HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-01-03, Page 1I" I . � t - � - ., � - I . I 4� I ; e=614flofl. 1 4 - �, . .1. i , .q , � ,,1-3 "� , 40 �,amjqvnjl� , , , - , '� "O '"'! I I ;� . . � � .. I . � - A I . ('10 by gll-"�ew ,nru ig, om. filor � � come opea - Ili - w . 4 and oft reb;jve s 'on portd by the mou"11-wid Qp*­ 6).� . i . "' . 1. __F - police xdward Bfirbardt (Ioftl -aiid' Cogstable Oeorgo A', Tvlar_ . uff6uEnce. 41h, In b,r� W 'B" fttbVdte, in, i i� , . - I 1 1 i " " �'­ I I . . . - 1.,�� I � . �, � 14, , � lovitiona. . . �L � �, nverdag. I � - � L 1. �?, �::­,_.­, 11,:1 .. . . I I I , ! . � . . � . J, , . I �, I . , . L. .." __ L , - . , _ . __.,..­L��, I I I . - � . � L ^; , - . , . � t - � - ., � - I -,. 1. 4 i I I n 11_0�_ t a I � �� � I � � . I � . � I i I - 17, - - i I � I I I , 1, . I I - ­ I . it-AEL ,� N ,��_ - Ln -AL , t � � - 11 � i . I � 11 il . . .. 1 4 . % I I - t- � I . I I 1 49 ... , I I 11 I J 110L) I , - I I ... � - I 11 � ­ �1_ - I I . � . . . � . 11 I � - . W.. — , . I .. . I � -_ ­.­ . -1 .. -_ I . . . .. - .. Is � I , .. - 1 __ _ .. - - - ' . I . . � , k 11 , I ear in .4dvar= � . . 1� a y , �;� �o . 0 .v I T94'r SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, _]�RJDAY, JANUARY 3� 1958 . * . I 10 -4 .1 I , . I . � ­ . �. �., - . ,0101e, CoLaigs'A'Celat'!3�- ,­ � , 0; Wumber -1692 —I----- -,—.--. . . I 1. ... - ­ ..— 1 I. . . C', . � <;,? . � I . .. . . . , I 1 4 . ­­ 1-1-____-_._ I --;. �, ,, I I 11 - . I � � I I . ( . a 0 . � � I . . , , " 7, -1 ,'I'. � to p Y.. * '. " , "I �' i., I 11, .1�1 ,,, . :, ' McKillop, "7, - - . .1 ,. , __ ­ I 11 A'"' .... : I : , � 1. .1 - � �. I - # 1� --,,. �, I I � , A -a" - - e i . i �� ,e` * - Rewe*r i , � , ... � . CC1 I Dstr*ct R:'e, ev, _.. LS I J-1. - I . 'I, . , ' I ­;� V. 1:%.. . -1 ... '. . . I �, . 1. - I:" I .1 . . I . '' ��, � 11��A,11�111 1;11 4� . . . I 11. .� I ­ . . - i4! - . ­ - I:, I.. _11 11 , �',,� .1 a i , . I 0 - , ­% I I- 0 - , , �A I , "' . ' ��. I , .; IR "tepayers - . . I - 1. .11 1. , _ L � I ...'' � - . , I �, ;1. , � I., ­'..� � I %­� - � "', I �,:,_ �_ �,� � I .I. I I A ,,� I -, 1, ... I' . ., �,:­' 1- �?�� - I 11 I �� � I . . .1 Tuckersmith , '1_.i_-- I �.., ­��. �." :, . 11: , ." . � � I I � ,,,, �:. , '' _ 1.11 � . 1-1 � 11 . I � , .1 , . _ .. - - . - ��: , ­�� �.. 11 "I � 1. �. I , , �� ... , '. � .., � . 1. �._ ­ "I" � " " 11 I . 1_ I . *�, � �_ . � I . ^"I � I'll, . . . . . ��, C e ., I . . . . . . . "I'll ..... . , . 1, 11 , 1.11 -_1 . "�.� I ...�, -, 1 I , 11. ­_ � k ­ ", . _ _� . . . - '13",_'._ I � , ". ,,,,,1..1<�7*r," � : ; ­ ­ , -�., � ..'�', I , -�!�,�, � . c , ­ , � -1 I.. ­ ­ � _,_ I I-,-::--, , 11 L'O ' ` ­_:,�11� , HearReport e o n L I ­ - 0,tl t _ 'E� I � : ''; �. � ..our Coun. I - ­ ­ ., ­­ %�. _ - . 11�. . ...., - . , .... � . I � � � . ­:`: ..!!..:, " .V: I .. .. . I ��:ilt�'.,i I __.".1. ..:,. '' 1. I .7 i : . �1:1­­�."_11. ­­­.." !�­­--.­-- , , I., ,�:�,.`­ I - ­­ ''. . -- - ­ .�7171._ ­--­�' --n, . " I , _: . McKillop eate - �� � , , 7f--' Mcl=o,p. electors will 're pallea. - ". , . " �' " ��' �� , , I.:- %­ I ­ I : , �:. .1' on.to vote for Lmeni . in Tucker , LA I , �­ 11 I ." � I . -111 finance's . �:�,.: ".A. f�, __� � _ i. I I ­_� I �­­ � ­ I �, M .payers, who crowd L, , ,,, Ratepayers smith are I 0 , I - ,--.,�,_ �,;��:' ; .1 ­' ,�­4� I I 11 . 11 , I . I , ,� .... � , ; .. I ,, �:, :. . I I IIVI�l �11* . , � .1 , , . _­ hers of ,coun.416 1, . : 41 0� , I iL �`f ­ I apparently happy with the advitin- "g lkl­­� N ­ � I I '. . ed Winthrop Hall 'Monday after- - - : � 1� . I - � , . � - ,V.,,� ,*"."� . ,V.,,� . .. � , , , J ­-, - � _,_ I �:, ... �, I -�A - , -svw-��, ­ � - �1 . it wa4, dl�Uid when five nom - - 'i,�;�,, v I_ _..:: :, �,­_::� - . iskration of their municipal affairs `,�-, . :1, "; I ID , I ive re IeA y , 1_111 �_ , ,� A, _. , I . . . L. �: N:,� , e�' I � noon, lipard a comprehens' ' - . �;. �, I ,� _ I " U 71, ­�,�, ��4--`�:��!�'.� 1. , , , * `..i . I .. "', . I I .. �. �4 , I � ,.�:�, "...-I.", I A� , , 1`11 , ��.,. - - . - . .1 . 1� ... , I 1. . i',� ,�--��,��i'l�-...,��"..j:�.,�:�,'..� ': I ,Pvs 'I had -at _1� �.�7: .. :� I " port of ,affairs concerning the ': � wo questions were di- .�:'�, �7: , �;'��', - T ,. ;�, 11 for cQund qualified . � " �� when only t 'i. ",�.�"- lz:;.� I., L P. James .11. ,:.. \ - �.,, �-,:,�.;,� ''..�." .. ,��,�i::; �:, I � ,:1.`.1-- I ­­,­.,,'. ,: ,� . I I I cted at council member5 by - , , -, . � . _, * '' �:., . I 4 � ,. ''.., .- , I., I . � �_f ­��,., � 4 . 4 I -clo�lng Alme Tuesday night, A � �: .. - - _ A, , - � 1�1_ �e tepa __ , .. . � township and county, when Reeve _� .f"r \ I I I � ­ . �,,-�:�-�, �:�� - :' -a yers at the annual ratepay- ,:, _ I ". ,.....,A. ,,, � �. I.- I X I �, �:: _ I . , . . 1, ': I I ;,"­- - - ��!_ � I I 1, � :­_. �,�_. I I �_­,,_ � , sixth nownee, Wilsqu Little, mem- - " . rr),ann nnd memb ­ 11 - - - � I I ;io 11�-,, . � . 111,�,o-,.-_,-�,-,.�,_ �,, 1 - ors' meeting Monday. Meetitg in . ',,'.,i.,.;-,;,-%, . � � �:� �L: ... I ._ ,,.�'. ., ­ I � � her of t#e council for sev�V.4 yea.r$;­. _ . ... . 11 I , . I �, I . � ' the, council told of the year , , � ,_ 'L" ­ ­ 4ioi " R b4nd- , �1, 'ch " f I - . ' "' " 1:: � Dan Beuer 7 s "' '-- .- , � L - ,J� nd ... . ao! ' S! 001 , 1-1.1 .,�L,__ . . Se;dorth ' Town Hall, a sma . �`�:; �, I . � I ­­ _ - � , �vho, had" qualified as a candidate', - I . I . � X ", -:: .L.., �.. �� �, 11 " � I I . ful of residents from TuckqrsAfth, .; . � tivities. ­ . 1094m, 1 � 1k _ I 1, 1. � I . . - ,. __ nomination he.' . �,.. '. � . 11-1 _�_'� , ��,�1111 , 11 -- V �1._ . , , .1 f tess than, 59, turned out to acclaim .. . ­. � ,,-.;,�,,.-,,,.�-.'!. . . " � , �. 11, ­ � 1210 rel'n"P lill' de . �' _ . _� -1 �11 in ..1., � ­ �. i Chaliman for the meeting was 'Ic L'. PL". . , -_101.", 1 1 �k. . iorer the 9 o cloo s . last year's council and - d .. . , I . L4..kre to he elected. �fe6e' rour' ' . I Clerk J, M. "Eckert. . "'. � �,-,�,,,' �,c, ,X,.,i��.,,�'.,'..-,. [1111, �;, �, : L� .1, '.1. e Paur , .-;,. �. kl��f,�I�� , � $'. t . ......... . L Vects' ', - '�, - i..'', ­ , 1. � . 11 discuss affairs of the pas year. 11 . L. ,�*-. � t.-�.',A �� .11. ,1;, 11 I . A � � � 1 Reeve 1160tirrarm, elected bk � ; . I .�� .,1g. I Betteimanu was returixed by ac ' ­ .� When the meeting was thrown . : . -;�-:,§ - - --� 'y ,� ,,, . j , " , jeila . , ' - * .., . '. ,.1. clamation., Ao begla f - 11flil , . 1. �s �, V , , , �� ��' I . L01.11111 � � � -, , f6r questions by - I I � L . I _ 1, 11 _ ils . , o . - acclamation to. his 11th term, ex- Asubstantial balance of appr0a A - %.;,.;.L , I'� .. I lr� ..� � . � .,W, ,) Councillor % � 11 - �1. � , ­ . *& '.4 Of the five who are starifling ­ , =. V , "z., � . ,wl I - - " � �. : arley, James Doig, form- 1pfessed his ypreciation to th6 mgtely eported to � 1�� ���`.. �:�,� .11, �, I e 6 h . $2,980.84 was .i .�:.: 11 1;�, three have b�ft members of doud- - "'i ': ' er reeve - trhembers of ouncil and t e Sbaforth.,and di,striet'Cathohe'rate- - � "', "N ,"'M '�1.11` __X , . ' - .. p � 11� ­� - R - . , .1 I I f .. � ell. They are Jerry . er � . . . . . . ratepayers _t ­, �� � . � 01 the towtiship, queslion 1:: .. . 4 , M - .', .... � �,��,e . I , I ,� whar had I I A , N �,f` .�;�, "'..., �` _ Doerr . e,d the c ection. of an addltio4at- I g6rierally, ., , "." :', . , '. ' ..... .. - W1144msoli and- 'Carl 'Mills. . - � , . 11 annual mee4pg, � ,� L."... I Joert , "I , . .., 'L ,zubsidy b(n the read which is 19der � made possible a most successful payeps at their . ­ N". ��­' . 1,1� 11 . i repair from No. .8 M.ghwa e � year. ' � I Thursday night. . _11r z�,.,--'P�' "'.111- 1 The two neoy. canwdates are 'Will. I :�, I I , , , .1 . rear . ­_ Concentrating on. .county af A,-�;Q' .,��.. - , ,,,, �� " .,-- ,.,; HYAU'AlRd Sai�fldcClttre. ' ' � - .- I --if of RCAF Station, . U0 . 1. fairs, . Tre�sbrer Leon Bannon reportea , - ��-. 11 �­., �-�!.f.",.!,�,I�,,-, .� the reeve went details as to .1 . Wominkled, we're: - Reeye, k,� - � .� to the. meeting, hel& in the sch ol. .. , �' . Dam .17. * �'. Reeve Ivan Forsyth inform,med, .-�� � �� it're - n,� I., ; . Beuermann, by Wm. Boyd mid 4'... �.,; �, 7,1AI..., ......... o ratepayers that a grant has le ­ .... a�, .... :;:.��.'. the operation various coun- room of St. James' Separate �� ... I �.­ " � r:: I 4 - .. I L . '? � ��... Wm.-Beanewieg; f45r Council.., Her- .. � 1 � ... r ,asked.; fof from _fedpxal, dqart- . .11. , '*��,�­ - ty departmen operation. of ,School, that-receipfs for'the year z,Z.`i�.-110 . -� � A - ., ,f . ", . " - .�, : 7, - . ._­. .­. - ­ .... , . - � the CounEY Home is divorced from totalled - $15,953.74i while . ex endi- , - " T I I � . �f..!,, ­ .­%; ,... 11 - .. I bert, Williamson, by Mark � Harnil ments, but, that At present no, re- N . !�,'!',!-,�� .-,'��.�. , . ,�. . , ' . LLL � , . . , ". �:, ­.Nl' . jd� , I � 2, - .11 . p 1. � . 11. . . . ton and . gArver' Craig; ro .-' .,.,- --- -: �_ �: _ �, ply li�a been'received- i I�L-�� %.-,q'.�.,,,--,Uji�... ." f 1.� � � " , , il.:. I . . . . . , �;., I, �,.! ,�� . - .,the operation of the farm, which, �ures were $13,672.90. * . � . �, . Doerr, by-CAarles Dietz and, Mfer,,,�-;. .� I . �,.;�.�..�: . - - - ', ' .: -.1 , , by r'.4.011ZL ,. � he said, resulted in a more effici -, p. C. J. Sills *as' named chair- , r , . . . . . r . . � 40 Questjq� Drain -,,�:, '_��M � . .. . ­., , � . . ent getup. , . . � . ,,man of- the meeting, a4d Leon . I I .. . , . , vin Dietz,. Wilson Little Only, other question asked �on�- t ., L . I . R. Leeming and Allart Campbell- '� - ."it caii, be anticipated that there .. � - � . -A- - Z... ... ,�. ... - .- - ­ - _Mllop­ and -It I cerned the McKenzie drain. Wibur __ gL i ,Oanfion, actin,&-_secretar3k-- - - - -- -PERRYW. DAN- RHURR WANNi Mt eve .Ivan W. EArl Mils, by Cafl Dalton an , ' , � . Will be continuin ., increases in 'y a �101 n Leeming; William A.' Ttk:aivi, �. - -, , i . _v."riutes of the 1956 meeting were Forsythi Tvckersmith, were returned b a;iation o' .Monday. _ W. j f-.4" I( - Keys, whos6 property is seried by . road expenditures. The public is read and ado ed- ' Treasurer Leon. - Reeve Beuermann begins his, eleventh term, while Reeve Forsyth ua Per,- ,; ­ this drain, inquired, whether mprk- - . clemandijig better toads, and as a Bannon, read I is report, whfe,h- in- "' is Leiltering'upon his"second year. � I � - . by iFran%` Bowmin , � ,�m Z ...... . h � . I done recently.... on, what ,is cowid- , .. � �'.. 1. � . .1 .4 Kelly; Sa -Albe� ­ otra,g., I—— _­ - I '.1. I result it' must be expected to. pay dicated the jkl,12�.­­-The repoft -in AfcCl4roj,;by�_ I t' 4 'V' ered part of that drila, should li�ve b 4TO .. . — _ ... -,.-... , . Harrison aad X�n 1 �� M ,� - 1 , been cha 7ged to those assessed.�or ­.­- ;-- for them," Reeve Beuermann said. showed 'that. . main expenditures '. 'LL -­- _1� � I .. I . . . I . 11 r 16 - feev � :n ' ' This year the coul)t completed 0 0 11 � du �y _00"', "" � I : the McKenzie drain He alsio W, a, I _y Wp,ries�_ . Ac�, �.. . , 5.upplies and Imat- � . I the largest program' �f bridge con- �Vcre , . council, were" retOaed by, " ' - - I - M . I - . . tri . . .Clamation'at nomination meeting&, 4- I" ' , . wo 1. I struction in its history. Despite the e' treasurer also reported to - --o as mark � and 4 . dered when all the Dis &C upic ' - � I t. A�,' ' for tW year hid been done. Repuer . MR.'AND' MRS. 6HARLES A. 9ARBER' exterigi-ve program, the construe- -me . etin that -the final payment . . - I ., I � . J>. also held Monday. Reeve iN;irt * � Forsyth. pointed out that the coth- . . . I I 9 . . '.. 0 . — I 4 Forsyth begins his secona ,term. ' L . ell was.,morking from 1928 1 . tion.,was carried out by the coun- iD icho& addition- had beeir made , � . I I fuckers . mith, artil Reeve llar-,'- - I I I a ty staff at substantial savings, as and was now debt free. - I . ~w soft I in . ' port and bylaw, and had been a: - 0 1 Ahniversar. - c. c ns Oi I , . . 41 - t. compared to the coat had, the work . %J41W I , vey­�X eipan .his third ,tern):L�hk . �. . able to find a plan'ljor the draU. Estciblished,' Ciewamery -_ Frank C. J. Sills, board repre- Y I I 0 1 . . - - ,­,.- I stanfqy. . � . - . , . I The original work chArged for tho - . . . . - . been, done by contract, Reeve .s�ntative to the Seaforth District. Mr.. and Afts..,T. W.'Williaidson, of Narna; one daughter, Eileen Reeve -Nrsyth fturned .'� : -, . 1. - Beuermann explained in answer to High School Board, gave - 11 Mri f and 1i Ree've Xvin Forsyth was return - t -me was started in 1946 ­and pak ,4 ...... 4 le Mr...'and ,Mrs. Thomas U. Wil. Mft. Ken McLean, Herisall, � I I I out of general funds- The, sectiol . WAM Ryan. Tepor*nbn high school ma . I . ad for.his -ge4oud,,ternt by-rotp,, �: � Efforts are being made to. have tters, liams6n, of. Grey Township, quietly . grandchildren. O- -payers of, Tackersmith To�,�! � A R I N,wrked on tbU year had becorat Has �,.Gola�tl . A.I.dding . Election of trustees followed: . an- Mr. Ho,ter I ship . .�- '1-.' , .1 . the ftderal government release c celebrated th-eir'47th wedding _§ a well-known vi ' - . � j. plugged,with tree roots, and coun, ' . .Dr. M., W. Stapleton,. Maur" niversary Saturday. The ,,quiet linist 'incft6or Trianager with the . Monday, whqu he., was acclaimeiL,-' . . ' land making uIr-Rky-Harbor Air -Etue, Gordon Reynolds, Frank' . t. I . A . I ell proceeded with the -.,work 0 Mr. and Mrs, Charle ' s A. BarlWber lived in Canboro, Haldi- o. -e .. . was held at' Clinfo - Murdoch otchestra, which provides fbil6wing nomia4fion by Wilfred'. 'j.' . dleaning it, Not l$eift,g sure who. her, well-known Seaforth residents.,: mand County, and in Woods�i)ck Port, since th re are requirements J celebration n . ­ . . Sills,.. Arthur Deveir,aux, Leon- Public Hospital, where Ur . - ' " I before .moving to Seaforth Janu- for the property for industry, EX-. _� 4WI-1. the music for many dances. . Tremeet and 0hailes tire. I ' ' ,­ (. I their the.braTrch cleaned, was -actu, celebrated the 50th a-rariversary of I Bannon, and John, Lansink. The A euchre in their honor was held I I, I . I . ary 1, 1914. . � plainink that hi's review could not liamson has been a patient- for -the' . All four members of. TASt yelki's . - 11911 .- -alry part bf the McKenzie plan, 4heir marriagt. at their home on , latter three were eleetbd for A two- U ISO L 'el . ,`., �: - '. �: - C40imcil are looking . into the. Mattel Goderjeb St -."on Fiiday. " During the 'Mrs. Barber was,jgabel Smith, . I � I ,r Mr in Varna Town"Hall Saturd,ly,w,iti cou ell wirg-a q,Qted by- -ae- I ,. go into. complete detail Reevp . .. . past seven weeksw How&ve , . 11 . , year term. I . i, 25 tables ih 'play- W 11ANs were: clarriation. Viotor -, ­ 1, I efo Williamson was able to return to X111, te Lee was mom ., . * daughter of the laifte Werner Smith � Betiermarm told, the meeting that L n ,,Bannon wps reappomted ,his home Sunday., ' f ry Welland and,SY44 ` .. . . and if found otherwise, rebates number�_of their friends L - any ratep , ayers 'who were inter- 8ecretary-treasurer. ladles, Mrs. 'Aobin I r Mrs. inated by Hat - I " � . day TT ethem to extend congratu- gtnd Ann Giles , U would be forwarded to those con- called b& , ', pioneer Oxford sted could obtain copies of the I .. , � � cora er , y. � -- cerned, Mr. Keyes wa.% assured. lations. " . . Cftnty, residents, while - Mr. Bar� e The meeting instrii4ed tie sei�- A prettily de ted cake added $tan Love, Mrs. Winston Work- _. ney demmell; Frank Mork b - ! - 1. . to the occasion when, friends- and, ifian; g6rits., Ba§H-O'Rour-ke, ,Wil- Williahi: Pe pek ano , l � .,X . , , ber is. the s6n of the late William cOu fred C ter - . p I Elliott' L!W��_:� nty minutes, which . he would retary to send a letter.of apprecia- aiid Elmer'Jdbn Me, ton, Elgin Thompson, - Vy Alfri4 " ' , ,1 I , . W. P. Roberts was'.appointe Married at the home, of the - arrange, hu . * :,. chairman of the meetinit, W - bl Barber and Mary Fogter,­ef Roth- - ton to, J; J. Cleary, retiring trus. !nembers� of the family called dur- I , :.. � . c bridels. parents, on thie 14th con'- on Reqg1ling th,at he was a member tee s ' ing the day. , - . Bride.411(ts and' a �urse of -money Moffatt and Russell ,Dallas I and . ; ' ? I lasted ' sey, WeIlingt ' 'County, Where he , foi ki � Tn4py years of service , MAL 'Ad I 11 about two hours, and st cession of East Zorra Township, on of th�­6aiy Health' Unit; the oil St. ,S The couple Werd rried 'in - §ea- were,,p.rqqpnted to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Varley -by W -taer Bro -., , ' . . ts December 25, 1907,' Mi. and Mrs. was born 78 .years .ago. _, I I chOol ­­ ' i ' ' "' t , _A.- , . .�_ ...., �i I �. Q41y 25 persons ,remaining at I . James' Separate' r;-- 41. , ... I . I . - __ speaker reviewed ,the work,of the .poarLd, I .. forth by Rev. Roger& in 1910. Mrs. Hayte the presen ation address foot and'�Chaelqs Eyrt,. . . I. . ..past president of the Dhiry- committee 'And told'the meeting , Williamson is the former Gertrudi ._�Wour names . I ., 71 conclusion. . . I A, I . . being, reod by, Mel Webster and . were 'fifted 167 �. - . . L �4 i. -4 .......... ­­­­'__.,T1M_Ar1 . a."'High men'9 Association, and widely the nature of expenditures during . Forbes, daughter of the late Mr. .presentation by Orrin Dowson. , .onlyt�vo quali. �,-: . , , r school trustees; bat . paid by the ,muni,gipality, not the kno,wri in, .the ,dairying, business, WeL � i . - . .1 " I' , 4ae hundred'and fcf-ty attended !U eve'' tors' y'ih, ''the first spealf-c, A ,fte&, , sd ndMinated *were, W`il� .., 1. Re , a typical morith. ,I-EMring the per;� and Mrs. Samuel. Forbes, Walton, the' affilr' from London, Lucia, Br6j#dfb6t,,by, -Stanley Jaeki - �11' unty. The codnf� ..... had estlinat-* M, - nusual a er - I . er, reviewed the work of. council Mr. Barber.: began4ds-L-career in. iod November 1 to December 11,, I while Mr- Williamson is the son. Mer ' . . . ' ,�, . I . last year. He informed ratepayer- �ed .$1,1000 for bounty last year, and 1 1896 at Palmerston, when he work- Health Unit expenseslotalled $12,- of the -late Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas Godexich, Exetet, Aubu=,*Zurieh,' son and ','WiWre_d`1`r`0­ J,01111'. I 1:f! 11 ... � 1 of an'indieas-e of taxes of on y n: $4 and $5,000. ed in a cheese fAk6ry there. In 484* I Williamson, also df Malthn. a,- and, Patrick,- by- C16aVe, ig,01:16S aria, ., I �taq paid betwee Features' Holiddys . Ilrue6field Seaf�rtb, Waffi . I , . F, 'i.. . I the case of Tuckersmith, thisimbsequent, years," prior, to his- Revertiftg to township affair - s, � 4,F � . I . - . ­ . I They have ... five-,d;itighteis and Hensall, Aii-,`4h"tion.to neighbors Wilmer ltibadfool; Mervin Falcon.,-,. J . , . $872.76,' although � the county rate -would be a low item, a� only i marriage, he assumed increasing , reezing � rain - possible" was friends from Varna and area. er, .by- Ross J. Forrest 4ria C1qdv(4,' , . I .1 I hermar0s, prediction for I . 1. has been.upl�ed, and a few more,..; - Reeve Beuerrnann said that pan- the weat I thr�e sons: Olive, Mrs. Albert and, , 106.50 was paid last yea�. !responsibilities in cheese --firdt&Z Cl�rk McKiII65- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. klge"Wftfe Clair' 4aney, by'ja&k.' ,- - . � I ,�..... . municipal drains were listed on, Dwellifig- 6i). -t�e road reRort; the. , I struction of the township shed was New Year's Eve, in reports Tues, ' Alda, Mrs: Rus- . Coombs, and * ,,,, .� ' I ies-and creameries. throughout On- jus � .. 11 �, th I 1. -1 , I . tie, we1I!krir\w1i Seaforth resid,ents,, lowing "dar-efull. cGiisild&atloh`��' , " , the roll this. year., Tax arrears reeve infor'med'�,the meeting that t about completed, and that the day night. se Yervis­,- -Cigt8ii; Evelyn, Mrs - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas &,&Beat- I Patrick andl-11arold' Japkson. Fob, � ` . I tario��at Cotsw611, Minto T . . . were high., with, $22,844.57 still dut-1he commiltee Fad recommended wP., overall. cost -would *be something ' Lorne Carter, Seaforth; Florence' . Y,-.,. .. 7 ­ , standing-1or 1957, and. a 1�alanee . a 6 mill ra'te fot roads next year. iSpring. Creek, near ' Woodstock, With the calendar year chang- rW . Ic , . quietly cefdb.*ated the' 55th anni- two new nominees, John.'P' k ,� '� � t� .,_. ' ' Dempsey, north of Stratford, and 'uq.der'.1$12,000. In his opinion, a ed to 1958, and less than three MFs. G. Nes@ttj,Blyth,' Ina, M rei,sary of - their �'matriage. at their and Clair Haney let their naM I . � I � I most etonomical job h1ad been-doAg I Michael McGrath, Seaforth; Nor- .1 L*s- . � I ., . ptior to 157L, of $12,986.21, a total' e county must spend "over $150,-1-6t Hicksba, one of the largest fac, months until spring, the- weather�. man . � P I . , , Of $35,830.78' owing to the . I . 1. - ' . and R6y, Grey Township,. and home on -North, -Main -St. on Tues- Stand, while the two forgier =46m, . I tOwu� ri ges la I tories in Ontario. man. has been. veky c(�operative .....d. � I—— .. .. I � .0 each year to keep b id � and the building was one of the I. L , .. ship. Reeve- Forsyth. felt that this� epair. - . i . 11; ­Rt . i . 41 I . best in any of the municipalities. with fine Weather during the paot Herbert, McKillop. . ,day. . ,,�ii" retired, thus elimiAiting the - I . h s -of all,rate- Control Building I Coming to -Seaforth iii,.1914-, Councf1loiz Herb Williamson � re- . I I I Mrs. Margaret -,WTight is 98 nee fok at! election. . .. . ".1 ! . ' - . Reeve Forsyth briefly discussed ­ � Mr. and Mrs. Zack Elligson were , . . ,. ; . . - I Mr.. Bfifber- es,tablished Spaforth 'few weeks. " - ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Zack Elligson. ' � payeri�; as the towrigiiip was fore viewed certain road .expenditures, - Mrs. Margaret '%'right celebrat- , $tanley'Township* . ed to borrow'money to meet obli- and saj,d,,t , Although heavy supw was prom- ... . I . Aber county ri2ports befo-re turn- , Creamery, which he operated sue- ,�at while...there. would be . rised -Sunday -when ed -het 98th birthday on New Year's Reev� Iiiiiy4y. man was ac� � -, ,, �. 4", . "' Aimed iiii Stanley Township Mon,`...!�,' ; . I gations beiSause of the arrears, ng c6ssfully for 32 years untiN he payers who were not iaent in late November, it stayed pleasantli surp *` Day. In. 'rea . sonably good healthp,cl -Cole I 41 . to .... thp future as it con- ' - for onlr a -short time, and prior to ficiend I - gathered to I . s and relatives - , Water Systerm Completed -' ' -erns Tucker,srhith council. Coun-:' sold.. ,out in 1946. ' The cren'111, y satisfied, in his opinion,the lotin- :�Christma -temperatures soarbdz4o honor .thergi on ,the occasion of she is a fesideftt in the Thamer . for gitother Year,. 'Only n6li " � If ! � was located in the former S4 Itt � , . gay -the pusftn Mr C41anling, , b . h e best that .they b al heightlis for.tfiis time of, their 40th wedding 'annilversdry. .s , Several special pro I I - � J, .__.1 . ... .. ' ,ylaw to control 'building in . ` electric light pliml, in. a kne* . " - 4 Tiorm - was nominated. bi ikal;i St6ph-on' ' jects were 'kl would be asked to prepare a 'Bros. e ell had done',Xh Nur ing: Home. . inee fdf resi- - . Dpw, .an4 on the lvhore hE � caiTled out by council in 1957, �Vd - �A year. The high temperatures com- Mrs. Elligs6n is the, former An- . - - . " , _ - . �` ' ' - these were outfined bY' Mr. For- �Ential sections. This would pre- same location as'it is today. felt that ratepayers had received - on aad.seconded 6y Ralpbto _� . for pletely upset nature with several na Scherbarth, daughter of the late C . k syth., Egniondville water system lent7luindesirable buildings from arber has be�n re- good value their money. - * ' .- an(P-M& Charles. Scherbairth, beaforth BantaMS er. � ''I . . . had b,gen completed during the fDringing iip neat new homes .built i*tired sin6e *1946, he has, been by Councillor Jerry Doerr agreed oddities for this time of year ri-- Mr. n. Mr. - Elligson is the son of 1. . A� . A new position come into. belrig!.*�. , * - I d users were paying for 1 Egmondville, Harpurbey and no means inactive. An bbt,husias- also that' while there. -bAd' been ported, such as flowe . rs blooming Loga Open. W, ith Win - . at the meeting, when, the fitst,.: ,., year ani , ' , ' in -the out-of-doors. '- ' -..the late Mr.'and Mrs. August El, I ' . I . the system iit'$50 when installed.. J.Rax Hensall, - tic'fisherman, he takes adv4A � difficulties, -everything , haO. nip a. ligson, also of Logan.,.The couple 11 I : deputy4eeve was'app6iitted, -With--.;-.; Brucefield and Clin .. tage som I ­ . I , of every opportiinity 'to get out od c6rhe out all right.- He felt that in" - However, sub -freezing te er , . k . Harvey Tayfor being S4 8 . 1. I , # eriod of to. He bawls in summer view of -the substantial amoun ture are expected to put -an end .were married Dec..24, IM; at the . Bantam Hockey . eA for �� �' , � . 20 years to pay for the .debenture,, Discussion will also be held re- a stream. . t of and the this position on nommadoii by" � - ; '1� .- ommitments face co�ncii "difit-Wil charter. member 4Df the grea ter � port . I ettle* %ck to normal. by -t Taylor has b ', -tie said grding il earlier tax date as I and curls iik winter.' A past presi- expenditures by the to ttis* during the week Lutheran parsona , Brodhagen, - The Seaf6rth Bantams ' started Lindsay 4yre and Brtice'McCl�� ., " . I ) interest and ma�ntenailce. a county, .* a oweathqr may s he,.Iate Rev. Xlegand... I their. ,hockey season aft' with a . . ,-. that all persons concerned werg havy c ion'ol work should be . .. . _. Th� , Y'larmed on -the 12th ,conees- .convincing 19 -to 0,victory over the they. Mp. I , e"._VA . . ' counciL for a -number of years-.. !, - f happy about -the new system. fbm September to the end of the 1 Scaforth Lions Club, he contributes done in MeKill6p by ,the county. was aothing to he asii4m6d of in sion of McKillap,. ivIiett thtiy c6o, I eribneed Air School bay' - � freely Of big Little explain-, inue to resi& g s'On Last year's council were all're-_ - . I . i.The road .Funning from No. 8 yar. A pre0ayiWent plan for tax tiriie to club' activi- Councillor Witson " the"re'cord estabUgh6d by tho, mun- ti .i They have one IBZ"x'�ipn Day %afternoon., y �0 - M&Way'to the 'rear 61'the RCAF N whereby a syna-11 discount will I ties. He iso a tiqenibpr of Britan�. ed that as a resd1f Of lowered pro- icipal council: In, the face. of in -F son, Edgar, and' three . grandchil-' . . turned: Alvin Itau, by Charles Rau i i , , Station,'at the second conce4mon, b allowed. for taxes paid early, in nia Lodge, of which he was gas- viiitkial subsidy from, 80 per, cent 'qrpasing county rateb,"school, costs ,dren, � . I ", I .. � .. � . . � . The big linelor the hometown. and Phillip Durand; John Scotch-. ,, I . _ �Ur in 1920, and is"&bcretar of on $40,'000, to 80 per cent on $14,000, and phone rates,.t - � 'is was the -.','mite" trio of Dave met Jr., by Harold Penhole And , .1 �.# I was .under construction. '"The tb year,` --will,-algo come up for he townihip gen Mrs. Elliggop's sisters and bro- Dale, Bob, Pal P cussion. '. -1 . '� )ple aB.d,.1Mnfty Me- Lep TaIbot,-­a-nd Ernest Ta b - - - . 1 Malloch Chapter. ­ an,,addftional amount,fell on ... tax- _Wjriii- 'Mt. . Llwain, whd scored 13'out- Df the lbq i large bridge li�d. been preparea di , � ' . .. eral rafe, had been reduppd. thert' aid- 4 Charles `Dietz, . t, ,.r � the previous year and the road I . Pole aloving T99 Costly Mr. and Mrs. Barbei are inem- payers. . Bridge construction dur--gi4arters of a mill. � r , Dublin,. Mrs, 11orman. RlehI,,`_Sea- I - Aubrey ' Pqrciahar, ,and ..Nelson.* - I � ' *to work done. at the'lbers of XorthMde United Church, jag th%year, he said, totalled ab.OW . 6,goTils Dale scoring eight tinibg� fto()&. 1- I ... . I., bad been -coin etqd as. far 'as the .,eferring I Wffiiam Ryahj, Who was nonfiri- fortlr;.Mrs, Wip, $tender,' betroit� Majwal - I ­ . PI . - in three ' Papple two. Bill teeg, .itominated an4 '. I 6-.,.. i - hwest .end of the to��Shq)- ,�vhere Mos. Barber 1.5 actiVe,in $14,000, and, this produced a sub- A _' 'also had L� hat trick, scor. School- trus ,. rallway,-tracks this ye�vir. A hot act 'i . . . t4,,ed for counail, told the meeting Mrs. Notmari Alifeet, Sebrixig0le" .. - . 1. mix 19,belng.applied to this road. Conciflor Frank Falconer...'.,,gic,j various societies. Both are in ex,. sidy- ol 80 per cent. . Maintenance t it was his intention to -qualify. and Fred *iqji Ht Detr It - 11 ioclaimed were,. Ken McCo*ba; ' . . . nry, pi; Ed P a�t MarshR by G - ' . . . 1:9 hree goals, Ryan,, " represenfaitiVe .eorge B,,,XahietoA-apd,BrbCe'r' .1 101�/ t, 'N Last' Wardh, Mr. Forsyth -ron- net speaker,' also told ,qf work on cellent begith. � . work, ,which made -up the remaind- Thdre-1-ad -been no 1. gif ­atd August., Logau, and- Fr&Rh, and 'Lamont getting sin * � . IP I he cler1r, E_T. Chesney, th, road behind the RCAF StAti6n. I %foining with their parents on. the, er.of the road expenditures, A as 6 0 . V 1) _.___.tkued,4 � 9168, . . w s from the e t nd f the tow.nNip, Trenton. Mr. Ellik.9on has tW­- - -, fiai to' M Inchon Wq,rd orrest .by �d 0 sis - � I . -he had consulted with the theii Ht expressed appreciation t6 Lav- I anniversary occasion - were their subsidited at,,& rate'of 50 -per cent, and he felt that it - , ,, -Mrs. Al6k_" _0n__X_-Cb t sh out the'scorltig. Ratterson. r Steplieff - and ' Ralph . . _,VI , ; . . and rrj$, whk edtitlj�d 0 ters o dr1i a - lon, kohl received, his rirst shut -out ance � � so _ � - L— -_ ',finafto-ji3inister, Walter ,Ha ig,c.onstruction for the job they two children, William C., ,of St. A'great amount , of municipal a reprtsentati,�6 on council. � � ham, and Mrs. Jack Churchill: of.the seaQ � .. ' 1. Turfter ' and b" t1tW ­oner 1-1104- = 'i,),'..�, _. , about a grant from the ha done under terrific handicaps. Thomas, aria Mary, 'Mrs. Jbbn A. � taxes goes to school purposes and Win- Duncan,, Heard, by, John Smith. an'a.�X._-ek,V1j%, ',, - z� federal , '0- `- G6al�' Patterson; � ,. I .. � . , SamlAcClure, who also *as 9..C., and one. brother KAF 1. .1 .. J� (""6".. government, through the Depart, Tb road had to be widened, and Cardno, Seaforth. There are six h4 felt,that there would conflitue inated, said that he had been wg-,. WIWI(=, ,Logan; . ,,, � I -_ - , Hayter. " . . 1. . .'%­�-._�_4. ment of National Defence, and the thi had to be accomplished with_�-grandchildten. ' I to be a demand to providb an in- ed to stand, but had not -yet' de- . Mr. and..XTO; lliy$er defence, ik1V;&wM1nYg Dingthore, La- Abodt 5D r9ti3payery -:word, :Oh . . I f, it. - I by. Assisting, o� Friday were Mrs. creased oducadonal program . . . . monf, Mui' wing , Maloney, Ma- ba'nd'for the annual meeting, When - 4 , � grant I , ,_�Wni. � the' ac� i I had been forthcoming to the ottimoving the alh citled. A family dinner fii0kd,d lone: -cedtre, Ryan; alts., Teall,� Fred Watson, clerk, repbrtid 801 . I extent Aff $12,080, to., 1pance drc usie-9pthe high cost ,ugall, Hensall, a Road expenditures, as, indicatdd A0.th.'wA_dding - aubl- ate, I J poles, been � S., Do ad Mii. A. Counbilldr Earl Ifilli .continued onsion of- the D Papple, MeLlwain, Bruce ' ' ' - . t., ­ .. Sillery, who poured tea, and -Mrs, a review of road work and said . P� ,--,._Ois project. The io, ft.. ' & ^be Df oing this. The bhdge�-had also by member'sr of council, --included " per cent of the tax, -roll collieetdd.,o i -f . pridened oie,fttlo,n, verSary df Mr. .ind'Mrs. William, bale Boyce. . - ..".. - vvutw . , `.. V�t '. �#4.a b6se _�ut in, - which bea brought up to a level with Joseph Dill, Dublin, and Mrs. F. that didling the year calcium 'the following,. 'machine Hayter,' .prominent. residents, 6f ,� F Something', conAidered by Aff . I , - ,. � ,0,;, entailed 9��. lot of extra ,grading ,theroad at a cost of $1,000, 80 per A. Kling, Who ,served. In the eve- chloride had libifi placed pn -06 $7,011; tractor and inower $1 319- Varna, Mr. ,Haytier hat, been- a- sue- " Lose To flensall! son to be unique for afty munlei- - r -' . , ol-L � and a lot ,o� fill, $9,918.45 being tea 6f, Which can bef recovered ning, Mrs. J, E. Keating, and Mrs.. concession' toads and spotwd: -on stiow removal, ­ $401; LIM. ii cessful farinor for a nuiriber . of The Hensgll, l3entams, edged the pality in Huron, wav the focfthat:. tY .,t , G. C. Brig . local gantams in -a thi4iling * I . . spent oa far"On the road. frol the - province. �fitrall.poured, wbilp ,Mrs.'' 911dierolds, and in addition, ISjO00 and grading, $2,882- 4t6el- an years in the Varna distrkL.'� d.ga Stanley counall had to borroff, On, ' M6 ' -, �).. 'CUh-cillor Victor Lee 4eiilt with Winnifreo Moone�, Massey, Ont., y�rds- of "gravel had Veen put " 1,513; bounaary aocounti � The affair, held'"'at their 11 in the first.'part of M-inor ubl& ly $5,000 for one Month, durlps Q , ". � I � . CongratUlateg Bo'nrfl L I , '­ - P11 cement, $4 . orne - � ­X� . .r ere $806; new bridge#, $9,M-, 11116M- Christmas Dy, was attended by I PaAt year, ­wlth'intqregf of. $28, , - - � 1, A kilghpoint in the past year for wed spraying, �pointing out that and'Miss'Abbie Seip, served, thd' oads. In his opinion, th headei an Saturday night. ' . I _ �. �, , the ownship was '§'piraying With -a .d_ - 'Me hometowners pulled out their ,� couricil wbs the opening of the new r�1­­­­­­1­_­­­1 , _ Ployment. stamps' $33, ditching, 23 knembers 6 the family,.and their Also on, hand at the meeting was.. - . . - , , I , "', ,,,�� ,". ,��­ f ,',,::�7,-'-",,"-�-77'--"',7,�I Lloal tender" in' an effort to get a the county w, . , :., � I 11 '� �� I., �_,,, ��',��', '' 174�.- rokurfacing2 '�19 at calverts, children. Thd honorecFcoliple were aed Inspector,, Wift �, :. _ _^ $ 1 , I ." I �� "" . ligon at Egmondville School. strdaer solution now, and were " >. , �. '..'.,�,.::�'!+ '..�'l 11 $95, superintendence, $2,IX; mis- 'presented, with a. bedroom suite fie in the last minute,6f P141, but .Dougall, who. gave an-iqtelresting, , , " I , add . __111111 Mr. Forsytlr extended congratula- sprainj only one-half of the road- , - !. .:�� � .. . I , the -game ended "with , 96 forth and Informative talk on the Weed, 7 r, , , , , 11 tions, to the s'chGol board of the giddeach year. The cost was ap- F .. 1.:�. .. -, '", , ��­ ":! 11 �, " . tellaneous, 547; noW�_ slied ,and from their family , . ., . . . �t . 'ir foresight into the prol2nately $20 p6r milv� for the .��_�'L�,",'� . i I . , equ swarming all.overthe liensall,goal problems in the countyi . . . � ��, , , � area for Ifie .:,., ,; .; . "" 13,040; f6r A- total of Their, *eddin,g -6f 40 ye�arto ago I t , , �. I �,�,. , I aikthifig but scoring. v� �0_ Qxpenditure and their sound fin- two ides. I ... . �,!.'-�� - -; ", I . I 1,; I ,j .. ` , ;_. $56,740. ,, 0, - I � was soleinhized Cb .Day at and doing fivi -Clinton deputy-re�ver Nelson FM .1 ­ :, ,+ � . * � I : I � ;­." ,. ., � -tisungs, I .1 .1 I I . . �,�, -1 ' .. I - 11 I I-— �. "..."''."'; a qu .. Seaforth, ou,tplayed the visitors Wartba, who wavelso, V tol � . I ,�,­_ � I � I , . �,:. " , .''; .. ..'' f Zack Vaylield. Mrs. HAytek ia the for .1 a= -Ing of the addition, saving Pay per cAlei � ": �,:,�' .;' - . . p' , t k � Answering rom . , , ;� � ­ . I . , 11 �, . �:,.: : , ftl�n 44 , � I ,� 14 � �:,�:,�, ��:_* �� - , . .1 - for the -first two '&rlods, taking the'kate0oy8rs that.,an addilt) . , "'. . , � � ! � ' -L' .... Ry . i I I tbem$efve.- hbout $8,M, 'uTer copun-, -, , , , "; , , . M rm"t . 'I, L , I 1. Min Thompson, -anat ;� , ­:: I,, , _. �. 11 . " *� 1. I ": :, .�, .an as to the St ,61 applying mer. Minnie Tippeft, of ,BayfiOld .rese I 11 � � , I " I I : ,�, ., .."; , ,;. .;... 'rrhaft X*Qt. said This union wag hlessed .. t I . I ; . _� � ,,; I ­ ''. lef 11 - � . ,�. I : the Unit 5.3, but in the final per, the, Cou0ty Home, a , r?po e .. iefly, telling about . I .. . . I I .'"..", "", 1 ,�,: chlopide, C10 with thre t Clintoli''May �,, " � - . , ; I . , , , I . Taiming t6 tounty .affairs, of � ­ .",I. : �� ��. � ", . , - Hengall -scored flve'tiftles to be In the - , ,� , $, , 101 ex eases. Ile also e0lain- I � :��,:, _ .1.11 ih4t .use of chloride rdsult�d ,in 'a softs; El e 141i(x . . � I wWch -be. h;� the :Ttrakersmith re_ gr �� " � � . �,4 P" Mer, ,and Mery �%- �:, -.1 C " �,,�fl ".1 ". , . , 0 M� �� ... �� .. - - HarvO YA offiag � , ,L,�::�: '.'.. .: ,i*00, . . t any farmers wtre paying ;,.;,, owl �fl - I �!,,. 4- I 1!:.,:�:��: I., -Where . . � '. , . " - ., � ". �, -1 � s0log in gravel, ' as - I I I 'the.' local's two, Thd llmiteYl line - ,I I., .1 , ,�, . , 1, � . �. I . '­�� �:;,�','�11 .111 IV 1. I 4f the finance, problems. Me 'w I I "'. ,­� ,:�-­. .. � . .1. I 1.1."'T, - . - 11 �;��­�.­, ". , � previous. J 200 yards of grAV61 were � I . I., � I I .., I.. . I I , " ., :r ,1 .11.'- , . . , . . " L"' I ." , I .1 I ... , I , -�-":_ '.. ".. '-, - �.�*­' �, I , DAV8. D416 ge4t�,A - r . �, '�:"­-",��,J'�_;�, �1_.11­: :_ are � . . �. . ;,­,;'_�. .: ,, � ,. & .'g five goalq, Mc , " 9614, .... �11. , - ; , presoblative, Reeve Porayth told e ,�of calcium in frdht , ", r; � "I" "' ', I .., � 1. � 11, low great I I Wet the .big Scorerg InAftf, With I , ,4 . . - . Mr., Mrs' M.! Ngtt, 1 C%BA i for I Inc . revIE;M, -legIsIgtion 'some ol MO Of , k, far S, I I � �.:! .', , I .1. � - . applied tier mile, aftd after th . . I . Lot, L%J " I I .. '�": *'--.It-.., 4, I �. "I "I "', , ,; L. :, �, - LIft'lit',aad - �Pftul - Malofto .. tung - � I I " ',':,.,,,,,_ ,.­ "L:..V L I � , I �, Id . . ,. 11 I - 11, I .. I L. 1, I � ­ * t . tilfta I ft,&zrf , , . I I ­ I I . S ru y � . � - - c - ,of I , .1 1� -, ! I � , ;. , ­ 'L " . , , Xi I her7bq, - / slftgl�a. r, or HenSall � t I , "s I I L I . .. -� . I grants blrfted'forlthe administra. W.bk� fly sprbying and ostfi 1�11 P m0fiths, nothlift'd wAs left X � - . . I ­ :: r ", . Ili . 1 4,11. 1 1 I �­ , ' this �.,as explained by Councillor ­., 1 11 - . por- C �hn . , � �; ,. L�� I I .1 I '� ..,-. I I � L : �'. . I � tion of jqgfiep ivere 6Ut 6ff,�L'JeaV_ :11 , '01, .. 11 was found that with. chloride the Ho Out tv I . � f,:'. , ..: . �: - L� I � ­ I . f4fted the hat trick Mth thro .. I . I—. I . k .1 3 t7144060'nty L-VAth about $12,00 Artht, Varley. Reeelpto totalled . - ,q 1: ­- o 11 . � I " � , f, 11 gravel'ttaybd 6n. th,e i6ad. While . . . I .. , . , I I 'I, y 1, r" I ,1,1,� r - . Ifillf V , . , I,.: L . e : ' - , ; . 6.90 , ,-11 11 I . thdra were altiiftntive ways, such' Thursday xtiglit-a family &r. g � . I less - for tiflo Item, thus the' mill ,51t)4,_And. expense,,,,,. 01,5 , " L " - I � , I �1. I I I . .1 _ ,,Oalg,' Xyle getting two', Melgeath, '�, About,50 mamNars -and fardifteo . .� � , ,�., I .1 L "I � r;afe 'Ll Ja"�..TanU417 at JL2 Mills -r � .", . 1: , I L l ' .2, X., �1 ,�-�- : , �­ ', S� Oavp 'fieft .�6f $14 �,,� I I '. ,� ` 'of the I �, _ ,q OL Small 'do � L ,�� I .. L. as permanent pa,ving, .% combina. ifte,waa hold at the UOM6 of Mr, Boathron and Vogges ,gotti.n. LOL an"078A- gathered iw I.; ' � �L : J ", - I . .. % , � detf' - ,'. '4� t '.. L,.::L, , ., , " J� IL . � I ..klilaride and gravel seem- and Nts. HaVift Nott, to hoftof '9110S,, �1.1. � .. ,_ 9 91h Lodge "Hall. Nonda,v fflght� for "."', ;A.,,� I had to b-& -otignaed,th 112-3/4 to Log.' pafd',�om .general funds, 1he - ,�,.� , - '. L . I 1. I I tion, of the _ . 1. � , .'.';..,. ".. I 11 I ''.. ' � r I . I , . I . L I . 6. . I�A.A .1. I. I � , ". I I . '-L " It., ed t -at ME ,and Mrs. Bornard Nott on, the The- Ae , " . . " ., 410 Us. , .: , .'� flqlt,�ag leas than -wag '801leflally �.' I _��_ . ;" I . 1 a VL- the most. econordicol Xt hoi.ne gihio for tIM a Chrldm" party. A &W 1, - . I ­ ..' .� ­; r . I I �i I I I i 1, f ,7 1 1 1 1.1.1 --,-- i - �1,11�'ow-. - vliiul . I ,�"`- - *:, �!, - - �`, ., , . " �_ ,� � dl_:;� . L, " irl A I I I ., , , . -- I � ­ . � . �­ ' ' .;, I iy� ft I—' I I I,, I'S . . 1vftgat M'59 Aul , ­' tht &'* odeluyevik. .,.: �, .. �. I . -:"L, I � r � .,:_�.. ,:, � 41 1 i I'll, I the -wom6ftt. I oceasIoa­of_.thelr _9411deft wedding. ]Nantama - kt`4ntftfU-&y Aghk bt,aucbre Were enjoyed .and 1115C, ; 14 ' I Ir .-, . I . .� , I . � 1� � L r',,, �� ' . ­ , ' � fL . ;"- _14' � " . I ..'' I r1opresentativeg of tht� to,v, ggestg Wei* "pkesent I _ I I ., J,�� . _ .. ,:'l- , *' ��� � I . when th . , 11 ­�J' � �. � In ptes'eriftial'the financial T,d. Tv!r-t1Af107 9190 SP61te Of the dust. .." I .� P�shlp Tliirt�.ffvo, * 04-6. On Zurich `D6a' followed by danotfia, '' . -1 I I I I � ­­­ ' - . 1, I . , _�,. I � I I ; * '�� nountv, i6trIct !, >1 ". ��', ";.!:- "j, I I 11 I " 1:1 <:11.; ou the gegforth,D . r, : , , I � : - ` 'I "'� L �,r"V,o � �11 11 1�; . to thjoy, a �$00141 erefdaA of edrag, I , r I r*t i6f I&S e6ap ,Jr� r, Oroytjj (,61d e4ondf�JJF; Mid lold that !c0fluell � :­ ­ ' rL ooj '' L, . tains., I., I . - ,fp"r i . , - I ': "' , ,. I I I L - . W , 61.1 11-1 - � - wififteis at etidhr� wer'e:, -N S,� ; ! ptyerLq that tfjg.la.rge�,t �Ija, vas , 11 I .�. r '. . ", J j ' 11 11, I -.'L � �' L 4' '. � k .. ,�' ft -taia I ' ill , ' to lend Ito ev . 1. . 1,­� I . . !,,.", 'L, 'L . I . I 14 NOW'; schd6t,,Poard, were tot, pres, J Laid � danellig, Mr. aild Mr.0 DT40tt ..", liprileut, ,'. ' I I I I . Albort Rarrisoo, ladies', higli, Mr.s. � I . 11 , .. , " r.,,; ,.-'..1' L I I . I L I o% , I r. , . !, � I layifig a- fl d1ce a .14 foot . Of,. . I L I ;,, , I I . I ,:L I . I lor"rIPPOUAT10 40.tJl4ANNM1t8AJt'k ,Seottr 11abItIrIZ, lone h,q448� ws;''. ,, b16 euvenso in t1lo 36ftertl COTMty 16f, M - .. . . . I 11 I I . f , 1, ent, And to rq�Fft Was available. wero_ esonted ,.wjth an. 0100ttI6. . . .11 L , ". ' ' - ' I I . . I . Mr. And 11i ­ '. � ' ' - - 1, . � I -WVOL' jr their. falfill. '' - , �L, , �;� '' - T ' , :� 11. � I 1. , '. � " 'V,�.. . ,. I ­ - I 11'40% V'IlliaM Jb'Witti of Itul . C y' I j�: LV';Ilbttr T�tjftii, Waylje� Smith; C'Oft8oJaf16flt � .tff;*6 waa M�'.. fndlg,�a emb. Taf.rlig ,,, . ". , - I I �.� , 011L AficrA06 .11 Helar.r . . , . � �, 1. I di* , ,e - Wilfrid, GIv. .. 11 . � . � 1 -Ally of , Grey Towaglif - . . I L 1-Indigoat e4rq, Im"t ��7nnr �i'uriratft)rd V$ , " "':', I blobiate Couttq,, indula' I �.,. � . C6# Id ,oft � L r ., .1 left Tosloh!P "'W116 t -Mg, PiC3005 VrId it a gal WA hich L ­ ,,, - ", , I I 41 L ,� . I .11, 1k.... I . , . � :, .� 1. , ­ I . I �'11_1��, '. * _:_ ­ fj� I Janr -tie ' bao .. " . 1�� _. " op, ti$l( ' riga '�r � - - . _ ,_,._ 8"o 0 . ItivoiVi6tv r. ann Olt, for 0 R 1, S JO1 tile 80LOol -.1 L 11 1' .�.' '_­ I fik, And , ton t-�05 $46rt7(! t 411.,weAlln aftfl!VOMM ier ,loile 11andl!" .. 1,101"'m ! - , .Aft1GffgftCA' *6 0 V"'ju,�,r't 04tPo'm dig - . I gra , 1, � - � . , I R^ �. 11 t . ., vvIdell, d - � : , I SP V'd*0,7bW Kituc-611 � , ..� , " -_ 'a - mi - "Oncot L=J,1� Mairro, 110m r 4 1 "I , , . I � - , 61-1,*Vft", I"S recealtly ct,tAbl a force, 'took Over raWpAyelraL jolt -the Intbi- L �� .trelolof3� IV" IV4 < %';Itl I � ThIS4 � thL0,11r8t, J3 , I Alt, t1d9r'10, tit tile hO140 a ' , - I I -J. . 'at, I ; e=614flofl. 1 4 - �, . .1. i , .q , � ,,1-3 "� , 40 �,amjqvnjl� , , , - , '� "O '"'! I I tafod, dart U - W, would .e to M il , L6�ft I 1 from a do,tacbrulont .of Provincial :P'Oijj�6, tVI&A hga' #61jeed­tta 06t �Vhfc I Irolt jo,ok fit ,niquielpal . , L fown'fb� Me TtW�,dd.y, Chiol .of Lb!7 V thao -the family bad b000 fotOfior t1loir C T _;JbttH, V�1,1017 , ' ­ ". ft time, thia tho Jiloir L jrjen& IVO, '. Ill a dratj/_� J,61* ,ht�,6 jul,kit. I . . . . ,,66 . ('10 by gll-"�ew ,nru ig, om. filor ,, . , - , � % p :Pn1_4rvJPJat rt%aw, 4t zidnight &n.irg. eVldoneod file larl . 'I'81011 come opea - Ili - w . 4 and oft reb;jve s 'on portd by the mou"11-wid Qp*­ 6).� �� I _ : I . . T_,�t, fox to'bay I I � � P J� - My 14411 7�"_, 00fart 2 tha,w­ loyalty. ,rktid -ea,. . M .$. '1216 flao � V da, . 1. __F - police xdward Bfirbardt (Ioftl -aiid' Cogstable Oeorgo A', Tvlar_ . uff6uEnce. 41h, In b,r� W 'B" fttbVdte, in, _P ttilneroua 1�16tUr 'a,grol.q .or I a a 14100% A. kell, fr to 5 il g go " n Includea ton b,,� labld la Mo d�, I'VillChaill; Itoy 11,11jbtt, %I. 1� .! ., the 0 Men _I t ,It . r. V li � i��zll I 1 - I., me., lo , *o ' .tvdve, m7dri, V.P., , tile. 1�rpoMeo, 1110 Aunothin adjouplita y I . 'Ir : � ' ' 62. W.0�6N ,Aeot B. 'P. UVIM6, d 4110 of wliieh ,!izou- fallillar Qmpr will I , , , I , ­ . ''. throp. wad (N.V11 Datiormana, Duba .,Voro, 4 . .. I �, . It �at tj lot ,I M I ".., .10 ic,�� ..18h 12 ., I . iu Vag6 4), � ,.' .. at, 04 I 1, . , I . � CI&O of rwilliftai . � � . � . I " = llou� . 1. lovitiona. . . �L � �, nverdag. I � - � L 1. �?, �::­,_.­, 11,:1 .. . . I I ffil", tho Ittel'y wiftner8; , I � I I I I . � .. ! ,e 1, � . � � �', . . I I . . . . .,.. . , - , ___ . . ,. . ­ L I . . ­­ L - '�­­ .­,­ ­­­­­ I ' . -1- ­ I.. . � "" L ­­ � ­­­. -,.-,...'�,-.,-.;I.,.-,-��1-1-�L----�-,--.d-�. ­ 1� L '. ..., , . . I ." . .. _... -1 ------ ­­_ L .... _.' 1 �,,,�,-ddnv,--.,.�-,,.�:�.-���.--.-- I ­ -1. -11. , . L. .." __ L , - . , _ . __.,..­L��,