HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-09-14, Page 3• • • a • • • s • • • • Y • • • ENTERTAIN AT TROUSSEAU TEA FOR BRIDE OF SATURDAY Mrs. John McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, entertained at a trous- seau tea in honor of her daugh- ter, Miss Jean McGregor, whose marriage to Mr. Murney Twit- ehe11, of Hensall, took place Saturday. Mrs. Orville Twitchell, Hen- sall, mother of the groom -elect, assisted the bride -elect and her mother in receiving the guests. Tea was poured by Miss Kate McGregor, Miss Margaret Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Cal Horton and Kin Official Wins Top Awards Kinsmen Governor B i 11 Mickle, Hensall, and his Dis- trict One executive, climaxed a successful year over the week- end by winning a record num- ber of awards at the national convention of the Canadian Service Club in Toronto. The Mickle executive captur- ed both the Boake Efficiency Award and the DeCew Shield for the district which contri- butes the most to Kin during the year. It is the first time honors have gone to one dis- trict in the same year. FUNERALS Funeral of H. J. Uttley -.Funeral services for Herber James Uttley, 71, of Zurich, were held Saturday from West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, with burial in the Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery, Zur- ich. Mr. Uttley passed away in South Huron Hospital on Thurs- day, Sept. 7. He is survived by his wife, the former Bertha Phile; three sons, Cecil and Ross, London; Myles, Ottawa; four daughters, Mrs. M. (Goldie) Gilmore, Dun- das; Mrs. Hugh (Hazel) McEw- en, Hensall; Mrs. E. (Edith) Strader, Toronto; Mrs. J. (Paul- ine) Mundy, Byron; four sisters, Mrs. Lucy Wright, Toronto; Mrs. Irma Wild, Dashwood; Mrs. Minnie Wild, Crediton; Mrs. Alma Witmere, Zurich; and 11 grandchildren. MRS. FRED DATERS HENSALL—Mrs. Fred Deters, the former Alice P. Schilbe passed away suddenly in Stra ford General Hospital, Sunda evening, Sept. 10, following a severe stroke she suffered the day previous. She was in her 68th year. Surviving are her husband, Fred Daters, Hensall; one son, Carl, Hamilton; two daughters, Mrs. Henry (Irene) Harburn, Staffa; Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Simpson, Exeter; four sisters, Mrs. G. Kerswill, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. William Sitter, Thedford; Mrs. H. Finkbeiner, Zurich, and Mrs. Orville McClinchey, of Varna. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hensall, Wednesday, at 2 p.m.. conducted by Rev. El- liott, of Kirkton. Interment was in Exeter cemetery: ARCHIBALD JEFFERY Mrs. Frank Mcdregor. Tea was served by Miss Norma Love, Miss Carol Pepper, Miss Billie Stewart and Mrs. Fred McGre- gor. Mrs. Gerald Horton display- ed the wedding gifts; Miss Hil- da Pepper, theshower gifts, and Mrs. Don McGregor, the trousseau. Other assistants were Mrs. Greg McGregor, Mr -s. Ivy John- ston and Mrs. Randal Pepper. Bill McGregor was in charge of the register. . Pantry Shower Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank McGregor, a surprise pantry shower was held by the neighbors and rel- atives of Miss Jean McGregor. Co -hostess was Mrs. Don Mc- Gregor. Contests were conduct- ed by Mrs. Don McGregor and Miss Norma Love. The gifts were presented in a prettily dejo ted basket car- ried by Lawrence Pepper and Bill McGregor. A lovely lunch was served by the hostesses. Miscellaneous Showers Wednesday evening, Aug. 23, the girl friends of Miss Jean McGregor had a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Edwards. Contests were conducted by Miss Norma Love, Barbara Beech and Sherril Carr. Gifts were presented in a "wishing well". A dainty lunch was served by the hos- tess. Monday evening, Aug. 28, the community held a shower for Miss McGregor in the audi- torium of Brupefield United Church, under the direction of Mrs. Frank McGowan, Mrs. Walter Moffat and Mrs. Cal Horton. A short program was provided by Mrs. Fred McGre- gor, Barbara Swan and Ron and Sandra Graham. Contests were conducted by Mrs. F. McGowan and Mrs. A. Verhoef. The love- ly gifts were presented in a prettily decorated wheelbarrow, pushed by Miss Janet Graham. Luncheon was served. BRUCEFIELD Miss M. Swan, Mrs. C. Ham and Miss E. Elder, Seaforth, are on a motor trip north. Mrs. Durham, ,of Winnipeg, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. t James Bougham, and family. Miss Carolyn Ross, daughter STAFFA—Archibald Jeffery, 61, died in Victoria Hospital, London. Sunday .afternoon, where he had been a patient for the past week. He was born on August 15, 1900. son of the late. William ,Jeffery and Maud Dalton, On May 10, 1922, he was married to Rhea Sadler, Staffa. Mr. Jef- fery was a member of the Staffa United Church, serving as an elder at the time of his death. He was a former secre- tary -treasurer of the Hibbert Co-operative Creamery. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by one son, Spencer, Hib- bert Township; one brother, Arnold, Detroit, and three grandchildren. The body rested at the Lock- hart Funeral Home, Mitchell, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. A. H. Daynard, Staffa, of- ficiated. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. Induct Minister At Carmel Church Huron -Maitland Presbytery in- ducted Rev. D. Ross MacDon- ald as minister of Carmel Pres- byterian Chuech, Hensall, and Knox Presbyterian Church, Bay- field. at an induction service in Carmel Church Friday evening. The order of service was con- ducted by the Rev. D. Neil Mc- Combie, of Ripley, Moderator of Presbytery, who also preach- ed the service of induction. Ser- vice of exhortation was taken by the Rev. G. Lockhart Royal, of Goderich. Rev. D. Leslie Elder, Seaforth, interim moder- ator, introduced the minister. Rev. D. J. Lane, clerk of the Presbytery, verified the call on behalf of the congregation. During the service of public worship Rev. William Morrison, of Brussels, conducted the ser- mon. The senior choir, under direction of Miss Carol Brown at the organ console, contribut- ed an anthem, Following the induction a reception was held in the church hall. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell formed the reception committee. Luncheon was served. of Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross, left on Tuesday for Wingham, where she entered the Wing - ham Hospital for training. Mrs. A, Hohner spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre left on Saturday for a trip to Nova Scotia. We are sorry to report that Mr. Drew Swan is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wil- son on the gift of a baby daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale; London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Neale's mother, Mrs. Stackhouse. Mrs. Gordon Horner, of Kit- chener, visited with her aunt, Mrs. A. Ings and Mrs. Kruger on Saturday. - Mrs. E. Geiger Addresses WMS Mrs. Edmund Geiger, of Lon- don, was guest speaker at the Women's Missionary Society ,.of the United Church at their Sep- tember meeting Thursday eve- ning, choosing for her theme, "Consecrated Service." The familar story of a lad's small lunch which, given whol- ly to Jesus, was made a bless- ing to a multitude. Many wish for an opportunity to give something to Jesus, without too much sacrifice, the speaker said. "God longs for our fel- lowship. He made it possible through a tremendous sacrifice for us to come into that fel- lowship. Then only can serv- ice be acceptable. Prayer is very powerful. We ought al- ways to pray, in spite of difficul- ties" We have a God who will never let us down in consecrat- ed service. Great is His kind- ness," said the speaker. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. W. H. Weekes and thanked by Miss M. Ellis. Mrs. Weekes and her group were in charge of the devotional and program, and members of the group, composed of Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs. E. Sproat, Mrs. Mel- ville Traquair, Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. Jas. Smillie, Mrs. Weekes, Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. Maude Redden favored with a selection, "God Will Take Care of You," Mrs. T. J. Sherritt ac- companying at the piano. Mrs. Sproat read sacred pass- ages and Mrs. Hess offered prayer. Mrs. Weekes, who pre- sided, opened with a quotation. The offering was taken by Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mrs. Pearl Shad - dick. President Mrs. E. T. Rowe presided for the business ses- sion. A lovely gift of a butcher knife from the Smillie clan was gratefully accepted by the so- ciety. Mrs. W. B. Cross sub- mitted the financial report. A delicious pot -luck supper preceded the meeting. Baskets of lovely mums and gladioli formed an attractive floral set- ting in the church schoolroom. ....................-.....m....,:.....:..;coraa«-.n<e: N:3b':'il3:niig,'S: 4.1-1 HOMEMAKING CLUB LEADERS taking part in the 4-H Leader Training School at Clinton are, left to right, Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Mrs. Mac Scott, Mrs. Gordan Pap- ple, and back, Mrs. Lorne Hodge. Miss Gilchrist is the recently appointed home eco- nomist for Huron County. NEWS OF HENSALL Release Area' Res�clents After Truck,.Car Crash One man was admitted to hos- pital and three others released after examination following a car -truck crash on Highway 4, at the 6th concession of London Township Sunday. James Ber- nard Mullan, 32, of London, driver of the truck, was admit- ted,to St. Joseph's Hospital with lacerations to his skull and other injuries. Kenneth Break- ey, 45, of Zurich, his wife and son, Richard, 14, were all' re- leased after examination. The four were taken by ambulance to hospital. Damage was esti- mated at $600 — $200 to the truck and $400 to the car. OPP Don Cox, of Lucan, was the in- vestigating officer. Wins Prize At Fair A tap on the shoulder won five silver dollars for a Bruce - field mother, who attended the Western Fair on opening day Friday, with her four young children. Mrs. Betty St. Louis qualified because she was wear- ing ,a Huron County Booster button, obtained at the London Free Press display booth. Hun- dreds of fairgoers from most of the eleven counties in West- ern Ontario were booster but- tons. Mrs. St. Louis attends the Western Fair every year. The children attend school at S.S. 10, Stanley Township. Bingo Winners Hensall Legion bingo got off to a good start Saturday night with a large attendance of bingo fans. Jackpot specials were won by Mrs. N. Flei- schauer, Anthony and Richard Rau and Mrs. Roy Smale. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Wm. Smale and Tom Kyle, Sr. Other winners of regular games were; Mrs. Herb Bierling, Richard Rau, Mrs. Rau, Mrs. Fleischau- er, Roy Kenney, Fred Kennings, Mrs. Bierling, Miss Margaret Boa, H. Swartzentruber, Miss Margaret Boa. Jackpot this Sat- urday will be $80 in 51 calls, with two door prizes. Legion 'Auxiliary Meets The September meeting of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harold Campbell anti: Mrs. Gor- don Munn were elected as sports officers for 1961.62. A motion was passed for the aux- iliary to have a birthday party October 6, and invite Legion members. A motion was also passed to send cigarettes to the auxiliary veterans in West- minster hospital. Bingo winners were Mrs. Wes Venner (3), Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. E., R. Davis. A pot -luck lunch was served. Chiselhurst WMS and WA Meet T h e September combined meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Society and Women's Association of Chiselhurst Unit- ed Church was held Tuesday evening, with President Mrs. Russell Brock presiding. Wor- ship was conducted by Mrs Jack Brintnell, and a poem con- tributed by Mrs. Percy Harris. The first chapter of the new study book, "Signals For the Sixties," was reviewed by Mrs. T. Brintnell. Mrs. R. Boyce gave the report of the School For Leaders at Alma College, which she attended. A brief meeting of the WA followed the meeting of the WMS, pre- sided over by Mrs. A. Ross. United Church Notes The teachers and officers of the Sunday School met in the Church Thursday evening to discuss the new curriculum which will begin the first Sun, day of October, and to lay plans for the coming year 'which will include a course of instruction for the teachers of the church. The initial meeting of those young people interested in pre- paring for church membership was held Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 13. Bible Fellowship began Wed- nesday, Sept. 13, at 8:30 p.m., and meets every Wednesday ev- ening. Members are finding here something in the life of the Church which they never' knew existed. Sunday School Rally Day is Sept. 24; World -Wide Commun- ion Sunday, Oct. 1; Thanksgiv- ing Sunday, Oct. 8; -,Sacrament of Infant Baptism, Oct. 15. At Sunday morning's service a pleasing trio, "Seek Ye the Lord," was sung by Mrs. Cur- rie Winlaw, Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. T. C. Coates. Rev. Currie Winlaw delivered a challenging message, and Miss Greta Lammie presided at the church organ. Mr. Fred Kennings returned home Friday after a vacation spent with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, St. Catharines, and his sister, Mrs. Mary Gable, South River. Mr. Kennings was away over a month. United Church voted in favor of a $45,000 Sunday School ad- dition at a special meeting last Wednesday night. Rev. Currie Winlaw was chairman of the meeting. The building commit- tee of the church wi11 further discuss plans for the addition before tenders are called. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mousseau, RR 2, Hensall, have returned after vacationing at Manitoulin Island. Miss Norma Passmore left this week to attend Teachers' College at London. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram, of Caro, Mich., were guests on Sunday ..with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. George McLean, of Delmont, Man., and Miss Muriel Hedden, of Winnipeg, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Catherine Redden and Herb. • Mr. John Thompson returned home Sunday from South Hur- on Hospital, Exeter, where he has been a patient in the in- terests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks quietly celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary at their home on Monday, Sept. 11. Mr. Jinks also celebrated his 83rd birthday Sunday. Ken Parker has been 'engag Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gelder - ed as arena manager by the land, of Ridgetown, and' Mr. Hensall Community Park Board, and Mrs. Don Dodds and Mr. duties to commence Monday, and Mrs. W. T. Dodds, of Sea - Oct. 16. forth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has been a patient in Clinton Hos- pital, has returned home. Mr. George Beer has return- ed from South Huron Hospital, where he was a patient. Miss Jean Henderson left Monday to attend Teachers' College, London. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle, Jr., and family have moved into the Harburn residence on Brock Street. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Horton, Edward and Donald, of Mont- real, have returned home after Visiting with the former's moth- er, Mrs. Jarvis Horton. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt and Judith, of Toronto, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, on Tuesday, on their re- turn home from vacationing around Lake Superior. Mrs. Eric Mansfield returned home on Thursday from South Huron Hospital, where she had been a patient suffering injur- ies from a recent motor acci- dent. A reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moffat, re- cent bridal couple, will be held Saturday, Sept. 16, in Zurich Community Centre. Desjardine orchestra will be in attendance. Mrs. E. Geiger,' of London, was a guest with Mrs. W. B. Cross last week. The congregation of Hensall and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth IIII111IIIIAl111111111111111111I111111111i1 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire - Auto - Wind Liability and Life - Manufacturers Life Insurance John A. Cardno WATSON Successo&r to REID Phone 214 : Seaforth 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 District Wed trigs PAGE ---FUN!(' HENSA14-43askuts. of white and blue gladioli and white mums formed the setting in St. Paul's United Church, Bramp- ton, Saturday, Sept. 2, at 1:30 p.m., for the double -ring mar- riage of Miss Millie Funk and Mr. Donald Page, both of Brampton, Ont. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Funk, RR 2, Hensall; the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, of Brampton. The Rev. J. M. Sal- mon officiated. Given in marriage by h father, the bride chose a flo length gown of white organz the skirt appliqued with han clipped Alecon lace to mat the bodice and sleeves. The ted bodice featured a sabri neckline of sequins and pear A crystal crown -style hea piece held her elbow -length veil of silk illusion, and h bridal bouquet was red ros and stephanotis. Matron of honor, Mrs. Ge ald Funk, of Brampton, an bridesmaids Mrs. Garnet Bu Streetsville, and Miss Bonn Godden, Ethel, Ont., were ide tically gowned in sheath apr cot taffeta with overskirts matching material and matt ing headpieces, and carried ca cades of baby mums to mate their costumes. Bestman was Mr. Brian Mor- ris, of Brampton, and William Stewart, brother of the groom, and Gerald Funk, of Brampton, cousin of the bride, ushered. Mr. David Esplin, of Brampton, as organist, provided tradition- al wedding music and accom- panied the soloist, Mr. Robert Rice, of Streetsville, who san "The. Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love." , At a reception held in Yel- low Briar Inn, Brampton, at- tended by 60 guests, the bride's mother received, wearing a blue brocaded sheath dress with beige accessories and cor- sage of Talisman roses. The groom's mother was gowned in a navy lace over taffeta, ac- cessories in navy and red rose corsage. For travelling to points north the bride changed to a navy knit suit, white feather hat and accessories in white. She wore an orchid corsage. They will reside, in Brampton. Prior to marriage, the bride was feted at several pre -nuptial showers. Mrs. Ross MacKen- zie, Brampton, sister of the groom, was hostess for a mis- cellaneous shower. Mrs. Garnet Buck, of Streetsville, held a linen shower and friends and neighbors of SS 10, Hay, and friends in Hensall, presented her with many lovely gifts. Guests attended from Hunts- ville, Barrie, Streetsville, Oak- ville, Brampton and Hensall. er Or- a, d ch fit - no is. d- er es dh.ai+.A xivRoN E!t►:PPorT0+3, WAVOSIA Mk7d..C..S+j.15 Z 44i 1.90-4 4 MEMBERS EMBERS CONSIDER REPQRTS AS • AMBER R.EBEKAH LODGE MEETS The first meeting of the fail season of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday, Sept. 6, for which Mrs. Ernest Chipchase, Noble Grand, pre- sided over. Mrs. R. A, Orr re- ported for the visiting commit- tee, and Mrs. Glenn Bell, Jr. P.N.G., reported for the finance committee. Mrs. Eva Parker, secretary - treasurer of the CPT fund com- mittee, submitted a report of their sale of tickets on chair and toaster. The financial re- port was given by Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mrs. John Ingram, recording secretary,- read sev- eral thank -you notes. An invi- tation was received to attend the International Day being held in the Point Edward arena October 1. Arrangements were r- made to present the "travel - d ling gavel" to Goderich Lodge, ck, Tuesday, Sept. 19. The Noble ie Grand conducted nominations, n- and Mrs. Leona Parke present- ed a report of the inaugural of s- SHOP FOR h g Mrs. X: "You know, every night before going to sleep I think of all the nasty things I said during the day." Mrs. J.: "Well, dearie, some can do with less sleep than others." CO - OP INSURANCE • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence and Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance • Retirement Income All Lines of Insurance Written W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193-J — John St. SEAFORTH held in Clinton. A pot*luck ,lunch and social hour were held in the lower hall. Mr's. Pearl ,Shaddick wag lunch convener: "I notice that in telling about that fish you caught you vary the size of it for different U. teners." "Yes, I never tell a man more than I think he will believe." ALL KINDS INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGA1 E MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Res. 540 AMAZING VALUES ! SALE OF OVER 500 TOYS OF MUCH HIGHER VALUES On Sale at Only 88c or 6 for $5.00 Don't Wait For Christmas . . Shop Right Away, !! Crown Hardware Phone 797 — Seaforth IS YOUR CAR —GIVING PEAK PERFORMANCE? Seaforth Motors QUAL! MOD, SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maple Leaf Fancy RED SOCKEYE SALMON 53¢ Lipton's Chicken Noodle SOUP MIX 2 Pkgs. 23¢ 93¢ 28¢ Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE 6 -oz. Jar Heinz TOMATO .JUICE ... Large 48 -oz. Tin Red Rose ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS -60's 75¢ Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit DRINK Lake Choice Quality PEACHES 43 -oz. Tin 35¢ 2 15 -oz. Tins 39¢ FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY 1 2 Clean and set points. HERE'S WHAT WE Clean and adjust spark plugs. 5 3 Check and set timing. 4Adjust carburetor for idle and mixture. ONLY 6 7 8 DO• Check coil and con- denser. Check generator and voltage regulator. Check battery. Adjust fan belt. .66 6 Cyl. Cars 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth