HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-10-26, Page 11• x 4 a A 1 • a • M • • USE THESE .CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is law. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 25c an inser- tion. All other classifications minimum 50 cents per inser- tion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. Billing Charge, 15c, if not paid by 10 days following last insertion. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES. (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events PROGRESSIVE euchre party, St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Dub- lin, Fri., Oct. 27, at 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-88-2 BAZAAR—BAKE SALE and tea, Chiseihurst United Church, Thursday November 9th, at 3 p.m. Sponsored by the W.A. -3 BINGO every Saturday night, Canadian Legion Memorial Hall, Seaforth, commencing at 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $66. on 59 calls. One $25 special and two $5 door prizes. 1.88-1 VARNA WA Bazaar and Bake sale, in Varna Township Hall, Saturday, October 28th, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Afternoon tea will be served. 1-89x1 BRUCEFIELD W.A. Bazaar, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2 o'clock, Brucefield United Church. Bak- ing, aprons, produce, fancy work; afternoon tea. 1.88-2 RECEPTION and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dale, (nee Margaret Boyd), Seaforth Com- munity Centre, Friday, Oct. 27. Norris Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody wel- come. 1-89x1 MINSTREL SHOW from Angli- can Church, Seaforth, at Brod- hagen Community Hall, Monday, Nov. 13, 8:15, Sponsored by the - L u t h e r a n Married Couples, Brodhagen. Advance tickets are available from members, Shol- dice's store and cast, 75c and 35c. 1-89-3 2. Lost, Strayed BLUE HANDLED aluminum shovel, lost in Walton vicinity. E. BEUERMANN, phone 8311R11 Seaforth. 2-89-1 HAND SAW, lost between El- win Wilson's and Neil B e 11' s. Finder please return to ELWIN WILSON. 2-89x1 3. Found A CHILD'S purse, found in the Town Hall, Seaforth. Owner may have same by identifying it at the clerk's office. 3-89-1 4. Help Wanted GIRL or LADY to help with odd jobs, Friday and Saturday of this week. PHONE 861 R 23. 4-89-1 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED To be our Representative in this County, pleasant, dignified work with top earnings. Full or part-time, repeat sales year after year. No lay offs, no slack seasons, age no barrier. Car needed, territories are filling fast, rush your name and ad- dress for full information. No obligation. D EVE LOP MENT DIRECTOR, Box 817, London, Canada. 4-86-4 8. Farm Stock For Sale GOOD strong chunks. A. R. DODDS, phone 861 R 14, Sea - forth, 8-89-1 10 GOOD pigs. JOSEPH NO - LAN, St. Colemban, phone Dub- lin 84 R 16. 8-89-1 CHESNUT pony mare, quiet for children. Reasonable. VIV- AN COOPER, Kippen 653 R 21, Seaforth. 8-89x1 SEVEN Durham -Hereford steers, rising 2 years old. Apply to PAT RYAN, Dublin, phone 55 R 16, Dublin. 8-89x1 SHORTHORNS—Horned and Polled breeding stock for sale. Contact CRAWFORD MeNEIL, Fieldman, Tri -County Shorthorn Club, iloitidvood, brit. 846-4 8. Farm Stock For Sale 10 PIGS, 7 weeks old. CARL VANDERZON, Main St., Sea- forth, eaforth, phone 469. 8-89-1 12 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply DON McCLURE, RR 1, Sea - forth, phone 855 R 3. 8-89.1 25 SUFFOLK and 15 Leicester ewes for quick sale. CLARENCE PARKE, Zurich, Ont. 8-89-1 REGISTERED Guernsey heif- er, second calf heifer; vacinated and blood ,tested. KEN GLB- BINGS, phone Clinton HU 2-7419 8-89x1 LEICESTER RAMS, 1 shear - ling, 2 ram lambs, registered; Shorthorn bull, 16 months of age. Herd accredited and list- ed. WM, R. PEPPER, RR 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton HU 2- 7534. 8-89-1 5 HEREFORD steers, around 800 ibs; 5 Holstein steers, around 800 lbs; 3 Holstein steers, 1,1100 lbs; 10 steers and heifers, Hol- stein, around 600 lbs. LESLIE PEPPER, RR 4, Walton, phone 854 R 22, Seaforth. 8-89x11 9. Poultry For Sale DRESSED oven ready •capons. Phone HU 2-7548, Clinton DOUG- LAS HUGILL, RR 2, Seaforth.x2 OVEN ready capons. OLIVER WRIGHT, phone 847 R 2, Sea - forth. 9-89-1 FOR SALE Ready to lay H & N "NICK CHICK" PULLETS Vaccinated, debeaked and de- livered in sanitary crates. Avail- able Oct. 25 to Nov. 10. HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LTD. Phones 645 J 1 or 232-J - Seaforth, Ontario 9-88-2 11. Articles For Sale DRY WOOD for sale. WIL- FRED O'ROURKE, phone Dub- lin 37 R 9. 11-89x2 CABBAGES for sale. Apply to WILLIAM WALTERS, Wineheh sea, phone 14 R 16, Kirkton. -1 PINK FORMAL, size 14, in good condition, $10.00 MRS. BEN BRIDGE, Seaforth. 11-89-1 COLLIE PUPS -3 Border Col- lie pups. ROBT. W. CAMPBELL phone 835 R 31. 11-89x1 25 KIMBER pullets, .laying; also feed turnips. Apply OLI- VER WRIGHT, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 847 R 2, Seaforth. 11-89-1 USED 4 -burner McClary elec- tric range, in exeellent con- dition. CROWN HARDWARE, phone 797, Seaforth. 11-89-1 USED GARDEN tiller for sale in excellent condition. CROWN HARDWARE, phone 797, Sea - forth. 11-89-1 CHILD'S winter coat, size 8, turquoise with brown fur collar; in good condition. PHONE 666- W-3, Seaforth. 11-89-1 LARGE SIZE baby crib, in ex- cellent condition with practical- ly new mattress. Price, $15.00. PHONE 544, Seaforth, 11.89.1, RASPBERRY CANES. Apply WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Mar- ket st., Seaforth, phone 125-W. 11-89x2 ALL types of gravel for sale. Prompt delivery. DON WALL - ACE, phone 842 R 5, Seaforth. 11-86-tf CHOOSE YOUR diamond in privacy at ANSTETT JEWEL- LERS. For an evening appoint- ment phone 77, Seaforth, 86-tf BUY NOW! Transistor radios, 14.95 and up. See and hear the amazing MACO at 49.95 & 79.95 (shortwave) at SAVAUGE'S (opposite the Post Office). 86-tf PERMO ANTI -freeze, asphalt and steel roofing, Shelburne potatoes, in 75 lb. bags, $1.25; 5 bags for $6.00. B O R D EN BROWN, phone 841 R 2. 11-874f STAPLERS—Never before! A stapler with quality and per- formance at the low price of 69c. See them to -day at THE HUR- ON EXPOSITOR, phone 141. SPRAYED apples for sale. Spy, King, Macintosh, Tatman Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Greening Russet and cider apples. Phone HU 2-3214, collect. Free deliv- ery in Seaforth. FRED McCLY- MONT and SONS, Varna. 87-4 QUANTITY lumber, wood and coal; house doors and windows, also cook stove, sidewalk blocks, cement blocks, stove box, Targe box for grain. Apply BOX 1044, The -Huron Expositor, or phone 390-M. 11-89x1 CATTLE OILER—Meintyre's cattle oilers, the greatest ad- vance in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. The only oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that groom the cat- tle. ORVILLE STOREY, RR 1, Seaforth. See the oiler at our farm. 11-86-tf ONE GIRL'S reversible green plaid skirt, size 6X; two suets, one brown pin -stripe, one blue pin"stripe; 1 tweed topcoat and 1 black winter overcoat, all site 40-42. All articles in real good condition. PHONE 798-J, Sea - 11:89x1 12. Wanted To Buy MEDIUM SIZE, oil -burning space heater and oil tank. BOX 1059, Huron Expositor. 12-89x1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES For sick, dead, disabled farm animals. Prompt, courteous col- lection of dead, disabled farm animals. Dead Stock Disposal Act Lie. 42-C-60. Call collect ED. ANDREWS, 863-W-1, Seaforth. 12-88-tf 13. Wanted WE WILL do custom plowing. Apply A. POLAND, RR 2, Dub- lin, phone 34 R 11. 13-88-x2 ROOMERS or boarders, men or girls. PHONE 236, Sera - forth, 13-89-1 6 or 8 head of cattle to feed for the winter. RUSSELL MILLER, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 603 W 3; Seaforth. 13-89-1 14. Property For Sale 50 ACRES good loam 1 a n d good barn and house, bath and hydro; 25 acres plowed and 7 acres bush, in Kippen area. Ap- ply BOX 1057, The Huron Expos- itor. 14 -88 -ti FOR SALE 11 storey frame house in Dublin, low down payment will handle. Nearly new 6 room house in Dublin. 100 acres in Tuckersmith, on county Rd. Real good buildings. 200 acres in McKillop close to town. Good buildings. 100 acres in Stanley close to lake, good barn, silo and mod- ern house. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario Agent for Wilfred Mclntee, Broker. 14-89-1 FARM FOR SALE To close the Estate of the late Fletcher Townsend, the Ea- ecutors of the said Estate are offering for sale the following property, namely the south half of Lots No. 26 and 27 on the second Concession H.R.S. in the Twp. of Tuckersmith con- sisting of 99 acres, be the same more or less. There are no buildings on this property,.. but approximately 40 acres are un- der cultivation and the fall plow- ing of stubble will be done, the rest is in grass with plenty of water. For terms and particulars, apply to WARREN WHITMORE or SAM WHITMORE on North half of Lot 26, H.R.S. or to MR. E. B. MENZIES, Box 613, Clin- ton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 14-89-3 15. Property For Rent .2 -ROOM heated apartment, partly furnished, in Royal apart- ment building. Contact JOSEPH McCONNELL or DR. E. A. Mc - MASTER, 15-86-tf 19. Notices PAPER HANGING and paint- ing. DOUG DALTON, phone 261-W. 19-89-2 WILL TEACH piano lessons from beginners to grade 6. Also popular pieces. Apply MRS. SPAETZEL, Van Egmond Apts., Egmondville. 19-89x2 DRESS MAKING, sewing and drapping done at home. Will pick-up and deliver. MRS. HEN- RY KLAVER,on Highway 8, phone Clinton HU 2-9156. 19-89-2 19. Notices SOMETHING to sell? 'Some- thing you need? Use the Want Ads each week in The 'Huron Expositor. ' They bring results. Just PHONE 141, Seaforth. 45c DEVELOPS and prints your 8 exposure black and white film. 65c 12 exposure films. Large size reprints 6c each. Free enlargement coupon en- closed with every order. HURON PHOTO SERVICE, Box 550, Seaforth. 19-84x6 MAGIC MARKERS — Instant dry; waterproof; write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available. Nine colors of ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 11-737otf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE $1 per 100 lbs., plus bonus far dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood ZEnith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356-2622 col- lect. Seven day service. Licence No. 103-C-61. 19-66-26 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Ef- fects at Lot 14, Con. 2, Tucker - smith Twp.; L.R.S., 1V4 miles East of Kippen and 1 mile South, on SATURDAY, NOV. 4th at 1 p.m. Dining room table and chairs; sideboard; 3 cupboards; 2 dav- enports; couch; piano and bench; china cabinet; 6 rocking chairs; living room suite; 4 beds, mattresses, springs; 4 dressers and stands; hall stand; 2 wicker chairs; 4 arm chairs; library table; swivel 'office chair; sewing machine; elec- tric refrigerator; electric stove; kitchen table and chairs; two wood stoves; floor and table lamps; rugs; carpets; pillows; wool blankets; silverware and chest; set of china; number of pieces of old china; 2 antique toilet sets; Westminster Chime clock; 6 original paintings; cross cut saw and tools; 100 fruit jars; quantity of dry wood; other ar- ticles too .numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash. JOHN C. DOIG, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-89-2 Auction sale of farm stock & farm implements. The under- signed auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on the farm of R. B. Williams, Lot 16, Con. 7, Us - borne Twp., 4 miles east of Exeter, commencing at 1 p.m., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1 springer cow; Holstein heif- er, calf by side; 2 farrow cows.; 15 steers, 800 lbs.; 5 heifers, 500 lbs.; 20 heifers, 375 lbs.; M -H 44 diesel tractor; M -H 30 row crop tractor; Ford Ferguson tractor; MM drill, 16 runs, on rubber; 41/4 ft, one-way; Bueh- ler cultivator, 9 ft.; rubber -tired wagon; JD side rake; M -H side rake; IHC 400 tractor spreader, (large);MM corn picker; chain harrows; Ferg. stiff -tooth cul- tivator; Ferg. scraper; spike - tooth harrows; OK hammer mill DeLaval milking machine, 3 units; Fleury 3 -furrow plow on rubber; blacksmith's forge and anvil; many other articles. Ap- prox. 20 tons mixed grain. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash day of sale except on tractors and drill which will be sold 1-3 down and the bal- ance Mar. 1, if arrangements are made prior to sale. 3% sales tax on taxable items. R. B. Williams, prop., Hector McNeil, auct. 20-89-1 STAPLERS—Never before! A stapler with quality and per- formance at the low priceef 69c. See them to -day at THE HUR- ON EXPOSITOR, phone 141. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brus- sels. 19-87x12 FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensali 696 R 2. 19-86x13-tf ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser- vice, cleaners and polishers, al- so reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 19-86-tf SEAFORTH U PHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19.86-tf NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m J. 1. MCINTOS11 Clerk 19-86-tf ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of Pro- perty and Household Effects, in the Village of Brussels, at the corner of Alexander and Flora Streets, on SATURDAY, OCT. 28th, at 1 p.m.: Chesterfield and 2 chairs; end table; number of small tables; Wilton rug, 9x10 ft. and felt base; trilight lamp; electric lamps; dining room suite, 6 chairs, table, buffet; 3 rocking chairs; studio couch; 3 bedroom suites; telivision; cabinet radio; Kroehler platform rocker (new); Axminster rug 9x12; smoker; Admiral refrigerator; 4 -burner Sunshine electric stove; cook stove; dropleaf table; 4 kitchen chairs; ironing board; Westing- house vacuum cleaner; leather rocking chair; electric iron; Cof- field electric washing machine• ladder; lawn mower; 1 cord wood; kitchen stool; kitchen utensils; set of dishes; other articles too numerous to men- tion. PROPERTY—two-storey brick house, garage, situated at the corner of Alexander and Flora Streets. Immediate possession. Sold subject to reserve bid; 10% down, balance in 30 days. CHAT'T'ELS—Cash. In ease of inclement weather, sale will be held in arena. PROP. — ESTATE OF LATE ELIZABETH KEYS Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 20.8$-2 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Residential Property - Farm Household Furniture To be held in Hensall, On- tario (corner Mill and Welling- ton Streets), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, at 1:00 p.m., sharp: Real Estate to be sold in two lots, subject to reserve bid, at 3;00 p.m.: LOT 1: Residential Property —1 SS storey, 7 -room frame house, corner Mill and WeIling- ton Streets, Hensall. LOT 2: Farm Property—Lot 2, Concession 6, Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, approximately 100 acres, includ- ing 1% storey frame house, bank barn, implement shed and hen house -pig pen. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc.—Settee and chairs; num- ber of occasional chairs; small tables; writing desk; couch; 2 china cabinets; dining room table; kitchen table; kitchen cabinet; Victrola and records; bedroom furniture; 2 spool beds; chest of drawers; trunks; step -ladder; glassware; toilet set; red glass parlor lamp; kit. chen utensils; rag carpet; tools, harness; host of other articles. TERMS: Chattels—Cash. Real Estate -10% deposit on day of sale, balance in 30 days on closing. Immediate posses- sion if desired. Conditions of sale will be announced on day of sale. Everything must be sold! No reserve except on real estate. FOR THE ESTATE OF IDA HISLOP HUDSON, Deceased BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, Stratford, Executo Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Auctioneer. 20-88-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE The television set ]left in No. 11 apartment, Royal Block, will be sold for rent due on Nov. 1, 1961, unless payment in fulfil is received before that date, E. A. McMASTER 22-88-2 NOTICE Court of Revision Township of McKillop The Council of the Township of McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Asses- cment Roll of 1961-62, at CARNEGIE HALL, SEAFORTH on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1961 at 10:00 a.m. Parties interested should gov- ern themselves accordingly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk Township of McKil]op 22-89-2 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuckersmith, on the 27th day of October, 1961, the list of all, persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or ommisions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 10th day of November, 1961. DATED this 26th day of Octo- ber, 1961. J. I. McINTOSH Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 22-89-2 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List 1961, Township of Hullett, County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my Office at Lot 0.6, Concession 8, Hulett Township, on the 21st Day of October, 1961, the List of all Persons entited to vote in the municipality at Municipal elec- tions and that such List remains there for inspection. And I hereby call on all Voters to take immediate Proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to Law, the last day for Appeal being the 6th Day of November, 1961. Dated this 21st Day of Octo- ber, 1961. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, Township of Hullett, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 22-89-2 23. "Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE • SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth BOX FUNERAL .SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res. 595-W — Store 43 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. SEAFORTH MEDICAL CLINIC Goderich St., Seaforth, phone. 26 P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P. Telephone 750 W 1 E. MALKUS, M.D. Telephone 15 W. FLEWELLING, M.D., C.M. Telephone 223 OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons, except Wednesdays; Evenings, except Wednesday and Saturday Appointments may be made in advance. DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth If no answer, call Residence 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth • JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist — Phone 791 Main Office, Goderich St., W., Seaforth, adjacent to Clinic Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Office Hours: Seaforth, daily except Monday, 9 a.W,-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appoint- ment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware. G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - Phone 606 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaofrth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth Ontario A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE---Seaforth, Ont, OFFICERS: President -J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice-President—John H. Me - Ewing, Blyth. Secretary -Treasurer — W. E. Sbuthgate, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MCEwing, Blyth; William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Ful- ler, Goderich; 'Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; N. Trewartha, Clin- ton. AGENTS: Vincent Lame, RR 5, Seaforth; William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; Harold Squires, RR 3, Clinton. FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE PAGE 6 • Box Holders'Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this Information. 24. 'Cards of Thanks I WISH' to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to Drs. Maikus and Brady, the special; nurses and the nurses of the staff of Scott 'Memorial Hospit- al and Whitney Ambulance Ser- vice. Thanks es all who remem- bered me with cards, flowers, treats, visits and those who help- ed out at home during my re- cent illness. 89-1 MRS. KEN CARNOCHAN I WISH to express sincere thanks to all my friends who by their visits, cards and flowers so kindly remembered me while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and Dr. Grace, also the nurses at both hospitals for all the kindness and courteous treatment. It all was deeply ap- preciated. 24-89-1 ROBERT JAMIESON. 25. In Memoriam . NOTT—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Raymond E. Nott, who passed away one year ago, Oct. 28, 1960 Always a thought and many a tear, For one we miss and loved so dear, The painful way you had to die We'll always remember and wonder !shy, To know we couldn't say good- bye, Will always bring regret, But the hearts that loved you dearly, Are ones that don't forget. -Sorrowfully missed by wife and daughters Winnie, Nancy and Sally. 25-89-1 27. Births BAKER — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Baker, Sea - forth, a son. BEAVER—At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver, (nee Betty Bell), RR 2, Hen- sall, a son. CORBETT---At Clinton Public Hospital, on Oct. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett, RR 1, Exeter, a son, Jeffrey Harvey. A brother for Steven & Kim. DUFFY — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duff, RR 1, Dublin, a daughter. ELLIOTT — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Elliott, RR 3, Mitchell, a son. McCUEE — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John McCue, Sea - forth, a daughter. VAN BERGEN—At Scott Mem- orial Hospital, on Oct. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Ber- gen, RR 1, Dublin, a son. VAN MILTENBURG—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. J. VanMilten- burg, RR 4, Seaforth, a son. 29. Deaths HORNICK—In Hullett, on Oct. 19, Rose Alice McGee, beloved wife of Basil Hornick, in her 62nd year. McK1LLOP BUSY BEAVERS "Fruits For Breakfast" was the topic discussed by the lead- ers and members of the 4-H Club at the meeting held at the home of Faye Little on Wednesday. The roll call was answered by "Fruits we freeze, can or dry at home." An ex- hibit of dried fruits, brought by the members, was set up. Also the leaders demonstrated a way to prepare an orange and a grapefruit for breakfast. A fruit salad was prepared by some of the members and leaders and served at the clos- ing of the meeting. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141 EN Mrs, Dick Watson and baby daughter have returned home from Scott Memorial 1F(p$pital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Sandra and Arthur, of Blen- heim, with Mr. Ed. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenzleth Smith. Mr. Clayton Ahrens, 'Water- Ioo College University, ;spent the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. 'Scherbarth, Sr., and 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter and Joanne, ' Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph' Scher - berth arid other relatives. A shower was held fiat the Community 'Hall last 'Thursday evening for 'Mr, andi'Mrs.‘'Keith Stephen (Elaine Prueter). They were presented with cash 'by Miss Carol Wurdell, and Miss Joyce Jordan read the,address. On Saturday evening a shower was held for Mr. and 'Mrs. "Bill Krauskopf (June McDougall). Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverley with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mose, Milverton, on Sunday, and on Friday in Brampton; Warren Sholdice re- turning home with them for the weekend. Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, Darrel and Dale, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCool, of Lis- towel, visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Spen- cer and Mrs. Frank Swiggeri of Detroit, visited relatives here on Sunday. Hear Missionary From Ethopia The United Lutheran Church Women of St. Peter's Lutheran Church were hosts to about 130 ladies of neighboring women's organizations on Wednesday af- ternoon from Bethel United Church, Duff's United Church and Evangelical United Breth- ren, all of McKillop; Bethesda United Church, First Lutheran Church, both of Logan, and St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Ellice. Each group presented a num- ber. Readings were given by Miss Tennie Dennis, Mrs. Alex Drummond and Mrs. August Ahrens; solo by Mrs. Elmer Koehler, accompanied by Mrs. Amacher; , piano selection by Mrs. Arnold Scott; duet by Mrs. Chris. W. Leonhardt and Mrs. Harold Elligsen, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Prueter. The guest speaker for the af- ternoon was Miss Bartji, who is a missionary with Sudan In- terior Missions in Ethopia. Her talk was on Foreign Missions, and showed slides of her work there. Mrs. George Rock and Mrs. Russell Sholdice received the guests. Mrs. Oscar Young op- ened devotions, and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth read the Scripture and Mrs. Irvin Miller the prayer. Mrs, Manuel Beuer- mann, the president, gave a word of welcome, and Pastor Brill spoke briefly. Mrs. Chris. Leonhardt and Mrs, Harold Rock took up the offering. Mrs. Oscar Young thanked the speak- er and presented her with a gift, and Mrs. Harold Rock pre- sented Miss Bartji with the mis- sion offering. Mrs. Dan Beuermann was the pianist for the hymns. Mrs. Lloyd Prueter and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth entertained them for a short period of contests. The meeting closed with a hymn, prayer and Doxology. A buffet lunch was served. WINTHROP The WMS and WA of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Circle one is to look after the lunch, and Circle two, the program. The delegates to the Sectional meet- ing will give their report. Will the ladies 'please bring the art- icles for the bale to this meet- ing. by Tom Dorr �l911;1 1rp urnA141• I1�■ 'Nikijack VVE HAVE 94 MUCH IN C.OMIMON_— HE'S A WRITER__