HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-24, Page 3W �THR ACRO W -W 4% - 'BLAKE -OF -=,,, W H. N-01ERTONIANS. family of 06 i0shen Line d* �A it _clrper 7-- -ilis. W�Hia '� Alin ttes Welcome eweoWer Wor.0, t h d r it " , ft," �t and, r,. Fred VETERAWS 'the fir t os- and s TeM WOO,, 'Ueusall Kine�W,-,-Inpt, at K.S.,�paleutsi -3fr. ai - -'C-.. 0ton''Fry, Wilh6inl was h "00 '10tO Of the ere: Sun iy guests WjQl Rudy, 00,*sch., ar meeting, MISS�' .1 , ti�s�-for, the; annual meeting of. ihe w d. Ong v0pWS Union 11011le, 'of their--�presidebt,: �,Mrs. M , r Under New, Usugge,went Mrs, �E, R. Shaddick and, Bill 1)jec4eirt,� Ittend Winthrop,", Yo Ladies, Aid, 86ciety,las 3-ohif I RAY, M t �_Wed . Real.,on _Tue�day 'for their 6fr the 6ata k' I Ha*6r pregid­: ed rio.,]ft Mii 'et 09 Boar Mr, ,,_ r I ,W , 'was� held 'suna' the ev.�qning; rs, family. eo erg -nd Mrs. John- Hond' tbe� teachers zie, Fasseilgers 164' d ersQn regular _ificetin', - M -d" t 9, on- lles� 6asement -of g ice-prosi, en ure -ARS", AVUJL��, st� the aurch, NOW Twole ay. Lindsay',' of,,St- livio , 6d; eha - ired. t . he Xr�, Roy McBride -at 1)y the and opened' the' e*_g -0 f h Of -Air, !arid -,The mee hig, .9 Mrs. t Milbil ten a he, ile, ;t , y, Xa`rYs, -t'abd attended' the b4ptis- tempef.ance' Ing PPOPle',s Pdkpose,� followed . It 1 1. - . I V program --devotion4ft perio'd�:�,��Th 'Threi 'me'm'b , , 4, - q*at 01 was ..answerpd, eleven,,, -$oldaii. and* k y a yrim, . ........... EETING�� - ;�, 1 11 L 11 . I . b """' b the r tes: Of 'their gran n ew, prs), , rs- Gen, PHONE�_- *62 ddaughtek, J$,�6r,4m,-Ea ]hKliul last S'U i -Mr Elgin g The 'roll. Call. A in b el were presented business partL; _17 lu a Linds� d4 S, ughfer­6f Vr, Meted' �Y� ?Z , In e berk I, tbe� enl*% Minutes of, the No- 'fony 'Charf6tte ey a 9��,;ittetdpd. 'a' r,, arid MrSr vpn pi; mee ng� weire re by WI r Plus f, Hill, -_ - n 11- past president Mrs,- 0.1 _, r, 1 � allac�. a ee.., " arrold ` K, `ght��-� 1t' was dis osed oi was diRidedA6%,hold'a t( �7URNA -1 b F4' 9nd Vis' K6nnklr 1,"dg Nap� fth -'-Ludwig, 86ultz ibb d q io g I'm ure, H sgreen�, Visite&*t ftgganj�g 'On. 8#u'rqqy 01'. r -gr.: Earl Dic reeVe' h atu par y bn,S big Spoa, 66ii�.6rt la'y� e'�emu 8:30 MV ive. re� rp4 - t at,the_qopk books 4 en re� "14--1a , ,, ..1. trl 7 f �, . in 'i 'ano . js:;,:attendJug, C' f, �' C' Dodds' bill. The- limelf ,IPcF -n" �'a Tin Mr. G, 1361m. 5n aVe. be �d'fi4sinq'�� *a��,disetlised;.Afte-r 6ely ounc, in ceived��6in'Meljta, ATanitqba,%Kfn­ �ATri, and M ;.e veir;W ar v argg: u eel el singing' a_ Yinai, t e min. tes, ' bf -0. �`d 'd I twhav6 d, tha t "ll h 'Harry W6stbrook,:,6f-,Gr6deri&,A e in :of m t- a 30,111 0 11W tz, ofHillig een,, were ee t ''fi- *ith­Exet6f' H TIM. L,-_� cKell4rgLaVe'a Very. btie', Qvb-February'..24_'_ piring - the na J g to the,Aeath'. Mks otioring,', Mr- and o this,'Week. ul A0k: HALL, f, , " re s� It WO-4decide is"T Stratford, from ay 64-1'ridAy .44 the,last, 'armuai' si4gutw',,b6 ead. DON, A:4ecepfior1,,b Kin 'th " RRIG J: 'a relative of farin Dlstribiltqrl':�::LL in - Toronto tw d W, 11 L L *, " L tL �Who� spe-,­L year. e.!��*tings ",7 1ivahejal� -y�Aff lrs� Irvift, Ford', bUM:ket�r, " '_ The' yiee-president P]q 30 pxi a _ , I - �re-;� Elaine-13ell' of K!, hdld d,,7 t A on y H�rbl'd kiniay., rs ppeil), was AV, :X. rs a e,g vea:.y6ar1y' new, � mernbers zind rea, ifi�6m� the' a�t r ac in' -AM Xbwn.,�]Erali Fri&y_:e�ellffig, in bed, isr able P ned'-�W` atten The. e i ty_'crawd , in:, the rg 6 �pfize,, ork done diftlng'tho -th.. -a el, a' paci Mnett�'by.laws.. Mrs. Knight w6n to be ulit T116 wO 111 Wl again an mo, �aft ­ th, Pe was' yLil6ted -and dai - Y;Ingabollt er.:her -�" e 'singing Of'a; by J e cri�, d hin e guests',of`hohdf-,Were: ��ccidehv�ontlle'stai -`Wro, taken from Lul;,,6,' chapter, 13 nee,,', Th' rW.ay, n t _ughto" I I "L j ­ ' _h6 n 0 e of" Rq��­J' Mt.-Ephriav S :Farl Of,_ '' C Paddell,L cers. -the. A, e t thd -P Pasthrl e,-- I>r,Pseftt.':kU'oiiiia#&ess-tfelb,g r th w tute,�' spen rb&��le Ae� follow Lavern Gddkin fed 64� '1� L , MrS, "G" 1 1, L I - bu as ni_eharge,�:,of the his President, Mrs., WU 'am -m 4 --RtuIdld:, of-Eieter;L, and', ^r' III prayer. 1he topic ig -was appoilAdd to, Hugh L 1ing willbe held a. A—W pr6ented wa,s road �� by- -77 conduct, A� -of- -bki' aL'pUrSe.­O .77 D CP t b es�. weekend .*I ,as giV XP avern"Godkin R �OSITOR :NZ'�A S'BR iller; p,o ra en ati6n _madet. y Dalton Ski fAinil Where re Your ScOt' second, vice-presi ent. �Mi�'. esiard'' e"'Lorc e PaLermoil.� Trieasur�.rg?'., 'as 0) b Aia 'Win So 8, �fie�'service' at the Amish offering `w IXIu5IcJqfAe-#anc67­­ -The: "ite Chu' h 13' he: in D,6�� t s t Ar re T ijj� W. e -ere ary; Mrs�,­ d rmdj , ' ' Ten on: _�s PrOVI C rve upper -Mery di s' At oP Ca dosin oh id'd uner�­ I . � ­ 7�an a �nded P� J in g6j.ich, an d ��IVq, RES d Se 0 F I'd Flig d ty - - ----- - & a ace; assista Ln 'Gbve Ymn. d -Church iiiet �m h L a 0 t )eptity fie I a Iq1y i fti e four ue'�' rnpr es nday, evening in e, J 'meSLLS,eott�L with- tfie'� tr �S recretitioti I/. rs,. un er� L re( L erS P ill 7AJex"MC('�regof pres'id- t e ji=smen: c er T fl� With I hch lub- at'jfioif `di -an, i�'MelddrMdker e; -e ' ri� ne I w I tie . in , be , rs,, 'In O ­me dent, Mig: Aion,� of Dori b 100'�'�W;i "I, i initi th Ur r,.y %r ;,r Mad�b conduct- u T orginist,��'.Mrs., /Lloyd N; inr8.� Robert ;nice ing, ew 6mb�rs�-are Tony, t OR 69ORGLE GJLEPN-- eaturm lie devotional the �aibsefice of' s. Q I I � j gr pArger DON ennee;, Mrs- Beer- aft&Ja&,. SA th E.' S6, Deitz, BiiIr'MiekI6 V . Allen ages Were rea Y'r,AIrs -,-Earl t, 'd, nent tes] WAY'' ower-�-�c,o-minittoe-,�-�MLrS'. Ken presi eCJ Campbell�, -by Al�s_ 1),`6 J& 'J'all I e4t, of 'the village N$ S �won _e f6r, over fiftecu� years, rad Mc,Roberf 12 raffle M of ML1 le, in boutill pi a no rter Kellar, Mrs. CaldeLj..' AlcKaig:, and prize. iiQUghton; work cpmmltt�e�, rea ing, Mrs V d xe� t ItYL Cehtee d- �s� 'Madge n Mr., -',and -Mrs. 131 �(;Onsitt'! tet,'�'Sundayi,eveA% J M Mrs. Eld6n'L Allen Ja Scott were Minutes— qpuary NURSING 0 V 0 S-- U11Ve.­'j5 reception in, een. a pa ent tiler - 'I � onored at a w4dre ha Mrs, Ed 'Bro k' p th '0 FO Tne eand, Mks. Harper. �Camp4plj, -Mfs,: Reid,' as- fientall heth6� ist. ee 'SEA RT --:closed, WithL��'t Were, presen ed,4 Wfth ��a". pur t L -y p , r ' e " s , en te a IS" 1g, n I Was tb6L fokine �p Da in� L 10L�' g 2AD . add Seil d �is alit ''seexetdi Wei! car �,rA&port"L 'a h e�'late r. and" n C 11 une Webster an d In UlAL60 iuoney;�'.�Prr'6se L6` d' L Mdi6ted read Vacanpi wa b serve ler-of N :w, rand,.WaS bea by GordowCol6m tkP.',annua1'L ongr geL ... J Ile L dnce '.In ipg JaniidrY4 24 :)r 1:0'rta g'LUP L icar azffh ADMIS ,p b Thoinas�: �Dj Reasonable rates for,,,uo 'or 73 d P sTrq: provideu, mus Cc C'Cld to S I S Pke*efition 16r the'd I ance.,., The� thall, wa tienSAH �S s fill enia-t-livect-- cages, cd:L'to, bhp;lcitk jf6r, 'the:.� aftair� G ate N"' ST*, COLUMBAN and Mrs -Auspie on -No 4�11igh tu or t i " edf6rth 'Ho d, C OUT., 11'a4l a,' M. n th f Airs, ;:7 sa Mr.!,GIehn'Passcd--Jv7ay wo tIng. ;Bee, PHONE 2 2- S 'C Off' Martin Purcell 9nd; , Auxil,i,ary, icers InstaHed, HEN� L M,L ine� ac eiier�visie 1 ivt ',',,and T e, 1958 offic JNL ay n in, np�, -presided SSO' y Vl U,gU­ t d th At fok" th&-'Chiselil L%L �W QM eu,.S. Pieke& V� M-is.:L J4ck Melv6f and Anxjjiary� -of the�.. unitect Qhur& UN Mi§_ Sff,�iet th Mr and �doriAry rCell -Re unne unurch au-a,c ve mom - y anuarry; mee M�s, Th6 ma - PU' were installed into �offide- by C wXhi,8�el;t held 'the W D. 'I)an dry So- �a, 9. li iel at 6 b Ufiit,d:' Churth Mr's ciety;. qnd' a f' epergY feeo,' ca Y- pla t"' t eir January hur, er of, 6imen's Mission 'S lil:' tratfordt mQe Ing' 0 nday miler mem erL oan! th ne presided "'absence"o t Al, . I . 1h the Hemall, Wonien?s Institute.-, codugto-d !,the L der,' Oyee votiopal;'_ Sssisted4 by Mrs_.Robert president;:--Mr�-.� Imbert B S Jent. foTd, spent: the �weekbnd With Mr. .,,?urvivij apa one son,, Villiain 7 devo1jULnaJ,;was--conducted1 by- Mrs, "rand d d lvlrs Cook, and Mi'g aryGro �-i- i-tro for growth p,romoti John, Noy"Jan d -win., An aug P s -Stbri6hiaui Hel-' Beh t6rs, Mrs. r1ey Sa d r� S COMQ1, entAled7l .-"A air of Six's" ciial r6p6rt8L"6f ariob Ulf -a. lu wer'.e..'.presen't'e&r­' man favored with, a.'lovely ano 'L ndamto,waj&'off, se gild, iml)rove food *III be 'S �nted by Mrs�,..Jack� D ii), Exeter Of— I' -6boUtL solo. all utiliza , tion p ayers ere the '.middle d0e,",'past presi ent for 1957 was Finch, ee- all -uCk Sup- eropresented a life menibdrship. -Shep pin ter Mrs 'L L cl_ Micid Hensa '-the most, effe chemical agent� for: as ftel in, by' Mn5 -cocci osis out real�S.. '.Escape. was served 'by S�en-, eSL Were rKOW L It WA dig, et t Has. a t6om,; oii T sday ernoo, XI'v a e upera sarvie 'the Oin 18onthton, Funeral have ­1 Cldh-Christie, who h 1 fr Ing b .::What'Tfijgfit"L' Cef. L: and _41jS L 2E Dvi e a- balane cry: bite, 'm -o( Were ostesses C s e _d ed diftL ill' 6V4 ink that as'been.. k edues'day, c U a, e -Prevent sorting,an Pro ore serious acc, en M onducLe OUiS ni Y. rs;_ larrene, byL", en L nie Internip od protfue a,, ore u orm oc ToWn4h' 9 enian pre�ex rs.,. ant., itedthe �study t e P! A D raw et cem jp, working,.,in-d eteiy. . 't N- oss was pianist ontne, U or r 4P r tuber —AVAILABLE IN LK had�6ecasion to dimiount. on­ke `bdge'_� 'U1114111111111 field, Wiff! tra t�iiy, nembefs, of A e THS E0-1 )r! anee6y fa 'I V A ast g' U enteitaineld- The, wonien!s A SSOela 1011-LInOt'1117 _'t', 'I ON W the'Vride Of Huron Lodrg 46 dr, big 'fo 0 an e 'fell" the 'back ­Ailiooi tit$1,per 'to ii -chair T d an'Slip, tef__' ev 11 e L hin Caitis` :4 'brief sessioil:. Richard RE! C1 a presi e r.; In Oftrae or p��slllg sa e, Were the' 01, ast year-�Wcre�rea ghtg of' the: eveni g. �,Over ,, I __ L '�'l . I . 100 c Lull h �A arge oj Ing his. ea e ;rcana�e&t6,'foll length his b6i�,:�narrowly,miss Were presen 74stin ch 1. Mrs. Jos- yoj the igh' F OLR7'_' PL Y S T A_� RT" tJR. d 4,*§`LTLTS": THAT A I�(5dk d dfi DA epb .,,A E rior W, eaving for - - ------ - d M H Id -mber. 1-195& Do� '11- WAY- 0 "OF. -'d bri'e'f _C out- of h -Lodge -field' Ige R.6 ai Radio, THE, TOPI\� �QTC suffere h severe ruises,�- 67,11s. _d. -plans ior,., cfiest a raw 111- co r. an IVIrs iLoe01!RP, a I U S6 egs and Rquae.� rafidma.04� iffed 1955;.,Do, go q rqhdm6th6r5 wefe,�, S pe.e 'SO r ql� ay F" F6 r gfibsts� of.., Kippch �E�st, *bm6u�s 36 24th:,' 9i 0, _ChV7 :T� Colift, I)elaY0d Institute a i 'thei-T Januaq�ly. nl��eting, Q 0 9M, n riiqgi trates court at Ekete 'Acc, emb 777_7�7 ts"M ers, Wednesday; thei cse,;�ag!Ms Clare Birp i C 62:'h� ot� ovide ofVedne�&A ease Ili h ed es�,PL ,LLu ch Regier of Z ed�wi Abe `call' b S�d The regular in e6ting ot th& Lad, driving',viiii' -gia r ndinothdr a Wise Sa n-, the Se' T r6e grandinohers� y.v CA L I y Z_� e intoxicate; In' i�Li,��q 616' ie totlid. &:af6rtfi%: Was laid of I quest' of the'- def eL, c I ounsel Elz toad "AS �2 th WliamKyle w.ere .Oe- 0 rei 1� 1951 P41ti' &dan mer'Bell, Q.C., TC di �as,bdd[L ift_�M6 L Airs'.' ive', Little c6nducted., -s mee ng P sent6d d ae, inyp VeL :Mr,4 'Fr 'Geraldine ats M. L." Me IS ets er as Zuti6h December. 'by _jegier. a e youths pre witlid, CLups. an sa cer tj ',! w, eggy. offibs -�cc!6 nd by� standarabearers,i' egAeKwas, nn,�w'eredjh_�:roli. call ue dt'' thp owyer,.Q thp:.'-car� which stru ss'n -IN eM r Jin Bit" ard -18*, of Zurich,- dieO in the -the our new re ek a the weight of'the ssi. W W 6he. 7175 IT f DUBL SEAFOR P h' ' ' AWSH"HALL aux a- ing & e �Wldd' members join Zurieh Sylesiro �K il�i' ry, I be' St ;.V, U Th,6 _1M FOi DORar'�, ggy L [��O]ijiLj'nbni�d-oh Inbt- n 0 emon, Mis', t y -;Mehh611 and Mrs' ohM i Y:, harged I rs Winston .Work . ...... -DE SOTO'..CARS­`­ Z , ­-, " - I . 1 11 , :: DODGE' 01- u1ch,.:.Wbd 'Vas' e i Ne w. '�N man s er prq6,,was.:Wor g;iv�p- T �t:-T t a T T W criminal ..negligence M is' B d loot pre- I.b II'T'li T I -,.T, �iii Qourt" the. sam' 15 Games at.$5.00 er enipyed-and a 6 e. aton.., A -few ganies sented:;_ history the Junrl" -R 3 -GASK-FA RINERY,;L", e e ier� th Z' bpd Jarm, dud - Mrs,'L.".Russ�ell -h was sery an rs�., - a'mpbe b By aq p0t ore I on rock' W X C I B t ADISSION-' S UARY Ahe::�uisinqss, iess-lon Durjnj� JAN, e s', d group Pike§ �Jinallzed win H.ardware es at -He or nsol hill I y� Joine tile, Chain hursday ete:,' 'Wrd-, Stores ' d T' :ul V are,: now n. fie- ayettes;� Xbr--.,,UnJ ari, v Ve'thousand Weaffling .,plgs;� $13.510 A0, $16.95 Process of-'cmpletbly"tremOdbIling Arab babies Twenty - to $26.,6 D, '.feederW.; he �entik6 ',stote.: Th asked � for- from n7, layettes L are eing' $2:t,25 tbL,� to,$116-' Will take,, 'I p aco,,, Februry Institutes M, -Ale�c Holstein to -under, McGred6i' is convener fO, this,pro,: ll' be, b h�m'. boW�i' $j65'd;to,.L $180 1-161stein the vgha& of Crettli-ardware, ject, A. euchr' 'an* dance "will e ea vets, $10.5Q' L to- $18;�­ Dpdrham' beld4 in Alle: X6*6. Hall,. I�ns coves, $21 to�$44.50: 'th 12tk group, in Sold ifU charge were 5�6 pigs and 150 head 'All'- 1957. B of, cattle,�.'and cove 'D -;LL' e i1ext, Inc ar es etingL wi be held karOd X M, h Si, ME EW-WASON M Campbell' 'E e 6404'.IfiW 0,86 -he UL8t Go f L, j,;.. '' ­ L' 11'.11 . . an W vhai��d the n and Reditco& Pces e cGre Ve: -CO- ams -officiate at; a, ed Artill1r: 11111 OySO11 :Was, OS in, ding h' a e*,� One L ei 'PU B` "W 1P -Used -1955 isMIS. in III ere, tas.� Lunch committee 'Mrs. Stewart - ?er Russe OR teolli onditi. bef Mo- the; iper, ted to att6 hn Edward Air. .6nd lii�oqkr Mrs., mr�,1� Mdon, Wilson, trfissels-: are 'a s, �W� -�iind steildy e parents' of, bride, 'and tl SOV - N ' P MANAGME14T­ le 9 aye parne`9 grbo'ln4 is th6 son,of -Mr,' and rs,, lbr The MmufaietureFs Life, z 10 rdhd�, Sa s* ub reptitattonjor streng $ UrviCe 1h r' The chose a: g6- Kenneth Merrier, . Clintbn John cb, y et3r, oq 6f - L I - - - ' ' go '6mbbssed With a Id USt blue silk e,puDile mterist. 7bt� Wn& we holdJa tr tASS-1 hat,':- gold slilipbrs and - a . c6rsaee aft6yrit.�­A-r1ilui f6athered, ws andAh efte cianes, are� bide and 0 L rl pwofecl �ker pro ta kpe.- f d' fi bly bk ;i -te= of e, �ienced 9 semi) e jnvestin6nt'spe6asts;]�&UJ�J' on�ffieS�L6are' A rencung__Tf6f_§iSter, Miss, ffelen t BUMV, -NIGHI Wilson� wa§ b�ted inVeftnlentgrhelp to lower t e dressed White 'mts'6f fife ins�driidceJ&� our olidyhold6rs. y -�Gerr Ternerlwas g�Ootuj m6monms ra de h14 f6f 'filer-,broithen', Askf Vor� travelling ffie bride donned fleekeLd Wool -0 are' a grey AssrTs oF 76J - FO suit With pi�k 669,�88 nlore; t6i� ��p e t' R4 M., pary.'27-th DS m,oney promi in gesofles. �Tbe' 6ouple ill' live our ob4gadohs'(6p�y (be sums �ed in U'linton f cy contracts., This� I Lf*e, incl I out v6l� ide,� �rt amount u %,HOWE of"$59, u d ov� Y U E -AIRLS'i i,kd 0 Con ., trd U it, 041,558 set asiq6 ih �uro s tim s pr C 6-' de g a Th' ath� occur, Yr omanyL's- 7 that in ' C' 'SEDAN 1:955, -DODGE*' red Y, an, 15th, at "Antuldl j�epdrt is a record of OUTSTNbING Wedne9d4 pf &�JLq�y tet, of Mks� 8fil�' &6& at FORD ifterly of Croniatty,' a6b!6verne t.Lrlt P UY TUDOR ap GRAMME ki rna6s me d N' 'D SEDA &—Reddy. for: t e kogd�'L laoind-6f her -daughter Mrs. to, be , able to 86 ore than h 0 0 y E. 7i�TANRUALREVORTS owa.xteManufailturtrs O Xurray�­ affer an' illness of $190,"0 0 is sent 6xit every work-' 6" T Abo thiee Weeks' R=(Io 6d": 6011 surance and 1,1951. 'FOR" D" so*h sois Wiiai� b ife provides 12, 10,637iO86 in; y tber M, PLY aeMotf, H�— Life to'j d foShe livid gecf6s , and t6 biting happiness �i�icfii&ed $S80 49, 9,33 3 of land for a com�� an security o pepp e time ht-Str'Afford fter new ainties.: ing to :!,Call 40 Mont st Oit AIS(jL jhbW� th h Cromatty- district- Th. p _4t t 6 CoMpaily R +AS XURRA th or, rh6ro I'd like"to'g'i you TrU&' lived than 40' years. r buis'llaind died -Sfi ll�ynbnstrafi6n of-hoN�i Xla� ac-; ars ago. ready for. 4A& f6 6r.: He livilig P61kYholderg'ind io1he-f ithose iM paid'to e Was a Me of $48;3�8;145 n A of-the'Anglica' 0 hup Padte at Ri-C S 't f o -died, Urvivirig arqr- lifee tailor6d to. 'your ;needs .'to tion on, -sons;. 14t Wakd','. Atwod; sort C -Scotland tbetfnJe' Wae� of ty� ofie -daughtee, or IS a: long 1�e NolSou, Ethel) Murray, e6 r te'r; graridebildi6n ­itnd" �fiV TICIMTS� AVAILABLE ATr 9i!da[-g4alfd6fiAdren, Ono_ sofi,$id- T H E M AL killed in the First World NO 45g'r jO14K'A A C RD J ni s d: T ne�y Ahe.hom d by- In. B P g in e 11191119 T 9 s 11harmacy- dl� Seafbkth 'Ont, N Aepreeutl UL "Tho- body wg��at, the �Heotb C 0 M P A N Y J . I INSU RANCE eyr -EA apera V ere. D$ D E T extr§ �50­ LIFE -held. s'pxvide, was aturday mkiuncirukasl. HEA4 4010E, TORONTO, CA t U#( .. .... Lit, offibi.Ated, -and bi kPANY te te