HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 3• " cRonIARrt CELEBRATE ENTY-FIFTII' ANNIVERSARY The learne of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin • Cole, of Cromartyv-Was the setting Saturday- evening, •Jan. 25, for a delightful affair, when a family dinner, attended -by twenty-five, was •held in, honer of the twenty-fifth • Wedding annrversaries of Mr. and • Mrs, Campbell EYre; of KiloPen, and NIT', and, Mrs,. Fred Cole, of Exeter, 1,v10 eveite married en Jannary-28, twenty-five- years ago,- 'but whose anniverearies were observed over the weekend. . W, 'A. Young, of Guelph, former tninister_•of_Carmel Churchk *Sensate officieted for thedding Of Mr. and -W346, atftl- Rev, ,An&eiv B, of London, We& • the officiatingenunister for lylr. and Mrs CoJe The bridal table was attractive VETERAN'S : Liidet Nw IVIenageineeiit RAY.0 ... ITAM iits.;,,a;p4-0,e, ,'. • :7:7.:=PaSsenge!=eEnianied NOW;.TW,Oe • CARS'...,AyAILABLE 362 SEAPORTS, -----"..immithimmummumumminum ih color- s'ehernes ,Of Pink anti white; Pink tapers'. and vases a...roses. The couples were presented with gifts' of "silver Suitable for the .oc- easion, ifielnding-corsagesto'--the brides Of 25 years ago. Making. the presentations were Donald and Cdle, .ehildren of Mr. -' and Mrs, -Al,vin Cole. 1VIre and 'Mrs. Eyre have a faine iiroilliree.aolisMervyn and Doug_ las at home, and Laurence, Hamil- ton, and one daughter, Mrs.eRay Lee, GalteeMr. and We_ Cole have no •family, . soeial evening of Cards, games 'and showing of slides rounded out' a lovely evening:" -Contest LOSers Provide. Banquet.; The -100F. andEdelweiss Rebekah Lodges:, enjoyed' a Stiniptuons 'ttir.-- 'key rdinner in their'. lodge_ rooms on Wednesday evening': whern..-tliee lost 'inra copper contest and furnished ' the Meal rat..7. .The Preeeeds, ef.the edeteat, were in aid of the 'Tfund; A hospital bed has been mirehasedwith the funds, •A- d f rLae-blanket'Wea,s 'Made it beingeWen by.'Mrs: Dunlop. The 'folloWing,'prOgrarre wase,Pre- ..Sentecl:". duetS, .Mrs.:. Warden '1,1,aifq,., and •Mrs. Victor Er ; Awe ; eeteS,' Sharon Strong; corn unity singing led by Maurice Brown, with* Jas. ; _SEAPORTS'• Rose -at the piano 'A Skit ..was giy- , . enwith the following akin part. C0111/Slanity Ceiltre Peter Malcolm Robert S 'th• W`I' sd . /'--L, Met' --Bro-adfoot, Allan. Campbell, n • •ay,, Jan. *$ Ed. Andrew's, William e Cameron And Norman_Reifil. The scene was. NORRIS ORCHE$71tA - an •operation, ' complete, with all • Aaspices Seatorth w,i., equipment. ' , ards at 8:30 „,-- ' Admisian 75e -•.Allan Campbell spoke •a few • Studeit§ 50 cents words regarding the'CP & T fUnd, • LUNCH PROVIDED• , • •and the evening closed with "God ?ex Fuchxe"aed.'Dince,..yel): 14th., Save the ,91-leene'..e_ • ' " -.• • • , ' tie n Sale Prices . , . • • • • . 'WerrIVIENS -HOSPITAL. AILIXH.J,AlltY ,GINGHAM -.DANCE • ..„., $,22 .tO•129; ' sows,- $70 tee.$126;,i,Hole 't Centre,. - SEAPORTR.r. stei cows, '$12,5 teirr$175;.:Dinhain, -,Fri ay, .e Prices at- flen'sali .,Cominunity sale Thursday were: . ' Weanling pigs, $13.25-fo $15.50; ,chunks '$17.10 to • $19.50, feeders. - WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley, Whe have spent tile past -few_weeks in London, have 'returned and, are liv. jog Mrs. •HaVleY'ailster house. ' The regular meetirig of the WA and.WMS will be held jethe hase-' ment Of the church -on Wednesday -afternoon, Feb, .at 2---pra. The mil, call is to be answere(1., with a verse frora the Bible or IfYibriary. Cirele one Will be .charge .of the• lenehe- Circle two, the program, • Mr':• William Church left Thurs- day for Eogland by plane to visit his, mother' Lades' avvier Guests At Bride • Mrs;: Tony waS lioSteSs -the .niernbers. of Seaforth. Ladies" Lawn Bowling Club on. Monday eve .ehing, WhOrt,,eightetablea .of'bridge and euchre were in -Play: rizedonatedyT 1VicMaSter, and Mrs. Reith. were -Won by Seip.and Mrs': M. Melaesen • the erving of a delicious Iunch by MiS, • • E arl -DinSrnore,' , Mrs. Scott J.':Sills • and H. Hart. • SList3end—Increcise I ell -Rat p sed LtelePhone •- rate in- peree::,feerro..poly.1-e°seafeete .telepleirie-ii§ers„ delaYed:.P.Ondinhphaelart4iiieg. -.of are. ala.'?• announcedtworcisitehe.ke The cab-: Met ,-§usprided 12,proposed in crease Prime•Minis- untL ter Dietenh keer caantglo/rniZdd-',FlirYi-d-thaYe The niereas pOrt ecemmissiore Board et Trans eee effective ers, was t° ha -Y in Pintario and Q• 4'ebee 1 eainst the' board FrTidhaeTaJpapnenaarYa31' , ljties, including most ao.,nent was taken to, cabinet 36f rheuilma`joar communities in the two provinces .Comminu y • ad F b. '7th cow, 89.50 to $18; ,Durham c $160 to $200; Holstein calves, • alves,- $31 tO - Dancing" 101:1 „ Music by Ian Wee and his • of cattle and calves Were sold Melody Maliers I This was the largest- sale held ,OLIE) AND -NEW TIME DAISCING here $1.00 • , 00 per Person — Students 75c Sell' thatunriecessary piece sin (includes lunch) furniture „through a Huren Expos] f tor Classified Ad. -Phone 41-- - • A total of 560 'Jigs and 175 head • Dealer's Personally Owned Jl:TAWAIY TRANSMISSION Radio arid Rear Speaker Shade -Lite Glass Whitewall- Tiresnelsbred Washer BaCk- ' up:Lights, Power Brakes NEW NDI'110 F-0 SEAFOIZT Library Board' ames f icers The Brucefield Library loard. heid• their- annual ineetin„0 Friday eight at the Library with A Pater- son presiding -.11--B Baird was secretary for the meeting and read the minutes, of the last annual meeting "•- Members for this year's library boaid are.: Reeve Ivan, Forsyth, of Tuckersmithe Deputy - Reeve .Harvey r Taylor, of Stanley; Rev. S. Davin, T. B B airde. It -P Wat- son, A 'Paterson, Mrs. H. Dal- rymple and Mrs. J. .Cornish. paterson• :was re-eleetedepregid-eilt and j„„: K. Cornish, sectetary-tre.as- • nrer. • " -The 'tfeaSiiker's report 'was given aid shqwe a 'favorable balanee. The. librarian,. Mrs. W. Stott,' gave her report/ showing an increase in, • the membersliip_'arid.in the .• nem- lier of books -read. . _ ,NURSING.'; Hensall Vacancies for for Men '.AMI Yereen 'ReaSOnahleTrit4,,,for • •:*i4en,", , Graduath tir§e in. charge ' HONE 23, .....HENSATAL, MOWS IIENSALL GULARSUNDAYSCHOOLATTENDER, 05,5 CORBETT, GETS 20th SEAL Sehi and diplereaS 'vvere preSent-7verSary,' and were the recipients:. 'ed te the4Chelerso Heneall gifts of Silvere:dhina rand, ed-Chureb. Sunday . School; Sunday ure. i s1 evening . 'Of. cards inern,iog. 'Presentations we' ni 4.10- WaS-enceredT, a nuMber. of 'friends' by :Rev. Charles,' D. Daniel; nwni joining,ieethe celebration, A Chtirch ter Of the •chnrcii;• "Clendon,' Chri,s7 'greet), -Catered fcir fereilY din; • - _ tie, Sunday School -aimeiantendente nen' , • . and'Miss -Corbett, Seeretar,Yr.trea Officers 'elpc"te4 at Car - user of 'the 'Siiindat`Selinet, • Presbyterian church,,..Henseit First :Diplornas.-Beth Cook.frant annual: meeting ewere; Boardee0i- Tayler; Ann Bell, Call* MeEwan, Managers,ee-Geedone-TrOYerr FreddieFllder,, 1 Carbett,'`i. Steil:0 Dia, :Joh.' SOlden, Robert: 146:dge, Faber, -,-Sandra'Riebardsine...,..john.A.,-R-erslake; .re Gainete-MOOSsean; joYnt; Linda' .KeYe, : Robert ,2V.ylor,:. 'Clarence' eVelland, Taylor,. Lyhn Faber Brenda isioakes;'.3311.1., 11.,:iogEirtii,„ TajdOr;;,Linda,"..141Och,..George70Yr.: 'SYdney 'Ore K. Chris- : -SeCond.SealeeCarolynecook,11Ohnefirair ',andWiflam BrriWrie, 'treast.ir-• Goddard; Teddy lidoele Wayne .l1- ere'Kd. Mtnin;- Sunday School Sep - We Ond,,. Dennis • MOCk;, Larry '4:One-so' .111.Undent; Q1Atellee • --.Volland; Sack Chiliebas,eelWary Sane.., 'ehurch. 'Organist,. Mrserffarold Bell; 'eThiret'SegieeSuzanne' KYie;e:Reebe."61iiireboffiker,S;Mf and Mrs Clar ert Forrest ; -Sulanne.,Rannie; Catnk, enee Voljand; •Teaquair;"ElaMee.„,'-iteportS' heard' diseloSe-d- a •golid KeYs- " • •: '• year witheall .ariatindeincreases: in ourtleeSeal' -e-.:•Riitli:;,'Cittdmeree.,duntributions-e-,-Itever'Donalde'Vae-, • Donald 'Wia'S: elaairrnaiii.. and ',Percy, . Fifth ,.SealLeJOYee..: Flynn; Larry L.ampeJLwas secretarY lhe Elder,re Aine• Mickle; Bill: -NO ekes , Nelaon -,146Clinchey, etti2leg,,,..';'- A :1).91'k!re'aSt .F.OPer13,y0.7 . Shah ':Seek,--Pauline'Bell;'' Wayne ceded Payne, .Stepheri,..Eldere.;;Brike .Shit"1i ,atendaieeas reported as - r4y, Mary. Payne, Patsy, Jones: being th best : kr many years.' - IN#11,79,.4ttencjiTig.-th,6,ineeting:',, and dipini Ken ,.Rieliardspn, '• , ,. • NintlieSealftebert McNaughton,Cranbrook Robert, .14ielde; :GregOry • 'Spencer; , Bill Shaddick. • err:. ••,GuestS'A .Seal--etirtice Ilorten,PeggY 'Goddard, Steve Kyle, Dou raY. • ' „. • ,,...Ledies frore the .Cratibrdok.Wo .EfeeentliSeale---Norina PasSnieree Men's InStinite were gu&ts at the Jane.Herton; Beth, ,Gedderd Jatinary . meeting ,of the . 'Walton ' Twelfth, Seat. -Gwen Speeter, group on -..TherSday evening, Mrs. :**rFeutteeetif Seal4C1iarleS,Micide..1Margeret ",-Htirephrie§,',.:peesident ;Fifteenth „r,Seal-e-Cennie.7Cerbett, lthaired the', firSt ',part of', tlie 'Meet- Marien Penper,, inVITheleStitnte_Odef, Mary SteW- • Tiventieth ,Sear-L-4Reee ;Corbett:: art Collect and.,"0 Canada!, Were: WilfredeMensseati visited m .1?e, A'nsedeto • epee 'die ,Meeting. ,troit;this; . ,,r Mrs: Wilber :Turhbull,„ r:Seeretary, 1VHSS • Patsy Jones ,.tiiideiVt'7ettatt r6i10rfe'd onthe De ternbele meeting appendectomy .",ateClintorir Hespital. arid read 'a Of thank - ..of Omit q- you. riotes:„.:AcknoWledging:,htnces of Lice at. the •Enitedr'Chilrehe Thins- ,freit, flOwers, ete...,eSentAo Shut-iiiS dayeev,enirigemerriberSofttliethoir,--.-at-,eChristrica-g,ettireraerIVIes....7Italtet their leader and e'organist ee Were, Travis repOrted'en.lies sent Te entertained,' at. the :Manse • by Rev.lrollcall was 'answered ",ivith , and ,Mes.1.cirD. Daniel.. -Following .!gestibii, for hdnid beautification." a .Social hoer ,a deliciens-luneli. Was .Cerresponderice as read,,' includ- served ' -;• -Mg; a letter ,frOre AfisS ShirIeYeleate, •" * .e,tetson home l'econcimist;fer Huron llorioretl .25thAttitivez`sarr • ,.e , • 34r, and Ars'. -Clareitcd'',Vellalld.rlaC9all'yllsteYat-(tr•xegtaerrerangldWingham 'or• were honored at a);fa-rnO. .tarti,",6',: cOurse; '4Werking.„',With. WOOL'!' iiiratetheir:','home ,on, the occasion It It Wes,. decided:in:lave of 'their 'tWeiltY-fitth r`W'edding., an nierilary.meeting •,,ee '; the ..27th-, in the, .a.,tte,rnoon at..2•0"cleek. Net eroceed,s- • , • 'froth the -Card' art '-teld.two weeks t enn onor age a rinitented:te A'.nibtion •was•-•:made,.-to7have'..anetherL.c:ard• r''' '": party in two w,eks' time,, on -7„::With..Mrs,eNelson: Marks; Mrs, .TedirDogap, and Mrs. Raiph Tran and:1qm: Ifarryl.r.SennStoni:LOL_vilLiri_tharge. MeKiliop opened -their • ' ..Co-eceieeners_fOreAtric,ultirre and day, . evenrng rn honor.. of Mt. and. C eh adianieduetrieS,Mrs Ken. rvrc LawiencelEyre r( nee. Dianne . Denald arid, Mrs.' Leslie Oli(ere vvere• 131alt,oxi).,, newlyweds, and about ag in. charge of, the .second,,part,:with friends arricl'efeiglibors gathered to ,iVirs.:Ken. McDonald Tiresidieg,..IVIrS., honor.•.them.,..1".,•:...7::7':!;Oliver read llie motto 'Teenagers Duruig the evening,. contests and needernode* not critics Mr Ted bingowee enjoyed ..- after . Which ..1V1 dere ath` and Mrs Doug Fraser the:little. ()nes of the Apatty:.:,..gieh,: isang :•,`.`.(ferainry", as a'.:duete:: with. orSterey,.Shaten 'and:Sande? Johne: MTS. je.BiYalia aepOmpariying, • , • ston...'brought,. 'wagon e ..'The.. guest ',Speaker; qylr. :Clifford filled -with lovely giftalar the bride:,Epps of Clrnton was infroditted at. .11•Iisa. • NI pry Catherine , Roach :tend, Beautiful" slides, • Were. thea ddress,;.:and thebeide, cipened, shown'of . Shrtibs,..•treese and 'llOWers 'and :Seenes 'takenon aerbeerit trp 2re'IVIrs.' Eyre thanked :le,. Florida and the: groupsangf Ter She s .a The ...Meeting closed with 4GOd.. Jolly Good Felleye3,1: Save •,:the Queen" LipiebhoStesses Ltinch was . served, bk. Mrs,. Nil- Were: Mrs e.'Leslie son..CamPhell,. Mrs:',,,Tunier'Storek,:. Oliver; Mrs Everett Pedue Mrs mfg., -;;;Frank--..7.91idgen7 Harry: Reid• • BLAKE WI and, Mrs, Aptos Gingerick acOniPaMed by jeromeeCOrriveati and Mr„ 'Gzietan :Bohn, spot, a' sty, oat—evening:, ikit.4.:X.r,. :and -r-•",. leik 'IfarrY,; WO:Stbr0014- in,thjiin,rieli, re- ge,A:xttl$;:, ,ohri. .es...t.7.0,,n.,:,:... sw-,aitiext• trubo.r has returned freen.,,Victoria. FfeePi- tal, Londoni where she -turderWent treatMent in tie' intereet Of ,her - health; and:AAP•mnny, 'friends. are Pvle!rayS,efdav,toolabeg She , is i1niproving, .. Mr, and Mre.'lleirit"Benedietria, ot Sarnia„: spot . the; weekend. 'with Mr.' and -Mrs. Amo s gingericli „and IV. '1:11‘ri;8-'eililaY Ie ffY;ie' ',H;.;is at,i;re' s- ent visiting her daughter and SOre in:law; .11/Iir.and:Ilirs,'Arelate'lliise- tard'4114. '-sovs', ;of ''.W4d*oOd Motel., near ,Rayfleld.. - ''" . - ' ; ' •' " ..... , .„ , • ... ..... .. Mi.. M.e,nno Steelde 'and daughter„ Miss -Rebecca,', ' 'and... Mee' •Jin Steelde,,Sre .:Visited. with. :Mr,- and ts;-, . E.. 1VI artin '-.• On-vir4n0own; ::,anO.MrS. Harald. Perihale,df Droicison . tine ,:Nokth, . we're, Visited bY..tlieir ',Sem,. and,-;;daughte,M-law-; Mr.:.,and-mrs...•:Thotiet:Peiihale; of Kinlien: .1' '. - ee-e..--e'-----e.-,--,-:. .,:.,.1V,Ijs Pauline'- Steekle ,'' ,nurse -in - training at Alin K -W -Hospital, '. Kite 11,5chcfri.1713'entic'SQ''f''t'es'43e4Itlret13:',‘4tTh'e'7, ,n•.:''''t1sl'e' 6477 n11:144-' t'1'.‘ith'i*e'- . , , , ', 'Mrs:. Jean., 'McKinley; .• rGeahen Line,' isspencline'Sorne„.toneWitA bere•dedghter_and Soniiii-laW:__Mr. and. Mit . John Seetchmer , on the: Blue .Water Highway,. , near ..130Ye MisS ,DelPhine. Erb, Who. is eiri- pi-eyed...at the •Waterloe. r Trust Co,, spent the ,weekend Wide:her.. par, entS,..lyir„;,,and.',1.1VIra:':100rdon•:,,Erh; and, Sisters and brotheeCharlei...' ' r Miss Mary,q Bruhakere.• andez,,MiiS EditliTSeliantZ,T4telierier;;•spent rn couple ',Of ,.days' 'recently l',Withe.l4r,,, and 1\iffs'."' StanleyeGingeriebe• :e -.The 14iSSeleAlina;and -Reta..Mar; tin, Spent' a'. eenple of daYslattlie, honie, • of .''their , parents,: Mr. arid Mrs ,..Joe.: Martine and':fernily.,.., '.-11Mr:',e'!'aild '"r•Mille;r'SY•161,-,"StekeS, of Ailsa. rig, Spent . Sundayatter, ioon, with :frjends'....'.' • ,11.• ... ,•':. „_,IIVtissi.,'FoirainDinsnjore.,;_of•-ton-. dere 'Opent -a 'weekewith relatives in Se afertliee and,. . a .. few : weeks ' with, Mr.,rid ' Mrs', ' Theniae:-DinSriipte aii'd.frietidS„: and 'I left ,Satifeday af: terridOn. fOr.her,,dutie`g.'in the city.: - Mr...',ElinOtte .,0e .11,..and. sisters, Linda.:visited Mr.-.,' rid.-IVIt.S.':,Tony'.. §;\,a • , .,„. . ., .. , .. •Misses Agnes, .s.Margaret, and -Etne.6.nd, Son, DOugla,s, in Goderielf and etheyTtook.,iii:• the..,CleNK,--:barn- danee:411, G,o'cleti6,11"1:'Stilt44:Sr,.,,.night:- ...',1VICs'srse: 7:Charles . c, and oogroir. -.Greenarie7 ofDrYsdale; ...14r..:1and, MrseVernen.,,Desch :and Son7:Derve -id aridelVIr.eand- Mrs,. ileitieseleDiris--.7 -More- "yrsitedeMreeandeMise Leon Jeffery e on •:their-,--iirty-eiglitheeivede ding:. anniversarye on •January .48; qiiietlYee el.ehratiegethe LeteaSitnie,.....:- , ..Fireprids76171V.irs,e,1tO.bere.--NfeBrid.F. Of: Ki ripen.,:„ pa:ioriii er resident of the Goshen ,•Line 'eNortir,...,ere sorry, tei, learn ::§lie-,#ia ill •Witli .2: .1-10-ait-Ookt-: dition,,,-,.Werdims. alsO'..lieen.ree.eiite edeof ;the ' serious ' ilIffeSs:-, Of. •-MiFS. OseerDucharnie,.. at 'Sarnia:, :..Mr:. and: . Mrs. Elmore MCBride and ,Mr..and '114i§L',Walter, xcl3,iidg of EketerVisitedtheir conairiS, Mr, andMrs, Rey '.'24e13ride.?..: : r.Bleke • ''.Selniel.....;.held ,:'.their i Red Cross • pregrainOn.::' Friday":afteri• noen,;,.with Errinia. Finlay's .grotin in'eharge;.tyrilr Cerriyeate ' Donald Girigerich -r.a.n.d•.,.Allen Erb i.cerripese nige:the.. gronpe.-Evelyii , Diicharnie; first.- Viee-presidente„edhilutted the iffeeting - in.:, the abSeriee Of Presi,, dent Many :'.14arg.aret: Oesch..1 f 'The Maple,Le.ae:FereVer'i was 'sting arid bireirieS-CdfleleSsred:,..e:rkeValentitie partyli:te'be held February Ia.,,A. piano:: Selo. .*.ixi:o : given,: by -1VierVyn EAnilli. '„ :1''ijadyte4:0sSi'lekh!)YP,":1:1''A•nrib ...' :• Sleigh riding was enjoyed,...on ,igr., Harald' rinlay!s, iiiIIS on..his ferna .a•iit -everyorte. enjoyed the fUri. ,Tii., progra m -ceniiiiittee- Bir;. Februaiy, iS,TVIary. Finlay, .Rosalieand,Doreen Dueharnie ,and...:•indy, Oesch., On: the lunch , conenatee'. Are 'Nary:erten Erb,. EVelYneppeharme: Katherine Erb. and---,RObert -OeSelie The sleigh riding, contest -was won. hy.:Jaines Finlaye Who': rtide'llie : arthest. OF-KIPPE T11 -11E BANK 'These are kiiid Of eyes yoll'iffind aeross the connter§ .at The""TOrontO-pOminicin" -Palk We want you to know -that tve hair.e a• lot. of friendly people ,Waiting to serVe'.-.-: -you at the; Toronto -Dominion. Ours is bankihai, has been:built on cons„istently 1fr1end1r service'.toeustorueys:-; ,new and old: If you Want informatiOtc advice or. lousineSs ',Counsel; it's niee,to hp.* that you can eount on Wildly hIp from ev9ryone,--4hethei .you're„a brand-new 1 tomer or one of long standing Wherever you 10)4 you'll • meet friendly eyes at The Toronto-DOininion,Bank, ready . and anxious to help you "with:any banlOtig.proi?lein:you,. have. Why hot drOPin at Your nearest Toiunto-ljoininiou . branch and Ond, outfOr yourself?: • THE OrtONTO,..130iVIIM014 41.:EBNK tHA L�OKS ii-meAt) ITTAL, 'Manager—Seiforth Branch' BANK • • _REWS GA IZATIONSSH .LANCES1 '-YEAR. END 'REPORT . , , 6 • annual congregational 'meet:. ;elle, Kenneth 'MacKay,. Keith 'Lay:* ing. Of '8t:, Kippen'ikaarbeld::.,WedneSclay,.'pre-, eeeded- by. a 'pet:II:supper are ::fnge!Stewa.rdi.. and :aSsisted . bi::other:inernliera. oL the • cangeegation;. with. a 'good at - •• Rev. D. A, MacMillan acted -a§ ehairman, ,arel--Emersoo. Kyle was appointed seeretery. Reports were given from all Organizations show - Mg , a balance on hand, Silent prayer was -observed in. memory of thelate Mr. and-111rs. Alex- ander) followed by the nominations for stel$ards,, Aohn A. Cooper and Bill Coleman Wereelectecl to 'serve tivo,Jyear tern% and ,Leonard Lay- , and. Jim. 'MacGregor were elected for a three,yealy..term. '• • "",' • VP: itesi Love Waseappeinted as the representative to • presbytery edriference,^.*; Duncan COnfer andWilliam •Bell, 'Were ..reappoint ed a'S auditors. •, ' Rev; elq.aelVfillan extended atipre; elation teeVery. meiriber' and each ofganUation :for their support arid loyalty -.since,• coming to''',.Wpdir congregatioe. in closing, Reit, Mae- 1VIillan 'sPoke of -the: great work to be done by the .churchand its meinberi,,and the .greet: challenge in the World today.. '. 'Lloyd Moved ihe adjourn- ment and the Meeting VVas 'closed with the . benediction., / • Henry Ivison is 9'4' • RE, -VITALIZED CLEANING A tertlidey,,dinner marked the is Settee Than E'er 94th birthday of -Mr. Ilmary efeleippen, on January 19, Mr, he- , • eon was bornon a farm one mile. Buchanan -Cleaners westnf KippenS2,Where he spent $0 years, of his life, farming success, MOtiNT. FOREST fully, retiring to Kippen in 1044. More Spots and Stains Removed - He.is a member of St: Andrew's Garmentg stay elean longer . United Church- and an 'elder of the Will wel'i Imager:- , -,„ „el:mirth: • • - - „•-• - Phone 669 r 2 -= -Seaford His family consist, Of three • . , daughter:- 1VIrs.. Reid r , Torrence CALDER (Gretta)„. -Bayfield;-.Mrs. .E - Agent , OWerIS (Emily), Salera,-,:-OregOn, MON. and ITIURS. MORNINGS old Miss Jean- There,eere five, grandchildren and seven great-grancichildreni.... als6" two sisters, tsBi-own1e'Kiii e' pen, and IVIrs.--Rarnby, London, and a broth r-Alr, William Ivisdn Kip- , en. r. Ivison is .wished many'more ears- of geed health, e -Children's Aid Society of Huron County': NNLIAL MEETING tourt House GODERICH etInestlay,le Z404-en44--;,,, PANEL DIgUS$ION N,AD(5PTION ublie Coi'diaflr Invited tride and Groom Illonored • Mr. and Mrs. Tow -Penhale, of Bayfield (nee Carol Faber of Kip - pen), ,Were .hotiored at. a -reception Yield ,their honor at l3 ayfield Town Ilan Friday evening, the hall being filled to capacity. The, gueSts of honor -were presented with a well-filled ,were' of moirek,-, the presentation address :being read by Don Warner'and 'presentation made by, 'Ken Pollock. , Desjardine orchestra: provided musie *for the dance. The affair w'as arranged by -',1r. rid' Mrs. Don Warner, MT. and 'Mtg. Doe Campbell; Ken Polleek and jack Mrl elle& rs. Cl'arence Priestap, of near- itchell, :visited an even- ing ` Ias • week, with .theotitthr's father Mr. Robert Thoffisbn, and on 8 nay 'IVI.r, and 'Mrs, Robert Sto es and Larry, of Leritien visit- ed With him. .„ • r• 1111BBERTON)ANS‘ Don't iviiss Clayton FIT of the 'Ontario Rog Producers Marketing I30 at the ANNUAL' MEETING ibber f eratio Agriculture STAFFA HALL. Jona(' ISCOUN x 15 Tfilbeles ahd 70 x 15 AF ORT 7 'EXPOSITOR,WANT ADS' BRING RESULTS -- Phone 41 1 ".1 se a 411.. at , month's juarafifee acniries ectric- Ranges, Heavy efrigerator Electric Ironer Radios PrOfitahleLIsistiine- TiTitritiTITYT.1(,l7aTTT I Tx Tit iT ,• FURNACE, STOVE OIL and Gasoline Deliveries DON BRIGHTRALL • Fina Farm Distributor, • PHONE 354 - WO- 010101.1:„ 'Fnclay• Jan. 31st•E• 8:30 p.m. CARDS PROGRAM and LUNCH Admission. 50 cents:. ancl BAKE SALE WSiMY. 112 t, Thomas! fronr3 "AlSo` dandy' .13ooth- .• an FRIDAY, .FE11.. 7th timbre starts at 8:30 NORRIS ORCHESTRA ,Adrili$Sion=-4 75*-beritS• " LadieS'bring_Tatnieh ,Lucitv, Ltmen PRIZE , Ij os 016.4 For t e.. arrives You.Get MORE 'Value Vo'r Your.Dollar -- Top 'Quabty, Plus 'MORE, Profits,.;.When You 13Ry Topnotch Below are listed .some of the 'values available to you, the Farmer,: atyour Topnotch Feed MilL F.0.16. .This Wouldlle the .' Cost to You if Ticked 1N EXILIC 'Alp in Ton'Lots Topnotch Chick Starter • . „... , Crumbles,' IVIedicated ' 81.00 ,per Ton, $4,05 per cwt. Topnotch Growing , ' Crumbles, Medicated 73 00 per Ton. $3.65 per cwt, Topnotch'. 20% ta3;ing, ' Crumblea or Pellets $70.60 per Ton. $3.50 per, cwt. „ ..Topnoteh Pig 'Starter pellets _ $80:00 per Ton ,....$4.00.per ewt., -Topnotch 20% 'Steer Fattener $69.00 per Ten $345 Per , cwt- -TopinitebBeef Coricentrate-32%,$77-.0e per -yon 13,85 per ewt. 4 :When we Mention bulk,, it can be drawn -loose or yolf 'can bring your own bags and dnk bag your feed , . -yonrtelf-inTon &As,' Rere are -a .few prices 'on o-Ur.Pertilier,'4fairuarY !Pe1iverY,.F.0:11. lyttlaelt l5th to pay:: 2-12-10, .$46 0573-18-9.: p7.70 4-2442 •-'• $74.1.0 F,0aokr.,eC, Beet Pu1p ivJo to,h1:18.s: !)st,,,, tru-dido ee.13,ps Metal, Products,, Seeds ,or. Seed Grain . . ONtAC'T '.1'01'.)Ncf;11C.4 Ai$13 SAy , wr$ToR Poulos , '40 Per '80 Pouncts'::. arclaVing poultry probms, we offer a'free diagnostic se-I-Vice:herd .at:otir, „.,. - :44 uivin'tp FORT one 7 he oSt. Vali* Tor the .Varmers', TirriTA , TiTiTereibit;#10,iT 4.^4