HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-11-23, Page 6$ulA4t1 WaSITOR, ' , ONT„, ':off"..;3;, H DE OFFICIALS VISIT HEAL FOR FLYING - UP CEREMONY On qday evening, NOV.. 15 a flying -up ceremony took p -^ate at the United Church in Hen - salt. Honored guests trove Di- vision ivision Commissioner Miss t'ra IsaeDonatd, Deputy Division Commissioner Miss Mary Mc- Millan and District Com seism- , er Mrs_ T. Lavender A Thanks Badge was presented to Mrs. Walter Spencer by Mrs. T. Laves ender for her valuable sttiices to Guiding in the c inn umae The Tweentes enrolled were Ann Bell. Ann Keys, Jackie Simmons. Peggy VArctene a,attd Wendy Webster. The following Brownies re- " mired awards Golden Bar, Janice Bonthron. Beth: Cook, Lynda Fuss. Linda Hsv, Derv - thy liipfer. Christine Inc rae. Mary Mock. Pam Sarnester, Jane Smith. Pam Tar ler and Heather Watson. Brownie Wangs: Joan Simmons, Brenda Noakes, Sitone on Swale and Linda Kipfer Prefi envy Badges swinnt<aing, J*ane Smith, Canada Coat, Beth g Lok: been endesli;,r, Anda Ies; Minstrel Ittdane, Mary Mias Mot k. Mactikeeaald then inspect- ed the Guides who formed a t ersestoe for the tkcing-up cere- monies. ries. Captain Jamie Camer- on received Jo naw S r a aoz;s Lida Ktp:fer, Sharon Sinai and d Res Noakes into th ianm.giaey, Deputy Co :vs. loner M 'Miran presented the following laddg First Aid, Marcia Lit Le, Mary Pune, Cathy Sedce, area ori: Second Claes Lo Simmons; Campers , Mary Payne, Catiyv Scatie, Sharon Skidmore; Pioneer. Marcia Lit- tle: Conk Marcia Little; Astron- c' camel-, -Sharon Skidmore; Lattn- dr� and Needlear+oman, Maty P`ag'e: Little Hein -Nee. Mars Payne alias M.Donald pres- ented Company Leader Sharon i-ok*dm�ore with hes All Round Cord. The Guide; then presented a l play cal. -A Day in Court" Mt: S eine Rennie headed the met as the judge_ Campfire was held and during the doss- ing. Mssk- Mac nad took the salute. The ,coal a_sation pros toed a delicious luncl? RECEPTION td Mrs for Mr. at. Bill Strong nee t r Brockl SEAFORTH Community Centre Friday, Nov. 24th NORRIS ORCHESTRA Lad:es p:ease. horse, lanc wick;; EVERYONE WELCOME St Jam& C.W.L. ANNUAL BAZAAR' and TEA Saturday, Dec. 2 p.m. to 5 ti,I2i. in SCHOOL HALL LYRIC THEATRE EXETER PHONE 421 Thurs... Fri" Sat. November 23. 24, 25 -CARTHAGE LN FLAMES"ring Star Areae Heywood., lose Squares COLOR DOG BUDDY starring Ken Curtis, Landon Dog. Mon... Tues.. Wed. Noverrvxr 2.7, 28, 29 ."1 HE MARRL-1LGE GO ROUND" Yt'ari'"n; Haywood c, Hayd - James Mason ADULT — Color and Scope ENSALL ye Women's tiro sFenary So- ciety of mel Presbyterian r bests of the WAIS of St ndew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, Tuesday afternoon of this week - NEWS OF VISITOR FROM GLEN CORNERS OBSERVES 80th BIRTHDAY Mrs. John Mousseau Grand Mr. wan= Alarley, of What - Be ao, Mrs.R , Gr vis- en Corners, celebrated his RRth birthday Sunday with a turkey sited last week with Mr. and dinner at the home of his 'firs. C. L. Jinks, daughter and son-in-law. Mr. Members of the Kinette Club and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins of delivered 45 cheer boxes to the Clandeboye. His daughter and patients at the Queensway son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rus - Nursing Home, sick and shut- sell Brock, and Bill, of London,llag ins of the vie and hospital and Don, of New Hamburg, at - patients over the weekend. This tended- There were 25 rela- e' is an annual project of this tires present for the occasion- s clas very fine project and Messrs. Russell Brock, Alex Mo notch preciated by the re- Hyde and Norman Long were pta pwinners at the Treasure Hunt Seventeen attended the Bible in Exeter. sponsored by the Es - shady at Cannel Presbyterian eter businessmen. Church Sunday evening, con- jr.tand. ducted by the minister, Rev. Harry Van Wier- , ren and f Ross D. MacDonald, who review- amily visited Sunday ed the Book of Numbers. A man air. and Mea, Peter Huss man and family at Aylmer. period of Gospel -surging was alears, Flzar Mousseau, Herb enjoyed with Mrs. tllaleobn Mousseau, Zurich; Jack Bannis- Dougall accompanying at the ter, Zurich, and G. Greb, Zur- piano. Nest Sunday evening ich, are away deer hunting on Mr. MacDonald will discuss the atanitoulin Lsland. Book of Deuteronomy, and at the conclusion of the study Mr. and Harold Jones ANNOUNCEMENTS Kr and Mrs. Harvey Doner mage. RR 1 Sea th was- 1.1 w a_ranairene L:+e er:ga°'ement of het- daughter. S*hr-ley Yvonne_ to Mr Steeley Paul Walde son of Mr and Mrs. Fred Wald;e_ RR 1. Br ur»rer The v: e- .;ding Ike place ; raday. Det. 15, _961. at 7 30 p.m .et, Cavan Cared Church Winthrop. Mr and Mrs. John; Ander`or RR 2 Hensel:. a_-rou:.c-e the en- gagement n- ga;gement of their e:aer da gh- ler. at- F' . =hke=-i;, w Lind Douglas Mane. sem el S!r. aed Mrs Roy Manzi. Cl111t.csn. the yveliLWg sly take place Dec. 16 aI Andrea s Caned Church_ Kipper_. at 3 p-tn_ S - that ,_cines^rig r - piece a — 'k.'re teresyelt a H' n o Es- la:ea:or Classified Ad. Pbone 141 hour an hour of fellowship will be held_ You are welcome to attend these Bible studies as and sons visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman and family, Exeter. they are most interestiz, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and informative. family, of Grimsby, spent the Mrs. Sim Roobol appeared as weekend with Mr. and Mrs. a guest on a ladiesprogram on Gordon Wren, v- 's-- Wren re- Winghatu Ty on Monday after- turning with her daughter for coon and was interviewed by a short holiday. Anna MacDoaaald airs. . and Mrs. Ross Faber en- obol ease a delightful com- tertained the Faber family Sat- Romeetar y of her trip to Holland urday evening for their year- ST RA.. 9,rthtir Kemp had his right hand a light in the plow Thhu s - day afternoon and several stitches were required to dose the wound - reply of thanks. A dainty lunch r ail er D , Kenai followed. iota, is visiting with Miss Janie Mrs Harvey Turner eihetich Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Gatser tamed at a trousseau tea Satter -'are uests watt, Mr. and Mrs. day in honor of her daughter, Dane"' Parker. Dorothy. Receiving guests withMrs. Turner and her daughter. Wed 45 Years was Mrs. Orville Taylor, zpot3xer A family dinner was held at of the groom. Misses Janice the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on Wright and Eleanor Butson at- , Wednesday to honor Mr. and tended the register. Mrs, Wilbur Miller, of Staffa, Pink and white mums center-; on their 45th wedding anni- ed the lace -covered tea table. versarg _ The remainder of the Pouring tea in the afternoon i evening was spent at the home were Mrs Nelson Reid. of : of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Dun- s. Varna, aunt of the bride; Mr Res Dick, He/asap, aunt of the groom; Mrs. Andrew Foote, of Clinton, and Mrs, Fred McCl-v- ean- Those attending included Mr_ and Mrs_ Wilbur Miller and Kenneth, Mr. and sits. John moat, of Varna; in the evening Atiller, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Heneall Miner, Leo and Teresa, all of aunt of the groom, Mrs_ James Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. James MrNanghton, of Kippen, and Alines, Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs. airs. Eileen Consitt, Zurich. Jack Duncan, Faye and Den - Displaying the bride's trous- nis, Mr. and Mrs_ Kenneth seau and wedding gifts were Duncan, Janice and Floyd, all Mees. Irene Turner, Mrs_ Wtn- 1 of Kirkton_ Butson, Mrs. Percy Wright, Mi s Olive Johnston, Mrs_ Ken McKayand Mics Phyllis Ins - tell Mrs Jack Mustard invit- ed the guests to th e tea room. Tea room attendants were Mies - es Joan McClyniont, JPart Turn - r. Marion Triebner, Jean Me - Naughton, Donelda Lostell and Mr. Orval Sehilbe. Assisting in the team room were Mrs_ Ain eon Coleman. vie: Reina Steph- nson and Mrs. Ralph Turner. At a Sunday- School teachers' eeung recently, plans were thea aismtn-er after a at year., old son Kevin and on Sunday abeT twined -u - m ce. wliieh was eS Faar j the Bron family were enter - w th beautiful pictures. A great m ay -viewers from Heas.all and Sympathy is extended to Mr. to ctvmtnamty, as well as other and Mrs. John. C. Doig and Miss C ade for a Christmas concert o be held in St. Andrew's hurch on December 20. centres.. er'joyed tineprYa-enta- Janet Doig in the passing of a tan and Mr& Roolsol received loving mother. the late airs. tna.nv line comments for the p ^=sente< ► er camment• aIr_ standing the winter months Getim`ge Flr_� Mrs_ Ge'nr'e Arm- m Canada and with their daugh- strvzg ward Mr, tiorv-al Fd zee and son-in-law.Mr. and Mrs. Lydia Doik. er m.rnea t� whic}t _ are spending and Mrs. Van Tol, who Mss. Roobo?Re_to II. Van W erren, returned from ._^_ S4-gham. pending two weeks in London. Federations Plan BanquetThe draw for two Christmas ^ ' Sr_ asci• Town. h tv cakes and a pudding at Dick- e`tom: he :d a }os t meg.,ems' `tore was won by Mrs. z the Hay Towmshap Hall. Howard Fr,t;beiner, RR 2, Kip- Zu eh, Monday. Nov. 20. to _Den. make nal a r n-_ements for Mr. Leonard Lovell has pur- ther jowl meetRna and chased Mr. John Doig'; farm in banq=ue;_ w h:chi w --_l be held in Tnckersiztith. the Cesterl,ur.•ty Cern-a. Zurich, Shower For Miss D. Turner Throrsday, Dec. ;, at 7 rem. A large crowd of relative Corr e ondenee use r e a d fiend gathered at Kippers erten Or. Ragas Krueger. of � L anted C"nurrh an Tue�y- eve - Turner, College, act -en -ling Nov. 1? fo h invitation from the Fede*a:.>n ° adi� Dorothy Turaer brad i"1 ;>i� i i if n a shower for • -to. address the annual meeting ' elect of Nov. 25. )lits. Eileen BROD)�4GE\ Consitt chairlads for the an the topic. "Resources For To_ CUr111I1tLnity C4't1g- mormorrow."Dr. Krueger. a fon. p ram. wwashich ogened with O mar local resident: w sea ;Canada• solo by Joan Sinclair. own in tt,s: area. basica- o-Tarenny.- accompanied by her Friday, Nov. 24 L taught at Carious schools. Des j and fine`s Orchestra SS,CN CEN`S EUCHRE PARTY in LO.O.F. Hall sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge Monday, Nov. 27 8:33 pun, Good Prizes. - Lunch ADMFScION 44.1c TURKEY BINGO 5t. Columban — Friday, Dec. 8th 9 o°ciock tharp 15 Games for Turkeys — 3 Cash Specials `1.;-(1:1 per Game — One Share the Wealth 5 good door prizes mother: aerord:2n selecton by "' Mr. and airs. Lewis Kennedy. - Toronto. with air. and Sirs. An- - - gals,. Kennedy and attended the Morrison -Meagher wedding on Saturday. +s Bowling Club" . fat be Has Annual Meet; t wen Hay: quartette. " Jaunita y- Mss. Emerson Kyle. Mrs. Har d Jones,. Mrs. Howard Fink trier and Mrs.. Kenneth MC - ^I" . accompanieed by Mrs, Ross 'dicot; piano solo by Jean cNaughton: a Bower contest_ nducted by Phyllis and Don Ida Inatelli piano so:a. Anne ephensoc. a cumber by ehe at -tette. '-It Is No Secret" read:ng by Sirs. Ross Chaptnart - Deeriot.hy was asked to sit on nicely decorated chair on the p-anforen and Sir_., Ken McKa,v the e address_ Presen-ir, c gifts a -ere Marjorie Turner and NancyCors:tt and helping with arra _e_e f the gifts w ere Mar - tor. Turner and Ruth Turner. Dorothy red -erred scone Lovely gifts a^.d made a ver; ening ST. COLUMBAN FO Anne Marie McMillan. NS . Cola ater, Alta_, w ith Mr. and Mrs. 'William McMillan. ` M_Joan Dalton, Preston veth Mr. and Mrs.. Maurice Dal- - ZION Mrs. Row's Gordon and Don- na and Mrs r_..Bessie Gordon, Sea - forth, with M, 'stars vtatcolm es Wednday- evening. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Han- non and Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper spent Wednesday at the Ronal Winter Fair. Mr and Mr& Rots Pepper at- tended the Morrison - Meagher wedding!. Seaforth on Satur- day. and also attended the re- ception at Brodhagen at night. Mr. and Mrs. _-ales Roney vis- ited in Atwood on Sunday. Bruce Malcolm Was the guest of Billie Dill on a bus trip to Toronto on Saturday. In the evening they attended the hockey game in Maple Leaf Gardens. tor__ Have You Voted for the j Miss Nell Doyle, London" v,:th Ted DoMissle. 1961 SNOW QUEEN ? Mr and Mrs.. Jack Hagerty.Guelph_ and Peter Maloney. of Oting ends Saturday Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney, Mr. and Sirs_ Jim Whaling and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maloney are: clnidren- Stratford, with lar. and Mrs, Frank Bowman. Mr. and Mss,. Tom McIver and family. Toronto. with Mr. and Inn.Frank William McIver. Malone, London, with Mr. and Mrs„ Joseph Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray. of Strafford, with Mr. and Mrs.: J. L. Malone and Mr. and Mrs. Stele Murray. The Seaforth Ladies' Laws Bowline Club met at the home' e of Mrs G A. Whitney recently el for the arcual raeet=ng. Pt'sse= au Mrs. by M. Schneider and Miss Janet Clue were won by j ILes William M. Hart and Mi:: a Dorothy Parke Tee lurch tendert—tee c` ns.is-t- e-d of M. -s- Grey. Stas. Harold Cornea Mrs. P. L. Brady and Mr Seen Hahkrk. Mrs. E. larone enpr wed thanks to the hes-seas and those assestirg her. FARM NEWS OF HURON - Cold weather and snow in the past few days has caused the stabl'ra of most of the live- ' stock. This weather has also slowed doyen the plowing oper- ations with a good deal of piow- ng to do. Heavy rams ap_ proems:ei_ _ seek ago have her -pd the T. a:er s.._:azaon, WINTHROP A White Gft Serie will be held '�. Cay an Chnr le Win- th.-rep. on.. Fr.day Dec. 1- at S 15 cm Tags Cl:r sena_ site.-: :* s_., e _ Fes-er ,ne is in- .leo'. ..- se'n e and jciz this sersecte and .. help..._ :hese lett farternate MstcKilloo Chari •-.: -: Cate. Winthrop. .2 i .•_erraz.:v- and Santis ;-e - _ Bey J C :Rritis. _ _ :er Farmers' Union Holds Annual A SMILE OR TWO He had barely paid off his reengage on the bnmse when he mortgaged Peen., +o buy a car and nee too lone after boyr- '; w ed. manes to bn ld gsr-age Hes banker hesitated and said,. -L! I Take *nes new 1-.0Ue, y b -x gasfir :Car. It seems to -Th ? e nen :aphid vend L . �.:at a fellow --Idea canes a laree a-r.:d garage shh'o le hbe�able w get credit fee gas. - a EUCHRE; The Week at SEAFORTH ARE and COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24th— Skating — to 10 p.m. rs r — 35: Ration (Bill Strong) — Hall SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 25th— Skating — 2 p..m.. to 3:30 p_zaa_ Skating — 8 to 10 Lyn. TEEN TOWN — HALL TUESDAY. NOVEMBER-th— EHT TE I4OCICEY — 8 p.=s Luran-lilderton Conhine, urs. Seaforth -"rte t gFi th-a €:n.t;-...y cif I...:.: a`'r- them a^_ enol mmeet- Ctrs :`e S: rcy-e Planesne th...._ A s set le:1d o f a' Fµ 1 lw anneemeed Later D Waters: Editer cif the Farmer s Ads .Nate haIs read seined :- se -need to cane and be g rt . e.edea UNION S COMPANY OF CANADA l #'ED SEAR ORTH -- ONTARIO C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Nov. 24 8:33 GOOD PRIZES p se p o e Cents Lader -.a-n thn Seaforth Lions Club CHRISTMAS TURKEY BINGO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29th 8 pan. Canadian Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 Regular Games — 5 Big Sp cia1 LOTS OF TURKEYS — DOOR PRIZE 50 Admission '1.00 TURKEY BINGO Friday, Nov. 24 At St. Patrick's Church Hall DUBLIN at 8 3" 15 TURKEY PRIZES • 3 Share -tire -Wealth • Door Prizes ADMISSION SIM Extra Cards — 5 for 51.00 ARLENE WILLIAMSON FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. I FSLiE ELDER minister MRS. J A_ CARDNO Organist 10 A -M, Church School and Youth F ello_hip Class. Services: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. f n u, three -ears :rneetS during i morning worship. RATEPAYERS' MEETING TOWN OF SEAFORTH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:30 pan. CANADIAN LEGION HALL Nominations for Public Office will be accepted from 7:30 to 5:30, and follow- ing the dose of nominations. Ratepayers will have the opportunity of inquirirng concerning Seaforth public affair;. Repre.sentative of the Council., P.U.C.,, Stihl .Boards. Arend and Hoaita.l will b pl.sent to answer quest—Lo YOU ARE URGED TO ATTEND ► commemorating 50 Years o Service ► i at the Commission Offices Town Hall, Seaforth THURSDAY NOV. 30 1961 Unveiling at 6:45 p.m. Open House from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. 1 H NSALL LEGION HALL Friday, Nov. 24 8 p.m. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY I EVANGELIST G. M. FARLEY of Williamsport, Maryland. DENTAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! Because of illness, it has become neces- sary to discontinue the practise of dentistry. It is hoped that arrangements may be made in the immediate future to transfer the practise to another dentist, but in the meantime the office will remain closed, DR. J. A. MUNN SEAFORTH, November 21, 1961. Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO Royal Canadian Legion Hall SEAFORTH TUESDAY, December 5 Play commences at 8:30 p.m., sharp 18 GAMES 15 Luscious Christmas Turkeys Ready for the Oven -- THREE SPECIALS -- Admission $1.00 Special and Extra Cards — 25c Each or 5 for $1.00 The Chairman and Members of the Seaforth Public Utility Commission invite the public to attend the unveiling of a PLAQUE f Hydro -Electric in Seaforth and $1 Open House Seaforth Public Utility Commission Frank Kling, Chairman D'ty° Mayor Dortean Sills, Commissioner ao ,s 7, Manager Mrs, John Born. Ser--Treas. 1 • • et • V • u a • • U a • 0 4 • • 4 • 'f •