HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-12-14, Page 66 °^mss IRON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., DEC. 14, 1961 HENSALL NEWS Miss Nancy Lannin, Dublin and Miss Jean Turner, Varna, spent last week practise teach- ing in Nu. 1, Tuckersmith. Mrs. , Louise, to Mr. Robert Clair Dulong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clair Dulong, of Tillson- burg• The ceremony took place in St. Mary's R.C. Church, Till- sonburg, on Saturday, Dec. 9 at 11 a m. Laurabelle Reichert is the teacher. George Messing, of London was the w inner of the Christ mas cakes w a draw at the Esso Sersice Station on High- way 4, operated by Mr. Elmer Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Danny, Debbie and Douglas spent the weekend visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke,,.ef New Hamburg. The annual Christmas party for the children of the village and community will be held this Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2:00 p.m. Santa Claus will be pres- ent to distribute treats to the children, after which films will be shown in the Town Hall. The party is sponsored by the Hensall businessmen, who also sponsor free skating every Sat- urday afternoon in the arena. Mr. Charles Mickle, of the University of Western Ontario, • spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann. United Church Notes Sunday, Dec. 17, 7:30 p.m., Church School Christmas page- ant and White Gift Service. Sun- day, Dec. 24, 7:30 p.m., Christ- mas Carol Service. Arnold Circle Meets Arnold Circle Evening Auxil- iary of Carmel Church met Mon- day evening for their Christ- mas meeting, with Mrs. Gordon Schwalm! • presiding. Mrs. Har- old Bonthron and Mrs. R. Mac- Donald conducted the worship , period. M'r.s. Stewart Bell in- troduced :ley. R. D. MacDan-' a1dt; who addressed the group and delivered an inspiring • Christmas message. The speak- er was thanked by Mrs. Gerald Bell. An invitation was accept- ed to attend the candlelight ves- per service of the CGIT on Sunday evening, Dec. 24. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. John Skea and Mrs.! J. E. McEwen were appointed a committee to decorate the' church for Christmas Sunday. The committee will decorate on Wednesday, Dec. 20, and will appreciate volunteer helpers. Mrs. Gerald Bell nand Mrs. John Baker will have charge of the program and worship for the January meeting, and Mrs. Schwalm and Mrs. McEwen, the lunch. Refreshments were serv- ed. Members of Amber Rebeka Lud;;e Noble Grand Mrs. A. R orr. Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Ale \lac•lieath, Mrs. Clarence Vol land, Mrs. J, E. McEwen an Mrs. Hugh \lcEwen at tende the banquet for the vice -press dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Grand Lodge, Mrs. Eul 11, chic. of Kirkland Lake, held at Caen Presbyterian Church Exeter, Wednesday evening Dec. 6. Officers of Amber Lodge conducted the opening exercis es, Mrs. Earl Campbell, a mem ber of Pride of Huron Lodge Exeter, accompanied the group to attend the banquet. Hensatt Legion Distributes Gifts One hundred and seventy Christmas gifts were handed out to children of the Legion and Auxiliary at the annual Christmas party held in the ' Legion Hall Sunday afternoon. The hall was lovely in Christ - h mas theme. Santa Claus, as- • sisted by Mrs. William Smale x and Don Havens, distributed the gifts. A sing -song of Christ - d mas carols was held and see- d eral cartoons shown in charge hof President Jim Clark. In charge of purchasing the gifts a were Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. W. J. Cameron and Mrs. Mary !Taylor. This is an annual pro- ject of the Legion and Auxil- iary. Over 160 attended. Re- freshments were served, Rev. John McEwan There passed away in the General Hospital in Midland on Tuesday, Dec. 12, Rev. John iV1`e:F Ewan, of Midland, in his 84th year. A native of Stanley town- ship, he received his education in Clinton and Knox College, Toronto, and held charges in various places. a Surviving are five daughters: Mrs. George (Margaret) Harri- son, Georgia, U.S.A.; Mrs. Geo. (Jean) Scott, Midland; Mrs. T. Dorothy Huber, Geneva, Switz- erland; Miss Molly McEwan, United Nations, New York; Miss Betty McEwan, Ottawa, and one son, Dr. John McEwan, Winni- peg. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs, John McFarlane, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, of Hensall, and Mrs. William Spear, of I-Iighgate. His wife predeceas- ed him 16 years ago. . Funeral services will be..held in Midland on. Friday-, at 2:00 p.m. Burial will be in Pone - tang cemetery. The CP & T committee met in the IOOF Hall to discuss and make plans for their annual Christmas project of remem- bering the sick and shut-ins of the village with Christmas box- es. Mrs. Parker presided over the meeting. Mrs, William Taylor is a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital with a fractured hip, suffered in a fall at her home. Mrs. Taylor was taken by Bonthron ambu- lance to the hospital on Wed- nesday. Pte. Winston Green, of Wool- seley Barracks, London, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen. Members of the Kinsmen Club held a successful canvass of the village Thursday night in their peanut drivg and sold 192 packages._ John Real is chair- ' man of the'.project. Following the drive. an executive meet- ing was held at the home' of Kinsman Jack Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Bi]] Fuss and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fuss at Al- liston and also visited with rel• atives in Toronto. Mr. Leonard Noakes, presi. dent of Clinton branch of ,In- stitute of Power Engineers, at- tended the Canadian Power Show in Toronto this week, j Pupils of grades 5 and 6 of ) Hensall Public School held a white elephant sale at the school Friday afternoon and re- alized $6.50, which will be for- warded to the Children's Aid at Goderich. Auctioneers were Ruth Smale, Pauline Bell and Arlene Chipchase. Mrs, Mary Haugh is the teacher. Mrs. S. Rannie was the win- ner of $25 worth of groceries in a draw at Al's Supersave Market Saturday night. Rev. Ross D. MacDonald will appear on the program, "Think On These Things," on CKNX- TV, Wingham, Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 11:05 a.m. In a draw at Brown's IGA Saturday night, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, of Kippen, was the win- ner of $20 worth of groceries, and Mrs. James Drummond, of Kippen, won the doll, Winners of the Hensall Kin- ette Christmas cakes in a draw at Crest Hardware Saturday night were: Mrs. D. J. McKel- vie, of Essex, a former mem- ber of the club, and Mrs. Chas. Farquhar, of Hensall. R. J. Drysdale made the draw. The cakes were made by Mrs, Wm. Mickle and Mrs. Ross Jinks. This is a yearly project of 'the club with proceeds for serv- ice work. The Kinettes express their thanks and appreciation to the citizens who purchased tickets, making the project the success that it was. A one -car accident occurred in front of Hensall Motor Sales on Wednesday afternoon, in- volving a car, driven by Mrs. Bernadean Elinor Ritchie, of Lucknow, who was travelling south, when she struck an icy patch on the road, causing the car to swerve around and slid backwards and struck a hydro pole and went across the east ditch. Mrs. Ritchie's mother and little daughter were also in the car, but no injuries were receiv- ed. Constable E. R. Davis in- vestigated. See Pictures of Europe The United Church ' Evening Auxiliary held their Christmas meeting Monday evening, with their husbands as special guests. Mrs. Ron Mock presided and welcomed the members and guests. During the business period $300 was donated to the new Sunday School Building Fund; $20 towards cost of mailing bales, a project of the Women's Missionary Society, and $5.00 to the Guides and Brownies. Mrs. J. Corneil and Mrs. W. Richardson were appointed to look after the Mission Band for January. Mrs. Ross Forrest sub- mitted the visiting report and Mrs, Dave Kyle, the provisional committee. Mrs. Robert Cook was in charge of the devotion, with Christmas used as the theme. Mrs. Howard Scane read Scripture passages and Mrs. Don Joynt offered prayer. Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs, Pearl Passmore contributed a vocal duet with Mrs. Currie Winlaw at the piano. Rev. C. Winlaw, guest speaker, spoke on "Christmas Angels," and Mr. Trevor Wilson gave a com- mentary and showed pictures of their European trip taken last summer. Mrs. Mock extended courtesy remarks and refresh- ments served. Dulong -Spellman Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Spellman, Kitchener, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Joan 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC 1957 MORRIS MINOR --grey, four door 1957 MONARCH SEDAN PROTECT YOUR CAR - Prevent Rust! Get a Wash Job and Special Spray Undercoating PHOND 149 DUNLOP Nylon AS LOW AS 13.99 EXCH. MILLER MOTORS A •SOMEWHAT "MIXED UP" MAMMAL Of all the mammals - the furry and hairy animals -living in the world today, only one order. the Monotremata (found in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea) lay eggs. One member of this family "the Platypus" lays eggs, has a bill and webbed feet like a duck, yet is a mammal. Its young feed on milk from the mother. There are no nipples but the babies suck milk from the hair that covers "milk patches." BRITAIN OF THE SOUTH SEAS New Zealand bears a striking resemblance to Britain, and that country is, like Britain, divided into two main islands and has a climate very much like the south of England. It is shaped like art inverted Wel- lington hoot with a break just above the instep. Nearly 1100 miles long, it has an area of 103,722 square miles. New Zea- land lies about a thousand miles from Australia. KING WHYTE, the veteran sportsman who offers tips un hunting and fishing each Saturday night on CBC -TV's King Whyte Show, knows his guns lock, stock and barrel. In his game room, King has a total of 15 shotguns and rifles and three pistols, each as good as the man who fires them. Village of Hensall APPLICATIONS WANTED .Applications will be received until 6:00 ,p.m. on December 15, 1961, for the position of Clerk-Treasur- er, lerk Treasur- er, Assessor and Tax Collector, for the: -Village of Hensall. Applications must be in writing' and marked "Applications", stating age, qualifications and experi- ence. Applicant should be prepared to appear in person for an interview on December 15. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk Village of Hensall - - LADIES' and GENTS' BIL'LF..OLDS Attractively Priced from $2.50 to $15.00 AT SAVAUGE'S Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH y, / sss ,QE in wv 4h � II, DRM.R$,\, ...when you ride • SAFELY • SECURELY • SILENTLY - on SUPER-LASTIC HIWAY-BYWAY ROAD HAjT�IVIII I�'0c�URil`ly C • No Time Limit ®, No Mileage Limit lIo "Red Tape" On Adjustments RATED TOP CHOICE FOR BAD - WEATHER DR I V I N G - 12 MONTHS IN THE YEAR. 5.50 5.90/15 5.60 6.00/13 6.00/16 6.40 6.50/13 6.50/ 16 6.70/15 7.10/15 750/14 760/15 8 00 8.20/15 8.00/14 8.50/14 Mfg's Reg. List Price OPEN THUR, ,, FRI., SAT. DEC, 21 - 22':1 23 until 9 p.m. Your Cost (No Trade needed) 13.95 17.95 22.45 14.95 26.75 20.95 23.70 A B-5 27.2o 2;rA„95 23.70 11,Fli.g5 29.60 25.95 32.00 27.20 20,95 29.60 I - '3-95 4.09/14* 35.45 27-°F "Trade-in Tires" We will buy your trade-in tire and PAY YOU CASH! Up to S3.00 for unused miles Similar savings on Tubeless and Whitewalls Add 50c for installation ('Tubeless Type Only) Built with "SARCA*" NATURAL RUBBER and "NYTEX !, Now - no matter when or where you drive, you con depend on the HIWAY-BYWAY to get you going, keep you going and get you back safely. Powergrip "SARCA•" Natural Tree Rubber Tread rix 0 4:kr (The engineering achievement combining TYREX and NYLON) gives greater GO, more positive S T 0 P. Only HIWAY-BYWAY gives you premium safety --at less than premium prices . . . actually less than you'd expect to pay for standard "new - car" quality tires. (•Super Abrasion -Resistant Carbon Alloys) Brand New SNOW TRAVEL Sensational NEW "TWIN -PLY" Double- ' 16 Strength, Double Size NYLON CORD ! L. 95- 670/15 DIG HUSKY ROAD GRIPPING TRACTION TREAD -But we will buy trade -In tires end PAY YOU CASH -up to 03- Tubeless -$2 Installation for unused miles. extra (moss sizes) - 500 extra NO TRADE NEEDED 13.95 750/14 14.95 000/14 11101•01, MN/me ...Myna 1•0111wm 010•01. 0010010 •mmymit •Mlia, /ammo 0•1•0.0 mono It's Easier to Change WHEELS Than Tires! , Ofiginal equipment quality. Fit snow tires permanently on extra rims . . . save re- mounting winter and summer. From CHEV., 1957.62, 750/14 7.95 FORD, 1957 60 8.95 FORD, 1961.62 8.50 .60 to 1 1.95 � DODGE, PLYMOUTH, 1957.62, 750/14 FAr CON, COMET 1960-62 DEDUCT EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT FROM ALL 001.10.• PRICES SHOWN 44 IEREEMAIIEINMFRCHANRISE-'EMRRRRSABIEFNMtRiiiat ISP og cP ��- C•l�i2 g • CP S, Ara 7,95 1 7.60 5% CASH DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PURCHASES OF 59c OR MORE (labor excluded) Spend Discount Notes as Money . . at Canadian Tire a� �e .-0•011000010 tA1 cool (ARADINO TIRE G. S. and W. V. SMITH Clertir tt a r 1 • 1 • • • • 1' • } • ti 4