HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 5aGse•ese a moo
.4 iuomnteed by ,.+
','Good lir` ':ekeeping
4411111410 7Ne.
• Senoot6 batten -free fop!
Tier-balance,construction" for.:
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• Smart wovenitrip• tickingi.
• Test•cl for 10`y, ars use•,
•',Matching box sprlitgi lust'
Full or.
hnd Mrs, Lorne - Adkens and
Ann visitedrecently with ;hem .,par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs, NPl`orris srllerY.:::
Mx and 'Mrs,',Earl Vipond visit;
ed with Mrs 11t•ary Malcoini 'Nes
day: w
M, aster .Jack Durst and Vsisterx 'of
Sea -0th, spent„ the weekend. with;
their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs;':
S Aikens
Mrs Walter 1;;dwn"rd's -visited. a
few. days `last 'week her broth-
er, Mr. -
..Thomas :Mitchell. and Mr
and -Mrs. George l4iitchell:;.,
Mrs; M "ry Maleolm and:; Mx and
Dalton; "Malcolm, "Reith, and;
l3ruce, visited- on, ;Sunday:'with, Mr'
and Mrs..: oss Gordon,.'and•,.•eele-
brated Barry's fourth. birthday,
' Mr. and 'Mrs.• Morley. Lai}nin and:
Gayle visited Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs Harold Thiel; ]F ullar=:
Mr. and _Mrs. Albert Roney and
r. -" and Mrs Charles Roney and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Tubb on Sunday
Mr!, J W, lsxxiiton, has :been vis
'iting his daughters ',and sons -in -
la*, Mr: and Mrs,' King, Salton and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keyes :for the
past two •weeks.
Acres in -Mullett no buildings.
• Apply to
• Phonef
.. (Y it u •meet
_ngs he Students' 'Council plan 'to rri
discuss and decide ;upon:the size o. ti is Observe
a d .
n '.'ro eeti e
s v m her
m s 'of th -
p e the' Rei iew : W h -t
F.& the future also, the Students' g
Council have.: in 'mind, a:. Valentine ..FIRESIDE •FQRUM
dance ° to be -held some night next._ - -
Eighteen adults ggathered at` the
$ l I home of`,,1VIr and Mra,'Ken Hulley
_ to hear -the. radio.: broadcast of the
Therv.Assembly Committee, shallNational .Farm;: Foru'nl,;, The Fire=
be seeing a time of slack, now that "side Farm• Forum appointed. M—r.
the • basketball schedule has start:- :and '....Mrs;-:-' George Carter' James'
ed. ' !The games being played on • Jamieson , and Mrs.Jim ;Howatt to
Wednesday---w.ill-cut--out the--extra-writean_essay on -`Are=.We Sacri
curricular 'activities for. that' day,, ficrng'Safety For Style "and, Speed
Tb allow for continuation of the in 1958..Cars."
activities they will be switched:'to This ^being 'review night, there
(Friday, • thus7Tdiscontinuing` the was no new discussion. Mrs. Joseph
weekly' assemblies. Bradnock }invited the ,forum ': for
Assembly last "Friday yeas ',post-.. their next meeting
poned because of • the decorations Winners in:' euchre " were . 'high;
for the formal; Mrs Robert-Dalton-aad,Fric Air '
$ .1. ._ derson,. Ione hands` Miffs Harvey
_ .'Taylor -and George Carter conso=)
After, Dinner • League lation, Mrs';' George foggart,'and
- Tuesday', s, game'''was the;;iisual Bert;Hoggart,
hair raiser , `Team 2 '`•having lost
only one game 'was :.the favorite •'PEiRR LINE F¢1R;UM _ ,,qq
while `Team ,4; three times IoSer, - • Parr Line, farm forum met a
was ;the underdog Team 2, noted the home of Mr: `aril Mrs U` ordon
for its roughness was -rather quiet Goleman.•with went. The for
on Tuesday and possibly,'because um discussed the• to e of the last
of , this • walked alI over- Team 4,- three weeks
With:a '34-17 victory After listening to..."the radio'
1 lir'gadcast; the group "felt , that no
':changes,,,were necessary: on, their
"Ihg" •.:Thai. Cratzy `Haircut' . previpua:.:report`s; • . z
Harry t"tree whiz,::>Jerryi`• what ''Whiners' in each e were ladies,.
happened to your Fair?" Mrs Eldon.Jarrot and'- Mrs •.• How
Earl':; �``He .fell --asleep in 'a. ,bar- arch Adki s; gents; John-Adidan and
bar's chlair and when ` he woke it Howard Adkins.
wasn't'.'tttthhhhere!", The next meeting will,be at"the
home of• M,r • Wand Mrs.. (inward
$ ,Adkins_ Lunch-,w'as, served by the
: 31=
(By ILI;AIG W i ,Is) Basketball
The annual "At-. Borne"' was:::T'he •'•Junior boys have again
main ; a success: Maly `were' am proved successful in their -'sports,,
died `at the, extensive decorations, mansh"ip- and;.aby'basketball
especially the:'. -huge`, globe :on the this Wednesday. Thby ""sbuigtlly,
eeihng . around which al1 decora= trounced the` ting Winghain
tfops centred. ` There was regard �b a g 52 Meth c• ',lineup t ht
less of the weather, 'a . very good 16 paints. Car1t Bar er: afid 1Pill
crowd—about , the same 'as, last
year. Campbell both managed; 9 "points `
John Scott. and staff should ^be to tie for second` place: in the Scot.-
congratulated"heartily for the fin- ing. race,„-
ished 'product; ` after their•many :The ' Senior team , showed great
hours.;of .hard work: ` spirit and ability during. the . first
half, at the: end of -which :they were,
only 'two points' down --25-23:- = But:
Students' council during 'the last half things, kind of
pulledfell well
Nov[�w that the big 'event for the- apart
afo win 60 3gharn .
Easter term is over,:;the Students ,•,, gadding the; scoring"for the Sea
CouneiI are lookingforward to pre forth..tear Was Howard James, ;ea
paring;�fiirther; the organization -of :.counting : for 11'" points; and Bob
this' years Year Book. Up to' date, Govenloek running a
close second;
the photographers "and photography • with eight points •• "
Managers are the .only members of
the Yearbook staff...In:'f' t r
E C E P T.1O N
for Mr. anti Mrs Lawrence Eyre.
Community Centre ..
Wednesday Feb.
Ladies please bring lunch
phone 43 ;SeaforthEVERYONE ISWELCOM1a,;!.
9nly that new Royal Portable has the wonderful convenience
,of• the Twin-rak ribbon •`No winding, no threading; -no smudgy fingers!V::`.
,Jut hft:out the old and drop in the new Twin -Pak...
fingers'7never toach,the-ribbon!
And 'only Royal, has, the wonderful'convenience'of MAGIC! MARG
tithe amazing margin control -that sets left and right n3:argins instantly,,
easily, automatically With: just a, flick, of the'' finger. 1° '
•"The -tiew Roy al -Port b1 • had, e w
Y �• c _e� rytltig- ott ould': want
,even , i i an "office" typewriter:'. ('tom' the extra,'r'uggedness: of its; handsome
:Irmo t-= e extra light <touch'of' its sit" er-s eed�lke board Royal.has
more 'b'ig office -machine features', than any -Other portable .on the. market.
•;e,. �.
qr Rayai_Red, loyal Green 's
e`RRaoyyaatl Royal -tray, Royal 8eige,
Turquoise Royal
,u ;w
• tar
made of famous fib , er,
lightness and smart s
appearance;- "•
• w
takes `ust a few pemiee •
e day to brini'the world's
Pf bit
.,.fines P +#yPe .,-........,
writer,: , .. • .�
To r,clear oun�:racks, every ladies' Winter
coat goes on sale at half price,. 'These ,are
this styles in°'atl-wool' coatings,• '
chamois` interlined in " favoured colors of.
Royal, _Light -_Blue; Black,- Brown=Green
Charcoal and Tweeds. ' A good size range
' left, butyou must hurry! : See them in our .
windows, at: Half Price. .
2' Coats,:'reg. 29.95,,; Sale _
1 Coat, reg. 35.00, Sate. 1'i',a0
5 Coats, .reg. 39.95, 'Sale:
16 Coats, reg. 49.95, Sale.
9 Coats, regi 59,.95, Sale
3 Coats,': reg -65.00, . Sale ..
tiff trice
Her.'s a special: rack of this season's long or short sleeve
blouses that we must clear out", before. 'the Spring. -stock.
arrives Choose`frsm crepes, TeryleneS; wool jerseys and •
polished cottons. 'All sizes and colors: Hurry, for these at'
HalfPrice. , •
Regular 3 95,to 6.95
ale -P!rice.::.
Ia's Au -In "How You.. Read':" ladies,
is T.
'Anyone...having lost'. a pair of
black '.•shoes;''please -contact the
math cl,epartnYient of Seafortii :DHS.
They. are still''.in ,good repair "after.
hailing `gone., 'through rigorous
tests:in. a possible new method of
teaching ;geometry.. did .not,
however, pass these tests,, as, many
non -geometrically -minded students
learned. Positively no nlspiration
came'. from out Of , the formidable;
•lookihg shoes•.;hanging on the.biack
board So, will,. the, owner please
get them" as soon as 'possible,:' -for.
the. math department is planning
some -'new concept in ;tile "learnLit
or --else;" technique, •.,and • all things
.must be put aside, '
Ouse 'Trap
The You!pg -People Will hold their
regular - meeting•on ..Sunday, ,Feb
2 -at` 8:15. pin., -in-Londesboro _.
Misses Lois 'Roe, of •-Kitchener,
and Mary Lou Roe,: of New Ham -
There is an-. old saying about w tburg
'theirted- 'Parentsover MVMre and'we-Mrs•.
making -a better.: mousetrap and Wesley Roe°Di`anne.4nd.. Joyce.
the world will beat a' path to your •
darn, Mrs.` Leslie R-eid.. Mrs. Watson`
Perhaps., W- E,,Suthgate has -dis Reid,: and Mrs Arthur Colson at
coveredtlre 'bet. mouse trap ^In )304inGodeaicli bowling ght et;
any event; he.,found that a,' mouse
had gained entry to 'an electric. -Several from tb'is-'area attended
service .'.distribution•'box "in - the the "At -Home' held Friday • night
basemelit.of his James.. Streetresi-. at Seaforth, District .High School.>.
dente, 'madecontact pG!ith.' a .pair Mr: and Mrs. Leslie. Reid visited
bf wires,' tip electrocuted itself; at:the borne of .Mr, and Mrs John
il.. McEwing on Sunday night
• • WHAM lade
liiC�'GR�►I1E_ ;
'21111.1.1$ an a ddit,otra;`saving of 5%o by:
paying; cash before March 1 ,1958.
There's no better way to cut fer-
tilizer costs than -'to take ae'va,i='
tage of -the early -season ' discounts
-on Co-op >�ertii izer , .. .
This means Extra .Savings to you } Now You can''
order tip oto Sfi.turday and still get tied rlanuai y -
Delivery Discount.
• Tune in "Focus' Ort the Farm" ,Mon through Fri:; at 6:'36 p.m.
CKNX TV, • VVingham
Toronto, Jan. 25;' 1958.
EdiWr, The l; Huron Expositor:
Dear Sir: I think-,farmars, ev-
erywhere; . would appreciate and
thank' you : fox that- keen editorial,
iii., the. current issue: dealing with
"I�iffe_renees'. Between Promise-
(and): Periorm,,anee on Farm Pric-
es",'and for.spotligtiting-t�the,,follow-'
ing pTe'dge_ in the days inlamediate-,
ly ' preceding June 10 .1957: "A`
Progressive Conservative" govern-
meat will maintain: a flexible: price=.
support.pr;ogram toensure.an.ade
quate parity for ; agricultural pro-
dupers, based on a fair price -cost
relationship •
Iu my clipping -book, Par. • example,.
I see the following- qi otes from the:
campaign: •speeches o£ Mr;; John;,
Diefenbaker: (1) :"We will pro-
vide needed --help to the agricul-
tural' indtistry
gricul=tural'industry by providing for' ex-
panded markets and to: •alleviate)
the •;detrimental .effects of - the
squeeze, in 'which farmers are now'
and.have, been irreparably caught'
between rising, costs of 'production
Mid falling • farm pricestt; (2) "The
farmer's 'markets have been lost
or diminished because' of the incl
fecti'Ve..trade policies of . the Fed-
eral Government; -white, year --after
year, farm :organizations have ap-
proached ' the• ,Government with
briefs in. which the plight of agri-,
culture is set out in$'tail'.'„and;
al ;the o'vLidtiment
general, e bV
(3) Ip g
has failed to act The farm-.
oes.'share,of the national,' income
has gone down in the 'last eight
year by some six per cent;' • 'ur
thermore, there has been- a `-con=
tinuing reduet}ori of the farmer's
share : of the 'consumer's Lollar,
front; 591 cents to ;approximately,
50. cents today,” " `
In Closing, may I simply -say that
the—following, picture, only ..last
week .drawn ..to the attention of,
Prune Minjstei:, Diefenbaker -and
members of his 'cabinet by a re-
presentative group of prairie faun
leaders, certainly meshes with,
adds color to , and supports' -the
factual logic of your editorial:;
4iSinee: 1947<_there has, been an in
crease of 50 3'"per cent ,in' the cost
of. con tiiodities: and services used
by.,Westerri fanners. During• the.
same period there= has been;`a 'drop
of 20.8 per cent in the avcrage;fprice
of wheat on the fanr " ""
Na,17i>nS � l . Co'as'ters , -r.-
nformals - _: Statlone:
- • Full Width Freezer
• Glide Out Shelves -,
.'•; Full:- gide
' f�Ulitlf2�aWEr" ' ''
!: '-Meat Keeper
Cold; Storage, Tray: •
• Shelves iii Mot-
VtThen yot( ` compare, WESTINGfi'OTJSE hath'
other you'll Refrigerators,
fin �..
d that S E TI
N -
house brings, you
` more of the special features
that -mean so Much in e'veryda, ?. t
"You Can
Sure' If .Itys Westingllouse»t
• Available in All Sizes
to 12 uCubic Feet