The Huron Expositor, 1961-09-28, Page 4IB N t+ . + ilii+ atu,'. -:20„ '. • M1 Re... m NLTORA.L, GRAIN IME junior Coiling '�' �" rocking I$1 R . , E ! SEAF�DRTN 1 }:Laine Oke, Vim" A.nI1icLean, Hortirulfurat Produces ' Fothermakanl: eats. early, F. lends w 1tb alae Ake, Di, Ann onna; McClemont: mixed eats and • Apples—:Collection of apples. Swale, Ken Whi raaare, Bury Fled McClymont: six varieties barley . F IllcCly-uiont; white IF—aunt, Bob, admire; chocolate winter apples, F. 111CClymont. hears R. F'otheriaeghame husk- cake, Linea Chase, Andy mayor_ Ivan3lcGiymont: four varieties 'In. core on cob. itruce Cale- lett, Jeans Devereaux, Marie El - fall apples, F. McClymont, I man anben John Broar3fuo2, lairs. Hliott., Sheila Rowat; bran mel- McClymont; Baldwins. King of Bruce Coleman. Ro`t Foul- . fins (Grades 84), Dianne Nott, Thp , Northern Spies, ermghan- i1Srs WGu1enari: �$� Little; Judy Walters, Golden Russett, Wealthvs Wag champion half bushel frnm''9Maine rlleC)ure, Jeannette Fin- ner, Gravenstein. Cayuga Red Classes 1-10. R Fotherringitam: ' mean; uncooked cookies (grades Streak or 20 Ounce. Fameus or bale of first -cut hay • R Father- , 5.6), Aladelynt smith, Barbara Snow, Fred Clymont won 1st Ingham, Oscar E;iefier. Guy Bri;tn-, Rtcth Ann Wilson, Joyce 16 prize; crab apples. yellow F Dorrance• bale of second -cut i eeand, carol Dolmage; white -McClymont; 1I h o -d e Islami has.. R. Futheringhan?. bushel ! laver cake: Bruce Wilhee, Anti Greening, I. McC)ymont. F field chopped hay. first cut !Smith, �L,tgeia Devereaux Pen- aleClymont; Ribston Pippin. F Donald me -Reicher. E. Dennis: ay. Moore, Debbie Miner; apple McClymont: St. Lawrence F sheaf ensilage corn. Bruce Cale- pie (Grades 5.6), Penn ,•_ 3lloore, McClymont; McIntosh Red. I mar. Ivan McClymont; top Sharon Strong, Rosemav Bey- McCJymont. F McClymont Tal torr. entry (11.17), Bruce Cole- 111011. Dianne Baert, Grant Cars - man Sweet, F. AicCl_vmont I man most poinm, Rolaert Path- i ocher; raisin pie (Grades 7-8), 11'iicClymont: McIntosh Red - F erurgham. BillCarnociian, Elaine Olce, McClymont: A.O V. fall apples. Red tomatoes. Airs. John ;1'1 Berry ?iinare; maple meanie aeam can - F. McClymont. lebrecht. Mrs. W. Caleb:n•ft; 1 d (Grades 5-6), Sheila Flood, Pears --Four varieties Fall pink tomatoes. Mrs. R. Beynon.' Angela Devereaux, Mary gills, pears, Flemish - Beauty. Clapp's Mrs W' Haugh yellow toms- Arm Smith. Mary Ragan; choc- Favourite. Sheldon. Fred Mc- toes. Mrs. W. Haugh. Fred Zile- i elate fulge (Grades 7-8), Chris- Clymont took 1st prize: Bart- Cleenont: collection tomatoes. tine Pryce, Sheila Rowat, Ken lett. F. McClymont, Mrs T. R. F McClymont, Mrs. W. Haugh: 'Whitmire. Catherine Macleod, Thomson: collection• pears F. Spanish onions. Mrs. W. Haugh, Dorothy Jamieson: rolled oat- 11IcClymont.•Bruce Coleman: Dutch sets. meal cookies (Grades 7-8), Ken Plums--Washlngton F MaMrs. W. Haugh. F. AieClyniont: ;Whitmore, Stephen Brady-. An- Civmont; Green Gage F. Ale. cucumbers. Mrs. W. Colelough: dy Plunkett. Elaine Oke, Anne Civmont: Lamhards, ALS Bruce butter beans. Airs. J. Broadfoot. Cameron: most points. Elaine Bur. Mac Stewart. white beans. E Oke (15). Coleman, Bruce Coleman. bank, F. McClvmont. German Dennis. Mrs. W. Haugh: table Judge—Florence E. AlcGavin Prunes, F. Alcdlvmont any oily carrots, short. Mrs. W. Haugh: Vegetables er variety. h1 T R Thompson. table carrots. long. Mrs. T. R. F. McClymont. Thompson. Airs. W 'Haugh: ' Wall -Table Displays — Sea - pickling beets. Mrs. W. Haugh: forth Public School: SS No. 10. Grain beets. Mrs. W. Haugh. Mrs. T. McKillop: SS No. 1, Hullett: Alfalfa seed. Luther Sanders: R. 'Thompson: ripe cucumbers. SS No 5, Tuckersmith: St. timothy, L. Sanders. • Robert - Mrs. W Dohnage. Wm. Hoegy: James' School: 5S No. 3, Mc- Fotheri.ngharn. Guy Dorranee, • green cucumbers. F. McC1y- Fi11op: 55 No. B. McKillop: S5 Red Clover. L. Sanders. Fall mont table parsnips. F Mc- No 2. Alcgillop. SS No. 7, Wheat. R. Fothermgham, Ivan Clymont: best peppers. green. • Tuckersmith. SS No. 12, Mc- McC)yutont. Fred McCiymont, F. McClymont: peppers, red. Fi)1op. SS No. 7. McKillop: SS oats. late, Lewis P. Coyne. Al- Airs. W. Haugh. F. McClymont: No. 4. Tuckeisuiith: Egmond- vm Betties. Allen Betties. Oscar collection of peppers. F lac- vilie Grades 2. 3. 4.. Eetfer_ ..Donald McKercher, F...Clymont: table .corn, A.b V•., E..- Table turnips. James Finlay- McClymont. Rodger Keiffer. R. Papple. Mrs. W Haugh winter son. John. Klein-haar. Bradley radish. F. McClymont sunflow- Finlayson. Brena Finlayson. er heads. Gary McClure. Mrs. Susan McLennan: garden car • - Competition Is MEADOWBROOK SALLY, an 800 -pound sow,is sboten here getting a final touch-up from her owner. William Turnbull, RR 2, Brussels, before she was judged in her class at the Stratford Fall Fair Wednesday afternoon. (B-H Photo.). Elliott: any article made of felt, ?Margie Whyte. Marie E; liott. Anne Sills. Mary Sills Janet Falconer: any article made of foam rubber. Joan hli W. Damage. best novelty in rats, short. Ronnie Crich. RR 3, vegetables. Fred McClymont: Bil'. Wallace. Mary A. McLean. . 'red cabbage. F. McClymont: Vicki Miller. Ann Smith: gar- KSen Among savoy cabbage. F. McCt>•mont: den carrots. long. Ralph Smith. fall cabbage. tj . Hoegy . -Mrs. Joan Hopper. Larry Ritchie. W. Coleman: winter cabbage. F Man A. McLean. Jim Thomp- • SDHS Students McClymont: ori: white or yellow son. mangolds. Ann Rivers. Bil- onions, Mrs. W. Haugh. Mrs. B. ly Siemon.. Jim , Rivers: pars ' Coleman: citrons, F. McCly- ,nips. Ann Smith. Stephen ' }tome Economies inont. Mrs. John Broadfoot: pie Smith. Gerald Smith. Bryan •Grade X ---Skirt or juniper. ,pump} . F. McClytnont. B. Hodgelt. Donna Stoll: pickling Helen Broadfoot, Nancy Berger, Coleman; vegetable marrow, F. beets. Ken 'Whitmore. No Susan McLean: summer dress. McClymont. Mrs W. Haugh: Name. Jim Cardno. Catherine Nancy Berger. Susan McLean; !three varieties table squash. F. McLeod. Jean Leishman: table blouMarguerite Scott. Susan McClymont. Mrs. W.Haugh: beets. Mary A McLean. Ronnie ' McLean. g M�.ean. Hubbard squash. E. Dennis. F. Crich, Gordon Beuttenmiller. Grade XI—Party dress or McClcmont: pepper squash. W. Mary Elliott. George Vardy; blouse. Marguerite Scott: other Hoegy, F. A1cClymont: largest Spanish onions, Larry Ritchie. nylon project. Freda Hunt. .• squash. W. Hoeg.•: field car- Susan Stockwell. Marie Elliott, i rots, white, F. Mcclymont: Irlsii l Randy Alexander; Alex - cooking on - Crafts Cobbles, F. McClymont: A.O.V. , ions. Ronnie Crich, Randy Alex - Crocheted clothe, D i a n n e, early potatoes, E. Dennis. F. i ander, Ronnie Hopper, Brad- Beuerman, Marguerite Scott: McClymont; late potatoes. Wm. 'ley Carnochan. Jim Thompson: crochet handkerchief edging.: Hoeg , E. Dennis: collection I ripe tomatoes. Ken Whitmore, Dianne Beuerman:.embroidered produce. F. McClymont. Mrs. , B.onnie Crich, Mary Elliott. article. Helen Broadfoot. Mar- W. Dolmage; most points, Fred 'Jim Broadfoot. Barbara Gem- garet 'Millen, Marguerite Scott: , lacClymont. melt; citrons, Jim Broadfoot, knitted bonnet CIL). 11 e 1 e n Dairy Products Sharon Talbot. Stephen Smith. -Broadfoot; Victorian embroid-' Joan Hopper, Jim. Thompson; ery or stripe ticking. Sharon Butter, Sib. crock. Mrs. Jas. early cabbage. Stephen Smith. Storey. Helen Broadfoot, June Carter: butter, 3 Ibs.. Mrs. J. Heather Beuerman; late cab- Dolmage. Carter: butter. 1 dozen servings. bage. Mary Ellen Moore, Ger- Judge—Violet Broadfoot Mrs. J. Carter: maple syrup. ald Smith. Billy Siemon. Jean Foods Rita Orr, Mrs. Colclough. Fred Powell: potatoes, boys. Billy Tea biscuits — Marguerite McCiymont: home -trade soap. Siemon. Bill Boussey, Bill Car- Tea Scott Darlene Sills. Margaret Ars. Wes Heimpel. Mrs W. ter, Jimmie Leishman. Leonard III, S�ott.: plain muffins. Marguer- Coleman. Mrs. J Carter: home- Jamieson. pie pumpkins, Bren- ite Scott Margaret Fiilen: car made lard, Mrs. W. Coleman. da Finlayson. Cam Holland. Mrs J. Carter. 2nd and, 3rd: Jim Thompson. Gary Bannon.: amel pudding. Helen Elliott. , mincemeat, Mrs. W. Hempel, Heather Beuerman: 1 a r g e s t Rita McMichael: assorted fan- I Mrs.J Carter: small meat pies. pumpkin. Allan Carter, Allen 1 cy cookies. Marguerite Scott:lam. J. Carter. Wynja. Jean Wynja. Alice bread. Marguerite Scott: chif- I Judge—Mrs. Evelyn Mills. Bannon. Michael Bannon: sum - ion cake Marguerite Scott: , mer• squash (pepper). Gordon 1 applie pie. Helen Elliott. Mar- . Beuttenmiller. Ann Leishman. guente Scott: lemon meringue rangement. Lee Fleming. Jim Jun Thompson. Jim Finlayson. pie. Marguerite Scott. Darlene Papple. Mary' Ann Snowdon: Broadlea Finlayson: cucum- ! Sills. Rita McMichael: choco- most points Lee Fleming ' bers. Ruth Ann Wilspn. Susan i late fudge. Rita McMichael. ludgc C A. Epps , MacLennan. Dolores Maloney , Marguerite Scott. most points. Flaeel Greer. Dorothy Beynon Marguerite Scott Agriculture sweet corn. Ian Harvey. Jas i Judge—Mrs Evelyn Mills Onions, sets. Neil Gemmell, Finlayson. Bradley Finlayson.) Industrial Arts June Dolmage. Suane Haugh. David Harvey. Brenda Finlay•' Grade IX—Class woodwork cabers. topped. Keith Siemon. son. vegetable or fruit man. project. Gordon Maloney. Keith Neil Gemmell. Diane Finlay- i Della Wallace. Margie Whyte. Biemon: extra woodwork pr�oo-�• son. carrots. bunched. Diane Marlene Dolmage, Dolores Ma ject. Paul Matthews. Jim Pap- •Finlayson. June Dolmage: par- Money. Mary Oke. , ple: clasa metal project, Jim snips. John Stoll; June Doi - Sewing Papple drafting Ben Lansink.. mage. beets. Marion Flewitt. Tea towel. Marie Elliott. Cheryl Muir, Anne Cameron, Jane Sills, Janet Falconer: hand sewn apron (Grades 7.8), Anne Cameron. Marie Elliott, Mary Sills: knitted article, Jan- et Falconer, Royce Falconer. pieced quilt block, Yvonne Pryce, Anne Cameron, Lynn Nixon, Madelyn Smith, Marie COMING SEPTEMBER 29th! 'Ycu hine--•Briar, over two yeas, .Bill Turnbull, lst and Bed, Walter Bacon, 2nd; boar, over one year, 33. Turnbull, W. Bacon; boar, aver six menthe, B. Turnbull, 1st and 2nd; boar, under six mouths, W. Bacon, B. Turnbull., 2nd and 3rd; sow, over two years, B. Turnbull, 1st and 2rit1, W. Bacon, 3rd and 4th; sow over 18 monthv, B. Turnbull, 1st and 2nd; sow, un- der 1B months, W. Bacon, let and 2nd; sow, born before Filar. 1, W. Bacon, 1st and 3rd, B. Turnbull, 2nd and 4th; sow born after March 1, W. Bacon, 3. Turnbull, Lynda Papple,lien Gemmell, Barbara Turnbull, Walter Bacon, Ken Papple; sen- ior herd, B. Turnbull, let and 3rd, W. Bacon, 2nd; junior herd, W. Bacon, Bill Turnbull, 2nd and 3rda most points, Bill Turnbull. Tamworth—Boar, two years and over, James Hart; boar, 1 year and under 2, J. Hart, 1st and 2nd, Bert French; boar, over 6 month, J. Hart, let and and; boar under 6 months, J. Hart, let and 4th; Bert French, 2nd and 3rd; sow 2 years and over, J. Hart; sow, 1 year and under 2, B. French, 1st and 3rd, .1. Hart, 2nd; sow born before !March 1, B. French, 1st and 3rd, J. Hart. 2nd; sow born after March 1, J. Hart, 1st and 2nd, I B French, 3rd and 4th; senior herd, J. Hart, B. French; junior Nall. Elaine Brown. Peggy ish. Janet Falconer: clothes -pin herd, J. Hart, B. French. Cornish. Marc Ellen Moore 4th !bag, Joyce Falconer, Janet Fal- Berkshire—Boar, 2 years and and 5th: J Falconer. Jane Cornish ' Fraise, mon s, tow 1 •yeor and ellede ° , -L w born before Mara 1, DOW bin's after 'lYlureb 1, 11. (Tuttle, 1111 Ind and; Ili. herd, 1i• Cottle; jr. herd, holes Cottle, tat and 2nd. Lundrace hoard, 1 Year and under 2, haw' over tf months, Ilert French; boar, ander six month, B. Freuth, lot sold 2nd; sow 2 years and over, ai,w year arid over, dew born before March 1, B F'reeer ; sow barn after March 1, Goy Jewry, 13. French, 2nd and 3rd; oeaior Herd, 13 French; junior herd, B. French; nest points, Bert French Lacombe -- Boar, over six months, Robert Allen; boar un - del' 6 mouths, Iii1l Turnbull; - lst and 3rd, R. Allan; sow, one year and under two, R. Allen, 1st and 2nd; sow born before March 1, B. Turnbull, let and 2nd, R. Allen, 3rd and cath; sow born after March 1, B. Turnbull, R. Allen, 2nd and 3rd. senior herd, R. Alien; jun- ior herd, Bill Turnh•u11, Robt. Allen, 2nd and 3rd; boar over two years, Robt. Allen Judge—Edgar R. Ash, Ches.- ley, Ont. potholder (Grades 5-6), I Goner. Shirley Dinsmore. Judy over. Ross Cottle; boar, over 6 Duce a Goner, th • R. Cottle; boar, under Greta Veenstra. Peggy Corn - (Continued on Page 5) 6 month, sow 2 years and over, i Sure money talks. But nowa- days you cau't hold onto it long enough to start a conversation. If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gets a "tired•out" feeling and may be bothered by bar3w-cb - Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust e tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort Thane the time to take nodd'e Kidney Piga. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tked feeling. Then you feel better, rest bettor, work better. 8t A yjfrf�bJth ibm Chevrolet! You'd expect Chevrolet to do it — and it has ! Traditionally Chevrolet has been the leader who eo deftly pinpointed the needs of Canadian motorists --and then so aptly developed the right caf to fill those needs! Now Chevrolet has done it again! From its his- , demo Ewe ems mos i#aim rimi l es Bob Plurnsteel. Gordon Ma- ,Helen Elliott. Suane Haugh: Laney !slicing cumbers. Suane Grade X — Class woodwork Haugh. Diane Finlayson. Wayne project. Ian Sim: extra wood- ; Hugill: pickling cucumbers. work project. Bob Humphries, Brian Scott: table turnips. Bill Ron Beuerman. Larry Beuer- Klein-haar, tomatoes. Helen El - man: drafting. Wayne MOIL :liott. Suave Haugh Helen Bob Humphries. Ron Bener- man. Flowers Asters. A.V., Jim Papple, Marie Bannon. Helen Elbott. Cosmos. display. Diane Beuer- man. Lee Fleming. Larry Beuer- man: Dahlias, Marguerite Scott. Lee Fleming. Larry Better - mate Marigolds. French. Jim Papple. Diane Beuerman. Di- ane Finlayson: 'Marigolds. Afri- can. Janet Turnbull. Lee Flem- ing, Keith Siemon: Petunias, ,..-single, Larry Beuerman. Diane Betierman, Lee Fleming; Pansy, Larry Beuerman. Suane Haugh. Keith Siemon: Snapdragon. Di- ane Beuerman. Helen Elliott, Mary Jean Boshart: Gladiolus, 3 spikes same, Mary Jean Borth - art. Helen Broadfoot; Glatliolns, 3 spikes, different, Mary Jean Borbart, Helen Broadfoot; Glad- iolus, display. Jim Papple; col- lection annuals, ...Stare Haugh, Jim Papple, Diane Beuerman; Begonias, • ttlberous, Margaret laiden; three patted platits, Su - ane Haugh, Lee Fleming, Jab Chapple; African Violets, Hel- en Elliott, Lee Fleming, Dar- lene Sills; 'Coleus, -2 varieties, Lee F.len- in ;, Suane Haugh, 3tn1i Chapple; ,gym, three -vatietis, Lee Fleming; 'Cactus Median, ;41ti33 Chapple,. Su - axle lilattgh, June _Doiniage; +Cllr attilltitarre 445laA iia ' u til 'Oxtail; 10=1 at' Broadfoot. pie pumpkins. John Stoll, Diane Stoll, June Dol - mage: large pumpkin. Keith Siemon; Hubbard squash, Su - ane Haugh; squash, Table �i111illilllililltlllillilitil11T11Il1itlJ11 Queen, Lee Fleming, Diane Fin- We writeof Jayson, 2nd and 3rd; Katandin potatoes. Diane Finlayin, Lar- ry Beuerman: potatoes, A.O.V., Keith Siemon. Diane Finlayson: sweet corn. over 8 row, Swine Fire - Auto - Wind INSURANCE Haugh. Julie Chapple, Wayne Hneill; vegetable collection, Su - ane Haugh, June Dolmage; col- Manufactumr6 Life lection insects, June Dolmage, Insurance B o b Humphries. Marguerite Scott: most points. Suane John A. Cardno Haugh. [� Ltiablity and Life Successor to Remember, it takes but a WATSON & REID moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pack- Phone 214 : Se forth et. To advertise, just phone Sea - forth 141. I i(f11i1111i1111llillilitiiiilililliiiliillli HURON COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB tory of achievement in engineering perfection,, mechanical durahip lity and luxurious comfort,, Chevrolet takes another significant step into the future. And now in 1962, Chevrolet invites you to enter a new World of Worth. (/ A GENERAL MOTORS VALLIl i2 Chevrolet -Rich new styling with Jet -smooth rirk , • F».,�vh°°%M�1.>�'.i'•"'/�:::. ..... .,:.... •.X 26`f • %�✓ rkr 'aw.fis• .a/Fnalci ., AL� :::;:olg%•!.�•/.:ydtr '00 :c4.0 .. iX '•a;� '� :rt•�7� ...�f T i:GiH riti.:.r .4.r Chevrolet impala Convertible • FIFTH ANNUAL BRED HEIFER SALE Al' FAIR BARN -- CLINTON, ONTARIO Thursday, October 12th — 1:30 p.m. Carefully selected first calf foundation ftmales. that aril] be frenb or near freslt at sale time. They include prize winners at the Huron County f lar k and White Show. Many are from dates with goods records. SIRED BY AND BRED TO THE TOP UNIT SIRES All are Vaccinated and most are Listed. BOB MOM, Auctioneer For ,fita'lognes write: �y Ati.tH BE'1TtE5,'�,+S. C. Gh f l Hi WO% CHEVYII—ATOTALLY NEW LINE OF CARS Chevrolet Bal Air Sport Coupe Here's all the car anybody could want. Fresh-nrinted'style that comes to a cleanaeulpttned climax in the new Impala Convertible. A road -gentling jet -smooth ride. A new choice of V.8 skedaddle. New Body by Fisher interiors that give wide berth to feet, hats and elbows. Beauty that's built to stay beautiful — right down to new front fender under -skirts for extra rust resistance. And here's more than ever to please yon from the make that pleases the most people. Impalas — that take the high price out of feeling luxurious; Bel Aire —• that ride as smooth as they look; Biscaynes — that sacrifice not one iota of comfort as they go their thrifty way. See your Chevrolet dealer and talk over this newest version of Canada's traditional leader! r r - =WM aww E - _ - WWI ,ee..ems - Mem ear. i - er__ MUM - lt'e the car just about everybody's been trying to build. But it remained for Chevrolet to come through with it. Here are all the time -tented virtues yon expect from Chevrolet plus surprises you've never seen. A full line of saucy new -size models= built a new scat for easier service and maintenance. Thrifty ? Only four rclinder& to feed. or sir if you like extra scamper. Roomy % Sedans seat six solid citizens. Price ? A most pleasant surprise with the heater -defroster at no extra cost !!. Chew II doesn't stint on anythine — except gasoline' its power plants both have hydraulic valve lifters and an 8.5 to 1 compression ratio. There's Chevr'olet's famous Poweralide automatic transmission available. And there's a suspension system that includes Mono -Plate Rear Springs — part of an advanced, road smoothing suspension. But high on Chevy II's list of virtues is the comfort and style that until now has been known only in care, costing mt•rh, mach more ! - And it's your: to enjoy in ail three series of Chdvy 11 — in all nine models. There's the Chevy II 100 series — beauty built for every budget. at its Chevy st Choose00 — ion ane — and you a flairetfamily ev everything you wantd the in II Nova 400 series —sensibility car — including the dollars -lower price tag! mar w.. r Chevy 11 Nova 400 Convertible' ALL THiS IS YOURS IN A CHEVY II • sally by Fisher — solid strength and lasting value • Choice of 2 Power Ptants—a tragal four or almost -as -thrifty six • Choice to 2 Transmissions — 3 -speed Synchro-Meati or Paetetglide • Imtustry-new Suspension System — Mono -Plate Rear Springs never require bitterest= • Pinner features — Steering and brakes optional on all models thevy n 100 4 -Door Station 1Na®on Chevy n 300 4 -Door Sedan • Unique Unitized Construction — two bax4ikt section for extra strength • Exclusive Interiors — Handsome upholstery ii• • chilies ea colour combinations J Corvair-sports car spirit... r fanily car final.on Corvair Monza Club COupe You'll never find joyful excitement wrapped up so carefully -with economy, elegance and sports car (lash as it is with Corvair for 'La -There's the sure-footed agility that stems from Cnrvair's rear -engine and weight dibtribntion—complete with its gas -saving ways. There's the sport appeal *5tmtdarel an the Monza Club Coupe, Optional at extra cost an the Monza 4 -Door Sedan and the Monza Station Wagon. **Optional on 300 and 700 series coupes mrd sedans. Corvair Monza Station Wagon of bucket seats* — and there's the kiddies' romping room that comes When the rear seat is folded down**. Certainly, the nine models of Corvair for '62, including the new Monza Station Wagon, combine the hest of fatally comfort with a sports car flair — and an eye on economy 1 C-ih2H PHONE 541 SEAFORD'