HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-10, Page 6, .
- ,
POSIT9R; 'skiTctitTli, ONT., JAN. 10,. 1958 ,
• lkwtEa4t inein
$eheef;re'tiM en sainr"
• 44111141.Y 11; at a
Elects Off:Weis '
¶lie 'eighth." annual -4 meetingof
e Winthrop :Young_ People's
wsholt& in e un Y
th da Sell 01
I.Tnited Churchon,
day, evening. 4,
:iiiisiness part was preceded
a1aqiet 1r. SuMinerell, led:
Jean Hillen favored.
1**110..Selo.., The M,intites
*PI meeting' were '-react-,
was read by IVIarjorie
•efliii,bY the Slim:far School
e whiCh ;:iiiraS -read --by„,
:Somerville; "
e:secretary's report was, read
%Diane Bolton. Mary „Dennis
'favored- with solo. . ••
on Steep; igesinent of ,the
resbytery 'YPIJ, was the, guest
'Aker", and he told of the re--
"sOnsibilities • when :Jailing 'the.
.Yroj.ina.r,L6OP)eotinion He ws in
traduced' by , fbe " President' and
• chian. •, Aktiriann, ancti
thanked on behalf of the Young,
' 'People by Jim Axtmann.
" The,Officers for 19 elected, are -
aS-•felltaWs.;-, past .president;.:: Jnia.
4tiriann; :president; -Arnoldearrip-.:
hell; ' vice-PreSiiient;,..,MerVYn
Pp -
pe; %se cietarY and.' presS. ,secre-
,BOYd.; "treasurer; E4i1
aviesi)44den'; ptni.t, Jean' "Ellen;
asSIStant: Pianist, Margaret.: ROyd;,'
:stewat.01:11p '•arici'l,training,I. Lavern
Godkitr4:- assistant ,Jobn.. Alex -an,
der; Missions and:world Outreach;
•g*ior:Clitistensen;%-asiistantj map,
gatet .Boyd; -CitiienSliirt. and ;Cent-
npinitr: Service,. Jane .SonadiVille;
ant; -;•Warne. Dolmage,; recreation,.
and 1tur, Don ,Dtidds.;'--.assigt;.
DianeJ3,,rilton,;' Juiieh -,chribnitt•
Boyd;:"Barbara "Driscoll, -and Merle
.Godltin,.. :A -leader ha's %not :been..
choSen-far corning.:•Ye.ar..:
Speeehes we given .; byeV• •
Sitinnierell‘::La-ry.i.Wheatiey and
Arnold Cainpbell;:'whieh.breught:a
' very •eri3OYabl:e :evening, to a Clese,
' , •
. • • - • • .
1Ct1,017iiiit ‘y.01.1r..'itaVitS;
S,CIU are: Purtetna4inyriSing,,' Wrote
the mother' telher Stildier •seirk
yen- Won't keep: the: hattaliriti" ai
• 4,1..4
2 only Chey. Pushbutton Radios $99.
2 only Chev. GM:Electrie :Clocks 22.5
12, only Chev. GM' Lock Gas Caps'. 3.7
'2 only Chey..-R IL Sun Visors .
2 only Chev. Arrn.Rests, black 795,
only Che Arm ests, kray 825
1 only
'CheY. 1955 Artn‘gest . . 7.95. 4.50
4 Only't heY. Backup Lights 14.75
• •
Windshie,shersi:•_,1_2.75 /.5
.2, onl-y_Chev.. 1956.
• -Washers
1 only Che'v. 1955:Directional. •
Sgnal . .1250
1 only Olds 19517 Windshield .
Washer .75
only Olds- 157 •13ackUp a'n1p.s. 1175 8.
5 only -Chev..1957 dig4,rette
Has Meeting
-111e sixth meeting of the. Sea,
forth Sewing Circle was -held Fri -
home y Miss Suane
liaugh„ The meefrog opened-, by
singing nAtild 'Lang Syne'-' an& TT-
peating the 441 Pledge.'
The roll, pall was . answered by
•giving a method of: removing pne
kind, pf goot from'. '10°1., • Instruc-
ti011 as given for storing wool
•clothing, inviiible darning and in-
sertilig, a, zipper, „ •• -
Home assignment was: work o,n
skirts:and recerd book, • .
- The next meeting "will be held
at the 'home of Mrs; Broadfoot,on
January 11.,
fat eqng
At ThorntOn Hall
(The Canadian Dairy and Ice•'
Cream Journal; Novemberi 1357)
. _„
„ Douglas M, (Doug.) Beattie, well
.-ljnOWn nneMber-of te stiiff','.of the.
Dairy Division, Canada:. Depart
meat 'of AgricaltUre, idat Ot-
tawa 'early in _November , --.He had
been in -prior health -for about a
•year, but ,was on 2.blisiness trip
to the Maritimes when his' condi-
tion became worse, :requiring his
retuib,t • •
„ •
cated in Termite Anne years
where he officia ed i tlx • of
inspection and grading of dairy.
• products ,111 that/area. When ,the
Departinent opened - an office -for,
:the inspeetion a'xid grading 'of dairy'
products at l:,ondon in 1,938, Mr.
Beattie was placed in charge of it,
.4th:ring th ChriStMas. Rties
that holiday
.:s•enson 'Was on held. in honor of.
Mr and • •;-11/Irs.' "jehri.'„Mels„riney,„ _et
•White Bock,. orT-, ',Friday • 3:7Q-7.
)op . bislip:assembled nt the'
bdnie4.4b James
Scott, Thornton '
The.eyening, was spent, in 'taus,
icalrway;, with. solos , bY Sam 'Scott,
-Mrs, J. M:::"Goventrickc 31.
years 'old; 'and' w1insangaxiipld
I sting, ••T,Ogether• •and
I Mrs David Ltvinton, Singing is
a, tradition in the,..:Sciatt home 'and:,
• these. songs': were.,.enjeYed",:by
pr es eat- Were .:1‘11•;:-•
•and::.11,IrS..,•:::„GeOrge: A, Love,. Cede-,
rieht -S,eOtt eX-;
tended 'pf,..thanks'. -to :
_aridM:ri,".•Setritt for
-sPging 'Auld. Lang
5:50 --
Naine Bob -Taylor
Farniers' :Union. • Ce1inty .theeting
was heid in Clinton ,agri'atiltUral
41344rd rooms Thurinayt night i••With,
agood:attendance Bib Taylor :
hich :.saw ;seven 1oais Csent•-_,
• • 1.0Q' pr viiini1
presiclent..COOducted .an election
for direeterfrir,HUron..::,There: were.
three two- declin-
idBob Rcib,„.TaYler....tyaSleCted ,by•
rielantatient, • ••
" :The 'elhairinani" annouuced that
the :OTC Were :Planning draw',
'dryer. and, aptirehredEand,'
raCe,,,hog"-•.•as"::prizes•,,The date Qf
„the;.d.ra,*:ikte be annenneed:'laAer.
the Meeting'
up:t erf,T happeniiigS •
tawa • ',arid: ",Gitelpli.;,, „Where
•'00.1;i4iii.g:iinftct 'to • preSerit to.;
the ,GoVertinient..Mietings,-.ere,
sbbeirrilnneded, for; Mo8t, ofthe
7:7-11 .-
'eg, ',MeYerS*-•-preSident:-;:of-2..the-
Whea,t :Board; .eXPlainedthe., wheat
board policy wldcli wjlI"1,Oe,... voted
onanuary, 17. ,„
. .
Name_ Winners,
At-Qraflge: Euchre
Grange thall Property: :vett:41'44e."
held,another 'IsuccesSfaertehreFri.„
day '„uight,. 5.the•,:; Orange , 70E.,
Eleven tableswe in play.
WitnierS:1,Yere;.-14diee Mrs,,
A. Rethime; Consolation; IvIrs';•Ogn,z,
.044114gq-,.•'1,rieWs loighl•:-Johtr.Tr
Meer',1on hantls,-.• StelWart.',.:
consOlatiOn,'•,',Frank aloney ' •
•Jtroeillth'141§8-ta,Aftfreth'iVIDIA41,1r.sy tja.171-7-
.'• •
'.;He Weiittle':Gttawa as .assoeiate
chief, 'GradingAO Inspectien Ber-
• :1
• OVIC: tehise_7wnparkittd1Iteit:4St'atifileit'-egrs°Pttcli-
tallied in:the-grading :WOrk,- With I
•.the l'ate S. R.; ..RoWe.. having the
reSPonsibility!. for .inspectien,".ser-
yices.':1-liS ,aPpOintm,ent. as .chief of
4. the •GrFading • ,arid Irispeetion
: Ser-
vice5 of , the ,Dairy Division *Arne
:,..abbut,•a year:and a hah before:111S
..trative resPonSibilitles of his later
tyears the • goi•erinnent service
ere aged " the -amount of •'. tirne
• he had to 'spend at .his desk, • he•
Still •maintained: close,' liaisortwith
the field staff „thrriugh eNteiisive _
travel. Throughout his career, r.
, 'Beattie „Was- always', convinced that
_there was. no, substitute for ` direct
• contact,, -with the grading and, in-.
spection problems ;that „Tame' tin-
, der his- , suPervision.,. ' Wherever
41 there .waS a special 'grading •Joh
• to be 'done •there -Y01.1 'Were almost
sure to find Doug Beattie: 1 -lis
Group one -of Nor liside United
Church met Monday evening at
th---hoine of Mrs. Williarn 'Camp-
bell withl 21 members answering
the roll call. -
' Mrs, W. Balt opened the meet-
ing with a New Year's peem and
conducted the business. 'Mrs, E.
II. Close- askeelt'fer help in sewing
and knitting for the Red Cross. .
itois. Ball reminded everYgrie Of
the prayer meetings this week, and
urged as many ,ats- possible to at-
•Mr, •and. Mrs..*Torn Peribile,;brk,
dal coliple; called en their grand
'parents, Mr; and Mr. Rudy. Pesch
'after a :wedding...trip to Detroit,: •
M. and Mrs..: .Allan Swartzeni,
truber and. family, of New Hatu4
burg, visited their/relatives here,
:Mr. Bobby-,Oesch visited Mr. and.
Ns. Lloyd .Guenther and family
at Dashwood. „• ,
• r. anct Igrs. EPhriain Gingerich
and -family spent a day at Water=
Miss Manna Dinsmore .has re-
turned after a- visit' with.'„Mr.. and
Mrs James -Dinsmore. and son S at
Wituds-or,and is, visiting with' 'Mr.
and Mrs. Thrimas Dinsmore.. ,
Mr. • and ,Mrs. 'John McBride • of
Zurich LOve- and fain -7
" Varna, and Mr: augli avie.
I$ride,. of London,' spent New 'Years
With Mr. and :Mrs. Roy McRrisle
and John. •.
Mar, and Mrs.: Etne
-of Anderich; visitedaud,,-
Edinund Os anLfaitill3
-Keanetli'llanton;-Of Torea-
tO, spent a..feve days with his eon -
Sin, • Mr,- 'Robert, 7 .
and Mrs: Archie IVItistard
arid 'senS,, Of Hayfield,. visited .Mrs.
Mary Iley for • few days.
Mr; Albert _Martbiled 'the" Prayer
seryiee'. in the EXT.11.: Church- at, -
Zurich. IVIondaY, night Wedne,selay. •
Mglit 1tev.A Amacherrof-ZUriek,.
,W,51C.in, charge -of': the
ervice I at' -the „•AraiSh'.',IVIentionite
-Church at Blake-RronSen., Line, Alf
service,,s -were at -3 oclock;•-this- be-• -
hag"; :the` Week -1. of, -
' :-Money-inaking...•fprojects- for the
corning . year. were -discussed, and'
a bazaarTtelake,place at, the Feb-
ruary meeting, , was. planned .and
the bine; bags will"%be •brought in
again" this :year, in June and De-
cember, - 'More 11,:aYs . are to: b--... diS-
cussed at the Februixry . eet g. •
. :Mrs.: Manz took', Charge -of: the
devotional ',period-. , Old read( from
Pga1m11.1 andalso a• :few: 'Verses
fromarues:: She ...theri,led in •pray-
er. . 44 , . • - "•.....• • ' ,_.
.. A :- werk'.,,bee,,,y,a•s ,' . held With,
Mrs.."-S.,Garnha,m passing Mit: quilt
patches, 'Whichthe". ladies i...Scwed.
Mrs.' ClOse,l-cOndUcted a 13ible-Oniz.
..Mti..,Adarits was. clieSen-to cen-
dtiot ', the Bible eilliz' ..,,dinting--: _the,
Bali next .: three :1nOnths.: M's. Raand
'' •M '
' di '. - 1unch
siSted by the hostess
Mrs..,w0,34‘,.thAniAcit.the- ;hostess
.for_ the , rise ..of :her hotate,_and -Mrs:
Manz' for fir..part.-inthe,...nieeting:
0.14$11/1 , BEATTIE- .
• The'latest step,' in. Ha' long' and.
pronective Career- With :Canada De-;
partinerit„pf , Agrieulture was -his,
iapPribitMent‘ in.. MarOh af 195 as
ihiaf of tne, Gading
'tiort .SerViees, of .the• 'airy Divi-
- Mr
.B.eattip .waS horn _at:J.:Sea,
Glitarie;. • in :Huron Ciiturty,
staff will . have many memories of I
him , heltoing , out When ther•e :Were I
heavy ,or exacting tasks to ,he'done;•,I
at the , decks, iri Montreak checking
.Shipinents: rof..' cheese, dstined for. •
oveeits lothe caidstorageware-
attention: fel,: butter: "samples „that.
were held there in Crinnectieri:"Witli
the,••wOrk on fwashed4;anatintwaSlied
ibutter; inany of „a..-dezen. loc as
ex'arnining butter:held- by. the .
•d aferomp1dting prelim
Agrieuitir 1,-Priees Support Beard:
dary education in. the . schools of I •mr. ;Beattie was :knoWri. and, lik-:
hiSH•homei.,:toWii; -.he: attended • •the led in the' .:04iry, pi.oces'sink .indus-
Dairre_S.hOrt:..00j,trser. at/ 0tario Ag- .0y from. coast to 69,4st,., „lip' • gave
rieulturat Collge. Having:: gained freely of:, : in 4 the prepara-.
..Senie,PraetiCal'.exPerienee .in dPirY ten and '7presentation l' of 'z papers
p1antintWestern7Ortiarte:-..he CVS arid feijOft countless,
dently 'decided' that • the . daisy in cessmg e0tkizentiOns,.
'dtiStrylild be hisiife work, •. and •-dry en :grading of butter
entered :the :degree eritirSe at OC and ihlese may 414e;said to have
Hereceived the'' degree of .13,.§.:A•- acted: as .,.--a-1••:cetiscienCele:.',ii-i..4
the dairy. option in 1.03•:•
...0.1,TRALIZ.Ela;;CL;EXIING ;‘;
• " ;Is Bet -ter -Thin kver
Photo!' 5ii""'
, -
uchaniii Cleaners
Min'i Spots and•Stahlslteiii0veil
; Garments:. stay 'clean. longer
•• . Will .wear longer.
Phon :69 r 2 -Seaford)-
. „
A e
..Foliowing a year: on; Maiiitinilin decline,,in theuahtyof•.,its pro
Island m the Vvagg creamery; Mr,•,.. duets' '
Beattie • billed - the ::' staff:. of the'. • Meti-like • Deng; ••.I3 eAttie.. do net
Dairy Branch,'SaskatebeWan De go lowu in history for some
partfrient;',Of 4;, AgrictiltUre, .. and: serv- 1 'Oa zzlin:g accomplishment i their
.ed"' there:::.I.during:, the 'period • when t steadfast performance of ditty is
,cream grading was put Qfl the I the „Solid -'-foundation
ba-S1-8"-thratli-a-STeriritiihnted so n•iuch.' our ,society .• It •would; be:
impOsible, ;to. astess fast the -Pen -7.
whach,' the
dairy industry -in.. cioSe .1o..35years
of He..",cettainlY: played
an important part Ar. he xmprove •
merit ,f daity,Prodttets".AhroUgh.
grading; 'and he gave ,l1isu1lshare.
-towarrIS __the .,....hetter„..2_,Unders tan ding
between .people; on W1ufilf7a117p-r-o-",
M the welfare_of . the buttere Indus-
try'Iertlie proyinde.- Re,turning-,-te•
Ontario' hewit ernpioyed,aS an
instructor; ,b,,y_-_,the Ontario; Depart;
ment-Thf:AgrieffIttieTand Was' Sta--.:
tioned in, the CentralOntarioarea:,
• •WterNaboUt 'flyer years With ;die
joined the,•staff :of Canada Depart-
••of ‘,AgricUlture and; was lo-
greSs -depends.
'Aftnoilig tistg' ftineral of • the late
Mrs: wland were:: ;Rev. Monier
• Gebrge;,,,Chatha m ; Rev. Mother
• WindSor;•'1V1r.,.:.and "Mrs. Bert;
Gallant,', -Windsor; -Vincent.
IVIcGrath;- Windsor; Mr. and Mrs:
Edi. McGrath and faxitdy, --Ilder-
ton;::• Mt.- PatMcGrath', Lending'
and:.Arfrs.-. Pat- McGrath',
MrS.',Jee-RoWland and family.,:.Kit-
chefien;•• Mr. Jim- JOrdan;
ward. Hollancl-;', Toronto;111r..„-, and
:1VIrs.. Frank ;Rowland; ,,-„Dakvilii;
gdwaid RoWland Toronto.
Rev. V,iticent; Eckert, C,S.B.; Of
tto,phesthi' New. Yok wih his
mother, Mr Theresa Eet
and :Mr's., Richard: Gutter-
idge,., t,Aainington, , with. Mr. and"
rs. Dep,"MaeRae,-.' : •
, Mr. arid •IVirs, Bert GliNori,,,and
daughter, •Mr. - -and :Mrs. Haines,
Clinton,: Mr. 'and Kelly
Le-r.itl', children "•Seaforth,
arid .1grs., J4k Aceny,,
• .The /1:fleeting: ,. of • Egindrinville
YR:CP:was held Sunday with .preSf:
dent Bill Strong.in,the chair: The
Meeting Opened with. .a -hymn, fel,
CoVed,•by the roll .call and inin-
• otos of the,previout Meeting.' The
business was..dzus d and the
• `treasurerreceived the -,offering.,,
The meeting Was turned „over, to
Brie McIntos1W-corivenero Mis-
sions and -World Outlook. '
Henderson, read:the s crip titre and
'Erre McIntesh led. in prhyer, 4se
I introduced the guest speaker, Prof,
James Scott. Mr. Scott •ga,ve an
• interesting talk en :the deeds, Of
our fOrefathers,- the- pioneers -and
mid how great whelp faithWas,to
'thent,, as it is to Os today, Bince
Coleman thanked,Mr. Scott. .,
-The Meeting closed "witli"A hymn,
A discussion, sing-iongfand: recre.
ation &flawed. The. next ,ineeting
is • to 'take the forxn ;of •a skating
- Dlirig the' slack winter monthg;
labour isosier to obtarn than, at atiy other
time Oftildear-.• That's 'why, right IloW is the
best time you can choose for making those
lorigiwnardAi' repaIrs „and inapibyetnentS
our home;
With :Mr;',..and 'Tergus.
• .;
- d- Mr, anMrs. :Louis -.Lane' and
.danghter, • London, with ..Mr. '•and'
Mrs,, Wiliiaxn. Lane: ••••' •, .
• Mr.: ,aiid Mrs': Robert BYrrie.and
HAMilton; witit Miss. Meal'
icalltyrile, and Mr. ,and,Mrs„. per-
gtis" :'•,' • "': •
and Mrs, -Frank 'EVanS',Cve.re
'Xitcherier- with Mr. ,.and "Mrs.'
'Prank .Beintrf•
Miss, ''Anne Dundas,
With. lyir.,...aride Mrs.: Jack _O'Rourke,
Mr: .ancl -Mrs..., Den .Maeltae in,
• Parkhill With -Mr. and.Mis,
Gooding.... • • •'
Joe in t non with ..Mr; .arid..1grs;•
If you nee4 help to • hnance this woric.g4
about an istILk, Home Iinproyeraerifioan.
Ariy. Toronto-DoMiniOi1 managet.Will
pleasedto give you all the details:
*roaconio rsofinINIODI
I'VL SpITTAL, Manager-7-Slafotth Branch
,Mrs. Mary-Selnilnian in Windsor
withllr, and Wis. Leo Holland.
Mrs. .E. Jordison in • Ancaster
With -Mr. and Mrs, A. jordispn:,
• Mr, and 1VIrs. William Duffy and:
children, of VI,Toodstock,' with Mrs.
Louis Dillon. and DorothY.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and
Bernadette spent NeYears With
• •
Mr. and IVIrs New ears
Dantier in Kit-
cherter. .•
' Eleandf.:MeCartneYy
chener; s'pent the cbkisttbas. holi-
days .With rier parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George McCartney. •'•'• •
• •mr. ;and Mrs, Harry -Prichard,
oft-Terontorvisited a feW
Week with theirsisterthiLlaw, Mrs
Charles Ham: -or - •
cpngratillations 'are in order.,for
Mr. Harvey Taylor, en being chest-,
eti 4s 'deptity-reevefor,..Stanley,
'Township. • • 1/4 -
The ',Week •of Prayer waS -
,served in the •Brueefield 'United
Ctfurth011 MeridaY arid WedrieS-
day ,evening, and will coritinue,on
Priday afternoon when prepare -
trill service will bp held, at 2:30,
prior to ',the :Sacrament of "the
Le?al 'Super on Sunday morning,
January 12,r‘at
. ,
rriet'lier, and proyesed all
at the setae party?v ,
4i,Yell; we got to •dancitig and
cotticinq think of anything else to
•, •-teyv axes Due
. „-
Less thxtsti. per cent of the
taxes in the 'municipality of the
Town of: Ciintorf remain to be col,
lected at this • date. •Arinounde-'
ment of this very,fav:orahle 'gtate
of ;finances • i‘Vas , made' by -Deputy
Reeve Nelson W. Trewartha;
chairman, of the finance, coinink,,
tee,.. at a Meeting on 'Monday :night
MifinaliZe the council S 15.7 -•year.
Total tax• revenue for Clinton is
abojit.12.98,904.54, 0/14r, :$18';/9,66.9
remains •-tine-rillected
vions to 1057, only $5:000 remains,
in; tax arrears. Although 'It The
Moment the town Owes tbe bank.
$10.,(100,,, at tbe,,same time -there is
$10,60b'nWing thc_town from the
DepartmentAptHigh-Ways in grants
which will not -be reedived, .untif
March of. 1958.. When this is re-
eived, then the financial this,
ill look very, goed...-,-Clinton News-,
Record.• '
I Herald Cease --Publication
RiPPen East Women's Institute,.
Will. hold their regular ," January
.thebting on Wednesday afternoon,
January 15,, at 2g.m Hostess
Mrs. W. Broadfoott and co-hosteSs
Mrs. Art F'inlaysen. The. meeting'
I will take Ihe. form of t a grand. -
I methers" ,meeting- --and -the grand-.
methers. will answer the roll call.
``a wise Saying ,of randmoth-
ek.." • Theroll call, will be answer• :
of th
Pe der, shen.. suitetsinsigng-te t:lit he e wref ghhtt
Mrs James Draninaond will take
,the ,motto; "IloipitalitY; the Old
and the NeW;" and Mrs. Russell:,
Brock : will hethespeaker; open).
by Mrs„• ---Winston--- Workman ;
Grandmother, Gift, - Mrs.. L.
,111ellis,- and a, number,' liy
Camxtbell Eyre.: ' •'
The 'history of the Sohn Wood
farm will be ,. given. Lunch , coin-.
inittee' is Mrs.; Stewart Tepper,
• 'Mrs, RusselF:BrOck; Mrs. James
Drumniand• 4ria--- Mrs W. -Bell:
,i1EAD OFFICE -.J Exeter, Ont.
President: •
• t. Clayton Colgithoun,
.• Science Hill.
• Vice -President: •
• Harry Coates. R.R. 1, Centralia
DIRECTORS -Martin Feeney,• R. "
R. 2,/ Dtiblin; Wm, A, Hamilton;
Croiamity; Milton McCurdy, R.R.
t, Icirkton; ,Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3,
AGENTS -Thos. G. Ballantyne,
R • 1 Woodham; „Clayton Harris.„
itchell; Stanley Ho:eking,
- .
SOLICITOR - W. G. Cochrane,
thur Fraser Exeter.
Christnias:Arisitor at, the differ
s were:
• Mr. and .Mrs. ,Albert "Iteney with
Mr. .and .10S. ndrewPark
• and Mrs: therlesjtoney!. and
with„,heri.„Parents,_ Mr: -and
• Mr: and lgrs. Ross, ,Goiddn, Don-
na , and 'Harry,--Mr.'„H:•. Gordon;; Mr:
arid'AirS;' Rss 1ViOdie: „Gcul1yTith Mrs. Mary. Ma1cQ1m:.:
:•Mr....and-M.rs7IVIerley Lannin and
family ead' AUStin, With
igr.. and: ;Mrs, „Harold Thiel..
Harold'. Thiel and
abd VA'S.; Tergas.;tatiiiiirainl'
family.,with,her :parents, Mr: :and
• Alines-. •Broughton.
and ,Mr's.",Daltoti'...Maleolin;
.with,Mr.: and
1VIrs• I'.' 'Ron Sfiaticird:
and MrS.:Norinaii-.BUshfieldi
Mr. '',and- Mrs..LawrerlCe, :Hannon,.
Mr.; 'ROY Hannon . and
".-Ear-1:4rarker and:
fainilY'.Witli. Mr.:, and „3/1.17S. .Angus,
-:-M-rand_Airs;,,LeSlieMoore with
,Mi and MrGletin.'PePper and:
fainilY, Mie and 'Mrs:', Gee. Meore.
and fannify,•Mr, and Mrs,,L; Hark-
er.andfainM..andra. Rs
Pepper' And ;;Oonnr,.. and 'Mrs:1441-
{611r 'and Ha1t0Twith7.-1VIr.nd.,--A1't§...
oeerse4:Pepper,-.MitChell.` -.; •
Ivh Dan BurChill.:Spent
Mas :With. his mother. at: the..hoine
of Mr and Mrs.JackRurchili.•
ent, -Sunday wilh Mr. • and Mrs
Dalton Malcolin, • : "•,
and Mrs:: -.Harold Sniith•-and
faintlY and Paid'Harbaieli aritIMrS;
Will: IVIurdie:Os*H.Shriday., evening
it the.s.amelhome: ,• •
• 1V,IiSs• Mary E. Grahani, -Mr. :and
'Mrsy Orah.4i71,IT, and Mrs..
Den :Graham and larailY and. Mrs:
A.' Dectute, caged, On Mrs.' James
Malcoim and,viSited their Mother;
Mrs. 'George. 'Grebe m • hr. St,ratforfL
Hospital, ' •wlao is. ,iaot improving
very' "4, -, •
and Mrs. John, Dawson
Mr.."'A. Ctilti'viSited, 'Mr; and
MrS:,; Rill Stephens:
mr.,,,.r'and. Mrs. RoneY.
tertained their family:: Christinas
"•Mr2,• aiul'Norm* Stanlake
and, visited 'With Mi;",and
Mrs. Herb :Britton. '-'
• •
, :The 'beginning, of the N.ew.Year.,,,
1085, --sees the:.gieter'rirnes-Advo-:
cate, taldng another ',fotWarct .step"
to tone. AO the ';atteritiOn. of the
pablic the advantageS-nnd :oppor-
tUnities *rid' in
What, has -,been• terited by Many,
one :Of th:e garden Spots'.--Of•Can4d,a„
We haViti; 'done this •by,„taking. aver
the .subsriptien list . of •.the' Zurich
Herald, 'which for •so‘•atinnY:.,Yoaf
faithfully•SerVed the:: cOntn •
ity of•Hay ,aiir8taailey • irowlistiip
•mid - • along- the faSt-grOWing, Moe
Water Highway disttiet, Ibis ;Was,
brotight.:.about-by a series 'Of cir,
:cuni'Stances.-z:heyobd.. eentral, 'A
inechanieg :,brealc.doWn, at; "-the
'Ztirith' Herald . printing .,pldnt .4
feeted,'Sodriertban eXpected,' a ills:,
,centinunnee, of ,PubliCatiOn of the
Zutielf patr Mr. fThesterTginitii;
the publisher,- approaehed the ',DA.
te•take.over• his "SubscriPti ri" list;
which • hap. -Already, le,on
, Exeter
To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal
this Municipalty is prohibited between the hours
'Phis order- will be strictly ;enforced in
accordance Withi_the 'Hi,g liWay .Traffic- .
ACt,,Section.:43, $filisOetion"9., . : '
' .NOTICE ' IS : HEREBY ". GIVEN' that the
a gl 4: is i " c .1- causedPail.tY . twOi'lpl'all...icktebd,.eehs-Pie°111e' ssibalse,:tlhoei'' '1".1107'Ystidlta'1:1"1-6; '
snow, plowing or sno •removal:Operations. ‘ ,,
Tsed Ferguson .Tractor and,Loader:
-Several 'Used' linders;:Masse
1‘ USe.bt.P.T.O. Clipper copal:Ana
Used No.21 S P Combine
Our New, Line. Of Mitssky4larrisForg-n§on
Tractors' Stock Now
„ .
mEl. :Le. Nw.Nr J.J:E4c:vieA •
Tex-madn shedtS.,arn truly longer. The sue on
the labei is the actual size- after bemlning-
HifittEn! irtittAg3 cOuNT.
Tektnacli-ilteeti,are'bghtlyiJwciven containing.flasi
Oriall!thrgatt.ciatint'per_lnch.Tliis.rnearit-longer wear,
- ,
. Every beauliful colonr can he woshetl'and washed.,
(ive(4 and over.' COftArt, pontinue, to; sparkle.
Pillowslip fabric:is samd t.i,ted in .sitiets-
' • Canad0 onryfatfiidif hrancfrfteautiful
coloors,stripesi floralijOr every decor,.