HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-09-21, Page 4r!£ HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAIi'ORTH, (#N'1,,. SEM a1.. 1,961 MEMBERS OF MISSION BAND LEAD DUFF'S SUNDAY SERVICE The September meeting of the Mission Band of Duff's 'United Church was held in the schoolroom last Sunday morn- ing with Gary Bennett cenduct- Ing. The hymn, '''JesusLoves Me," was sung with Karen Mc- Donald at the piano, The Call to Worship was "My life is God's gift to nee, what I make of it is my gift to Him," The hymn, "When He Cometh," was followed by Nellie Baan Ieading in prayer. Mary Bew- ley read the Scripture, taken from Mark 10:13-16. The lead- er, ,Mrs, Walter Bewley, ex- _.. -plained that Jesus meant all children, not just white ones. Larry ,Walter and Bruce Clark received the offering, and Gary Bennett dedicated' the offering with prayer. Jack McCall read the minutes of the last meet- ing, The October meeting will be the thankoffering meeting. Ger- ald and Nellie Baan are to send for a flim for the meeting. Vel- ma Higgenbotham will play the piano; Barbara Bryans will lead in prayer, and Glenna Houston will read the Scripture. Classes were taken with the following teachers in charge: Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs. James Smith and W. Bewley. The hymn, "Mothers of Salem," was sung and the meeting closed with the Miz- pah benediction, A provisional committee meeting was held in Duff's United Church last Wednesday evening. Rev. A. Higgenbothant outlined the duties of the new organization and stressed the need for a Christian Education Committee and for an M. and M. Committee. Mrs. Walter Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141 Bewley was appointed literary secretary. The following duties have been outlined by the Dominion Board: (1) To inform all wo- men of the congregation about the new organization;. (2) To accept an allocation for 1962; (3) To plan for Ilse of the 1962 program; (4) To recommend methods for securing funds; (5) To appoint a nominating committee; (6) To. appoint a sub -committee of the provision- al committee, - Additional members were added to the committee from the 17th Group and 16th Group. A fourth meeting of the pro- visional committee will be held Sept. 25, and an open meeting of all the church women will be held Oct. 4 in the evening, at which time Rev. Higgenboth- am will give a complete ex- planation of the new organiza- tion. SEAFORTH MERRY MAIDENS The first meeting of Seaforth Merry Maidens, "Featuring Fruit", was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. W. L. Whyte on Friday. Various pamphlets were distributed to the mem- bers. The election of officers was held with results as follows; President Glenyce Jewitt; pian- ist, Gayle Wright; press report- er, Lois Scott. The nett meet- ing will be held on Sept. 29, at 7:00 p.m., at the home of the leader, Mrs. Broadfoot; and Helen. A discussion followed on the topic, "You and Your Food." The senior members demon- strated the correct way to measure Sour. The. roll call for the next meeting is "two reasons why I eat fruit." LUCKY DOLLAR Weekend Specials COLEMAN'S SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS COLEMAN'S • PURE LARD LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE -48 -oz. '!'fin GEM MARGARINE -1 -Ib. Pkgs. CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK--16-oz. Tin SALADA TEA BAGS-Pkg. 60's STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP -12" PARAMOUNT FANCY PINK SALMON -16 -oz. Tin NESTLE'S QUIK-2-lb. Tin • 6 SUNKIST ORANGES -Size 138 • • • • 2 doz BIRDS EYE FROZEN PEAS and CARROTS -2 -lb. Bag 45c BALLET TISSUE ST. WILLIAMS' ASSORTED JAMS -9 -oz. Jars 43c lb. 2 lbs. 37c Rain Spoils Mc Driving rain which fell at frequent intervals failed to bring to a halt proceedings at McKillop School Fair Thursday. Attendance, however, was lim- ited, and it was necessary to curtail the program and various outside features which had been arranged. Master of ceremonies for the afternoon was Ralph McNichol, President of the Fair, and he was assisted by Secretary Camp- bell Wey. The fair was opened by A. Y. McLean, Seaforth. Agricul- tural Representative for Huron County, Douglas Miles, and J. W. Coulter, Public School In- spector, also spoke briefly on the turnout of pupils and com- plimented them on their efforts. Entertainment during the op- ening ceremony was in the form of a choral .competition won by SS 1, SS 7 and SS 12 in that order, and a duet by Eileen Smith and Margaret Hillen. Seaforth District High School Trumpet Band provided music for the march past of some sev- en rural schools. Judging of animals outside the school buildings was pos- sible only during the intervals when the rain would permit, List of prize winners: Horses Pony colt, Mark Smith, No. 4; pony and saddle, Ronnie Brant, No, 1. Calves Junior beef, 4-H, Sharon Mc- Kenzie; beef calf, 1961, run on cow, Sharon McKenzie, No. 4; Rickie McKenzie, No. 4; Gor- don Moylan, No. 1; Laurie Fish- er, No. 9; beef calf, pail fed, Jean Roe, No. 9; Betty Roe, No. 9; dairy heifer calf, senior, Douglas Boyd, No. 6; Bonnie Stewart, No. 4; sweepstakes, Sharon McKenzie, No. 4; best showmanship, Douglas Boyd, No.6; Bonnie Stewart, No. 4; Sharon McKenzie, No. 4; beef calf under 200 lbs., Laurie Fish- er, No. 9; Barry Gordon, No: 4. Pigs Best pair pigs, 50 pounds and under. Paul Somerville, No. 7; Laurie Fisher, No. 9; Gregg Fisher, No. 9; Linda Somerville, No. 7: 100 pounds and under, Warren Rock, No. 8; Herb Shan- non, No. 7; Paul Somerville, No. 7; best pair gilts, 150 pounds and under, Bob Shannon, No. 7. Lambs 27c Best market lamb, Bonnie Stewart, No. 4; Ann Stewart, No. 4; Paul Somerville, No. 7; Murray Pepper, No. 10; best long wool lamb, Paul Somer- ville, No. 7; Neil McNichol, No. 7; Murray Pepper, No. 10; Gary McNichol. No. 7; best short wool, Ann Stewart, No. 4; Neil McNichol, No. 7; Gary McNich- ol. No. 7; Bonnie Stewart, No. 9C 4: best goats, Donna Marie 99c Horne, No. 12: David Wildford, No. 9; Garry Dietz, No. 8. 4 / 95c • 7 / 99c 77c 31c 65c Vegetables Turnips -Ronald Murray. No. or 1. 8' Judy Eckert. No. 8; Rose Marie Eckert. No. 8: Ann Ma- lone. No. 1: Gerry Malone, No. 25C 1: Mary Eckert, No. 8. Table' Turnips - Herb and 39c ;Bob Shannon, No. 7: Garry Ma- , lone, No 1; Stephen Murray, 1.b9 John iNo. 8:�n Malone, No. :Rad No, 6. 81.491 Largest Pumpkin -Ann Eck- ert. No, 8: Bryan Godkin. No. 12: Kenneth Dolmage. No. 10; Marie McClure. No. 10: Julia Blanchard. No. 10; Warren Den- nis, No. 9. Two Pie Pumpkins - Julia Blanchard. No. 10: Bill Hender- son. No. 4; Isobel Pethick. No 10; Bob Shannon. No. 7: Mark Smith. No. 4: Ingolf Christen- son. No. 12. Winter Apples -Herb Shan non. No. 7: Gary Koehler, No. 8. Fall Apples -Joanne Elligson THRIFT - GIANT SIZE LIQUID DETERGENT MEN'S COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS BOYS' COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS MCLUSKIE'S GENERAL STORE WLNTHROP, ONT. Telephone Seaforth 85.5 R 2 and See Our Gigantic Display of APPLIANCES for the HOME and the latest in MODERN FURNITURE • Visit our display where our experienced Staff will tell you the important facts about any of products we sell BOX- FURNITURE Phone 43 - Settforth 0 1 POURING RAIN forced delays in the outdoor program at McKillop School Fair on Thursday at Winthrop School. Despite difficulties, children from township schools com- peted in a wide variety of events. Here Barry and Donna Horne, RR 4, Walton, proudly show the gaily decorated bicycles which won them prizes at the fair. (B-H,pieture) drool Fair No. 8; Bill Henderson, No. 4; Sharon Johnston, No. 6; Jim- my Murray, No. 1; Ron Koeh- ler, No. 8; Bob Shannon, No. 7. Plums -Allan Koehler, No. 8; Joanne Elligson, No. 8; Gary Koehler, No.- 8; Murray Pryce, No. 10; Mark Smith, No. 4. Pears -Eric Bennewies, No. 8; Tommy Murray, No: 8; Mar- garet Elligson, No. 8; Gary Koehler, No. 8; Joan Dennis, No. 9; Betty Roe, No. 9. Cabbages -Keith Siemon, No. 8; Starr Fischer, No. 9; Dennis Beuermann, No. 9; Joanne Sed- ley, No. 1; Billy Siemon, No. 8; Joan Dennis, No. 9. Citrons -Agnes Ryan, No. 1; Joan Alexander, No. 12; Ron- ald Koehler, No, 8; Donald Rose, No. 9; Brian Godkin, No. 12: Herb Shannon, No. 7. Spanish Onions -Paul Horan, No. 8; Paul Storey, No. 6; Ev- elyn Storey, No. 6; Larry Horne, No. 12; Donna Horne, No. 12; Jean Roe, No. 9. Onions -Glenn Dolmage, No. 10; Janice McClure, No. 10; Margaret Elligson, No. 8; Gary Betties, No. 10; Bryan Godkin, No. 12; Sheila Deitz, No. 8,, Carrots -Janice McClure, No. 10; Danny O'Rourke, No. 1; Gregg Fischer, No. 9; Sharon Diety, No. 8; Paul Storey, No. 6; Herb Shannon, No. 7. Beets - Warren.Dennis, No. 9; Gerry Malone. o. 1; Agnes Ryan, No. 1; Joan Dennis. No. 9; Anne Malone, No. 1; Evelyn Storey, No. 6. Tall Corn -Billy Siemon, No. 8; Ean Bruce Dolmage, No. 16; Paul Somerville. No. 7; Linda Miller. No. 8: Mark Smith. No. 4; Glen Dolmage, No. 10. Tomatoes - Janice McClure, No. 10: Dena Wey. No. 7: Mark Smith, No. 4; Paul Storey. No, 6: Grant Little, No. 10: Dar- win Dietz. No. 8. Mangolds - Jim Henderson. No, 4: Diane Henderson. No. 4; Keith Siemon. No. 8: Billy Sie- mon. No: 8: Gretta Murray. No. ,1: Bill Henderson, No. 4 Sebago Potatoes - F." elyn Storey. No. 6: Janice McClure. No. 10: Billy Siemon. Nn. 8: Ean Bruce Dolmage. No. 10: Pail Somerville. No. 7. Katadin Potates - Warren Dennis. No. 9: Janice :McNichol. No. 9: Joan Dennis. No. 9; Mar- ian Duffy. No. 6: Barbara Mc- Clure. No. 10: Nancy McNichol. No 9. Grain Wheat sheaf. Billy Siemon, No. 8: quart, Ken Dalton. No. 7: Douglas Boyd. No. 6; Jim Hen- derson. No. 4: Bill Henderson. No. 5; David Wildfong, No. 9. Oats, sheaf. Glen Dolmage, No. 10: Billy Siemon, No. 8. Quart Douglas Wey. No. 7.; Douglas Boyd. No. 6; Joan Alexander, No. 12; Neil Ryan, No. 7; Rose Mary Ryan. No. 7: Gordon Ryan, No. 7. Barley, sheaf, Billy Siemon, No. 8. Quart, Michael Johnson, No. 8: Mary Ann Wild- fong. Beans, quart of field beans, June Hallen, No. 6: Mur- ray Henderson, No. 4: Earl Rose, No. 9; Bob Shannon, No. 7; David Wildfong, No. 9. Quart of garden beans, Earl Rose, No. 9; Bob Shannon. No. 7; Larry Murray, No. 8; Ann Stewart, No. 4; Bonnie Stewart,. No. 4; Betty Roe, No. 9. Corn, grain corn: Mark Smith, No. 4; Earl Rase, No. 9; Jean Roe, No. 9_ Ensilage corn, Ronald Murray, No. 8; Neil Benermann, No. 6• Ray Beattie, No. 1Z Elaine Beawermann, No. 6; Willy My - land. No. 1; Warn Rock, No, 8. Hay Bale of first -tut hay, Gordon Ryan, No. 7 ; Briant Pryer. No. 10; Billy Duffy, No. 6; altnr;y Pryce. No. 11. Bale of snd-cut hay, Douglas Wey, Na. 7: Maxk Snaith, No. 4; WiP3y Ddyland, No. 1. Patsy Woke Ryan, No. 1; Bernice Rose, No. 9; Leona Glanville, No. 9; Julia Blanchard, No. 10. Grades 7-8, Linda Somerville, No. 7; Mar- garet Rose Ryan, No. 1; Lor- etta Murray, No. 1; Lois Bern- ard, No. 12. Sewing and Knitting . _. Grades 1-2: Murray Pepper, No. 12; Bryan Godkin, No. 12; Marjorie Glanville, No. 12; Jim- my Murray, No. 1; Eileen Glan- ville, No. 12. Grades 3-4, Elsie Rose. Grades 5 - 6, Yvonne Pryce, No. 10; Rose Beattie, No. 12; Joan Alexander, No. 12; Bernice Rose, No. 9; 'Larry Horne, No. 12. Grades 7-8, June Hillen, No. 6; Linda Somerville, No. 7; Loretta Murray, No. 1. Open, grades 1-4. Betty Roe, No. 9; Elsie Rose, No. 9. Baking School lunch: Bonnie Stew- art, No. 4. Maple Cream candy, Jane Shannon, No. 4; Glenda Little, No. 10; Debbie Wey, No. 7; Kenneth Dolmage, No. 10; Mark Smith, No. 4. Bran muf- fins, Gordon Moylan, No. 1; Gordon Koehler, No. 8; Debbie Wey, No. 7; Marie McClure, No. 10: Christine Pryce, No. 6. Oat- meal cookies, Leona Glanville, No. 9; Christine Pryce, No. 6; Gordon Moylan, No. 1; Jane Shannon. No. 4; Linda Kerr, No. 10. Drop cookies, D a n n'•y O'Rourke, -No, I; Elsie Rose, No. 9; Bernice Rose, No. 9; Linda Kerr, No. 10: Leona Glanville, No. 9: Jean Roe, No. 9. Tarts, Laura Ryan. No. 1: Diane Hen- derson. No. 4; June Hillen, No. 6; Elsie Rose, No. 9; Jean Roe, No. 9: Christine Pryce. Angel cake, Leona Glanville; No. 9. Light layer cake, . E. Dolmage, No. 10: Francis Beuermann, No. 9. Dark layer cake, 'Bonnie Stewart, No. 4; Leona Glanville, No. 9: A. Christensen. No. 12, Apple pie. June Hillen. No. 6; Gordon Moylan. No. 1: Joanne Sedley. No. 1. Marilyn Sedley, No. 1: Bernice Rose, Elsie Rose. No. 9. Lemon pie. Diane Hender- son. No. 4: Leona Glanville. Pumpkin pie. Donnie Ryan. No. I: Paul Horan. No. 8: June Hillen, No. 6; Joanne Sedley. No. 1. Raisin pie. Helen Ryan. No. I; June Helen. No. 6; Jean Roe. No. 9. Cake. baked by teacher. Jessie Little, No.. 12: Mrs. M. Murray, No. I. RaSp- berries, Leslie Glanville, No. 12; Lynda Kerr, No. 10: Loretta Murray. No. I; Marjorie Glare, ville, No. 12: Eileen Glanville. No. 12: Francis. Beuermann, No. 9. Quart cherries. Gary Betties, No. 10; Joyce McNichol, No. 9; Karen Christensen. No. 12; Lynda Kerr. No. I0; Ingolf Christensen, No. 12. Salad dressing. Bernice Rose, No. 9; Danny O'Rourke, No. I; Dale Beuermann, No. 6: June Hillen, No. 6; Jane Shannon, No. 4; Earl Rose, No. 9. Flowers Potted plants in bloom, Glen Dolmage, Na 10; Robert Scott, No. 10; Debate Wey, No. 7; Joan Alexander, No. 12; Joyce Mc- Nichol, No. 9. Potted .plants, no bloom, Dorno Horne, No. 12; Larry Horne, No. 12; Glen Dol - mage, No. 10; Mary Lou Ryan, No. 1; Karen Christensen, No. 12. Phlox, Joan El}fgson, No. 8; June Hillen, No. 6; Joseph Walsh, Na 1: Dena Wey, No, 7; Murray Pepper, No. 12. Dining - room botgnet, Linda Somer- vil1e, No.. 7; Faye Dalton, No. 7; Glenda Little, No. I0; Jean Roe, Na. 9; Veen Maloney, No. 1. Dahlia, large. Larry Horne, No. 12; Neil Mc3Niehol, No. 7; Joanne Maloney, No. 1; Brae Dairnage, No.. 10; Gordon Koelr lea, No. S. Asters, Plaine Ryan, No. 1; Brace Dolmage, No. 10; Linda *nen. No. 8; Paul may, No. 6; Clem Dolmage, No. 10. E ibs+a ery -- Grades 8-0, ; 'yucca's, large, Mark Smith, Joan Dennis, No. 9; Rae Beat No. 4; Panni So=orgile, Na. 7; tie, No. 12; Tom Raperan, No. , Gatrq Yeetz, NaL 8; Lois Better 12; Harney aro, No. 12; Inaltna,Na. Mate= Wildfett& IlseRose, No. 9. Grades' SJ& Nt% t 9.m74*, ,, Dt inie LouHalai Haien Nek.1;',lit" Dtdfitto NO. 7; Janiat ItcOrite No. 10; Garry Betties, No. 10; Robert Scott, No. 10; Earle Roe, No. 9. Dahlia, small, Linda Miller, No. 8; • Eileen Glanville, No. 12; Neil Mc- Nichol, No. 7; Paul Somerville, No. 7; Ron Christensen, No. 12. Gladioli, Paul Somerville, No. 7; Paul Storey, No. 6; Jean Roe, No. 9; Neil McNichol, No. 7; Garry Betties, No. 10. Cosmos, Paul Somerville, No. 7; Joan Alexander, No. 12; Donald Dal- ton, No. 7; Dolores Beuermenn, No. 9;.. Warren Dennis, No. 9. Snapdragon, Jack McCall, No. 7; Margaret Elligson, No. 8 ; Paul Somerville, No. 7; Joan Dennis, No. 9; Billy Siemon,. No. 8. Writing and Printing Grade 1, Brian Pryce, No. 10; Gregg Fischer, No. 9; Nancy McNichol, No. 9; Marie Mc- Clure, No. 10; Delores Beuer- mann, No. 9; Neil Ryan, No. 7. Grade 8, Sharon Shea, No. 1; Tom Rapson, No. 12; Donna Horne, No. 12; Marjorie Glen, ville, No. 12; Mary Lou Ryan, No. 1; Murray Pepper, No. 12. Grade 3, Paul Somerville, No. 7; Mary Leeming, No. 7; Bar- bara McClure, No. 10; Harvey Bernard, No. 12; Willy Myland, No. 1; Glen Dolmage, No. 10. Grade 4. Leslie Glanville, No. 12; Rae Beattie, No. 12; Kenny Flanagan, No. 1; Laurie Fisch- er, No. 9; Betty Roe,, No. 9; El- sie Rose, No. 9. Grade 5, Tony Christensen, No. 12; Gerry Ma- lone, No. 1; Larry Horne, No. 12; Leslie Bernard, No. 12; Mary Lou Murray, No. 1; Mau- reen Ryan, No. 1. Grade 6, Jean Roe, No. 9; Roy Glanville, No, 12; Joanne Elligsen, No. 8; Paul Cuthill, No. 12; Bernice Rose, N9. 9; Catherine Flanagan, No. 1. Grade 7: Linda Somerville, No. 7; Ingolf Christensen, No. 12; Karen Christensen, No. 12; Margaret Rose Ryan, No. 1; June Hillen, No. 6; Carl Boven, No. 12. Grade 8: Elaine Murray, No. 1; Mary M. Flanagan, No. 1; Betty Shea, No. 1; Lois Bern- ard, No. 12; Jean Patrick, No. 12; Witold Chomieki, No. 12. Drawing Grades 1 and 2: Donna Horne, No. 12; Marjorie Glan- ville, No. 12; Murray Pepper, No. 12; Tom Rapson, No. 12; Di- ane Henderson, No, 4; Jimmy Murray, No. 1. Grades 3 and 4: Sheila Dietz, No. 8; Brenda Pryce, No. 10; Rae Beattie, No. 10; Harvey Bernard, No. 12; Leslie Glanville, SS 12; Danny O'Rourke. Grades 5 and 6: Ray Glanville, No. 12; Joanne Elligson, No. 8; Tony Christen- sen, No. 12; Agnes Dolmage, No. 10; Lennie Ryan, No. 1; Gor- don Koehler, No. 8. Grades 7 and 8: Jean Patrick,No. 12; Linda Somerville, No. 7; Eileen Maloney, No. 1; Teresa Ryan, No. 7; Sharon Brant, No. 1; Paul Horne, SS 8. Collections Grades 1-2: Tom Rapson, No. 12; Donna Horne, No. 12; Mur- ray Pepper, No. 12; Marjorie Glanville, No. 12. Grades 3-4: Donna Horne, No. 12; Harvey Bernard, No. 12; Leslie Glen- ville, No. 12; Betty Roe, No. 9; Rae Beattie, No. 12. Grades 5-6: Bernice Rose, No. 9; Jane Shannon, No. 4; Tony Christen- sen, No. 12; Bruce Dolmage, No. 10; Leslie Bernard, No. 12. Grades 7-8: Murray McClure, No. 12; Roy Glanville, No. 12; Ingolf Christensen, No. 12; Wit- old Chomicki, No. 12; Jean Pat- rick. Grades 5-8: Linda Somer- ville, No. 7; Bruce Dolmage, No. 10; Billy Siemon, No. 8; Leslie Glanville, No. 12; Leslie Bernard, No. 12. Home-made tally cards: Margaret Rose Ryan, No. 1; Loretta Murray, No. 1; Mary Margaret Flana- gan, No. 1; Laura Ryan, No. 1; Linda Somerville, No. 7. Manual Training Grades 1-2: Marjorie Glan- ville, No. 12; Murray Pepper, No. 12; Donna Horne, No. 12; Tom Rapson, No. 12. Grades 3-4, Rae Beattie, No. 12; Leslie Glan- ville, No. 12; Harvey Bernard, No. 12; Elsie Rose, No. 9; Brian Brant, No. 1. Grades 5-6: Mari- lyn Sedley, No. 1; Joan Alexan- der, No. 12; Larry Horne, No. 12; Paul Cuthill, No. 12; Leslie Bernard, No. 12. Grades 7-8: Billy Siemon, -No. 8; Lois Bern- ard, No. 12; Murray McClure, No. 12; Witold Chomicki, No. 12; Jean Patrick, No. 12. Maureen Ryan, No. 1; Gary Bettles,.No. 10; Patsy Ryan, No. 1; Danny Q'Rourke, No. 1; Laura Ryan, o. 1; Janice Hil- len, No. 6; Catherine Flanagan, No. 1; Loretta Murray, No. 1; Eileen Maloney, No, 1; Bruce Eliott, No. 6. Poultry and Pats Geese: Paul Somerville, No, 7; Bob Shannon, No. 7; Roy Glenyille, No. 12. Turkeys: Don- na Horne; No. 12; Larry Horne, No. 12; Rae Beattie, No. 1,2. Ducks: Barry Gordon, No. 4; Rose Elliott, No. 6; Doug Boyd, No. 6. Pheasants: Keith Siem - on, No. 8; Billy Siemon. Ban- tams: Randy Duffy, No. 6; Ingolf Christensen, No. 12; Eileen Glanville, No, 12. Pigeons: M. Glanville, Neil Beuermann, Glen Beuermann, No. 8. Rabbits: Tom Rapson, No. 12; David Wildfong, No. 9; John Leeming, No. 7. Best dog: Barry Gordon, No. 4; Greg Fischer, No. 9; Neil Little, No. 6. Best Cat: Lennie Ryan, No. 1; Janice Dietz, No. 8; Donna Horne,,..,.1.2. Quinea pigs: Doug Boyd, No. 6; Julia Blanchard, No. 10; Ross El- liott, No. 6. Poultry White Rocks: Lois Beuer- mann, No. 6; Gwen Beuermann, No. 6. White Leghorns: Paul Beattie, No. 12; M. Johnston, No. 8; Doug Boyd, No. 6. Sus- sex: Barry Gordon, No. 4. Light hybrids; M. Wildfong, No. 9; Greg Fischer, Larry Fischer, No. 9 Heavy hybrids, Neil Ry- an, No. 7; Gordon Ryan, No. 7. Prizes for the best decorated bicycle went to Donna Horne, Larry Horne and Linda Dietz. Nancy McNichol, SS 9, had the best decorated tricycle. m LEMON'S TAXI Phone 675 rameaftromarommaorioamfta "Jingle Belts Will Soon Be Ringing" Let YOUR pockets jingle with AVON earnings. AVON PRO- DUCTS sell themselves. START NOW Ritral openings in McKillop, Hulled, Tuckersmith, Hibbert Twps. Write MRS. E. BELL 84-B ALBERT ST., WATERLOO or phone collect SH 5-0751 before 8:30 a -m.. wooftwaroftaaAlamomaam LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY "See! Our House Did So Win a Medal!" An award for electrical excellence. 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