HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-03, Page 9SUPPLEMENT
• ON`fiA,RTQ, JANjJRT 3.95$
• Miss Elizabeth Scott, London,
'visited' over the Christmas; season
with Miss Mary E. Swan end Mrs.
T1s Ham, Mise,
Mrs, John Cairns spent Christ-
, � naas ' with her niece, ; Mrs. H, Cur-
ria, of Clinton. •
Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith
and family, Stratford, and'Mr..and
Mrs. - Gordon Elliott and family
'spent Christmas with Mrs. }L
Mrs. • W.H. Pepper, . Mr. and
Mrs. Aldie , Mustard Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Thomson and Mr. and Mrs.
• Elgin Thomson and Gordon spent.
ChristmasDay with Mrs, Pep-
per's daughter, Mrs. Geo. Pinkney
and - fatally, at Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson
• and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis
_were Christmas visitors with Rev.
and Mrs. Charles Cox at• Mill-
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tyndall
visited on Christmas with Mr. and,
Mrs. Fred , Bonthron, Hensall.
Mrs. Bruce Menerery, Bayfield,
visited with Misses Kathleen and
--- Marie Elliott over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. ,McKenzie and
• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt and
• John were guests of Mr, . and Mrs.
Don McKenzie on Christmas, St,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay and
Mrs.Irwin, London, spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Wil -
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stackhouse,
Mary Ann 'and John, and Mr. and
Mrs. S. Neal, Pat and Ronald spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mac
.- Wilson and Mrs. W. Stackhouse:
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdoch and
Mr: and Mrs. WaltereMcBeath, of
Brucefield, spent Christmas. in To-
ronto with Captain and Mrs. S, G.
„Ru,pible and family and in. I•Iamil-
tonl(with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mur-
doch, also with Miss Beth Murdoch
who is at present a patient at.•the
Nora. Frances Henderson -Memos-.
• ial Hospital in Hamilton.•
Mr. and Mrs. John Rathwell, of
• Toronto, were weekend guests of
' ll r° •Rathwell's• parents, , Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rathwell; also Mrs.
John Lasenby and family, Belle-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson, of
London, spent Christmas with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pater-
Miss Ina Taylor spent .the holi-
day , with her parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Taylor.. •
Mr. and, Mrs. Stews t Baird and
family and Mr. and 4Srse Robert
Dalrymple visited on Sunday with
.. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro.
Mr. and Mrs. James McNaugh-
ton, Bob and Jean, are holidaying
in Pieria.
Master Danny Griffith, • Strata,
ford, spent the Christmas holidays
• with his cousins, Lawrence Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Kovac, of
Pori -`Colborne, spent %Christmas
Peter E. Maloney, Jr., returned
Saturday to Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, after spending Christmas with
his parents. ,He is • able to be
around for short periods in a wheel
chair, and has made remarkable
, recovery since his serious acci-
dent in March.
Rev. Vincent -Eckert, C.S°B., of
itochester, N.Y., visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Eckert and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Maloney.
• Mr. and Mrs. James Feet%y,
Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Feeney, Clinton, .spent Christmas
with. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney.
Mr Margaret Roy, Mr. Jack
Staple and Mr. and Mrs. W, Rad
ford, Brussels, spent Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. C3ordon
Mr. and Mrs; 'Mac Dennome and
baby, Zurich, spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Den Whitton and
Miss Agnes _O'Sullivan, Guelph;
:Miaw' Irene- O'Sullivan, St. Clem-
ents; Miss Margaret O'Sullivan, of
London, spent the holiday ,at the
O'Sullivan home..
1tatepeyers Meet •
The annual meeting of the rate-
payers of the Separate `School area
Was held in•St. Columb'an School
on Thursday, Dec. 26. Wilfred
Maloney was appointed Chairman
and Zack Ryan, secretary for the
-meeting: $.au O.'Iteilly was eledtt
ed trustee to take the place of
Ted Melady, who retired.. this
year. Other trustees are Wilfrid
• O'Rourke Janies Krauskopf, with
• Michael Doede as honorary true
tee, and Joseph O'Reilly as.aecre»
' .'tifl'i tytreasurer. ,
with °heir parents, Mr, and. Mita:.
Charles Spelling.
Mrs. A. Hehner spent Christmas
with Mrs,'Lawrson and --Mi'. and
Mrs. Nelson beard, Bayfield:
Mrs. Willranes, . London visited:
over the weekend with her sister,
Mrs, George ,.Henderson,
District Obituaries
}tE SALL-,•William Henry Pfile,
a highly esteemed resident of the
village for over 35 years, • passed
away in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, on 'Friday, Dec.. 27, in
his 77th year.
Mr, Pfile formerly conducted a
a shoe business here for some years,
was an active member of the Unit-
ed Church, former superintendent
of the Sunday School, and4' em-
ber of the choir for a number of
Surviving are his widow, the for-
mer Edith Durst; one !brother, Ur-
ban Pfile, Dashwood; three sisters,
Mrs. Melissa Geiger, Mrs. Pearl
Mellick and, Mrs. Clara Jacobi,
all of Zurich.
Public funeral services, conduct-
ed by Rev. C. D. Daniel, were held
at the Barnf6r6ii Funeral Chapel on
Monday at 2 p.m., with interment
in the Goshen Line .E.U.B. . ceme-
DUBLINThe death . occurred
Sunday morning at the home of
her son, Frank Rowland, in -Oak-
ville, of Mrs. Winifred Rowlaand,
aged 73. She was the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc-
Grath,' McKillop Township, and£
had been 'a resident of Dublin for
35 years.
She had been in ill health for
the past month, and had been in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
until Monday, Dec. 23, when she
left to spend Christmas in Oakville.
. She is survived by three sons,
John, , Calgary; Frank, Oakville;
Edward, Toronto; by three daugh-
ters, Angela, Mrs. Bert Gallant,
Windsor; Helen, Mother Afra,
.Glen Garden, Windsor; Agnes,
Mother Agnes Clare, The Pines,
Chatham; by four brothers, Pat
and Peter, London°• Edward, llder-
ton, and Louis, Dublin:
The body is at the W. J. Cleary
Funeral Home, SeaforI6e-`from
which ,the- funeral. is to be held
Thursday morning to, $t, Patrick's
Church, Dublin, for Requiem Mass
at 9:30 a.m. .
pn Saturday eveningaa °krichen
r'hower was held at the home of
Miss June M'eClinchey to honor
Miss .Carol Faber, bride -elect -of
New" YearWEve. The evening"Was
spent in contests and a solo by
Miss Clara Clarke, of Varna. •
Miss Marlene' McClinchey, Zur-
ich, read the address; and Mrs.
Bob Kerslake, Centralia, aided the
bride-to-be in opening her many
lovely gifts. Carol made- a fitting
reply. and ,a delicious lunch was
,,Served by the hostess.
The congregation. of '-St. An-
drew's United" Church gave a mis-
cellaneous showere Monday night,
Div -23, to honor Mise Caro1.,cF b-
er, bride•elect of New Years Eve.
The churcleand school room were
decorated insilver and pink.
Miss Eileen McLean had charge
of the program, which consisted of:
a • piano. solo by Miss Marjorie
Turner; contests; chorus by a
grohip of girls; piano solo, Gwen
Jones; reading, Miss . Marie Jar-
rett; piano „solo, Miss Pat Lovell;
reading, Miss June Medi�bey;
piano solo, Miss Sharon McBride.
Mrs. Ross 'Breadfoot was accom-
panist and Gwen Jones had charge
Of the register and bride's book.
Miss Ruth Teener read the ad-
dress, and.MG. Jones and Miss
M. Turner presented the, gifts,
Carol thanked everyone, aged later
a delicious lunch was serve in the
school -room,
The regular monthly nieeting of
the W1yiss and WA of Cavan United
Church, Winthrop, .will be held on
Wednesday, January 8,. at 2 p.m.
in the church. Circle one will be
hi charge of the program, and Cir.
cls four the lunch, Roll • call w,il1
be answered by payment of fees.
The annual meeting and banquet
of the Wang ?eople's Union will
he held Thursday evening, Janr-•2,.
at lir pian,` in the ehierch.
Kippers Yoth.Wit!
OAC Adventurers
:Seven adventurous college stu-
dents, from 22 to 23 years of age,
from the OAC, Guelph, left. Thugs-
day morning for MianFlorida, in
a 3,925 model firetruck,, which was
purchased in the fall. Without
trouble, they expect to make the
trip of some 1,700 miles, one way,
in about three days, and hope to
arrive back .by January 6 to re-
sume studies at the college.
'the boys took their sleeping bags
with them and will sleep in the
truck Agtd also took camping equip-
ment,, Aggie coats and firemen's
caps. In the group are Don Brock,
of Hensall; Mac Taylor, RR 4,
Walton; John 'Wiley,. Ailea Craig;
Charles Gracey, ' of Curries, near
Woodstock; A. D, Hewitt, Kincar-
dine; John Quinn, Toronto, and S.
J. Leuty, Cooksville.
The Young People's Society met
on Sunday evening in the church.
Alice Sorsdahl presided. Margar-
et A. Wallace read the scripture
iesso�i; �.•followed with prayer by
Rev':" S. Kerr. "The Christian
Church" -was the' topic taken by
Reve S. Kerr. The objective of the
society is to raise money to don-
ate to the Bursary Fund. Plans
were niade for an evening of
bowling on Saturday evening. The
meeting closed with the Mizpah
' S.S. 6 School Concert
SS No. '6, Hibbert, held their an-
nual Christmas concert Thursday
evening under• the direction of
their teacher, Miss Jean Camp-
bell. Mervin Do was chairman.
The school was filled to capacity
and was decoratedin keeping with
the Christmas season. The pro-
gram consisted of recitations, chor-
uses,_duets and solo: opening chor-
us by the ptipils of the school;
recitation, Marlen Dow, "Christ-
mas Worries".; junior ` chorus by
grades 1, 2, 3 and 4; rhythm band
by grades 5, 6, 7 and 8; recitation
by Laura Chappel,' "His Star. is
Shining Still"; operetta, "Hansel
'and Gretal"; junior chorus, grades
1, 2, 3 and 4, "I'm a Little Tea-
pot" and "The Strangest Little
Elf"; recitation 'by ._ Peter Zan-
kowski, ."Christmas Choices"; star
drill, girls 3 to 8; boys' drill, "A
'Mockery of the Girls' Drill"; solo
by Connie Sorsdahl, "Nothin' For
Christmas"; chorus; "My Two
Front Teeth and ."I Saw Mummy
'Kissing Santa Claus"; a play,
"Mrs. Harvey Dow Gets An Idea";
duet, Marlene Dow and Joyce.
Dow; 'dance, Irish Washerwoman,
Marlene ..Dow, Joybe Dowand Mar-
garet A. Wallace; recitation, Shar-
een Scott; gyjnnastics, grades 5 to
8; chorus, "Chr'istma's" `.`. '.TWas
in the Moon"; Christmas" pageant
by the school; chorus, 'Silver
Bells" and "Here Comes Santa
Claus." • Santa Claus arrived and..
distributed gifts and candy bags
and oranges.
S.S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley
school Chrj tmas concert was giv-
en in the Tchdol on Friday night,
with Mr. Curtis Gingerich as the
The program begun with a xhor-
us, "The Maple Leaf Forever";
recitation, "Welcome"; chorus,
"Welcome; -Sop," "Freddie, the
Fir Tree";eplay, "Poor Joe"; ex-
xercise, 'but of Santa's Pack";
songs, "Presents "Who is Com-
ing?"; recitation- by Dale Bosh::
art; play, "Willy Paid. Didn't Run
Away"; recitation ,by Paul Mar-
tin; play, "Slightly Mixed"; song,
"The Little Fiddler"; recitation
by Ralph Gingerich; song, "When
I Am Big";. plan "Christmas
Comes To School';; Grade 2, ex-
ercise, "Mother's Birthday Cake";
play, "Hal's Aunt Manilla"; play,
"Why They Changed Their Minds";
songs, "The Doctor', "The Cob-
bler", '"The Breadman"; play,
"An Important Occasion"; song
"The Whiz"; recitation, Michael
Corriveau; chorus, . three parts;
play, "Christmas Complaint"; rec-
itation,John Geiger; songs, "Old
Englis. Carol" "The Angel
Song"; play, t`Melvina_ ..Enter-
tains"; "The Christmas Story";
chorus' • "Christmas".
"God Save -the Queen" was sun:°
by all,:then Santa CIaus,carne and
distributed the•.glfts. Mr. Ginger-
the teacher, Mrs. C.
Deichert, and the music direetar P
Jigs. E. Graham, for their efforts
fn making the program h ammo.
The. Wane' friends -Of Mr. ° foe.
Wiffiamson will be happy to: leerrs
lam was .able to return hem? fronts
Iden.P g;lao l tospitaR. on Sunday,
Mr. And Mrs. Jame* Jobiaaton,
Gregory; Joy and Judy, of: Essex,,
aro spending the Christmas, vaca-
tion with the former's mother -Mfrs,
Silas Jobnstpn,
Visa ; Joan .Ryan, iteg.W., Corn-
wall, spent Christmas with 'her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
`Byaib: ,
Mr.. Harold. ]McCall, of Hamel-'
ton,. 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art
McCall and• other relatives over
the holiday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fames Lamont and
family, of London, spent a few
days with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd: Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge"•
and family, of London, are visit-
ing,with the latter's mother, Mrs;
Margaret Humphries, and • •other
relatives. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall
and,daughter, of North Bay, spent
Christmas with Mrs. Luella Mar-
shall and Barrie and Mr. Malcolm
Mr. David Kirkby, of••Bowman-
vi`lle, spent a week with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kirk-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coutts, Rickey
and 'Robbie, of Toronto, are visi-
tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Coutts.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Rut-
ledge, Streetsville, for a few days
last 'v eek.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Kitchener,
spent] the past week with her
daughter, Mrs. Herb Travis, and
Mr. Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot
visited over Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Kirkby, Toronto.
Mrs, L. Kirkby, London, visited
with relatives in the vicinity and
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R., Somerville, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shannon
and Cathy, of Sarnia, were recent
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shannon:
Miss Olene Dundas left Thurs-
day for " Florida, after spending
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Torrance Dundas__..
Mrs. S. Sellers,.., . who was a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital;.
London, has been removed to
Wingham Hospital. -
Mr. David Watson, who was con-
fined to Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, following a back injury,
WMS Elects Officers
The Decembef meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society was
held in the _church . auditorium- on
Sunday evening, Dec. 22. The wor-
ship -service
or=ship-service on the theme, "Let'
the song go round the earth, Jesus
Christ is Lord," was conducted by
Mrs. Moffatt, and Mrs. H. Dal-
rymple led in prayer.
The president, Mrs. • S. Davison,
gave the words of welcome. The
responsive service as outlined in
the Missionary Monthly, was used
and the following . gave . .readings,
Mrs. Horton, Mrs. W.° Fothering-
ham, Mrs. E. Thomson and Ml's.
G. Henderson. -
Carol singing was led by Mrs.
J. Cairns, with Mrs. W. McBeath
at the organ. -Mrs. Itle Graham
gave a readi ice, "Christmas Bells"
and a piano duet, "Sans Souci," by
Barbara and Janet Henderson; a
poem, "A Christmas Legend," by
Mrs. G. Clifton, and an instrumen-
tal, "Trinity Chimeee" by Mary
Allen; a Christmas query, "What,
D'o You Know About -Christmas?"
by the Mission Band and Baby
Band leaders; an instrumental
duet, "Star of the East," Mrs. M.
Wilson. and Mrs, McBeath. Mr.
Davison showed slides on Our
Lord's Nativity.
The following is a list of officers
for. 1958: :•president (still to be
elected) ; first vice-president, Mrs:
N':' Walker; second vice-president,
Mrs. F. R hwell; recording, sec-.
retary, MrS. E. Allen; correspond-
ing -secretary,• -Mrs. H. Dalrymple;
treasurer, Mrs. L. Wilson; Chris-
tian Stewardship, Mrs. T. Baird;
periodical secretary, Mrs. A. Mc-
Queen; Christian Citizenships Mrs.
L. Eyre; pianist, Mrs. G. Henden
sopa assistant pianist, Miss M. Me-.
Queen ; .Comnnuinity Friendship,
ic2istt/ M. Swart, Mrs. McKenzie,
Mrs. J. Thomson; Mrs. ,,Moffatt;
supply secretary, Miss E. Bowey;
associate m'ember's, Mos. R. Al-
lan; literature secretary, Mrs. W.
Scott; expense fund treasurer,
Mrs. W. Douglas; CGIT leaders,
Mrs. M. Graham, Mrs. G. Clif-
ton; .- Mission Band leaders, Mrs.
E. Allen, Mrs. G. Swan; Baby
Rand leaders, Mrs. R. Dalrymple,
Mrs. 3. Henderson; press secre-
tary, Mrs. A. loam; tiiomit;ating+
confrnittee, Miss E. Bovey, Mrs.
Fotheringhain, Mrs. • Broadfoot;
auditors; Mrs. 1J. Dalrymple and
Mrs. J. Cairns.
has retuned to has Urge. Miss.
Home Watson, of Eto.coke, and
Miss Yerila awn of London;
are holidayinb wa their paieuls,
Miss Ruth Ennis, of W Hospi-
tal, .Eitchener, spent several dsys
with leer parents; Mr, and Mss.
l). Ennis.
Mass' June Hackwei1, of London,
spent Christmas With her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, W, C. lfaeltsvellF.::..
Mrs, Earl Nile is convalescing
at hoarse atter 1)nderr gang • an . op-
erat on in: St. Joseph's ' Hospital,
Miss Jean Malls, ]London, is
spending a • few ' weeks, with her
parents and Mr. Murray Mills, of
Brantford, spent, several days at
his home.
Miss Barbara Boyd, Ron Ennis
and Glen Oliver, of • Western Uni-
iters'ity, London, are spending the
vacation with their parents.
Herb- Kirkby, who is attending
Art :College in Toronto, is holiday-
ing at his home:
Ronald Smith, of Guelph OAC, is
vacationing with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Smith.
Murray Kirkby has returned to
the vfllege after spending Christ-
mas with his parents, Mrs:: and
Mrs. George, Kirkby, at Burwash.
Mrs. Fern Patterson spent
Christmas at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Churchward, Toron-
Mr. and' Mrs. Don 'Gray and
family, Stratford, were Christmas
visitors. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell Way:,
Miss Muriel Schade, Reg.N., who
has been on the staff of a New
Westminster Hospital, has return-
ed home following a trip through
the United . States.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Quest and
family, of Kincardine, were recent
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Storey.
Mrs Herman Stryker, of Guelph,
visited with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Stryker, over Christmas. .,
Mr. John Byerman and Mr. Wil-
fred Dennis, who were patients in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
have returned home.
The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary
of the WMS of First Presbyterian
Church held its Christmas meet-
ing in the school room of the
church. The president, Mrs. W. O.
Johnston, presided and opened the
meeting with a Christmas poem,
"0 Little Town of Bethlehem,"
was sung, followed, by prayer by
the president. Mrs. Johnston wel-
comed the guests, members of the
Senior Society and the McKillop
During the business session re-
ports were given by the treasurer
and all the secretaries, and they
showed another successful year for 11
the Barbara Kirkman. Mrs. E. An-
iimys give the report of the nom -
in committee, • and the offi-
cers for 1958 were •installed. by
Mrs. D. Glenn. Campbell.
They are as .follows: past --presi-
dent, Mrs. K. Sharp; president,
Mrsecvniee-Oe-Johnston; vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. R. Kerslake; recording
secretary, Mrs. E: Rivers; tress-
urer, Miss J. Cluff; literaturd" ed'c+-'
retary, Mrs. D': Nixon; Glad Tid-
ings secretary, Mrs. R. Kerslake;
Welcome and Welfare secretary,
Mrs.,,, W. A. Wright; Home Helpers
secretary,: Mrs. R. K. McFarlane;
supply secretary, Mrs, M. Dor-
ranee; life membership, Mrs. R. J.
Sproat and Mrs. W. (toss; musi-
cian, Mrs. J. A. Munn; program
convener, Mrs. J. Patterson; press
secretary, Mrs. K. Sharp; social
conveners, Mrs. E.. Andrews and
Mrs..S. Habkfrk. '
Mrs, D. Glenn Campbell present'
ed life memberships to Mrs. H.
Leslie and Miss F Laidlaw, on
behalf of the so The offering
was received.b , •ss Janet Chuff
and Mrs. W. R ss.
Thee devotional meeting., opened
with the carol, "The First Nowell"
and scripture was read by Mrs. H.
Whyte.' Mrs. James F. Scott told
the , Christmas story, "The Other
Wise Man." Those taking part in
a eandlelighting cerembny were;
Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. W. A.
Wright, Mrs. P. Malcolm, Mrs. E.
Boshart and Mrs. De Nixon. Mrs.
R. Kerslalte offered prayer. A
solo, "0 Holy Night,' was ' sung
by Mrs. F. Kling, accompanied by
Mrs. M. R. Rennie.
At the close of the meeting a
presentation was -made to Mrs. D.
Glenn. Campbell, .idf appreciation of
her faithful association and dmio-
tion in each society. Ali",addnese
was- read by Mrs. K. Sharp, and
the three societies were represent,
ed beeMrs. J. L. Bell, who present-
ed an ,honorary life membership
on behalf of the 'Senior Society;
Mrs, cMillan, who presented
a avellin bag or behalf 'of all
th eznbe s ofthe•-societies, and
Mrs. A, right,, who presented
a gift for Alin to Mrs, Campbell.
Mrs, Campbell 'very graciously
thanked the members.
LunCht was served by the exec-
tive and a social hour enjoyed. '