HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-17, Page 8• •• ,ozst -parosrron,. SEAS:MTH • 7, .1956 winumuumniuiptinnOmmin Sliec'tallie in - • 11 Uiies of It4SURANCE ,QOMPOSITE •DWEIJANG FOLICyr„. ffers Ai1fire anchliabilitY, cov age at, 10%-be1Ow rggidar rates to ome owns.. , ' For full..orrna&iiit- ATSON & REID A. REID - Proprietor GOMM; 'IASUPaUre Plione 214- . SeafOrth • . gents:, _ r .BEID JOHN A. CARDNO Wil111,1111101l1111111g111111t1111111!Ili1i ." -, • leafOrtkPreliertie' , , •--Flit SALE- " Three-bedroom ultra Moderd Briek, Dwelling, North Main St. Every etinvenience, inclading_hot water beating.. Oil fired. Worth in, vestigatink: :•PractiballY Dwelling,..West Wffiim T.St...'Mer.V, -ern. • Ineery, .. respect.... Radiant, -"beating. Priced' -right "let ;quick • -sale.' • - ' ••. . -Two-Sterei Frarne St. Recently remeclelle.d. All mode.rnConveniences_ .Cen,..r4. Y. Ideated, and • pried .right, • • . „Large,. Two, •- Sterey. :•;OolintrY' -iltiriae. one Mile West of Stafprth, • G4iod ..investinetit...7.as•'..incilifie :pre- • perty.' Worth' "infestigating. • • . „ ..StereY and lial0Fraine• ;West 'St. • Ideal reixtodelllng Priced right.. . Fqr 'Information CONTACT , REID Real Estate andinsittartee PRONE SE/WORTH •:,Other. Properties •Also Listed' hurch7:,Notites' , , .Cliarger-Seryieek", at Duff's 0, 19, am, ethe1 1130, Onvan-, .11,,rie;-tOtern •Sthkiclard Tine, • "First Presbyterian 'Ehtirch,--,Rey J. 14auei,C1inton :Out--; Jitterun, Moerator 10 ajii Chu h $elic94 i.'aw., Morning Ser,vice; Music by the :male luartette 4 Organist d Choir. Leader. eaper KenaliSteri• "-PeiiteCOSItai-:.`"Tabeitiaele., "day, . Bjble Stndy." and "PraYe4,,T'llitrsday13,•p.xn,• Y.F 3,, Suoday: 10. am.; SitridaY.-Seligol; , Morning ,,,WorShip aiid Evangelistie Service Rev: H. • Kendrick,.Pas. - St." 'Thema:W. ghcan' .upureh.-- MOrnin.g.: lerayer, sotig,':4;31t pxn. IFIoly C,ctinniunicni the:fire* -Stinday,:i-Of,,thel'inerith,,..at anif,' and the third Stinday of dbrg' Month. at Sunday, Scheel' eTery..,SiinclaY merning,Attt14.0 TL• i, . „ . ••,,Northsid.e, ,Iliiited W, AO. Church Scheel and 'Achilt Bible Class; .11 •Merning Wershipser-inefi; Greatras,..the• Fed•LetaiP?" Nursery '..teckliers;•>•, junior • congregation;_ P.M.,. The first.,M•aneiy"' type of EVening Ser -vice .to. be .known as •"Eitde.I.riewledge, College Bring Yeur Rible . and' O. friend; -"8,A5',.P.mi, Nortgide'Vouth.Fellnwahl.P.'- United, J. Semple, .;Mifiister --11." :in„i .What, Church 1)o, '..y-6-4.,,Belong?",;" ' "M• -0ViSit, :TO ,a.',Trappist .MonaStery"`•; 1.11 am Church Seliool 'AndClans „ . 11 atm,Nursery Claas, 11 30 Jwuor •Church. .PridaY,4akk-•••,..4,'• goitre- • gatien.al .-supPer„);...thediorhin'tingLePinjnit,, tee SiuidaY •night, 814 -Young Ri 1:' • : ,••• WINTHROP The annual meeting �f. .Cavan United. Church -Will. be• held in the bakeinent Of • thevehurch',-Thursday' eVerning, 7ari;:46,;"-at &deck. A pot -hick supper PreCeed, the •meeting, azd eyeryOne is weledine •to's ,attencl. . SALE • '50 Acres in Hullett; no buildings. Apply to Nti SMOKE NO: ODOR • ^ THEM - CHIEF i!triNG Ott T Mr.titlAN** & , '13ROADFOOT Bits. Phone 6864— Res. 3374 PARCEL Alt PBONESr.0•••676 67: DUNDAS .. pherneion Stove and Furnace 00. DUNDAS & LONEY Plinne 573 or 138 CHEC1i, TIIESE ..Prices GOod January 16 - LO ARGARINE AN.CAMP'Si IMPROVED ANS with PORK PI<Ga TINS Autp B'RAND CM. QUAI4TY "---:. i 'TOMATO S. LARGE 28-0Z, TrN PURE VEOETABLE .1CRIS CO TiOy's pAANUT BUTTER oz. Tin: -: 31e snortmor.. - $109 , TaTol ;Economical. , Swift' s Tempt DAINTY DOG-. 1-rh, Pk .17e 3 15 -oz . tins 25o . . . ST FOR DASIRS — COOKING' TOOT - NATION MILK Large Tins iltrAPLE'LEAE EA* Ct. 'PER • • ,CKEYESALM C • 'r-----OArdertVatelit---C-Itolee- MitChells —Yitan-einii 'KERNEL 'CORN - -APPLE-ILIKE 142.6-z.-Irins 31a Large -48-oi, Till , 206 , Ayither... Fancy - - White Cross ReehiVe, Gotten CRUSFIED TOILET- • ' ' :CORN PINEAPPLE ,,'.r'' l'ISS ,B.YRITP ,f)oi. Tin 25c 3 Lge.Rolis',3Pe 2-1b. lin • -'31e, ‘ 'ClIEERY MORN' COPFklE ' n4sTivcr FrtusD k arge 4,0z, Japt• One-Petind 15e Off Jar" ;.., ..... .., . , „ Jag ILI) DUTOI CLRANSER-13e.aetins...., _.. .... _.... 1.4-oz4inS 23e . ' t , E iiS; ItEI*IRD 441-1tVg&r--kkga 3 Beres --,...;.. ... . . :._ ;9&' OUR, 'UNITED BUYERS'STOR, ' , ILL ENFORCE TWO-HOUR PARKING ils:FWS ottwALTN (,c9r(tinned4rdrii "pagel) • • ,.!tisafor -on duty-- bid 'nci. true .Pictgre-"•,-of the, CoSts',. of , this onuld. he • obtained until'. afuhI rnontlk. had, Illeen,"-pirt: in by the •I:ievit fore. • " • there anYi....-'7distingnialaing, rnarks on • the "cars?" . asked Cenci- cillor Brady. • • • ••• • g,:,0%4-tdt: Whe was , :present, ;•.,,,,R.eeite • • Sco'his said , imne "was neeessary„ Dr, ady,-,,:tpweVer,Xfelt that that WasiVt'4,the if "Chasing sneed, era;„ :Mush. have ' flaSlier to- stop thein'Aie • Said " • - Chiefhardt told..coundil that he had. purchased a flasher. and; eciuipticid or red • flash, ing • .":When 'asked by. the mayor, if he.' had :.a report, the "neW..claiet, that: -.there. ..*asnothing to - report fOr••-the•-„fe,,i7if",.daY',Sr'tlief-,:had been "en ditty, but that he had,' a' few requests Nvhieli ...the..-bact 'work -1 ed out with his corintable"; George! 'Martin- .•• -•••:. • . .'ittequeStS, P'ensiti• n "-""if air ••• ReeonimendationS-. 'Were • for Pension plan and Ca.r...inSurance_ was s1so. .disussed. lij'the.Chief.' R.Cause"-- of, the of cars as police cruisers, the iii., shrance rates"' would be consider- ably higher.He a'sked emirieil"•to; consider paying the difference in - rate between:„, personal • ear, and, cruiser,-, as there waS. 1WaY,§.th.e poSaibilit!.2::. of :,n 'lawust if an -ac 'elderit occurred "'while ; ".the• "ears • were used as..•cruisers; . The •Chief .also -reeinesteCsirenn:, for the."' cars. He . had piireliased'' one in Clinton. althpligh. ne* ()ilea are -advertised.::for $57,80, . He . tlidught he could 'obtain" an- otht ."oll'O'Ior--about $15:"We aie "Icertairily :riot :40ing to '‘ be' ,extrava- gant with Cpuneirs- nahney," Chief Erhardt Chtittntied.' • and:fire route :parking fOr ilise48ion; when the asked'"wlietlier .shOtild• :enforce these„,, A request: ;Was"',7.-alSci,""ntade-"for';:ftiVe-'•-reSerVed,-, '...1").40-'41*.:isign.s lir:front of the:police, •-.,effic.e, atw.O. "Cars: are. tieing dsed 'fire ..route : signs. h4ve:'b:eeir pinc "ezl'on-Goulnieck Street on. the berth :side , 'Parked: [t. his :area Saturday :afternoon., -Also ''dinting„.i„--,yeeent, fire • . a ,"Slight- accident:had, .hCeiirredin this Area:: by-Ia..coVer area, 'Mayor •:"CliriStle, the.: :Chief. -" • 'There .alSO,i'S .a hylavv4Or:.enforc. tWO-hour., parking -On Main •St, the""Chief:, wan ,-toti.i.;:hOtre,i7ei, Clerk Wslsoniiitfornted..,,Cauttell,thatc:Pro-• Pei signs :had. -tO,,-.156-,,erected.hefore thiSediild be 'enforced.' eriferee-it, yon •,watit,"71t Should Enforce 2-Houri Parking, lign"t"-etiforeed;: .Councillor Rivers, ;Parking the -nearest ',-ScillitiOn'te- the parking problem Without Petting' in • irieters,'„ Reeve'. 8:cell's; reminisced : The by ` law Was sed by: in Whdie and•Shou1tt. -be:',,,a,elhered. to. Signs are .posted ; • concluded the reeve Signs.' are ,there; hut aro "net. ConspicitO,iistney".zake- not the prof- per- simis.',:.,Mt,Habldrk, felt' cillor'-'33ra(*-",agreed that, there: shu1d•prigns. .' Councillor; all didn't agree With the byIWfeling that '"It nneful",,on. Saturdays;, ,but. notduring the ,Week,"'".• NeW •mtoi en.-' the :the bylaW'•waS- adhered-. ton ,:v.ery well. for a few fro*. the tliants,';the":Mani,..offender-S;-Vere agaiir barking" .qp.",".the Street ;What .there is. lcitn,.%'of,..'sPaCe akiailable'lild'a,carii,S parked 0-116,I7. twbhours?, S'ked-7,M1r. Balk.,WOOld they stilt' be finedcYea rePlied, Mr, RiVers,TheY ,•wpgld anywhere else, ,Agreed !Mr, Must. use ,.• • , MerchantsCause 'Problem-. ." .The,-paricing-"Sittiation would. be V ouldleey their own' -ears the, streets, CpnficillOr Ball,'"•-,thOught, ": Many- farthere orne in,iie chritfriUed,'''and: May . Want to, de"' bitaineSS 'for More than ,tw.o hours. ''Thek-0Ould•:.riark, side. 'streets, said....Reeve Sc• oins ; bleek'ie ",the main street. . ..• , 'Less " than One • tiCket as month wOnld be issued ±0:Shoppers, if en, forced. •tliey6',would:',rriestlY .•be: -"to therchants.,, .WaS ,:•the �pitliotr -of Centiciller aaidWirt: We're not eon ceriled, 'With ,- the, ..merehants„:.get, tint•ticketS;:•• was 'Ball's': opinier,..,as lorig a 'Shoppers didft get; •-,", too many.• .`!We need moreproritnentSigris,', DratlY -injected. .. • he bylaW .liaa'been Made' . the reeve: told: the #01..tp: rhe lflgh- way'rUic Act States that -it 'can he:. enforced ,proper signs: are poSteet •.;•-•• • • "We. need .` -the .oider theni,". reiterated Councillor Brady. HAIRS TABLES DONATED TO DUFF S ..chief.--ErhardfAsked wilgt hours - FOR UStIN StII41)AY, SCHOOL -ROOM it wauld 'be in effeet, aigl the reeve said the , bylaw stated 9 a.m.,/to 6 pin., week -days; till 10.,..p2n.,- on „ , - . • , • SaturclaYs. The higblign,t of the Sunday lie minutes of the last Meeting - With the hour creePingor May- School meeting- at Dnff s United Brenda 110).istOn was 'appointed to or Christie asked the.,,Police corn- Church on- Sunday amranig was pla, the Pam for the next 'meet- inittee to net with the police the acceptance d' gifts made to ng. Ivembers brought their an-, bine and discuss these Matters the Sunday School, by Miss Tillie nual fees. The_meeting was dos.' and bring citt recomMendations to piirg:g NlitaWkieYr 7.42,arkoth°eitr,,Y''mrriP 51°vOng. cuedetboiin rienpoantiins.ogn.t'lle TtIizoali bene the next meeting. The ..'striking eoniniitteerS' 'report, 'presented, at th4'.1riorairtg, meet- ing .*a ," •• • Arrears' • „Reportuig on • inances,', the -Clerk -reported -Current tax;',. "arrearS at • $115t266:437-',.'• The arreats • ,prier 165't 'total $19,60928: Opp°, 'thOre thanl.as't •Year: ".• • -a-Tfax , sale ' every.'• year- and ',AIMS clean tipall taxes..oVer three -,years. in :arrears 'Tne :tax sale this ' --Year was suceessfid UP' ta- clue t1.0,54,2"With:$17,08502- nig' collected heicire • the.-Sale,.,*as held,.thuS.,eliniitiating„the,:_need for the Sale" .-These :have been , ,ttiriiedinto SUrPMS. I", • • • "." „: 1Vlayer-."ChriStie felt :•:that .- ne- t -ices' w,,,ere." Sent'. but occasionally with ,the • tax" 'eolleetor,'Enreld Ma- loney, instead el.:through the.,,Mads, it Might induce.,pepple, to: pay up The Matter " was left to th finance eornmittee,• , ;hy'la,W,. -WaS pasSed authorizing ' „ the ..sigoing of • cheques ..:by • the. treasifter: • and,. the 'unlayor,2:-Or., the en akin Of,the 'finance .60MM:it:tee. PaYment was ''-'aiso•; okayed to the retfirbingOffiters„.. landlords,' Who-wOrkei. the -."election ; Pay- ment $10- as lireA,IpUS years • • .• _„Paybient forsuha MintiOnsf to, the Municipal World Was •''alsO:', anther- • " . 1).:facHonald 'and , C aoweliffe: :were :appeinted, toe: Ahe community 'Centre:- COmuuttee,Abit p-e'riOd-Lorene yeat,•-',Mr '11.yfaCtintv-, .ald•;tk.kes,, the: ., a' -riremberof A Monthly stateinent,,,:an&.stafe .Uisent. da,te by eon cernirig.the Centre, p4; 'prelsentech Chtmeillof. ,causect-egnSiderable-iargninent eeuncil'endirig „..ever : :an 'before conneih 'decided, to,-,turn:the .niatter'eVey,:te ,thefipanc 'Comniittee'-fot-theg--- . leetint-,of-fintber.inferMation'' and a ;:ninre sPedial.:Meeting' May..have„:..to be Ma tter as :the .apparent'.aecennta...paYable :will have :to "be • eleare,thup„ im Medi, asking,for.. - DOUBTAIIRENDER Seatortli- Arena conimeneing' at 7:30 On. &MATE, ORD AR-Stai Bantaing ntaii C, and' SIVATFORD All-Star Midget ato h • v.S.. ' SEAVORTII Midgets inigi• The Midgets' have never bOdti a -rePoli on their findings to 'the •eJef'llifibraAr!, 1111cla 07r , Be. o uPn. eelliirrit- beaten -pia* tills yeart; The poir,tiAry meeting. Presentatives CornrilunitSr Cen., ganie$ AOnld be -,Tat thtiffers' stole, satarte.%. trt130avav Dr. A. S. Black, to Scott '• • employees and repres- Memorial llospitarBoard, y • entativeS were npPointed witty tev- adjourne.,d at 1215 alp . : . • --A-letter-was- rea- fiom Nelson lardno;re the •i,refit :der :tlie.,,,.cleck -Which, for srane. time:has', been:440.: •Cardrio • reoneated,an., increase •as had fennVit,,necesSary....to'f,nicreaSe'.'",all rentals reeerit YearS: becatiSe nf. 'higher ta.XeS.--Ee' had .LaPProaelie'd nenineil.beir`the- end.of 1057_ ter, the: highetz...ampUtit; but $.10,.'..',.,-beeause-- of the laterieSS.;,:-::;:'''," • jt Was pointed -Mit: • to 'chub:ell; •thwhen thelock beenstop. ped, a' number„ Of ..Years,•' ago,” pepPle in.,:the West end.' had Tpqu'eterIAlck4, It. he kept ' ' ' 'coneensus . OE Chuncif, Was," --that the eleek Was • 'a .historic , landmark.' ``),T,On't .affect -.too. many if ,'it's , stopped," ' said oncffl�r ' "11" we .paY.J„Wenty wo,uld.raise oi.4: taxes 'another ini1171 was. the feeling;dfco"uneillor Turn- buL tine to cut. down. di „ .eXpenses,".: • '.• • „ krady agreed' thatit was :the.; tirnete. Carve 'down expenSeS•"11e. doubted if 20 beople loblced' at' it in a- day: Mr. -Ilabkirk.' 'felt. "neither clock wasvery reliable/ ,ggr8od if;tey. Wantechltre' crock, thek Won* '-trave.; to Pay2a, fair ..ra te, .ralsed to" niayke: $75. -bite. rat - vote._ 'of the group; faVered the ' continuance "of paYinent .of this • rent Neverli a Vine' belonged, .sineiriber-• Ship, in the , Ontario. pupa • Reads As•sociation Caine for :'•cliSeus.,: ibn..'Altliebgh :layered '. by.. •,-the reeve,' &nil:killers felt. tliet • the'$15 as •lant':a."dqvYn...payinerit;,'AS",,e*-' poises had. tehe •:Jaiic-fer,delegateS to.' attend the "Oenvention; They- felt, little -Could h'e' gained,'af the preS, exit lime -hy pining; :eithraigli'Reeve • Scohis reminded, -them • that over 50 per 'cent oteXpenses waS �n fhe mileS cif.streetS-intketeWn,-; Pile Itosintal Request, A request ' /rent Scott Memorial irospital for consideration of :6-1e.• tenng the sewage System th take care of sewage. problems .at the hospital,. was greiented. WriUi ort behalf -of -the...boord;„Secretaif Lloyd Hoggarth. said..tliat plans for a new laundry had been4elayeci, becatiseof-no method of *getting -rid of the vvater.. , . The letter was filed "until -the tiew.,sewage conanittee bad time to investigate the matter and 're- port t� cOuncil," ' A motion .was, passed to" apply for the statutory grant under the, Highways Improvement Act, The monerhorrowing bylaw waS• Mg) passe& giving authority" to borrow up :to $100,000 to Meet current ex, George Ourant,CollingWOod. • pulses .until taxes are eolleetpd., • . • Tax prepayment plan Was "ills- era additiOnal . pay cosed, and,it was_founcithat About. . • Those named and ,salaries 'were: Wilson, relief officer, eler-k, treasurer; .$3,009;. -W. E..- Southgate, a ssesser,' $900 (kkinrease),;.'"-3-- .r, Scott, fire brigade chief, $306;,' Har - ham Dundas.': , - " The 'minister,. on behalf . of 'Miss The.;Jannary kneeling .of -the MC. - Dundas, Made the .1-iTeelItdt'ion of 'Group was held at" the lion 2 tcl, the: kirid•ergarten- .`cla-ss,-. and an eno,';--t'wlth tiverity,four"-ehairs and .two 'tabl..S of ,mipt•s-; .11/8.7c.doelinibweerds-9,.e.psrdeals: al't'elidanee;"board for the of t • . • . the 'Sunday 'School. These ' were -graciously a.ccepted on behalf of,. the kindergarten .class and the Sunday, School by Mr: Martin 'Baa,11, $11Perillterldellt: - The R ey W. ThornaS •then ded- jcated the gifts to the Glork.''Of God, the honer • of • His. House and the, meniory of the departed' serv- , • Rae FirstEttelire , The first..proires,sfve euchre par- t k.sponsored by ..theX.oMens In- stitute, was held' . the Commun- ity.Hall ..on, 'Firiday:'.evening • with, 15 tables at -play, -Prize Winners were:: 'ladies' highl:Mrs.".Andrew Coutts; ladies! ,Ione -handsp', Jeart, Walters; ladies' low, 'Bren,da Hous ton; • ge.rits' Roily,- Achilles gents' lone .handS. .13olton;_ gents'; - low, Douglas - MurraYf. A, dance- felloWed.-wth. Music " lay• -•,,Ken :1.,,yilhee's orchestra. , Mission Band 3 -Teets' The 'Walton ' Mission -,Band met, Sunday morning in , ba"Sernent, of 'the church with ,-,an attendance' of 'Sixty-one Members ' and: four, teachers,. with the vice-president.' Bilth Ritchie i'lilly-erunii,l,efectillilcegveQd17viiiiethdh"1134 Call ±0 f,orSi-tip and. Pr ayer thedeader.., Che leact-r led n .short discussion. the theme. "Eimrtesy, To Oth-. e Japanese in the study_ hook nl-aplieed it. St. RatirS -were read from Co-rin-- ans "6`:‘3, 4. , -Jeans- BZIger, the secretary,' read' _LOCA REF -Mrand ,Mrs.. John":34cOnaid, Thomas . Visited ....his- .mether, Mrs,- JcisePh: , MeQuaid, Main St • inOndYille,,, marked • ariniVerS, arY thoir.:Weddihgl.Wednesday. cveningLrWhen a frinbiber Of their' friends' gathered„ ,, and PreSentecl: 'them. -;with a., suitable Mr; Edrnund, Daly has'. reto ined, 19 his hohie'here'"af tef- "tri15-;:f ,; . ClatOr''',„returincd-'•'Icorrie: francr.,$bott. Membrial.", Hospital- on Monday; ", .'• ": •• •• 11/fr; . and. MrS; ,,,,NicK4y and; 'Mr. 2and.....11-rs, Arthur• '),Tailey left Wednesday. OA. a ',motor: I trip to Florida. • ',".. , -Mr. Carter,-. -eniployee at SeafOrth 'Verniers •Co-operative, - had the-- rrijafortune SO.ttit.d0Y inornrng Of brealdng- one! of -his lingers' while- OPenifig,..• ",".doer"-,nt," 'the ,•fartn.';'. Eckert -if ter Wilrbei- Off ,WOrlijOr feW. while his Stnithrl',eterilOrci-Tis- spending ,a:,,feW„...dayliere,',".,ViSiting; Other friends': ' :MiSS?,liearctIklieLeani. daughter of: Mr, . and •1....;IVICL'eart,. Spent teki;daYs',- witii.1Yr.••• and • jarrett, and,"AntieStratford.;,. • . Miss Anne Downey iS...a' patient' . $t. Joseph'S , Mr..george'_WIeGavin- in Scott lvto.utoriat-Tilo-40a.t - Suffering: o heart'attack...', ' '• - Miss...Blanche ,TWesteett London, and Odrald : Weber; Stratford, SPezit the*, _Weekend . With •.-11,r,'" and. Mrs.. A. 'Westeett. . • a'MranctMrsWilliam„I`,,IVIeriatk• Onderkeli,. , visited , with Mr. • • and Robert Charters and ; ozr--Sunda,. • • : • 'Mr. and: Mrs, ...Earl Gass- and family, lienSall';: Visited in Sea:. forth” , on Sunday,' • •:'," • Mr. and Mks,: T. Flynn and- , . kiss. Tha mei- were Lon. drat MondaY.. , • •.' ••• • • td:-.;,Andrewa.:. of. -Senforift, accompanied .,,,Charlle -Smit1,. herd inAutigot;at borei;• to Denver,'" Colorado, with n Carload" .4:',.chqiee... Shorthorn cat, -They* gr:e nway "about, three In : story .qn page, regarding lb_ funeral iif,,the late G. RroacifOot,•• 1VIBroalifoet inod.. at the hoine' of :her daughter, -Mrs. E.• r D. WilsOn-,, Williairt,-PePper, Allister; • Brnac1,- Ong • %Mier BroadfOOt.„.,and St;ewart ,KnMci. and floWerbearerS were 'Neil I3readfoot, Keli Meteod;- and' gtotar meteoci, itio644...6f-Alanse, reportect-.M' that ,.. • • • ThOte ,frein a 'distaric'e 'attending the' fiineral Were; Neil BriiadfOot Toronto; • lqr..:•• and, Mrs:' Stewart Xitex4Sartilar; Mr and Mrs. :rtect arid 'Broad - foot Mr. and 'MTS. '. • , $10,0001 wa# collected in prepthd taes With 5 per -cent discount Jug ilitywqd ' for .coutiollof Turnbull, thought that by- elitningt, ing this 5 per cent-Ilfthx,rate might, po,. reduced . old Maldney, i*eed. inspeefor $7.06 Pay Twice e . per Month when aeting;,..H„, Mayor • Christie brought the rOad, foreman., .. eaetakcr; tvice,yearly.paYnient stig. street snperintendent, - $agt • Pnt gested by, him at the trtorning :ada".. 'Month (increase)1 114 Prini: a*si-st' mon- -Serials' consideration ‘Aliiiuld :kik, $437(1 per aim= (increasOf be gii/Cft to it 14,,‘ the finance cork & Qtewart, town' solici, J./Atte° the mayor Saki, might Ors, fee;.,.._Davis; Minn and mean W,oricing out ilex tate-hod Broughton, auditors; 4MeloneY," revping a for the seemid, payment tax .eollector',.$150 per anntitt4 A. t:O' moot.'6)CP-CtisCS, or might' 'Mean Bushier* ' Seavenger; ponridkeeper, MC rate higher to 'alio* for :ete,:„ $14'F' per rnenth;, fence:Viewers, .inkforSe.en expenses, -,-„• • „. James llenderSoit, Itnegyi :Connell. agreed thgt, Vas worth James!' Aitehqor4 " Ntig and - the finance eoniJ Turnbull 'representative on .C4r4 . nate& were regtte4teting" The. ,presicierit, 111rs- -Norman, •Sehada,"" presided 'and,' bpened the meeting -with the hymn„ At the•Partal," after 'which Pra,yer wasj-ofter,ed7by .-Mrs„' • RObert, Mc - Mrs:, ',Th.:lb-1:6s_ Kirkby -read the ` scriPtilre lesson from '',Fnalin. O, and Mrr Schaide, loiIowed With conducted • -PlanS for raising I.TS'eci: -Christ: next Meeting Prograths mere mas,.eards.are to- be, brought to the, planned. forethe coming year. Mrs. Campbell \Vey. • Leeining and 'Mrs. Stewart McCall were "appeinteci.as a -program •'coni.- :-.1111heit.t.„ecebUi?erb--211on-Val the -social, the East Side • nierab,ers are to bring.", s andvviches, and the. West „Side. tart's., -- The Missionai'y Monthly-. review. Was,' given' -b's7:-..itirs. „Geol•ge • Love. Topic:was 'taken by , George Fax on prayer'fer the doming year,- .*PPraise. theSoul of Religion ',' and, T.-41'irei(ri'dPeee111,1flogr,:'-eal0' SHe-ClaPty.ittlteli"e:11YY-ernat'.' . Your :ADiAlorr - ..the Stern -is of. Lite?" and the Mizpali • 6 -ben ediction,•Iun -vvas--S er:Ved-:'IrT - Members On '12th ,concessilon. 'east. :course- ..`Working,-Witli- their la'St :meeting -At the home, of Mr's: Nelson Reid last -Wednesday, evening, • when.final.. arrangements were, .ujadelfor.,... ACh,ieveinent, Day; Books ana.sldrts were to..ba hand- edtin by Tuesday,: Leaders fry :the course "Tere."Mrs".'' liar,Vey raig and: Mrs: • NeiSai-i- • Reid. • , •' W1' Meet's .Nex,tThiirSclay ' Mr. Cliffoi:d.,EpPs.;;Of Clinton,- will be 'guest 'sPeaker at' the monthly 'ineoting,,,'-of the 'Vennon's ,..Institute 011- Thitrsday evening,,',Januar.y 23. Co -conveners on ,Agricultfire and Canadian 'Industries; 'Mrs:--Keiiiiefli li„16.1)nriald' .and Mrs. 'Leslie Oliver, will: be in charge": rill'otth. "Will be, ‘,`Teenagers 'need • models, not , cri ties." wilt' bp,. ,:`'Home ,Beautification .” 1_Interesting films - Will also 'he" show-ri by. Epps Mrs.Torrance‘Jundas.,undersN'tent an - op eratibri ,ICitcheiferMatetlen 1-1Ospital'.:0).;T,hurstlaY laSt,:.Weekk MISs• Betty. Hoegy-...:'Of -:Listowel; SPerit the :weekend ,vv,i,tik' Par-, euts,", Mr: and autsy-Clifford. 11-10egk. . . Miss: teatticez''Gibs'ort:' and Miss. , •.. • ". • ' - • : •-• Roth- trans', -sliident ruirsgs, at :E -W ... • , , '," IhisPitalitchener,-.--: visited With- • - ••••• • Mr; -arich.-11/1is, 'Douglas Ennis 'Oyer A7117th.TVINEnuel:thexn :t:Evs1:0:111exEgIDWI,OrTyAllultar;S:bya' ttFirie,md,tiit4uy•yaA.,z4i ritShae:zu;orn.E.:TTItT.7'77eEsltaa-DwIllj'ae'IrGri6*A:01:1:' of Hilarity reaches a, new lugh when the ys. outsmart the smart set. TuRDAy JAN. , SOCIETY 91' ""RIAWATHA FRIDAY' and -SA , "Santiago d , ,iO US ,r MONEY! The InT.E" Store Wi the ues SEAF01711 undc3 Even irt GMOND -B J E NTISIT TO 'FITE TR APT'IST MONASTEF Z'' u1)111,o, Cordially Invited:, CHURC BBERTON1 Don't Miss Clayton Pry of the Ootario og- Producers Marketing at the Bolton,: Of 'Roches- -ter; -With -hissis- Xr.s.sMargare,t Euniphries. and Other' relatives, .'. • DotigleS ;Lawless, Dianne and Murray, of ,Sinicoe,-and 'Mr'...-axicilifri.• George Halakirk and farnWere an -long the. guests''who attended the. fortieth Wedding -.an- niversary of • Mr, and -Mrs: Wilbur TurnbUll, on ,Friday, January . . ante Anyone wishing to play an instrument in the Band, please eolne to'Band Room , Town Hall, 'Monday, Jankiary 20th 7 .00 - , DUBLIN • liefr, and Mrs-, George Ducharme were in Detrbit with relatives. %Mr.' and Mrs. Sylvester Ryan, -of Sebringville,"%visited with Mrs. D11- 1.,011 anth.1)011411Y--. ' mrs, Elrati" frlf London?, • _ • Miss Phyllis l3utters, Landon, arid Mr. Allan Butters, Newcastler vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs..Toin But, ters.. • ' . • Miss Mary 1Vlorrison andVhicent Morrison, of ,Kitchener, visited with Mts. Jas Morrison. Mr.' and Mrs:. Leonard Feeney St. Alan's, with.,..Mrs„' Catherine -Mr, arid IVIrs., Terry'PlanherY'vls- itett-imIlamilten,witlf.Mr_ arid Mrs... Fitzgibbons'. ' • Mr. and M.rs,' Jack With Mr„ and Mrs, Fergus Mr. and Ariis • Brabant and.clangli, ter t loOndan, • visited gr.., and Mrs:,'Minliael' Nagle, nndlYirs, Maurice -1)111°n 'arid ugh et, -St. Thomas* Mr:. -Irvin Rock „and faMily, hagen, and.M.r.' and Mrs. Jim Eellit and daughter,Seaforth,-viSited with Mrs. Loins and Dorothy. MrS., WilliaM:7Ste-Wart and rorn tbitters were, hi St: Thomas, Butters -L -4W Mt; -and Mrs. Ron- alliTkiitters (Rita AturraY.), 1111Clins:S, 0417.1.an. 2; a son, Brian, EdWard, in St. "Then -rag . General Hospital: azid FijEL-()I Hart Phone ,784 -8eateit4 ll - --• • - NITould merribers 'last year's class who still ' have an instrument, aiso report'. , ° • Seaforth Highlanders Band NEED RUBBER S PS?- _ T HURON EXPOSITOR 27-195.6..Sedge Sedans' ---1.955',Dodge Roab edan7--Radin 2-4955 ttodge Sedan ,J -Radio —103 pe Soto SOdan7-.71tad,io 1-13-Chev. e1 TWiti:D6or 1,-1952: IYe'Sot Sedan • —1942...Olds Sedan 7,7-1.65 'Pontiac Sedan,- , 1-.,--101..Pontiae Sedan *tit fe Motors 0 S:OTO CARS: 'CA$g,1AUM MACH,INERToa )joidk ThUCKS 4i* 261, , s, 101 , "1.'1'