HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-10, Page 3•
ENSAL NEWS';oR;seitts-
Ecir. and Mire. McLecd, Sylvia
It/al Catherine, of TiVerten, Waited,
recently with Rev. and Dam P.
MacDonald at the Pres141terian
Mr. mid Mrs. Murray McEwan,
•of London, were New Year's DaY
guests with Mr. end Mrs. J. E.
' and Mr& Bill Shupe and
Sarann, of Selfridge, Mich., Were
recent visitors vir?Ith Mr. and Mrs.
Manley Jinks.
Mr. ane‘Mrs. Art O'Hare and
Peter, of Belleville, spent New
Year's witIr lairs. Violet- Schwalm
and Ray.
Mr, and Mrs. James Harkness
and family, of Teeswater, and Mrs.
Robert Reid, of Kincardine, spent
New Year's Day with Mr. and
and GasOline Deliveries
Fina Farm - Distributor
,.11V.S. Clarence 17:cid and family.
Mrs. 3. E. DacEwan, 1,171m frac.
tured tier wrist several weeks ago,
ims had the cast rentioved and has
resumed her duties at the RCAF
Station, Centralia. ,,,....
gill Shaddicire •ei-MideSiapre,
spent New Year's holidays with
M. and Mrs. Shuldick and Bill.
lfr. arid" Mrs. ArchieNoakes left
Thursday, January 9, for Arizona,
where they expect to spend Urea
months visiting with relatives. Tbe
trip will be made by bus, and they
expect to arriye at their desti3oa-
tion Sunday evening, Jan. 42.
"Agridiflture and Canadian In-
dustries" was the theme of the
January meeting of Hensall Wo-
men's Institute, held Wednesday
at 8:15 p.m. in the Legion Hall.
Roll ' call was, "Show an import
and tell where it came from." The
•speaker was Miss Shirley Patter-
son, home economist for HuronCounty.
County. Hostesses were Mrs. P.
Graham and Miss M. Ellis; pro-
gram, Mrs. Wes Richardson and
Mrs. Walker Carlile.
Mrs. Jim Sangster is a patient
in Clinton Public Hospital.
Ilara Harry Hoffman, of Dash-
wood, 'sing a veay solo, "I'll,Not
Be a Stranger, at the funerar of
For pick-up and delivery
Flannery Cleaners
Main Street : Seaforth
Every Friday Night
• lan Wilbee
and His Melody Makers
' Featuring Vocalist
in .=-L
Commimity Centre
Dancing 10. - 1
- ADMISSMN — 75 Cents
• Seaforth Athletic
• -4
the late W. H. P le, held -Monday,
December 30. Miss Greta Lam-
mie accompanied at the piano.
Miss Clarissa Mitchell, who has
been a patient at Clinton Hospital,
has returned to her horpe,,here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddiek •and
Bill • spent Sunday with relatives
in Londesboro.
Special prayer services will be
held this week. On Thursday eve-
ning the service will be held in
CarmelPresbyterian Church. Rev,
Charles D. Daniel will be 'the
speaker. Friday evening the. ser -
'ice will be held in the United
Church, with Rev. Donald Mac-
Donald speaker. Preparatory ser-
vice will also he held.
The fourth meeting of the Sea -
forth Sewing Circle was held at
the home of Mrs. W. L. Whyte.
The meeting opened by singing,
"Joy To the World" and repeat-
ing the 4-H Pledge. The roll call
was answered by ,a method of
alterating a pattern.
Discussion followed on pressing
wool, pressing darts and tay-
stitching. Dernonstrati
given on the methods .f doing the
above operations.
Horne assignmen were: con-
tinue record book; transfer all
pattern markings; I do stay -
stitching. .
The fifth meeting was also held
the same day. The meeting was
opened by singing "0 Little Town
of Bethlehem" and repeating the
4-H Pledge. Roll call was answer-
ed by telling why we chose our
skirt material, the name of it and
the weave. Very helpful hints
were given on the care of wool,
particularly removing spots. Home
assignments were: continue record
books and work on skirts.
A Nc Year's Day 'golden
ding amtversory was celebrated
Wcduesdu, January 11., by Mr. and
Nrs. Chester Lee, at the home of
'their dantttOr and sozx-in-law,
and Mrs., George Beer,7•Brensall.
The couple were former resi-
ants al 15eaforth /where M. Lee
operated"Lee Billigrds. Froni here
•-aheY moved t9,Heasall, where they
operated a lunch room, billiards
and barber shop, befoae moving to
their present home in Parkhill,
where Mr. Lee operatds a barber
shop. ,
Mrs. Lee, the forme e Florence
Pearl Maynard, and Mr. Lae were
married in Cedar Springs by the
Rev. Harvey Kennedy on January
1, 1908. The couple spent 12 years
in the Western Proainces before
retiring to settle in Ontario.
They have one dagghter, Lucille,
Mrs. Beer, and a granddaughter.
The, couple were entertained
prior to their apniversarY” by
friends nd relatives in Blenheim
and wee recipients of many love-
ly gifts:
Mr° Mrs. %amiss
Diamond Wedding
The holiday season has brought
one celebration after another for
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Garniss,
of Ridout Street North, London.
Christmas, with all its festivities,
was followed on Boxing Day by
Mrs. Garniss' 85th birthday, and
Saturday the couple marked their
60th wedding anniversary.
The former Mary Ellen Isbister,
Mrs. Garniss is the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. William Isbis-
ter, of Morris Township. Mr. Gar-
niss, who is five years his wife's
senior, is the son. of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Garniss, also of
Morris Township.
The couple were married at the
home of the bride's parents by
the late Dr. David Petrie, then
minister at Wingham Presbyter-
ian Church.
The celebrants have a family of
four children: Mes. Helen Scott,
of Wingham; Glenn, of Hamilton;
Alan, of London, and Mrs. J. A.
Ballantyne (Margaret)., of Landon.
There are four grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren.
For a number of year§ the eou-
le resided with their daughter,
rs, Helen Scott, on High Street,
Miss Sharon -Ann fiwitZer,
ten, 51Plat 117.a tenaays w twX
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Dlr.
McLachlan. _ .
Spendln a the weebend with Mr.
and .Mrs, Lloyd Lovell and family
wcre M. and Mrs: Henry Prout
and daugbter, Karen, of Cnatnam.
Mr. and Mrs. Al= McGregor
and Katherine spent the New
Year's holiday with the latter's
mother, Mrs. T. A. Edwards, and
Mr. Edwards, also Mr. and Mrs.
T. Knit of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
and Mrs. Glen Ifechnie and
family, of glyth, visited a day Pe-
cently with Ur. and Mrs. Bob
Perkins and family.
Names omitted last week as
Christmas guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Gorden Wren included: Mr.
and Mrs. Erwin. Bestard and sons,.
Brian and Kevin, .of Grand Bend;
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank For
and Clark, of Hensall. ,
Christmas and New Year's Day
guests with Mr. and Mrs. William
Kyle included: •Mr. Lloyd Vernier
and Eleanor, Mr. Jim Venner, Mr.
William Veinier, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kyle, Jr., and baby -Karen,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Caldwell, all
of Hensall.
Mr. Neil lyieLaughlin, of Hamil-
ton, is at present holidaying with
Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle.
Mrs. Jt Al McGregor, of Sea -
forth, spent New Year's with'aohn,
and Douglas McGregor.
Guests of Miss Pat Lovell last
week were\Miss Janet Gascho, of
Zurich, and Miss Judy Desjardine,
of Grand 'Bend.
Miss Marlene McLachlan, Lon-
don, was the guest of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Lachlan, during the holidays.
Mrs. Amelia McClymont return-
ed home. Sunday after spending
two weeks with her daughters,
Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, and
Mrs.- Jennie Schilbe, of Exeter.
Flight Sergeant Bob Perkinsand
Mrs. Perkins and sons moved Sat-
urday to RCAF Station at Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyde and
daughter, Debby, of Windsor, Were
home a few days recently with the
fver's perents, Mr_ and Mrs.
A x Hyde. Misses Louise and
Jean Hyde, of London and Osh-
awa, spent some of the holidays
with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Penhale (nee Car-
ol Faber) have returned from their
honeymoon to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and
daughters, of Hensel', were. New
Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Parsons
and family spent New Year's with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Carter, of Clan-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hauser, West
Lorne, were with Mrs. Hauser's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Thompson, for the holidays.
Christmas and New Year's
guests of Mr .... .and Mrs. Alex Mc-
Murtrie were: Mraluid Mrs. Chas.
Robinson, of Zurich; Mr. and Mra.
George Ingram, of. Hensall; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hillier and jailin,-Of
Tillsonburg; Mrs. Hugh McMur-
trie, of Henaail; Mr. Allan Coch-
rane, of Hensall. Mrs. Hillier ana'
John remained for one week.
New Year's Day guests with Mr.
hd IVfrs, Emmerson Kyle and.
sons were: Mrs. Jean Kyle, Clin-
ton, and Mis Carole Thiel; Zurich.
Hold Trousseau Tea .
Mrs. Bert_Faber, Kippen, enter-
tained at a trousseau tea at her
home Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning, December 28, in honor, of
her daughter, Carol, bride -elect of
December., 31. The guests were
reteived by Mrs. Faber and Carol,
assisted by the 'groom's mother,
Mrs: H. Penhale,, of Bayfield. The
tearoom was in colors of pink and
white; pink and- white streamers
and bells decorated the 'room; the
table tastefulla ' decorated • with
bowls of pink and white mums and
crystal candleholders containing
matching candles..
Displaying the bride's trousseau.
in the afternoon were„ Miss June
McClinchey, of Zurich; ‚wedding
gifts, Mrs. Melvin Bennett, Gode-
rich; linens and dishes,: Mrs. How-
ard McCullough, Goderich and
Miss Marlene McLaughlan, Lon-
don. Pouring tea Were Mrs. Jas.
Wright, Kippen- and Mrs. Russell
Heard, Bayfield; serving in tea
room, Miss'es Agnes • Oesch and
Betty. Gingerich, Zurich, and Miss
Phyllis Lostell, Kipper" In charge
of the register was Mrs, Elva Carr,
Coderich. Mrs. Edmund Oesch,
Mrs. Amos Gingerich and Mrs.
Roy Gingerich, Zurich, assisted in
the kitchen.
In the evening Miss Vine Mc -
sall Sale Prices
Pries at Hensa communi
sale . anuary 2 w e:
We nling pi $13 to $15.10;
chun , $16.1. to $17.40; feeders,
$20.85 $30; sows, $75 to $102;
Holstein cows, $150 to $175; Dur-
ham co s,- $160 to $202; Holstein
calves, 1 to $20; Durham calves,
$15 tcia 4. Fat cows were up to
$14.70 a cwt.
A total of 75 pigs and 90 head
of cattle and elves were sold..
A vote on a petition_received from the -Ontario Wheat Producers'
Association that a proposed wheat producers marketing plan be
approved will be held on Friday, January 17, 1958. • ,
• Polling,booths will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
In addition, polls at The County Department of.Agriculture
office, vvill be ...kept open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.—Monday,
January 2'Oth to Friday, January 24th, inclusive.
If in doubt as to location of nearest Polling Boot4 consult your
Agricultural Representative.
F. K.:B.-Stewart
Secretary Chairman
G. F. Perkin
F THE WEEIC District Vilecidings
Clinchey disVeYCol trod trour4ou;
veldjng zut,, zars, 1,Kors, CDISOOMPOOKUKIMPlii0AffigigfiffilPfilhi,ilifi
lalte, Centralia; linensaid dishes, - TIDTRIVIVIV,V WAVER
n.55 Eileen McLean, 'Ifipven, and
Mrs. Emmersen. Coleman, Sea- „,„:,•--0' '4-114vnilt0
trirtn. Pouring tea were B,IrS. Wal- for NVe'raws Ifttear•VsqlEtfT750
tor ScOtt, London, and Mrs, Her-
NrYrsF. aAlbevAin' Hifalearll'an2Mr4itis? ao2yrold -:‘'1'11:7°11;.5n1";r••,Vinhee!.-daa,ICY.....1.°111YeelLI:cjallER7/zr"rr4tt
Guentlier,--115asiamod, Dud. joss cuer exeuaneaeo ii•arriago yaws
with Thomas Franklin /.'enhale, be -
Shirley Gingerich, Zwick. in
Lars. fore the Rev. D. A. McMillan, of
charge of the register was
Frank McClinchey, Zurich. As- of yellow and white munaS.
London, amidst a floral background
sisting in the kitchen were Mrs.
Wilmer Jones, Mrs. Cornelious The'bride is the daughter^of Mr.
Faber,, Mrs. Howard Lemon and and .• Mrs, Egbert Faber, of Kip -
Mrs. Allan Johnston. pen, dill the groona's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale, of
Bayfield: Miss GI•et a Lan:0We, of
Hensell, swas at the church organ'
for traditional wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Miss
Clara Clarke, of Varna.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride was lovely in a strapless'
ballerina -length dress of white
crystalette'--fashioned in princes
line with jacket of French lace fea-
turing winged collar and lily -point
sleeves. Her chapel -length veil of
nylon tulle was held in place by)..a
headdress trimmed with dune -
stones and sequins. Slie carried a
white Bible on which was crested
a mauve orchid trimmed with
Stephonitis and ivy,
Clinton Shot Wins •
Kippen Trophy
Earl Doucette, Clinton, won the
John Labatt trophy in the New
,Year's Day shoot at the Kippen
Gun Club, held Su day. • Bad
weather. forced postponem nt from
January 1.
Doueafe by one target
were Ashley and Jack Gilbert,
Goderich, and John Anderson,
he two-man team trophy was
captured by Ashley, Gilbert and.
Earl Doucette. Bill Kyle, of Kip -
pen, and Jack Gilbert were 'second
in the team competition.
A five -man team, made up of
shooters from Clinton and Gode-
rich, have challenged the Kippen
five -man team to a match, which
will take place at God:rich Janu-
ary 26.
Other events will alsolae held
at the Goderich shoot., and all
shooters will be invited to com-
The challenge shoot calla for 50
targets -25 fretrai a distance of 16
yarals, and 25 from ATA handicap
Zurich Lady, 84,
Has Legs Broken
Zurich Resident Injured
Mary Mary Brenner, 84, of Zur-
ich, is in s,erious condition in Kit-
chener -Waterloo Hospital with two
fractured legs and skull injuries.
She was in a car driven by her
son, Clarence Brenner,, of Zurich,
which collided with a car driven
by Mrs. Brenda 1-lerringer, of RR
f, Bamberg, on No. 2 county road,
east of Heildelberg.
Clarence Brenner receiv frac-
tured ribs and facial 1actellations.
Mother passenger in the Benner
car, Mrs. Carriel Heimpel, df Kit-
chener, had fractured ribs' and col-
larbone and facial lacerations.
Damage to each car was esti-
mated at '$800. ,
Car Rests in Ditch
Icy pavement caused a spectacu-
lar accident near here Friday
night thatnivrecked a 1950 car and sories and yellow rose corsage.
nearly pinned the driver to the The groom's mOther assisted,
bottom of a. 12 -Mot ditch. gowned an black silk faille, with
Wilfred Hudson, 34, of RCAF accessories in white, and' white
Station, Clinton,. escaped uninjur-
ed after his car left No. 4 High-
way one mile south of Hensall.
-His car skidded into a guard rail,
smashed off five posts, flipped ov-
er and came to rest on its roof at
the bottom, of. the. ditch. • '
, 'Damage was estimated at $500.
f,g27ntD416"13autarwl Val .f.7:0 ,07.n' -d cc l'D Cif;17.141,Yc—shic
ticjI c in tto L")a.r.-1. wc.;ck, 4rd are IL 0 -•••-.3.7iiktidisliers4 Q‘J*pil tie
5tairt0 a Esc.d ;32351,- In C3.'•0 ItiC",7, 1,26fLi71...T tils` i•I;;.1, I: `1 j....?,1,-iA.,
the Clinten Mr Ed:col, tite wait9rs the bws ci,'ck:Ing PI fbe alai pot
ca.' P'16:41Y 21--11, :c• -3% 4.1' irS'ilf-i-: .Lit',; i:6L._4' 5,,:c7,i;:j Z:57'j 0'4"
defeated the Mr fieboul boys ta- icd, ccoring three F.,Qi' 3 fa -4' IN*
the tuve pf :.9 ta O. Tbe -Mite" hat tubal, a4s3 siz-gcs .Gotg to
lina for Seaferth 170ea the big Dale and MarslIall, te eml
scorers. Dave Paie, ivho is 5cor- 'a, ri-fy tie.
nag many of the pais for his firstpar 11,44„e znacti 1;t,ii ,
Zurla in Xantaeot, peoge4 five; Pap -
Bantams made thOk
ple and MeLlwain scored a lair Mi
olfiresatl 8vrisetta 001 smolt:LT. d,B5tot, boob*
each; "t" -Teall scored three e
•for the bat trich; Ryan and Dins- tlietbteomviceol-ingr: 70 ou
mt with
ore scored two each; Pattersoe, a 11-1 eeetare In t4wr wird ri,,thg
Malone, Laniont and Marshall et.
bog singles to finish thescoring. Amacher, in goal for t.he vZi-i-
BaYes had an easy alight in goal tors, was the star cf the UMW,
stopping klenty 'ef rubber for
to earn hilt fivirsaht shconzfrutoaut.
- busy cvening, Ilay9 Dale scored
The Bantams met their stroug- three for the hat thels. Tom and
est opposition Wednesday nalgghattnastt g.,rttiii7scinan;:,oliton Piwatte5:so:gsetnbr.
ed. two eack• larshall and Teall
the Clinton arena, playie
the strong Clinton tea These
two teams are likely the ones to scoring, ,
meet in the "C" Division for the .
The bride was attended by Miss
June McClinchey, of Zurich, as
maid of honor; Miss Eileen Mc-
Lean, Kippen, and Miss Audrey
Godkin, Exeter, bridesmaids; Miss
Dianne Faber, Kippen, junior
bridesmaid, and Miss Wendy Jone,
Kippen, flower girl.
The maid of honor chose, a' bal-
lerina length dress of gold crys-
talette fashioned -with cap sleeves
and rhinestone studded bodice She
wore a matching feathered hat and
gloves, and carried a cascade bpu-
quet of yellow roses , and white
pom poms. The bridesmaids were'
costumed identical to that of the
maid of honor in green crystalette
with accessories in broaae, and
carried cascades of yellow. roses
and white baby pompoms. The
junior bridesmaid was gowned in
ballerina length yellow crystalette,
trimmed with yellow velvet, match-
in,g feather hat, and carried a nose-
gay of yellow roses and white pom-
p9ms. The flower girl was frockal
e•d in a- ballerina dress of white
cryatalette, styled the, same as
tphoamt of the junior bridesmaid, with -
white feather hat, and carried a
nosegay of red- roses and white
Russell E'aber, of Kippen, at-
tended the groom, and Kenneth
Faber, of Kippen, and Ken Pol-
iock, of Varna, ushered.
Bride's gift to the mdid of honor
and the bridesmaids were crystal,
While the junior bridesmaid and
flower -girl received sterling silver
For the reception held in the
church parlors, the, bride's mother
received, wearing a dress of navy
antique brocade with white acces-
Rear-End Collision
Icy payementa figured in a rear -
end collisigir-On No. 84 Highway,
21/2 miles' west of Zurich Friday
evening, in which damage was es-
timated at $400. •
Ontario Provincial Police Harry
Reid, of Exeter detachment, said
Blake Horner, 70, of ,RR 2, Zeriche,
was 'westbpund on No. 84 and slow-
ing to make a left turn. As Horn-
er was backing, up, his car was
in collision with one driVen by
Marc Turnbull, 65, RWT,' Dash-
DUBLIN. — A funera service,
was held last Thursday morning
at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic
Church, Dublin, for Mrs. Winni-
free! Rowland, who died on Sunday
at the home of her son, Frank, in
Oakville. Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes
sang . Requiem High Mass, with
Mrs. William Lane at the organ.
-Pallbearers were John • McIver,
Louis Rowland, award Rowland,
Gordon 'Costello, Bernard Costello,
and Tom Burns. Burial was in ,St.
Patrick's cemeterya
rose corsage.
a The bridal table centred a three-
tier wedding cake. Adjoining
tables were attractive with bou-
quests of yellow...and white mums
and yellow -candles. Serving were
Mrs. Lloyd Guenther, Dashwood;
Miss Phyllis Lostell, Kippen; Miss
Marlene McLaughlan, London, and
Miss Joyce Ann Faber, Hensel -
For travelling to the United
States for their honeymoon, the
bride donned a teal blue dress of
crystal charm, 'white and black
accessories, grey Borg jacket. and
wore a pink rose bud corsage.
Tbe young couple will reside in
Guests attended from Lon
Goderich, Centralia, Bayfield, Zur-
ich, Varna and Kipjien.
•1 •
0 •
ime is Money
.save both at... MY DANH,,
TO 4111110/1 CAI/401ANS
You! IL aleg $*o.vilvy atthe •-
6a e
IV •
Heugali Branch; ftENNIFITH aUUSTVA$7, Danage2
Bruceaeld (Sub -Agency): • Oen' Tene0ay ,and Diadem
le V e, JZ V W ki< O &N SINE
• '4!, tl2d40
District Obituaries
DuOlin W.I.
Contributes -Toys
Mrs. Charles Friend was hostess
for the December meeting of the
Dublin Women's Institute.' Mrs.
John Nagle presided for the busi-
ness part of the meeting when the
roll call was answered with a toy,
which were sent to the Lions Club
at Mitchell. A cheque was for-
warded to Stratford to the School
for Retarded Children. Mrs. Har-
old Pethick gave a complete sum -
Mary of the course held for "The
Third Meal." A gift exchange Was
enjoyed by the members.
Mrs. Charles Friend presided for
the program of Christmas music,
which consisted of a piano solo,
and hymn, "Silent Night," by
Bernadette Nagle, accompanied by
her mother;- Bc-ty Lou Pethick,
Karen ' pm, and Judy and Susan
Friend sang two solos; Mrs. Helen
Nagle and , Mrs. Charles- Friend
sang "0 Holy Night," accompan-
ied by Mr& Joe Looby. After
singing the national anthem, lunch
was. serve&
Under New Managementil '-
Passengers Insured
.„ Always Fresh At.
Red & White Market.
of Tuckersmith Federation of. Agriculture
Tuesday, Januavy 21' 7 p.m.
GUEST SPEAKER—Rodger Sehwass, of CKNX-TV, Wingham
Ticket a ($1.50) may be ob antc frcm any of the Directors
ALEX McGREGOR, Pres., ' j01 -1N BROADFOQT, Sec.:Treas.
..•;•a..r•••wo.•,•••••a•••••••••o‘••=ro•••••••••°•*••••aio•••,;•oo••..r.t,., s,
STAFF.—John A. Carmichael,
fOrtnerly of Staffa, Ont., died, in
the W. A. Foote Memorial Hospi-
tal, Jackson, Michigan, on Thuns-
day, January 2nd, where he bad
been a patient for three weeks.
He was born in Staffa on April
3, 1876, a 'son of the late John Car-
michael and Mary Miller. For
many yeard- he had resided in
Chelsea, Mich. On November 28,
1911, he married Mrs. Etta Shel-
don. Hillman, who.predeceased him
in- 1920:
He was also predeceased by four
brothers and one sister. Surviving
are two sisters, Mrs. John R. Stew-
art and Mrs. J. Herr, of Exeter,
who attended the funeral service
in Chelsea on Saturday afternoon,
January 4, at 2:00 p.m.
Interment was in Chelsea ceme-
CROMARTY.—James Park,
formerly of Hibbdrt Township,
died in Toronto Wednesday morn-
ing in his 84th year.
He was born in Hibbert Town-
ship, near Cromarty, a ,son of the
lade James Park and Isabella Mc-
ellar. Ile farmed on the home-
stead for a number of, years, lat-
er moving to the Milted Slates,
wher2 he lived in the Niagara
FON and Buffalo,. N.Y., district.
POr the past 25 years he 'had made
his Mane in Toronto.
While in Hibbert Township he
atterided Cromarty Presbyterian
-He never married, and was the
last Member pf the fetidly, having
bean predeceased by 'tee sisters
five brothers. His brother,
Norrnan Park, died in Mitchell- on
February 13, 1956.
„ He is survived by two sisters-in-
law, Mrs. Donald Park, Hensel',
and Mrs, Norman Park Mitehell.
The body rested at/ tie Heath -
Leslie Funeral Home, Difitche,114
where a funeral service was held
on Saturday afternoon, January 4,
at 2:80 p.m. Temporary entomb-
ment was made in the Woodland
Mausoleum, Mitchell. Burial will
be made in' Crotriart/ Presbyter-
ian cemetery at a later Aate. rtov.
George M. Lamont, of Knox -Pres
byterian Church, officiated. .
- • '
. ,
.. iMportant message from Me Ontario Department. of TronsP\srt
a When you apply
for 1958 licence plates ...
- •
ommo 195,8
o I I 345
...you must show proof of ki
Liability EnSurance*..,
L,.r..i"-,41.4.-A.7.E4gr'1.‘:cite.,ri,d,p‘a,Xi.r;.1'10,:N':'.',:4,'s' ,r1..,•-u0•r1pr°iithTp•a.4.:.-.A;.N".
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.11 you do
not have
this tiobilitY
phone your
company Or
agent today. q.
or pay $5.00 EXTRA
into the Unsatified Judgthent Fund 4 a
Hogo's why: The additional 85.00 fee to be paid by motorists
without Liability coverage is made necessary because of the
new increased maximum payments available from the
Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. The Fund was established bv
the Government to help flay judgments arising out of acci-
dents involving uninsured motor vehicles. Drivers of, such
vehicles must repay the full amount of the judgment .to
the Fund. •
If you do not hobo UobftiTy indurance, and are involved in an
accident, you could lose everything you own. Should a
judgment be made against you, and you do not have Liability
'Insurance or other means of meeting it, you could Cose your
home, your motor vohicle, your savings and a large part of
your future earnings to meet the judgment..
*LIMIOLITV INSW2ARiCa is your protection against
legal -obligations arising front accidents in.
valuing injury, death or damage to property
of "'there. A paw for Fire, Ttakft ctt1 Coninfon
Lpi UatolliS, Insuronco.
The additional $5.00 payrnen igNOt '
1 -
a substitute- tol:0bility;Ineurakee/.1 • 11 '
4 , See your insurance company or agenVtoday and make Oro ... ..14 . •
• :. .... ... .....
. '• x.9„iba,:io ttobill4r•lntrponte on yourvetado . . , . . ,,. /.1
.. .. i ..
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