HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-03, Page 8--'gyp 44`4..i iFAi',l jyV-7x JSAG}ii osIiO,E4 s,uAt ®RTE, m , 1,0P u. HIST n r p rr. Y 1� r,� TI � Rll.t�i S URCIEI Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister H. A. Kempster Orgetaist and Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Church Schoe ! IlIl A.M. "FUMING ON SHOES" Music: Anthem—"For Thou Only Art Holy" (Nordheinier) Solo — D. R. Stewart "I Walk With God" (Prodszky) C. 4:30 P.M. "WHERE TO S'EE JESUS" Music: ° Duet—Carl & Jacob De Boer • "The .Sorg of the Soul Set Free' $-1OL'DGREETIh1GSo WATSON & REID • Insurance Real 'Estate M. A. REID, Prop. Phone 4 Seaforth AOL SEASON'S GREETINGS ! LEMON'S TAXI CECIL 676 Phones DAVE 675 VA EET1 a W. E. SOUTHGATE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Phone' 334 Res. 540. Main St. . ' Seaforth WikaWa Church Notices Mel:Whip Charge. --Services at Duff's at 10 a.m,; Bethel, 13:20; Cavan, 2 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. — Rev. W. H. Semnnere➢l, Minister. ]Pentecostal! Inalhernade.--Taaes- day, 8 p.m., Bible Study and Prayer; •TTnnrsday, 0 p,m., Y.P.S. Sunday: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 ..,a.m. Morning Worship and Communion Service; 7.30• p.m., Evangelistic Service. — Rev 1f3I. Kendrick, Pastor. St. Thomas' Anglican ° Ciaaarch.= Morning Prayer, 11 a.m.; Even- song, 4:30 p.m.;, Ho1y Communion the first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m., and the third Sunday of the month at 9 a.m.; Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. —Rev. J. H. James, Rector. Northside United Cliun-ch--Mini- ster, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B.D.., "S.T,M.: 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; Pro- motion Sunday in the Beginners', Primary ,and Junior -Intermediate Departments; 11 a.4n. and 7 p.m., Services of Worship," conducted by the minister; nursery for toddlers and junior congregation at the morning hour; 8:15 p.m., North- side Youth Fellowship. Egmondville United Church.—D. J. Semple, Minister: 11 a.m., "How To Live '365 Days a Year"; 7:00 p.m., Give Me Five Minutes More"; 10 a.m-, Church School and Minister's Class; 11 a.m., Nurtiery Class;` 11:30, Junior Church. Annualinstallation ser- vice. WMS and WA, Wednesday, Java. 8th, 2 p.m. Remember the Week . of Prayer. See special ad. Your presence will be a great in- spiration. See you in Church Sun- day. ANNOUNCEMENT The 'engagement is announced of Margaret Jean, daughter of Mrs. •Roy Brown; Seaforth, and the late Roy Brown, to Glenn Leroy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bridge, Brussels, the wedding to take place early in January. RUG MAKING The rug -making course will be held in the lunch room of Seaforth District High School every Thurs- day evening for the next four weeks, commencing January 9, at 8 p.m; Please bring a needle, thread, scissors and pencil. Can- vas will be supplied. Anyone in- terested may attend. W.O.A.A INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY GAME Seaforth Topnotchers vs. Winthrop Warriors Thursday, Jan. 2nd at Seaforth Community . Centr'e Game time — 8:30 .;... k .. � - .. .. ,, .. , ......,... - * ..;r 1 .a+ ,r,.R ,,a7 ,r,.+, , ..r° rrat iT..:% ,.n ar,ir nee p,.+, ire/ 'no n r le We're bursting out all" over to wish you a 1958 that's filled with , Prosperity! MAY ALL YOUR WISHES BE FULFILLED ! DUBLIN Mr. and Pit's. Walliaana Murphy, of Crystal beach, with M. and Mrs: Charles Kistner and Mr. and Pers. John niurphY. Mrs. B d au of Tecumseh, eh our e u s , with Ms. and Pairs. Joe Feeney. Rev. Father Durand, of St. Pet- er's Seminary, London, with Rev. Dr. Ffoullres. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Kraushopf. Mr. a➢ Mrs. Bill Evans and daughter, • of Merrittop, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. Michael Hunt, of Detroit, with Mrs. Hunt and children. Dr. and Mrs. Prang Stapleton and children, Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newcombe and Jimmie, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton. Mr. Gard6n Costello, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grosech and children, and Miss Patricia Cos- tello, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. ' Mr, and Mrs. Harold Snuck and daughters, Kitchener, and Mr. Jack Molyneaux, Thorold, with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. Allan Butters, Whit River, Miss Phyllis Butters, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters, of St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feeney, St. Marys, Miss Rose Marie Feen- ey', and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Maloney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. • Miss Lateen Looby, London, and Mr. Clarence Looby, White River, with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Glenn in Clairmont. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gaffney, Kitchener, with Mr. Carl Stapleton and Jerry. Miss Shirley Horan, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Woods, George- town, and Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Cronin, Stratford, with Mr. • and Mrs. Fergus Horan. Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart in Chesley. Mr. Doug Wallace at Port El- gin. Mr. Eddie Krauskopf in London with Mrs. James Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. John Darling iti Marmora with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Coe. Mr. Pat Maloney and Mrs. M. Schulman in Stratford with Mrs: Catherine Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter in Londgn with Mrs. Rose McKay. Mr. Gerald Burns and Mr. and Mrs: Ray Hotham and children, of London, with `Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Captain and Mrs..Edward Tozer and children, Morgantown, West Virginia, Miss Mary Margaret Ry- an and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wil- son, Kitchener, and Misses Alice and Theresa Ryan, London, with, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaunt, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Oldacre at Tillsonburg. . Cpl. and Mrs. John Lavoie at Farnham, Quebec. Mr. 'Kenneth Stapleton, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple- ton. Messrs. Neil and Richard Stap- leton, Kenneth Feeney, Arthur Murray and Fergus Kelly, of St. Jerome's High . School, Kitchener, at their homes. Literary Society Holds Euchre LOCAL BRIEFS • Tyr Mr. Wayne Ellis and Mr. and sell on Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. L. Fletcher, of Teronto, l Pyr, and firs. Fred Riley and, spent Christmas With their' 'Smith- Ron, of Toronto, spent, Christmas er, Mrs. Elva Ellis. witlj 111e. and Mrs, Robert Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson PV2cQ.uirter Mr. and Mrs- Jon Nielson and ans family, ii Fnd spent 4' rt- m with Frank Storey and famiy, of NeW Hamburg, spent the family. holiday „with leer mother, Mrs. J, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mauna and II Flanni)a3n Ron spent Christmas with Mrs. F Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn are Harvey Rowel and Mr. Rowe in visiting in Toronto. Michigan. „ I llrlr. and Mrs. Henry Enzensber- Miss Connie Wright is spending ger and ,family, of Goderich, spent her Christmas holidays with her 'Christmaa with her perents, Mr. mother, Mrs. W. G. Wright. and Mrs. F. S. Sills. Miss Juan Talbot, of London, is Mr. Peter Kling is spending the spending her holidays with her holidays in Aneaster. parents; Mr. and Mrs. Johnl- Father John McConnell, Chicago, bot. / : spent Christmas with his mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell spent Mrs. Dave McConnell. - Christmas in London. • Mr. Edmund Daly spent the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dewar Christmas holiday in Toronto and and son, of Sarnia; Mr., Grant accompanied his brother, George Chesney, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Daly, to Florida. Garfield' Baker, 'Eketer, and Mr. ! Miss Ann Kling is holidaying in and Mrs. Glenn Chesney, London, London - spent Christmas with their mother, Mr. and.. Mrs. Neville McMillan Mrs. Walker Hart. and family, of Pickering, and Mr. Mrs. J. J. Pollard spent Christ: Sandy McMillan, London, spent masin Stratford with her son and 'the holiday at the home of Mr. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. J M. McMillan. G. Pollard. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes Mr. and Mrs. Oldacre spent spent Christmas in Sarnia. Christmas in Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allen spent Miss Rena Fennell was in Galt Christmas in Benmiller. for Christmas. I Miss Luella Burke and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. Cudmore and Mrs. John Moylan are• spending Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg, spent,,N w• Year's . with friends in Chi - Christmas with Miss Hazel Reid can. and Mr. Dalton L. Reid. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adams and Miss Grace Krauter, of Toronto, I Donelda visited with Mrs. Leo was a Christmas guest of Mrs. A. Stephenson on: Sunday. McCuaig. 1 Visitors on Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bolton and Mr. and 1VIrs. Clare Long, of Brun- son spent Christmas in Guelph. j sels, were: Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. Reid Allen spent Christmas • Keys and family and Miss Cath in Brantford. I erine Campbell, Seaforth; Miss Miss Elaine Somerville, of Mc- j Marilyn' Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. Killen, is spending the holidays' Mac Engel and Gordon, of Gran - with her grandparents, Mr. and I brook; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Long Mrs. William R. Somerville Lof Listowel, and Mr. Merton Hack - Visitors for Chr.stmas witb Mr. well, Walton. and Mrs. Homer Hunt' were: 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McBride, Mr. and Mrs. William Springstead and fam- ily, Miss Marie Hunt, Mrs. Lorne Dale and children, of Hamilton; William Hunt, Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elgie and Margaret,.of Kippen; Mr. Howard Clark, of Cornwall; Mr. and Mrs. Gladson Campbell, of Toronto, and; Mr. James Flanigan, of•Hanulton. Mrs. J. W. Free, of London, spent the Christmas holidays with her son and dbughter-in-law' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flynn, of London, were Christmas visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. Mr. and Mrs° J. E. Patterson have as their holiday visitors for the week, the latter's mother and sister, Mrs. John W. Bell, Mrs. Ernest Rouse, Mr. Rouse . and Don and.. • Bruce Haggith, all of Norwich. Sunday visitors were an- other sister, Mrs. Reg .Tufford, Mr. ' ufford• 4.fnd Joyce and Mr. Fred Peterson, all of Strathroy. • Mr. Donald Dale, of the teaching staff at Fort William, is spending the holidays with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. Mn and Mrs. Donald Scott arid children, of Fonthill, were Christ- mas visitors with Mrs. H. R. Scott. Christmas Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, .Lorne Dale were Mr. and Mrs.' John Taylor, Walton; Mr. George Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon,'Johnston and family, of Varna. • Mrs. James McDougall, of Cane, A large crowd attended the Lit- is spending `a • few holidays with erary meeting, sponsored by the her mother, Mrs. Hugh Alexan- ladies of the Altar Society on Fri- der. , day -evening""'in St. Patrick's Hall. Mr. John Weber; .of Toronto, is Eighteen tables of progressive visiting over the holidays with his euchre were played. Mr. Frank brother, °Rev. E. P., Weber - Kistn r won the gentlemen's prize and. Mrs. Joe Delaney, the ladies. Mr. Glenn Butters played the 'gui- tar and Miss Marie O'Connor sang a solo. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Dolmage will observe their Seth wedding an- niversary on Wednesday, Jan. 1, and will be at home to their friends. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- •for Classified Ad. Phone 41. ' ENNIS ELECTRIC P one 467 — Seaforth r�, lr 1ry r r r e r r par ,w• r X'�r r l it 'd Y�, : r zIr v1r w.1r Y., E?1r , Win. Mm Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth, THE UNIVERSAL WEEK OF PRAYER January 7th -10th Special Missioner: F/Lt. Rev. J. P. MacLean, , Chaplain, R.C.A.F. Station, -Centralia Tuesday, 7th Jan•: Egmondville United Church Worship led by Rev. C. E. Peacock Wed., 8th Jan.: St. Thomas' Anglican Church Worship led by Rev. J. H. James Thursday, 9th Jan.:. Northside United Church Worship led by ',rev. Bruce W. Hall Friday:, 10th Jan.: First Presbyterian Church • Worship ,le.d by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell TIME — 8 P.M. Offering- taken at each Service. Under AuEiees of S'eafoa th and District Ministerial . A~ssedation "DOW,T, MISS THE Li SSIl G" °PLACOCIK, . \. .. REV. J. SEMPLE, 1 'xe9ideii ,• . Aaearfi a . Mr. and Mrs. Les Pryce, Joan. and Christine and Mrs. Mae Hil- lebrecht visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durst and family, Benmiller. Mrs. Hugh Alexander spent Christmas in Stratford',with her , daughter, Mrs. John Easun, and Mr. Easunand' family. Visitors at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matthews 'over Christ- mas were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Farquharson and Mrs. Ella Far- quharson, London; Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Henderson and family, Michael and Patricia, of Mitchell.. Mr. and Mrs. John, I9ongstaff and family left last Thursday for Florida, where they are spending the Christmas holidays. Rev. and Mrs. D. Glenn; Camp- bell and Ann 'spent Christmas at Rodney with their parents, Mrs. Archie Patterson and Mr. D. J', Campbell. Mr. William Stephenson, of To- ronto, spent 'Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Miss Dianne Free is spending a few days in Goderich as guest of Miss. Raul Anne Lowery. Christmas visitor§ -with ♦ Mr. and 'Mrs, G. A. Whitney were Miss Helen Whitney, ,Kitchener; Miss Marilyn Whitney, Glanworth; Mrs. Isabel Farrell, Wood:stock; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd` Miller and Jim, Strat- ford, and Mr. Ross Hamilton, of I WiMinssham.Is abel Anderson, John and Art Anderson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs-. Joe Andersiin and family in" Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, James Hogg and Bob Spooner, of Collingwood, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Bedford Dungey ' and returning to•their home Sunday. - Mrs. P. V. Duan, -Columbus, Ohio, spent the weekend with Mrs. Helen Bolton. 'While here she at- tended the religious reception at Mount §t. Joseph's• Academy, Lon- don. . Misses Mary Lou and Ruth Sills gargaiva in Discontinuing Men- l of London, and Mr. Ronald C. Sillsl acid Miss Pat Reynolds, of Kitchen- er, -are spending the holidays with Mrs. C. P. Sills. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr; .and Mrs. 'Peter McIver were Mr. and Mrs. Seott Coffin, of. Toronto; Mr. and Itifr i. Thomas Morris, of Tillsonburg end Miss Margaret IVtclver, of Kitchener. Christmas visitors with Rap. and fxnrnet Stockwell were her sister and .,brother -tri -law, li and Mrs. J. A. Leaeotstt an Merle, u.nd her inothei',. Mtn: S. tern. rattcli, all of Windsor, tIrg. Le(s''8tdphieiliofiy' MM. 3. D.' Utplaon on and Dill vi £ti?d is Druz. Miss Catherine Patterson, Rod- ney, is spending some holidays with Rev. and Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell and Ann. Christmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T. W. McMillan were Mr. and Mrs. Gladson Campbell, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hunt I of London. - Mrs. Mary Skinner and Mr. By- ron Montgomery, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Hays, of London, spent the holiday with Mrs. R. S. Hays. Mr. Ken, Campbell and Mr. Bill Strong are attending short courses at the OAC, Guelph, for one week, Miss Ruth Teall, of London, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bechely, of Toronto, and Mr: ' and Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Goderich, spent Christmas with' Mrs. F. J. Bech- ely. Miss Sally Nott, of London, and Miss, Nancy Nott, of Toronto, spent the holidays with their parents,, Mr., and Mrs. Raymond Nott. Mr. Gordon Rowlah oaf Toron- to, is spending the hys with friends here. Miss Suzanne Dick, of Londoti ss spending the Christmas holidays with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster and family, of Blyth, and Mr. 1;Ia,rry. Kruse, of Gromley, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nott. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents,. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilson Campbell, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rising. 'Miss Marilyn Yeo, of Holmes- ville, spent thL-Christmas holidays with her aunt and- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Murray. . Mr. and Mrs. Re A. Walter, of Dundas; spent Christmas with Mr... and Mrs. J. T. Willis. Spending chrintaneenI with Mr. and Mrs. Rober Campbell -and family were: Miss Annie Gordon and Mrs. Mae Hillebre'cht Seat fotthi Mr. ,and Mrs. Adam 'Dodds',- Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Les Pryce anti family and Mr. Doug Keys. .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pethick and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ashton and family, in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Calgary, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sflnith. Mr. and Mrs. William Barber and family, of St, Thomas, attend -iv ed the 50th wedding annersary of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Barber, off Friday. - Mr: Basil Duncan,, of Tor&nto, is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. • Donald ,Hillis, of Ingersoll, spent Christmas nwilth• Miss Mabel Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. ep. T. Flewitt, Marion and )?'read,,- of- "Brigend Farm," visited with the tter's aunt; Mrs. Nancy Middl of Hamilton. .. Messrs. Gordon Hill, Bob Taylor} Frank Nesbitt and Carl Dalton at- tended the 0:F1U. meeting in,Ayl- mer Friday night. • Mr. Neil Beattie, Toronto, -spent the holidays at his home here. W. C. -OKE • Phone 458 . 10% Off Price pf FOOTWEAR January Sale 9.,...... Used Skates — IO�J% Off 11 P,r.. ,UJed,Boys' . Skates REE Jock Thompson Footvmnr ,Service It is our business to give. 6dr-t and Save you Moaoy. ♦ EOMQNDVILL holiday visitors aylt , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland Were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cook and family, of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Parsons and. family, of Ficton, were '-holiday visitors with Dirs. Parsons" par- ealts, Dr. and.Mrs, animple, et the manse. ehristmas visitors with Mrs, J. S. Watson and Miss Alice Watson were Mr, and Mrs. Albert Clank and family, of Muirkirk; Miss Jean Watson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haney and Lyi'eit ' Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nott on the occasion of their 50th wedding an- niverramy. On December 28th Mrs. James Finlayson celebrated ' her 83rd birthday, when Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Finlayson and family and Mins Jean Alexander met at her home for a turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Elm a Stephenson and family and Mr. Thomas Rob- inson spent Christm s with Rev. and Mrs. Andrew McKenzie and family at Acton. Mr. Ivy Henderson spent Christ- mas with his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Church - ward, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Keys and daughter, Gail, of Orillia, are spending a few days with his moth- er, Mrs. Nelson Keys. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and family spent Christmas with rel- atives at Ayr. OBITUARIES ° EGENT THEATRE - SEAFOR °N 4)q,n lit Is With'regret that enter 25 yearn of continue•'s e•Inerationf in afl endanccloseh Sbafaatkn, we are faorced, through 6h neon -art -e, to the Regent, 7i`llnleatre en Monday; Tuesday men Wednesday of each week. We will continue to operate every 'A`hursday, Friday and Satnanday. (ni3 the week -en 1s, there ¢until' 1e one show each of the nights, commencing ntscommencingat tl p.m,, and the Saturday Matinee at the usual time. We hope that if business condition improve, a full . week's, operation may again be resumed. • JAN. 2, 3 and 4 — THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY " SIL VE ;n CITY " e a YVONNE DE CARLO l� id �1J1111 EDMOND O'BRIIEN Sultry Yvonne De Carlo stands up .against the bad *men of the West. Four great stars, in a thrilling drama of the mining towns —the bad men and the loyal women of the mining days of the Old West. V TaIIUJRSDAg', 1C IIIDA3f and SATURDAY -- JAN. 9, 10 and 11 " GUNS OF FORT PETTICOAT " •AUDRE MURP Y JOAN TAYLOR We repeat . r o You Can Expect More And You 'WILL. Get More For ,Your '°Footwear Dollar' MRS. ANNIE B. HARRIS Mrs. Annie B. Harris, mother of Mrs. Carl Holmes, Seaforth,, died in Stratford 'General Hoepital Thursday in her 97th year. She was born on August 26, 1861, a daughter of the late Joseph .Pull- man and the former Ann Burchill. She lived in Hibbert township be- fore moving to Fullerton a few years ago. On December 19, 1893, sl}e mar- ried Edwin Harris; who died in February; 1946. She was a mem- ber of Main Street United Church, Mitchell. Surviving are two sons,- Joseph, Fullerton township, and Harold, Chatham; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Ethel) Mitchelson, Mit- chell, and Mrs:. 'Carl ..(Alexia) Holmes, :Seaforth; bile sister, Mrs. John (Sadie) Currie, Sarnia; six grandchildren and 11 great -grand- children. --She was predeceased by one son, Alfred, in 4918, and one daughter, Pearl. The body rested at the Heath - Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, where funeralservice was held Saturday. Rev. J. Robert . Watt officiated. Burial was made in Bethel cemetery, Munro. -- at the — . 'WILLIS SHOE STORE The "LITTLE" Store With the "BIG",Values — SEAFORTHR Mr. and Mrs. lean Grummett and Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wormworth and Teddy, • all of Winghani, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cantelon, of Clinton, are spending New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gruinmett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling, Peter and Ann spent the weekend in An caster. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKellar spent Christmas with- Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams, Mac - add Paul, in Mount Clemens, U.S.A. 'Miss Lillian. Faulkner is spend- ing New Year's in Galt. My; and Mrs. Joseph Grumanett spentChristmas in Wingh,am.` Miss Dianne Grummett returned with them and is spending a few days with her. grandparents. Mrs. Pat' Troutbeck visited in. Brampton over the weekend. , Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott were Mr, and Mrs, George Love, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. 'John McKinley, ..White. Rock, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Thompson, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bell and fam- ily visited over the .holidays with their parents in Mount Forest and Cedarville. Mr: and Mrs: Don Barber and Patricia Lynn, of Kitchener, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Les- ter Leonhardt. Miss Ruth Shinen, of Toronto; Mr: and Mrs. W. Flecherand family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seltzer 'and family, of Buffalo, spent the holiday With Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen, Visitors over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hudson were: Dr. and Mrs "-John Carroll, Ham- ilton; 'Mrs. Allan Stone Norwich; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudson, Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank Holroyd, Preston. Lorne Goudie, of the RGN, • who leas .been visiting 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Goudie; leaves for Halifax on Thursday. Joan Hunter, Seaforth won a 28 -inch doll in a draw at the arena. The winning ticket was drawn by Gerald Holland, Dublin. Carol Lyn Shop JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Starts Thursday at 9 a.m. BLOUSES—Cottons, Terrylene, Jersey 20% OFF SKIRTS — Plaids, Plain, Tweeds REDUCED 20% SWEATERS—Pullovers and Cardigans' Wool, -Orlon or Nylon 20% OFF BETTER DRESSES d- 20% Reductions RUSH, SPECIALS MIXED GROUPS T--• Dresses, Lingerie, Skirts, Blouses AT SAPECIAL. PRICES NO REFUNDS -OR. EXCHANGES ' • -en 1 rrd,x ,p1r+ r .rr1, wi #" w1;4.',r,e,2w,;44uYruralvY r,;,..)e '-.r 1». a i May your track be clear to welcome many. joys and happiness in the New Year !.' GVTINGS TO ALL OUR -CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS ! NOTICE! Stores in Seaforth will close at anuary Clearan o..off.. 6 o'clock on Saturdays During the Months of January, February -- and March. - 20 Merchants of Seafortht k�- his opportunity to say "Thank You" for your kind patronage and to extend all best wishes for a 'Happy • New Year! MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE r •. Chamber k Cdinin r e ON ALL FURNITURE G. A. WHITNEY FURNITUREE- FTJftAL Ilion DP ommies AMBULANCE SERVICE o- ifo>htlt 14.