has •Eikhre I. the church; I- VIrs.'Nelson Rei „ A progress ve euchre party;°:span•.;• _�.-_ d, Sunda-Scho°l - �-•�• -: treasan.er e o Y ored-:by the'.F3a11 Board, was held' i p sled for that or- gariaation,°'which showed:' a. -,very: n the`Community Hall Friday eve successful: year; Nellie ,,and Ger ling. P•rize winners were:. la ies,, al'd Baan sun two duet numbers- g �• high; ,:1VIrs • `,Margaret:.Iiuinphnes;t with Mrsr Ted :McCreath as ac lone: hands; .Jean 'altars;": low; cotripanist.:;. ::;,,,4,,..,,' , '1?-aul�i:ne T .a:.` er. ,. h m :, gents high; Rae The YPL" report, was given by Iiousto'zn,. lone hands';''. ' Graeme Miss Donna Smithy:with Miss Mar_ Crai• ; ;low' Bob'' ouston ' A' H dance... ilyn ' Johnston favoring.... ith -a followed, with; music by Wilbee's' p group .'-Mis ` t::' orchestra. _-.. _. -:... rano solo .for thus •,: : • , Achilles gave . the financial state Mr George Kneehtel of 'Mose merit for: the WMS,;which was:: vero Jaw;'Sask ns Visiting: With... -Mm. and gratifying,::;and'• .Mrs. Robert .Me Mrs.: Gear e Dund s and ;other re ' •g a r 1 Michael gave the secretarys year atives: ly report,.,:in which : she mentioned' . ,- - Mr s Mar aret Hum hri - the `.70th :NEVIS anniversary;- whicli� g- _. p es"'has= was=