HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-10, Page 7January 4 Mr. and MI'S. James Dale, life- • long residents- Cottstarieet- ob- served their 55til ;wedding . aunt- • vtrsory New year's Da.- Carl Hemingway, Bsseli; Was named' secretary -of urort Federa- tion of- • Agricultu" re, -7 to 'succeed •'Gordon Greig, -)31neya1e. • •AcclaMation in McKillop; id l Betiermann. l'etUrned -Tor Ins tenth teire as ' Fire guti"frame2Shortrat YGetteral Coach, Hensall: TptallOsS suffer- ed .was estimatedt-$10;000.-: January ;11 , Ken Cartipliell"ITfdDorothyr Keys were- elected presidents of the Sea - Ruth Junior Farmers arid Junior Institute. - James, McIntosh is. re-elected - chairman of the Seaford!, District I High Scheoi 13oarcr with F. C. J. sdis,a,s vice-chairman. •• • 'Pueltersraith elects-' -Couneijlor •'Pia° Forsyth a's ,reeve for lop Ov- er Reeve James- Doig, who Was seeking his fourth terim ' Robert 'Campbell, McKillop, suf- fers a fractured leg -while doing chives. January 19. • low zero wave blankets the -district when temperatures' ranged' as low as 12 degrees for three suc- cessiVe nignts. It was the .first time in several years that there , T E VOTE'RS I -wish to convey my thanks tor their-- support in ,the elec- tion for Councilor. SAM -McCLUR I „. THE ELECTORS McKillopof Twp.' „wish- to thank the 'electorsfor their ' ' , , t the recent. election: ; - • , • ishing 'you all 'the CompIi meritsof the Season; . , • . - e Vacancies for Men and Women asottable rates for up or -bed- patients. Graduate:Nurse in' charge - PHONE 222 - HENSALL haSrAineti sueh u„snstaitterl spell- the area. E.. . ItoSedale iatie, in operation _here for ,two years, ,cdropleted moving its machinery, te,-.Lnidsay this: Week.- Shortage of fentale lelp in Seafordt was adyarined, as son fer-the :” "Elmer :RiVerS fractures:lug while' saSsiating -JP Starting a tractor at ..,,tfarm of John -MacKay-. Ge4.dY, : reeve. "01, J-fowich Tlirainsitip"- • And- meraber. of...County Council for eiglita,ra; was elect-" ed , ,,januarY' -25 • •, Kipperi -,East..W1 decide, that,. Men "are- better -today: whe-ther-held 'a. debate, 'i.ltesolverr- that Men- -Of 50:years ago were better' husbands Wan today...," Mr: anci'Mr.S. :Lorne Webster quietly obServed their ,51st wedding anniversary,tinJ-anuary 24. • tjtirie0 Are , fatal: to John L. Feeney, -St. Columban' he' Was 'crashed, to death. milder:the- "wheels of ,his tractor. • - • T. Teall:is elected: chairman of the .Se-afOrth. Public 'School Reard at 'its', inaugural 'meethig, and discusSed.-ivith.' Glen Gardiner, publie 'school :inSpector, a schedule •of fees for hon-residetit - H. H. -LeSlie„-Se,afortli,.. is eleeted president of the Dalitinaen'S• Asso-' .ciation. of ,,Western,Ontaria.-: Seaforth publie sehonl_papil, is tops-iii,,s'pe,ling bee; and, will: compete in ..zone finals. Fthruaryi Wilfred -,Sliortreed •Was .elected 'president of , the East ;Huron Agri, cultural Society', at its ann-ital-ban.-: ,ntiet and meeting in Ifinssels,-.."T • • ToPimtclr •'Feed •Limited radii es -head offiee'' to Seaforfrfl Stratford. Seaferth •has -latge-st .of the six plants operated ;by :the com- pany. -, • '• • • , Arthur Anderson; 83, well-knoWn. :Kippen -resident-- was iirStantly-kill--- e n a two -car o meal •, -Nearly 200 People Payed tribute to ...the immortal Robert Burns when-. they . -,attended- :the annual Lions Club ,diriner.and prOgranr. • 1 evie Seaforth, tearit << , • - , Friktriary, 15, :Winthrop ...Orange ;0E440: -marks . Mt.!'" aninVersary..when. guests. and ledge: Jriernbers ..held .centennial Annerinc--etnerit -,made "this - Week. of -the •-.YeSignatiOri of agri eultitrrepreSenfalfiir,,,,. W,,,"Mtint; gomery: Mr; -..1VIiintg.einerY,:„.., who •hsoneriPieci,',"thes,poSition-fiienear-;- beeorne, agent iii..Dritatid. 'With the CN.4., sta' trotted :TOrontri.".. -Mr; "and. Mrs,. ,R'obert: ,Beattie,; WhithrOja, :Celebrated...their. ..geldell wedding:, aniiiversar,y ,o,n; Felitaary,•22... ::Denglas„ , agricultural re-, eSentative:. for FrontenaC .tranSferred County:..Mieff''..MileS :Take up hi iew pOst, On April' ;."`The :Main Cause:Of -,,Deligneney'' Was. the topic :giVen, hy--", •J.•. ,SemPle When he spoke :to the Sea- and..Schoot: 4-McKilIoii Municipal Telephone yStetir-hOldS. annual: -nieetiiig;', re - jt Move ,to: sell 'and- iip-•---rates. :$5 Maireb •-• ' ,,. • . : 'McBride; .former , 'Stanley, tewriSlrip , is • accident twkar,,he,4done.CollisSinh. bet -a and,:HenSall. Mr and Ephriant" Clarke,. arpresentedtvith' table lamp an piebire '153i. 'Constance Farm ,Feriim, gromi,.prior'te frievnig;'MSeaferth.". Glenn Campbell Was naniediiresidenf "Fef the local 'film; cOrincil when they Met' for a.' Jectienis-t t.r,aitting .elass in Sea or . - Pre,Sident R. --W 'Campbell •See, retary Earl IVICSPaddregi.-",-- MTS. ' J. Griinunett• 'and ' Mrs; J. F. Scott rst 'r,epreserited -the Seaforth''' Agrieill-' . ,ral,...So-cietY, at the aninial: fairs c tnientiou in --Toronto -• -- , .• music and programs were pres- . • • ented with 'the. ,' churches lovely. - -ST--CC,LUMBAN• • With . Christina's Inoti.f,, At the Unit- - d Church- ',Rev.- C. D. Daniels .. - . • '•. . , ehos tor 'his- Sermen to ic Where • Huro ervatives rerfarninated Elston Car- diff - diff as candidate:in the forthcom- ing e n riding Progressive Con- DECLARL WINNERS IN DRA SPONSORED BY BRODHAGEN C OFC :The &St fund-raising, cainpaign: of the Brodhagen 'arid Distriet Chamber' of Commerce had a suc- cessful ending :last Friday. even- ing,: with a social evening held at eirOle Sebringville': The Itiek,• et sale `-of 1,000- chances. on a 1958 car', .was....-Conipletely:' sold. Mr, Ford '. DickiSen .--deserves special mention in, lils'planning and hand= ling of the. sale of,. these -tickets. Mr: Edward - Scherbarth spent rnany hours on selling 'advertising space on -the specially cOnStruCted boards ',that. held the "tieket67nurn-, berS." nianherS did' -a magnificent: job '* selling ,.tickets hi' their"' allOtted. territories and:a. special thanks is 'extended ti -the people yrho-SupriOrted` the 'Chamber of Conunerce by, -purchasing-lick- ets and &Mations. ,indeed en- cOuraging to the m,embers toknow the .public will Support'thern, and give them the incentive' to con- tinue on:in-their. Wartliwiaile work. Land 'has been purchased for an athletic field and now, money is available, to complete' the, project: --:.The social evenin'' g had a capac- ity crowd, and the several, 'games were welt patronized. Free ltinch Wag' supplied in ,cafeteria' styln, The ticket draw started- at o'clock 1indvvas completed by midnight. On every 100th Esll-aw a $10 prize` was, given-- . "The following are the winners:" _William • G. -Higgs, , of I.ondon, Won, the • car, Ford Dickison. being- the ticket seller; (I) K. L. 'Carneron, d E Ilingst Mitchell- -(2) , Feature Theme Hensa11. Churches --‘'Cliristmas'': was the- therite- of church services' in I-fehsall_. chlirch- -es -on" Sunday _as special -serrhons Mr. • 'and- 'Mrs. • James ,Rarrinan Lond-GM visited :Mr, and Mrs. Jos. • , . Connolly; : Resema:ry .-spent a; few-. days-iii-Kiteliener; • ' Miss' - .CarOl, Melady,- Detinit, a • ,Febin - Exp.end ,,nrore erfergy, more thought -and -nioi•er Mental ..sWeat was the message.Rev.-Dr.--1., Sem- , ple left ,when lie: spokeeto, th:Ti.tek- ersirlith ,Federation,:of,TAgrTeldtUre- at their annu al_ ncieeting;, -when they •re-e,lected•-: 'Alex , :2:1VIeGrregor " as president. ;' • Elgin Nott, - I-Inllett , 'Township .fainner, 'sUffered' fractoretLshouil-- der and.. shoek-, when: he fell '20 feet, to the . 'barn ' • • rs._, W. IL. 1VIiller celebrated , her 80th :biithclay,„.ast: the -horne'. of Mr. and:Mrs, W. P. 1VIiller, -when, more than 50 relativeS arid. friends gath-.' ered - • • ,• Junior stitute„.rnerrib.erSI:ettertained- their 'parents- :and ..the-'-'Seriior, and -heard ChuOlv!Kingsbury, • OAC,. lph 'speak on 'cleaning grain for showing and Seeding.- Seaforth,JUnior '13's end schedule' bri • to altd:ve.aoat-Jack-mepAi,ata • witll--iiatge and travelling "'hag,. It was' iJack'sja-at *rime game of the five .years I he. has. -".played, on the SPent- N'eiV"..Yeati,,- at:the.' horne Of, Mr. _and au Mi. and, Mrs. Pat Murray and family,.London, spent:New Years with ,Iyir,LandtMes-4janieS:.-Met4tiatd.: Pat_SloanNrid :Joe mnqnk; Wiad sOr, ,at'llteirlidineg- here.< • • Miss Marton J1cIver, Detrost 'spent entS,•Mr and Mrs- William lVic ' Richard Fortune, viii - ed at. the LYncli: home,.; . • Mr- '",atiCIVIrs. ;Inek+,Murray;Lof, Guelph,: visite dIr. and- Mrs.• Michael.' Murray: .. . !Anne. 'Miss -,1-.1eleri- NOlanand Vmeent 1.iolan; ,Katchen visited james. Nolan . MissMbllie Ntalbue,:1-!o on, and jaek:211141one,:-Montreal,„..Withe ,Mr2 and Mrs._ -Mr Dan Cron'in `and -T ',Morris are , in ,,Seatt'illeiriorial . . HoSPitale• , he :gond, 'Yeting.r. _ ."Year .stand the loneliness." • • • `At the beginning.. of 4 --New Year it's time to lookoveryour minting -supplies. Our prompt, - courteous service is available to all to handle, requiirentent, for: STATEMENTS , , Ffie'E FORMS LETTERHEADS Our experienced. • printers will give you Letterhead§ you': 'Mil Qtea,eity PRINTING " be proud of: NVELOPES , , Ask forprices on: BROCHMIES:FORMS I4STs At The,Expositor you get , at MODEATE.„pnie • with. mzrn SPAY E:144 ypitg*EQPREmENT,a.-7-1411., 41lOtE A PRICE PHONE 41 me Winning Eine Quality Printing -mi s LTahme .7,1e hj ra under d,Pe9,rth?ilead- ership I of Mr_ Sam Rannie, with- . sole, - sang •"-- Silent . Night' Franz Gruber). Mrs.' Carl Payne was was. soloist: They . also "GlorY, To God-", soloist being Mrs. Ron ,Mock. Flowers , in memory of the late Matthew rl'inney Were placed' in ,the church by. the tam- Rev.',N. D., Knoic preached: a inspiring ° Christmas essaae.'-- a St. Paul's- Anglican .Church. Mrs. IR;- I-L.MidUleton was -organist- for Carmel Church, Rey. :Donald' MacDonald based his ITIeSS.,4,gc:LiR the:subject "Christ. -came• fcr saVe men...AG serve,- Md.!" , ..The chpir added rnitch to- the service .of wor- thedim-esir---"bMe'ae beautiful le oinging f sotftwo , Inas!'• ahd" .`.`Christians, Mrs. Harold:Bell was at the. organ IMAGE Mr.,And IVIrsitobert Gibb Shar-• orCand LYfida, of Glencoe, spent., Sanday with Mr. 'and'•,Mrs..-, Harold 8M.Y.th and Mr. '.arul .and Mrs. Jack -Walker- And Deborah,. of:Toronto, with, her par- ents , Mr; and .Mrs. Fred A: Kist: " Jelin L. *BennewieS visited With Mr. arid Mrs. Irvin' I3ennewies, ,Mr;Fred Scherbartk:of,,Detrolt, and Mr. • --Glenn--.Beime-Wies . of Windsor, 'Visited:with•Mr, 'and ,Mrs. johri. L. -BenneWies. • ' Appoint Trilstees_ - The 'Brodhagen School- meeting wagleld ThursdaDec. 26, in the afternodn: Re-elected 'for trustees were Harold Rock, ,Norrnatt-Bin newies and Wilbur flOedy.. Harold Rock is, also secretary, and was appointed to -the IVIonitton „School Pair Board. FredVarloffAs again 'caretaker, and the teacher, is Miss. AudreY'Hadcwell, rif Walton. • - „ . Staff -Has -Party - The stag of Sholdice's • General Store and Egg 'Grading Stations' en: joyed a banquet. and social" eve- ning' arid gift exchange, at' the horn _ df Mr. ,anclAVIrs; John Moore, „RR 2, Dublin, on Sunday, with Mr. And Mt. 'Russell Sholdice and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore the hosts. These present vvere: Mr. and Sholdice arid family; Mr. and MrS. John Moore (Marjorie Miller); Mr, and Mrs, 'Jim Simmons (ShirleY Riehl); Mr. " and Mrs: . Franklin Butick (Marlean Priesiap); • arid Messrs. Donald Diehl, Carl l3tinck, Ray.' Beuerrnatin and„. Arthur Die- gele-, • sizocEFIELD Miss 1 Eileen „Keys, liensall, vis- ited her grandniother, • IVirs. Ben' Keys; q,dirring the Christmc- holi- days • Rev. IS. Davison and Mrs. Davi- Son -.. spent' the Christmas season with their daughter and son-in-law, r. and :IVIts.-john MacGregor, wasSe, Mich. ' ' Mr. arid _Mrs. Stewart Knoxtt of Sarnia, and Mr., and .Mrs. Lorne Wilson spent New :Years with Mr. and Mrs'. -Robert McGr,egot.'. • Mr. and Mrs, ',George Griffith and family, Stratforcl,, spelit New Years with 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs.W. Stackhotse visited for a fiv daYS' with her brother, Mr. Earl, ,IiIthiternait, Westfield. , and Mrs. GeOrge -Henderson left Thursday for Florida, -Where thy Will spend the winter. " Mr. and ,Mrs. Servis, of HoltneSville, oecupy the 'Hen, tiersOri hOnie ',for the winter. We welerinte ,IVireand Mrs. Jeri to the ' VisitOrS with Mr; arid -Mrs.. Vic tot 'Hargreates, for New Ye'ars wpre,•: Mrs, Robinson and fart- "ily and Mr, flhrgreaves, AyInter; Barry 44 aldwin, St. ThernaS.< ^ MisS J'atiet Watsen visited with her• parents, -111r,'-and ,1VIts." itchert atson 'over the holidays. Wflhiaju RQse., RA, A,- li$orrabblni;, glaYton ;.- (4) Gordon"Teltz,,:RR. 5,, Strafford; (5), S. Butler and Q.scar glekineir,‘RR B9F01•Plin; (,$) •Wayne Beller- manni- Brodhagen; (7) Hugh. Grey, Sitehell;(3) Lavern, :Gardner,' mitelaell; (9) Elmer Koelller;, RR, 2,--Wa1ton; (10) TvIrs, IVfannel.Reuer- Inantli- RrOdhagen,-. dice- is president of 'ClIaPh'er„, of Cornrnerce. - • - Ttsi.rter's NaMes_pffice.rs • ..The':• Woman's ..Association �f Turner's -United 'Church met in the chureh for Eltheir Christmas: meet- ing, the t-cho9orroom beingl.beauti-- fully decorated for the occasion. Tau HURON EXPOSI 11, EAFORTIL ONT., Martha .re.eiper; Of -.Seafor viSited 'on Christmas, Day with r.- WilUmf,seiPer, 'Sr„- -and farniy. ' Christmas Visitors With''Mr. aird-111rs, James •1$4cEwitig and Kathleen were";' Mrs. ,Aleic SeafOrth;: 'Mr. ' and Mrs. •J'elan-MeKWing and , family- and Mr"., 'and Mrs.--"Williarn-,Pepper Xiickerkmith; •• • and IVirs,DOnald'iWeNallild• family, Of Ibillett; , and , Mrs, Rsell."Mel3e.th and 'foully; , don, ..-,:and.,..•Mr; Mrs., 1, Ohms: Tirridaull of '• BriisSelS, spent . CnriStinas ;,'witli.,Mr;, and -Mrs. - George - •• :-"" ti,asertient .14. • LiindeShOrd. per was :enjoyed by .4114 • shin SerVice,-followed,-*J.,Charge of Teilinan.:WesterhOut A' :sing-shig ;Was led bynne:MeCed1;*itb. Mrs, E. ,,ToWnsend,PreSided • Marguerite i4Ori at the.'„piano.. Sev"P 'Call 'Was 'ansWered with ;What each garnes -and.:contests wereco dne'1,1'6'verOatr.ue: ntght 9hi.;_aphrAkpsl:Vi -ahiveiatneSt,*gC3,4'4en':Cletd;; ztet 1..d, '411311, 'Yed1' P.Sirdus!W '617.4`QT: a:<up4-$11.0cs':'. and Townsend who has been 'shirrey attendefthe golden wed tiVe, and.. Conseientious.,.:in;":heV,..Ot- 'ding 'anniVers, :Mrs.:--KrioiEIS" fieettie::PaSt..tive -Years: Mrs: F.T..-parerits-,, !Mr: •Bernard dEffailc%4serfe-rre.-i9(115$t",- •-Honorary presidents, ,G. on Sunda ith 014 V:1 son icpq, shleht, Mrs., W. Rog- &r,ai Mrs. We1ey-Ro and etson; secretary.d4Viee-president, -1.1VIrs family -SPeat- ChriStntaS, With ,1)/fr: Fal 'and Mr's. qr:ITAI'Riaktof Clinton - Pe -net"; : ,tre where faindY-"gath "°:' °Ye, gor; starit„,s et;ry.treasurer,r, fOrtY, .• Abs. .1. Falcone' '',N.0,1anist; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid and E.. , ,Crich; assistant,- Airs. Rog- -David Christrn a s. ,-Da:Y ',with' erseri. , • -. "` , and jOhh MacDonald,,, of, .Prograin 'cominitteo, 11,IrS.,-• Turn- Walton. •, ' er, Mrs. 'K. IVIrs. ATMs.; .and.• MrS: -Jarries • IVICEwing press, 'reporter,: Mrs. T -L, Johns -,.1 and Kathleen ,,Visited. Wednesday -parsonage-; corn a-nitted, .Mrs,, eVeriing with- Mt. „and Geo. •Whitrinire,-,7Mrs. .,11EL•,•••,Faleoner ; : ,,Maratiall;••qViatiriee:-Fred- Mrs, E, Whitrnor;e; buying coin yisitcdajew, 7 :,11- g; dayS -last week7With_ iiiitfee,, Mrs.:. E. Layton;. -Mrs: ,,E? Mr. ancl,Trs.., ,"John MeEwing and ,Whitniere;,.,•Mrs...,G:''MCOregOr.',,,' 'c•••• • , Cleaning:: c hur cin. Mrs.' Mr2 Mrs". D. ..""MacKenZie, ..:Rogerson; ---flowers and LuekiroW:.'"- 'Mr._ and .1dr-S. George, 'cards, Mrs: Carter and Mr, -, - Glen kalconer;. committee, Mrs. Carter ritiIY,Af 'Hullett,,, W.Rogeison E."'Crieh, orr.Tti4day- with 'Mr. and MrS, 'MrS; -W. Roberts 'Arid. YST.:0:tt.b.:.13,'Oft, and 'David, Johns:•, • 'Legs ,Reid and Bib "Y,P.LI- 'jOined„. the, for a visited -en CbriStrrias-"Day: candlelight. service with Mrs: John' and 'MrS:, RaY. Turner.. as: leader2.• - • and Rebe# Lawson • read:the : ChriStinas, v'iSiters' with Mr., and JurtS. Air's•'-',Artiiiir:,=-Colsoii3-4nd±flatriii', :pr.: Mrs: Turner- lit each : candle Were Mr ,and..MrS:, Robert -Jamie;- with MrS, Falcerie.r.,,: Mrs, Alice son and JairieS;lef Hallett ;• and: .1.za,7Son; Mrs. Townsend and akrs-.,,..Harry Sturdy Betty axid Crich reading ."the ,therne Ross, Cr. Clintair„,'. and”, Mrs. Sturdy.; for - each,: ,Severat-e arols - were' Marjoriej-Rielde.,;--tefLrivii,o, Mspir- christnigatiOlidaY ing service With: and George."Slnith -,,A.Sli'ort,reereatiOn 'followed :With Thes,e4tek.ens-,,ipent,tchriet= ,GedigeT Turner .--in`.•:cliarg,7"- 'and 'MaS. :Mr... and Mrs Harvey lunelt:WaS....serVed the ,ladie-s:..-" Ashton and . iti co m ittee Mrs • obusM s -Mex Mawin S a for th pileftIive. r ersbn Districtjligh Scnoel Board -,at. the - last„, meeting fOr .1957, -..Q.L.Hullett7. Egniond.Was.. appeinc ed to •rePreaent„--the::,:township. on Clinton' District ,A•Collegiate.`, 'Insti- tute board, and .W. L: Craig tnthe • GOderich ;arid .DistrietHigh,Sebool' • BordenBroWrt, CeriStatiee;, : was appornted by the counesl to Seott '° '• Experimental 'Arm,Brand�n Uri -en .. 1)11:liver Man.,. to tet the value of grtt aal,l-sirilina'ns4b;;!:rnY4etti7,:lesffeaendtivet°;rieetlitaobdll,8411, races-:Cnarge,, ration supplementation it grit .pi•O- Leo: infinsr 17 son of; ,,,tar1 ed.'. atiVantageons•:Tiie all mash :Zimmer, Zurich, Anti ,driver of; a' rati6rC'llsea *as " tarrailla:tad''to ear whieif •:sti.iek -a 'tree, in that •?,46,0.0iiiPali;t.eg'.,,:i,tah,e‘a.,)!-ri'. <village Iast„ Week -and/catiSed; the death- of of one of the passengers, fitted to nithvidual elaking. eages; were..ailoted to,•each of the follow. ing,treatmentS: ' All-hiash :With no ad.decl grit; mash phis 15- grams of,,,r,grif.'Pen, "bird fed orice.::.eaelf rnOntIC,-rnash ,containing,'orie 'per eent, grit; .1nash" With.grit fed free- •,'e'_s.;, • egg • ' -:'-;;T; 'The inniiest „into: the ' death, ofestteh0 NE. Insoluble Grit Nctt "...Needed ,,',.-- The "all-rnash. systern .9f- feeding, 1ayinghensiras dvantagiJTtht: principal ones being' that a ,feeder _knoWs-the " 5 etual:ley o the V ions ' nutrients his' birds a mi- stiming,.it is conurionly -ackriowledged that- hisolublegrit.i desirable for nptimnin feed:utiliza- tion .,cornirien mash grain Board, • , • ' , supplying lard, grit ,tO comiilemept, was arrested. Thursday, He is facing a charge. Of ctim.1 hial neglit,Yence and was -placed in Huron County jail in Goderich. Preliminary' hearing will be , held, January 15 in Exeter., 'OPP 'Con; stable George Mitchell has been in charge of the investigation, duction and.::.feed-tetniireiments, ,to- sYlve$t61. Re.444i'll'Ye4i'61:4"4•49:'.Produee';a•dOien eggs, Were not.lef- waS-...kiliod when:, the ear•drived.; b3s,' .s.(1Pnleinentation,L„ 21-111*er'' 81;616k. a tree ha bn. feeteby_ grit caneelled verage. :body Weight,: and , titOrne, egg c1enri' Hays.; weights. were, •Similareln„,all treat - •Anent :groups 'arid .pig, shell thielc-r, ' grit. feeding .• ,Lbader •, the - eoracTitiOnS-'01. this experinien,t,the extra; Cost and labor invOlVed in "adatiirkiit-16..-iii, all -mash rations Was: not justified. ROINI OF THE `• Mr, Gary -Sholdice has talmo pesitfon "witli. the .Canacliarr:•Baalc Oor.4111,0ce :at Dublin. . - - Sr, arid Mrs. William Deitgel visited , with, Mr.." Saln Sinyt14,,, Mitchell; •.en;„$iiiiday.;-‘dnd :1Kin• Swint;', Nfilvertoni'recently, 10, ,aid 'Mrs4'..1,43rern--Welfe ,and Don and Mig's ..Beth,-Cple,, visited With .14,- and: Urne Stratford, • and., ',Mrs:: John•Hirizz Sebrfngville, -NeW- "Year's -Day: - • " ' Rev, ''-and "Mr* -TObri", Arbuelde and fandly„.Pf HesPeler; spent New'. Year's Day with her parents, and• Mrs, • AlbertQuereogesser., Miss Jciyce 9herengesser and Mr, Bert-tar4,-;Claredde,,-of-StratfuTd;-.ati So visited, at :the ,axrie home: WS. Dalton Hinz* visited- With MP'.1..'"and Mrs. -John,`,ArnSteim-i-Kit," chener,'•.and her sister,Mrs:- fred Klinknian, ,E1rnira, recently., •,Visitors ,with and -Mrs:-Wm. Deigel NeW Year's MS;- Sam Smyth, - Mitchell; r, and Mrs. Wilfred Suebring and daughters; Mrs. Ida Brunner, and Mks, Clarence 13i-unner and SebringvillMissEh, len -,Ednichas.ton„ Kincardine; Miss, Marlene .Deigett; ,-fteg.N.; Stratford; XX, Ch1viriPiee1, Waterloo: "- lir,' and Mrs. 'Lune Hinz arid- cliddreni -Chathain,. -Visited with Mr." and Mrs. 'Laverne Wolfe., Mr. and Mrs.. --Michael Connolly- and family, Sebrhigvi1, Also,: visited at Ithe sanie horne. . John c.:.1)eiget ana 'Mr. and Mrs. •Ed. ,Rressler-Stratiord; ,Mr., and Mrs. Harold Deigel- 'and' Mrs,' Ithira Deigel, of Mitenelf,Taild:Mr. and Mrs: - Martin beigel„,,,IATaltoe,, were; -guests 'of "Mr. and -1VItS.:,"-W. L: .'Querengesser5ion Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred . Rudolph' and datightet, of ',Loridan, visited .With: IVIr. and Mrs. Carl 'Rose.:-• Mr liidy----WdevisitedWith • , "relarti.YealtdMs, ihlietristi": M Ma e, Detroit, visited- herParfUtts, pod Mrs. Ed. Priteter, lk/fr, aud- Mrs, Norval, Elliott, Staff?, with tier parents, Mrs.. Henry g„ Diegel. bis mother, andsd'mfaomthielysr: Mr. :s4“. Gt • t Iaearni, a r blVt4t1 tmsmr i eLd./ ndrj. MP:rrilse.l teAr' Mvin Rose, raine and Yvonne and Mr. teorge 'Vincent, of Sarnia, and Mr.- and - Mrs. George jacob, of Kitchener, - witb Mr: and Mrs. C. "W. Leon. .bardt, ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Qner0A e - ser were in Kitchener Witb- aud MTS. 'Donald Stau-ck. Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1Aeeming,. :ilia and Randy,-"- of Walton, and. - /Vlessrs. 13i1I Wollacot, Ha to Nmoanrnikwann;llo JilaazndJiof iL ctk Asonlmmer13,ve Il'orontocand visited recently and Mra. Lavern Wolfe_ :_. Mr. and Airs. -Ford Dickisort, Glenda and Mr. and Mrs. Hie ij Smyth -were and MI'S. Robert Gibb for Chris Dias. - Mr. Nornian Rock visited in troit. ' • SEAFORTH O,NUMENT WORK • , OPEN DAILY T..-Pryde 8t- Son - ALL TYPES OF • CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inqiuries, are mvited.. Telephone NUMbers: Exeter 41 Clinton1620 , Seaforth -57 zustmist AND PROF ES!,1011A4 ,. DIRECTORY". „ , • -•\ 1)ICAL: DR. M. IV. -STAPLETO1ST „ . 'PhYsidao, and Surgeoxt , Seaforth. If no answer, dal]: 59' RNYILL,,,; BA, ' ?di). Physician ;atid Surgeon'• Office ' Res, 5-.T PP4f4.3.#4: SOH•N C. GODDARD, 'MD. Physician and -Surgeon` , Phone.110 : Hensel] SAFORTH 26 - A. MelliAS'YER, EA, M.D. _Internest Telephone 27- . L. BRADY,' IVI.D. 'SurgeOn• ' Tel.ephone 55 DR. E. 1HALBUS • • Telephone ;26 - • EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p,m, ' Appointments may 'be .made. ". IrkTERINARY *TURNBULL& BRYANS -VETERINARY CLINIC 3. 67. Turnbull, D.v-.m., :Iv. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, .D.V.M., V.S. Phone - 105 : " Seaforth Government Fails T�1 -Meet Needs Of grictiltute: Forum ,- Saverity-two Ter cent..of- the, for.: • s .reporting their- findings to ational Farm Radio Forum feel that .current 'federal government Practice 'on ,the„part of the pro- . , Larin • Policies\ are not ineeting the' dueer:,s frequently blamed for farriers' needs as well as they -this condition.. Te M. MacIntyre, Should, •<, , Canada Department of ,4gricu1ture • „The forwrns were asked .in wiettat Esexonte4poin nneritotsout lEarrrit,h,N4tthis isu annian,,Novea., ways their -needs are being, or 'not being met through federal fortunate,: since inmost cases off - farm policies. :Thirty-seven pet flavours m eggasnrleroacquired s. ectraf- cent of „the forums thought that ter the eggs leve sOrne ,of their needs, are being 'Met 4Too much fish oil; or' 'Oily. fish through .such policies as the price meal is very rarely the eause of supportson dairy products, hogs oft -flavoured -eggs hecause much and poultry products; the Canadian larger quantitieS' of fish oil and Wheat Heard; and temporarily fish rheal Would haVe.-1-61-be"---fecl- through 00:I:advances than7,18:- now :included in laYing stored, ••tiOes., • Experinientolty•work, has . For those giving'ia negative. an shown. that up to 20', per cent fish tw-er, 29 per cent felt that fright meal had no effect on egg;flavotir, rates 'are • too high; . 27 •per cent NeYertheless, fishy' flaVour in, e of the forums . said that inpport, does occur and is apparently due prices on ,..hogs, and eggS' 'are not tO .sorne metabolie :disturbance in meeting the 'producers' needs -bat tbe bird Birds affected with this are. of value to the pasIcers. The disorder have A distinct &lour to price ,spread betWeen. cost Of ,pro- their breath. Since rerooval of duction and price of produet istoo thesebirdS, front the flock is not great and_should be investigated. Practicable, some "fishy'' eggs 'will acterding tti 19 per .nent ,of the Probably Always-• appear on the forumSe• The 'forums want lower market, , ' M'achinery- priceS,, better. -farm ,general, however, neither the loan and ,credit policy,imnort,,con, hird nor its feed is :responsible for trols, stabilized pripes, and more Most Off -flavoured --cggs, 4'h� off. advertising..of Canadian farm orb, flavour is, primarily because' eggs ductS„,..the-goVernment, to that, will take on odeurS, and flavours there, -would, 'be a larger World 'When 'stored' Close te;Marir strong market for farm prooduce„ • ' Stelling and oily, materials. - • r#-8 tllottaarid farmers diserissed- AdditiOn, as; egg -get Stale, .off - and repOtted their OpitionS flaliPtirs seern to be eeeentiiatea, se "Federal Action for Agriculture," thfit stale eggs are freettleritlY the ,reeent 1.02the Neteve hVaadcasp, Canac Of complaints" about flavour. Fishy 'Flavour -in • • ,lbe Most -Combionly ' :observed Of -flavour in:I.-eggs:21s "described as` a. -`.`fishy -Poor feeding LEGAL - A W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. . Phones: , Office 173, Residence 78 •SEAFORTH ; McCONNELL & STEVYART • Barristers, Solicittors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL' . •,•. D. L STEWART' - SEAFORTH, ()NT. -Telephone 174 • AUCTIONEERS • DEN - NIS 'and WILDPONG '2 Anctioneers • Graduates of 'Reisch American Schnol:of *Auctioneering. Licensed in ' Huron, Perth -.and WaterloO. Capable of handling- all :types of sales—tatge or small. •` - DON, 1)ENNIS, R.R. 1,, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 • ROY ViTILDFONG,ICR. -2q .1741ton • Phone Seatorth 831 r 5 ' TOMETRiWJ .JOHNT." •'Phone -791, - : §eatOrth- ,EyeS ekgraiined Glasses. Fitted: _ _ _ , Office' Hours:" Seaforth, daily eXcept Monde -374,', - 5:30 p1n4, . Wednesday,- 9, . TicrirsdaY evenings by aPpointment... • Clinton: . Monday, 9 am. -5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware.) ACCOUNTIN _ A, M. HARPER -Chartered Accountant ,85 Sontly TelePtire Goderieh343 Licensed, Municipal Auditer. HIROPRACTIC , Thll,Mc1NNES Chiropractic -Toot Correction COMIVIERthAt-HOTEL ' Monday, Thursday — 1 t8 p.m.' INSURANCE The MeliILLOP - MUTUAL FIRE INSMiANCE C . HEAD OFFICE-SEAFOR'ffl, Ont, OFFICERS: -7 - President , •Aiexander Walton , Vie -?res.. _Robert: Archibald,' Seaforth • .„ . Manager and Sec.-Treas.. M, 'Reid -Se-afdrth' ' DIRECTORS. „ „ E.- J. Trewartha, Chilton; L'. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. • Leon- hardt; RornhOlro; -*Alert bald; Seaforth ; John"7 11„MEwmg Blyth; 'William S. Alexander, -Wal- ton; klarrey"Viiller,:.6oderich; PepPer; -13rtieefie,14;, Brow:1foot, Seafortli, _• 'AGENTS!. Wffliam Leiper, Loh-dm— hOro; ',T. F. Prueter„ trodhagen; Selwyn - Baker, Brusselsr"-Elic Mtnroe, Seaforth: 0 0, 0 0 0. 0, .0 0: o 0,* .0 LEARY:', °"" 0 J A BURK.E Selifortiz Ont 0:Direetojr. 'tt-tpkgko EMBALMER :0 and /101M:dance ServiCi -0 -5> „and ftNERAY: 011E000it G ,Nsght or bay Calls — 44" :.-Phone 43 i'10 0 .4'1'0 0.0 0 0 .0.0 0 0'. 00 0 * 0 00':0 Service::: .: 8.. ttOt • 0 ::341e00.0.4 0 Pronipialidratefiira ention 0- • • Bed- ' • 0'.FLOWZ1S FR Ui -0 0.. • „ ,'OCCASIONW.,.• 0 0- 'Ites:105.4V.. • .•.Stpre "0 0 0 o 0000o >-00 *O: 0- G. A. VirilITNEY • „Funetalllonte Goderleh St. 'W.,‘Se'afOrtht AMIAILANOV SBAVICit o: AjSibje hosPital beds', 0, for -rent, , PLOWERS POR EVEhlt OCCASION' * e1eplo -.0tr, or