HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-10, Page 8EXI:i'O'Siklak SEA:FORTH,.oItL • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. • cniwit .Rev, D. Wenn-CA-1#Obeli, Minister • . , :It r,i4MtPstg;r Organist ,and Olioir..Zeador, a.m.4eCliiirell Sehoer' „ • -- 11:00 , r "W.DO • Sacrament of Baptisni p Anthem---• "Let lifeutit _Zion Rejoice" (flerhert)--- ,- . Soloists: 'Mrs. Frank Mr. D. R. Stewart „Perteet'.' ! Miss BettY SimpSog, 7 430 P.m:. "HEARING IT, AGAIN" Special Music by the Sonicir. • _and Jun:1AF • -`Antherti—Junior Choir: ••• ""Beautiful 'Saviour" (Perry)• • Anthem—Senior Choir: , "Father, Keep Ls in Thy Car" (Hodges Male Quartette- "Mese To :Thee" — Messrs. H. Mc : - Lead, J. A. Cardno, E: Willis, D. R. Stewart - Rev. D. Glenn Campbell will be preaching his farwell ser- mon at the 4:30 pm. Ser- vice. An open invitation is extended to all. ' 'We Specialize in- • All Lines • -INSURANCE • NEW COMPOSITE DWELLING POLICY • full fire and liability sovert • • - age at 10% below regular rates to home owners. , • For -full information, ask WArtSON -St REID s• M. A. REID Proprietor .111 1SUTOCE 'Real EState. Phone 214 : ; • Seaforth LEAAON'S 'TAXI and PARCEL SERViCg • All Passengers' InsuTed PEONES: CECIL TUVE • 676 •675.: '4#11 Notices iKmoe.—services ' it Dutra:, at 1&a.m; 'Bethel. QnV".4.4:, 2...P.M., Eastern 'Standard 'llev.Stiranlerell/ Minister:: • '; • • • ..- ute�ta Tabernacle.—Tues-' day,, -StUqy, and PraYerT"Thiirstlay,' Stindayz ',.SUgday, -,School; '11;. arid 'Oertitininien ;--,SerVice; ,icandripk. Takon.. IVIOrning . 1raYer,.;11`.7.4:,,tn.iEven 440, • Holy Ctiiiiiminion- tb0.firat _Sunday' of :the mOnth.:at -t-ria-nydift-r-0 9 w SuodaY Seho.oI. eVerYSuriday Morn -leg ',Rev.' 4: 1-1.4: 'James; Rector. -Egintindville„United!.'"Chiurcb J. Seinple4'.Minister::', Beggais-'' and; Beautiful GateS71' ,"MY Visit To the TraPpiSt. Menas,terY`";: 10:•06 Churn School; and'Iyfititater's il1e Class.';\ -Tha:i,Nor's prY 30 a junior Churelt. ,See Your -in .Ohtireb SnitdaY. Cengregetion_al.-Meetin'g; 11.iday,•• an.O.I.T •'Northshle ;United, Olinrch.—Mini- ster, • ReV. Bruce-,. 10 -a.m.; Chnich. School .and':•Adult Bible Class; ft' Sacrament o he.•" -Lord's. SUPPer and reception OfTniernber.S:: nurserY,for.:Alichgers :and . junior cengreration ,EVening seryiee withdrwn iti favor Glerui CarimbelPs,:farewell 'serviee. at '1 : First- Pre shYteri an Chureh: Northside Youth eilowship. • , , rs • . 1.-.(cntithing01_"ft°rn-.114tie-1).! sajd `4•Be proud of yoite Junior Institute •and shOW peaple',Wliat it is really -doing," luothe--Past the, Weineifs inatitateS,Were,responsie teaching- of betrk ego:, honaies • in -the high. schools health. inspections. -in the .pubschools, and were a 'great help in having usi Laugh in the. schools. Tlie Meeting -was, opened4ith' the Institute' e, Ma y Stewart Co - lect. 'and the 4Ord's PraYer., with DerOthy'KeYS,ptesident;:insharge., Roll tall, Was answered by teii ,Mernbers,-• 'PaYing. their, member- shin:ees. for Afie-Sonting year. . The eniergcY ,en',Innd, teas- urers rePorts' were read„by Carter-and„,.ratlierine-:- Campbell: The:In:04ov,-; The best:way to get, j'eadY JoinOriolmJS _make, to - 'day' a1.1.4ti, shmild was givenr-bY 'Marjorie:80th:: P.01nS.,,, entitled "AS Migherilsed.To DO"-, and. "To- day -P: Were -read by -Merle Godkin an atherme Camplap - ‘ , Miss -Campbell Moved .!a vete 'of ;thanks'. to ,•Mr. for lier in- teresting talk; and Dorothy the president:, thanked, the. mein- bers.'-for-their--support-,:in:-the -past- year and Wished 'them every sue- cesS' in the year, lying ahead; • She presented Sandra ',Doig, • the ne,v- presieferit,• Autli gavel; MiS • Doig -spoke briefly and the meet. bag. adjeurned.• ' Kenmnbellpresided for ,the . int: Meeting,. Which ,:opened with the 'Jilting. '-Farnier's song; ' -iltes, of the last meeting, and the treasurer's report: were (read.-• -. mr.. and' Mrs. Harry Smith, of Calgary, ", returned_lierne after • -spending , the holidaYs with lim serithp!reilt:, Mr- 1-1., E. Christmas ,visitois at the -,home and M R 37-.Bot1sseY were: lVfr: Mid Mrs. W; Shaw', Mr. George:;Shaw, • Mr., Bert' Slaaw, tooJir.n,vdaoannrie;dotiMnvd,er,rIvjiW-A,r.RvsLgdof oiainL:aI7.4,f05 rd,:t • Miss Ellen McCabe, Brampton, was a guest of Mr, and Mrs_ Wm, O'Shea. Mr-and-Mrs, Thomas F1ynnhave returned after spending the New Year's holidays, in Toronto,. Clarks ten and,.Malton• " ITLIARI RS. ''WibL.;LINI1 .IVIrs Josl' Of. .'Bruee-' , field,. died._saddenlY'at Port Credit_ on Sunday,- She was in -,her 8Stli Year: • • Mrs -t I.-oss' was horn and educat- ed ni. McKillop township. ',She was --Elv ;former ,Grace__E.4.Little...._Sne. was, a '11-ieniber Brucefieid Uiftt- ed Church. „• ' Her, husband predeceased' her -,in• -1933-SurViving her -are one. daugh- ter, Mrs'. Edgar (Grace)- Shutik, Port Credit; 7 -two sons,•Wilfred ru told, Wallace RoSs, Sea:birth; four grandchildren and one great=grandchild. Private funeral services-- were held' at the G. n Whitney Fun- eral.- 'fIonie, ,Seaforth, on Wednes- day at 2 p.m. Rev: S. Davison, of, Brucefield officiated': Burial Wes , • A t d f the Junior art -tiers' conference being held in, the King EdWard Hotel 1EF < , 'and' ers; Charles Hays, haVe returned.. to London afteV.spentling. , some, time with7 his. mother,: Mrs, ' Mr. ...and IVIrs;'-"Ainold, J. ,Seett andfour daughter,,of. -Point ClarO, Qiieben, .visited ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Va.'s T:, 'Scott and 'Win ',and'. ts; Elliott ' WalteltSitt.,.:XeRillep,--' uilng -the Christmas :',NOW:Year's ihelidays..:. • Maater ; 'Robert ‘: Me onald., had his „ tonsils removed ---during. '.the. Christmas ''holidays. ,' •' - •' Mrs. „Tames Kerr, wlio hag been M.,- Torptito fur. some 'time,., speht a , at her home- here. She Was ACOoMpanied,-1)y:"It:i6r: sen; Mr. Lesliilterr, ,-- . : - ; • •Mr. tt. Mrs. :Gordon Mieielc,--Mr.' . pa' Mrs': Grant „Cudrilore. and son,- ' ,Lenderi:' IVIr. and,-1VIrs, .Charlds. Gin-, gerich, Kitchener; aitd Mr. and Ilfrs ,. : O,ordort Radiord. and sons, of ,Londeaboro, spent:Christmas ' with Mrs. Jeanette Fraier. I -'. •''' E A T AFORT TI-HrItStIAt ERIDAy and SATURDAy — January 9,10, 11 GI,T$S- OF 'FORT PETTICOAT"' 'AuntE5-iuuariri• Joyi TAYLOR Women!With their men ,away at:war, trappectin anabandoned out post, had tile courage to form the fightingeSt army .you -have ever seen!' GondtirVornen and had,. he taught them all to'fight,,and one tallg#1711' tRilSi:A17;t1:1131°vAeY a'ad SATURDAY j;-aillia'..r'Y.16, 11, 1 -" HIAWATHA" iNCENT;tnvitik4ns YOETTE DUGAY, , . „ 'has' been -infOrnid -he has been ' awarded a permanent -- *s 'a» jWthe RCAF A son of Mr. 'and :Mrs. J. M. MeMillam---SeafOrthi-Aie is -sta- tioned, at RCAF -Station Chat - ha . AST: WcKILLC -Master Billy Boussey spent a - •• r -an(IVIrs grandPL_ arents', 6• .ait of rpresten, sPent•-ar-feW days, -IVIr.' and 'Mrs. W._ R. :81taw'...,.Lon- d• uring the holidays' with ',Mr.' an4 don. , , . ' - •' L "• Mrs. William_ Koehler, •' ' Mr, and -311r§: 'Donald Smith lid. •.mi.. ,aild jilyfurnse.,,,,Npoe,iirtinNa_ne.ivE_Itge_ear..,_es f4„111i1..A",_Pf_Llin„, spent ..thC ti.,CE _ Carole_and_. ,./mayistii.yvit_h , Afff.. dr.„1.,i,d-:-,-mr-s.;--HT, _ E. at the home of, 1,VIlir.rii)a,,neca.dhMpria. ,•1Want-ld. • • fr'ed Tremeer at -, • -- Johnny 'and_ Richard_ Fortun,e, _of- -... Mr. and 'Mrns." Fred and aiint, Mr. John` Lynch .'n ,.. Pie,Zof hiliW'll_ ., 1161-Wa lieCha:1)- a 1114 "6fC1CiPP jka B.0spent New' -Detroit-J- were -gtleits of their. IMO' J sisters of jofoaBuneehRwaoriciedo.cii: :ti.o. Mr Ryobactg„.. v;ij,th ,mr and Mrs: ff_vin • Donald ivieKindsey, of Willowdale, 'Mr. and , Mrs., . Gordon Klennr spent the weekend at, tke horne of and family,': of ,Kitehener, visited Mr•and Mrs.' R- it. MeltindSeY during the hOlidaYs wh Mi and Mrs ,,°Ed sh, 'i( f Port Mrs Laverne lloegy - =- Mr.:: and Mrs: AubreY, McNichol RutCdhDundas 't J,Moyr,, ,,Dor TimToronittolt, nof,, ol3I McI fsth,ea,f•orand :„vilVisitiesci d N Egk EGMONDV1LLE Toronto, on Satiirday.' Salida Dbii.111" Baird s c!'ineterY,, ruee le • , e, f Mr. d r• an r bheerengrsarinednindointilge'rl,h4e rsh.7.,HeadrYy, alsobeinunia°r and Elgin 'rhumPs'on.- 'fi-1_,,,owerbear- Keith. vvenster, '-'1Dtl-Y-tit' were at It.i•aridird-.1..Najrtelttilal:Sd.,t,o'h-soGkin?ia.,2:,;lodf-e'fiv°1Qfr.11,7ealuflidlia„rivtvi:)ri:s: and-Ili-STreftirtied-teiner ie-u-VVfl rdanee-: ,.•• e , ers -wereErnest _Talbot, ' Robert Sault Ste. Marie;"Mislar.; this week Faulds, W,illiam Ross attending -the -funeral -Of theif unclef y rerMiT.Ne-iFY.6"-i- drama festival: in Seaforth on Feb. isg Ella Elder s ent the h : ., , .•• , ,...,.., Pallbear-ers Uere Alex Hyde- Aub- _an rs. Willis ' . • . 6//d s ith icn •,,rn e L' ici,,,l'itiron lan Robert Stieir'''; F -.,ea 'Itathwell. Mr, :Ray o d• .- 0 t. ' and . . . . ° wpr gues s,0 .„ , , ' '' rh*ii iv' i' - 'ilgi:s.'.. ' Yr.• •nnd 'Mrs Alex SbaskOpf;• .). ,,, , ' ,,. , ing e ,, - ' '' "' - ' ' ' '''):Isi' ' '12 ' isT'takini Oart, hi the.. public.„'sne,ak„. -./ lit . ? - Dundas,,, ' ' ' -', ',... ' MiSs Mari,Lou. eilarid, who ag. .. ,•,,. . 'r'r`4, ' , - , representing. ..,,, reY Farg,utiar.,..,,,.f.i'VO. am ,,MCLach- . ., , , . , . . _.......,.na[d mr..',_ouarles.„ wilitaursz.,--,--':-.:7,_1.,_:' r„..n,rr Regel : ' . ._.,..''''_t)-af'. mr. Gorden ' Mes.§00,get-i, "of 4:031_, ' ;D• ates. have. beeo.'!„ „set'. for the' ROSS:',,, •, . . . .• . dli- ays Toronto. ' ':--- . don, 'and-tlie ITON 1 . . and .1‘,1rS-Gordiin• Lydliett and: 'fandly,••• -of Barrie, Were , • day . Visitors with ND.% and Mrs. • and ,IVIrs GeOrge Kirkby of ButwaSh, ere iithrs h Mi and • Allis.- if. rkby. 'and ylVIr.' Charles, Witirray '....thi2PaSit 'Week. dell; _Of,' Wciodbridga. 06.1.t 'their' 'vacation with .-their Amt.- and :-titiele, Mr. 'and: Mrs L., s ell BariMvs. , and 'Mrs John' McGavin Gus ph,, . mere holiday 'visitors • at the home Of Mr.::an(,1-71Mrs.:Gerdon DAVID WEIR. mother', Mis,.;;'1Vt...lyiesseriegr.;•.,i,n , .., . ,,, ;• hiS brother,:-MeiVim.'• .,,,,..,.:,. • .',.: .. es ' ir(Clinteli, ',on,,Feb.,.. 20; .ilarqn (From-. the ' PostKiniStino'!‘„..;'ifsk:) :Senator W':' IT. Golding' lett 'ii.dh.-: ,mr: Ben 'Barton,: Martintowii;: :Cno-ntY Juiciler Faritiel'-At'lleme is I- ,.'..5,1r,.' 'D'a3',weir eiie:: oi-:E_-"it.,,. ,d2a3. . for -Ottawa. to 'resoini.ehiS ..ciii:-' . ' and 'while here :•ViSiteil-,,Iii'S' Many Jantiary,•.31Tieketsnay,.:!,-b,e ei)::, 2n,.,,Y :'Slidaniiir -' eii-"'' StinnaY, .0.0e. Mis.' ,Pialine.'.'llecahe; BrainP- ; A iti-J11.Kinistitle6 ,IP:iliiiii .Hospi-. ten, spent several (-la'3,.'s..NIsiting: Mr..: Rartoo; diging. ,the'HbOlidarY.,.!;.Weelt-r-,; ,Highz.,...,Scho,O1,!!!. on ;;Triday-,evening; Oiends' in and aroniatt'sistPWOL:,,:1;.:,,' .1.ttailleg„daiii,,I.-froOaTni .-.1.1noito.t:'i.nOfg. thofe', tg4xogeHnutii,v00h,' t,,._.•s4k atehew ail. : ' ' ••• ' ' and ' , MiS, 7....i'esepb, ,': T.' .. IltigitV ',and has Tie4 returned in ,:lOi.:•-: juiiitn i Earrilers Wig,' :.,:::be OnWifr;:lon!,47awrachs<b1G5E;n-iis..i177..W., ,,;":/'lligell,..r6:' 1‘4• :Alsisr,Ka9nr:del.IIIr.usg.,,.1,11ii..,'..B.:,4c:AP-tidr-i' , eoMpanied . byylils!'..momo,..'- soi,„a11:..,,-.=t!.4„.:,:, ..,...., ,„... ,-. .:, , .1._1.?.d in.,...04.toi,ori, Marcli::6,-:., . I ,. num a. d family 'I,of' Stratford„.,: .liaVe-. . ' Mr. ana.'•:MiS.:'":'1V11:4ain-I''''Scotch:::''' X: lengt4; direnisiroii. ',s as and1eei:v eitli';'lltili ''''..O'cittlia'cw.ticiN11()' ltirklar Silegr-hbObli• m• oved to to ' ..'S:°--d:f°ttli• '' 41C-Id'--ar-j1"--9-C. spending:: 'td461.-A44YS .''''viitli:411-e.i... toP,:lig'3914'-....tbe 'latter.' Part! Of Feb.-. line. otna;tirto,gritint.611iril!°,1901.-;.ttil' eI.,Its_.31et8_ Alliii3Ye-"TSt7rtilleeI_IY-7,!;iblh'.'1!:.;:,64‘6;'it.1-e:etTlislr:. Trier have, N. rettirried ' hOnie;'' after: ,on'tlieVateirts''' night,' and ' banqUet, Son,. TOm.,• 'his, ' e'..,ffind•••:,i6,11., 't",i',1:0--.:',:,••=,...,:.-:.;.„ ' •',.•',"'• 1." .'',••• ..' i ried 'to Mai-Y.Tditir Brit -6:44j O"I';''..Tqii. ',„eeraPleted7'77. - :7'• - ; ,:. ''.. -7 ; 7' '911q1i)h', ' . ' ' ...re',•:',... ::::•••i:11.',:StroCi .1.7i''s-' 'Cloeted'SeCre.-:1 b ";1V1r2..!.and Mi -S... O. ''f, -L!' Ferguson, nig for the.eorning'year, 4110... Mar;'. tri,",..0Xbotir''SaSk. Where. lie -taught' M• r* aaa*rsTlYcia•s'' -1llIL '-'-' ^jerie,:Paprile -,Wa's A ;elected -,...PlainSt ichool. for tWo 'years. - 7 They ... re--.•':: '',..,:;:: -- 'Atieliiro-i5;7.aYel'E'6.70-7,34:SpAci:cleir-and- turned -to" Ontario where..!Mri!::Weir ' '; . ! !.'• . -- - : - - '!-- ' - ' . ' ' .e- - ' ! .,, , .,. , , Ptomi tient Citirteti-T7: yryariy,:),v,h.,4ti,: ,...,...,•:.,, . • .: .. ' taught '.',irf.,. Ilinen'' for. feni.-yearS''. Then they came WeS1',. •ragain,;-.-this' ,.!.. . , ,tirrie. to K...rii-§tine;.', Mr. weir,,,:was.:-' -';- (Continued!--t'0717'?,•age!'47);!-±7'.-,' the first'teaelier ,iii.-;tite4ittle. one- Society Mid. .a.- inernhet!!Of „KilroY ' roOle' school 'Whiell7w44- meVediri.2.", Cotincil; Knight's . of!......06111MhUS: ' - ' to ti,.- .l iin '' ilia tliat ear ." Mr' D eari..!-WaS,..bOrn :in :, Sea !.exut _.I.TIVIrs!,-. William '...D.ale• . 0 v gC . Y. -- . lin: • , ' Nits.. ' :c'e'en'!. Eli:lett of', ciinteri.'...:,..: Kirristirto di triCtS-, 7'.'',;'' r".,. ts, Jobii!Ouneen., In .1,of0 lie Was •• , visited ,wititzfits„.,.M,other;-.!,Mrs,..-..T...!' beleg• -in-,Wingliarn • District , : 'earlier - residents,* 'passed -ties with tary:treaserer!' fOr joint meet:. earee 'west ° ernnte' spent a few a:3r.: , , 7 coal WILLIS DUND'AS:', Charrrafon Store and Purnaee.-.011, DUNDAS ec. LONEY.. Phone 573 or 138 Phone ;33!,!1 R STA siieEf?NeW" Years With ;Mr,-;.' iii4,1;ater-„be tarued'jle: the '!,..eldeir.aad-.., forth,. ,tbe. ',San: of: theiate. Mi. and • „„ • In these ,earlY4YearS'be.Wail-,:ae- arried-:..in.,..St:'--.'JOsepli'S' I Church,• ; egrillittinity- undertakings' Stretford !. to Anne 'Laverty • NAM: Constance.„-Youne,Peopies'• Union such as erg*tiiirg ,tne! telephone StirviyeS;him.. Also suviving s held their animal „meeting , ...the systein,' and Working!"!in "farmers': orie •s.on.;.;',;Basil; -Of „Toronto; -tWo, borne o Itr atitd. Mis Wilber Jew groups.. !!'171e.was secretarYTOf7Wel; datighterS, Rita-, Ottawa, and Mts itt..ell:''SandaY ,'everiing.:: 'A, sing 'don: SeliOol' for. many ears • '; Mr. Martin ..(MarY)"- Van Tright;:',Arre;' Song_ end hYinii.;4eried:;-the :Meet, 'Weir '!!-retirettkto.:live' "KiniStiii6 i'btether arid-IWO -SiSters; (;.,•There IguNNOur c nig; - after which- the '-nrin.utes' -;;;if- 'six' :Years ago, ' • „, are!: three' grandehil.dren. A, son,: LAST. .. .T.toog' • • 0 -the last meeting - were read and He is. survived by iris wife, two Eugene, predeceased his father -in • the roll 'call: answered-- ,laughters :MrS'' 'Gladys Gardiner 1.030•'' . • ! • A .committee of Marlyn 'Taylor,' Prince' Albert„ and :,MrS. T. C.: , Fanetal. services -; Were r-lield Ron..,.Jewitt, and John. Jewitt 'Were White!...jeari),:. Of Windsor;! and . one TneSday • . at, -Jinies', Roman appointeci tti see ';abend tohog=„ , Bole*. Re-• •gazi :patty., - ...! , • held in- waS. sting„,). -with Election of -officeft Andrew"s United' Church 'at: 10, INV:E. Webert celebrant; Rev.; Laurence being', elected on FridaY.•. Dec: 2I,; Fergtis-LaVertY,, deacon, and Rev,: pregident;.• ve;•prosiderit, oh and ',Rov,,l. . Wright: oftici-,; Bernarr Laverty', subdeacon, . the Jnwttt secretary,-. `!. Dale; !'" • .'! • latter---tWO: roesowg of -.,the treasUrery,-;DeriniS Jewitt; piarriSt, :Hymns' sung Were. -"MY' 'Faith deceased., ;• ; , • Marilyn' 'TaYlor. ' .• ' LoOks !. !!,T,o- ,,"Abide Honerarkpnlibea,rers were'J; M• The sctiPturetlesson was read' by With ,.'Me.'. • AndteW"S' P• Charles MacGregor;' followed ,by rendered' '..."One „Sweetly:. Solemn' Connell, A. -Barber; prayer by Ken' Cook: ' The topic. Thotight,'"'... , 14g, and, 'AL ',A.' Reid. -Pallbearers .waS • taken,,'br, Marilyn' 'Taylor.- • : .Pallbearer were -Dave; Paynter, Were ,JOhn •IVIadelanil;,',,-;ffaines A. Niek Whyte was ' in charge of the fiugh Roy, Stewart,' Burton M. 're.creation. Lunch-waS ;served and. ald Manson,',Xarsteirtaiidriess 'and Ilart,---DUricati • Waller ';,ari.e. leek .cemetety. 'F• • ,....jan.tes"--reeinetery.'-' • ' " _ , o ou t uc for Li "LIME Store With: ‘5131G,” Value SEAFORTH ton o ven s ITE URC 7:OOp.th - • BJECT: VISIT TO Tilt TRAPPIST ---MONASTER ' Public Cordially.Invited .spenterel -days 'With'relalives inTo.r°1 Fred,of , were New :Year's, visitors at 'tile home pf Mr. and Mrs Walter Broad - •Miss' Anrharn.:..Paitere of Kin . first bit eve s�r V.,,aleatiate ;Soeial ; The:January Meeting. -of' the m the schoolrOoni. - .DitheS: 'United Cinireir,ThurSdaY, ,afterrttion.,„'Tlie--hyniii; "0 Master; Let ,.lyteW!alk--; With. .Thao;?,' was sung the..penitig:-'nuraber; fol- lowed. with ;prayer by :IVIrs, -Alvin McD6nald '.,ReV, .'W. M.. ;Thomas installed the. officers for' the.:Cora,- Mg year and thanked all thi5Se-,Who • took,' part t.during ' ther-P:ast. Year. , Mrs. Emerson. Mitchell- read. -the seripture from Pnilippiries 2:19;30, based on Paid's!' ,WorelS. ,.M.ember- ship s, Or then comilig- year' were paid, Repel were from each; group, . hieh showed, !a ; very the irieeting edjmirnetl, Bob. Dunlop.. ! terinent4eS in the Laverty, .„_; Interment's '•in 20°/? OFF All Merchandise, 00 8i.zes 8 •-• 14 Years NOTES • ; Seaforth Women's'lliStitute URCH.•GROUPS 'hold their.JanuatY: nieetirig at the • . . • home pf.Mrs.• Alex' 'Pepper., ,Tues7;GuouP IVi. WA' ' dJanuary 1.4, at 215. • This is .'Greu four of:'Nortliside Unithd Eboxioinics and Health meeting, with Mrs Gotdon tt ChurchiVrendnY evening at . The roll'call w. be answere'd bY anSWered tile rell °all' 1\it's* rgeend "(OR UROY GABARDINE COAT SETS. h ,ilF ostess Mrs. P'appie xr een-rnern ers ,and one. visitor 1/1,r. a 'the!,ininie:Of :lVtts1 fill* "am. ilbee. , Cq, , • .; • Size 2 - 3 - 3X,` . SKI -..?ANTS • 8 - 14 Year- • " MISOLLA LittIe [Nugget Coats and COAT SETS Sizes 4-18X. 4 OFF • BAItGAINS 09 • the exchange <of cookierecipes old WilsoiOperied :the: ;meeting and .The'!"-ficiftto; A‘A .riteraorry henrt MrS.. IhidSOn: read the !SeriPttiPe doet1ig�odiite' a.,..medieme lessoa-. „ :1VIrs; Wren,: film, • gew. ideas: tO raise Money -in. be taken by 'will be, shown .on.tuberetiloSis, 1358:Werediscussed ,length; and --Any•Imernher-ihavingiliorne-madp,.. ft Was •; decided', to get -Started, at articles.!. are. asked to \bring therit Several Ile* .proJects:. -taw :the Meetings for a, display, Lunch cOmrnittee is Merrill:. boOkletS, for were -Matte °tit- Mys Jack McLean; Mr4. EarEPap. • ' ple, -Mrs; Wilfred -Coleinan;,, relish- -benedietinn .i'vCs' re es, Mrs. 'Ebner_ Carneron. ! tedaettdeiebati,s-' cilutieseeh diweastriselvtieriag,marntd The rug-Making,tentse Will!cOrn- nionee- John T of - in the, .Seaforth District tirnbull irinved. a vote of fligh' School on...Thursday ,eirenirig, Wilbee for the Use ,seissors and Pencil,' atid eiretYone '1*ItESBYTERLW , January' 0: Bring needles,, thread, •45.11.61.. • • • is'. welconie, • Anyone interested in honkir' ig a4 rug -shOuld 'attend, The .'ffirr, ecehtuinrget of acithiee8,NAiewd ArrangernentS liaVe: been. made : 0 us • . for a, euglire and danCe to.13e held, held"" ' holt f the January :31. Winners of -the..gpot, la Tiiesd'aY with Mrs W A. - \Vic ht the chair in the . dank% 'were ,Maxy Catherine. Sher- seiaseP of 'Miss' Jen' $"it, 1.4.esi rY,,andArlingtozi Hayatd; COleirian' aPened the Harvey, qo rdon* „ . Year's' poenic ‘,1. Am :the Calee- Corduroy an Wool Plaid Linea - 12 14 dances at the Ne* Year's Eve g ni tion ,Flannigan and eliminae hieetlug with a suitable 'new REPOR , tordinoY Sizqs .3 - 14 tier:" • • ' The reports, of the SeeretarY • treatire;iwere read; and adiirda, • • 50 'Acres in Hulled; no buildints, dress with slides,. on "A lloliday very 'ititereSting and". eelertal R SALE ordrica Laidlaw rn ;APPlY to • nee Socks, ob 0,Cla r. Mi -Ss, Belle Gaiiihen „Moved: a '.votelof thanks • -- • 8oPia1 h.gg.4141.0--*40enjeyecL • The 'pteentive -w'ete ,in 'Charge' bf, the1unh. . • • \EIRESIDE FELLOWSIiip GROUP Ail interesting evening was spent at the hospitable horrie Of- Mr.' and, Mrs. „Sratik Kling 6nTuesdaY.eve- when the Fireside . rell6W.= 5bip GroUp Of FirstpresbYterian Churelx!.' Met for' -:their"larittary ineeting.. MrS, ft,;' -Cosford' pre, sided in' the„nbsertee ,Mir.s. R.. Several, items (if Were ;digenssed, Next Meeting:. WI% be • heid haritesif ,Dr.Aro mks. A. MeMaSter-; with. mr.'hnd Mrs. john A. Cardtill it qhaieg6 :Of flu' nrneehl suecessful y r, . • 'The World's Day of Prayer Ser- vice will'• be held February ,21st. . . The' topic 'for the• afternoon -wag EETIN S taken by the IVIcKillop grotip,, with Mrs.' Norrninf Schade and • Mrs.. introdUced Devicliratstif speakuig 6n:Japan. IVIiSS FlOrerice. Laidlaw; :who gaye TrST:mii ,402, . "Lead On,- 0 King Wors s e closed. by, singing an. eYeViele 0f ."4 -11e t.r;iP she., Etetnal,.. followed by prayer'.'by ed'.to.-the Hawaiian 'Islan.ds‘,Rev.! the preildent.,, , • Dof., hOgleffrionotrasin, hObomellts,ltroaivedds, Itnioduel the WA ineeting,.' with Mrs. Gordon' ; ,1VICGavin h a d of .living and theefuptiop ot . twenty members present. ThSec-• All was Very intetesting.. retary's' report was given by.,Mrs, of. the 'meeting, after which Miss th diose J'al:eitleliCluftlig.s;Prrveescised'4 'hick Supper will be held at the 'all- ill.1%1"13freeilanSellt4ra'srldStalVielnis•e•riAtt. ,CAouptotst: riaolifssttr;s:anadIt'inh,:sf.klitescise, ritrIr ttht:;inrkehdOstg-, neanin:ihwear7.',.g:ehei:dae"td'i7ate 'h!auvpePlay:isnli'ena"., . the .speaker _ MisS , aria mini meeting January:- 22„;..witb cw-L MEETS• '• tine sotial Friday evemtig; Feb. . .... ' .. 14. Each group .is_responsible• for The regular. monthly meeting pt at least twerity minutes' program. the Catholic Women's League was Lunch will, be served; to consist held in the, schoolroom Tuy. r esda0„ -. ,sandwiches' and tarts: The evening with, 11 members present. meeting dosed with Arayer. The presiderit, -Mri: M. Etue, 0P- - !-.- - •- 1111111MNINISlilPiiiiilill[IlialitIliiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiA 'ened the meeting with the League -,- The sectetary'S rePoit waS giv- en by Mrs. J. Hothann in the abr. 'sence of Miss M. •Fortune. • The second. vice-president, Mrs.-- G. Reynolds,gave a ;reporton tbe 'randy for the children at Christ- mas. Third vice-president Mrs. M. WilliamS reported nine`plants. sent to the siek ind shut-ins for Christ- `.R4tes for ma,s; Cer espondence was read by -Mrs. J,. Devereatii4 - and -treasur- er's report by 'xis: 3. ,Bannon; . It- Wasr,deeided to hold .„a euchre ;in the. sdhpal. on. -Friday- etrehitigo 'January 17. The mystery priw Was won. . The meeting cIllted With prayer; after';'"Which len.cli was served bY Mr S: L.—Hewitt arid, Mrs, - 3. 0 REFVNI)S, (IR EXCliANGES A ,O -Excellent ainflje:s. tts • Spial __...,, illaps..0i SeafOrtli Now Available, lnanSWer to repeated requests • l000taepea:4totii;n:::::ix;i)tea-titiTtlifes:!natt.:;11.1W4dyyni°1ge;ia,es-d' b:Peere,u, - Itiv:hto 41.146: , . . 4: t_ , frOill visitors ailfl' residenta, 'a ,de= toett PubliShed by The Thin* EX-: 7 ' tallact map of....'8eaf*t4,. bowing , . . : BROADFOOT ts a cook ,_ , OW at SO lit iteic ;#7,4 • BANTAMS. TA3 SEArt/IITIT CLINTON DAN MIDGETS E • Ts sEAF9RTH ouritoN -m1D-G ,8:36 p•ol• ATURDAY EVENING janiciary 11th AFORTH ARENA our 3qt.f.,,fgeLTeare, hasn't been beaten ye. . the local boys. donne,ont and S.UPport:. earan F RNITUR , , 'Eric It Sltor.ty'.MUNROE 'Ph6ifief 394 -011111111(11111111111Bialliiiinaingliggidillitrig Al hone '119 • AM:1313LANCE;Etyip afoTth. Sale ;TEnds Saturday„ Januai at 6 p.iit.% • Plaid; and :Jersey-, , BEV lliSES: 112 - . Orlon. ith 1/ SnUggledown OWnS .& Pitintas , Gowns !yIumu SLIPS , Nylou Trim -r,cottQn a Rayon. DRESSES - STUMM BLOVSES SWEATERS LINGERIE ,090 OF NO tXCHANG S'ORAtEPITN-1).-SH: . .