The Huron Expositor, 1958-01-24, Page 2;
Siizae 180 SerfinutM Ormitunitft First :
11,1Wished at SJAORTIII ••01TTARIci, &yewThUrsdayr,70- kik b
McLean Bros, Pub1shr-
poi3.5ciur.wir RATES: '
Canada '(in Advance) $50 4.Yai
Pitted StafPii.-(ili',4dYan.ce). $3•50 -a, Year
Authorized as Second Class Mail • 1--).45it•Cifiee Department; Ottawa
Member, of
Canadian Weekly
- Newspaper
StA.FO,RT9ARIG„. „JANUARY .24,.192"
usdoin res Yteria
. onvene
• Councillor Bea& Board:
Blyth' gonamunity Centre Board
bet Monday. evening -in Memorial,
nari..- Councillor, Don Howes was
nsaermimedgooureh,a7Irreacrne;taiy• M::sa•nd,1rn
•bertson and George Flaggitt, re -
Wheeler, '-treasurer. Cutti-
• presenting , the' local •Ctilis '• and'
•Scouts, aPProached the- board re -
&Yarding -the • use Of 1he.0omnii1nity
Centre grounds and. arena ,;for
District Cub and -Scout rally. to be
held May". 10.-B1Ytb• Standard.'
,Breakin series
Provmcial police are-
ing a series of break-ins '.which
e:three recent nights m Now PaPer, Yor ounty
removed on
t,lep„One; getting
away wit an
, 'temas
pt the comm,unity has been
undetermined amount of „silver. 02.1:--w'nen the Zurich -Chamber nt Core
d " feed merge sti-,01-igt, urged , steps to
was enteredandahsTint.U�'ill'....4..§h :ward establishing a weekly in the
Was. stolen: Monday slight the .S1*^', village- As a result of the civic.
vice stalion.operateet... hy Ted Srm,th- pricle shown by the village wasrest-
mon„, ..tered___',_w_itli-the :loss -of S.0,117 dents.zens N7beowths mwearschpa: jitnste4dnd,aein,atize:a:
rr, i.evu-wineham Advance-TiMes. • the first ; issue Of -The, Zurch
' Start„Dredgmg. , ,
es in Hay
Workon 'the Ausable 4uth°r:ibi TtroiWbuntsehdiPto aonvder t;1•14r0pr° hanolutfiale 'area,
'project of dredging. a 'section- o -on Wednesday, JanuarY 15. -Herb
callous Canadiaii-aetomes New Liberal Leader
. -Lester --B.- Pearson- has. been_
- elected by a decisive margin -4s the
•-Be* :national leader of 'the' Liberal'
Martin, his -dipabie
andhardworkiffi opponent inthe-
Contest, accepted . -defeat. gracefully
aid promised. full support -
'nig, with, the new leader; the Liberal
Addressing th.e delegates following •
big, 'election, Mr. Pearson generated
an enthusiasm which 'when tranSlat-,
. .ed into action in _the field will go far
in restoring Confidence,among Cana•-..
• dians in the LiberallkograM,. ,
Mr. Peiison for-many'-yea-rs 'his •
•___c_erned,..jkithAlke:ProbleMs .of the
farmer, the businessman, the -unem-
ployed, has instead` giVeik its prime. •
attention to the next election
Writing in ,the-•.' 'Ottawa ,Citizen;
rank Swanson, asiociate *editor of ,-
thaePaper,'' recoOiZes :the sit•uation
when he refers to the .coming elec-
tiOri campaign, whieh, fie says, •
• ,-
'.1:Prime"Minister'Dieferibaker and his
followers..havebeen fighting ever • -
,since ' the laSt-.'election. ,
is 'a Campaign: which, itaik, ea "ly
, •election is called, the COn'servatt es,
•"WilI'be -far 'better 'PrePareel to• -way
• enjoyed an enviable reputatiOn i1.017.• ,than the clefeate ••LiberaL, for the
ternafiori-al affairs and his pre -min -- Simpler easOn they„•live :never stop- -
ence in this field has been ped preparing" •
":--ed by his having, been ,awarded tb The new Liberal er'has taken
Nobel Peace Prize_ That he -reebg-s. n&f011owing a debate that has
nizes that equally important m • ▪ a:., _ :e , described as-'the-,---butstandirig •
leader is an appreciation :of -•the-1-6.-',7•. di*usSi-onHin- the Commons -since
inestic picture is indieatedbY the faot.:••'. '1417614C17,tWarli, the government hos
that in his acceptance .speech he " been. confirmed by a substantial- ma- - --
Streseed those policies -or lack:\ of . jority:' • •
them• -•-being followed by the ])iefen.:, In View. of this, there mow seem to
baker Government with--r-espect ;to-remam two courses open to Prime
domestic problems. ;It is' this indeci- Minister- Diefen a•ker Ile may re -
Sion OR the part 'of -the' government commend iffiinediate dissolution and
which is contributing to t h e thus avoid. tI)..e 'necessity of bringing •
economic difffahlties, , that , exist '""2 doWn, a budget,rhich*01•11.d• indicate
at the monient. While it is -trite . the extent:to whi.0 deficits are being
there had been some indications that, • '2, eiieat4...E.,73r:
there was, a levelling in the economy, tido of his, 7extrava•gant,, election'
-•:--the Process ase.,:heen a•eceleraterl.;by_ ,a..oUrse:too,,LaS11,iVir.
the diversionary tactic* of the •gbiT---- Pearson'pointed-out,-•';-rwOuldL -mean__
ernment." No longer is there Confi- that Parltaffient -Corildtake ',no' action-
denee of a bright Canadian future- • .for two to'.'""three months to•,poiToct
ftitu_re involving Ancreasing"--the seri-0W ec.onoinic sitilatiOn-rn
tead, the goierriment talks of a,.;_,:,:vstliich'the,Coinitry, finds itself'
'diversion of exiting trade . The , ex- • On the :Other:. hand, the Govern -
tent to which unemployment has ris- ment, assured asithas"'been of the.
en has a definite link with Conserya7 Support of a•majority-, in the .
tive trade, proposals.: „ , Mons, May decide to earry'on'and not
All these matters digenssed. • impleirierit in,. full" 'its. 'election
by Mr Pearson w. away Made proiniSes,„ as welLas,..bring",.doWn a•
plain -the fact that there iSalfariSiyer', lanclget; bu1to-take---inirriecliat"6:_ac-..
to the difficulties that face the tion to. reverse the 'disturbing trend
dian people. It is an - answer; how which its -indecisions-• of the -past, sev-: • '.
eVer, that won't' be found by a g9v- en-arioniN.h.'aiiii4de-atoparent in;.ece=‘,
eminent which: rather than be eon- noinic affairs:,' '
Advantages Of Weeklieits Recognized
An _organization; , that has owtr:-44-!-,--kasSociation. has relied_on• advertising
rapidly during 'recent • years is ..he trinveekly newspapers to ensure its
Waterloo Cattle, Breeding Associa,- growth- Since,its„inception the or -
don. The 'assoation recently held ganization_ has ben a consiStent
its annual meeting and- another year - user of the weekly press. In 1957- it
f exceptional progress was, report- • spent $13799.0 on adVertiiirig. - It
^-ed : " • is interesting tiin te that of this sum,
$6 306.52 nearly alf was spent on ,
The •organization, starting local, weekly newsp pers. ,
small way, rioW has-- total assets' of „In &tor- wining to use.weeklies,
• $157,000. At the year's 'endlitkca411•
on hand was- $61,000. Its net elkteallInsiizy.aet-_-'ir0e-11-Adi7rsh14).i1°Wwhleidchg'&a(!ifAice.,
in 1957 was over $18,000. Thpse-a16
ry..inewspaper. enjoys. It •recognizes
figiires that 'would do' credit/to any,
organization. . • . that -the advertising d011ar slient in a ,
• . „ , ,
'weekly is nandh more productive than
The most interesting feature of the - - a similar amount', spent •sother
report is the • manner2,hi.; -.Which the media .
Western Farmers Seek: Answers TO Prolilenis
• • „.
• (Financial Fost). , '
In the •Garrnan listr
" *est -Manitoba 75 .fariners, lave:
started ,somethink 'new . in rural co -:7
ow.ratien. • With 'the -aid of Dr.
Grilson„ aii -Agricultural .ecoff6A-44'''
from:- the • University of Manitoba,
-- they hope to oil& out. by.....0-thbr.ough
--Study of their o :rttitfliS.,;,h(rW
to apply h'4,§ines*Rri4cfPle-S
to farin-
ing .• • •
The unnsual •feature -ofthe CarLi•
radii projett","'"'expeeted to take 'three
' -!.--yOrtt14.):$,More,,probably five, is that •
Initraliye came from the .fartri-,,
ers' themseliies. Together4liey
study. :Then. Manitoba.:,buSmeSsmen-
•ed a fund to PaY" he costs el the
eoritribu.' d, recognizing- fhtt sound
larin nraCtice beriefits thee W _Ole con)..7
\ mina y. • . •
Farming is la bUsiness, grifi :
it'eanb.e.bigbusiriess. Average, 6.arf.
tai of 11 Canadian,. prairie. fOl*S 1.11. „
951 wag, a.1)0,01..4,9)99,P'.
..The!o:Perator ,of.stich-ah enterprise'.:.
znay ilfeed.$0'tdo $40 a day to pay.eash
atinge, 'expenses. certainly
S 'both 416k -term. afiti,
ellaStO allOW. for 4epree14-
tion, taxes • arid 'other contingeneres.
. He's in -a bilsineEvs' almost as unlike
• style, • hand-to-mouth farming as
a Mechanized factOry.iS unlike- cot
tage handicraft:
The Carinan farmers are looking
for more than instruction -in book-..
:'.keeping. They are interested in farni
-:policy. ' They want the answers • to
questions -like -thee : 'Row does • 'a
an* „ determine the best size of, •
farm for his purpoSe and decidehoW
• Much machinery he needs? flow can
he. adjust Output-14).0re quiddy to.
,market demands? What is the best
way ' to. carry chit the transfer of a
farm froin father to -son?
Dr.' GilSon[poi S,:fmt that there's
no eenflict between this-approach/and
•,t,"the„.family farm." The .75 men in
the Garman project, though they run
f 20 to 60' in age and vary as,
widely in the 'scale of -their opera-
tions, all lithre farins-and no
doub-.vvish to .'keep. them so. ,The
pint that a 'Soundly based man --
agement policy eat be as profitable
for a farms fora
'shop or sboe' faetory
Can't Get Away From lie.' •
. „
J. H. :Graham,. 1957. 'mayor •<'.pt.
Goderiehy was ' an 'interested ola.'•
server at the, inaug rol. meeting
of the 1958 Town Co nen en lVforr,..
.day night,: IVIrr-Gre ann -is .leaving
the municipal, 'field after 19.,, years
•Ofservice in _vario s offices in, Col-
borne :Township ..and in Goderreh,..
Be,.spolre to' the new council for.a
few minutes and later confided -to
a . conple_ of acquaintances , that "it
isri,t -easYto drop' everything .after
19,,,, years.' Singing; lie; ;said,. '`Fil.
probal3ly 'be combig . over here -.1�i
a.• while', in • my sleep.":-- derich
Signal -Star,"
Monday by the x Stonehouseis',__ the
the river at Grand".Belld *as , '
egon Turkhelm, a Young , .
ened that
Zunch man,
and Son -.0.11S
-oftsdr, e. s aform, at riapin a,
ac- busrness manager f ,the evotions and. took arts atthher.f.
- text, "The Lbrd is the s re
L n-tbo It • s^ haPP
H is the man tif - k abinit • the
while he was a student
who recoonizeci the neecl, and 1 misS' Jessie Fraser,• o e
.A, :it_...C.1.10t,ro• church...,
- :annual rneethig of Huron'
PreSbYteral :af the .Woixteres
-siortary, Sotiety was 'held , in, St:
Andrew's" • .Presbyterien. ...Chtirch;
Clinton, Ttiesclay,;."With•,
•entativeS., present
"Gederich :and Seafortli,,,,;,•The-presi•
•rgebstrcrecfs,for mpriiing. and afte
noon' sessions;';'After,..pliening,the
was held fmr;the late
•RiSset,',Tof-:Goderich, • PaSt:' president
and treasurer of, the •..Presbyterial...
'Devotions were rendifted hyTdrs.
W. J "-Th,orapsen, .Seafth; , who'
based: them. on the '23rd2:"P.Sa1ini inores--..-rn._fact I was the wiring, •
The Lord s m shepherd
not":';want." , • ,,, 04c.. tall;.' ').3kyoth6T;, Lorne was,
$p1endii -report•Weie "vhearri 111-Y7,, toeinIffiaTe:-:Iiremeinber. the
fromy,',a11,;JheseCretariesi-ShoWing WorkmansL-years to
know ' worktnah :;v6rf, very
year's, ,Werit.." `The treasurer' s well at -Flin"ti. Hi5::, brother,. ' Rev
Port Was ,outstatiOing;.": there . being • H V Workman 1 belipteas a,
'an /increase of ..ov,•er,,$.509,,Oier last Minister at 'Seaford' .:or,.
Year",s.: 7giVingsand for the : first' ,Years. .rerherriber-,41r,,Ciegg,':the;
time sinee nnion -this ,PreSbyterial ;Kiptreirl-,Statiorir.agent, 'the 'MOJA,:
:went over •'the Anclersenth.eButts family; ,olt
..efternoonc:',,nientbers. Of ':so often wonder hoW,--
Arthrir',,,Circle of .'„GoderiCh 4ilaily-let'd-.; ,#:.11 ng,
• • ' • • There."-WaS'' the'
, •
240 Park st., ,
The lEXpositer: '
-; Dear -Sir:. ":First, , thanks 0': Mr.
Patterson', nOW. Of Toronto,''f
minding ,,irS 'Of' the,. florae SOf .,the
owner Of -the-.'-American House at
•Bnicefield. the, tight it 'burned . out..
:Yes;lt Masa. Mr. 'Bengt': •
• As to .KiPPeri, and -Harry Shaver,,,
Cliff relative:I.; of 'Mr.
klippen: 1,..recall:
'Belk;:.141cLeari;:a. pronprient 'fernier
.there„.."'.and'WhO.,-...alwaYS • Seerire:d..t.O.
be inthe lereftentef toWnshin.--,and
do,tinty 'affairs at, re, -
member` • the ; .Ceiniers Grid-.
nia'. -The coMpanY -ha's
c'ess, . road „along, , the gout river mediately to n a _
fbiaill,,It'V.-hoire-litr,ilik, bsetiiligil'atillakeanvQ:atoY' tthhee ,tnugn''ttayr_li ,1:Iteie'r ',, -Pcrilinil‘ Lend. Nf°,,r.silli,iits' ee:onirA''Igirliag7seshoorao171WhIich '''she attended last my-. dad's ,couSin, Ger'tie .Beemt ..„,
in the Ithhtie nark
A _,,elara:,anoiLwaauFi..iaepperohiacieuhhet,du,„i:ka-adgrpeehdhfitshoi A,. July at 13elleVille. There will be Well a few Years' tater, he yks--
Doh_ a training school- again this., year 'called to I the KiPperr-Presbyterian
Pinery for cons ti - of roads ,
the gilt out " of , the wafei..-Exeter 1-1nlishvv-siajahpee-r 'eight- age - tablnici;Sii,e and it is helped' that a ilePreSenta- Church as -pastor. Maelf was -ag.
ClillfOil '- News Record.-
tive maybe 'sent fro ro(-- thig - Pres.:- ,,gressive,/..„progressive .' and ' some -
clr,agline , are beingused :to take_
Times -Advocate., - ' - ...-7- - - ' b t ' ' ' ' tint' k' g p - ' 11 t
" Overcrowded •-- , •-- - , intivtry noorp,ens ',• ' • 'The Synodical will be h,eld- in some , members' of 4the. coagrega,
. . • - . Beatiy. B'roa., of i,ertia;, a -ii.rn; ' Leamington this --year, on April 15, „don. F,reeall he had- -installed an
coOtnYienrg.:e.otedirfonugs istolictebel.P,ocrjebt- tbeeti. knOwn coast-to-coast, has purebas- I ii -O,," Huronand17, . 1-nrid • 't9h5e9 , Gi:to-'d'secti6ehbelahd?elcis: Oane,:ineliYgnhet -billegwhtiolbg, a. sl-raysoteStmWrweehhieedh
Public -School ." Enroiment,, aee.Q1,*d.- -ed the Dieknow Industries factory ; extended an -invitation for it 'le a...Part, Of the church, and -serious-,
--- ---e--.---- 1 te . held in - Knox r 'Presbyterian ly -injured-the reverend. , •
lug to Principal J.- A. Gray ie from,Williant,,Renand„ of Kit hen
Port PreS-enteil "On-Tiiii.-rsdayitight;-er 'ke'eveT-Genrge"J-0-Yrit was in- church, codei.ich. ,./ .. .., _ ; But he i.eeoverek .and. sentehovc;
is- now: 427 .ptinil9s5-7 25 -Tii.mo6ree`.thin, in4.5„ ,ss.t:•unemr ',,)togantithi,114,_e_rui?..::.aofa..Plig.s.7clingvi:t.'-oabsuYseeienr__'-ftc.inh,ti„. , ,..e,.. 1:61:19r "101S
September. of .1 ..... r are,. , _ , , . Mrs. W. , Good, Blyth -_,7:11. -le ed b_eral -standar earer or -t e eg-
t,,all ,Officers .- ,' "a..feW - months later became thr
alleviate the ' situatio next Tear, transaction fin:allied. -Mr.' .-Joynt I
students enrolled in ,7raide.' 8. , To cneller ' g:-. ii,_ iStlatUre: /This Was in a .,day whet
Li - db ` f h 1
kindergarteri classes /to the school r property
,efeire_luosv..ievre tlwisotinygeagt. 1-mittee" and Mrs D. 3.- Lane, n -I it Vv.4sn't,/quite the thing', fgr "men
ton, installed the officers ter L1958 of the cloth '.' to run for public of --
the board is -,:plabning to shift the thhatss- 1,-_phraod;e
as follows: past presideat, „NIrs. fice-1 -iii/ fact, most preachers a.
auditorium in erder/ to have .the- Poring ,' that: time he - has been D.: - Glenn- Carnpbelt, SeafOrth• tha;tim'e ver definitely refrained
h k ction towards get -I
lia'ghlidhts of the train- tun' of the ceattlrY,
extra classreem for ether grades.
-4Clinton.News-TocOrd--.. ,
• 1,090-,lifleu, „ • ,
• About . a -men Men .4rom the"
Congregations: ef . United ',ChurChes
in -Huron; _Fertk. Bruce, werifog-.
totrand-Grey attended, a mass ,rally
on", Sunday 'afternobn . in the .
toriutp 7,Of the,. ,Wingliam District
High .:Schbol. of
Belgrate,, was Master, of :Cerentiott-
ies' for. , the gy. preseritatieffef :the
gathering.' -at ifive_.:7-o.',cleek.:;--,',Ijoyd
Hutton': of' Kincardine..: and former
Wititharia7:.7man, :outlined 'a spe, cial
anneal: campaign: which,- seeks,
furidS. from Unite& Church. MeM-
bers.4Wittgliam Advarice-Times.
' ., • . 1'. • '
bout the ing and his, wind-up:
'Alright. then! - One hundred „idol-
larS.1 am bid; first, "-second' (hesi-
'tate);-third, and ^ last' .eall. at on&
hunslyerl,dollars. -Are' ypu " . all,
done?". ' • (His . thundering-
could- be beard a . half- a
Waif -warriiiig tii• . all/',. he wauld.-
„Shout„hisplereing,'eyea'-glaneing in.
'every clirection-."-``Sold -tir"that'inan,":
:with the felt hat and
when Alb ..w,ere`: brought.-
Orrt-'16' the ring, - lie would. Warn, ,
sharply,!f ."Now : You.. froWtegged .
felloVis;" keep your - knees •..tog'etb-; .
et;" •itil be , Mier . in '4a ' evib. ,miri---.
lieeters,''' 'gilreqat.vv-'caitsizean garnedatneaiugeironr: ''
a good businessman: 1 came t;0.-
knoW him very', very well in later
' remem-
ber,. a Sunday Morning service " at
the. Presbyterian Chnrcli When,. the '
•lev.", J...,, Simpson, .-Ceeil.,SiniP-:
son's esteemed father, was pastor,
d When- the -geed minist'sr was'
bearing down with all,bis "alight •;_,
on the evilS of strong,-dririk, a Cer-
tain stalwart .'imember, when , ha
thnught he had stood it • hing'...en,----
()ugh rose and .intertfiPted: "Jost
a! tlainute; 1\1/;. Simpson! The Bible
tells -tis that Timothy took a little,'
wine - for his • stomach's • sake; ,
Idyoersen.; tli ie. tic , , oAri. ::!,„ stihte:dpoas„s,to a. andsia ,,,,,e,i :-
..), , , ..
cal.; .Mr. S� -and -So; we're ;no( .„
talking ' about i TimethY,-.....nor,Pstorn-:
,ach trouble' ("pdher, :just 'now,'
Unele Jae 4V1eQuen aug ing sr:-
lold me of- this inci.dent one time,.
but 'again nir memory is tricky,„:,
perhaps C'eei will re -member the
name , I have lost. ,•-
• - - Very sincerely, .'
,TIM ONE -1L •
P.S.--=-I have • received letterA
from the BrucefieldHensall '. area I.7--
askin.g if we, in the 'United -States",: .,
fear a raid by Rifssia. NC, .-,i,v,e do.
not! • We are hurt; our pricie is
burt; the wound -.1s -deep.-- ),\. e, -ria• - --
-five and naturalized, are ,a proud.,
people. _Blundering somewhere has,
jeft us blushing before a world
that looked , to its for leadership.
We must rerriember; however, that,
.. . , .
working persistently and follow-
ing up every lead in an effort' to President, 1Virs. ScOtt,,/ Sea- fro 'any Political discussion what for Russia to be _akead of us sci.
-fiorth; first tice=president AIiss E soever.I A§ r recall it, Mack
,made entifically doesfift , Mean they are
sell/ the property' ,for Mr.. Rerialid-
and .get the "wheels ofmndustry".
rolling again --in thisplant which
has .neen idle. for -about ten , years
1948..Established when this
Village was tillin its infancy,'a
a furnithre ,factory, rwaidWerki g
is Still to he its.-putpose..ea
BrositaAie an extensive' - woo' en
ladder business,-;and.`the
ture;of':.t.liesegaddpis."4and• Oent 'al-
ly-_dtber-,::::-.Wleod-'7:prOductg-,,-,7 be7
conducted the LiieknoW u ant .
Their -"complete putpurbf..116_ derS.
for •:the ICanada-vvicie:ntarketr 'Wlll.:
be manufactured here .-7:-.Lucknow
-Sentinel: .
'Front The, Wien. gxPesittOir
, .
- ,lainiarY....,,A,p33, •
41••••wariiertott.,. bbs
is,eeAitki$ ',week, appointed; 'operator
at the negeitt•,..Theatre. it had
Apritrerly,! been. tbe:'Custoin,..ticbring
an operater;fierefroin either
trek. IttarYS':: Mr...Fru* is
staying:,'m the, ,
the liOnie..;„etenornieS"'"short. keurse",
for 'pgio .County, which oPerfs,at
,SParata"'On'',February„-1...-...MiSk Me
Kerelter graduate o1 -the Oa",
416-Agricultura1: College,'• and,
aitiatighter Of. Mr., atid Mrs.. Fin--
Orclier, '
,Jaines '.B.aliantjrne, reeve .of'
Usborke,ltownsliip, who . this. week
was eleeted" Warden 'of ,•,.1-1iiron:
County,: rs• .6,ProinerOus fanner:Of
hitownship,. and 'has - serted.,on
board-feir 1.0':yeara.
Hehas heeti reeve Of 'the:township
fon Six., years; ,1-11a-farM -consists, of,
aid he •-specializes in,
pute.bred,:cattle. • , •
, .
•:Miss fna 'Gray,- • Vginonclidlie,'
Spent- the. week Toronto atterid-,.
ing the, hairdresser?' .convention. •
- Avery enecesaftil, "bridge Party.
le;' aid 'of the Se eforth Ladies' BOW1-
jug:Pink, was held at the.,Fortie df,
;Mrs.' E,•._;_; oniViedneSday.
'e,Vening, "Vorty ladies_ Were pres-
ent and the Prize Was,Worp
Q: Si11st'Those assisting Mrs;
Close Were IVIrs,r•Sanies DevereatM,
:Mrs. John "Huggard and Miss Mitt-
*. Dorsey,' • ,
• A 'euchre,- held iii-Sedforth, LOL
Hall. on Vitechiesday, .Was:, well 'at-
tended,. ',so.- priZes Were won. by,
' G. "Parkei., ladieStArst;
.Mrs'. A:. W. Diiniop gent's" firstand
Jelin Montgomery, lone hands.)
• . .
• ;• '
Tbau, 98, o hitr
• On Wednesday afternoon. Mr.. P.,
L.. met -with an
accident Whith might • have, prOted.
Serious., Ile was in a double sleigh
'with Y. .1VieLean; in front,
01 gt.Wilson's offiee,
the -dtaSti'.1iOrseT"fieloriging to the,
SMortllj1ijpg Co, Wilich *as
away,, arriiind the:
.corner and--jittnPed.
W1liU;i0.$:, knocked:put, anct4A-
falling ,ert the iceirad. his " .ghoUlder
injured, .bitt ferttinatelY, no '.j13.(mes
were-1201E0n; ' -
The frusteeS.'..of' 'Seaforth Separ-
ate SchoO11iave.-.4ppointed:Mr. • JaS.
Rilloralii4a, MeMber of :the -Sea,-
forth;Collegliate?f.gfilitte,,board". ,
Mr,;:zr Archibald,, of the guit,
On Read' ast„.. in 'supplYine " the
reStatir.ants with' vote lee frOm his
quarry en Silver Creek Farm.
...Of: Walton%
has been, ,taken'',the..Stand,
OalVert,,,•the•:.toUrtedus and
Obliging Manager Ofitite'.'4OvereigA
Bniik,:1-,niay .1)e retained:: by '"thStandard o
Mt reeently• 'sold
InterThpiesetirrtg_on ..iptooternss'igtloeraned orn
and „ years 5, 50"
p •Very fine young :Shorthorn" brill,
14 nionths tO. Harry Stone,
Man. of Hibbert. This .animal took
second priie at: Seafortli last;144
and iecoid at: Exeter; where
beat the first.prize calf' at „Toron,-.
Mr. Williain../ffillson, of ..Cleve-
land, Ohio, Was the guest Over SIM -
day, of Mr, and Mrs. jaines Hays,
Goilerich St. Mr. Millson is an
old ,Constance boy, ,but fora num-
ber, of years lias been a resident
of Cleveland. •
Friuli The Huron Expositor
Janitary 26, „
Last fndey ,a --young man named
Douglas,' in the einploy of . Mr. D.
D. Wilson, Seaforth, Met with a
sOrnewhat bad accident ,He had
just: fed one of th&mules its' oats,
and when coming out pc4 the stall
the:animal kicked him pn.the side,
'knocking him. down, Before -,he
&Mid .get.'" out "Of the WaY; it again.
kicked- and Struck him on the tem-•
:Fortunately, Mr. --John' Nab was *as standing, near at'the 4ine
atitt he was able to pull the man
out of reach ofzthe vicious- brute,
else he might 'haye •heed
. .
Mr. William DaWson; . of this
town; wen.' the five -mile skating
-iabe iii-Londen-by` nine , ,
1VIessrs. Robert and. William
Amos, sons of Mr. .Thomas Amos,'
a the 12th condessien' of Iltillett,
laSt week cut on the, firm of Mr,
John B. Hendersen, Road:,
Tuckersreith„ ene cord' of short
wOod in 19 minutes:. ,he wood was
sawti with a crosscut saw.
The town, cleek was frozen stiff.
-for. ."seVeralf (10S-duriiros-the late,
131izzard.. • • _
Mr. AleX: Watt, Sr., whoisone
of the 'pioneer settlers. of „Itullett,
and a much • esteemed. resident,
having sold his farint lias prirelias-
ed a eornfortable residence aticl•17
acres of -land hear Clinton; and in-
tends removing there about the
,first pLApril. . ,
IVIaleolm Smithflias Purthas-
ed the 'farnt of .Mt, Archibald Gal-
braith, being lot 8, ori theMb
concession, of Stanley, having paid
a gorid figure for it, -Mr. Smith"
now owns -300 acres in onebloCk,
arid;has. as :fine a farm ai.there
is in the comply. •
' eliOSPITAL A. Irk
'-"The regular" meethig'bf :the nos,
pital Awdhary,was held' in the
Moses' residenCe' presi-
dent, Mrs.,. 11. Whyte, in charge.
The' first baby bern this year was
a .41aitgliter to Mr. and IVIrs. G.11.
Arthur,. Bit, 3, Clinteri, and receiv-
edthe silver baby niug pfeSent,ed
by the mixillary. -
•-Flans were made forthe t ',aunal
giughani dance, which. is to be
held Pebrnary 't in the :Commun-
ity Centre. • Lunch Was served bY
the :committee of Mrs,-Molton, Mrs.
Thompson, Mts. Larmie and
, ,
s. ,T. PatIerson.
-- Serherville'., Gectericlt;. :-.sec-ond
vice-preSidetif; .-7,1i/ItS". , :Harold 'Rit-;
ers,-.Goderich;, third vice-president,
'miss ,,:N...,m,.. -Tow.; B1sqh;],..r.09r:chog Cr tqrs74"..,.-...1.V1is-,',fle.11e "J 0a.inpbelh-.
:Seaffirth;treasiirer;' Mrs! -.:4J.• ;I:k:.
gecetiii.eil;'.:'0-ederieh ,secretary
foe =Senifir ",AnxiliarieS,;MrS.''f :: W.
Sliartreed;..' Walton;_", ;secretary for
Young • Wornen,S;...antl.': awe., Organ-
frizatiOns., -Ars, L.W.:., : Braelheck..Au,k
laiiiii; ,sectetary, '.-for, /.,0hildiren',0-'
GrOuffs,:,,. Mrs:, ' W. .,G-Opd,' /, Blyth;
-Horne: Helpers..:Seeretary4., Mrs: .1-.-':,
ROsi„...Atibtirn;-• WeleiS e , end ,-Wel.
fare".Seeretary,. Mrs. 3. '0Igelitir:-
nejr,, - BelgraVe;;".:, :sun') y •"/SecretairY,-
1'4s. B. :„"g414.4to,,,.,••Heitsall;: -Glad
Idi1fia.,,ge-crOtaryis/Irs.'0... d-',.) ..An-
derson.37-,Whigliant; -historian"; -Mrs.
A. „Tayler;-.Goderielt; -., life": inetrib er-.
Ship. ,Seeretarn: NIES: . Di '..',34..• Latie;,
0litito-fif literature' Aila iibrAFy::ge;
retaii; I'MrS,„,13,ohett..Wilsan.,. Godez,
rieli:::.;,13reas.':seetetary',-,.. MrS.'--K.-
Sharp,": Seafor4: ,,, - ' -7,
, ',Mks': "Clayton Edward, .. of .:9ode-.
rick, sang. a, beautiful sap; '‘.p.w...
}lath .Not.prehilseA.- : She _was ac","..
erbOarded,' 'by: .; *":11/I
s -'. '-Agi-feW;I.
Pianist -for 'ther'ineeting. , ''..,' • .
•-'-'•her•-•-.-clos•ing-,..,.4relna.rka'...,,,, t,
president rernirided. the' ;Meridiem -
Of the,,greathesS,of -tbeir;,,tasky and'.
the7ufgeficy.,:d. theAlnies:',•;„'"LetliS",
rementbet 'thatiwt.lare'. not alone,.
but .eriminit, orirseiVe,S: to. God, con-".
fident :that: He is working among
Us ,,rxiore...WiselY, alid:,*.(Te ,povietH.
fillik' 'we -onclerStanti------"....-4...,....
- Voice- on -the telephone: “apik.
Mise Jones. 4olinny Smith winitt
be :at school today. He's 'feel-
ing '
Teacher: js; this?" '
Voice on telephone: ...``Wbat do
you Mean 'Who' is this?' This is
my pop daddy,'
a gOtich,raee,,torlit__...he wa,s a pow, ready.: to ''externileate ,us by :anY.'
erftd pplic . sp,eker .".-- - bat' th,:-. meanS.-we have as Russia knOws,, 7 ,
hartisi:, thereafter,,, went to °Wen. gi:6,u,:ir,ltrgirr'l*a;.:tife:pyk''7.)fijetr;,cfs-q.11:9st'e-"aji-tit-,Y
.` elkht of -..his, -"clerical Collar .-, poWerfin bases -a-jonnct. :the _world
aat'se.:),agHaeinrsetihginia,d'„aftriodia.htheisincitiirtolfe: tettd,,ft: would: be InipOssible for her
1':),rt al;ivUidei). c; 1 ii:Sasi cileagrdei:onio'stf:ilny:iotstiterinr:.....rli.,ea'e5Ts:;:4Srt;;;;;!-Mi.‘;a:s:: .xvklipti:::Q6::W;vvj',1:1it:.,°eo..a::erhre:tr:a:rn:-t'Waiho°oliyts..atL,et'tClih;:iVet13:a, ti4si'Pl.aeiiiiii:.1'aai,_ icl'u-i07:,lec9,6;bou:aril-unlIdtt:;;:':„:::
ilife.:instirance cOiiinanY.:..4 heliev
' ,Naw;;',:back ' to . Brueefield...:,..HoW, --elieiyptio f fom ' miehigan ' to. -
inany.--,,:reine,mber that' greatest of fOrnia wantS'aetion -WaShingtOrr, •
all....ChitiStelas Parties put on by ahd *eta ietit. How, this session_
'Yv-a's.:-'1"i*IP'al a. '711fe,•..,Congress.tVilt --•
,of. SS No. 10. Stanley? , I was quite tun'th -white House for a change.
young then. a,nd really- I rereem-: T., .„
bet, only one ViVidly, who took part '
in th t 'prog ram ,it was Goldie
; I rernejober -COrrect.
ly,Greldie Wag' 7b..dolice officer in "
btak: -,,sienis to me•-:" that,
Jint-Foote, rBeterly." (Bay) Ketchen,
no 4-calgel'..:.'Students; •:„ had ;,,in
The: affair 'began in .the -aftet:
tioOrf.'and ,On.. into the-night.
:lt .yvas Bill Baird Whe :was, pruier,;
Par"WaStetlIt?., Cr, Albert,.
*ennead?. :°.ISret it strange 'that,
a -persdn'rs ;fiienioryTdoeSn't seem
,tol'slin.PrOVe _rather
goes' the- other. way?.. axe ginte,
.,sureMigs:Jean Mustard:was,,teaeh-.
'ex. in the. junior room at the iffne:
Alt this 'brings to mind Bill •Nt&'
Leod, Of -Seafortlii Nato frequently
.Carne Over to truceffelcl to sing his
comic songs. costtime. He Was
;a_main,,...attreetioni• 41,W4YS., at the
!village ball. • fee was- A,
SOniehow; he found 'he-
.Cotild earn'
triple'lee. Port '"Huron, andl
.efeitbddr• *as- so:kW-to see him
.leaVelor :the Stateg.'".
1,,remeinber 'Tom Brown, -a sea-
ioith;the leading ; attetione er ef. his -
time. • 116* wailI terneinner Tom„)
: a - horse."-- Always on
his; .te_eS; as' :he stepped smartly
• : - • • ".." ,., • • • -
• Degi.Si.tiT'Cuvbehalf Hos- -.
pitai,bir "•:st4,..•"01.1,ildrea
ttlany patientS;4 *iSh'
;MoSt ,sincerely• for the
'given usduring our,reeent,
The , :Hospital for Sick'. Children
has 4vti:ays cOxiductea'its own pro
-Of ont#J0 arid, beyond.• •
This' year the'reSpOnSelasi:agai.n,,
laity •a-Slist-ft thenuthber of '
pated •'arid• indeed- tire. ,nurdber:....of",;:
,donOrS ,increased &ring ,,,the year
.1957•.bt.4gHper eetit-over1956. No..
all' these alga7offeni,----:,-
gt• ei."'"O"-ti',"•;t1t-"
•,inas Appeal' is enclosed. • We hope
+hat 4e may again,rook fneWard-
to your lielx.F.:*.future appeals. •
With very-!Thof,thanks..
' yours ,sincerely,..!-, ,
. GhlirMan Rci,aid of Trustees....
Music by
I�n WiIbee and His Mo
pace contributed the
ser-viee of thisT•tOinmunity,,,
by 'efo.lin Labatt line
1.00 per Person
tudents, 75 Cents