HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 2Shiae 1866:'30Vilig the cop#MOty Pith1i.811.01, at $..E'AFOBT1i, ONTA,11.10., ey'ery ••-Thursday nttthig '•,• -McLean 3ros,. Publishers • .4'Nextw Y:..m.o..F.1,AN, Editor. 'S1,13ScairitON RATS advance),42,50 a ',Year - • - 11111teciSt*e8 .stN01.4. COPIES 5: CENTS EACH ,Authoriiect1 84Or14 Q1asai1, ost OffideDepartment Ottawa _ BEAFORTH; ,,(30.N9••ATA); 'es Mathbe r" Canadian,Weeldy Newspaper, - "'Association , . owing: 'Itches, Provide.Worthwhile Compefition:-- t001. 'seCoutLIO'ilik...rriatelie-S. fraUriibrSe: v , . ,,• Accepts-'Bfyth Evan -.-MeLagan, 4' yat•., mouth Centrer:.bas accepted- a 'call froin the BIyth-United Church -and Will asshine•hia duties as minister JulY 'Standard. ' • , ltriterapIoyrnent ,props Unemployment dreliped slightly..•sinee,the beg.100g':.43f."016 ,year in,-tlie-area.,••Set-Ved .by thp.- National Einployment• Service 'Of- fice. at Go0einch...-.0n .Thursday of lastweek,the.total seeking,.eriiploy- .meat-. steed at .1,039, whereaS -the' total at the beginning of the . year was 1,119. This is a drop of Goderich Signal-Sfar. „ tY Fc•ouleil; .year, .,,particular y li.eIjieS • • • retired:•; haS.,:been taken refieedOn ,ffie,,iheTIC&6iff:-'il t- Aren.t. weAust keeping., then:1'11P ..1--odHof...far-ining4thatliaS"...taken' 'for the , , 1Tto TflTensaU route wuch IOrtheSake.of.tra-ditiOn't. karin'inilielast "fen- Ye.ars-, But Thiel'."::11 t- he has 'setired-4S' ' metal-COvered doors and hot water heating systern.-Clinton News -Re -- cord. Police Under Study•" COurie 4111117•1374• 72coutiei' years has ince 192aAt-7Q •: years of ag,e tie is still -very active. gus Dickson, of Listo-wel reported asaking. , It was " 'suggested that' plowing matches Served -little ;use, from the - standpoint of practical farming -and- , change. ,inotrvepower rom terse to tractor: doeSift. detractlin . way from the Merits' of compe- tition. The - competitOr who beeOineS--:- . a •chamPionc plowmanyin. -a...tractor Or- - • ,fact,', were birt niachmery haS..accomphshed just as ;,mut 'All ,that, coUrse,..rody..1;ie aWn event- • Out at the Sanie time we, are inelinet, '• Of course there Will be fringe at- ft4'7-think-that there continues: tobe, a' traction's,: such .as machinery ex1,111j-=' benefit from -ank.,..'event thartike-oui-- l'.-1.-13.11t:are-stich,-„T-_ lisplays-not-of-va- --..agei-patticipants.to exert , ue to e engaged in agricu ure ? AO the best of their abffit-Y-4hat What better ineanS of' intrOdueing to . - • iTT 1f thm e whad been in a horse- eourages them to excellan their ehos- . the farmingconithunity the benefits The4ery basic concept -of good farming Ts the pr-operpreparation andmaintenance of the land, Why, - 7 then, -should not plowing matches be -.continued, \ providing as they, do an • en task. ' It doesn't matter ' whether, s plowing, or cooking, or knitting. e benefit lies in the fact that there is a • desire to clo the best onelmowslid*. • ,It is perhaps unftrtunate, but true, of_tiodorn production•Methods. hat: "-Competitors , in ' lorse-drawn ',incentive to do better for those en- , . plowing events are 'becoming ."fe_wer- gaged:in this primary, activity?' , ncrealect" P:roduction erriands more Markets With every improVeinent ing the vert,grea,t v,alue of . this, i • ," • " .• • • • • • CiittiraF procalureS WhichlteiultS. suggests, that .there :should. be a bet: an increased, ,there arises,- an - additional marketing probleni; ' and! the Searle, Grain. CO., .in. its, re-Centmarket Ietber, -T. suggests1.----sotoething.-. ihould be done about it -; The -Market repOrt conunents: "It -*old interestineto,-knowl,What:=-.....,‘OS lunch. 'TniOneY Or',i119r,e, develop - proportion of the public. funds dcvot- - -Mg a..marketior-a new productas :ed to -research and the improvement thef.dfri- deVelOinlig:the*w:'„p-r6- _Of Canadian agriculture over, say the: ;'-duct itself, But in. CATI4diaii.- agri441.4 ' .--, past 10 years, ha:Saint-Witted in toin4 the ernphasis."liaSbeen almost way to the greater', pioduetion. entirely on 11114.king blades , of _ , 'agricultural commo tieS gener0- !.,• and wha-t: proportion :has been chan- Ilene& into • finding new' Markets, new uses uses industrially .for. the larger - Crops that , are now .bemg Taised. Searle.. Grain; of. course,.. like any WOr‘lcitik,. the D.)St ,suggests i: cljscover other -- coMpeterit observer, • knows ' all SottsT. of new and profitable uses very well that . the farm • for , Mai*. surplus farm pro-% 'research dat'e:has 'been on ducts or markets for \new crops we ng production . notLininimiz- could gToW - That .SuggeStion is sound,-- agrees the Post, Which pointsout at ;the Most successful industries • n this contrneih lWT baI- aned,their asS grow 'Where one. grew..be.„-Pore., It is time we put some effort into` sell - mg that ,extra blade. • We might; if we ,S0t properly traim- ed toiwork and keptthem igures Te1L Story of C mtge. Figures tell the -story, says- the dodench Signal -Star: Huron County -has than -half • a million horses less today than. , had half a 'eentury.a.go,,, Statisties of . ,the Ontario Department of Agricul- tore are the. authority for sstte- ineiit.ment. In19.06 there' -:-"re 688,000 horses ---valtied at $116 Per head -111 -contrast-fel-129,661 hoises in 1956, „ valued' at $111 per, head: While the number has dropped by 548;339 -iii -50, years, the price per head is'doWn; 6117' • „ " '• The same source -shows:that oats Sold -at 34- cents ---ptt- Kshe'k badk ih wherea in 1956 the price of PrOcra,Stifies ton Total number of hens and chickens C011. Orn oats was was more than double -77. cents - . per bUshet, Despite the fat that dob-' bin's main source: of power, oats, has conicterably,.n the past 50 years, thel:trice Of the steed has drop- ped $5 per head: • Other interesting comparative .fig- • ures 'silo* the number of•,:eha-ttel , -mortgages irthiron Countyii1956 was 1,46for a total amount (442,- . 343,377 incontrast to 840 ..nlorteiges :in1954for a total amount of ,$1,530,- 103., _ Fifty' years go the were 1 820 .sWine,raised'in all of Otifirio which. .brotight- , 1956 „niunber of swine raised Ontario' Was 1,548,280, ;bringing $26.14 per head. • r, • One , of the greatest d culties which most of us haveab-6'irergbine in ;our day-to-day tasks is that of , procrastination -----the putting -off -un-, gliater what could be done,now. Iris a eomm6n trait ofil-uman na- ure to delay decisiOns and chores later. The time that is lost, tile opportunities which hafe gone',,for- *ever because of indecision and,pro-- erastillation, are not capable of ng -,oufited Certainly they are greater than even the -most conscientious of -- Us may think. -RalP Waldo Emerson once wrb-te4. "One of the illusions of'life is that the -present hour i not the deei- 'gve hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the yearlie only is tich who owns the • day, and no 0118, OWDS the day who allows it to be inVaded with worry, fret and anxiety. PiniSh every day • and be done with it, You have done what yott could." -Zurich Citizens'. . • Miss ElvSau,iffieul*nfetituffer' ed se- �nddgree Ibns, hei.•.left hand and entire, right era :'Werlries- dakyhensheeinritied a small con taieerOf'7iiil•-iiito.:.. the. , furnace the. home 'of, ,..tiek Vernon IHunfer:. • Vern.- had jtiSt drained from a ; presSnre pump • She .15 being -'.breatecr ii WitigliaM: General liospital:Wing,' hani MVance,Tirnes. ••••--''Start-Kitulergartert-.. - ' Exeter town council has -balled a Special meeting for Monday af; femora,. to ,. - With. the pollee Situation the : airing :of new \Cornplaints:- and rentieSts for hiher salaries.: Council:heard, a :yvtitten comPlaint froni*)jusines- s.x.iian proteating -delay in laying a Charge against,a hit -and -tun. drivet who- .elaMaged ..the COMPlainant's vehicle' Oti the. town's main street • on December '21,-, The .charge Was not laid Until, after the boinplainant ItiniselnOund °out .the.,•Ovluier •.the par ,and appealed to Huron.c.roWn 'Attorney 'H. Glenn .Hays, kir ac- tion::711e_ letter indicated' two lic ense numbers 'bee' Oen the ••but , only: '6 Was ,inVesti -gated r:untiLthe .victim.of,•-the acei dent took • .action hiniaelt BaileY,, hew. chairifian -of the police Committee Said -SOme- &-mfusion-hadLreSnited-beeatiaethe, ear-. had been Painted ; 'different '-color-,:since it Was registered.;-,EX-- eter-Thnes AdVbeate,., • • FARM :NEWS ide,-contro on Cattle;, .•Lite on cattle can intiltiplY' rapt. idly ;tuider -Close hotising' nit this meaSon the Departruffitc Agrieuittu'ex-'Ottavia; arid, several Provincial department a,' !recom, mend that cattle reeeivetWo treat, Mehl§ Air two.T,Weeks ,aPart,. about the. time ',cattle are ;houSed in the fall. Treatments are aPpliecl preferably:- with a high pressure sptay•,-hut a scrith brush will do:as _long as the animal icoVered ethn- pletely. , • , ' •• • •itas' NatioW Escape- , Kenneth MacDonald, 'soh ''qf M,r• mals'. that slioW-little or, no „redue- • ., • and, Nits.: M. Maci2ona1d, t in lice •.population 'after two •LucknOW; hada close:. can on Sat- 'or three' treatments -shoUld'he.thor: ilr.claY', when . he •Was buried in: :a oughlY treated -With, wash a load..Of corn that Was beurg dump- warni shelter. • -.Us? •'clustS as ed '• Mill; •Wlien teinixitarY exPerlietit. and oply when nto , the 34,1001• Weather ''.conclitiOtis••'and,:lack of trailer that:was catrying.. a lead -of shelter ,,prevent the ose.Of washes be wasn't •aware ,snraYs. Use one ,ot,the.'follow- ing .thist ••formula.tiens: • ".(1.1-5• per, (2)' 0.5 -per Cent Iniclarie;- On beef 'cattle; half Of 50. per cent Wettable" ,Iihdane • polit, det•'or 8,..pfinn4s, pf•. jaer cent wettable 'DDT; in 80. Of' Watei:Oah-lcie. daitY; tle or beef ••be•; slaughtered, in thirty daySis, Where there is dan- ger' of--DbT residues aPpearing,'in the: milk Or ineat;•.itSe, eight:pi:ands' 'fifty::: Tier cent . Wettable .Meth:: oxyclilOr in,,,.30'.`gallOn& Of 'Water'. Rotenone arid' pYretione! spraysare'. alsiY'bffeCtive. : • weather,- conditiona ' 'general: ;_applicatiOris, •-"Of -sprays washes ...darigerens;, '41n- ctieid,al-dusts :may be use4 treatindiViditaLatiiraalS. during the winter- '.Several',apPlreatiroak- be necessarY'.tO' keep, lice Jitifesta•7 tioiis, 'hi, check. ••.;11oWetier, "theY , of- ten ,fail to reduce heavy- infesta- liens to: satisfactory :1071gthe:u'ndi:grwolidcarried. inated black fly larvae of a com- meetings, On January, .10. 1 The—school --board- -held special -1:f c'thiveiii . 1 tii1Clad'- bOyil-thi teheSlirdeina, VfHearjnh'-etilhatioistitenci' (3) -1 per cent' rotenone;i (4) 19 . bin at per cent methoxychlor, • the mill Tom RathwelI s it , to discuss the inauguration -6f a e , ,• I - kinderorten. Nit, J.,.H.,,,, Kinkead Kenneth, and his .shout . for help :if about °requirements ...and Pointed was' Present 10 aairise the -board alerted the • trnek" driver,' Bill Hunter and kooky jOhnston- were ,,. BlachFly iContr°1 t,,,, • solutien of 'DDT in oil applied at :approxiniately_ twice ,, the. rate...us-1. ed in/previous years to the Saskat- _ chewan River at Saskatoon, elini.. Nova Scotia, and a -girl who turned friendly, neighborly people. . • monSpecies from the entire dovvii.: I stream 'section of the iriver .' This , covered .2 ' istance of about 115. miles, According to, J A. poWnes Of the Veterinary and Medical En- tomology' Division , of the. Canada Department of Agriculture, the de- „.., , ._. • .., gree :of control' has: always been now the rarnfer is Reepreseateo in sgtoaledevebrut.sihthcee , itnheisre.awsoerkdosWagaes , tmheostr:eodferailsti.00niaeorf i-org:ocursItu, rweho CROSS A Great Big Crow • Y JABIS Scan' This is a' story abotit what, gees out to have married one of the. drat.' eed- to tell niost of you whet slyta":r'°sf On, :at , • palitical :conventioli;.- and .lagla • WPie taught at . , paix7a1:y3r, ltatiN; tiler saY-that the West- '• • , .• • - ing about POlitleal issues here 'All 'Is: aTaiddrd:!t-frlii:anrd•l,..Yatl'Isainngfie eEzmasntlabiunt I •wait • to tell yeti about is the Pe°, about anYbody.: being • standoffish „ ple' who were :there. - at that 'criiiV,erition in Ottawa.c, 'And that -brings me , the first' „The whole' coUntry was ..thet'e, arid- • , YettldieW'll• Offen eticeenter On' One' trip ,back- to the city people :who '.acttially Seem to, , be, Passenger was , char riling:. lieV.e that ,if 4 fellow, is interested matron from Quebec' City;,Who ,tord. in politics; he Isn't/I/union. •••Now all:"..abotit.--her ..grandchildren. am -intOested in polities and, .haver and..I told' lier, about Katie, and we never .apelogiZedIO•anybo,dY palledout ,Snapshots and it was life lOr:: , 155tt•ei.- 'Just like taek-hOme.-- speak : - think anybody who enjoys the free ' very .good Frelieh' and. my •-k..end: dont-:aiid..rights , a detimeratie didn't aneakvety. good EnglIali, but . country . might- to , he .interested , we got along fine. • `. • feJiti4, • • ...The :,I.Young- -people" -\llowever..te get • back to w full -force too,. and that ..Was a'•',-.06cir..-- .10.§` talking •about, the first-niiiit'l thing to -see. One evening, I met a .. -want to . make. abotit,....thiS con.yea- group of • six high'school ;boys -and tion was • that ••it " was more like. a girls , who had . come . in. • on _their' big,. •-farniir-sfeurii-On4•-thart_,•ionvthing 'own from Artinrion lust see- •• else.- Most ' of the:•.tierie-there were, what . PTA convention' was at least Avvo 'thousand people. in. reallY, had ar-fine cenver-," • the.- 'COliseurri, at ••' Ottawa; ,:and sation, ,and. in the - middle- of evenings••the 'numbers' reached Tom PatterSon; who , funded out. up to five and ill -Munn& • • In •Stratford. 'Shakespearean Festival - fact, on • the daat- eVening theFirecame, introduced 'the -kids- . Department Snddenly • told os We to: Toni-. and they. went -away ,feel-- ' -couldn't smoke any.',Intire- because ing' they, had talked:to areal cele-, :there ,Was.'the.higgest crowd -- had been. in,that building,T and Even the . battle, .for, the party , they Were,..afraid of the fire hazard readership 'Was friendly, and every-- • Yet'. , in' spite of thiS:-Vast throng body.in .the hotise felt pretty good'''. everybody "WaS•-rieigliborly.;,Every when Martin said,--`,Ycli know,: -dayLl- Would, take: 0, taxi .from my Votedlor..,Mike2And What; s more hetel ,otit to: the Coliseum and be: 'Mike voted for inel".' • * ••• caus_e_thEre, were. so r:rnany -People .,Well- way . if was; :A, .,,going„ the same. way ° we. alWays greaf.big,,crOWd. of Canadians Tiara:, • , _ doubled- up. -•Each rode' out' sea to sea, and let me -tell there, With people L had ,neyerl'see,n, was ,,rT.:.aud of, us all.- don't think:. • befere in .niyi life. andTI Made :a :eve. saw 'so. Many Cana.dianafroin dot id new 'frierids--=a•--felloW.:,-.Whc" all partS'. of :the- eintittry - raises • • turkeys • in Manitoba , :two place before', •and;,•15-y• golly. 'We're . fine ,pld 'ladiea :who have been: . ac-, not bad. kind. of ;peonle. . •tiVe-in -politica-for-forty •'Years.-..in--:-.--And-,-..-thatt,e•-because-.-We'-re_._, a!__ a °towing job nearby:. and the , driver called to flaeM.Tot,help_._ Gee: CrariStoir-also•-gaVe:a-hancl,13yzthiS. tinie Kenneth'a. feet were ••through the; Chtite �n -the truck and Catight, and .he :wasi buried 'under -the 'corn With. Only , handS. showing While Bll Hunter.I.Was releasing . feet the . other „tried to clear scime-ef the- eorn from around';Kenneth and the driver dropped fioitea -truck to .ta'ke:liff, some df the PreS,:t tire of the , grain, .•It.teolt, all lour l'ete4se-h-4.11,-;:and_apart• frein,•,a bad •fright: the led. ,was,,little-llie worse- of the •exPeriende..,;LuCknow Sentinel; . • • , application00 Oiie „o :a •1ct cen Otit' adv.antage.-Of a .kindergar‘- tenr-inprepating.pupils_ltori.Orade.: 1 Work • • He stre.sseilthat the main. idea .,of kindetgarten-la-Ahat eta- dreri.,.leatn-bOW'' to •,,WOrk7 and, ,play together".. and, learn concentration and co orthnation whieli are the baSiS: ',of' .futiire ••• Work., IraVing;;Mr.•; •Hirilrearl'"a: ,gppipv4L.'the:hoar4 is preceeding :';',With• 'plans... . and.' liop,e to,ItaXie.:the•:•robtri ready for. classes. bk...FebruarY,-8,•Oftliis year' -Blyth. Standard. • • ' ' - raised in Huron County in 195,0, was.• 1,620,328 ata total value of S1,820,300, • Total number of cat le in-lifiron 195was ip5,,622.1ied, valued at $11 6-r • 842,006. * d'There are many ,nfore stich reveal- ing, figures in the,boek. prepared. by, • the Ontario' Department a, AgrIcui, ture which is a helpful Chart in the r6g+ess of the agricultural 'life of Ontario -Courtesy P.oys, '('he Enterprise, Portage la Prairie; Man.) Pros tive •inclustrjes, business and Peopte who 'may be thinking of • making their lionies outside the cities, depoid to a -great extent on the treat- ment' *filch :they rece/ye from resi-, dents and o dais, -who; -quit,e iiicon- ciousIy set thelone of town's gen.' • eral atti de, .„ • , C,Oritraet: To: SeafOrtlk,'Viii,n. „. -C�ntr •construCtion of • , an extension to the:dial: ancliting. distanCe. 'centre-: ,..Rattenbiiry: Street has: been., awarded:O.' Seaforth General,. Contracting cpin- pany, :Of '•ea:fortii,-..W.',W,IlaYsere.;••• Bell. Telephone', . Manager.„1Wthls• :region:-aiinougci..,this reTekThe extension;.,•66inpriSing:.,,iine ,Sterek,c,, 'abOlit•ATfeetthy.7301eet;:Will•house •addjtjoha1djaIeqUipmeilt, and lIie" .-•efffee-Of .Bell;Teleplione',s• er, partinent, inelnding,•the,assigrittient, centre,l.teSti'braids:".aiii;1;.7teletYpe; The 'bui1din extension be Of: reinfOreed-,Conciete-feptifi. tiOria;.••.pr.ecast •concrete :,flttor• slab, brick:and .tile•vvells,, reinfercedboTh' Crete roof slab 'On ste,01. )01st1.7l.th ciucet •. urort- -Ftsrm--7 (BY D 11 Miles Agricultural . RenresentatiVe)•:-. :,There- iS 'an; ad eriffate: COVering'ot snow over. •: oat of the; potinty':' ,There'was;::e ,irsiderable••Wind , ere-. Sion; in some • reas in the, southern part • (hiring.; J. nnary 18 vvitidT, ' :ASsibIYYardSfPr hogs :opened TueSclay, January. 2i, with 393. hogs, assigned. Tninip prices 'are; streng., with a good .ekport market . avail-, able. ;Egg prices aredishearten- ing; particularly to 'the .small proj• From The Huron. Expoiltor • ••• Fpbruary:8,.1833 , P'atientS Scott 1VIOnnor1a1 'Hos- Pita1 were surprised to,•:,see a red, headed werldpecker in • a,.,tree',1On' the ground'oneMornint this :week. Woodpecker -8 in Tebryary are to saY the .1test; an .unusual: thiog for' , . • B.,. G. Ament:. Seri o M. and; TyL. Wi1lim Ainent, ,Seafottli, Was: stieceSSftil last''. Week . in pass - iii final, examinations Of ;the Connell:4411e- lostititte of Charter- ed Acconritants; Mi•• 'Ament is , a graduate of tiler:University , of To- rotitd.,,and•is' engaged in the firin, o Clarkson,Gordon ,foi1 & Nash, Toronto. . , •MiSSeS., Margaret Armstrong:, Muriel- Beattie,. Margaret' McKel- lar and Elizabeth McLean and Messrs. A. `A. Btirrews,' ',Francis' Devereaux and K, .1, McLean; of the:II.TniVerSitY of.Weatern Ontario,. spent a few clayscludidays at their hones in town this:Weer: • The .Saws andbelts,-'which' were stOleti from: the ' Canadian Furrii-• tore Factory t„here couple of weeks. ago, were last- Week, reeov- ered-Ad-London. and- were _Went:I-. lied there . by Mi. F Bakte,r.. and Mr.' John &nit'', ",.1The'reeoVerirV11-., leiwed, ten, days Of •intensive search by Provineial Constable McCoy ana ConStahle. Ottridry, ot,Goderichand ghietot .POliee James. 3.1". Jyaof • Seal -art: In Connection with' 'the theft the.,,Peliee have arrested two' Wooditock men, Who will appear • here. before Magistrate Reid 011 Sattirday, - • 'it, • Interesting Itenastgleaned from The Huron Expositor of 25 50 and .75 years ago. IR EDERATION NE By 'J CAM -0 HEMINGINAY somewhat lngher degree of con a a r,!r th,e., '6. r g ii.13i.11:g: th:e ,ever •before ; This Federation of Agriculture,.remaip ber o1 deaths mcattle 'area' its organizatlon and know hw it and the ad no is ing :f• insecticide • 11ater oniy The ewIy:ie$ their eggs 9: v controlled -11 veg of :fu• t ush.e' agrhat't4eOverrViised i 5 . ri 1Wp: Who agc 1:aat' little years eation,..atleka•-•and , stones . ed. blaelc: larvae' ,eling',t •ci''thea oWeetS the.:inevement s.gf:: the: unit:AO ,tlie .Federatian . Of ..Agricul-, 'a-fritid.($111 tPuarY6s. evrOie.wanbdo.. ,Atte,r -Spending :the*. -Motet- 'office ,.in.:the.,."toWnship::::Unit. stage,'. the young, blaek: flies a-;.• go, s,,ado4s,; t 414, • 'eligible • to , be ',..elepte tire anomero:d tOwnshindireetortO .. senteSe-nt 'his r•ahmiP:awt aHyth., •eh efeti;..4:•e.cYi gilbelVio7.b4Le5. , , 4 elected • county. representative to ,,stane-p arta"' of Western Can:. :the Ontarie:, Federationo ' and Shill." asdar,e,•s13.piciatiesiriblfelYioirrrialtulttioon.:.tee,On' ;acitptI,Te71.: -Thig atriite ri.df 4- FneizdAriaontioui., able financial IoSs to livestock, iiaeU. 'elected'. aria . our, •represehtation .is. instaneeS,,livesteck,,--es,Pe-, very Much" the sameas, .our On- cially Otte.; have,. been,lillednut-, a tigbt.,13-st these ,ve$ts, • , tel:rei.6•4GvifilaetrendriitieenPesiTw represented theredvnotit '•••Orlly the adult f en:tales:" are itarni townsbip Connty, :.,,,,provincial. • and • •8 woman .reported the. disa.p-- "iiiT,",`'TheY;.are Si -Oil; Stant,. graY, to Dominion . organizatione In this Pearance hitsband . to, • the-, , blackhumped backed ins e-ets way-. Wonien' s 'Institutes, Go7GOera,',.poltce whiCh-•are- actiVe in -large numbers tors .Tris-tirartee,, Local Qo4:ips,.Lnit. Is thera an thessage you wish durm the daytime'Bites •-froiii: ed....cp-operativeS-•and,,, PhR1110r he was a*. , e _we fiiidjiim? blaek. cause.1?leeding,Atehing: Commodity groups are alli.repressed - and -''Swelling., and this i.rrltatlon ented:, and. have aIdart.'. in Shaping `Ye.§?! She, replied,". hine, .nla 'last. for •s:eve)111 days tbe pdhcy oftiie Fdratioii of Ag- Mother.' Cli.cinV:conne'; after •This has the Coldest ..and storrnieSt-; week-,., Of., the:Season :A lot has , fallen, ,and -Sithe Countryroads' are in bad bpe pbob:Xorden is. Stifferiiig. frciriV, a• very 'spre handy:Caused:. by blood poisoning, .%-".1.t originated front "priek': of „a pin. He.. has been laid. up with it •for • several Waks;.atid it Will likeirlie. some weeks, yet before' he uSe• riculture. Perhaps., the. , fanner failed -to, elect ',hischoick as 'townshifi' direc- tor' Ab... the ----edunty. • he is a . hog :producer he has the'-epportuitity: ele,cting his 'choice,- through -that: otganization,,L0 ithretign; any ,ptlier, of the affiliatecf•gtOuPS. to . which - he' belongs • , If you are • a Liberal you will re- alize .that' yoix have had -Practical--,, Irani jrifluerice in'•directing theOir,•• tafio, Government for many 'years.' 11 yofl are7N-Colisetvative probably reinember the., a ,siears- that' you were .;:tite•fritgotten .man. •' • • - In.-the,Federation 'of Agriculture yon ;can be represented through' se ' manY 'groups .tha.t,,it is hardly like- ly :that any farmer .will be in •the minority :m every organizatiOM-..- Fiirther,. thcSe -elected. representa- tiVes • are •allaCtively engaged." in 'farming. as duty to, their ,Organ- ization-perinitarf-It- Seemsto me, that -the -Federation, of Agriculture -. is 'One of the 'best,.eS,,,,a1nbles, . democracy, in action. ' , . . r.0 -in.'. 'h.. ,i1.4.Ke,4 g*Iivs14.,.f ' F brad 2 1883• ' Last Tuesday evening a Verandah at :the ,tear: „of . the building,'„eceu- Pled' 1, 1.,. Miss' Rtibeitsen;, Seaforth, 3,/, as' a idence' and; i•seliooI; . gave: under,Wax'r, .an acennulation of :ice and ,:-snoW on the TOOT ,..and fell with a Crash. ,,Miss. Booth had .a nartoW and • fortunate.. eSeape.' .,Slie had' opened the ',door" 4ita. : was, .' it,igt going:. to step out •Wherr.,;,the :labile fell, Some: :of theeinis• scraping her,: dress.: ' Fortunately :. she waS• not ,injured, • ,althongli ,....she! .. Must ,haVe.been 'pretty . badly ,Seared, . ., ... vr.-,J,611n..:Fo:vilr, of Ilullett; 'te-: Cently sold to an Ainerican, buyer, one yearliog!and. One ,twn-year.old et, ,forAlie...stittuf$450,„::-and:.-o- fuck; penny back.:eitlier.'..---7,!.: ,'-- : Last : Thursday A' yeung inan• ttained. Town,-• Son. • a Mr. Henry TOUrri;•••rnet with aspirteivhat pain- ful !accident. -He was yorking. at Colemare's.•:saW,roilfi,Seaforth; Wheii a sliver- ftona a board,. Whipli,,WaS being sawni-JIVW..-Offr strildfigj tint the . cheek; .• inflipting..* a ••.had ••• 1. .Froin Thc_, Minn EXPositor • • Ja nary 31 1908 • ' • .13etweeOne'alldtwo o'clock „last' Monday ..morningi:a -large barn in Harpurifey ,belongingto the guror. estate„ 'Was tlestroye'd by fire. The fire WaS:„not. noticed by anY nerSon the-lieighborhood until they were :awakened- -by;'.people.. forth.' BY that. time the ,building, „WaS, , a• eoniplete meek, '. In barnthere waarstored %tap:a titian,: tity: of ,wriod and peal; Which- waS also consulted. 'The- origin' of2thei fire- is a Complete niyaterY; -as there had been. ito. ,fire ahout the place. • - A• • • Mr. Hugh McKay, Who lias been -rumble- the engine in HarVeY's Mill, 'txeter, for some years, hs aacepted, the position of : 'engineer at the 'furniture faCtory, Mr, Ntt; XaSr•---is •rfirst-claSsLengineeniLand Iii,s,litanY•friends'be pleasedto have him reMrn• trYSeaforth'. Mr. Wiriter„ who As erripleye'd With 'HerateclY1 Bros, Seaforth -but- chers,- met with an ungeasant ae. Professor MePherson-,- the• .eele. 'brated horse -trainer,,, oceaSidtie'd considerable interest' on Seaforth • Main Street last ,Friday andSat- 4.irdaY, by driving a Spotted...base,. attached to -a cutter, upand down. Main,' Street:" Without either; bridle..7. The mniinal „seemed "to viertralhed and :tractable.: The professor also ,gaYe.instritetiona.,,in borso-breaking, and tOining-; tr'r • fairly , large eass,"here. • • ' eident a few days ,ago! ge was taking 'dOwn p quarter 41 b`eef, vb. it fell .4n him, dislodatittg his sh der. • • -Harry: •"Did'-yoti bear that Bill has ,put wheels on his grandmoth- • eriTobra: - What •dld he do, that for?" , llarryt, "So she -could !ROck and Roll'," •. The doctor rushed out of his „stu- dy. • "Get my bag at once!" he 'Shouted, " . -"Why Dad?" asked(laugh, ten • "What's the .Matter?" ''Some fellow just .pltoned, can't live without me,' gasped the doctor; reaching for his 'hat, His daughter breathed a sigh of relief. "Stist il 'Moment". she said quietlY. '!„1. think that ,UAII was for MeV' 41-• LOC*TION;.,,, - Rural read, near' tratfotd; • , TIME:, .45 -SURFAtf: Harclgravel., - ULT: 'fine killed. The driver of ths car was travelling4at an estimated 70 mp h Wlign lin.pulled out to overtake another ear.. ite 16st cbritrol 'While overtaking and rammed into the ahutruent of tiTus narrow bridge.r.He:\774,5 crushed' to. denth,onirapat7," E�ftheyou tramp down on that accelerktor;Terneinbe.r.;+ two .1.) The faster youtravel the less cohtrol • you have, (g). This ,pliotograph • DEPARTMENT ,TRANSPORt O4TAqi0