HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-31, Page 1• • Ninety -Ninth Year Whale , Xurriber -4696 SE.AFC)RTH ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 1958 , $2Year rn Advatce Single Copies, 5- Cents Aiis�n McKinley, : RR 1' -Zurich • was elected- president of the. Hur- on .C9' inity 4-H Club Leaders at ..., their sixth-7416gal meethtg in. _Chu- sealarth Lions Were:: hosttonHe succeeds --John -.their annual Burns' Night Momlai . . evening at the ConimunitY. Centre,- .St.rohg,'"of_Gorrie:.,.... which was,.filled" for :the occasion„,..:,,,Other,, of.ficers-,:eleeted-for -7 1958, ' The special , Night-- Pro, include: 'Vice-president, Don For - gram was highlighted' by an ad: tune,, of RR seern- ress, by Rev...Charles Murray, of lary-treasurer. Maurice liallahan; easide,. who discussed Burns' of Belgrave; directorsi;. Boe,,f'„gair orks' and background. A riatiVe .0113,7„>Murray Gsaing„,,,,14,e of :Edinburgh, Mr. Murray told of dairy, Bjll 13oyd; the district in- which Burns had - swims, Ken- Stewart„, RR, 5, Sea- Ilya..., and of the eonditions that 'forth; Toriestry„ John „Jackson, of 'often times had prompted the pm- Winglaant;,. 'grain, It& IVIC1Vlichael, dialtion of literature thafhas, lived Wroxeter: field crop' Bob' -Clan, • . • t1i Mr:rrue..g- hlu:tilutrRfatch;Ae, F Station o'cis trr"ti‘uolleneeg:f:te' vvird.ea'tsir innagra ePd eassl d ae e EA: a tre. ilv,heedri fotIrsoSnitU,etimunp.riOtphesn, frid ielia.fotiat4h0-."1,Atogrthiceuffiutirr;un _County edetati.011 nf' llte" to, the-. people "Of, „Se,afOrth for ',George Gear Addresses • eealling --that -period. he paid tri - At noon, close to 50- 44-1- Club .7._:"6,1,,nrt_le4m.ethe oung ineton' leaders were g,itests of the Ontario em pigiand clininn .ine ealv, .6ars of the Department of • Agriculture at a coinplimentary dinner, ,at -Hotel JAW' BY -SE I�NS '-"'ot1"Hfibn btnt Cornci1 oitchid- ed in God'erich Friday, Shown here ,are many of the reeves re- presenting"townships in the county, -Who-- attended: the sessions, A -eaya ity crowd of spectators is shown to 'the -rear of "the _ Picture-.enirS, fdiscusse -u nglief.:collatY mill rate, in- cr a•I' 'creases ',to Many -county OfficialS, axid,',St'aPPage'of several grants, e group heard ,aild 'cliscusSed. retforts from all county depart- ments 'and chos& the 1958 Warden -A' Kitchener rink skipped by Batsoni,witilcthree.wina and a., plus of 14, 'Won- first prize at the annual -T-SOI--ed',15V-,""the7SeafOrtii Ladies' Curl 'hig: 'Club .Wednesday:-. Close -behind :Was "'Mrs". G. Strenaehra ,LOndon rink,with three -wins, pitis 12;:„' -. A .Seaforth rink, 'skipped by Mrs. :Brae:Smith," ea Me two wins.-PluS.10. Consolation prize went to , an- otlierSeifitith -rink; 'skipped.'" bf ig.7jOhli7."Lreigataft.-, „".BeSulta;.,were... Mis E. Batsen;•.:,Kitebener-; 2 wins plus 14 MrS..B.'-13iggatt, 'Exeter; 1. win ....„ Sbuthe'retti:E-Xeter.";7.8 Icsses ." 'Mrs; Douglas, MithdU.'A Win plus 5. Mrs, Bell, ListoWel'i.2:, Wins ;ping 9:' CreakerY_Sttatford4 wing Mrs. ,IVIaelcintion,„,,,Sttatfotd, 2. wine .,phla 9: Jj:Longstaff,, Seafottlial: win. Zy Wing pins 10 Mrs •C-: 1owe1Lfe, Seaforth: losses. - . Mrs. ,G. Stronich, London, 3 'vins plus 12. .' • MrS:. ,,1\1;•-,-WlietStOne. GOdericli win plus 2. Taking, part in „the Viere „rinks ,fram: Kitchener,' Exeter.,, Mit chell,.Listowel. ,Stratford;: London - and -Goideticli.".. • ' Three .:'Seaforth rinr.s were • en- , :tered:•These. Were 1VIta>"A:,.w:•Sil-. .lery, 'Mrs. E-,..;'A2'.MCIVIa's.teri Mrs.. Gordori-;,.,aticti.XTS:'3,'Letigstaff (Skip); Mre.'E., DingMere-, Mrs:- R.- ..., Whitely,: Mit .•Catdno , and .Mrs!..Btad- Snilth (Skip); Mit. ':W. ,G.: Wright,' Mrs.' 5..',11abkirli; Mrs. J. Atunn and Mr. C. Itowcliffe Airratigernents 19r 'Aue!•,•.botialaiel . were in :of :a -grouP, :headed. .; by ,.Misa.,'-Aliee Reid, president Of- •; • the Ladies'''.Club. LiiiieliTarid sup Pet wer erVed o. the , ;viaiting: ;curleralhY a. committee,, of whielf •Mrs. F. Kling 'was the'bead17, ' mall Ad— Big Response It was a small 25 cents for sale ad in last weeles Expositor, Gordan Papple,' Well-known McKillpp- farm, er, had Id young pigs for -sale, . And what happened? "Within an hour after the paper waS.eut,--even before it had beeii delivered on the rural routes--intereated buyers be- gan to arrive at .the PapPle farm, and others phoned to inquire: The pigs were sold in no tithe at alt.- could have sold twenty times as many if I had rad them," Mr. Papple said. ' _ ° It doesn't matter whether its pigs or what you have to buy or sell, A . small classified ad in The Exposi- tor, Which reaches more than two thousand district- fathilles every Week, will do the job. And if costs - so little, too. — -Phone 41, or write and tell us what you have for sale or want to -buy' or trade. See 'for yourself 10, what a good job in Expositor classified- ad does for you. • . , • aite. "Winners:. Euchre:. ,The Order- -ef. the Eastern Star , aptingereda euchre Thursday night in : the -()ddfelioWs' Hall. Winners, :were: „ ladies; :first, :Mrs. Bob TYn- •.'d'alla lone handg,„.Mrs„ 'Fred Ilnige consolation. Mrs James Bar 'roil; men,. first, A.. Irwin; 'lone' hand. , Charles. Cunningham;. Con - ;gelation, Robert Eriirnerton:- . ' k. • , • •-,-Thonfas Leiper,- of Londesbord„ leads the Iliiron Central -Agricul= turaf Society for` inc'ti1er torifl f lowing the antual rneetu a iri CI nton. J he group ecided "to proceed yvIth 'plans for the 103rd annua1. spring show. Because -of the unusually small • , attentlanee at the meeting plans for the show will, be made, at a: ,specia1 meeting in Clinton nes,' da Other :officers_elected. were- first PepPer. R R 8 Seaforth--- second vice-presi- en warGrigg Goderich. A. -J: McMurray, who ha just COM,- ril;eied his 29-t1t: year ,as secretary - treasurer asked to be relieved of his duties. ,Directots decided to ,discuss his request at the special Directors Named 'rectors are: IhIllett Township, W. .1. Dale, Thomas -Leiner, How-, ard'Armstrong,- Ephriam Snell; TuclZersrnith, Harold -Pepper, J. W :Crich,'eorge Turner, William ,Pep - 'per; Goderich, Thomas Ratirkelt '1VierVin Lobb, Ed. Grigg; Stariley, William Hanley, Harvey Taylor', John:Peck, Stewart McEwen, Dick ,Jacob; Town of Clinton, Dr...George S. Elliott, Mayor W. J. Miller, Or-, ;val. „EngerStad„.:Kenneth McRae, William Morlok, Mel Crich, Reeve 'Burton Stanley, Howard Snell and . DEputy Reeve W:- Trewartha; junior directors: .James Snell, Fred ,Gibson, Bert "Pepper,- Lloyd Hol- land, Stewart ,,Broatifoot, Middleton -old Ivan. McClyrnont. ' EAST MIR QN ELECTS; Wilfred -Shertreed was releleeted president of East Huroaa-Agricill- tural Society at a' directors' meet- ing following the,. annuaLaineeting Wednesday" night. Other officers . named at , the meeting, held M - Cranbrook Community Hall, Were: vice-preeklenta, Clement Steffler. and Rithard, Procto; seeretaiy- treasnrer, Norman H. Mover. 'The business kneeling Was pre'-' ceded-bY a turkey supper, served , by membersi, of the Altar Society oI St Ambrose Rthrian Catholic Church-- A 'vote of thanks Was moved by Richard P +actor.. , -Seated at the head table were prEsident Wilfred „Shortreed ;and .e.Mrs.,Stiortreed; .seeretary-treasur- . et Norman H. Hoover and Mrs. lioeyer- Mr. A d Mrs. James kair','"'111r. and Mrs: Richard Proc-- ter; Cecil Thompson; Clement The best financial year in his- Steffler and . Mrs. D. C. -IVIatheson. tory df Egmont:It/Me United.Church-; - was reported Friday night, The Misicians Perform treasurer, Thomas Robinson. 'noted A short musical program,' intro- -that 1957 -was the best year the duced by Mr. Shortreed, donsisted congregation has had in its long of aecordiOn and sold selections b34. histery,-!in reporting tothe annual ,Ceell -Thompeon 'and vocal duets Meeting:by William King and Graeme. Mc- ,• The meeting, held in the school-, Donald,,accomPanied by Mrs. Wm. room of the ehin-ch,- took the form King, ' of a'potduelt -slipper, followed by a Norman IL Hoover, in his Areas- businega meeting., l)r. 32 Semple- tiler's report, listed total Fair re - was chairman for..tlie evening, and seip,tS as $5;683.81.; total expeadi-, Mrs,- k: P. Chesney --v1/4. ciloSen„aS titres, $5,592;- 'Arid a balance of 'secretary. '"$91.81. There were 2,000- entriessiii Following a hymn, the *large •the.,Faim, the total prize -group attending observed, a feW ed arnountedeto $4,531, and the prize RS: AGNES BAIRD, of Drucefield. who is .98 on Thurs-- day January 30:, .The widely- ' known Stanley. township' rest - :dent was horn in Newark, NJ,, coming-- to Ashfield tawrisliip with her parents when, she was . one year of age. FolloWing her niatriage, she moved to .Stan- ley, where-, she has 'resided -for 79-- years: In reasonablY good health, he will mark her birth- , day at a family dinner Thurs- day evening at the home of her gold, Thomas 'B.• Baird, 13ruce- field, Where She 'resides. ' - etir .iniziute'.8 silent remembrance for the mei-fiber's Of ‘the--congtegatitin' '"Wha-Se-, faces are kePt: . in .nteM-- Prayer follow -ed-.- • At "-the. coneluSiori.pf ing„was reatinted: • The reports -of the Various.' titian, 17ations indicated'enthuSiastic"....atin,. port and gratifying:TprogreSs -in all m.atterS. AppOitited7td Alte :1.3oa.rd . Stewards ' Were --RuSsell. Coln - Man, Alex Chesney-, l3oycs. Robert .;Wallacel-,Elmer Cameron and Normair'' MacLean. C'onef91-tVaS apPointedte the trus- tee hoard- Iiey.11enderson: asked to be relieved of his duties on the eapitala fund cenimittee And Was: eplaced• by "James Meltitosh The ,ineitiberehip .of -Abe. church •now' 'stands . at 271., ' • ... ' Id appreciation ' of,,•tifCtOtintsiaS-, tie and, nntiring lea.deithiP of br,' and •Mrs..-aSerriple in .the work ,Of the: :charehy ',the irieeting unani- mously voted a §ub.sfantial- drease.,m Dr,,Sertinle's attnual sal-., money paid.w.as $3.,671. Grants re:- -enlYed, totalled .$3,039. • • Deregktei.TliTTa district- rneeting„ at Dungannon renerteda.,,common difficulty..anniag Fall Effiteditec- ItiorS ssr- peer • ,attendance„, Clement Steffler in bus report said: ."With, out, attendance:a ;.,Fair can't 'show . . Expect .To' Reopen aueeni$ -Griii. Arrangements are being made to reopen the Queen's Grill, effective March I, according to- Wilson Oke, Seaforth real estate agent, who has been looking after the property, He .said an experienced restaurant operator, who comes from Nova Scotia, Would fake over the -pro, The restaurant, established in the former dining -room of theAlueen's Hotel, opened A little lover' a year Ago, but closed after a few Weeks' operation. ' . . progress."'. "In.„,•the- 'discussion that 'followed applest'd as n'.'climmereiar• feature, from the- stan point' of interest .and--decora, on two shcde sfuT field -crop ,competitions—corn and. Garry oatserereceiVed, -There•-iverer 34 entered in the 'corn competition' and, 18 , the oats eompetitIon. James .S.Mith;,--reporting for a ed Gitib; -said Ifia'r '18 had .finished the beef -and. six the dairy. seetion.. ,Tene.coMPleted.the ,swine -Citibi`r-ebnipetition. '.'Four retiring- irectors... Harold• .Thomasa....Ross _Knight,:14Iac McIn- tosh and :Wilfred. Shortreed,., were reitlabed,h43-ohn-^McDonald.',Brus„ -gels; Fred Kirkpatrick ., and. Jan Van. yliet,'.Grey,, Towns.hip, arid Wit, fred .Shorti:eed...fOr 'Morris. ,Hear Douglas Miles - 'Guest, speaker ' for the evening was -Douglas . agrictiltitral "representative for Ibiren, -gun Tht ComMented, that. it :taker both Women -and Men' to run a suecess- ful fair. Likening a' fair to a show: • ' window on Main Street and the di- NEWS OF ITENSA rectors to the merchants, he said, it was up to them to attract atten- 7. -Ta,rmers„. must stick together and'. think terms of unity'," he said and exPres:sed hOpe of bet- war. Clinton. Doug ,IVides a r Conditions at the camp, he said, .,„-.„.. ,,,'' atRedecailin,, some of his, 'work .. -t of 'the ,voltinteer work of the 4-11 ;E,intlhe. ''''''''-`e'''-11'-a 1Ye or. _ ll-r°'l County. -not-bneo t-frticieob "(lent tle friendliness sahto‘thnatb wa-s enairMan.-. ' - - - district was particularly appreci- The dinner was ...ill' aPPreciation leacters the carnp, Mr.- Murray 'mentioned George GearofWalkerton, agri- a Male choirthat had been ,organ- cultural repre sentative for Bruce ized in 1940. Of the 46 Airmen who County- since 1939, ,guest-,-sPeaker. ' comprised the choir; a check' taken gaVe a detaller-r‘report .at the end- of • the war• revealed Countycsi4j1I.Fee.deraLf club Pro - that hut .eight, had 'survived.' ject ,for last' year. ' The appreciation '4')f the :gather- -PlanS-rittade bythe leaders .for ing I lyfr. Murray was expressed, the1958 prograin. included the an - b Rw Scuti. ••nual.,aaeieeement...„night with Fri- . en 3.,ear a mem er 0 \BUrns-- 'Grace by S. Siii.ttal bp -1 day, December „5,' as a:.-tetitative limion.Cotrity, Council, and his' ,thpend'Itelvilav'Oof;i'.'pinOgCltetoy ;Apr4,40•;spii., , tin is This „week is Minor Hockey Week ,in 'Canada „Marking.. under ' the' •slegun,, -Tlith°61...:'ylle°uenkeg.3g:tera;hav-ejbe'en.:1) "neglected as SpeCiatpt sti Poil is concerned, 1100 according"' ,frockel,‘ offieidS." here, the kid., •in Se aforth are nti ei•ccePtion.:Croi'vids- are sm411-; . a parents onlarick-for "the gamg§-, • •The hockey %front --hi#.07, .Special'Ali.itor,'HoCkey playoff linari tur Tw tI g,g raa11,ththej:Me;caelasny'' e:d. elaoi ieste ieededtua, nr':s139,,,t s are uti la be lams Thc Baltveen rMidge i' :et; nht,e9d14• Ban 143Thislbe-"Y•';116e .°..1.11?dli°dnget!';.a°rue:st;eurt17.d.'OC giiiieling; hand- Of., Ron' "WBroome , ,..... • . . The- B.antains played tWo...g.aine Witli',.•ClintOSi; and • both_ e ties., So. the fans,- are in,for",:a "S-eries. • JIM Midgets -•,,things "ea.'sier,at they Morrissey: ' ivholch:;::". straight • ',The 'boys , on -,'bOth •srEigg.tN•- REEVE John and 'e ilartion games ,Yet t'omeet feat'lit thr•".; 'Warden :of Huron "County,. .at' .tea ins will -be "arollnd Selliiig•tick, . sessions dasfWeek lii‘Goderieh etS...'..for • :Satrday's •cloublelte0e Id a . close vole. 1. -le was •chosen 'SO 'don't . tarn tltem an -d-4** Morrissey Is; beginning hiS".sev-- . Hockey , , . , from' six -Contest -Olt§ Warden 'see a., big.. crowd. Ti W"th hell ened the'progra , r a a so • , • in I Spitt 1date in .Exeter; also 'to ho rs ld tOu On'•saturd.V- "night ,at the loea St h 'toWnship conti . 111:•134e -i:741:-8 game • -","' ear as. a niein-ey• f a • he'gr up.: in.-'n:series • of Seotch'I.Un U''-ell-lh' basis- - •-• ",' ' ".1.), e : .,--. : .:- -, '- cil ' bleti-lldet4 if eeli mitchett B-arl:''' t m' ' li:e -Li° 1 ' Orgaiii4ational ineetiagsi,' W.D.1...be „. , ..._..„, taras and ;SeaforthEnntams, the Club'ii'i, ere', ,e xtende d by PreSident I held: Crediton,,14,1ai•e-h'41;, C1 21 ganm 'ended' in. a 2-2. tie.' ',t:, Ay," modeland.' AccOmpanist' for Mai -ch 13; .Seaforth; March' 18 :--Ex- ..,mitenell. Opener' the -scoring .M. tie i..,,he -evenitig • was lames -.111-.-.Scott.-leter,',..March. 20; ' Gdtrie;,.,11/1irch 27;: riii'ens-.•:i';'31-elbio.Pdav'pPitliel't4ledg-clitalimbYatW4a-2t5"; Chairman' for the event's. was Belgrave ,_IVIarch 28. Lucknow. on a :pass, from 1V1cLiwain Clmssel Sti9ciiil- eatures ori th - program - eeting-s-oiIl be ---arranged -later- out Mitchell u the lead '7 iricludecl Highland- dancing for Zurich and Goderich. pupils of liirs. C. E, Smith, Tik- i the secoild period • and the period(' ing par Wer e at leen Phillips, ended with :the' visitors leading" Kert er T. Dick scored the only goal in" Iloan'Bannon, Oke,.'' Eatie .the third,Jierie for the' hometovvn-ry tseott'BettY. Jeani .AndreWs adcir.• AA ,ers passing- plaY,,frons'Avir , SaltY-Peter .Malcolm. accent-. :and' ,brother.',Jire, ta. end flie".-SeOr,.... pained on 'the hagpines,, : „,. . ' ter M .r.',and .1Virs":": agies A. SteWait brganiiation ,leoyS-.....olitSkiited. • anda..played,. more :pontribittecl'4:„'dtiet, 'andlittle Sh u which ull haVe.'a Si:its prime tails': .; e otganize& agareg than 'the locals, 'Strorrc 192 cc.c.m.p.,..anmd b ther.Lenconragensent,;.-And„...promotimf. 1(...ilisinen,C14-aye.--Plaam,lig.....aevelal' who. were • s/iort.7,i,oise: for‘va'rd of .the ina,rketing.-,of r dairy-aritapeul: PrOjeCtS':-- for"' try •prOcIj4et, anic into bLm t 1 d2.1O1U1L tO 4 110 113At .:..l.fie"g•-."'wayi dUtea•tina. Mitehell11 •Wsk-.,fol-toWing.•rpeetingS' the/f113*,V.Pg1.2,1\10.1"4137.3" 1, i' :eighth ,,stra4ht 'VfctorY, ther. pans" e la:d '; „:-The,:locia•j..bOYs :are: proud . of ,their. Nanted firart.viee'P_reSident Of :the l.,.'"Alt:.,present.''tne.."phin"ia.,spaa-sor- riew red 's w ea tensn'ilict sO•Oks';'-proXiid-;" tnited 'DairY. and. POilltlY.- [t.,11?g... the iVfidg.el.. teans,..-..anct ed.hy. doing. er-ativ:e. Was. E.Obert" S. 'IV' cKereher., 'it a s' :-:Ptirehased;,•,..sedtefs for', "the _their art'do r the town: :•by ..not ha'., - RR 1 Pnblitia teant learn, 00,42 lied b3 a.:.game So 'far :thiST'Year,..;''... .ald:' 'Broprite.. . undefeated:, ''.this :The'y playMg. cicau. . fast ' "irfe'an-On,‘the 3T'eer. 4?),..i?,.:furtlier 'this project 'bOckeY, with ',neat cenibiriatiori„and ,bov.; fie*. hat', ,: • Kinsmen: 1:1".4X.RJ. al-. la re a- treat .. to w atch ''C-orrie add.: t -400e." . t. t lf and eneouts,ge- the „„t yourse ineniliers.' the:: Sale""'elf tickets as, , Meeting Witheady,...responSe..... Beat „Mitchell' • Drii‘ving 1. take:,plaee '.ab the Ste • , A :donhleheader. Saturday night - Patrick's ,clanee .-planned ..hY the 1.,v03itla up -With victory over •eliib :to, he held:in. the- ,..,!");.t.eria.,,on '..Dale',seorett,:fons .iVlareh .., 1,7.2 , - ; " ; A ,1,C1l'1, :,.:a J3;v, L 11' F&'- - Bc,avciiffe iwo with sinies going ing 'carried On, :arid..the eneet- flintl,L.1„1:eeiX,spejocitrieirlti•gtO•t•he: ,2,0si,e;ae41" jazia" "Ildiddrefont:;.SideSm,en; Tom and -Bill :There' 'was .la,.. great- demand for, Lavender•J*cle "Henderson,- ,Frank ‘1.:hrcitirns . in , a recent,,blitZ, 'Spot: sored, Forrest ,an, Frank Ellweod.;. dele.1 bY the chib„. but several.,-breonts Seaforth .pl dsaYedliest to Gode- gates to Sy.liod;'.3"aek.lLaveiidei, and are tli aVailable.:.4n. order that .rieh,""Ttiesday 'night With7,-.4...:'11.•.t6•••••q Frank Ellwood .. - everyone- mayhaVe:,:the:'OPporttitie- score for -the loeat. Midgets. Scor- - ity . "of purchasing 'oho :of . these crs were: Harirey',Dale.-.4;.1 Ray ' Da 9° • 1,jp0 1110 Kinsmen are 'plen-airig SeniriS arr.). 014 ; rn,an,-;.aceident.' surrounding 'rural ,cliffe:1,; Goderich: Ron Feaan. 2, WAY, .near Zurich Sunday, 'a picks::: area , Thursday. night , -. • -Don Jeffrey 2> 'Fred', Israel 2.- - "1.1.0.tritelc. driven by Russell Manson Mmbers Were told that the. first ..„The..Midgetlinenp.oflplayers are: ' 'Prole,et of;,-.the.,..41:11.?.. hai.„...received goal, JaCk.:',Bedard,",, Brian Brady; • nuh faverrible -pain:Merit. ShortlY, clefeticei.Boh," Reith,-7::Biab'.:Elliet4 after .the inattguratintt' of the .nevti., .John•Varley,;."forwardS„-LarrY Dale, club: it pliCed:. a portable TV :set. Datig.'..11oWcliffe,', Ray in ''Scott'eMeinotialflospital,:Where::BinderrHarve Dale. Tent TtOve; : it is -userl'.,,;ainf:::•enjoyed;! daily' in 'Keith..."Stateyz---Itili''B.roadfriot and , many „of the to s - Park Borger. , : .Mrs-. Elmer. -Cameron , Precia.tton to, all' 'who •- had .-taken part' antll•to,":"Mrs."., Vi1Iiam Miller, whO,diad.,e'atered. . 'The. 'evening .,Wa's -,:arranged by: 'a committee 'headed'W-J": 11.' Scott; and"..which included ':S Ross 'Scott,. Beattie. C. E.,. Stnith, 'John McLean ter times to conie thaa the -past twoyears have ___ Jas._ Mair expressed the thanks of the gathering' to the speaker, and: aanounce a is ric conven ion in l3rtidsels- in 1958, _ Mrs: W. J. 'Turnbull,- reporting for' the 'Wonien's division,' an- nounced that their prize- lists are printed: and- mailed to exhibitors, , jt,,..tiO oinpete hi,E)ceter „,:g,r,„: will be , r participating in the Homemak- ing 'Club'Achievement -Day. 'at, „ , the: Legion Hall in Exeter an. „ Saturday.. lOver'''"tlie,•-,'Past three' niorithg these girls:have" been, bus making,woal skirts or .jurapers and, record books; to corimlete 'the re- "quireinentg of their project, "Work- ing With Wool." A Ifull day's '-firegiarn 'has, been, -planned for the :girls who wull take, part in jedging, skirts, Materials 'for`akirig,reasong and tak- . • , a --7speCial : aetiVityin the ,atfernoen the" girl's themaelVes: put on a Program' ofekhilaits„skits. and derrimistratierts:. avhieh give them . expetietree in 'public Speak- ing, ts.well.as' serving as SammarY for gubject, matter, 7 -which they: have staled -,,thrOngliout.. the pro- ject.: As 'well, Certificates of Achievement foreon-1046h of tivo• projects;.- -County' Honor '' Pins and., :Certificates for completion 'of.. six project, and 4-1-111ornernalting club teaspoons •for-,•satisfabter:r eomplc- tion of tim,PreSent.prOjeCtwill, be presented to the The following clubs taking part are sponsored "'Peal Wo. ineri"s Institute; . Chntoruleadera; Mrs 'Balla- W. Ross Creditor), No. 'leaders, Mt:S, gd. Lamport, Mrs. Robert -ReliaT?;Credis,, ten No., Z: leaders, Mrs', Jack Mot, rissel; Mrs, Win,:Smitir; -Dashwood': leaders, .1Virs._,SYcl--Balter, _Mrs. E. Devine; , leaders,. -Mts. 'Kenneth Hem, Mrs. Harold • Bell; Grand Bend: leaders; Mrs. Willis Gill, .: Mrs. leadere; Mrs. A. Moir; IVICICillop leade'rS,. James Key's-11/Irs.: G. 11:, range' Sea ferth (District):, 8we;aftot, ti7:hyle:tea,a6Mrstisv-Sx.s.)3rjuudzifonitel... lirecht, Nikon, , er cin riet es her.hotne ,Tuesclay evening,,far:. the, rekider :Meeting 'of ther,Heriaall,•Kitie ettes. , There was 100 per Cent at:. tendance. Presideut Mrs.- John A new leader; Mrs, . John Dietz, was 'weleomed. and ,presented 'With her Kinette pin- by:pastptesident Mrs. Haroid Knight,,Being '."beef",, several. sidijeeta.'Were-,dis;-' :Cusaed ,ajl settled,' : It w8 decided to- supply- itinoli after .t ,EXetea-Ilerie,allYkifte-thea' heckeY game, date to, ':be'...ahrimities, ed later. The date ; for the 'annual spring " YU' M Make, : Sale : was : Set , ',for Seturday, APril..12.:' The .raffle was Won* Mrs: Rebert,,Realatitii,' The. rfpxt tneetieg. Will -be held', at -..the kiomne ef, :Mrs.; Harald Knight on Clairch, Officers'" Splendid 'reportg were ,aubinitted and Several iteing of hiiaineaa dis,a CusSed ..at the arinual'.,Vieiiitirig' of St. ',Patin. 'Anglican 'Church: ReV...•! N. B. -Knox --Chaired ;the'.ineeting. Officers :for .1958 :are: thini5ter'S warden,; Jebn..,Betiderseu; pet)Ple's: warden, Tam ,Lavender; :treasurer :et.-tetary; , Van Door Opens, Lose ons Grain When a door in a large trailer van sprung open Monday tnorning, about five tons of; grain was spill-, ed along Goderich Street, The :van, operated by Sayder Transport' ' of )3aden. was hauling grain from Goderich. First evidence of the accident „was in front,d Miller's cities Ser - 'vied Station, when the grain - ap- peared' as a mere. trickle .on the pavement. Before the transport Was brought to a Step by ,Oleave's U -A Station, the grain. was several inches deep. - • Aided by Harold Maloney °per - atilt the Seaforth-- power grader, about four tons of the ,grain Were 'salvaged and loaded on a .Wright end Leyburn truck. ' While .from 'time to time there appear indications of grain along Goderich, Street, this is the fit. t time -Mit, large ameatit nI grain has. been lest,despite-the thou- sands oftons tat have been mov- ed through- Sesfprth in recent months, eeri to Jim.Broadfoot, Ray Secims:, Harr Dale',1,and•-a"-‘04t4Loye; "'Mitchell. spotters . were two each, for Elliott, Pauli ard Cook, 'and one , to Ide- 4. 7.0164; -.Collided drivenr -.by:Grant Staithe28raiT"Iteri-, 'nage" caused 'Wag ",estimat, lerls...eAti$404-. by: inVestigating-OPP- :CdriVtable,Rarry Reid, of the .• - • Honoreden 25th:'Anniversary";--- : On January ,29 ...a , nein:bet-, Of 'friends and •neighbors -gathered'at Ibe;•:•.ifipiu6,,,of.,,,Mt., .411d .:Mti>„ Camp- bell -Eyre to honor them on the occasion of."flieir 25th -.Wedding an- niversary. :Ari; enjoyable evening was -.silent Playing. coUrt-WhiSt, 'the. .winriers' being Mra,:..CarriphelleESTre,, first; iIrs. Lindsay- Eyre, consola- tion;,.Thomas :Coiisitt,.. first; Doug- las •Eyre. 'cOrtiOlation:' ' • *After"all Weife-seated at thelunch -tal4e, Mrs., Rena Caldwell reada htimorons address. and the .happy couple' were presented with sil- ver tray:, .Miff ,linka and tie -bar After.; lunch Mervyn EYfe ed heatitiftd Slides taken at reeent- weddingoecaaiOns...:Best wishes for inal)Ylmere Years Of happy wedded life were extended to the couple.. Mr. and and Mrs,., Garden Ealet-,-ahd Dwayne:andJaek Ester, 'father :of: Gordon, tif..dalgarY1','-"Alta,-;spent last Friday and ,Sattirday: With Mr. and , and .ilirs. George ; ,Mr. , and Mrs. Manley: :Susan. ,aiid,Mr> -and,„;Mra, Ross JinIs 'viaiteds dn Sunday With Ale; Mrs. Bill Sinite. and Sharon, at Set,: bridge,' Michigan. a".; Mr.':and Mrs. , Arthur Pettigrew, of of LineOlti:Datk, Mich., were weeks:, 'end guests of Mr, and -IVIrS.'oeibio.: is spending this ,Week withlier daughterand son-in- law. :arid' ',Mrs.. Gary - Corlett and Bryati,,itt'Toratito. 11/Itsa and Mrs.: E. Rowe . are :ViS- iting: in :Terp-iito.------with their. daugh- ter and son-in-law. .-Mr.. and Mrs. John MacDonald. . Rev: :Donald .MacDonald Vat- guest:,tuitistec at FirSt''Presbyter- ian Church. Seaforth. last Sunday.. Williarn Petry, a .student study- ing for the rtinaiatrY..at, Waterloo • College, ,,opeuillec1H,the Pulpit 'Cattriel, Church. • • PNOT COMPETE FO Comitg from. behind. in , the third Period,, -Seafartli Tonnoteh edged , . • , 'SeafOrth Shoes 5-4 Tliuradity, night: Thelirst.period WAS',.SciareTeSs both teams. 'tried desperately-- to beat the opposing: Going the 'seeded; Roe .Dale piekM up a pass from :Joe CoOtribi. and^ ,shoved, the.,Dtlek_by-' JIM> Seott---in, pithrioTdakweassia addifferent,Ta. the- Shoes', net. .Erie-MeCite came right', back for Seaforth i$hoes, to story. -I)en,Mortaiatalliedfnr Tap- , tiea.it/UP Oa a PaSS:frontaBoh-Wal-. man from B. gright>at the four -' Mark. 'IBM Strong placed a: secOnd 10 the net on a pass front Wright at the,di,Ve-minete mark, to • 'throw the feed boYs -into the' lead. , Seaforth Shoes were -not beaten, , . 'yet, SaBill Bennett 'llaghed the. light ..,at the •10,411iinite ,marie onaa pass .front‘ Doug Scott,; -tee --tie -the 'gatne at 4a11. ' : • The winning , goal' for- Top: notch squad was soored by till Eisler with less than siX ,:minutes :to .gp-,,,avhenhe picked up a. pass frord Dot MOOjrh• " , •'.-stAt'oktft, TOPNOTCH—Goal, Bob C:orlEilL Strong B11 Iilcr :WaYne- Seett; for*aidso--Don Mor- , Wright,' Bill Broan. Ocr- IttlY• JEWELL Well-known 'ry 'Moir, Joe courubi, Reit DOe.. London radio aml-TV,cOmmen- SEAFORTII SHOES----Goar, Jini. , tater, 00.farmtopics, will be Scott; defence. Charleg'Geddes,'Ane , the speeial speaker. At„the -tire :Aubin; il1 Walters, , Mel•'Cootir ' neer tnee,ting, Of the Seaforth 'forvviAtai, :Tattles Watson. Erie Agrienitural "Secie,ty. The Meet. MOCue,.'86b7'Wulters, Dori ;Mg 'is ; being, held ••in the obey, `BM Bennett; ,Dotiglaa tori M of ,the SDHS on Wed-, 'Sohn Mettle, 'llardel-Buchagani; nesday - evening, ..February ath, Garry 'Copper,: Rill ters -and J. Watson CdOttibs.popr • .ped 'right' back,. scatings•fer- Top-- - .notch: on a Pass 'frOni WaYne Scott. - „ „ . . The ,Stidegartg.topli the lead with . .lonetry by Douglas Scott .and a' goarbrehates Geddes. on , a :pass e from MeCtiec,--to-endthe see, - ondperiod,' with. 'Topnotch trailing.: 'Y by, one , ' •