HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 44--THE44` lalfRO*BXPOS OR, SEAEORTH, t$8, S445.g. IAS:tkni*. .1146giAt New: Lowcash Rates r.oLTNR,_,Erc,-Per Word: , eel A eiteij ' I 'lat Week ... 1 Gent ' 2-nd Week „. • ly,„ pent ' Srd Week I ; . .. YA-Cent' 'Minimum charge, eagh insertion..... 25 Cents • fighre,. -and abbreviation. etaini?'14s _pne, .:.a14.s 9! 'Manisa, In MeMorians;, Notices, COming 4.vent37-41 Cent 'per,, 1m -hies -May' he' dir‘Fid=1CatIk., c/o The. giurorl•EgX,Posip-r, for 15 cents extra. .' Fifteen 'cents 'additional will, be -Charged if ads in ahove plena „tire not . paid within': 10 d8;o. date of final insertion. • •Births Ma,rriagea and Deaths, inserted free Of charge, potion Sales. Notir:f* tot. Creditors. Etc" -Rates on4applicaticirla • Conning:Events Property For Sale, ROT BEEF Valentine Supper, on Febru- ROUSE FOR SALE,4Hix-ioorn "-.4try 24th, -5 to 7 o'clock, at Northside :Maul siding, with.' hard 'tint} ,soft water, 2,- sr-1.1-aited Church, Seatorth. Adults $1.00 piecerage.,,--•.,a-g.oalienhouse. chiRtren, .:under 12, slam S oniored by the „V-111S.Ve-rof BruiSela.' 'Plgine" 111 X 2. 4 • Sera/ Y.. A. 4696-1 MRS: WEE, STEPHENSON, ..13rnssels 'P,Q., , „. . 'WAN2ED-.-4 middle-aged housekeeper. 4;m:di to Box 1, HURON EXPOSITOR. '• 4696-1 EXPERIENCED FURNITURE afilstZet • -ittcluffingdg• band . rubbing. sliatfing and spraying. If you want Steady eMPloy-, *ant under gaod. working condniana 'write us, in ltbsolute confidence, giving full details of, age wok history. ',etc, Box 689. HURON 'EXPOSITOR. '46954 EXPERIEN6 ED STENOGRAPHER as secretary .to general manager el progres- Sive Manufacturing company-.- Must haye r good Shorthand, possess ti , initiative. be alert FOR SAVE .Q N9jk-599a1th cottage, m Egmondvillet. 2.-al..re ad. liaro"• , 648-2K -or ',day .59 • " For Renti- .rias'artinent, furnished 'and 'Ideattfd Mid-. is electrically equip -pee „got Water at „all times;; 'Private 10th JAMES J:2 icvn,ry. North .bath aad entrance. CB , FehiAlarY or 15th. George St., Sea-551th. "' 14596x1 , • and dependable. Top salary" to capable .- girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary 'desired,Z te Sox 690, • HURON EXPOS1TO.R, T. . Lost and:You:in .•• , , L0ST.41,--A blielc hackle: ho'y's overshoe,' .o- TEFTOR'.171. 4696-f, _ , . size 13.... Ph ne 4 9 W: NIRS: N179E '..,WANTED _ . or young Man interested :trig the printing ,trade. Apnly in. -written. . indicating fige,,education. etc., to TE:E HURON EXPOSITOR • • Tenders .Wanted. TENPERS .WANTEDI • . . Tenders will be received by the under- signed :ail torgebniary 3rd for the poSitiam o manitenaace man for -the 12 schools in 1. the Grey Township School Aria. APpli- omits to state hourly wage and travelling ;expenses .Wepected. DUties -to • commence - February 17. • • 'NORMAN S. HO.OVE-B,-,-"-. ,R.B.._ 3, ' B,„„rupsels_ _ • 46o4,-.3 • WANTED-A :faar-htdream brick house. PHO24E.334, Seaferth. " 469681 WANTED -50 tons of good co h coin!! 652 r 13, •g "'WANTED -Two Colored ducka. Phone 'MRS. PRESTON DALLAS, 650 r 21, Sea - forth, R.R. 4. 4696a1 .Wanted— TIL:43eivreenA. rena.:and,'PoSt a, belt belorw.ing „to boy's grey Coat: Finder please -tall rETER WILBEE.,` . :Phone 599-41; . ,• 4696,.1 PaUltr-y" CEICKS-Wide choice standard: varie, ties. SpeCial., hYbrids ancr:broiler chicks Pullets. ' • BRAY :gqtti'TC13:ERY, Hamilton. or MAS:,•%XXX ',PATERSON.' Brucefield. Phones: Clinton" EU: 8-9232, Seaforth 659- 28 WkI4.tt MCCLUItE4' R.R.i 2, Sea., ' DEKALS STARTED Sale -A nUnaher ottgekelb'StartsOinillets4:. Sgticcmated for 'Newertia(10;:, and larichitis; readY for fanned/ate delivery, 1 -2 -.-dr* 14 weeks Of- age. Price list on request. Crisco -tint • -co •-largal., ordeis„ :MOORE'S POULTRY FARIVI; 3, Seafortli: -phone 641 r, 8. ' •-• 46964 • AUCTION SAL Auction . Sale of:: Vaccinated Holstein Cattle, en WgDNESDAY,,,,.FEBRII,ARY',.5; at 1130:p.m. at „Lot 5, Condessiati` 8, Staxi: 14/4 West---and4,1a4,-, Miles- -30 Holstc:10 "Heifers, all years Old. ter TEllih. ea, an Pelarugyffi_Heriford• calves,. 3- Flolstet . al calves, -„ All" tile above Cattle' are .1 excellent- -• 're Oash- WANTED TO RENT - Six ar• sev.en- . roinned' house „ with Modern conveniences. Write to Sox T. MITCHELL ADVOCATE, Mitchell Ontario. • . 4694-4 , • WANTED -.Gary and Rodney oats. suiit • able for deed Eighest Prices paid: COOK .,BROS. MILLING'. -'CO. vre. Phone, 24. -gentian.• 4694-3 .EXPERIENCED FARNI MANAG-Ei re- gitires suitable employment. Many years' tr`exparienee, .Excellent references» lieply: to COLLINS, ER. 2. Paincou,d_Ditt.---,,, . 4696-4 , ATTENTION, FARIVIERS - Prompt, .caiiiteous enllection of all dead and disa,bied farm animals and hides. .Call collect,. ED. ANDREWS, 851 'II, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & 094 of -Canada ,Ltd. • 4692giti a. FOR SALETsve 'rriisses' Sand and" one ALEX ii/c.BEATE, Preprietor. • Harold Jackson., Auotioaeer. E. P. Chesney, ' •,For Sale . - FOR •SALE-9-plece. dieing "room suite , PM.- -, - • , ' -. ...4696x1 cheap. PBONE •ag'24ti .Seaforth,' ,,,fter' 6, ' - ,, • - • -. . • • FOR SALE -Three -Collie 'Puts. ' AP - 'ply. HAROLD PRYCE 'S.R.„1, Seaforthi. ,Telephone 840 _r..2.1 -..,----------4696x1- ' PLOWERS-Cut flowers;$patted plants, corsages, flowers for all occasiMii. See' NVRIGET'S SUPERIOR FOOD, MARKET, Pho 77 Staforth„ 4693-8 WANTED, -Highest cash pricea Pa0 for tailored coat 'Mae 12, Cheap. __Can be sick, down or disabled cows anti hortea- seen at FLA_NT,TERy. CLEANERS. Dead. cows and horses picked up for re- ' ' 4696x1- maval ,promptlyV Also wanted. to buy, . BRUCE MARLATT, Brussels. • town; cont.sins, no aloinV, _WILLIAM M. boar hogs. ea! Collect, '56 r. 7. Br -gases- W‘cut P.-ALr...--The cleanest: litilluifiidrin 469341, EMIT. Phone...18g • 4092 -if ' AtTENTION, FARMERS -Hic4 your e spraye or. lice Y your profit'..• Aka whitewagthing• and clean-, ga-Call-ELI.:LERT---GOO-PER: Telephone 59944, Exeter. 4694x7 , A zp ehunka, 12 vreeks old : ,8 seven Weeks;old. NICK VAN VU'O.T, R.R. 2, Seaforth. -Telephone 849 r 22. rata d f befOr ' the at F,OR taps, near roadside. Aay.areaSonable-affer.--neceptett.--BODERT MeKERCEER, Phone 849 r 41 Seaforth„ .4 . 4696-1 • FOE SAL -E1-' Coleman 'fin beater; que; bee, coal. or wood stove with oven. .Apply to EBANK REYNOLDS. Phone 669 r 33, Seaforth. _• ' 4696x2 • RADIO F.EPAIRS - For VI/ kinds a 'radios;- at. TERRY'S 'Ammo sunvier.„. orpposite Dick Bonne, Seaforth. Phone g. 847-E. 4692-tf • COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - :forth 'and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBBlE. BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Emily Cleaners & Laundeteria 469244 g NOTICE -Anyone knovaMg the wherel. • Shouts of Ruth Milston. known to be in around 1917 to,1921, please get in touch with the following address: 3:YON •',GREQIDRY, 269 Hehnsdale Ave,„ East Ifildeniann -Winnipeg, Man. 4696:1 WATERLOO • CATTLE BREED-INer ' ASSOCIATION ." '"Where Better Mille Are Used" Poi aitificial insemination. information r service fret* breecE-of -Cattle, Phtinu r Watitrioir Cattle Breeiting Assoctatite At OLDVION EV. 2-3441: hetWeen 7:80 arid 9:80 a.m. We have ail 'breeds availa *be' -top" wittIity 'at low cost. ' 46§2-tf • ANNtifilL -.MEETING . • rhe Annual altleeting Of the triiiorne' 4 -Hibbert Mutual Fire Inturrinee COMPar4y will be. held..tn-Fur9uhar rarcithar, .m01,MAY; ttnittaltit,,a, 195tt . 0,to. . . for the purpose Of 'receiving the reports, of The DfrectUtk and ..-Atiditurs, for :the, p.$4. • year <for. Bse'ell!tce of tWo Directors tor , tifieelreat tern -G.- eetteof. of. one .Director two,,Yetrt tetitrt„ :the st"din'. of .illoriry Coates,: eleetbio Audita:rk'iitd. matt, busittesk thlit MU* be- in ...the iiiterests.`"Of-tbe 'Oo' intityag. tlitybiteeters volf;684[..-ienn Of office- ex-- . -j>lieS• are . ' and E. ChtYtort Preeideiit, • ' • , AlerltUR , SeeretarY-Treasurit: FOR sA14,—stie 'Guernsey heifers and same fi;esh „milkers. from East- ern- vintario .art* Ohloq, All•parebred and vaccinated. :WILLIAM 4. DALE; R.R. i; ,46954f RNAORES .LANDRACE Purebred Landrante boarn, With' Ur without papers; guaranteed. Reasonably, priced, RUS-. SEL. ICERVGITA*,.7......11.„2„, 4, •-Coderich, Phone Carlow 4696-2 . „ SALE Of' ,PLANOS -Lariteat selection ';of nped Pianos in Western.,,,Oh- tario. Montan:Ian, litordheinier and- many other -well. -known ,nuakes,,-,- All anaranttled • factaryareconditionell. Prices ;to suit. ev. etsrlaody. Come and see ns or."*rite for FUrther Partimilars to 1-1EINTNAll. CO., 242 Dundee St, London. . • r, .. •Car.(1'S... of - ThanIc—s ,. .... .,• . ,.: . ... . ' i "ivTgr fir TrfiAlct fr-liiis;- - ta any --friends' and neige'. far. treate, -cards, Visits and letWrp While V'tgres a. patient in Stratford de4ra,1;:2fospiter., Everything WaS 'deeply appreciate*: '' ., .. '' '' 4696x1 ' .,, ' . ROBERT ilAMILT011 ' ' ... ' . , • ' ..' . . • 1 -WISH •TO '*illANIC •the . mai-Jr:friends ..and. neighbor_S,for-.treats,,,,flavvers,-and.cards. I receiv_ed While. I Watt . a 'nntinnt in Scott' 'Memorial. Hospital; "S cciar thanks id.' 4696-i• MRS: ci.,ZAvE eoomos -.. it, the tloctars,,of Seafort . „l-Clinle: and the rturials„,atui,Sfritr:at. the .11'0Si:dbl.!. . , , . .. • • ,[ .r. WISH:To THANK eyetyrine who re- Membered/roe 4 while d patient. in . Scott -11letnorial. Hospital; • Thanks ' to the-iiidliev IS St. 'Thoings' ..Auglieaa ,Church. Rev; .33unta, Or, Stapleton and the sten of the; hospital. It wati.- all Very ranch ,,appreci- 4696x1 ' ," ' : -', RAYMOND NOT+ r , .,liV,E WISH to ''.1<.,tend heatireit, thank' .fer, 'the-rah:1y. Sete of .kladaest and meS sageti nf sympathy in, the .bereaveineat lir a beloved. father:- SPecial thanks to Father' McCoWell, Er.,"; 'Ffoulkei, Father 'Weber, Drs. M.,eManter, Brady, and,-Malicus, the nursea, ancl-, staff . of Scott ''M,Mnarial :Ens- Pital While he was a• Patient' there, r.We also W.411 to Aliank our frienda,-.1 tieiglibers, to' -these who loaned' cars arid aSsiated. in any way at : the tirtle Of ::-file , funeral, Eveiithing waS deeplif aPpreciatcil 462tai . •• TEE. Cltrirbilrl, ...FAMILY' • , ..„,.... -..,',,,,....• RM ACCIDEN SERIOU RE IMP -FAR . Thousands nr-d011ars in - both onaStaidio.th:relogh_7,!..teDvoset3111,.,p.irtab-rertppo'oeminTet',,.a.p:T.rxeesi!eee,ni:t.Atie4sthitt g'qsr, ioul- ture Frequency 'of. farm_ aedidents is such that, farm , workers have, a tither .aceident . rate --,than trial" 11(Dr1wrsi,a-fact.Whieh. phOuld Make -the ',"farin Worker' resolve :to takereinedial steps 'Without, delaf." • Many 'mishaps around :f a r buildings are cans:ed. -b3i_dangerOus :StairwayS and ladders,- • lVfany 'a 0413.resii1ting inore_.kerions' in- jury than Might dectir between • efip and lip, .has beeif 'caused- by- leaves.- and. dirt being, a11OWed'10 time_ and money,. to SAY nothm el '1311:Y.ISIPal,,,Stifferin.g is. lost toth 'farm ecoPeniy.,01--Ontario each' year Seed- .May: Lie'DOrrritin Three Years, accepted that wild.otseedd may, . ha viellfe: remain alive in the,SojP, for .a. peried three:,years..: wt- out:germinating, :Until?, this weed germinates pot, much:can , done acciimulate •on • stairs., Broken legs' ,iri4theway-'45Vcontrel„,-as,Our, knew..17,-,dretpientlY4result-froin,lalls-feaused- edge stands at ' preSent;', 'and ,this 'i by ',ladders '. having, weak, loose, "vv,hen. chem . pre is1t icais rongsj 'llifes:ted' s°21"_„rrs, 'areftnjued alY- eroR: is Sown, 'Beed.f....ex-- b['v lall.ing.thl:on,gh open feed 'chutes,„, '13?-r411-ents hy "Dr, B ,G.":1CliPifiih2EigT type' of accident: readily prevent- , Retany. :P4.t.12010g37 ',-,trap. 'doers:" or efAT-',' '-Sid0,,r;Callada' DePartMent--.0f.: chute:cat ught one_germin.atiobehav re, dealing .Witlf.the :influence . 'haiidlehaY-and.straw, With safe., ofl, thn!-- [ • -bat seeds indiCate 'that' aithaug4..-mon__darin.aatee4a.,_. are. Electrical ,,liatiards on .the farm a•re continually iriereasing as more.. „and -More '.iises,„are'found for this w.„[..higher,..‘,PrOPartiOn',of partially convenience :coinnieditY-:" . . ',It' , goes: .40tritinat..seeds. May 'be .niducech.40, Should -,at germinate' by: v g them !..Ol• 'elee nid.eupment need sunlightbe .'ehe-aied„,perio' and kept -; providing re and shock end might b..e accomp1ishe eat'. l'.'..,R.",.:g9°!...,-!7.1".1149n • : , _ hazards ar.betFliirrilltetearl,:'abilye':e'qi:aatjle,LS. -blifYing:thern, througlrf eultiVa„: ,lack • narance„The-increaSed'use of lie,at lnmps for -"brOodirid"' paiiltry, "-and 0.1' hogs -has, added"'another, 'serious ,arietreSterti 'Canada, ``',atig(.,, froni . grown :under temperatiire and litiniiditY COMORO greephanse conditions, Were tested inider,..arti-; 'light and ..'suidight,--.PartiallYt •dormant, sainuIes [almoSt" complete., ly failed ...to.. geripinate .,on the' Solt surfaCe'Whon.expesed thcingli,nmiSturew as 'sufficient and • allo-wed:,domplete Of the,'-noMderrnant"„Seeds..;,PlaCed:7.6n.: the, soil. surface. Atthe .tarnetithe hoWeVer,:a- considerableniintber of the partialldnr.rnant„seeda-4er-rn--. Triated., .wheff' baried. :to a•:',depth' of; one inch. ,Ori the bthet.lialid;,•'ialieli. •cenifile:telY, deprived of " light.' the thepartially,dernient---,seeds- germ, Iiia.ted, as , well Ion the ',Sell:: Surface at e i TT:, t 'Onneh , , .depth . , , ingis still 'the 'ineSt widely-O.Sed,„;and'effeCtive. •age ha's been studied fairy.eXtenduring the past two YearS, -I.535-werliers-['in. • ".Weptern Canada„.;.-te; deternritie-Verall-teffeet-T,-en- gerinination.,-' The..: 1957. ,Research Report: Of the.:.:Weste.in:j Section.,; of the -National •;'Aiiieed.,- Coininittee, StieWs,". that 4itilC)iy;g:ieater ,May: .gteminate 'far',' the best results haVe„: been. 'eh., tained,' 'from the.:Medinin4ate tQ late fillerIlltg-!''„" Almost -"Withoitt. excePtion[the reSUlts- indicated -the, wild' oat ,-.seglings.„:emerged earl- let:in [the alitt1ngreater number frorri,„-plets ,late in the- fall,: that is,.,-'betWeeli: the 'and 20th, of,,Onteber... ' _ 110;it....1-101ders-Nantea 14fit t000: (hit .1...1t.„4:0i**0414e• to di thenaiie -oi' dress: of.:iitiSt'Ailiieiret using Oaken', Unpositor,`Bex .Xttin, .7 ±be.- - .01eitee.,dor net :aSk...rwt.of Igtotpation„ ' ersonals Births Stratford General ...Ea:Pita:1, .janua,.6'' 28.. 'MI `Mr:: and Mrs. Den : S., Dennis, Walton, a datighterH-Dianne" Ts' ALM-At...Scott lifernoriarliosPitay, .:-Jartaary,..2.3„..,ta Mr. arid ' Mfrs. 'Ronald' Drager,•'':-Seaforth, :daughter. ' '"l&el5li's ,Loadan, ' 'January 57,1968, .to end: -Mrs, Stewart Finnigan; London, a son-,Wiiliani J, ..•. - -• MacIlDNALD-Mr. : and ...Mrs ".141acl. . Donald, Toronto- '(tiee 'Doro,thy .Rovve of • Jiensejj-1., are tia tb annouace' the birth.of iheir , au ViinStern-004,1, pital,'Toronto, ' Siturday, Szinuatir.„,25, - 1958.4 ,gratatiaughter ."fer , Mr. and ' , • ' .." • - -aiy-120; Year. eat hazard' 'araund,-„-the farm77.7Stich, lairipS;„ Shouid!..be Siended-by ' ne*, 'dieser' than 12, in.ches. -Iron". the ,litter;:.Ligii .bulb_s"..iii.`."hay.'"n.ipws 'and: '.granariep, 'be eqnipped'' tight :globes ,`-ta,.preVent ad,euraulatioii rthe::: ;windings, of ,,,electric..., ,,Inotors • will r causeheating and :eventually burn: r nidtoi :7Mord: sensi 'tive hye'.:"..StOcic are frequently fo'und • dead _their Stalls': the,- reilif1. Ontario,: farm;buildings' mustf have three -prong,'. grounded -type. conVeinenee,,OntletA ;and all able-equiparent ['Should:be provided: threeiWire,[.. :shigle-liazak.,dfs/ too. frequ , ignore „ . , "The fire 'hazard. reduced:: by ,The.atniginewi,,binhilngs atIcast. a, hundred and fifty feet froth, ek,. isting7Striretiire an dr never,,, in. line - tiFthetri;UTtliaTlifT.thYtifilia-pytri ont of fire,,flameS, cannot ,sWee floni-bne'.buildiag to, AND FOR LIB ERVICE 'REASES THROUGH -Mere Ilse Is 'boing-.made- of Iib reties; aceerding tOr'a report, given. to CoUnty -Connell, meeting-iir,..Tainv; ary- session,. by 'Mrs.- Alice Jean- Eckrnier,:county librarian. .' The Huron enmity library. system,. Which -pioneered in: Ontario in set-', ting 'up..[K-distribution "-Systeni- to serve small.iiiraj libraries -from a. central county library, 'is still the largest- and MOst'aetive county lib- th -Bet clerk sou , r ry pa y treasurer,„ Said it. was his under- 1Standingt_that,L if the two groups sfiould .unite, ana hold ene'county. match, the 'agricalture con:emit-, tee would be, preparedto reCom- mend a grant Of $100_ ' rary-in- the ,provinCROMARTYte. , CirdUlation of ::..books, through' 33 local librarieS; four deposit_ It& tions, and three high schopis,totdi to" 1957,.. an 'increase of 4,322,frorD, the r previous , year Mrs. Eckniier said. Circulation' thrgangli the '219"elementary' school, roopts serve4 by:the county system Was est,ixriated,--Arc additiOn, at 309,00ff.:, Berry treasurer of the Lib , ,OSCARFREDERICK 11.LOP15 iarY-,Bnai.di, reported- in answer to „ DeputY7Reeve Nelsorowartha's ,ZURICH.F-A,idirecter of Hay „Eire enquiry, that the board` has rn Insurance 'Company for 40., years 'creased 'grs, ;:,,.ercinier,s.., salary anda former deputy reeve Oscar from $3 300 $4,300, -'and ' R. G.- Frederick:Klapp passed away.sud, Eckinier's , from $2,809 to $3,000, ,denly.Tnesday- in Zurich -He --was •-=oVet- the Objections nieinberg from Exeter and Myth, , council,: de,' DeiedpeadrITniheunristioafy*LtoanadsSk- and'F°PnTtae'srfai° Mri,Klopp, is survived by three % to . take the 'resPonsibilitY for. sons, Harold, of -grand Bend; How- aidi.ng....y.Y,Beia.- there: -shall be 'Opeu ardi of ZurichandWilfred, Lon- SeasOn for deer -instead of leaving den; :three daughters, Mrs. Len the'deciSibil '16.enuntY councils.' (Bearic)Haist»ahd MrS"-: Arthur -WffliamMorritt, , reeve of Blyth, (Delores) Risk, • both of Detroit, dissented, • on the grounds- that and' Mrs, Earl (Edith)" Yinagblut, of ,the 6 -Minty should not willingly pur- Zurich. .,', • , . - render its , own power to decide:. --116-i'S---also-survived by f,ive broth -„Chester MaWhinney, deputy -reeve ers ,and, three sisters: LEIrnore,,ZUt&Ti-.)f Exeter,- agieed,,,With 'Reeve Mor-. idh; HorOce and William Strat- ritt. , ford, Leonard ; of ,VVaterloo; and The discussion came on a re_ LMMa'rrrnssECiiarrtl:;'Q'Wglln f'Ch'u-4Th, Washington, ep-,:aeCnr.;d;, fe ecol nn ni ee, rd ea to ivoon obry-:Etgli:tearg,:rrisc,i1c1hillraiari- committee, of which William Mc - Mrs. -Fiera -Bee er, GI1t4uen..222-t0 endorse a resolution from Iowa , There are. also 17grand-. Brant count Y =asking thatdeersea-, :Anidren surviving. [ son dates , be 'set hy the Depart- ' His' wife, ' whopredeceased hin-m, ment of' 4.„arids [ and Forests. The was...the former Lorinda - Marie bee-a:filo Walper: The body Will rest at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Thurs= daY, ,when rernoyal will be Made to St': Peter's Evangelical' Luther- an Church, 'Zurich, at .11. where funeral serviee will he held at 2 p.m. Burial will be made ia the Lutheran. cemetery, ',Goshen, Line: • Mr. and Mrs, Tom Gillespie ,ancl family, of ,Komelty,' visited lvt,r. and 119.,Fi- T.Lan on -Saturday, and Mrs. John 1McLachlan, - of Egmendville, spent Tuesday ev- ening with Mr; and Mrs. Andre McLachlan. Mr: and Mrs. Anthony Allenand ons of Stratford,, visited -with Mr. and. _Mrs. Eldon Allen on Sunday. • --Mr. and -Mrs. T. 'Laing ,visited. with Mr'', and Mrs. William - yell at Brucefield on -Tuesday...,' The'llarienRitChie Even1nAUx- illary t , Met Ttiesday eVening: in tIle --basement--z Lorne Elliett- presided. --The serip- ture reading Was ...given by -Mrs,, WCsley: RusseU, felifeVied • With prayer by the preSidenthe. topic was taken lioin the. last chapter_ of the 'study , book ..bMrs.-Robert- Laing 4„nd Mrs: Gerald Carey. The 71P ';ng hi.,,.75th year, The deceased 3y,as . , . a well-known busmessman .Zur- Cenductor:, ".`Can't "you-seethat Passenger,;."- , "Sure , earil 'See' it.". there"s: another,. :.sigri",: which says 'Wear -Eitto Cdrsets, so 1m p,aying-,:.no-attention,.to any, signs" Predic Future arketin ,Of 'the, ,,Marketing,'SerVice, Depart- ment of AgriOnitiire," OttaWa ,-, -have. 'atteMPted.to"foreeast the:probable, futhre hog..•slaug,Jat.eyt-in$Pected- approVed:••• .plentS-7:flirottghout• 'Canada.:The method nsedjavolves- ecbitstinent ifof the Jiasie;.•figiires,,,•cm breedings '',an..farreWings--as4iirb-.: liShed...b.Y. the 14emituori Bureau Statistics -.by,: the applicatiOn,. for matielal "'teeters. ,',WhiCh'appar ;to be"[.apprepriate .atterding, te, past' perfcirinanee ,reVer, ,peried„ ' ,-,'Of, .LOoking .1958;* :the, estimated hog 'Marketing's for ,tlie.:'first,"three- 'months"' are p4ced,-.4t4;68o,poo for, all: Canada;LatrincreaSe-,of, "tier.; Cent':,"over•the 2actital,,.!ntarltetingSat , fOrztilsame..,-tittee....Mniittisaitigg. 1445566.. 'The estimated: GTBSE , for -eastern, Canada 'Will be 12 : cent:art& . ;. „ The :foreCast ;bf,-irtaricetingS' • for 'The' first: six, Itionths;.,af'1958- ,Searorib.;, ori, Saturday, :1Anu, shows • muck: the .SeMe"„pattertt • as . Frederick gOegy„ hig '• , • . '• ' •• for the -4,hree,..montn permo, with , . , tther be etter ti • „ . . NoVa Scotia had the first parlia nientary government in Canada h 2 inber- eleeted Assem- bly met at 'Halifax in 1758. . ' - the ^percentage changes remaining are .jilacerf 2,70„,,b00 as- against actual,Marketingsln 1957:04 2;483..,- 9:°•nadTall:-7a'i.:Cin,..71)klaetille....e-r !aftor.3-'e,643s0t,e0r0011. against; 1,454;0,39' „in." ,1957 and ,for western Canecle- 246-000:against 1,025,917. Alt„Orovinces will show, increaSedmarketings except Br -it-, ish-Colurabia2-Lwhich _v_vip„ be. about the ,same • -_ , atitiiMn of 4957,_[wlien .severall coun- ties:agreed' to proposal, for [ an. ,Open .seaseri." for deer, after. -which, •sorne.:,..of the 'entintiecv :Withdrew:, -ileeVe.;Merritt and tiepirtieeVe: Mawhinney and•Ifnron..couno2L'..S,.: •recorded " vote' ,tile.flirelloSal.. that the. deep %season' "datea ',end ,areas •sheillci..:,tte :decided • withinit'"refeirerice,46.-:conaty . The -two 'plowing match associa- tions in. 1-lur,en Were advised, to :unite; when. '„:eoinicil toolt. action Tnurpday, ; .for rEW:grant,'; $50l,[,-. arid the were.' to conibi*irein 74, xl lepxoved .: by iojinty : I.:1_ gyo a fat matas ch.- n. , cil bel the rant was ..not paid T th.e .70, -Setith'71-1; Assecia-: low-, ar reeve -of East Wa- wanosh, ...reported: 'that Jain, forces - -has y beeif;:sent, •frbrit the :notth groftp to', -the et -cl ed:with rayer. BRUCEF.IELD Mrs, (Dr.) %IN*. $wan; UaL toN And. her, ,daaghterrgrs. • J3ert4 Mtillin,„ and..s9n Richard, of ..MOrt.-- are-visiting kir sortie ":(bite with their" friends,"'MrS: C., Ham and-Mtiss 'Mary E. Swan. ' • 'Mr. and -r. -Mac Wilson' Visited In.,LondOn-„With' Mrs. [Wils�xLs Sin"' ' ter and-familyMrs: Staeldietise,' whohas been Visiting . inLontion;7-retirrped., liOnte ' Mr. and Mrs, Ivan ,W,hiternan, .Belgrav,e, called on friends .village. last., "Mrs:: Donald.: .1‘0,ii the-,Weelieniti'With 1V1i,lloss Par-. ' enta, Mr, and;Mrs.„-.Selden '[ 'MISS Been McGartneY;. St. Marys; and-Miss-',-Ele,anor McCartrient.-- 'cliener,,, spent the weellterictr-With".., their paTenta, Mr. and Mrs., George" lVfeCartneY, •:aiss,Ekrna -'13,readfect, ridge visiting at:, the home; .04 her brother, Mrs,: John ,Broadfoot_ Group No. one of the Woman's,. [Association- entertained GreliP four at 'the, horneOf Mrs. rry, , Abent.-40' attended:: • ' ' pa_wr,"! , said the boY,', 'I Want to go te."Collefe:Tand:,,leatifTte-,--bo:---a,--- -dirietor:' ,LikelY.-yOu'll'; be. -Wastin' Your' dine- son,'.[ the "."-tather- --,f`Soon aP"'"Yow-learn, about-Obste-'- tries 'somebody% ,e6M, e .along With , SUPERFGOD MARKET - 1-tt,°1_,,dpe•_n-ewkg5,1V1a Sale Nate - .4;gora.:1•Siln.€10 •14/7"1-oz.oTleinKs e'rene8j'fC°1?-. 'iron Can AVE Money'SFh000pdat Our 1:srti?orioliVeleaRrNk -G VOInatOes:La` -,-2g ' rge ,-oz Tins- 5:[..fok ,•••• It,e'd Seal .f‘ited" • COHOE 'SALMON ,- 73/4-pz. Tins. 3 for $1,..00 Vele 'Monte CATCHUP': 57for-41.00 You Can 'Sae On Theise---: . • neeia . yhner NI)ER. PEAS; 15 -oz.. Trns 8 f41,r.$'1.6.0 Case) , :15,roz. 'Tins for 4 for, 1E00' BEANS WITH PORK 15 -oz. Ting' $1 .00 10 -Lprge , :SLOW' • Stock. Up These- ials , , Yegetahli or ToitiatO,Stiuji 10-o Tins 8 for $1.O� EIGITT-BITLBS 25 4r.-60:zvtt -' 777-11fUllYTTCKLtS- • r --Food Market , , 16 -oz Jar , for $1"4),(): phone"'77 Free Dehvery TE.EMEMBMtt The fastest way 10 anYoneslieart is to send 'lowers -OnVa'leritirie,,Day,[Eebruary-14: .'Place your orders early to be Stire.„df: deliVery; pOiripEp FIANTs:'::And„c-vrT.O.',PWERS-: • • ' , L Fl�weisForAny0ccasion. • a - e""" a sr! LVES • , 1 _IL COIsISUIVIPTION ATTERY, a cling machines UPER -ADDERS .. Choidel 0! 1O -key; o' full ke,yhoards EXECUTIVE SUBTRACIIR$ electric or Hand Operated' TIRES AND TUBE P LUBRICANTS FUEL SYSTEM IGNITION any“ , half -way' jobs "get : by" 'for a. time. u, neec.1 ,-OVerhaul work hat matches., the, .original - care,, precision .builtiLinto.'yrnir t,facctOli- cali.. give you, inuek niore than Propot ,knowledge and , proper tools. are , of great. value t you You get .1ohger tractor he and less eos , hours o operation , Schedule your fractora6 a s Will be-- ready for Spring's." • CoinFiaci • • Portai3lo • Quiet , Millions of users prove Victor Adding, Machines tiro right foryou!, 'tclo. Smooth; Carefree service isluat Mae. of nrny reasons why you • ,afill Re Victor Adding Mediates bettec, Modest cost is another / reason. Ityou ad x1 arid Multiply, Choose Vidor Super-Adde• r. For*problerns that involve 'direct Subtrection also, `you'll "want' • die Victor 'Exia(odive Subtractor. See —fry both models today, • HYGIENIC SUPPI,IES (Rubber Goods, mailed .Peet-paitl in plain sealed envelope with oriel, 6 "samples 26e1". 24 • stlni- pied 81.03 Order • Dept, 1' - 73, NOVA -.111.ilitE,R. co; Box .91. n!uninon. E 'HURON EXPOSITO tAFQ oN,PARi Phorie,568' HNNJE- f. L ave it repaired., now - and save ou mane • John Deere „ SALES , SERVICE Seaforth- • GORP:0141 s New Holland Cothshatt- NeW.,Idea - ' SALES & SERVICE one: Seaforth $32r 33 alton RM P aisey44arris-Ferguson SALES igz 'SERVICE Phone 110 ‘+'• ROWCLIFF 38. I. Case. Farm Implemen SA S 84., SERVICE Phone 267 Seafoi-th afo