HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-17, Page 11inetY7Ninth Year
Whole Number 1894.
2,50 a Year in Advanee
Sitirde Copies -Cent,
mISS-SANBItit .. • • -
,SeafOrt.li Junibr IititW e at '...their annual' ineeting. last 'w4ele.••Slie • .1
,is• Pieturett with.,,Merton ?Keyes,. Seaforth, • , newly -elected:
Increases- of .16 e-ents • per Month
for tWO,party • residence -teleplibne
serv.ice: iti-Seaforth, and of .g0 'tents
for One -party -residence lines"; Will
',Ye 'into effect On .ac -
'Cording/ to W. . Haysorti, • 'Bell
T.clephone manager=
in an order issued 'Friday by - the
BOard; '-'Tt4nsPort-'''CoMmOsion--:
ers 'but it;InaIk. be • appealed.'
The; increase to SaalL•rtit • tiserS
Of ,one-party„;,flat Trate buSiness ser-,
i's , 35'; cents • inonthly,,'" and Tar
twOrLpaty -business seryiee, 2o Cents
111 011L1113
• COMpariSon. *ignres.:
A . ,chinparison ,the• Preseric
1 31421 andAtha 'new rates ,for typi-
'cal c1 asses? of ser‘qce''far .Seafort
• 1*e
.111-1,arty'• Line ' "316-
,..22.,Party,_Line _ 2.85'
,Eitenshan Tel.. i.00 .0
.,2-1'ar1.y Line 4,35
{IIX•?Tinink • '8:80
' Extension!? Jet. •125
,D.Ina.L.• vas 'Creete'd..:Pr'esident of: '
head Seaforth Junior 'Farnaers. 'Miss Deig received -honors
tliiPaat:-.Weelterid--a.gaitr-when she waS 'one of :the top, five --can.-
test at -their cnfiference 111 Toronto Saturday (Phot(iii
teStafitS• Farmer t2,13",uhlie e. aldn on,
Cop/ma, will pay' off , a balancd-of instalments, $1,5,00 each Year ' or , chis 'and Councillors Duncan brought to a head the Mac- gitOw being cieare
-`? • 5G0` on a' loan • rang6d to: PaY 'three, Years---PaYing-i-o- Thorpe Rivers
,'•'.1.' O. Tnr.n- ter which had heeu brOught before 'Main= Street; .oBe
• was untie cesarap b ui Scott Habkirk a,M1• ' newl co nexto ° n pev` io us occasions ` • till ark.
tor the' floor - at Seaforth Criinpun- ,manner,,is3, to _ _ 1„. _ .r
Centre, • Counell;- rneetipAT for -0.prbb
ach t'e Board , tor elected epuneillers Df .„ P.: L.,: 'Brady*. Spokesina Stew art_.?told Ea b14
the,.u 1 -time '?iir -4058, -were 'ip erinissIOn to rnalte 'JohBald 1 ar ft 1 III te.:late Mr. Dunean's.ease_the propertY „ coilIIfltln
proo1011'ed by a.' deiiittation ,'repres-, ,Alt, Members' Weres.Present tor -I . The deputatihnhealed by 'Jas. the-- $006 ivarantee. pa :up 1ip*T4 :had •,notI 'found
' enting'".the: :guarantee. griniti the ineeting Whicliiagted•inere,- than.* $tewart;.- -and 00101 .10d .Of lor uid be deducted :frem' 1h estate conditiOns at the. •13U.S.
backed a loan' for $,000-' isstie to s,. •: h'trier -mayors J E Keating and:: la st not: paid, 'Of Ina this," wa's turned. ov,e11,
cover the, comPletion .140,:wurk.„.'.,i3'„..E,...'Christiel: in.:the chasii.'IOthers ;Year's 141 01 A. , Ste.viArt7...felt: 'that. -the,.,floor committe,.6. The C0.
paidqn--tbiteeL-M-L-I-,:attendniice- were.•• :Reeve :1'%T., ter, said the death of Willta,M-• 'an '.'asset.. to „the arena • and,- ,contacted ,,"Eranic Kli
'• "" ' ' ' ' 1:having-thought that . at, the time a reimburSerhent
l'ilbo,r :was-discussed.t1e. group.„- of' renovatioa
;guni-nntors :had- stiielc .rie,CkS. hnt-h-e•was..,noit
out • 'arid -hacked the beirbwitag I of:I:an-fount
, ,s5-,600--tb,:".nraY:••off.: debt, On, :thel irate& ,
that, theY''had"'terjeCted:
been; 'appoach04.1IY :4., grubii. ,T116:,:.'stair.s..-aite-, Ye
the: floor- prepOSede-"and :were, ear, an,d :`-denerathi
asStired:". group: 'fliat..,
140 0)11 hate i,'iiio'-tronble.:.raisiTigtile
MoneY. „S',5"000-.:. of .41ip, elide;
del4, Witn- the.
haa: preVed,anf,asset
• Ee'alitig said;. and: .lie were. filo; •hir 'on
hoped ',111Ut the."' Council 'Would the, • ..Police'r-
dUe:icensideration:: ': heating ',pr'ehlemi
6.20, 5
5.05 .20 ,
930 50
1.25 nil
ongregation Fetes
e firting
r (tines Boar
. -A farewell ceremony was --Con-
Pay for road':;WOrk in kosatop.
township was upped 10 cents ' -per
tour at the --lifaugtiral... Meeting
Monday ,at :Carnegie- Library.
Rates in -effect in ,1,958will he"
•-60 cents • 'an hour per ,man, and
$1:00. an . hour for man and-,teain,-
Maintainer :en:era:tor; Ken:-Bettles,
will redeive$1125„;anhour_. If :there:
work, fdt. hint- to !,perfOrrn'on
the `road -,Si he•.win::be.t)aid On the
erilA--hOur day if Jig. works
in the. 'township garage, This'ap-'
particidarly to the period be-:
' .tween November to,Aprll
Will.. Replace „Btiken:
. „
bikussion; was cottiOue;4,.At'thiP'
meeting about work o be perform -
cd .dUring. 1956, ,Four bridges % are,
-to be reconstructed, With a fifth in
,theToffpig•-.'. - .-• •
Rates for ,use of maintainer for
• ,Persting7rWerk ,was 44', at :48,00 an
banr;botti.winter-and summer, with
-work being performed. at that rate
for ratepayers only. 'Work . can be
Performed: cfnIy i;ithert thetownship
road S are in shape.
; Anthony ..was given for the 30.4-,
ing of the Ontario -Association of
GOOdIfoads,,AsaeSsi:rig Offieers•As-
soCiation Of', Ontario, and, theOn.
;tario Rural Municipalities, Agrant
of $25 -to the •Salvatien, Army was
,also . -authorized„ - •
Council, approved an application
for road subsidy baSedon expen-
ditures• Of $55,784.34,- :the net: ex-
„pencliture ;after—receipts :: •of $1,-
Bylaw was •passed • -authorizing'
the.borrowing•Of money:, to $50,000,
frOnn the Toronto -Dominion Bank:
•Accounts' ordered pair, included- a
, 'toad voticher-Of $2,08825 and getf:'
er.al accOnritS of
Appoint Officials
The. folloWing appointments, were
'• Clerk and treasurer;j: M.
iKeltert;•'-asseisor;;Jantee MeQuaidi,
truant officer, John A: Leeming;
. drainage inspector, Clarence Reg -
Mrs. J B. Russell'
Heads Red Cross
At a -recent -icideting • of the ' Sea -
forth, branch Of the Red •Cress ---80,.
clay; Mr8„.3.;.°D,-134.ssoll wai
ciccted president: • . -
:Ot.tior officers.ineudei Vice-presi-
dent treasurer:
„Mrs. E. Bint;' •-secretary," Mac 1.
:;SmitliN:w0wIng convener. Mrs. A.
1VIontef• quilt - .convener;",: Mrs.
Ada, Reid;,,:. knitting : committee,
'Mks, E. •
'Munn, Mrs. G...'e.iltrfghtrall; church:
. rePretentatiVeS:::, AtiOliean; NIt'S -0;
'.11,1eGaviri; United; Mrs. .E.'H.
: Chise;
• .61i; Treibyterian-plirS.TIC'Smitlif.
• 1,gle.- ' .,„.•.” •
• A large, 4nota of sewing and knit-,
ting.:is .han , consist ng.- f 100
pairs children's "ogeralls,;100 'pairs
py3anla8;: 10 boys' shirts,
20 girls" nightdresses,. 100 - pairs
iiien's socks and 100 pairs eaeh.
bclys''31111 iris' SoekS.. Anyone,
.willing to "r•-lielp With •• this work,
contact, W. Moore :or Mrs.
J. A. 1Viunri.' Several (111)118 are JO
be (Milted soon., • ;
' Last' year the Seaferth- branCli
shipped th'.:liead(inarters in Tor011-
40,;111 larged.4011tS;,-.a crib quilts, 46
pairs: Meri'S soCkS; 137 Pitiri: chil-
dren's SpekS, 20-pairt-. thildien's
•overalls, 20, pairs, Iaeys*. 'pyjamas,
•20 nighties, 20 1./-piece?lay,
,ett..es, 10 `',„eaeli boys' shirts, shorts
and underoPanti.
14' auditors. Monteith & 5Ienteith
& co.,Ifor- the- toWnship, schools.Land.
teleitherie..; ...?
. HOtinditeepers; Clerk). KranikOpf,
Clarence Regele, "Percy .T„ayler,
Peter„;,,;NidC0-tvaii,. Charles .Kleber,
MeMillani.:"R-oheit' 'McCitire;.
'stck and 'poultry va1uat�r, Alex,
Snatli, • Bowman,' ',Robert
4ohertTlVf. Scott. • .•
Prior toltfienieeting, .Reeve Dan
Dor and;Herbert-Willianison, and
neW colincillors;":Sairi .McClure and
,A.".Ryan;,•took'the oath of
Tuckersinith 'Boar
The. Tuckersmith ..Sehool . Area
Board held its first meeting Of 1958
in the„ Town,,Iiall,,Seafortli. • Clerk
E. P: ' Chesney ..swore 'Clair
I-Ianey andlehn Patrick_ netii trus--
'tees, replacing: Wilmer troadfoOt•
and Mervin Falconer. ••• .
, Ross Forrest, Hippen, Was,. re-
pleeted • chairman. . and • • Cleave
Coombs was elected vied-ehairmati:,
I. Roberts was reappointed sec-
retark-trea-surer, • . • ,
. 'Liability and cOnipelis,ation
. , ,
icy for-, craployees_:-.waS,' renewed
with Watson &Reid. Allocation of
School- property •.Supervision: placed
Rosi' V'errest in 'charge' of Schools'
and 2; Chester Neil, Nos. 4 and
'7; CleVe Coombl, No., 8;' ,John, Pat-
cluct4oll by 111. M.:McKellar as part
of the annual meeting of First
Presbyterian Church Monday -night
The meeting.was heldearlier than I
usual so- that the members could
gather fa vvish Rev. and Mrs.
Campbell farewell.
On behalf of the congregation,
Mr. McKellar read an appropriate
address, and J.-SCott Cluff present-
ed' the departing' ministerwith a
weltdilled purse of money. -
A.,setise of. parting was apparent I
la the fee'llrl. g of those present.
''elit'iON GrLJES .a e • firsCannuaf Jo ax 'e atorth,13,:ifoi,,o,f, anachan
, , . , , - -- -,..., , .
. , . . . . .
begion Were.;.-offiners:'Of hhtli.:,. the branch. and the Ladies' ;.:41iitiliary., Pictured above; . 'following ,
„,:the sUinptUOUs;,..tiiikey dinner. are -Mrs.' ,TartieS-flVieNib.boii; PreSident, -of the Auxi1iarY1' • Mrs: ,II/o12,--
. ' land and , ,Tohn Holland, ,paSt president of file .brilneli:;•- :Mrs, :, Nesbitt an -Harry Neshitt President
the .J.Jegien, and past president of' the Au>6ilia-ry-,- - rs.-,-Nctilliain Little,. .':, -, , (photo by Phillip's)
:CoMpetent-Matuter, •iit.'replYing,. re- • t
abct-Mrs..'Caipbe1L h1 het usual
established - the heartier ,affnos-
'at. tter, had been.' iirou:ght s,- Ma ",-e- • 1.,-
iP.,..in.-0Cfbber, and '• had `'Ireeh ' held 1957 c‘11.-1r•r-,9'...a!1-. s
over the:2•Municipal Depart: le'alcs'". .
.inent had -:guided council in how to
s in mak- ith a 10 no7lle There v as
thad ah. hpi es. badeen receivedthhhierey, eee -e70 :11- el tth: ,d p37 P, a t
ex a of
s; tle
eabu(l.rda.tPea;c-Vori-,1c-oSnu11,1-61_•tili.at>.slisut.-e. ci°1:11?';:r_t_e.111d1,1:,t'ot-r:t::Lid'e"pk'''''',...-E:.fiC.:7,iiii. 7:s:: rTil01d,bMrE
0,0' 4'". the five•
the„..'staitt ,of., the ` year,- :Vr. Keating sP1 , , , ; • .
_ nybr :Cies ;---o
The group came" to council at nn the ' truck, and this '‘vOti
-Said, because they :felt it wasea- •Diseus's 4eiter %%Tater
this time 'than. a er e year ,
le" for council to do 7thing -at -
Fire Chief Scott and 410. 11311
whet] funds were `"""`-tt
' Tax. , rate i,would be -raised' by
three till's,' Mayor Christie Said,
anoutrightp-ayment was Made
,. -
The new- couneils- would. giVe. the
Matter: seriotii- ceriSideration;"' he
told ' the delegation , as _they pre-
pared to :leave.
Duncan was.'alWays: first it,e-
hind: anything like' that: Mr. Keat-
:finhge. broeacradlledh;;;Allatclh'etionglia7,,evr,e,vrioouii,
occasidn backed' a note for-, work
on the Compressor, but this .,note
• §'Srne entiml " ed. ittayor' Christie asked' the tie
had be-eu. paid -off: ' ,Pernllsalon, for. •-t--• to.
, , repq., proach .,the other councils' concern- ;
phere :to he trieetuig.' • uc ersmith township got:well
Re.V.CanipbelL,_,in his reply; Men; held their • inaugural meeting in
tinned, the lideasant • associations the Town Seaforth Mon-,
that:had:been, fornied in ,the close dar,niorning,. Reeve' Itian-FOrS-
to..ten Years he had Sea.: and Courteillors ;Frank Falconer,
_forth.: corneriended .all church :Victot-„Lee;_,Klgin ,TlioMpson .; and
orkaniationg • and officials, on the Arthur . Varley subscribed to' -the
progress Made ,ChUrch, pre Oath Of- office before : the clerk, E.
dicting,-it7Wonlik,Contimie 'to- ad- p -..,Chesney, Dr, James Semple, ,-of
varice : its, • .EgniOndville .I.Inited Church, at,
:prior to the 4arewell cereniOny,, tended the„,nreethig and invoked
:1:•Seett."Cluff; tielibera;
Keyi and Robert :Wright :were ap- '4.9p§:,§f-the, cbugOi. ouritig•.th'e coni -
pointed , for three year ternis •-•to, ing year: • 0..
:the Board of Managers.' Trustees.- • The Seaforth.. ceiincil-attended.in.
appointed - Were Robert body and presented a 'rnOtion,
M. and -.,john.. •Beattie hoping for the aaine cordial rela.:
-7-Anditoti-wilt- be, 4L. E. Patterson tons. between 4the- Iwo bodies as
and E., Willis, • , had existed •'
, ReebnimmidationS, Heard ' APpoint 'Representative
Three recommendations Were Council dPPoirited ROy Bell, as:
pregeitted the meeting- by , the member from Tudkersnaith t the.
Board of Managers_ The :meeting Aitsa.bleConservatine Authority for
I v d all- as resented The -1958; : joined the—AssoCidn,,,, of'
scr.thed to eight copies of .the Mull: inaugur
•offieials:. A grant,Of $25' Was 'made. , One ' of the main items on the
to the Salvation Army. . . ' ' ' agenda for the coming Year of Sea-'
- Coinicilpassed.a bylaw auttioriz-. for.tli Council will be an over-all
sing location Of underground cahlos plan fori,the- balance' of the sewer
for t"he, Bell 'Telephone :Coinpariy,. worx. gay-oi 13,;•.F...,CliriStie'infeinf;
The reeve' and •elerk.,Were.--44th- ed-'emitieit.- at its .inaugura:1- meet -
prized to apply' for -the balance of hig' Menday morning,.
.subsidy for,'1957.,under •lhe'. High- . _.a :2:6,...towoitchee:ar-yitoeamr; ,fipea.ypmoienntetd p.olaut, wfaors.
W.al-,.,IiiTP.r.ove„Ment Apt': The :t.Oas-
urer- was --hanied-eletteal-assistant laxeS..". This 'would almost- elimin-
to the roar.superiritendent at a ate the need for borrowing,: and
salary of:$400. per year, The reeve thus .save, interest expenSe':.-t0-- 4:
and- clerk -treasurer , were named_ 0,1,n. ., .......... :„ ., . ..., ,... ,........„
signing. 'Officers :for the corPera- , .-...-.,- • Wili'Not'Int,erfere t,„',...., • .,,,
The newr”.:1958- Mayor Stated,that
' The treasurer -was7iiiitrupted to ihveork_woofuldaicyaeotf illirteterefo6interriiwttietei!s., uthrie.;
rebate $158,10 :charged:4n erier .te
ther•IVIcKerizie.Draiti, r. - ,' •..• .'• . less v hen6.felte. niitphaabsiszedv telYh.o.occes-
igitAieoc:euerisrots,,,dP3s5;,S.s,dseital:,\,i28.:,I8u:6:d.: ;rtiam" _ -, - . ii 1...ri„11-.7..e:,.,
, .1 _ , / times ' . • . ,. :
member_ that he Was ready to help at all,
ruce 1.1T 1.14,11 ;of Nort si e
.$25". :Egnioodville street lights, Bev- `
group recomniended, that major Rural Municipalities, Oritario .Good,,$546,15.7 .. truc efjoid ,street,.. .lights,
changes be " Made in the ' e hureh Reads 'ASsOciation,, and Association ki.„-
building and, propettv,. and that the, Of.. Assessing . Officers,. "arid '. sub"- .,,,,,,,usui.i., Kgiri. ondville, water.. pump,
w , , printing and :advertisirig,
icipal World for use of council and, ,
to flap matter-of-Securingc,,...„
cal a11- t" make„,Wrater'go ii
AinteSaS- far, the
' "It, makes' wate-i:- riVettei;"co
cillor adV''rernarked:.
:The equiPment mentibried'hel
the:penetration ,o1 „the. WraterI„
"lending -on the Size of' hose ,used.,
The firo, chief -had Watched
Operntion at- RCAF, Station, Clin-
•• 'Getting baek .te, the fire and
terfeport, Mr. Turninill, trequested ' •
).ehyssralerbyetsmaurodu3-w.:Pi;111,:to'e.wl"rvian.,i,vgi)bihkr,aid.eifi,bs'I'te;:dp.t.,1;-...dN'o°e,nneelI .,Ac c.,, i, tmlij.laii‘1.1t.e:e stea6ittakaenatlifeininci athtteer, au?!
ox:TnOto 42011.
, .. .:, ,, • --- ' a: , , New Cciuncillor Brady,- suggestect *.
Stanley'. '.Retuses ' - that a fa chain 1,SOOster ' or electrici--_-
' - . . . - --,-_ - ' \viper wouldhelp alleviate tlie,prOli.;' '
-0.„,.„ ..iii...11. ' '-,,, ' lern enceinitered . Witit'.the wipers' '
enc equest the rural truek avir.
' suggested A -'vA-citinn fuel ,pump,-:
• • ,
.StanleY-foWnship-,, council okayed WoUld ' •Would toSt
grants' to the Saltiatiilli Army and' •abent. $15 -a wiper fcir electrie.; or •
Bayfield pe: a:,botit, $15 for a:fuel pump
:PartmentS„-...biit 'rdused trent' to tVould..2,fix ,both Wipers, . •
:Goderich A:leitandr,a:- and Mr.,' Tuinhull; - -'
General .1lospitar,.Monday, , Wag' order, for, the, repair work:.
',In in anginal leSsien, tO'be.,7proceeded• with without,Lper-
reftiSectthegra,` t-4for. Up to 700 ,: Of • other;
the:grb.dilds•that feV'teivnship resi- ties: ',wag., told "•by, -MOSOFIChristie,-
clentS., use: :the ''Goderich• that on: agreentetit Was needed for
They agreed- that_residents from: minor i repairs: •-•- okayed
the tier* 'end et -the "tOWnship us- the .proceeding.of the WOrk.
'tally go. to Clintbri Public '" In asking for report parks,
United Chinch. addressed :council and those font the; south to • Lon-. list -year's ‘,
and , asked ' for Divine guidance O3' den hospitals. , ' replied';'. !It's 4COvered with snow. -
the year"s„,..deliberations: liCaffer-. ;This' w.as : the. ,seCond ;. such re- . rinds:ToW0.41#11' "':
ipg..good,..W.Tshes "to the cotinciL''!.he quest, :Clerk Fred, Watson Police Corninittee',4ite
relayed. 'Wishes from 'Rev,. 3,. 11;.
Jarriesi w.lie 'Was: unable to 'address;
the countit.,hecatise.of. illness. ••:'
Council. agreed that it Sit.a's' ;a
committee...of the whole to .cleterm-:
auk>fies, 1124; • suPPlementary al-
. • . the inerriberShiP 'Of the various
church cotitinue with its oWn ..Ev- • . -
$64.96;. legal, • $&8.75; bounty,-
erY Person Visitati00,- rather than his committee -On the fine -jab they $1,2; schooic: $24 89; salary and al -
joining the Sector , had ,clone,in.iebnipleting the finan- lowance, $232.16;- ,Receiver General
• Final reetairmendation was for ,cial affairs for 1957. .; :•• Of -Canada, $9:50; Municipal
3-• A. Murray to ,contimie aschurchgroups .' presented rePOrtg Of $24., Ontario Municipal Board $25
treasurer, and Mrs., H. Sharp as -their year's affairs,`. Showing, ap-`,
envelope ,secretary,. positions left parent, success ' for the year,
vacant by the death of C. M. Smith,. The meeiiiig was chaired by J.
R. E. -McMillan moved a .vote' Of Scott ,Cluff, and secretarial work
rick, No, 5, and clan, Haney. No. 9. appreciation to Mr,Mijrray and was performed by F. E. W
elittILOP TOWN$ 1 P COUNCIL for 1058 are pictured during their inaligural; meeting Mon- ,
day' 'morning" at Carnegie Library,' Pictured are, front .tow,, left lo right oUn.c11lor Jerry Doerr,
Clerk-treagire'r:J... M. 'Eckert and. Itecii* Dan' Benerrharin;, b dek .row, Councillors '-lterbert,
s011;• William A. Ryan and $ani 4.1cOlure.. • (Photo by Phillips) -
' • •
oWance, $
standing ,conarnittees. .F.s. 'list indi-
eating ',suggestions for.. member -
Large ..Seed' Losso ship on each committee was
• /* tributecl by Mayor "Christio, , • "•••.
Form Comittittees .'
1.1sbo-inella'rn 'turns' Follo g agreement of all mem-
..'. bers the folloWieg earrnitittees were
Damage -Was- estimated--ftt -.$20,000- -narried.---The - first -named • Will, be
in a fire, that 'completely demolish- chairrnani . ' , . ' , •
ect-a• -40x90 L-shaped :barn- in Us- Firtan4e—Ball Turnbull, Brady.
borne township; Wednesday. - Morn,' . S-Ilabkirle,. Rivers.. Scoins.
ing. , . • .. . ' . ro etty—Baldwin, Hablurk, Riv-
'The fife, of funknown origin, wii". en. ..., ‘ • ., ,
discovered in the large barn about Itelief---Scoins; Brady,' Ball, -
.8:40 a.m. by Mrs. Strang; wife of •Fire and. Water—Rivers, Ttirn-
owner, Harry Strang,- Clerk' of hat; Baldwin.. .... --..--,.... , ,
Usborn.e toPrishiii.'Eire0E-1Bre.,bri-... ' Court of Revision — Christie,
',lade ' answered thel•ala M, but Jit. "Scbing,'13a11,.-'1'urribull, Brady:
tlercould beclone to.sav , the burn- : PoliceL-Chriatie, Ilabkirk, Bald-
ing structtire which burn ' to the win- ..'::. „.. .
ground it: a 'short time: , Park—Brady,. Ball. Scoins.
Lost in, the 'fi,re were PA head' of Indhitrial--Ball, Brady. Christie.
heifers add_steers..5,000 bushels' of Sewage—Jurnbull, Brady, Rivers
seedhgraiii„. a geed -cleaning mach- •• ' . Extend Greetings ' .... .
ine /and a' quantity of 'hay.- Loss When the"' arnmittees had been
. • . - „ - , .
is, partiatty, covered by insuratiee. determined, coun eft ' expressed
The farm, is, located smith of... greetings to- Tuckersmith council
urondale" Sellool- ' -- ' ' meMbers-, meeting in another, room
' in the Town Hall,' ' . - '
On "adjourrinient, Mayor -Christie
l.ed members to the Tucktrsmith
mc'eting when ' the • greeting was
'ektended to Tuckersmith Reeve .1v
ways.. and , means. for 'Val 'Sil it - g rt II ..1.-a' teFue°1varetsi3int Forsyth
I iol4thli eTi repliedvl--1:11ii tolt rilrbeafd:
s Lions Mee -t
those:winning the el:tenets. He said
irtoney to pay'Off -a:' deficit On the
° iiloni Pool' and C°St t of -operating he and hig council,awyS looked -
Park were the main topicS Moil- forward to the,iittle get-together of
day night , as .Seaforth Lions Club the two councils, for the exchange
met, •-• - - .z- . ..1,., • ..' of greetings... -At no, time, he con-
„.defieit is' still present on the cludecris neighborliness More ini-
iew`tp.aot erected ---by the chib two portant between not only council's;
years:ago, . On top Of this deficit, but nations - than teday. • ":"
is a" deficit on operations and main-
tenance 'of the park for „the ,past"
two years. At„ no time during the Salesman: "I've been tiYiiig to
past two years' has revenue from see you Inc ever",a-::::week•• When
the park been great enough to off. way 'Iliave an, appointment?",
'et the Costs of Maintenance. ,,... Executive: , "Make a -.Ante .with
& A new member, Ronald. S. Mac- my secretary!' ,..
Donald, was welconied to the meet, :Salesman.: "I did, and we had,
ing, Mardi wasOn charge ,of I, E.: a wonderful'ilme, but I still- want
Keating:end 0,' A. . 13,,rbqt. te see yon," . ,1
out. from this „hospital singe
cantly completed a hoW,,,Wing.."
Grant to the -Salvation Army was
$85....while- to ...the .11re brigade, $300
each. -
ecte:. 9its i1;11a:en4:. and l':11": a. faafgsci, ,VoeCe.:1 loss rn. tth 4e6 ,YBB: al ,uytbuii,
,Clerk -treasurer Watson wag autif-.:
orized 'to borrow Up to S50000 to
pay ;municipal operating -expenses
until eurrent-tazes have been`paid:-
:econd reading was given a,,bylaw-
applying. tep' the Ontario Depart -
Meat. of Highways 'for a 1958:,,ifioads
appropriation of $40,000. '
sessbr and aot. e. , el; ll. -,eMe Castle 0 I ios forthe
,0 tsaho s
for the police of 'E ayfield.
W.4.,` Elliott, tax collector for Bay-
field; Deprielly & Donnelly, Gode-
rich, toWirshiP solieitors;•Wjiiiarn
Caldwell -iand Louis I'aylor live-
stock and poultry evaluators; A, •
Mustard. Varna, truant, officer for,
'eleplentary' 'sehools. •
have. added responsibilities this
year, was- the inext :to.• be heard'
from. :Se. far;: Reevec.Scoins ' who.
was be last 'Year's einniiiitted, said
the two new p0Ifee were doing good
doh. It Was, his tope that the" men
Were satisfied with 'their The
night, ..niarG',he:.saic17'h4d found the .•
.to*..rath'er. 'dull: which was how ,
council hoped it would continue ,to
Dr. Brady inquired whether or .
not.theItciwit had' a Police car. The
.reeve-'-rsaid7tliat the. Contract with
thelit'ilitT Called', for • the use of
their own ear, With `the'let-Wn
ing • the initeage at eight cents 'a
(Continued. On Page ?). ..7
oLrvcrt., ANDERSON WI, a.
, tendesho.ro; who WAS chosen
'chairman of Staforth District
High $ehoel .Board 'for ,1958:
Anderson: represents Mixt-
\ lett Township on the-: board,
License Sale Down;.
March Deadline Set
Over 2.000 cars are yet td be ;
registered -for 1958, according to ,
lz A. WestCott; issuer of motor ve-
about tille510mlites en°s en: pW1 aetderis8 shad% b°erliert,
issued, out of a possible 2,200, .
This figure is slightly below, last
year, when at this time over 190.
had. iSsued.
As well ,as Mot& car licen-ses','
al3nut 600; truck, 400' trailer and*Vi.
debtor -lidierises are iiSued through
the local Office. About 8.450 driv-
ing per/nits are also issued -here.
during the course of a year.
No Deadline tit,enSion
MOtOriStS arc -reminded, that this
ear's - deadline has been get as
arch 12, 1958, with no extension.
Pirst license Was isStied h.> Mrs.
Harvey lvfcl,lwain,. on janitary„.7,2,
with first chauffer's pertnit to Bob
There are 'few changes in rates
this year. The two- lowest trucks
have been increased. 'Those which,
originally ver t $1240 will be 815,
While the $17,50. rate will this year
be. $20. There. are no $5- cars, With
four.eylinder ears paying 4.10
for 'licenses. Cars prior 1.0 1933,
lloweveri,,gtin pay only $3 per year.
There is",.tt slight change in some
'of the alter cars, according to yeat
and horsepower rating.